"W&f " lllBMffTt1lrJ' fed h? """" f " :: & v ' WIDE-AWAKE BUYERS Will take advantage of our r Sale of iiuHpuSi For prices have tumbled out of sight SAMPLES , , Black Heaver Jacket, coriJcd ficamu, silk lined Former price, 420.00.. .. Blue UcavcT Cape, Astrochan trlmtnod Former price 812.60 Fur Collarette, Black and Brown Former rrlco &I.G0 ow ao "N Poods Cheerfully Shown, HOLVERSON'S m 8TOBB Union Label Hats A new line of Fedoras, crush and stiff hats direct from the factory which we place on sale at clear ance prices, Best values ever offered from 50c to $4,00 each, J, J, DALRYMPLE & CO. Cfc TWO Cannot U iohii.) whu , . a. ily alike In ill inntoiii. HV lr tint (act tn wluil wlwfi rUtlNI e gltUMM awl llne riMMlU which rlT (rlle( to Hit )r Mxl rumluil In lit uatr I toeu ixMIiIiik U imti u li war i ym mine liot lo OUBHIW IV I'lT KVC. MWB. KAI'K AMI I'l-liHK HINGES KXIT.1IT OITH IAN. 200 COMHKIiClAI. BTIIKHT. Chair Cr Between Portland and Albany. Comfortable upholstered revolving chair, observation end, nltrnctivo mueklm: room, tlrst claw In oyory particular, cent Portland to Salem, ) ccnU Portland to Albany. Cur on rear end of train. TIiwoohm will bo run throughout the (teuton or ttic legislature. Ml-td. I II 1.11 Mill. Moim nr.d boys otercont.s reduced to clow out, at the New York llaakot. N21 TO CURB A COLD IN ONfl DAY Take Lantivo Brou.o Qutnlno Tablet. All druggist rotund the money If It falls to cure. 30. Tlio Konulno lias L. II. Q. on eaoli tablet. M y WJ HHBfiRliVm Table Linens and Napkins HaturdSOflr0rcUttl,'rWU,U,W'prlM8 for ll d"I TnurUyt 'rlly. J.SflnH4MH I'abto Damsok 70-lneliu wttle (v 11.00, 7o tiucbailu Tnbld i4iimk TO InoiiiM wklu for W Cut Prices On All Naokins All our stock of KMorilown Flannel without marie 30a a yartl. AUourtookof Maoklntwhw at mjit wliJaIa Uo efek W have m lino wCiuroNiiiUir hats thltaieiwr ivsar tQ and M.W utioda that wo at mTerlng t tM mU. " ton our ud next week for prlciss on rtmmanU sf Silk nnd Sating and . Velvets, no will jiurprlw you. - WILLIS BROS. & CO, ymTOABIl IHtllml I'dtKjfHJ- Brl8KUyour flBetliw naprln0Haio HltU u Uio UMt mkrla yalow, Mr, HuWtrumrmig, JI& -.LiiZJ&Mm2mmimm - - ' i Jackets and Furs,. Now 414.00 tfow 8.26 TUUAY'H MAHKICT. VoKrLMtn Jan. 18. -Wheat ynllo) 02: Walla Wiillii.Mic Flour rorllaud, 93,20; Huporllno 121.6 per hbi. OttU-Wlilto 2t.1c. lluy-IMfO per ton. IloiH-l'JiiilGc! old oron tic. Wool-Volley. lOTSlUc: Eastern Orrioi).fVrtllt. MUletulI Brnn. 117; Bhorts, $18 (m llfi.fiO. PouUry--Chlckcnnliiilied1l2-&0(rfmr) turttoyn, nvo, ixww. Kiiua -Oreiron. t!00ttWo nor dot. Hides -Green, salted CO lbs, 8fi?8o. under 00 lb.0H$7o;8heop pclta,l&(si'Oc. on ons imaii nor mick. Butter Bout dairy, 2W((fl0oj fancy ereaiucry, wow'! por roil. Potatoo, 70W8OO pur sack. Hogs Ifonvy, 11.75. Mutton--Weathers. 'Uc: droned, 7c Jloof.-McorH.I.VJW.Kl.Ws cows, W.W) Qifi.lb drossod, ri(0. HAI.KM MAIIKKT. Wlieat-W. i OaU-AVi. llay-Balud, llioat, 17.00 flour in witoienaio ion. n.w: ro- Ull n.tH). MlllttuIT-Bnin 1121 without nnd IPi with H.'ickn! nliortyiaiuJil4 per u'n wiinout UIOKN. Hou dremed, f3c. Live cattlo-2)(ilkj. Hlicep-Llvo, liXOOiM. Veal -6 3. Butter Dairy 20oi creamery aftc, Wool-Boat.lfio. MohulrUfcc Hopi-Bcat 10(il7o, Ek- lo in cash, Poiiltry-Clilckctio, Wbi turkuyn, llye, ItlSJo. Farm muoked mealH llanon, 81c nam, loo Hiiouiuer,uc$70, lHitatoc-10c. Apple 30o. w-mi.hi m - Ml dnuKtt4wtl Dr. Mllii" tivtru flMlmm ALL STYLES DdiiMiiuro.. . . .tluOO NewtV'iitury I0.60 Now Yot 108 N) Typewriters for Rent, Salem fytwrller h mtl Btntoiy. 