fipiPFJiyiV','ir ItyJPWPBWjKWPPPWPy WW 'JB'WH' w.'yijgpywy',"' "jfliwwlJnilB CAPITAL JOURNAL. -.L,tjfV r -fcarr J 4 J. YOXi. X SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1899, NO, 15 . . - i !WP!B ' T'v?sly! ' H'2JMgrl1vr" iiji DAILY jfpAOBMAffr. '5WMPfBui5W' SHOOS arc: built for style, fit and service, We offer you shos of this wcllknovvn make at the lowest possible prices, Our Cash Business Plan. enables us to undersell merchants who "buy on time and sell on eternity," That's why trade continues to increase at the N?u York Racket 0V6 tU and MaGkimosnes At Less Than Manufacturer's Cost We are determined not to carry any of these goods over so we will sacrifice them FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET COllNHU COMMEIICIAL AND STATK STUEETfl, SALEM,. OREGON. POTATOES WE PAY niQHEST.iOABII PRICE. OREGON GRBBN AND DRIED FRDIT CO. Suitable Tools WANTED IIS, Hi! II OATS 5S State Street, SalemOre FOR ALL TRADES. A man might as well try to work with his hands alone unless he has the tools that help. THE BEST Is none too good for the man that dons the work. THE REST can always be found at GRAY BROS. BOISE'S ERMINE Not Removed By Ad ams'BM Routine Proceedings in the Senate. Resolutions and Second Reading of House Bills. Tho Agricultural eollcgo (taking 850,000 appropriation causes much un favorable comment. Representative Stump' letter ngal nst tho 850,000 a year: sugar bounty has created considerable opposition to that measure. There 1h a suspicion of a gigantic graft In the Fish and Gamo Warden's demand for $25,000. Ex-Senator Denny Is lobbying for the bill and Is supposed to bo slated for the chief dcputyshlp. It Is overshadowing ns an expense tho commissions that wero abolished at tho special scsslou. The Salem bar, with the exception of two or three who have personal reasons, have signed a protest against the Adams bill to abolish the addit ional judgeship. It Is understood tho bar at Albany, Dallus. McMlnnvlllo, Tillamook and other towns In tho district uro taking tho sumo action. Most of them are Republicans, but the move mentto retain Judge Bolso's services on tho bench Is entirely non-partisan. Judge Burnett has been quoted in the press by those Interested In iho Adam's bill to abolish Judge Boise's offlco ns saying that be could alone do ull the business of tho two depart ments of the third judicial district. That statement was mado by Judge Burnett In 1805 uud'ls. probably bolng repeated now. It Is riot understood that Judge Buructt Is actively supporting the presont movement to abolish the ad ditional judgeship. It would be an act of discourtesy to Judge Boise, who has carefully refrained from any act whllo on the bench that would appear as a discourtesy to a co-ordinate court. Tho lawyers of the district, who may bo fairly supposed to know tho Interests of their clients, do not be lieve that Judge Burnett or any other one judge could do all tho business now done In the two courts of tho four counties aud glvo time to prop erly prepare und presont caecs or render decisions that would not be reversed In the higher courts. We have seen no recent expression of Judge Burnett on the subject of abolishing the adltlonal judgeship. Ills opinion of four years ago ought not to apply now, whoti business In tho circuit courts Is manifestly on tho lncrcaso and It Is proposed to add new circuit Oudges and create now dis tricts elsewhere. SENATE WEDNESDAY FOUENOON. S. B, 135, Smith, to authorize the state board of phormuc7 to reg ister any person holding a diploma from reputed schools of phaimacy. S. B. 130, Kelly, for tho relief of Iva Templctou, appropratlng $5000. S, B. 137, Wade, providing for a state tax upon tourist car business. S. B. 138, Howe, to regulate Oregon Building and loan associations. S. B. 130. Howe, to regulate foreign und domestic building and loan associations. S. B. M0, Howe, to regulate mutual fire Insurance associations. S. B. 141, Daly, providing for a state board of text book commissioners. Read second tlmo und referred to revision of laws. S. B. 