Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 12, 1899, Image 4

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L nWiwjijli? rbaaVttsftnMtf- firtAftMSiwiwi
iimiinmiii '" 'I"1 "r
- .- s , ."TfTiti " imianmmtnitm . - i
-?.. y r " " '"' i inn lMrwmriTirn i i
. ..b W -.' ' p - . - --- .
waM" ii ' I
lil iWlfllff II WHil ""'"
2d Week Clearance Sale
Umbrellas Mackintoshes
Tfc tiock ranges in
prkc from. . . .50c to $6.00
fete Prices.... dOc to $190
Tltc largest and best line
of Umbrellas wc ever car'
ried. The $1, $1.25 and
$1.40 lines reduced to
Cannot be duplicated in
the city "
$2,60 Now sell for..qi.w
$3XX)line reduced to $2.28
4.00 line reduced to 3.35
5.00 line reduced to 3.60
6,00 line reduced to 4.10
Call and sec the bargains
for $5.00
There arc broken lines
contixig from $7.60 to $12
which will be closed out
at $6.00 each
ck Dres
( "TWO
This afternoon tonight and Friday
probably fnir.
in in-
Cannut I fwiiwl wlilcli ro eitrllj alik
inviuluiK. y Ur Hilt fm't In ml ml
mi Inr iumi (nil iriimro return wnicu
Kite retitt to the eye and roialurt l lli now.
HttMUnmiilngtai'oiiiiiltui irorctl you
twt iiol la
200 COUMKRCIAh STitKirr.
...on LAMPS
Am) all Holiday flood, will t bold
at any price- front .now on. Coino nnd
kq lliu good and you will Iw overcome
wltli our low bargain.
Movementi of ttesldentt and Visitant at
tho Capital City.
IKiirAiWIIImml UMal ami HoeUl f Ihlnl t-
0. M. ldloinan, Is In Portland.
II. II. Starr, of I.u Ornndo, h In tlio
Mr. W. A.Cuslcknnd MWs Cuslek
nro visiting friends In Portland.
MIm Phillips, of Portland Iiuh re
turned homo after a visit In this city.
MlM Ilrowncll who Is visiting tit tlio
homo of B. J. HwnfTord, tins gone homo
torn short. timo.
Lynn Davidson has gone to Albany
toattond tho Poultry hIiow, whom lio
liu luvornl cntrlos.
Fred T. Merrill, Dm Rambler bl
oyclo man, linn returned to Portland
attar a builnoH vUlt in the ally.
Senators Moyors, of Multnomah,
Ilrowncll and Hnzeltluu. wuro anions
those going to Portland this after
noon. J. V. Hobbs, a inombar of Dm '03
IcglMnturo. but now of Mm Internal
retonue ystni, went to Kugono to
Mm. Frasor, tho proprietor or the
The Lender millinery atoros has boon
conllnod to her room for ko vera 1 wecka.
llnriiinny friends will bo happy to
Icnrn that the la Improving,
134 UUto at
Money Hcfumied.
yuttsfuotlon guaranteed whun you
umHaIoiii "Sneolitl" Hour. Money
back If you don't like IU I tf
Tclophono 81 rue Ks miiiuiw itn Dr. aillM Vm ?tu
N'ew tVntury
Nw Viial
... $IOtl.0
.... IDtftO
.. lUCAO
Nalrin Tyn writer E.qIuiii;o
ml ltitiy.
V. 51- LOOK WOOD. Mp.
i )Oko PluMiw to, Itv. Pluiw V..
288 CommorciQl St,
Table Linens and Napkins
ptiera for tUrwd)TUiirJi, Prlday,
Will ua offuiwl nUpooUl w
M-JftflueMotlHTdWo iMmaiik 70 IikOkh nlda (orllJO.
w fine Sat In Table IMnmnk :o tnotHn w W tut 10.
