WW WV " S OTiJhtOTTr" ,f111 ft WtrHHiwufafttaattiauwiif" . ,. i in I I Ml W R 4 2d Week Clearance Sale Umbrellas 71 rMfe I" ...eoc to 6.00 .feMi....40ctof4.90 71 Urttti a& bctt line d Vmkttllm we ever car rW4 Tbe ft, $1.25 and $1.10 lines reduced to J5c. $1 00 and $1,20 Cannot be duplicated in the city. 0An 8TOUB HOLVERSON'S Clearance Prices on Plush, Cloth and Fur Capes The remainder of our fourth shipment of latest styles offered as follows to closet $ 2.60 VALUES AT $ 2.10 3.00 2.25 5.00 4.00 10.00 7.95 30.00 15.00 J, J. DALRYMPLE & CO. UntU February lsU I will offer at greatly reduced prices tlio following lines: Watchei.Oold and Oold Filled, Silver und Bllverlnc, Look Chains, Wok, Dm and Kar rlngn. Good marked In plain ilgurcl. Watches Ci.eanku 7fio Main Ui'iiiNdn 7Go ALL WORK WARR ANTED. G H, HINGES THE WATCHMAN iiW3 COKUKRCIAt, STRUCT. THE WEATHHR. Tonight and tomorrow probably rain, Duned Tody. The remain or W.I). Magem, the aged man who died at tho asylum lait week were Interred today In the Lea MlMlon cemetery. The funeral wrrlce were conducted from the Flrit UaptUl cliurcli at 2 o'clock. Th Laripttt and Flnett And tuoit completely equipped photo itraplilo eilat) lihiuent on the coin. Weipcakortho Cruulne itudto, orer mo new i or uacKoi ncro, Tlio NcwrPruccu. TboalouFlourlug Mills "Special" flour la now better than ever. Try It. 4 It Bicycle Messengers SuiSS'r noer,M r mkmt PW"W 10 any par.tof the lly In a Do Not Waste Your Time If It li worth more than a uiouangorV. Regular outomeni monthly rate choajr than an offlce bqyr TlUnk It Over Iben Fing Blue Boxes, Telephone 40 or brlou uotes and paikacot to Ctntral Onice. L0OKW0OD MESSENGER SYSTEM W Coaiwerslal Street .i .i Sale Prices on Winter Shoes We I ,vo RNAtly reduced the price w all Winter tihwa. if ,, LadlM'StW winter aboca .1. iKS Men' KM winter sliues ." fCoo Dr not tula mttloii that t)W Oood. at rwuecd In prlw. Jlen'a miprltm aidwlrflto 11 tl.ew Jow prlwion Ihnrj underwear. WILLIS BROS. & CO, HPOTOABU I FattAI-na PW sisw sffB MPVrw lruiry lasjIkrBer a jTWiriiy Mackintoshes CHILDRENS $2,50 Now sell for.. $1.95 LADIES $3AJ0Iinc reduced to $2.28 4.00 line reduced to 3.35 5,00 line reduced to 3.60 6,00 line reduced to 4,10 Call and sec the bargains for ............... SpOiUU There arc broken lines costing from $7.50 to $12 which will be closed out at $5.00 each UAH II STORK PERSONAL AND LOCAL Movementi of Resident! and Vitilort at the Capita! City. f rmddlttoeil Ixal tai Beaiil n third H'.l J. T, BwafTord, or Oregon City, lit In Halcni, tlicgticHlof his brother K J. SwalTord. Mln Hrowncll.ol Oregon City, the sinter of Senator Ilrowncll la In the city for tlio legislative wmlon the guctof Mr. K. J. Swatford, Miss Mlnnlo Winter, whn ha boon quite III lor wnio time, banco far re covered as to bo ablo to go for n re cuperation visit at Newport. J. Thompwn, or Mohawk, U In tlio city, tho uiioit of his elitcr, Mm. J. II. Campbell. J. Carroll, or Union, It alto an old Iowa friend, who li a gtiotl ot tho Campbell. litoujjlit Fiom Portland, Tlio romalm of Samuel Helflo, or Clackamai county, wero brought to the city on tlio ll o'clock train for burial. Helllo la an aired man about W years or ago' and lithe brother of Cal. Jones or till city, The runeral wan had direct rrom the train ns nor vices had Wen liuld In Portland, and tho remains wero laid to rest In tho Odd follows cemetery. In Olden Tlmca People overlooked tho Importance of permanently borotltted olfecta und were attiticd with trnnnlua notion; but now that la gonorally know that Syrup.it Hg will permanently overcome- habltal consultation, woll-ln-formed people will not buv other laxative, which act for a time, but finally Injure ttio ytm, liny the irenulno itimlo by tho fallfornlit Fig Syrup Co. Don't I'ortet Ournewlooatlon and that we main tho nnciteuameloubinot photo In