142, Oufur, to amend civil pro cedure, to avoid necessity of posting notices on property, but making tiling of certificate with county clerk sufflclent. S. B. 142, Joseph I, (by request) to provide for taxing bicycles and building bicycle paths. S, B. 144,Selllng. providing for pay ment nf fees and salaries to county officers. S. B. 145, Proebstel, making bond of city of Pendleton available for deposit. S.B. 140, Probstcl, Using salaries of county treasurers. S. B. 147, Proebstel, Using salaries o county commissioners, S. B. 148, Brownoll, for tho protection of electric wires and appliances. S. B. 140, Browncll, for a constitu tional convention. S. B. 150, Mulkoy, to provide a state board of equalization. S. B. 1C1, Smith, providing for fund ing bonds for county debts. S. B. 1C2, Loonoy, ompoworlng -tho trustees of Jefferson Instituto to transfer property. Read three times and passed. SECOND READING IIOU8B BILLS. II. 11, 2, Moody. To lncrcwo tho number or Jatttces or tho uprome court by two. Judiciary. U. B. 181. Wilson. Drain charter. Municipal corporations. S. J. R. 7, Patterson, providing that tho governor may veto any part of an appropriation bill. Referred to judiciary, HOUSE WEDNESDAY A. M. Resolution Introduced by Butt: That'tho locks at Oregon City should pass under tho control of tho general government and asking our representatives In congress to use their Influence to that end. Adopted. UILLS PASSED. II. B. 34, Cumroiugs. n. B. 40, Meyers. SECOND HEADING, H. n. IS, Curtis, to protectsturgcoti. To committee on fisheries. II, II. 14, Wlwllojr, to Amend Hoe. 060 ot tho laws of Oregon. To committee on judiciary. II. D. 18, Moody, to provide for criminal pro catlon upon luformnttoti, without the Intervention of the grand Jury. To commlttco on judiciary. II. D. 10. Moody, roqulrlne the depot It of money for juror fees in olvll cases. To committee on judiciary. II, D. 17, Moody, rolntlnir to nefotlabU Instru menu, To committee on banking and In insurance. n.IJ. 18. Oray, requiring towns and cities to ubmlt proposed charter to a voto of the oltlzons. To committee on coiporations. II. II. 19, Dayer, to KBolato tho doing of public works. To committee on manufactures, II. D. SO, nUclcaby, to authorise county Judges and clerks of school district to bid In property told for tnxos, To commlttco on judiciary. II. n. 31, Morton, to euro delects In d"edf here tofore mado. To commlttco an Judiciary. II. I). 22, Itcodor, to amend tho not incorporat ing tho city of Umatilla. II. I). 23, Curtis, to amend the luw relative to tho salo of roal uttalo for taxes. Tocommltteo on assessment and taxation. H.D.2I, Draco, regulating sleeping car rates. To icommltteo on , rallwuys and transportation. H.I). 25, Curtis, to amend theact creating tho oOlco of attorney gcnoral. To committee on Judiciary. 11.11. 20, Gray, requiring tho doors of public buildings to opon outward. To commlttco on cities and towns. II. n. 27, Oray, rotating to county officers. To committee on election. II, II, 28, Curtis, Abolishing the board of agri culture. Reforred to committee. II, B. 29, Curtis, relating to tho salo of property sold for talon. To commlttco on assessment and taxation. II, D. 30, Oregg, relating to exoontors and ad ministrators. To committee on Judiciary. II. D.81, Young, to create tho oQlco of game nnd forestry warden In counties. To commlttco on Ash and game, PASSED. II. B., 22 Rccder. SECOND HEADING!. II. I). S3, I'lagg, for the protection of wild duck- making It unlawful for any person to kill more than twenty In one day. To committee on Fisheries, II U 93, Morton, relating to attachments. To committee on Judiciary, II II 88, Hill, regulating elections and providing for the registration of voter. To committee on elections II n 87, I'ordney, changing the boundary Un between Union and Wullowa counties. To Union and Wlllowa delegation. II D 83, Hill, regulating pllotageon the Colum liia river. To committee on commerce. II 1)39, Hill, creating the offlco ofUxvolIecto In counties over 50,000. To Multnamah delegation! H, U, 41, Topping, amending an act for the pro toot Ion of public bridges. I'rohibllln driving over them faster than a walk. To committee on roads and high ways. II, B. 42, Curtis, to committee on ways and means, IT. I). 