110 'O1 C M. LOCK WOOD. Prop. Onlro I'liuno W, Bou Pluue Aft. 288 Coinmorola! St, SALKM, OUH. IIOU8K. fflKr8MU,Pf Text Book Trust A Promintnt Educator Says It Is Trying to Fool the People, He Bays That the Trust Wlihc the Im pression to Get Out That It Is In Favor of the Daly Measure. The llr-jt scrap over the bill to re vise the school laws took place when the bill was up for reference. The committee on education composed of Senators Kuykendall, Harmon and Porter demanded that the bill be sent to their committee. Tins committee M composed of three Republicans and It rcmalni to be wen whether the Ilcpuuncan pledge to emancipate Oregon from the hands of the text-book trust will b carried out or not. There Ua law majority In thcronalcfor tl)6 bill to repoal the pr&ficnt trust law. "The false cry of 'wolf has been started In reference to tho Dally school bill," says a well known Port land educator, "I talked with scyoral mombors of the IculBlaturG who stayed In Port land Hund.iv. nnd tlioy scorned Im bued with tho Idea that some book trust was backing the Ualy bill. H Is to the Inlorost of book trusts to hayo that Improsslon gain Kfound. Tho corporation which Is playing hiip.Ii an Imnortantnartln the Rchool affairs of tho state wishes to throw legislators and tho people off tho scent by starting a falso cry against a oin wliMi Is Inimical to IU Interests. "Tho Dalv bill shows on the face of It that It Is In tho Interest of no cor nnratlon. ns It orovldes means for fair and Impartial competition to all book concerns alike. It Is a well-Known fact that molt of the legislators are hostile to nnv sort of a bill which will glyo nny particular book trust a cinch on the text books, and for this reason the book trust Is making uso or this very hostility to raise tho cry of 'woir, wolf,' ugalnst tho Daly bill. "Tho book trust. Is ready to adopt any measures to draw uttontlon away from Itself. It expected little trouble In getting an Indorsement for Its bill, known as tho 'Fatherless Bill for Portlund Only' of the majority of tho school superintendents, but the ex pose of If) plans at that meeting bonded ItolT for tho'llmo. "Somo of tho members cceiu to un derstand that tlio teachers or the state, an-J particularly of Portland, have a wliolcsomo fear or losing their their positions ir tlioy should In any way dlspleavo tho book trust. Tlioy, therefore, wlrely hold thulr counsel. When once u ulear understanding Is returned tho book trust mid Us allien will Iw olllclally sllcnrcd, If not knocked out entirely by a blow deliv ered Miuaruly between tho eyes." PERSONAL AND LOCAL Movements of Kcstdeutt and Visitors at tho Capital City. Fur ihMIIMmI l4al siul XtH wo tlilnl gt Judgo Ooo. II. Burnett Is In Port land. A. Illosscr Is visiting his farm at flubbanl. Adjutant Oouoral II. 11. Tuttlc has roturni'd lo Portland. JauiM Cooper, the Independence banker Is In Portland. Mr, and Mis. Willis 0. Diimiiwuy aru visiting at Portlund. J. II. T. Tuthll Is In Portland, having gone down to uxoort 1Mb mother home. Iluy. V. It. Copolaml, of Unity oliuruli, Is In I'ortlaml In altondnnco on u uiarthMo I,, lllokoll, tho ox night watoli at tin statu house ncoomiMtnlod by his daughter Miss I.) din, have guild to their home nl Kugeno. Mr. Sam Burraus, the ixipular tonur who hits always nwiHiudwl tn oalU ror his iiiuIikIIoiu vulcti. Is to Ihi u'Ivmii a oomplluiviiUiry bnnllt tiy his frlemN, I'ouruary x. rlio Ilu'cluck lottil wum delavihl oimt thr hcHiru Unlay by a lirtnk on tlmunnlnw. libt nnrthor Oinbv. lie I IMsi4lLilllni7 