.-mwmaauiZMSsti&EKmBafa ' " I WIDE-AWAKE BUYERS i "Will take advantage of our Sale of liCapes, Jackets and Furs,, For prices have tumbled out of sight SAMPLES Black Hearer Jacket, corded tomni, elite lined Former price, 120.00 Now 114.00 Blue lJcarcr Cape, Astrachan trimmed Former prlco 12.G0 Now S 8.25 Fur Collarette, Black and Brown Former price U.60 Now 3.00 TUB WBAinon. tax V RUr F UC C Friday rain. - i I ) I U "- ' i"y ' .d a: t 14 IibJBU, -RAYaj Goods Cheerfully Shown. CASH 8TOKE I HOLVERSON'S I m Union LaDel Hats A new line of Fedoras, crush and stiff hats direct from the factory which we place on sale at clears ance prices, Best values ever offered from 50c to $4,00 each, J. DALRYMPLE & CO, ft- Jir-' ( HTW TOUAY'ti MAKKKT. -Wheat yalluj 13.20; Supcrtlne 1'oitTLANi) Jan. 10. ffi! Walla Wallace. Flour Portland, esi.o per uui. Oiita-Whlto 42(3130. Jlnr ISWU nor ton. Hoiis-iayi6ci old crop Cc. van Wool- ttilift W foiiix! whWi rMalljr Ilk In ill- mrpiiimi, lwr uu ran 111 niunf iuih mil tiiti lTrllrfl II rcMia not joy, Oregon. rY41lu MJllstuit Uran, Cj lift W. WQiaci 117 shorts, Eastern 118 Poultry -Chlckenii.mlxcd.t2.G07Ml.'J5 ... . ... .... .... --.- - --- lurtfoys, u vu, iuoy.:uc, WIlWI ii whImi W lwr llil fart jUjim tml lile rwu is mo ra bhii wmmi in IlIlK 16 MHMtlt HI It WHY Mt TOU wort not to OUH8RH TO TIT KYI!, YAVK AND I'CIIHK. MMK, Eggs-Oregon. 25o '4 ,m ' . iiiuct-ureon, 5(2COc, fancy HINGES ISXPKKT OlTllMN, 280 COMMHIIUIAL bTJIHHT. A Ww Shoe Stoie. F. II. Lacy Si Hunt have today opened their shoo store In tliu Patton Block ou Huto street. They linyo Ictfantly tilted up tholr pluec, nndaro how ready to tueot tho people of Salem tndthow their good. Thy arc ex perienced In their builne, and pro rc to give their patron tho benefit of doing a straight oatti butlmw. '" HIM Monty fttTunded. Satisfaction guaranteed when you uwSaieiH "Snwlal" Hour. Money buck If you don't like IL ut err ltbllliB' Omi im u4 UsJsc powin, nordoz. mi1t.ii mi iiva n iwviii nuiiAJii iviim. under 00 lbn,0IW7c:iihcop"pclU.l Oiilons-7fc(nl per suck. Butter-Best dairy, lUWrtOc; creamery. COcfrfiVto nor roll. Potaloe, 7fiQ80c per Back. Hogs-Heavy, 11.75. Mutton Weathers 3c; drossod, 7o IU'of-lUcori,W,lJ50;i.W cows, $2.50 Q.7B drcHHcd, WftO. HAI.KM MAIWltT. Wheat-f0. Oats-IBo, Nay Baled, jlir-at, $7.00 Hour In wiioloaulo loti. I.'I.OO; r tall 13.00. Miilstuir-llron 015.00 hort 916.00, Il0g-drcced. 6c. Live oattlo-SifjMo. Blicop-Llve, t0(jM. Veal -6 b. Iluttor-Dalry 20at creamery 24c. uuui imi,im5. moimirac. Hop-llcst 10Q17O, K-2'.'o in oah. i.lofcr.0hlckon8' turkey, uro, lUQrfiSio. Farm iniolccil meaU-Bacon, 81c nam, tuo luiiuiuur, ixcic. JoUtoeii-.10o. Apploi-30a JOURMAL Ilcmeuiber the annual school cueetloK Friday nUhU ttl S. B. It, Senator Adam's warehouse bill, seems to be p.n all-rlht measure. Now let sorao Populist Introduce u bill to furnish each Judge In the slate with a chambermaid! Xt Win don't some DODUllst put In a bill to pay the pea Browers for the Salem cannery a bounty? U t Charley Fulton staods by the con stitution. Ho says: don't make more judges but diminish litigation. m When a Portland two- bit lawyer wants to Incroasc the supreme court In order to kcC himself ou the circuit bcoch It Is time to quit. Itt Mr, Flaw'" Salem orphau'fc home bill carries only M.000 for maintain ancc. That Is all rlht. No new 0,- 000 state Institution wanted. After the pcoplo have ordered a new deal aKulnst the Salem push, who will pay any attention to the proposi tions of a "push" reformer Jlko Oe- ncr? The affcctlunato ualJ of a fish com