43, Ilawson, relating to practice In Justice courts. To commlttco on Judiciary, II. I), 41, Whalley, relating to garnishment ef money due to public officers. To committee on Judiciary. H.B. 45, Whalley, relating to county roads and providing for a ttato road engineer. To committee on roads and highways. Concluded on Fourth SINNERS ELEVATED To. United States Senator ships in Various States. Br Associated Vrenn to the Journal. IlAititisnuna, Pa , Jan. 18. Sen atorial voto in joint sessien: ,Quay 112:Jenks (dem)84; Dalzell (rep) 15; other scattering. Necessary to cholco 125. Omaha, Jan. 18. Voto for senater: Allen (Pop.) 58; Hayard (Rep.) 29. Othor votes scattering. Olympia, Jan. 18-Tho first Joint ballot for Uultcd States Senater: Wilson, 20; Postor, 21; Humes-, 12; A n keny, 8; Lewis; 2(1; Allen, 1. Aluany, Jan 18-Ohauncy M. Do pow was .formally declared United States Senator today. . Augusta, Maine, Jun. 18. Election of Eugene Hale, to tho United States senate wus formally unnounccd. Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 18 Francis M. Ccckrcll wus formrlly elected United States senate. : Salt Lake, Jan. 18. First Joint ballot on United States senater: King 10; McCunoll; Powers 8: Can non 7; Sutherland (Rep,) 14. Absent four. Doveii, Del.. Jan. 18-Tho legisla ture in joint session today took two ballots for United Statca Senator, No election resulting. Addlcks, (uulon rep.) and George Gray (dem.) each havo tirtcen, others scattering. Cuaulston, W. Vu., Jan. Tho Sen atorial situation Is unchanged. Tho house Is still in u deadlock over the contested seats.s St. Paul, Ian. 18. Tho Joint sos slou ratified tho election of Davis us United States senator, Lansing, Mich., Jan. 16. Tho joint session rati lied tho election of Bur rows as scuator. Sacramento, Jun. 18. -On 20th bal lot for senator no change. . Helena, Mon Jan. 18. Ballot on scnutors resulted: Conurd 32 20. Toolo 8, Power (rep) 15 Clark CURERNCY Reform Abandoned At This Session Ir Aaoolntel I'reaa o tho Jonrunl. Washington, Jan. 18. Tho liouso committee on banking and currency has decided to muKo no further effort at tills session to urgo tho McClcary bill for currency and banking re. vision. Postponed, At tl'o last moment it has boon do clded to postpone tho A. O. U. W. services one wcok. Thss will make tho date of tho exercises January 25, 180 Which Judge ? Discussing tho Adams bill to abol ish one of the circuit Judges in this district, u prominent lawyor sala to te day: "It might be well to consider tho probablo effect of tho repeal of the actor 1803, relatlyo to the election of the additional circuit judgo for the third Judicial district. Tho query is, If tho said uct should bo repealed which onoof the present Incumbents It would retire, If either or both? Neither of the Judges v. ore elected with reference to either of tho de partments created by tho said act. Thero It nothing lu the said uct providing for tho tilling of either department by the scycrul incumbentu. It Is true tho fifth section nt tho said act docs provide, that the sonlor Judge, ns to the time of service, shall act In de partment No, 1, uud tho othor judgo In department No. 2, but either judge may act In either department. Judges Bo I bo und Burnett worn elected to serve In the capacity of judges in this district at the lust gcnerul election for tho term of six years each, but neither nf them were elected with reference to either of the said departments'. They vcro both candidates for the ofllco of cir cuit Judge of tho third Judicial dis trict, each received the necessary number of vote to entitle them to the certlticate of election. 