Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 11, 1899, Image 2

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. -- I,, in f' til iltnii n-il nil i li"1 ' '"""rfrtnn mmtmmwm
- Mowmn bkothkhs.
Yr 3.W,taAlTaa6
ikir. Tvmr Moat 1 00. Ir Aricce.
WmWt. OmYwt flJW, la AJrac
Aftf tryiBK the present text-book
tfmmtortbovilKjfATtzn effort Is
beR mtde In tbe present legislature
to btlog about Improvement. Tbe
eommttlce appointed at the special
ksiIod o( the legislature to ret l the
school law o the state leceUed sag
yeatloa froHl leading educators In
rery county ort frenillw principals
f nearly Blithe cities oa nceued re
forms In tbe tfihzol law- The re
sponse to the committee's appeal ws
tery general and there nas marked
unanimity In tbe demands (or reform
long certain lines. One demand that
nearly all who reported agreed upon
wm for tbe change In tbe system of
selecting text-books.
After considering all tbo sugges
tloot made by Its correspondent and
from persons who were granted bear
ing before tbe cotnrnllteo a report
u formulated and will now bo laid
bofore Llto legislature. This report
accompanies a bill prepared by the
committee which Is n careful and
thorough revision of the entire school
law of the state. Thn bill deals with
raany Important matters, bub none
more Important than the selection of
text bK)k. Tbe reform proposed In
this respect cooslsts of a board of tire
men to be appointed by tbo governor
who shall have full power und author
ity to select all tbo text books to be
used In tbo public schools of tlioclate,
Instead of tbe method that has been
followed In Oregon for 18 years. It Is
assumed that tbo botrd of flro men
which will bo named by the governor
will glyettio people better text books
and secure to them tbo bcncllu of
t competition which will result In a
great reduction In tlio prices of school
books. It Is not. necessary to review
tbe objections to tlio present system
in detail. Vow people nro so blind as
not to see tlio defects In tho opera
lion of the present law, and tunny are
perfectly cognlMut of tho objection
able manner In which tho present
system liai been operated. An at
tempt was inide to repeal tlio pros
nt ayntoni six )car ago. Alter dis
cussion tbo bill wos dofcatcd In the
bouse, tho present gOTornor, then
speaker, voting against It. Under
tbe pressure of tbe state superintend
ent the vote was reconsidered and
the bill paed. Under Its operation
US per cent of the public mIiooI text
books uied In Oregon are furnished
by ono trust nt retail tticcs higher
tbau the published wtaloguo retail
prices uindo by the publUhers them
salves. It Is not assumed tlmtOregoii Is to
lia6 anything but state uniformity
of texts bookn. The only question Is
shall tbe present system be abolished,
and shall tbe people seek relief by u new
method of selecting? It hat been tho
custom to select text-books aud mnko
soma chauKca once In six yearn. If
any chango In the system Is made,
before books are chosen again for six
years, It will have to bo done by this
legislature. Any one familiar with
the Uxt books now In um knows some
of them are cry Inferior In quality
from an educational standpoint.
Vawllr In vrtnin U
iBiglvablr It
a Nature lu
truUva that vro-
vit aC lit r jxr-
H(l tin ttutnan
who Uil f thla
Ulla t xt Ml
otiia,uhool No
wattutt hetiU be
stlsttt4 to o
lth romnlri
Urn trade bnlYeua
by nitkiirhtly
MoUlir. idwpJes
swil ciunlluus.
o wmaan uiouia
isllafieu to
1st a sallow,
aickly riitW(.
The irncctlvfof the sJitu Un .mt
He ta 6bm(w. Skia divas it ukJ t
IwftiwWw la tlw ta! ami b utrwui
Mrt4cra due tc weVtttt suit iUmsmc of
lUilUtlertlrfmiuloe omimUM ftettsr
Hm' Cldtn Mtxlifl 1)Imhiiv U ih
HiaHt ail lBn UJ iMiiSci. U
not ly 0i all lwimtiti finut U lift
wM, lul bll itb tbe tUh. lift
lift f tvlof
m wkki if licit
a4 iMiMMUatointtui Uf lUe Uidrus
Ma JtI . ...." ".. .
of nitMl sad uiwbtihixij
It Ln
uiciu piT. auonr. well am Urua. A
reone of lkw two iripat mt Jflnea wlU
lMfti rV, sfcklr. urnoua, Uiitid.
Mrt wmuB, wbo auBeu (tvw unfbtly
CTWUttUJlJthoVIll. Il!lulirllh kini
tWe cHBpile. u a situ tlut li
ctoftr ai9l wtiulctame The wrdlvl
M fa4 nana htiNaml twin, aud wnuln
tto aalMrata uf ijr dcauhjKUm Theraiw
Blya4rt l nalurat jirvKwts of lwn
ttaas, as0lio and tsmilou Wrtllclu
nwri nM lorw,
omwhwj iseiH.