Cut Prices On All Nankins
AjUiuratoeVptlMtlerUnwn Ktaiinol wlUtaut twr
A II our nook ot Macklnioabeu at oxat wTliil,
!L ufi , ,neplu,?n?u,T liil tta'owr mmt IMQaul 1M
Mei, e Mill Kiirprlrt yeu,
rva Ka.n mHL
StoBdan) J'utteras
Utaod olionjKvu
Opinions East and West as to tlio
. Market and Prospect.
Important Dtevmg Trade Statistics 3hoW
Increaa e Production of Malt
Kvsxmaiass; Jr vttk
.Pirtt Deor MHith tf
The Kcnernl Indlonlloni urc that
hops will liriwra K" price In WW.
CoMiimptloii of malt liquors U In
croofllntf uml the markot, ror
tho Anierlcnn product i on
larfjIiiK. Orowcni In Ofeon can rely
upon Kood prottM If they will couiloe
thouisolvMto tlielr preaont aoreaMO
butoxcrttliomolo to Improve the
OroKon produot t ilia very IiIkIimi
sUtoof porfoetlon. Oroon oui pro
duce the liout hop Intho world, but to
do that rrHUlrrt capital, experience,
IntelllKence and jrood bulnos man
aKoment. Hop yards must be enclosed
,. iimf. uirw-L- nun not run on the
yards. At this time of year It Ih well
to look after the loncos nnu prelum
for early iprmif work
I'ttberA Wlos wrlto from Albany to
an eastern paper about the Oregon
crop as follewn:
Htoclc In Krowcrs hand In Oregon
Is now considerably reduced and not
oyer 2,000 bales of 'K3 crop remain
unsold, of which a very small percent
age are or real choice quality. Ho.
ItlnnldK of the Reason there were
nearly 0,000 bale of 1807 crop lu deal
ers' and Krowcrs hands lu this state,
which have ull bcon sold with the ex
ception of about :I00 biles. Most tif
those hops have brought from : to 0J c
net to Krowers and only few very
mouldy lots were eold for less.
The murkct continues llrm but
quiet. Several blKor lots have been
sold this week at from II to 16J cents
accordliiK to quality. Growors which
have their hops on hand yet do not
seem to be scared as they are all hold
IriK for full value and expect U real
170 more for their hops uf ler the holi
days. TIIK NKW YOltIC MAituirr.
Tho Wntortown, N. V., Tlmw has
I his on thoKonoral market:
There has not bcon any serious pros
Hiiro to dell but some dealers have
wanted to do a little more business
and have offered to shade prlcos If It
would Interest buyers. This requires
some modlllcutlon of previous quota
tions, at tho .iamo time values must bo
considered somewhat nominal at the
moment. It would bo dllllcult to ex
ceed ID cents for the chnlcost state
hops available, and any prlco ubovo
that llk'iiro would be extreme for
choice Paclllcrt. (lood to prime (trades
from all welkins can bo bouuht at 10
OjIBo, while the commoner qual
titles are olTorlnuliiK from ICc
down to l2o. Thciu are compara
tlvaly ruw 1607 hops loft, and
supplies of W nro not luro, but u
Hood many '1)5' are still lu doalori'
hands The future of the market wo
cannot rorcast with any certainty,
but there aro some features of the
situation that ulTord onooiirnoment
ror better busluoss later ou. KiiKland
has practically exhausted her own
crop and Is ulvltiK Kood attention to
AuiBrleniis. Wo bayo already oxportud
nutirly 00,000 balen, nud lute cable
advices from Loudon are very llrm,
Ooruiany has fully rtwovorml from the
lata break and Is now as high an any
time this season. Stocks on this sldo
of tho watoraro WAirluu' away rad-
ually, tKlrly alt the Oregon and
WuKliiDKton iuvh are out of Krowors
hands, and by far the larger part of
the crop In the state him been
iinitwiNu tiiadi: rt'ATiirrio).