i iImImv nut II n imu' u..i,ln. ewild Ik pruvidsl from U: car shops -v-.v-i. h . ... I. ..VI VMfell.U KlukorHUMi vV Uo Jim yrntenlai omiiMi their iJUtohliMl lhuurhiun J ihu (luuteubolii ai.d It. L (w,iu liavotHMiu ungual to eutor to the wants uf III. customers wlw iuv fit- qtmni the pluco. ThoOanlUl Otu- (Jaltv Olub will glvo a iwrty at the horn, of Clwunwy uisuun uu iioxi Tliurs4lnv vMim. One week fruni the oetMlm: WmInmJ day oyouliig Uwy will give 1U4 ihh1 or Uivlr Htrlws at dancett. K. Andervm Dm bntke-mitH wbo i mjurwl un h freight train at ItAMlHirgisutunUy.tIM at tl utkv pltal i-wtertluy. n Uniy . Ulc U lttignueon tliU morning's local for Intorm-ttt. Mr. AiMUru iws waiiy frleiHls In ShUui wIhmI.pJwh UU un timely fat. In Oklcn TIwm IVunlu uorl(M.liul it,.. iul.v.iuu ... poruunouUy Iwc.tttml xiou awj were wiiiHwi wiui irnHKut aeUMt SyrUU uf P IM Will lxtrumnu.itT .Z UOI1IQ Italiltal rti.nxt I iu 1 1.. ,..n i.. furnttd iKWplo will twtlluv liU laxntltet whkih aot fur a t1w, Uui tttMlly Injury me sjftmu liny ue Syw 6i. - "' '" "R NTutu fur rIH Uvatt. bu uMra-3r3-iK,,7f VS5 SS, rir Mitchell savs in difti- cult cases of Anemia, he adds cod-livcf oil half an hour after each meal and he likes to use it in an emulsion ; that he has watched with grow ing surprise some listless, feeble, creature gathering flesh, color and wholcsomc ncs of mind and body from this treatment. "Scott's Emuluion" is cod liver oil combined with hy pophosphitcs. It regenerates tissue, invigorates the nerves and brain, enriches the blood and adds fat and strength. joe awl 1 1 , all ituftfM. SCOT! W?IK,OKlM,ework. THE HOUSE. conllnnvd (rm Klrt I'm for tho Hcnato Selling- opposed and stated that tho senate had al roady spent 8H00 for clerk, who have done little or nothing. An amended resolution providing for one stenographer was adopted. S. J. B. 0. Fulton, authorizing the giving of ten volumoa of the In dlan War History to Mrs. Victor, the author. Adopted. llir.LS INTItODUCKI). H. B. HI, Dufur, to better provide for and simplify proceedings In Jus llco court. S, B. F.C, Durur, llxlng salaries of county Judge nnd treasurer In Wasco county. S. B. 110, Morrow, charter for Canyon City. S.B.I 17, Daly of Lake, relating to reclaiming of arid lands. S. 11.118, Mackay, relating to man ngementof warehouses and ware house receipts, S.B.I 10. Patterson, authorizing ap polutmcut of olllclal court re porters. j. B. 120, Fulton, authorizing the submission to a vote or tho r.co pie tho pending constitutional amendments In 1000. S. II. 121, Kelly, to nmend section pertaining to collection of road tax. S. B. 122, Pulton, to amond soctlous tV'17 and nil Hill's code, lo limit su promo court uppoals to costs Involv ing oyer $:i00. S. B. 121, Fulton, to amend law authorizing olllclal court reporters. S, B. 121, Dufur, relating to tenants and abolishing Joint tenancy. HKCONl) HBAUINCl OK IIII.U.S: H. II. 8, lived, toameiMt miIhxiI lows, ruIIioiIi lug illitrlcU Id IiiiUI iihHh-i mtmvjr. lie vision or laws. H, II. V, JimiIiI, tfi clmnxe I lit iiiiiu nl tli IuIh iiMUiuHyliim Inlliv "Urt-Kon Hlnlti llixipllnl for the liiMtuc," mid nmi'iid Uu lvlnlilltiCltlie lnMiie. Medicine, Pliarmacy and dentistry. Special Sale Now On,. ON CHINA AND TDK FEW VASKS AND BANQUKT LAMPS WK HAVR LKKT. Attend our special sale ami you will t-ue enough that It .will pay to buy now, Yokohama Tea Store It KM KM II Kit OUH FIUCSH HOASTKD COFFKK AN'UTKA. FBKK DKMVKUV. d II I If lil III III and Ma At Less Than Manufacturer's Cost We arc determined not to carry any of these goods over so we will sacrifice them FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET CUKNUC CtsMJUIUlAU ANU bTATK STUsUTT I.. . .... ,-.it.ntlf(refundlnB cotlnly n. u. ". i..n. "---... ...