."& Hf yfn' ?&' t" TU I (r-
Vm nat Uta kti warn la a
m.mfm. IX rietn .Mrfu4 of4
! 44Mf wutf b4 Wti -
Jaj mmiiitt wr a fti Hy of Dr We rct's
taaoto aVavM Medic! Alvl. tttle
m T 1 V Zsfl
in 'i i mm z
h tm dw asBMi, 10 eovcr suaiHuv wily,
U f9tfoMr4 v i doiL or 11
Msukji SW MU WUfue AiUi Df.
S, f. Xtsw, ue. W V.
...nil nfl" i '"" niwwiHiiiiim'gJ!ggS.!, "' "
m . t.. . KM,! nmtfrm lo ttiO
Asieiu ,i9 ;." w-- r--"- -
artofroaklBK school books, both a
to cbeapoc and excellence, wby
ihould not tbe people of Oregon get
tbe benefit of this as well as other
states? Oregon caonot et better or
cheaper textbooks under tbe present
system. The company that furnishes
practically all the books new Is in
wwewloaoftfee fleMasd m bow
totwM IUoMtnuitadJ'Ue present
law. It Is Be i Uus Mlre f things
thatacpatlsssW tet as of a
lasratlveiWMsefilywWcJiltb" nit
enjoyed. ew at Mk expaaw of tbe
cormmq Kfmeta ( mt emsttry- It
Ucfi nvT. lfewlf ! tlslit stell we
retala the presest text bwk systow,
wstttlt we aire the people Oregon
rb AMMtstaltr t set totUr books
& Mfr tek
li is Dt ssHSsosd that a imd of
Are trf appointed by the kot
orrwr would Ire porfeot satisfaction.
Hut it wcwld lele.M exormd to Im
proper intluonces than the proscnt
text book board, composctl of .11
couolr superlntcndantsaud 0 persons
appointed by tho state superintend
ent. A board of nvo men who wouiu
be responsible to the governor through
him lo the people, would be less
likely fo sell themselves to a text book
trust than bo large a number as 21
who could be Influenced from u great
varlet of sources that would never
become known to the publlc.Of course,
If tue governor appslntcd Mvn poli
ticians, It vtould bo very easy for the
book publishers to form a combine
tlnn and convert three of thorn. It
all depends entirely upon the charac
Ur of the men chosen by the governor.
It Is not assumed that tho proposed
reform Is aimed at any text book
publisher. If this reform is brought
about, tho now txmrd to bo appointed
by tbo uovcrnor would be free to
adopt any text book published In the
United yt.itcs, If, Intholr opinion.
It Is n desirable book to use In tho
public school, and could be bad at a
reasonable price. In tbe dlsousslon
tMloro the legislature, and In tho
effort tlmt will bo made to defeat any
attemntat reform, charges will be
made In tho newspapers that mom
bersofthe legislature aro being Im
properly Influenced for or against re
form. Dliilnterestcd mon Hhould not
bo Influenced thereby, as tho Interests
of the public Mhools rcjulro fearless
and patriotic action In tho trim In
terest of tho people Sucth aetlon by
tho legislature, backed up by a con
slttontpolluyon Miopurtnf tho ox
ecutlve, will bo uphold by the peoplo
rcgardlcsi of party becauso the mnstos
of the peoplo aro loyal to tho truo
Interest or the American public
Oregon bus one sugar ml factory
that Is asking a bounty law to be on
sotcd In Its behalf. Wo quote below
what thu governor of Nebraska, In Ills
message to the IttgUlaUire of that
state, says:
In 1803 the logl.laturo pasl in. aot
offering a bounty of tl per ton to ho rolled and ungrutfocd bill, wIkko oom
pald to Urn growers of sugar beet,' PiUlon shall bo W per day.
upon tho theory of cnoouraglng tho
dovelopmeiitut tho sugar Industry hi
our state. For some reason boat koiwi.
to Itself the leglslHluro fullwl to make
provision for tho paymsnt of elalms
which might arlto from the puHsago
of suoh an act. Thu sugar oumiKiny,
sating under the provision of the
bounty aot, made their contract. !th j
the grunets to psy them tt per.
tou extra for the beet;
grown and dtUrered them awl in Uie
beet harvest of m the oomjwHy did
pay tba growers tho extra dallur ht
ton fur beets. The twunauy pre-
sonttdtUolalms for the botinvv to
the auditor and soum of them Mere!