missioner who asks (26,000 it year makes somo ccoplo wish they could tnida III in oil for the old railroad commission. in Col. Ilutchlns of BlcomliiKton, had a conference at tho state house last night with the united Democracy of Oregon. It Is time some ono was net ting united. tX X Mcllrlde'a property, rno Cuold Clccton, Is still rustling for a place on the supremo court commission or state house orange peddler, It Is not known which. : x x Do tho sugar beet people want to tell tho Union county people that Micro will 1)0 only a small uuantlty of hcols raised noxtyoar, nml hence only a small Ixjtitity to pay? X t X The bill to ubollsli Hum IluydonM district attorney salary don't muko much headway, as It Is universally conceded ho has conducted the olllco lu tho Interest of tho people XX X linn. John McCourt of Marlon county, has ho far had tho political xiignclty to not make u light ou tho Portland delegation. Thuru'H soma hciisu I that If ho Is "baby McCourt." THE EXCEU&':;; OF syrup of figs is ilue not only to the originality and slinplielty of the combination, but also to the care ami nkill with whieli it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Flo Svnur Co. only, and w- h ih to Impress upon all the imporU.i of pun'hMiiiff the true and origi'i il rm'-dr. Aa the genuine Syrup "f I iR"- is manufactured for the CAMr "Iixia Fio Srnup Co. only, a know edge of thkt fact will Msikt one in .lMiiilitifr tli worthleas imitatloits uiaiiufacturcil bj other par tlr. The hlp'i Htondln of the Cali tvrmia. Pio Srtiii' Co. with the modi ml profeMlui). and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to million of families, makes tho namo of the Company a guaranty of the excclloi -t of Its remedy. It is far in advance f nil other laxative, as It noti on fit? kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing thorn, and it does not gripe nor nau '.o. In order to get its beneficial offe '. j. please remember the nme of the (" rtnpany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. nmvi' w nu.st'Mco, c, HlJV.V. HON. JOHN H. HALL, If u fuw local politicians who U. S. District Attorney, Atcsted for Talc mg Senator Reed's Hat. United States District Attornry John II. Hall Isborry that human na ture Is so uuklnd and thut Jokes nrc not appreciated among the members of the state pcnatc, for on Wednesday he played n Joke on his old friend. Senator A. W, Heed, of Douglas county, and now pines In tho arms of tho law. And tho troublo Is all about u hut. Tuesday; night somo thought less momber of tho Illlhco club woro Mr. Hall's hat homo and left In Its place one bosmull that It barely cov ered the bald spot when Mr. Hull put It on. Wcdnosday Attorney Hall went to the senate chamber and needing a largo size, he sought out Senator Howl's hat and woro It away, meaning to play a Joko on tho Jovial senator. Las', evening tho Hountor decided io retulluto In kind undsMoro out a warrant charg ing Hull with the larcony of Ills hat. Tho warrant was horvod on the gentlumunut the Illlheo club unit ho wus arraigned before Justice II, A. Jouhsoti nod plead not guilty. The trial Is yot ponding. And mj Mr. Hall Is In troublo. Senator Heed Is without ,,ra n hat and thtrto who know about tho PERSONAL AND LOCAL Movements of Residents and Visitors at the Capital City. For mMIHomI Jel d Social fe third page Attorney Charles Parks Is In Port land. Mrs, Hugh Thompson, of Eugene Is the guest of Salem friends. George C. Will, the music dealer, was a visitor at Marlon today. Dr. W. Carlcton Smith, of Turner, was a visitor In the city today, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Morse are In Porrlund on a short bridal trip, A tine new crosswalk Is being put In at Church and State streets on the north side. J. B. T, Tuthlll has returned from Portland accompanied by his mother Mrs. Dayid Tuthlll. W. II. Gurdner, of the Portland boy's and girl's aid society was a vis itor In the city today. Tim "44" club held another of Its delightful soclul dances at Tioga Hall last evening. District Attorney C. B. Watson, of Ashland, Is In the city a spectator at the legislature. K. C. Giltncr has returned to Wash ington, D. C, where he Is private becretary for his uncle, Senator Mc Brldc. District Attorney John II. Hull went to Portland this afternoon, hav ing flrstgtven bonds In the Justice court. Mrs. George II. Irwin is the guest of Mrs. Vun Dyne of Portland, where sho will visit for a few days and at tend the fair. Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Simpson hare returned from a visit to their son and family at Tekoa, Wash , und are glad to be back In Webfoot again. N. W. Lagenour, munager of the Alabama company, was formerly a resident of this city. Ii In little daugh ter Huzel.who Is with the company, Is u born Salomltc, mid ho Is meeting many old friends. Fill,!! d 160 Of the balance of the Stock Dry Goods Store at 257 Commercial street, from the 7th to the 21st, daily and evening, The manager has arranged with several traveling men to sell their samples at auction, which will be sold at the same place, In the Samples and there is only one of a kind from a baby's hood baby's stockiing to a man's necktie or suspender, oveiv shirt or undershirt, sweaters, capes, jacketsvamong them the very best goods of the samples, Some splen did underwear for men and women, There will be over five thousand different articles, among the drunv mers' samples which are to be sold at auction only, but the balance of the dry goods stock will be sold at private sale and auction, This sale will be a treat to the ladies and gentlemen who attend, as the samples are all firsts class goods and all are to be sold without limit or reserve, S, FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer, making a pergonal ulfort to ub'illsh Judge Boise's olllco "ust at this par ticular time" know In Jusi what a light It puts thorn In tho community, they'd drop tho subject Ilka a red hot stove. XX X Senator Al, Ilced, as usual, raised that oliectlyu honm laugh, when hoj suggested mat if mo word "Insane" us a part of the name affair aro not certain which gontlu man has tlio hotter of tho argument, as Judgo Johnson yet has a say In tho matter. AT MARION COURT HOUSE, A marriage Ikonsc wus iFSued to Reuben Leo and Martha E. Ennis, M, L. Chumborluln, slgnnlng the neces sary ullldavit. The will of Jutnos M. Spurks, of Suver, Polk county, was Hied In the recorder's olllce. The following deed wus llled In the recorder's olllce: T. C. and Cora M. Case to F. B. Sucket, of Jollorson, a lot In Jelfcrson, w. (i. si&u. m uommeroiui Sl)F()6i). asylum scudlng would their dolor pcoplo friends lliore, The Tennessee. Undersigned has still a row thou sand of those Tonnossuo Htriwl,orry plants left ut $1,00 a hundred. Thuy are tho lltiost table berry, or for tho homo markuL Kurly and brilliant rud Now Is tho lluio to nut out to of Oreon'NiKVll8l'rnK'crup. K. Hontu from such d & w if. Sulom, Or Found the Money, j Hong Sing, the Chinese, who lost his ticket and money on Tuesduy latt : Is again happy. Tho envelope con- talnlng the ticket and draft, which 'was for 4300 Instead of $30 was found