-, ndebtdiie,tiy ibuiihtouw "- - at a lrwr rate nt InteteM. Judiciary. 8. B. 11. MMi, provld for an dltlon ni,f.lMlnthe fifth ludlelal dlltrlct To senators from fifth Judicial dls-1 trlct. I S. li. H. Adams, to regulate operation ol ware- ! bHe4,aml noarmKiBiiii. Judiciary. g, 1). K, Paly ol take, to amwd afement laws. Awossmcntand taxation. 8. . U. Monwr, fw extlrpatkin of Iluwlan UilMlaa. Ballroads. S. II. 15, Smith, relalliirt to railroad crossing!. Rullroads. . B, l,Kllr. ereatliiK ellloersol registrars of titlM. ?. M. 17, Fnltss., to ahl the Oregon HUtorloal loohtr T appropriation of 12000, and ro vldlne rulntlnit to the amount of IttiOtf. Judiciary. 8. B. 18, Mulkey, flxIfifC prke of wjinjiwltion and preo work fw Male primer. Printing. 8. II. 19, nrownell, to provide for two supreme court eomm'aamtierii, to oe npijinn--i j the noTernnr. Judiciary. H. II, 3), Smith, iwralMt malpmctrleo In the matter of alxirtions. Judiciary. ail,Mlrhell.liliiretvK!the iiuintier of Jiis IImh of the supreme point to lle. Judiciary. S. B. 100, Daly of Benton, charter for city of Philomath. Engrossed bills. No Signs Left. "My little boy had a breaking out on his limbs. We tried to hoal them by the. use ol remedies arc hud on hand, but without success. Tho boy then began taklngllood'sSarsaparllla lie was soon Improving and now he Is cured and has no signs or tho erup tlon." Mas. Minnik Dodson, St. Johns, Wash. Hood's I'llle cure nil liver Ills. Mailed for 2oc. by C. 1. Hood Si Co., Lowell, Mass, Fresh Dear Meat Is wandering about tht streets now a days In company with live glpsu-y, but but the Salem public can gfJt any thing they will order with those ICc meals ut J. F. Harnett's Whlto house restaurant. A New Atlval. Cody Black, aged 11 years was com mitted to the Reform school yester day from Gilliam county. He Is an Incorrigible. Pon't Tobirro Stilt and Smoke Your Lire Amf. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mac nelle, full ol life, nervo and vigor, take No-To-llae, the wonderworker. Hint mallei weak men strong. All druuelsts, Me or II. Cureeuaran-u-ed Ilooklct and samplo free. Address Sterling Ilemoily Co, Clilcaco or New York. II en illy In llloixl Deep. Clean Mood menu a clean akin. No lwauty without it. Cam ai eta, Candy Cathar tic clean our Mood nnd keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the hody. Begin to-day to lrnninh pimples, lioiU, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cwtciiiets, benuty for ten cents. All drug giU, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 00c, Crip is slaying thousands of victims. JJr. Milei' Nervine is curing thousands. Slaughter,,, ...on LAMPS FANfJY OROUKUIIY (5LASSWARK And all Holiday Goods will be sold at uny prlco from now un. Come nnd see the goods und you will be overcome with our low- bargains. SONNEMANN THE GROCER 124 State at Telephone 31 ekintosnes Final Of the balance of the Stock Dry Goods Store at 257 Commercial street, from the 7th to the 21st, daily and evening, The manager has arranged with several traveling men to sell their samples at auction, which will be sold at the same place, In the Samples there is only one of a kind from a baby's hood and baby's stockiing to a man's necktie or suspender, over shirt or undershirt, sweaters, capes, jacketsvamong them the very best goods of the samples, Some