allowed by him, but Anally he refused
to allow further oUluu under tho aot,
nd lu the suit following hu tofusal
our supreme twiut drilled that the
claims oould not bo paid, there having
been uo apprcprlatlon to mvot Ui
lu theh.nvV.tot ISWtlitj sotteots
of the ootiipany with the growers were
made provisional, agreeing to pay
them oho dollar per uwi twtra, pro
vide the owtt sustain! Uw iy-
ment of tho claims. The emirl de-
elded agalrwi the MVHianL r tii
v',,"' "HWIIIIg trie wyHieNl ttHeim
sutur.iwNai lur the rwtHiu that Ute
kgislaturo rwiuug Hi law fall! u,
nuke ttpprop rial Idas In ututlH
with It proviloosj whewipeo tlio
ooiupsny not twly refUKHl to py the
extra dollar, but tuttuiiy j.
bsak od dollar r ton frwu
piymenl made In the laiter tun .r
-- r -
the wam, to wiuiburxi thimiel'o
the amount, alnvsdy paid on the
167 op, thereby glviog (he grower
at .. ... ,... ... . . ..
wn wm ,. w. ,UMttU r B, M ,
j-uhj wmiaciw touu wvttsiw ikey be
usutiifd Uj th eoutu JJow tiiM
elalms for botioty under theaet mt
mt o the hands of th sugar
Scott's Emuliion of Cod
liver Oil with Ilypophoe
phitcs is pure and palatable.
For years it has been used
for coughs and colds, for con
sumption, for those whoie
blood is thin or colorless,
whose systems arc emaciated
or run down.
For children it means
health and strength, stronger
bones and teeth, and food
for the growing mind.
Haby gnin in weight and
thrives when Scott's Emul
sion is added to its milk.
SCOTT BOWN Clwwtot.. Vk.
companloss who sought relief In the
highest court In our Hato and tlmt
court has decldod ugalnFt them.
These farmers made tnoir cnniraci
and raised tho boot In grxxl raitn
making their ostlmatw for profit In
the business upon tho promise of tlio
extra dollar per ton which tbcyshould
receive as bounty from the state. I
am, Individually, and the party of
which I am n member l opposed ab
solutely, to the protective policy of
taxing one Industry for tho up
building of anether: but my party Is
not now, nochas It ever Leon at any
time either In theory orpraotlco, In
favor o repudiation In the smallest
degree. Tho legislators having made
H kill bargain for the state, pliould
not sook to bo relieved of that bar
gain by a subterfuge or upon tech
ulcalltloi The sugar bounty octof
18D1 has croatcd a number lust claims
ugalnst tho state, winch are now in
thu hands of the farmors who grew
sugar beets. I recommended that you
mako provision for tbe payment of
all claims arising from the uct of IROi
which may bo presented by the av
tual urnwoiM of suirar beet In the
slate, whenever such claims are prop
erly attested by certificates of wolghts
from tho propor authorities.
'; : . j
Tuesday Afternoon Spent on Question of
Clcikthl anil Dills.
b'onator Kuvkoudall reported In be
half or tho commlttco on education,
recommending ngalutt tho adoption
of the untl.rlerkshlp resolution, und
advocating the pawugc of u law com
ing tho MMO.
bciintor Mulkcy tlion inlioducoda
resolution tlxlng tho number of ulcrKt
for oaoh cummllteo, of tho M!nnl.
uftor Iwlmr subjected to uumuiuu
amundiucnts. the following allotment
was made:
Committee on asfcoHnmcut and taxa
tion, 2; engrossed bins,8;onrolled bills,
& printing, i; judiciary, 3; revis
ion of laws, 2; wuys und
moans, ,1; all other committee wore
ulluwml one cloik oncli, oxeupt com-
nmreo arid navlgalluu (ducliuod by
Ulialrmau Bulling) and penal Institu
Die coinrwiiMttlon wusflxtxiat&l
iwr day for alt clerks exeunt stonogra-
phors and chief oloiksof the oommlt
tetwon Judiciary, ways and moans, on-
intiw m-erioK ov mu.
'w'w. miUmmim ahifihi ui u.
U.H.S. KH. Uwav4a httnitoMm rui
In MHHMfM Ui( , iHMtMUHll.
H 11. I, IMr t( HUm. reritfei msmI
law tmi Hyt(UH(
I tail
Im h
iMMta by a
H4mM b) tkiAHraur
Ski, UmwimU, lo imm4 law ytlitlu to
aaanast htaO. 4 Sil lWiwlMatataa4
8. H. S. IVIvw. to M,W U wmMrnt svrta
a Um pttMa Mvtiuir.
a. ..Hwaai. iHiM tm mrtsouiluai !
K. H. I. I1lanal. m liaxtmam Um sMf of
H.H..HM4.loaaSMM mImhI Hn, MMhurU.
11 (Wttei la kwM aM4 aaMMia.
S. a. . lxaaiU to ! mM S Ik
UMftal Kic Om l.ia," aa4 tawftdtint
HMMIC Ul lb l
H U. M, HaJim. to aMltottM HalMdUC Nqr
Itlrtrtolant. Uf Wetter Mawgr aamsii
at a mm of twUNat.