The W'odtern Hrevtr lu the l)
comber Iniid puliliihiw a larue sup
plomeiit, showliik' tho imlnotlim of
malt HquoiH In the United SUntas for
tho twenty-one years ended Juno :w,
IW. The tublM Is uomplltNl from Him
annual roHrt of the eoinmlsalnuer or
Intormtl revenue, Jnt mm. Com
iwrlng tli luUt production of l(AM
wtili tin previous ytir, we see that
Umrv wa a total kkIii of a.O'O.JU U-ir-ntU
of iimrly u ntr et. Th in-
mmn In m ovor 1S7S Is 27ftl,S.lft ,
fwrrU.or nvorto iMri wt rut. The
UniUtiM sliowlmt ovor uxi.ooo Iwr '
tl iHerwwarvSN'rw York. IlllnoU,
t'einujlvmila, Wtaeoualu. MiaMiurl, ,
MUHUtllUWtl, llHllHttlt. MlCllk'HIl
um.I Ntw Jiisy, lu trw onlur uuiiim), ,
Uw Uital luvifH lu llw Irn utf
Mhb ,IS111 Iwrrvla.
TIM OMly suttoa .sIiowIiik dacrtn
aroLoHlalww nud South Ourlln.tlie
tflUtl lIlMUWW Only HHinUHUUK to
LTN barrel.
The sUttoinuul of rmlit lMltiU
uwt tux wits paid on It,9ll(0l0 Im trait
tor tlm Uirw ntvntlM uf m, aimiMt '
OHlr lU.tnt.lOu unrrvia fur tU mm j
Nitatl of l!M, or a ilwtauM of jm,.
IS! iwrrak. It will bo wn from ihW !
Uwt or oM-Ulf oUJtt tuotwia
iMAd teal yr was lt lu lh n
Uium iSMMth ot tWa uul Uaenl
mr 'title to a aUdliui; woudiUoii of
uflrj,awl dw ry ruvuly Utat m- !
Uvw onrwM eoiiMta to Ui itlktf uf Ui
trade 1 rmliwlm; Ut tax Uw Wfwlt.tr
llneM will bo s trhHisly limmi. )
A 0ltftMHt DiiMUtt
has ruliml tU w.tRiw uimI Ihhm
ojta and ImpoverUlMil hmi mNoW-'
nwulHitU tmam l&c moU atJ.i
K. lUruU Wkiu IIusim ro.UuniHt
ru a wrhI ,ia rrr.
Dr. Uulla Couxh ttvum tk. u.
.....i . -'.- --.f. .ww iminv
ami urV uni lUT m0O UUIHMMMId at
vt.m MIVMrS
The barbers bill Is koM tlirou(?h by
it close sbavc.
tt..,r,.i,' fnr Oov. Occr! He ifove
good roads a lift anyhow.
Senator Adams has the temerity to
return to his attack on the dog.
i w
It Is now understood that no one
bu. the press has a right to roast the
it .!,,.. u nricihini lii UtAseX flays
I thut Is not entirely good natured It Is
hereby stricken out.
The loirlsluturo mut fodl toward
nnv. floor as did the Psalmist In the
110th psalm, vorsolll.
What arc all thcoduoators dniwln
rakrles doing nt the stntfl house
'while their pay goes on ?"
Ex-Senator Coggswoll Is at Salem,
lobbying for the bill to Incrcaso the
siipromc court to live members.
A state Ux almost doubled; a
county tax of 21 mills In Marlon; who
guvs prosperity Is on the decline ?