splen did underwear for men and women, There will be over five thousand different articles, among the drunv mersf samples which are to be sold at auction only, but the balance of the dry goods stock will be sold at private sale and auction. This sale will be a treat to the ladies and gentlemen who attend; as the samples are all firsts class goods and all are to be sold without limit or reserve, S, FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer. 257 Gommercl Buried at Salem. Tlic remains of J. (J. Lyons, who was shot by an unknown nssassln ut bis home In Lyons, Linn county, on Friday evening January l.'l, were brought to the cltv on the overland this morning and glyen interment In the Catholic cemetery this afternoon, Rev. Father Daley, or St. Joseph's Catholic church atllclnllng. The de ceased was un old resident of the capltol city and n prominent member 'or Protection Lodge or this city, Bay State thigh boots for men at $3.35 lo closo out nt tliu New York Racket. 14 2t BORN. HOROAN. At tho Home Ir. this city. Tuesday, January 3, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Tliomus Hurgan, a bou. AMUSEMENTS. REND'S OPERA HOUSE. Onk Night Only. tuksday, januahy 17. The Guarauteed Attraction ARTHUR C. AISTON'S Powerful Company in.,. T I U-- j-iryr.,- llllCddCC & Pardnef Till! DKUUIlTrTI. COMHOY PltAMA A STRONG OAST SPLENDID PRODUCTION I'lUOK 50, 75, 11.00 REED'S OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT TllL'ltSDAY, Ja.NL'AKY 10. Laogeoour's Metropolitan Compuiy I'llKSKNTINU U Alabama" By Auui'stts Thomas A Charming Pluy An Excellent Compnuy Siwolal Scenery and Mehaulcal EiTocts ''ciw 50 ami 75c Wood -Coal Qoxt Dry Tir and Oak Swsd and Do- uvered. Fine Treo Burning Coal. Mon MARRIED. TRAGLIO-RAMSEYER - At the county court house at Sulem, Tues day January 17, 199 at 10 a. m. In theottlceof the olllclatlng magis trate County Judge O. P. Terrell, Ida Tragllo to Chris Ramscycr. Wool nnd wool mixed underwear for men, women and children greatly re duced to close out at tho New York Racket, 14 2t Exhaustion and break down follows revent It by using Dr. Miles' Nervine. Grip, REED'S OPERA HOUSE, Thursday Evening, February 2f Grand complimentary benefit to be tendered to tho Popular Tenor Sum Burruns, by the SALI PARLOR MINSTREL Assisted by Mrs. Halllc Parrlsli-Illnges, Miss Marguerite Alderson, Miss Mattlo boutliwlck, Miss Nellie Brown und Miss Lelo "Nlckiln. Gesner's Orchestra Will Furnish Music for the Occasion, TICKETS 25 nnd 50o. WANTED mvmN h ivmivix), univiu WE PAY IIIOUESTuCASn PRIlE. OREGON1 GKKIiNT AND DRIED FRL'IT CO. 5S State Street, Salea, Ore RETIRING FROM BUSiKCSS ! The Emoorium.. Arc now closing out their entire stock. Every article in the store to go at prices Regardless of Cost Now is the time to secure some rare bargains in China, Scrnkporcelain, Vases, Ornaments, Brio a brae, Fugs, Portierres, Lamps, etc. Stock and fixtures for sale in whole or part. THE EMPORIUM 309 Commercial Street. m Str66L Mote Apple Butter Want:d. Does any one In Wllliimctto yulloy make npplo butter for sale ? Iw uit u keg or more. Address, f71 Eusb Mor rlso i street, Portland, Or. l-10-3tt Mens lirst grade thigh boots re duced to $3,05. We liavo Boston Woensorket: and "Ooodyour Oloyo" brands. Tho New York Racket. M 2t 'FORRENT-Allrst class furnished room, In business center nt reuson nblo rate. For particulars Address i K., care Journal. l-18-3t mm v km im j, uai mw uaio d. a. bbntlby & co. iu .y" a bsf wwil C i& maw. yMi tmX t-ktiUu 8u. ----.-vp. --,... ...Mi4k.av& uissn