& II. rVhotk. oU tar m aaMUtoul
HtmijMOiMtuaMMUtol ttowtas.
. H tt, A4bm. to hstokH ttttattoa 4 m
Uocawl Soortor MtUr.
a. a. is. Mr as uw, t .r- 1-,ll1
1. - . Mm I-. Miuauu. a Kiaao
M. M, HmUk, nOaltos to nMtmi osaaalNc.
S. M, RKaJljf """-i ---f-irf nutou . jj
. aV U, ruikMi M akl lk 0u Uuturokl
aawtoU kj ttvfUtUn ,.l mm. aud imu
vUSat ftiMUm tu Um awuuui u tm
ft E 14 Matr. SslM prtw a rviw.iOM.
4 hm tm tlai ptimmt
... OtVOHI W rHkbl -,
tMH mmmV.Iwm,. In W . H
For Women
No uiedletne U to gowl fur nj, wtak
wwwu, tttiwty women u ilonuttwr's
htwoaoh Illlter. It u n4l Ash
n..vi.u rwi uhmxi tmriRr. a iM
nerve Uwie. mmi t t ...
stieuxttHMwr It flOSlCttCr S
WaSBfttVa1" Stomach
ohwk. tlm Hash of p
iiiv rjr
I .w.maV'M MARKKT. I
w . i
Portland Jan. 11. -Wheat yalle)
$Zl$titni Supers!
121.6 per boi.
OaM-Wblte 42(343e.
Hods -14&1 ; old crop 6c
Wobl-Vallcy, 12hc;
Oregon, fi(l It. ,.,.
MlHstuiI uran, n,
rJu5t?y-ChIoken9,mlxed.l2 W 00
turkeys, live, wr.
Hlde-Oree, saluKl CO lbs, 88c.i
under 00 lbs,CK47c;sheep pclU,1520c.
Onions "ficktl por sack.
Uutter-lJest dairy, 2ae0e; fancy
croamery, BOeQfiOc per roll.
Potatoes, r(aic por u
Hoifs Heavy, I1.7R.
Mutton-Weethcis31c: drewod, .e
Ucef-l.teers,3.25ClO: cows, 18.S0
(02 ".' dreod, wo.
Wheat- Gl.
Oats-JRc. .,
Hay ltaled, jheat, M WCa!
Flour-In wuoleeale lots, t3 00: r-
talliaflO. ... i
Millstulf-Hran $12 wlthnut and
113 with sucks; borti-$13J5H por
ten without MCK9.
Hogs drcfccd, 5c.
Live cottle-2J3c
Sheep Live, $213.
Huttor Dairy 20c: creamery 2c.
Wool-Host, 1 fa: . MohnlrSftc
Hopr-Ik8t 1017c
Kggs-22K5 in cash.
I'oultry-Chlckons, 8yif; tiirkys,
live. llM12ic.
Farm smokwl moats Uncon, 81c
ham, 10c shoulder, K7c.
I'otatocB 30c.
Apples 30c.
tl II. ', Smith, avalntt mtpritir In 11 I
matter ut )MttUm
8 II.tl. Hai'llloe. toareate Ihcoliie uf alfct.
biutof Ml, without aalar.
B. II, M, Daly or lake, eoDQWnlwr ryi'Bt or
Uxea luitate treaiurer
B II SS, Daly ul llwiton, to prorfcle for the
oflkflof eointnlMloutr or trantportatlon
snil a lyrJ of tramportatloo.
B. II II, S!nlkr, relating to ilHtle of m.Mir
Mtit amtrtJIne nMtnet lvri.
d, II. SS, IlmiriKtll, (bj rr(Ht) to rsalte Ilia
ayaBot of wasoaby ehrjnitatlrtii wenkly,
In 0 H. rowy
H. II lt, Haio(, tu rnjuir crlmlaal oowiiUlDtl
to le rxlerreil to the prMruluj attmgr
r.4f appretal iftc lillnj
H. II. r7, 1Hlteu, roUtlwt to Bollllf laitrti
iBfiU nnlfArM with almlllnr lawn U thf r
You tiliouli! Know
What Hood's Sarsaparllla has power
to do for thote who havo tmpuru and
Impoverished blood. It makas thu
blood rich nndpure,nnd cures scrofula,
salt rlioiini; dysnepsla, catarrh, rhcu
matlHiii, nurvouiuoH', If you ure
troubled with any allmont caused or
promoted by Impure blood, take
llood'M Siifwiparllla nt once.
(IotMl's PIIU are prompt and
cfllclont, easy to take, onsi to oporatc.
The White Machines.
Anyono wishing to handle White
"owing machinoM aud blcyolos. llrM
clawi In now territory, may II nil It
to their advantuge to write II. S.
Smith, (Inn. Agoul, 112-S linst Taylor
Htreot, Porlliiud, Ore. 1 tl U
A I'leaum, Simple, UutSafc and Kffec
tual Cute for II.