Why don't the two houses draft a
messago showing up the abuses and
short comings of the governor", of
One Salem bank has almost a roiled
million of deposits Who says tho
"people" can't carry tho city and
school dcbtV
X X t
No aliened statesman Is lying awake
nights trying to solyo the problom
now with $760,000 cash In the treasury
Oregon Is paying Interest on 4300,000,
Albany has a new Episcopal mlnls
Ister and u poultry show. Salem has
a new governor and ulso a display or
birds at the otate house that are not
: I J
Holli House andb'enato arc lobe
congratulated on having limited the
employment of clerks, Now let them
put the brake on their own appropria
tions. I X i
Why a Portland grain ship. should
not have tho right to cuter or loavo
the mouth or tlio Columbia rlyor with
out paying toll to the pilot's trust.it a
Or course, It Is or no practical con
vcqucuco whether that $70:1,000.23, re
ported to bo cash ou hand ift lu tho
atato treasury or not. (live tlie com
inlttce clerks h II.
. loitntfiT. iru'ii
ltHHr.r1ltlimf THE JOUIU"" -
that be lins a rldhtui "lecture" Boy
eraora and legislators about economy.
Hero Is his account with the state.
By Insurance Ux 3 15,700 07
$ 120
, 000
Salary 1895
One clerk
Investigations ordered.
Balance In lilsfayor..
.1 210
$48,550 07
Senator Lou Adam's blil to abolish
Judge Uoleo (and the ballot-fraud
suits at the same time,) U In dcllance
of the fact that this district has 7440
more population than the Portland
district which has four Judges, while
wc have but two. What will he do
with this fact? The constitution
provides that the legislature may
.rp.t.fi the necessary number of cir
cuit Judges "who shall hold full terms!
without allotment." it win no ou
,i tow vnars before Marion county
alone will
furnish business for one
1 1 :
Ko one has arisen to explain
tho I II 1 lieu club, which does the most
lucrative business In town and Is
open day and night, should not pay a
good round city licence,
For tho consolation of Kovornors
who put wood things before a legisla
ture, quote Isaac Watt's hymn:
Thou knowest not. which sued shall
Or which may die or live.
It Is a hardship for tlio Salem minis
terial association to have to furnish
two prayers a day for the legislature
without I'ompoiisotliiu. They ought
at least havo airfare. Hut It Is sup
pososl tho Investment Is a bettor nno
than spending tlio money on Africa.
The retiring slate treasurer had
ttt3,W,33 ou hand. It Is not very
hard to see how there Is monov In the
ollljo on a salary or ?."00. Albany
The people have oueo jwld tho
money, paid ror collecting it, paid for
"taking oare" of It, and will pay for a
legislative InvoHtlgtitlou that won't
tellwlieralt Is. Wind more do they
The Proprietor of the Ladles Annex In
durance Vile.
Ula honor, Recorder Judah, bad hU
first criminal case on tho docket In
the case of tho state of Oregon vs. J.
W. Lakelan, the proprietor of the
Annex, the ladle furnishing stoic
which has until recently been open
next to the post otllce. A few days
ago tho store wa closed and since
that time Mr. and Mrs. Lakelan have
been boarding at the Rowland house
on the comer of Court and Liberty
streets. Wednesday afternoon Mr.
and Mrs. Lakelan went Into the store
of Willis Brothers nnd Co.. the lady
being In search or a ladles' under
wear pattern. While she argued with
the elcrk, Miss Willis, as to whether
she should buy the article or not, her
husband went to tho remnent counter
and laid a large 3 yard remnent of
lavender plaid dress goods on the top
of the pile. Ills actions coupled with
previous experiences with the people,
aroused Miss Willis' suspicions and
she cautioned Mrs. Kugeno Willis
to watch. While she was I u the back
of the store Mrs. Lakelan went
to her lrjsbar.d and stood by Ills side
while ho secreted tho goods
selected about his person. He then
decided not to wall for his wife and
went out or the store. Upon exami
nation the goods were found to be
missing nnd a search warrant was'
sworn out by Kugeno Wills and the ,
tho appnrtments of the couple j
searched. Tho goods were found cut
out ready to bo made Into a garment. '
Mr. Lakelan was arrested and charged
with larceny from a store and In de
fault of -200 ball was committed '
to the county jail to nwalt trial at 10 ,
o'clock Friday morning. Mrs.Lakclan
had contracted to make n lot of lu.-1
dies' underwear ror Mrs. Ida Willis,
who Is preparing to Join her husband '
at Manila, and hud taken thirty yards
or muslin and embroidery Jor the '
same to her rooms. This was found .