'To simply repeal this act would certainly leave this matter open to serious questions us to which one should retire, or, in other words, which one would have tho belt right to hold tho ofllce?" A sneak thief visited tho clothes lino In the yard of Wtu. Buck, who resides on Mill street, last night und look some of tho best woman's uuderwarc. TREATY RATIFICATION. Queen Regent Will Permit the Cottes to Share the Honor, Madrid, Jan. 18. Tho premier, Scnor Sagasta, In un interview de clared sthat he only awaited tho United States senate's rallilcatlon of tho peace troaty to couvoko tho cortcs. It appears that upon the' occasion of a recent visit ot the premier to tho palaco, nttcr his recov ery from tho sickness which conllncd him to his bed for somo tlmo, tho queon'regent, whoso tact in constitu tional matters is well known, drow attention to tho clauso in the treaty providing that Whllo It should be signed b) president McKtnlcy aud ratified by tbo United States senate, on the Spanish sldo It should only be signed by the queen regent, leaving out Its ratification by cortcs, as sho was not justified in signing it alone, and thereby incurring the conso quenco of Its effect Jupon public feel lug. At tho cabinet council today, Sonor Pulgccrvcr, minister of finance, ex pressed a dcslro to rcslgno his portfo lio, but he ultimately yielded to the persuasion of Senor Sagasta, tho pre in Icr, who represented tho necessity of tho ministry nppcartug Intact before tho cortcs. No dato 1ms yot boon fixed for the meeting of tho cortcs, but It will probably como togother two days after the rati Ion of tho treaty by tho United States senate. This is tbo course advocated by Duko Al modovar del Bio, in In Is tor for foreign affair-, on tho ground that the senate "may yet introduce modifications into the treaty in the articles dealing with tho Philippines." BURNING MINE Sixty Men Escape Great Dangorof Death Dr Aaaoclntert Presa to the Journitl. Nkw Cartlk, Colorado, Jan. 18 Tho Wheolcr mine was discovered to bo on tiro lust night. Many men es caped, but is feared that somo are Im prisoned. Tho number of men lu the mine are about sixty. Owing to tho great excitement prevailing tho loss of life, If any, is unknown. LATICIl. All tho men In tho Whcolcr mine escaped. No Mora Judges, From a prlyato canvass of tho Honu tors It appears that the bill to add two Judges to the supremo court will bo dofeuted when It comes to a voto. It brings Into promlnenco, however, the bill rora supremo court commis sion, which seems likely to receive fu vorablo consideration. Thero Is n growing sentiment In fayorof tho Gov. Lord's recommenda tion that tho limit or appeals In civil cases bo fixed at W00. Alto Olllngcr, contractor and builder, has complotcd tils work ut Spokane, and roturncd to his homo at South Salem. Ho Is prepared to fur nish estimates, contracts or uct us foreman. Residence corner Llborty und Miliar street. DOGS WANTED.-Wolght from 76 pounds to 100 pounds, long hulr, vig orous and strong. Leave wod at "Tho Fair" 274 Commercial street. M8-:ttt ...From 1.116 Rips to America... BmBROIDBRIES UNSURPASSED AND UNAPPROACHABLE. OCR ADVANCE SHIPMENT OF SPUING EMBROIDERIES Is now on display and offered to you at SPECIAL INVENTORY PRICES, haying pur chased them dliect from St. Gall, Switzerland, ut u saving of about 25 per cent. Our offering ut our special prices means big savings for you. One Price to All. DRESS GOODS. JACKETS. CAPES. UNDERWEAR. WRAPPERS. LACE CURTAINS. LINENS. NAPKINS. RIBBONS. FASCINATORS. HOODS, ETC,, ETC. Embroideries at Jos. Meyers Salem's Greatest OUR FLAG And the British En sign Are Flying Over the Samoan Islands A Revolution BrokoOut OverChange of Kings, Ur Aaaoolnted I'reaa to the Journnl. San Fiianoisco, Jun. IB. A cable gram to tho Call from Aukland, Now Zealand, of dato January 17 says; "When the steamship Almcdii left Apia Jan. 12. a revolution had broken out In tho Samoan Islands and was being waged with much blnod shed and great destruction of property. Tho Warships Falko und Porpoise were at the Islands and taking part in suppresslngitho ris ing. On Dccombcr 31 tho chief jus tice .decided In favor of Mallotoa Tanu to bo king, claiming that Matuufa wa barred by tho .treaty of Berlin. On January 1 live thousand ofMataafa's followers