(JnUirrli ;( l ho stomach his long
boon considered tho noxt thing lo In
eiiniblo. Tho tistial swnntoins area
full or bloutlng Mtiatloti -afler oiit
Ing.accompanloil sometimes with sour
or utUry risings, a formation of
K'tMxm, wiiniuK procure on too Heart1
and lllriLM nml ilininnlt. hrmit lilni.c i
hoadachofl, ticulo appotlte, nervous-
" " ... w...,.... .,
I'll a re lioftcu n foul tsto In the
mouth, ootilod tongue and If the Into-,
rlor of the Mtomaoh oould bo won It
would than it slimy, Inllamod oondl
for thin oomtuou and
The cure
olHUiwto trouble H found In a treat- Uro .oon consumed tholr IkmIIos. The
nient which onusttitli food to'bo 0ni(iniw worokopt runnlnjjor thoe
raail y, thoroughly dlto.1 before It ' ,0i woll,,, BUiely ave rounderwl. Tlio
I mi 1 IIMM to ferment and Irriute the , ,e , rehiring at Amoy.
2SSih ''.r0" mttm f U'!' The new. reached Tokio sometime
SS.iii.1!??1?! ,,iro,Upt "Wl ago, hut haK only lako.l out through
Uglily illgwilan h. the one neeery ,oMor. Mnl f home
thing to do atHl whn normal dlwwUon I -
Is soeured.the euUrrhal comlltlon will
have dittippearm),
AeoonliHg to Dr. Harlaoson tbs
sifest and tNwt treatuitnt Is lo us
after each meal a tablet, couipvkHHl of
UIusUm, AMiptle leiMln, jtttle
N'ux. Ouhhiii tnwl awl fruit aehk
Tlmse utdeU ean now be found at all
rtrugswiroc tiMltr tlw iiawieofituarfs
l)nHJtn TnbloU. and not belntr a
Slr,2 " " v?hTO cnD a cold in own day
lieu will futluto tlHtlr roeular itoe alior immoy If It fulls ui cure. 2Sc. Tho
nrnuls, genuine has L. li Q on cam tablet.
M. V I ll.i. . .. ... - - , ,
... .. M. iHMMNiroi mu iHNirUirii
Hi.uHwago.iii, .rltw. "OaUirrh Is
tooal eundltkMi rossilUn.' fr.in n
liMMWPUNleohl In Uw IssMd. wlurhv
tU llalttx uHiurM of w n,m
bttMNtiea) lorUftmi hw! Uh puiMinuus
iltwharvK itwMfroMi wmIik o,
waul IhUi Uw throat rehtlie
tAweh. thiu psultwlag cnUrrh f
the staiiuaeh. Medlenl autaorltie
PitH1 itir nw fur lur) yr u.r
Mtarrliol tit aUMtineit wIHh.ni i-urv
bt tdv 1 aw tl-e haplwt f ,,'
after using tly (MM bxx or Muart s
lypepaJa To4u 1 Munut imj ttp
wvprtate wtrU to Xtrs mv n-d
fsellog. I him rmiml tWh, apjv t u0
iml miwimI rnt from their uo
Stuart's liyspepm 'I'aukm ,i il0
f.t tMDparalltM as uu Ss lll0 8lll,
phtetawl HHwt cMseahMit reuiel f, r
ny rursti of lwllSwU.. catsrrn . f
fcwe. htlkmsHe, HMir tou..i,
amribstm and bluatliig aftr ineaN
d w r litiie Isuuk. Malwd free n
tlSMtSjhM. bv iWrn..
JjUWrt l. , Mailian Um i....
UUrt csn in- ftHiBd at all druir
"nn Q 0q Q o n o o o
The Model Orogon Newspaper and Family Journal.
Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, Kanch and Dairy
andMarkot News in attrartiyc readable form.
Is iwjed Thurslay morning
of the state the same wcok.
In two parts contains all Important I'orolpo, National,
and State News.
An Independent Associated Press Fuporfor the Peo
ple. Send for samples free.
Tin: Jouiiai. has the fullest rorwirtof the doings of
the legislature and slate olllclals, ns well U3 Indepen
dent, clear and concise comment on oil public matters.
Send n trial subscription.
-o o-
-0 0
A Japanese Wonhlp Seriously Sclvotched
-Hetoic Work of the Crew.
Shatti.i:, Jan. II. News by stonmer
from Japan says: The Fccnod-class
Japanese cruiser Kulmon Kan Inn
reuched Amoy a partial wreck', us tho
rusult of a fire that broke out during a
storm at sen. Several members of tho
crow of the crulvjr wero burned to
oon th and many others were badly In
jured, Tho Kuln.on Km, was a toodcn ves
sel of the old stylo, and had on board
it number or soldiers besides Iter regu
lar crow. When a few days out and in
tho nil, 1st of n gale flro was llsco
ered in one of tho bunkers in tho rear
'0f timptigine.