to bo all rolled up ready to ship
trunk. This was taken possession of i ,.rCiso of uood sense and cood business
by tho owners. Other developements management he became the possessor
are expected nt tlio trial, as other 0f large realty holdings lu Mcllenry
merciiunts are beginning to soariu ror i coumy, not rar distant rrom the
articles latoly mlsa-d rrom their present city of Chicago.
s,'oro', The deceased was married to Miss
Blrnlra Fletcher Ilcdgers lu 1842, and
twenty-eight years lator Mr. and Mrs.
Weller removed to Wood county,
Wlsconslon, where Mr. Weller engaged
In 'the lumbering nnd milling business.
Erected cue of the llrst flouring mllU
In tint county.
In 1871 Mr. and Mrs. Wellor came
to Oregon and settled in Salem, where
they havo llyed continuously since.
Here he again engaged In the milling
business, building tho smaller or the
mills nt tho North Mill Creek, known
as the Scotch Mills.
For the last few years, he has lived
Of the balance of the Stock Dry Goods Store at 257
Commercial street, from the 7th to the 21st, daily and
evening The manager has arranged with several
traveling men to sell their samples at auction, which
will be sold at the same place,
In the Samples
there is only one of a kind from a baby's hood and
baby's stockiing to a man's necktie or suspender, over
shirt or undershirt, sweaters, cfapes, jacketsvamong
them the very best goods of the samples, Some splen
did underwear for men and women, There will be
over five thousand different articles, among the drunv
mers' samples which are to be sold at auction only, but
the balance of the dry goods stock will be sold at private
sale and auction, This sale will be a treat to the ladies
and gentlemen who attend, as the samples are all first
class goods and all are to be sold without limit or reserve,
S, FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer,
Sketch of the late QeorRe Weller.
tleorge Weller, tho aged Salem
pioneer, who passed away Wednesday
urternoon al 2:30 o'clock, wns born In
April f, 1810, In Herkimer county
New York. Ills rather wns a farmer
nnd from Dim he learned the thrifty
habits and steady, sober characteris
tics which marked his after lire and
enticed lilm on to success.
When twenty-one yoars of ngo, Mr.
Weller Journeyed to the western
Inn plains of UHnolF, where by tho ex-
Special Sale
Now On..
Attend our special sale and you will
save enough that It will pay to buy
Senator Taylor's Oavcl
may lly oil the hnndlo nnd lilt tho
clerk's bald s.ol, but A. Hiicken
stein's delicious Little Champion 5c.
olgnrsnro still tho favorite of both
"The nonner" ,
photo Is the loader. Call nnd see them
ut "Cronlse's" gullory, over the New ,
York lluckot store,
A Freckled Lady (Jletk.
Is not sought utter by the cow county
senator but some or thoe rrecklod
little Champion fio cigars are always a rotlrodllfcqulotly passing his de
worn next to tholr hearts,
VH.lfK$fe. AllilrutfiJlUAir
'iu for 21o
Do not fail to visit
Friedman's New Racket
2nd Annual Clearance Sale Now On
Clothine and Dry Goods at Great!0'" v
dining years with his family at tho
old homo on the corner or Division
and Liberty streets.
Bosidos his aged wife, live children,
all grown, are left to mourn the de
iwrtuie jf n husband and father
always kind, true atid gonlle, loved
aim reapociod by nil who came wlthlu
the olrolo of his acquaintances, and
disliked b none. For several yoars
1 Mr. Weller has been an Invalid, suffer-
lug with paralysis, and his doath,
though suJdon, wa not altogether
' unexpected.