tho city for II pordorcu. CronUe studio. Salem, Ore we a ilirit MiU .... ... .i H.u &Z l,.1" two llaea ut entlrlr SSii i uu neM hui us)w. HOUHr?, MM1 r Sstutb f XSMi Uoe ouwUr-aiw in IhllMiW hWWTTi , , . t -1 ffvtttr. BOOK TRUST AHotRepty to a Crltlctsm of the j Reform Proposal. Senator Daly's About Paper States the Titttb County superin tendents. The text book trust that seoks a monopoly of furnMiInu liMi-prlced textbooks for the public school of Orocoo.wlll make a hot fldhtoKalnH tho proposed re Vinton of the mjIioo! lows of the stato. SenotoM Daly and MulKeyare practical oducntors, ciu nttarl mnn wrlm know the ctIIh of the present text book jijitoni, and they will deal the iruot orii hard blows, j Kenntor Dalv'a oaner codIm rrom an exchaoKC this paragraph and make following commont, The selection or school books or the public wlioolt or Oregon will hardly be taken out of the hands of the ac tive educators In the public school, and placed In the hands of persona who are not by education and expor lonce qualified to decide upon the matter, Albany Herald. Tho above squib has no roawn for being published aside fro.n an Insinu ation It contains that the governor will appoint "persons who arc not by education nnd experience qualified to dcoldo upon the matter" or selecting school books, and apparently wilful Ignorance or tho matter It dlwus'cs No one supposos that men will be hc lected by tho (tovcrnor under the new bill, who hato not tho requisite edu cation and experience Ui select text books, and, besides, we expect that oniclal to select men who have the business scn'C to niako a respectable bargain for books and not have tho stato robbod so that cor tain school superintendents may irot presents from tho auccoiwful Iwok trusts. The newspaper that now ad vocates tho selection or text books by the school ttuperlntendcnt, as the law has btcn, Is not the friend of the con scientious superintendent, who sees In the prosent law a disagreeable duty to perform, which Is not of his choos ing and for which ho rccoivos no rec ompense, but rather or those hire lings who arocliimmorliiK to assunio this responsibility or selecting text books. A responsibility that has no place In the list or their duties, .So grontnn anxloty Ui assume a burden argues it roward from hoiiio sourro, and It is not to be round In tholr cili ary. No other state In tlio Union asks suparluteudenta to soloct text books, and most or them have just kiicIi a oommls!iin as Ilia now law propowos. Tho result is that wo lmo tho worst text books nt the lughost price of any stato In the Union. Hut toso nows papors are very likely U) hoar u good dual more about this matter boron; tlio olosoor tlio uouilng Kosslnu of tho legislature. m i i I'OUKION NEWS 11UUQUT. II) aiMlnlril l'rr o tlir Jiiiirniil. Tho New York Htauta Zoltutig prints tho following rrom Its Itorlln oublo oorrosM)iiduut tmhty 1 inn Informix! rrom an iiuquostlou able suurco that after thoHurruuderor llo Ilo, the Spanish gouonil triad Ut ludiico tliu f Juriuitri ooiisul at Manila and theUoniiaii vlea-onnsui at Ilo llo to take charge of the protection or tho private lutoreats or the SpaulariU. Ths two consuls wlrod to Merlin for liutruutlous, and rtwohod ilia follow ing answur: "The Uurmim omplru, Inilug a neu tral Hiwor, Is not In a position to take olurgoof functlouH wliloli ooulileiisll) tw ooiutruud as partiality or HmIii All wu otuloavur to obtain In the I'lilllpplnuA Is pioteotion ami mi roxtrlctod momont ot our eomuierce. Since wit kco that lxnh are cured undarihn Uultod .Status Hug we arc fully oonlldenl that thara will netttr arise a situation which would oauw us to deviate rrom the strictly neutral attitude ubwrrwl by us up to thl. day." Tne reyolutlowtry trsldaut pro ltWi against (leuural Oils signing UluuoUas military goyonvoi f tlw I'lilllppluttti. Aguluuldo (iMlurea ho had never agrd at aingapore, Hong ivuk ur wewnre lot rougnlM ilia avaraik'iity of tba Amerlouus inr. and insist that he lm returned to the rimippuie on an Amerlean hli ioiy iu eouquer uio Biwmards and wlu Inilepeudonee. Ho aHorts that both his proclamations of Muy at and June 12 staled this toet ortlolally, and Ihj claims MaJor-Genera Merrill eonUrmed that by prtKtoBiatloii several days before the Spaniards ettpituUitwl, stating Iwtrly anddeHulttay that the Anw hMii furaos esiHMi to overthrow tlie Spanish government awl to lltwruie lw llllipliHM. AgMlnkto dtclaran tMt be had naih awl fureigoara a Altu4M that Dm Aw.rieMH furs rMgil Hut mly b ucU tint t MUlplsHW Wht iMtllltfsMJlo. but bv i IVIltlllalv iUll..,lu.. at... .n., ItlrluiuptsanUy utUd IoUm sSk, b fw le oytH of ull mttkHts AgulnaMo Uien suUwnly iwuttsia,1 tH the name uf tn Uoiiy, wlnuw. paworwi to dirot bta brotHrM in Uo dlttlt task o( rwauajwiloH, agnUst I he lotrustou of the Awmkwh iMort waat, and roitewtM thai he exwld produw. prwif itwt w wai b,wRht hero oil the understaMdlug that itt Anisrieaai tud iomU hits, ti,ir. peratloM to atlata tatJamlenee. I Ihe wvolutkiutiry xhta 9iiu upw all bH rollwM io v.ir . ' Wttwr with furae, awurlag Uwi tki ' beiSMtlVtMtkltltaLLiMt. will u.i.. 1 abwltjte IbdcMtMlonM. mxi .....,. I i i I The slight cough may soon become dccp-scatcd and hard to cure. Do not let it settle on the lungs. Think! Has there been consumption in your family? Scott's Emulsion is Cod liver oil with hypophos phites. These arc the best remedies for a cough. Scott's Emulsion has saved thousands who, neglecting the cough, would have drift ed on until past hope. It warms, soothes, strengthens and invigorates. joe and ., llJmftUif. SCOTT BOW N t, CliwiiltM, New Yetk. them never to turn "from the glorious road," on which they haYe"already so far advanced." The expulsion or the Danes rrom Northern Hchlcswlg continues un altod, and an ovorwholmlng major ity or tho papers continue to com plain or tho policy and dony Its political wisdom. The Cologne Ga zette Is an exception to the rule. It urges all Germans to approve the mcasuros, which, It asserts, arc nec essary ror patriotic reasons. The cen tral committee, representing all the commercial clubs and associations at Hcrlln, met this week and rormally condemned the expulsions, which, the comtnlttea collected statistics to show, have already don? a yast amount or damnge to Germany's cornmorcc. i ai JOURNAL "X-RAYS." Tlio virtuous legislator should not be as rare as a purple cow. Is Harvey Scott getting ready to luso with the Democratic party ? n No upc waiting ror the third house to do the Reforming act, gentleman. t XX Lotting "Hob" handle a campaign fund Is Ilka pouring wator in a rat Into. To what extent shall women be rt)cogril7ud linden thoGcor adminis tration? 1 1 J Tha ton uenta you give the man to wot his gu7lu with lire wator may cost him ton days. 1 XX Julia asks us, what arc tho two groutost American Institution1? Free schools and a free pross. X X X Now '.Mitch bomoof tho alleged re fonnore arlsfl In tholr majosty and pummel tho dofrncolovi committee t I X Will the hnue or Ilia otmto or this Oregon legislature prove the Reform body? It won't I tha third limine, gentleman. t t : The oily council meoU; tonight to consider a ravenue meastira. Let no unjust tax bo levied upon tho Ullliee club; only Just what other places pay, Ml Tha state educational institution einplino who o line to the legl-duturd """' ' "" --"J For Women N'o medicine Iswi rMHl lorimle, weak, nervous, fidgety women as Hosteller's Stomach Hitters It is a real ilesh maker, a real I.IimhI purlllcr, a real nervo Umw, a real TJ-ni-ii. stronglheiior It OOStCttCr S restores the the pink C-t of hi'Hitb u the OtOmaCIl decks, tli Unali of jouth DJ to Ui eye JDlttCfS Do not fail to Friedman's New Racket 2nd Annual Clearance Sale Now On Clething: and Dry Goods at Great Reductions, Large line of ribbon reii.nnts at IQc Misses' union suits, worth 50;, for ,25c Ladies' union suits, worth 75c, for ,' ,' ,' , . 