and rtturned to him. I UGiippe it gln epldemc. Eery pre cautloa thould be taken to avoid It. It's ipecihe euro is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J..Shepcnl, Pub'iiher Agricultural Journal and Advertiser, E'den, Mo , says: "Noone will be disappointed in using One Minute Cough Core for La Grippe, " Smis's Drug stoic. name shuuld by all menus bo left un-1 a" Cars Ue!wecn VonUnd nnd Albany oliunuod. I Comfortable upholstered rovoivlng johulrs, ob-iorvatloii onth, iittruolivo , BiiiiiKiug room, iirsi class in every To cure 1 Gilnt. Ictp rm, fjptdally the feet, and take Dr. MIW Nervine. LsiBHHHsffliiasHjPT HEaHattasflsasasasasasawv ALL STYLES Dcnsiuohi IIOiM hew Century JOtUO New Yost 108J0 Typewriters for Rent. Salem Typewriter Exobjo and lUnteiy. O. M. LOOK WOOD, Prop. ortlco Phono 40, Ho. Piuue fi&. 288 Commorolal St, HALKM, QUE. Two things thu people want and mi roprasontutlyo of tho PKOPLE can allord to go hoiiiu without getting It for them: 1. Hotter publla roads. 2, Hotter and cheaper public sulxol books, I J I There Is a roar In somo quarter bo- causa the Jackson county delegation Is a unit and working lihnl for tho Ashland normal koIkhiI. Wull. whv shouldn't they y Until Oregon ous nnd operates ono nimua! school as u state lustltutlon.why shall not South ern Oregon havo a nunnal sehoul us well as Northern Oregon and Eastern Oregon. pruuilllir, 3OC0IIW I'OrilUIKI lOHUll'lll, A0 cents Portlund to Albauv. Our nn rear end of tram. run throiiihout legislature. Those curs the soMSlou will bo or thu 1-17-td. The Alabama, The Alubuii.it Co., who open at the opera house this evening, havo been recolvod by crowded house1 wherever they Im vc appeared and pronounced by pre.is mid public one of the tlnest or ganizations on tho road. Ilrniit) In lllouil Decii. Clcaii hjtMxl nieiinn n clean akin. No .,.,.,.,, . , iH-aiity without it. Ucreti, Candy Catlior- DNSPhPblA CAN BE CURED HV tie rltMii your Wood and keep it clean, by ' u,,nK Acker', Dypcpsia Tablets. One little stirritiK tip the law liver and driving all im-' tablet will give Immediate relief or money nuntH fioin the body, IIoru, to day to refunded. Sold in handsome tin Iwxes at 2?e. Iianull DlllllillM. iMlhl. IilntrliM. I,jilrl,:u.l. i 1 I.. .1 " HJC. nnd that aukly bilious complexion by taking , gk CaM-artitx, buty for ten rents. All drug- L . o WANTED. A furmerof louo exper ience, who can furnish the best or rosoroncos, wlshos to rent u good farm of from Kioto 200 aeros. To' have possession by noxt October. ' Address Farmer, euro Capital Jour- j ml- 1 I'M ml. AMUSEMENTS. HEED'S OPERA HOUSE. Overcoats and loliiosiies ONE NIGHT Thursday, January 10. Special Sale Now On.. FEW Table Linens and Napkins grtdt.cJ8w.prI-N for thrwtUys.Tlmr.Jay, Friday, Cut Prices On All Nankins w& ba a iiMvY:r. '.e,"." y,"t rr " ww"" wt to oib WK) and M.00 and Satins and WILLIS BROS, & CO. tMri ,)ttcrii- m cueiwt SI'UTCASII HOUSE. ,f!rt I)sMr Squill of siuiuetv zw&fli&isssstJe" m" u" - kllln)- OUSIOK-MORatt Two of Salim's Soolety People Ate Jalntd in Matrimony, This iiiurnlng ut 11:90 o'clock the home of Dr. und Mrs. W. A. Cushsk, on the corner of (Xnninsrolul and txjutor t reels, wuiu scene of a most happy wedding when MUs Ethel K. Uuslok, tho daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gunlck. was wwldwl to Dr. W, B. aiorw. uy uov. 1'. . Knight of the Congregational church. The home was boautifuiiy dworutod with vrgrwus and lluwors. ami mu 0rrlo Mnor, of lHirlland, und Mr. K. O, G lltner not ml i,ri,i..,.i,i and urujiusiuan rospwtlvoly. Only tho roUtlvM and most intl mate friends f tho jrlnofiwU weto liuitaiulnnee at thv wedding. Ful lowing the wroiuony a hutuiitouH ' banquet was Mined, i wr. ami aim. .Mur-w aro both ). known in Salaut'u social olrcliw ami will form a Imppy addition to tn iii of young umrlod owplw in the olty. DlMolutwn of l'ttnerhin. Tho public aro hereby nutlMotl that tho iiiuiltMl Instrument tlr.u herV 2 ore doing partnership biwinat lWiJl?.x ! 