The runml services will b hold at
l the family homo at LTO o'clock, Fri
l day arteriKHji., January 13, Rev. J.
Ilowerix, ot Ufevette, oUlclatlng.
i The remains will be laid away In the
lew cemetery.
Large line of ribbon remnants at lQc
Misses' union suits, worth 50c, for 25c
Ladies' union suits, worth 75:, for 5QC
P,0VCS from 10c up
Laces and embroideries Jc a vdr(j lip
Fine table linens, dress goods, blankets and '.trunks,
prices all reduced, Suits for ths small boy or the big
(Tie little
m th bU
U prwfcih a. TOiTCkTii!.iiKf
dvaw8iuii Pnc sv
Their New PurtctiMi.
Thseapltol city Gaiety club gave
their Initial dauce In Tioga hall
Wednesday evening. This club has
oa recently orgauUed by a company
of young Sttlomll&s and propose to
Iwkl a social time each wook, n dance
one wwfc and a party the next. It Is
sW to Hayo a largo meuiborshin of
; vary reprewutathe young men of the
, oily, who Intend to make the club h
signal and an uuparallod success,
j flsmfr'b orchestra furnlsnod the
music at the dance last evening to
! which about tlfty coupl tripped the
! light fantadtie Into the wee sum'
" of Thurxlay ni.-rnlng. A do
. llghWul time is reported and the next
WBt Kiwi toy th dub Is awjltnd
wlih interest.
We Know t
Awl Uw majority ttf Salotu people
j know, uwv t,,e earbooau aod arlsto.
!" C one and tho 8amo thing
"Orvlse," tli RhMtftmnlisraays so
Yokohama Tea Store
At Marion Court House.
An action for money was Hied by
Matheas Rutnla ngalnst Claude Nor
ton to recover Judgement on tho sum
of SOS with Interest at 10 per rent
from the I lib day of August lSOtl al
leged due on a note, together with
costs nnd dpsbursements of tho action.
L. r. Morcum or Woodburn
nlalntllTs !tr.tnmv I
The bonds for deeds were tiled In
the recorder's oillce.
Isaiah Weaver to David S. Goodo
seventy acres of claim -Ifi In 1 3 nnd 0,
8 r l w bond U1500.
Isaiah Weaver to David S. (loode
ten acres of claim if, s 8 nntl 0 s r 1
w bond W000.
ridges Condemned,
Street Commls.slonor Frizzle has
condemned tho North Commercial
and tho North Front street, bridges aj
unsafe. All teams must cross oo
Liberty stroet.and tho street car com
pany Is notified that tho city assuinct
no risk on those bridges.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is horoby kI ven that the mer
cantile firm heretofore existing and
known as S. A. McCall & Co., hai
this day dlssolyed by mutual consent.
All accounts will ho collected and paid
by.S. A. McCall.
S. A. McCalk,
P. A. KARNKlt,
Snlciu, Or., Jan. 12. 1899. 1 12 -iw
Onk NtaitT Only.
Tuesday, January H.
The Guurnutecd Attraction
Company In,..
See Wlggln's ad. nn llrst page. tf
GREAT IIARGAIN-Wm trade iflo
acres of land In Kansas for a good
team mid wagon. Inquire at
Stelner's grocery. 1-12 :it
R?J2!,S WANTED-Two rooms with
board fcr two young Indies, state
terms and particulars. Address U.
care Journal otllce. -Rat
The Dhlwhtpi'i.
Combdy Drama
Piucu 60, 73, 1 0J
Wood - Coal
Qood Dry Fir and Oak Sawsd and D
llvored. Tine iPred Burulog Coal
Sucfossor to flalom Iinprovoroeiit Co.
I t-ow I'rtccs. 1'ront nnd Clieimke? 3'-
For Sale
Stock and fixtures of
Will be sold in"whole or port, re
gardless of cost.
Call and secure some rare bargains,