The Japanese oruw bihuved with
great bravery, and Htrcums of water
"'"'""i",.. T,1
the ma
ichlticry uindo It norossary for some
ono logo down uie uiiey. it wan u
tuiMMif almost sure (loath. Two men
Mduuteerod to go down, llefore they
Kut to iiiu uiiiciiinery in need or re-
'pair tho Mimkc overoRine thoui. No
nt. u-nni,i n in nn.P n,...., ...,.1 n.n
I Notice.
Tho annual inMtltn; of the slmro
hoWursof thuCnpital .Natlonul Ixink or
Kulem fur tho eloetlnn of dlrttetord.aiid
tho amendment If deemed advisable
cf article third of tls article of n vi
olation, win im hula at Its bunking
housiiatao'eliwk p. in., of TueMlay,
thu lOtli duy or January, A. 1)., ISttt.
J. II. Ai.hkrt, eukhUr,
Saloiti, Dee. , isw. n-10 td
"' - L
n.rick Him ia.xi ttilt N O.Tu-UAC'-sflHH
l.n.iHU.Jiiu.lui.tum iU4YliH
ularitfu.ai.ir4 aiMuuiciKlllsTlSHP
iu. pria. u wFr-7jk. M fPTt
Bltk.4 ttf III TIilldj iC?i5J
u.b.uS m.f3illjsVVVr.r)iiSl?
mWimMltfZu.1'1 '-" Taaailw Ik
Kl Kii "'." "ni pr.u(.lJi i).
MMnmZ... aiijera lboi tu.
Tf nwuiMJn, r or t rru3 m nV
I dissssssssssssssssftaWk aisVviaKissssnxlaBissssssssssssssssssssV A
a-.v-rtiriii'u i;OKV Wis!
Initlme fo reach nil parts
i m
Dull Headache. Pains in various parts of
the body. Sinking at the pit of the ttomich,
Losaol appetite. Fevenhnei, Pimples or
Sore nr all positive evidences of Impure
bloo I. No matter how it became so It must
lie purified In order to obtain good health,
Acker's Wood Klextr has never failed to cure
Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other
blood disca-e It Is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we will sell every bottle on
potitne guarantee.
1-aUiippc Is aeain enldermc. Kierv nte
cauttnn thnulil lu likrn in avnl4 I, !, I
peeihc curn Is One Minute Coueh Cure. A
J SlMpeid, Publisher Agricultural Journal !
and Advcniier, Klden, Nfo , aays: Noonel
win iw uisappointea in uing Une Minute
Lough Cure lor I.a luipre, '
dvspkisia can nn cured dv
using Acker's Dyperxla Tablets, One little
tablet will l'Ivc immediate rellnf or mnnev
refunded. Sold in handsome tin Iwxes at 25c.
uinn v urooks, Uruggists.
Horrible agony Is caused by Piles, Hums
andbkinDmajes, These are relieved and
cured by DoWitt's Witch Haiel Salve, lie-
V'f ol imitations Stone's Drug Store.
Baart tU jf H Kill Ym Vh AMirt BwjM
UB.lBIt yT JT - Sf Vj
Mr. S A. Fackler, Editor of the Mican-o-y,
(Pla.,) Hustler, sufleied terribly from
La lirippe. One Minute Cough Cure was
tbe only remedy. It acted quickly. Thou.
sanus 01 omers use tnis remedy as a specific
lor a C. ippe.aml its eshausting afieer fleets. '
Stone's Drug Store.
TIk atuallest things may exert the gieatest
influence. De Witt's Little Early Risers are
uneoualled for coiwilpatlooind luer troubles
Sjmall pill, safe pill, btoje'a Drug More
But, tla H5 Kiss VwHtwAlmx Bssfa'
permaa,Bty curil by uilng Moki Tea. A1
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and
Imligwtwn, makes yoti Nt, sleep, nork and
hwy. batiifactwn guaranteil or money
lUCk. JtC anl OC Lunn & llmnl. ,1,.,,
" ' I
toujbiagiirei.mltnflimesswe lungs.'
an! hwl. uuicklv.
m i. i . . " ""s
loeen: ilu r.,1,1 '
The best cough cute'
Stcme's Dug stcue.
Tor Infants aud Children.
llw Kind You Have Always Bought
nriiy anil Cleanliness
r. Ihe rrat qulimma
For (W Tn'Ik, Uw Bili, Uw Hal
Naut equal to ifc '
- -r.
...un. HITVrtlv, tie.
Plico 10o Per Cako
or $lkoo Per Down.
UAim uitos.
' SNU.