rose in rebel lion and defeated two two thousand of Mnllctoa's forces, killing thirteen. The rebels burned 400 and razed the towns on Upolu Island, Foreigners woro uninjured. Tho crow ol the Porpoise is guarding tho mission as a rofugco for Mallotoa. Tho thrco con suls signed proclamations recognizing Mataafa's party as tho provisional government, ponding instructions from the powers, with president Raffcll as tho executive head. On tho sixth BatTcll proclaimed tho supremo court closed and took possession, declaring himself chlof Justice Tho British and American consuls united In a strong protest against tho action of tho president of tho Municipal Council. On tho 7th Capt. Sturdee. of tho Porpoise, and tho two consuls declared tho ac tion illegal. Tho Porpoise cleared for notion und landed a forcj of marines, This forco was unopposed. They took possession of tho Installed Chief Justlco Chambers aud the British ucd Amorlcan llas wero hoisted over tho court ouso. Tho pro visional government wrote to Sturdco on tho 12th It would seize Mallotoa and tako tho Taumsscs off the Por- polso by forco! f uecossrry. rrT Tho British and Amorlcan consuls havo nrotestcd against nny Infringe ment of tho Berlin treaty. Tho Brit ish residents havo takon rcfugo in tho consulato and tho American rcsldonts havo taken rtfugo in the mission. An American warship is urgently needed hero. Quality Our Standard, Quilts and Blankets Including tho famous Thomas Kuy Blankets at special inventory prices. Umbrellas At special prices. 95c Cents for a fine Percule or Madras shirt; only u tew left; regular price $1 25 und 91,60. special prices, Muslin Underwear at special prices, RoVal Baking Powder - Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking; powtkrs tat the erealcst menace to health of the present day. wovM. BAmwa rowosn ca, nsw vosk. No Indian Uprising. nr Associated Press t the Journal. Washington, Jan, 18Tho secre tary of tho Interior. In a communi cation with tho house committee onu tndlau affatls. said that investigation shows tho reports of threatened up rising of Indians In the Northern Clioycnno reservation wero unfounded, WHEAT MARKET. 11 r Aiaoclnted I'reaa to tha Joarnnl. CmoAao, Jan. 18. May 701; cash 2 red 70i. .San Francisco, Jan. 18. May 110J cash 1121. Prevent Pneumonia Prevention is always better than euro, oven when euro is possible. But so ninny times pneumonia is not cured that prevention becomes tho natural act of that instinct of solf preservntion which is "tho first law of nature." Pneumonia can bo pre vented nnd is of ton cured by thouso of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Somo yean ago I had it severe cold nnd was threatened with pneumonia. I could nolthor cat nor sloop, and was In a wretched condition. I procured a bottlo of Ayer's Chorry Pectoral and took It according to tha directions, nnd at thu end of fifteen days was as well and sound as boforo tho attack. I havo recommended It in many cases of pneu monia sinco, and havo nover known It to fall In elTocting a euro." JOHN HENRY, St. Joseph, La. "I was attacked with n cold that settled on my lungs, and defied tbo skill of my phy sicians eo tliat they considered mo Incurable. At last 1 began to uso Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and was ontlroly cured after haying taken two bottles." FRANCISCO A. SEVERIANO, Taunton, Moss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is put up in lialf-sizo bottles at half prico 50 cont3. Go to E'lls & Zlnn's, now tako my adylco, For candles and nuta and ovr.rythlng nice. Thoy have oynrytnlng In this line, And you can also got a shlno. At making nlco fresh candles, Kills & Zlnn are very handy, And they soil It very choap, Into their placo Just take a peep. 1W State urcet, Clearance Specials. Men's and Boy's Clothing at special Inventory prices; entlro lino at greatly altered prices. Men's Trousers Some suit pants placed In a special lo- at speolal prices. Genuine bar gains 25 per cent cheaper than regu lar lines. & Son Store. -& -, u'ibi m m arfii i - "" - - a