551 . um,?r "' f lh underlgtiw eootlBuIng u7& proprietor and dMlr n. ..i.-JL !?S nnnn. li . ..'" .".?"" '" -.. ..w u A, WIIAI.M. Dr. naUa Coujh ay,up l, 8IMt medlaltie of Intrlusto worth. U r nwvoa . cough w tmhl ntsui-i. .IS illro t..i... il...... ' . V"- v w Qtt In ar ON CHINA AND THE VASlfe AND BANQUirr LAM1S WK HAVE LKIT. Atlond our srwclnl snIu and you will sv eiHiugh tlMt It will iMytobiO' now. Yokohama Tea Store BEMKMBEll OUIt KllKSH KOAbTKI) COFFEE AND TEA. FHEK DELIVEUV. Slaughter... ...on LAMPS FANCY CKOUICHUY ULASSWAUE And all Holiday Goods will bo sold at any price from now ou. Come and so thu goods and you will bo overcome with our low burgulns. Langenour's Metropolitan Company IWKSKNTl.N'U "Alabama" By Augustus Thomas At Less Than Manufacturer's Cost We are determined not to carry w uicac gooas over so will sacrifice them, we SONNEMANN Charming Play An Excellent Company Special Scenerj' and Mechanical Effects 'aw 50 AND THECltOCEIt 1 124 Btnto at Tolophotio 51 Cut Prices... On wld lot of shoai, Wrwro ws Iwm a iKokan lino wuiMitoiit thefw nttuttlnlng ilrs at a pnw that wv tlwm. That's' our way ofkwMng a oibhh, f rush SUhSk. lADOk tll9H) ow. Twt Mir CtMMoluU Vlcl, kiik VMilm; lutt, wm $a.w, slsw r ami 7, ut, ; jj ou sluts 3 awn. at . . !;. . tiw Pnur nwt Cttaeolutart, wn n.aa, ," t. 11, . Hi ji on A.lx. .... !...'. t,-iI shiu xittxo iiiriMl atul lytiv. utro IIQM III an astnllilqgK &V Uwl bold uy all druggHulrjretiTy ii-6. ,i.-. - :-"..- : i Mrw tmu uurt. hiN viols, rj tiTSTiA- : ffi AS. .: i.m w ! now huwut buitn..j at ,,M swssiatMi 4 sifln Six ntt Dpiutolu Iun HHtHtl' il or. il M fat .7. V )oul.8ttd tlMk ou this bargain taute Hear thw door. Tuy uio good ROMldNHil won't fML Inn...'' MW V'llM)llyuuour. turnod Bi Itttw or button, at JS.20; our Gopdytar wK at il.M; oir ti20 vr uNkVKi iJoagou.s rial. Hit ItlCt) Ut S1.7 'Plwxcn line., io ctoau up stock for spring Hue now utHight. Our luanV. ui,. i "! o ...11 ... tXj ".-V. ,IIU9 to, cMvaw wr cni una going fast, undkkwear. MACKlNTasHSr-J. WOOL HOSIERY. AlloutSOpar ceottookwe tholiriA mr inu fAui... i" ...i .- "' Irinlt ...SIS., . .wt,r.i,u wwi m a & m wikinK i iflvaa w n mai n . . a Jl.li im,-:.. "r. ,w,i ' una -i-....vw.a,,Va,j iWU ruutai REED'S OPERA HOUSE. O.NF. WKEIC COMMBNOINQ MONDAY, JANUARY 23d. RETURN OF THE FAVORITE The Greaf M(EuteD "WORLD'S GREATEST HYPNOTlST'i FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET COIWKIt COMMRRCIAL AND STATB STRBETO, SALEM.JOREGON. ?5C IA A r.i . ,., - v " m lUIflllISO, WANTED Offlffi, 111)' . II AND ATS WE PAY IIIGHEST..CASII PRICE. Bam, is a shit ;., t. RETIRING FROIW BUSINESS! Prior. 25 and 50c RACKET black i bnt ulug W.G0. WIGGIN-S BAZAAR Wood - Coal Uvered. rinBrTMBarams Coal. D. 8. BUNTLBY & CO - f at uJ Cbeult St. The EmDorium,. Arc now closing out their entire article in the store to go at prices Regardless of Cost . stock. Every Now is the time to secure some rare bargains in uu, ocimporcetaui, vases, Urnaments, Brie Drac, Kugs, rortierres, Lamps, etc, Stock and fixtures for sale in whole or part, a THE i 4 a EMPORIUM 309 Commercial Street. VM "I COJIMBltOIAI, STltBET J. 'f -.j -1 njfcrilff&ji.-nf "-