If You Wish
Some plain facts, tersely stated, that
.in uiri vmt in votir decision In re-
gard to the prnper road to take on
your eastern tr'p.call at No. 22, Com
mercial street, where you can learn
iShlng that will Interest you in
reeard to ratea. etc., etc. Leaves ba-
leoi at 7 a. m. wsvemi uu ..
Thomas, Watt & Co. J
. t- aI t atvinnn la
Agenis. b
Arlsto-Platinos, and Carbonette?
Or dull Unlsh (all the same uiingi
have been quite popular uuu -'-''-very
few photographers In tins
country that do nut make them, some
make good ones, some make poor ones.
Cronlse, the up-do-date photographer,
of Salem, make3 the best.
If you arc alwut to buy a harness
. ,t v hnrop . C.n. 123 State St.
F fcU .V..."... - .
U iV 11
Corvallis k Mm Railroad
Coiiuectlug at YAQt'I.VA with tho
FlMt-claM itieer reipeet. The aIk)o
straoicr U duo to rail from Ynqiiltm
cotj eight ila.
ShottmtKoute netwen
Belneen Valley Points anJ Sao Francisco
Fare: Albany ami I'olnts nwt tosan nanoiwo
Cablu iooo
KounJ Trli -.. ".CO
T r. A ! A. Mannger.
J. TURNER. Awnt. Albany, Oie
Captain Geo. I'.aabe.
IliiiihlnK betweon I'ortlanJ nml ronallli,
topi'ltiK utall ' landing.
LOWN-TiiCKlnjs. Thurnlnyi anil Hmida),
Ieacs Conallls ....................... Ca.m,
Uatea Albany a in,
.Mux iiueua Vlsln....... ..- Ha in.
I,'-hc5 Independence U n. in.
Lcaroa Salem 10 o. rn
Ia m Now berK.........-...... .. I S '80
Anne I'ortinnu . .. w
IT Monday?, Wedmadaja aud Krldnys.
Iaei Portland -..., C o. tn.
IaM NewUTB 10 30 n. li)
Lcaui Salem .. .3 sup m.
I.NUM indepcnui'iice n vi p. ui.
IeH Ilnena Vjt Tartp.m
leaxo? Albany ......... ...... 9 wp.m
Arrive Conafll 11:00 p. ro.
Tho steamer ha boii ittli)tl with flrM-
rla."! ttctoiiimolaUoni, iiiuliidlng an elgant
Untiitpfl! tnt cart) ItiR both (rolxht and
Docker ootol ?tateitrfct.
Slem, Oiomoii
A10ii , Oron
Oreffon Short Line,
Line for all points lvst and southeast.
FRKF. reclining chair cars, Pullman pala-t
sleeping cars and upholstered tourist sleep
ing cars on nil through train.
Agent balem, Or"
rravellni; I'4Renger A 'ea
j Ornorai Agent.
I ... TI.I..I O It .1 f- '
124 Third Su
C? I UIM.1IH1. J
sSugjA Few Interesting Facts
When people are contemplating a trip,
whether on business or pleasure, they natur
ally want the best service obtainable so lar
I $ Pe'li comfort and ssfety is concern
employes 01 me isconin Central Lines are
. naifl to servi- the nubile iml nnr train. qr
operated so as to make do e connections
1 with diverging lines at nil junction points
Pullnnn Palace Sleeping and Chair cars
I on through trains.
Uining car
1 a la Carte.
sen-ice unexcelled, Meals
I In order to obtain this lust dm srtvice,
ask the ,i:ket agent :o sell yr a ticket oer
j and ou will mike dlrert connectk)i at
at. I'sul lar thicagj, Milwaukee and all
Mints East.
For any lurtner infoimaiion call on anv
t'cket ak'ent 0f correspond with
General Pas. Agent.
Maw it sxk, Wis,
Oenerl Agfnt,
26 Stsrlt Street,
Porti m, Ore.
fun aHL
-' '.VC1W .
nF5?li!Wc a BDirrc
MowmeHtal bronze co.
T, B, WAIT, Agent,
I HI Mill St. and i;w State St.
H1 'I halt n-.. -. ,
SltisI atUJ. 9tji n. TIW . -: --. .r -rc.- a..i
tmm ... ."- y 1 sa us vus
n7.i.l.r0,iaj,kl4 " euro yea, m l
SV t Tit11 orutsj to J . cur la eacl rm
vi;fuu.MUBwly PrUtOwnt pr plmror
i'iuMMBOjk lrttOcnt. pr rilarpr
i I'UKa
Uh Ul i tor uuuatural
llcllkt(M, tBfllt(UBMlUUS,
0w..u-i W irrllaltvu ur ulrvratluoi
m u uiiMt at tuueau WHHtiuM.
Irnnu, MU4. PIU, auit 4 -trlu.
tTMtCUtCMtU4UQS. nr v
iOlftuin.9 KM y WUC3.il,
-r fax in ftta wr.Hjr.
-r ui in ruin wr.wr,
Clrtulur wet an rvoua.
r I, n.u-r
Wl I. JUJ'Tfj
hd .Mn ,
KKSafWroR vii,nw
t..-v; rDt.ci.ikiT:vii.Y cmi
.H it fiu ax -fui,.ni IU-'
it "i !, . a
l u- ."t l-M! . JtJl
'; i it ly wr.Jk
T.V ' .- ltli.1 rluoliwrsuoiifcHiMl
M a uu t,i ly butiDMa or cianlu
From Portland
8 pro
Salt Lake. Denver Ft
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Chicago
and r.ast.
Walla. Wall?, Spokane,!
Minneapolis, bt. l'aul,
Duluth, Milwaukee Chi
cago and hast
a m
4 p 11
All sailing dates sull
ied to chance.
For San Francisco.'
Dec. 23, 28, Jan 2, 7,
12, 17, 22 and 27,
ex, Sun.
ex Sun
10 p m
To Astoria and way land'
At Salem
Portland, ISew burg and
Way Lauding.
6 p.m.
Mo us
7115 p m
and bat
toa m.
I For Dayton
Tu Thur
Mon Wed
J 130 p m
Ar Salem
L Salem
m a ra
Wed and
Corvallis Albany and
Way Points.
3P. m
Dally bosts to Portland as above.
Transfers to street car line at Oreg i.'lty
if the steamers are d:lajed there ouuu
trip tickets to all points in Oregon Wsh'ng
ton, or California. Connect 0 made at Port
land with nil ra'l, ocean aiii'nvcr liues.
fSen'l Pas. Apt Portland. t)r.
G. M. POWERS. Agent, Twite street Jock
City Agents.
Canadian Pacific R.R
And Soo Pacific Line
St. Paul
New Vork
, Boston
a all points eatt and southeast.
Cheapest lates, besneivice and accomniD.
Through toutlit sleepers to Minneapolis,
St. Panl, Toronto, .Montreal, and Boston
without change
Canadian Pacific Railway Co's, ITinprcss
Ine of steamships to Japan and China,
The Ustest and fineit j.blp on the Pacific
ocean Shortest and lxt mute to the
iaii Australian S. S. Co.
To Honolul' , Fiji and Australia The
shortest route t the colonies.
.For rates, fo 'era and any information call
on or add icss, CM Lockwftxl, Agent,
Oftwe Phone No 40. siS Commercial st.
Residence Phone No. 55. Snlem, Ore
tl. II. ABBOT.
Agent, i6 lli-rd street. Portland, Or,
n , . K )' COYLE.
Ontricl Passengi-r Agent, Vancouver. II, O
Southern Pacific Co
100 I' M I
l.v ..JPoitland. ,.Ar 9:30 a m
Lv....batem ,. .Lv 7-00 aw
Ar, Sjn Francisco Lv 800 p m
Above trains stop at all prlnolpal statimn
bet. Portland and Salem, Turner Marion
Jellerion, Albany, Tangent. Sliwldi. Halsey,
ilamsburg, unction City, Eugene, Cresucll
Cottsge Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta
tioos from Rosebutg to Ashland, inclusive.
"SV30AMI Lv .. PoTtTand .'.Ar h.mu r w
lo5S A Lv .. Salem . . Lv J 1 so.-p m
J.'o r m Ar ...RoselMirg.. Lv Jtoa m
Pullman bufiet sleeper and second (,n
sJcepmK cars a-tached to all through train
wcsr side division;
OE11VSFN PORfL..ND AMI iVMiiriiii,
Mail Mains daily (except Sunday.
,l' U Lv Portlani . .' "Aii $.-s5"p m
1215 PMf Ar . Corudlis. Lvf 1.-20 f m
At Albany ami Conallls"" connect with
trains of the O. C & E. Ry.
4,5PM Lv .. Portland . Ar X:S
loviiU .. McMinnvilleLvJ-SJo
"3 PMJ Ar Independence Lv 4.'5Q
H.-25 A M
Direct connections at ban trancisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail
steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA
Sailing dates on application
Rates and tickets to Eastern points jn'
LULU and AUSTKALLIA, can be obtain.--!
from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket .jii
R. KOEDIER, Manager.
C. II. MARKHAV. O. 1 & p. A. Portia a
20u Miles
shorier and a wij ,ie ittt day quicker
than any ot'ierllueto Omaha, Kan
ms city, m. Louis and all other
sutltern and southeastern cities,
lhieoroiitoi oast via Denver, St,
Paul, aud Hillings, Mont, Tickets ut
olHcos of oonnuethu linos. lr you gi.
eist via Omaha, you cuu stop oir and
see the Trans-MlwUslppI exposlilon
Gsn'l aent Portland C
ssssssssssMsssllssssssssI I II I ir .