50c GiovCS t ' ' ' Vn Laces and embroideries c a yard up Pine tabic linens, dress goods, blankets and trunks, prices all reduced. Suits for ths small boy or the bis man, ' K i FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET tVRNlUt iVjOIMICUt A.NO STATE bTREBTS, sau:,!, ORSQQX. iv.u..l.. tnr t.llft leXl'UUUN ought to be removed from this earth's payrolls. 4 We are receipt of two new ex-changes-The Yaqulna tug and the Ontario Mattock-one published by the soaslde and one In the mines. You know which. It the Linn county members strut and walk the air a little, remember they are holding a state poultry show up there without a stato appropria tion. Incredible, but true. Asking "Hob" to account for a cam paign fund produces about as much effect as singing psalms to a dead nmlr.. Hut, there ure others who handle funds not theirown Just about as caroloM. January 10, there wlll.be tho first curtain rising on the California sena torial drama. .Shall It be farce or tragedy ? Oregon Is happily uenvereu from the monstrous hydra of corrup tion called senatorial elections. Score one for Duuoar, the new secretary of state. He has struck the first blow for reform In ordering all the boarding houso and lodging house privileges out of the state house. Let the Ride boards, demijohns and house bill 101 follow. There Is a stroDg sentiment In tavor or keeping Admiral Dewey on the active list after ho roaches tho age limit, Dec. 2J, 1699. Tills was done In caMjs of the naval heroes of the civil war Farragut and Fortor. The politicians will do well to keep blm there. XXX Let the Republican party make a decent record In this legislature. If the war hid not broken out the Union party had won hands down. Reform tho clerkship abuse; put the stale treasury in order; trim the whiskers oil the sinecures and politi cal grafts; give us better road and school laws; In other words, become Populists. X X X After long hammering and pound ing by this paper a public examina tion has been held at Salem for ap plicants ror West Point, lint the re sult or tho competitive examination Is not made public. It Is reported to be sent to Washington. Congressman Tonguo has round out that he cannot appointed who he pleaos So fur nono of his selections have been able to keep what they got. Portlaud Telegram. Yctcrday afternoon a small boy was scattering the contents or a bag of hemp seed about the iiostmtlce yard. On being illiestloned, hc said the seed whs furn- lnhed by a lady at the Portland hotel for tho beiiulll of the sparrows and other birds that mnke the trees In the postoirlcc yard a gathering place. Slaughter... ...on LAMPS j FANCY CROCK KRY GLASSWARE i And all Holiday Goods will be sold at uny price from now on. Come and see the goods and) on will be overcome with our low bargains. SOMMIN TUB 011UCP.lt 134 Stato it Telephone 51 visit M Of the balance of the Stock Dry Goods Store at 257 Commercial street, from the 7th to the 21st, daily and evening. The manager has arranged with several traveling men to sell their samples at auction, which will be sold at the same place, In the Samples there is only one of a kind from a baby's hood and baby's stockiing to a man's necktie or suspender, over shirt or undershirt, sweaters, capes, jacketsamong them the very best goods of the samples. Some splen did underwear for men and women, There will be over five thousand different articles, among the drum mersf samples which are to be sold at auction only, but the balance of the dry goods stock will be sold at private sale and auction. This sale will be a treat to the ladies and gentlemen who attend; as the samples are all first class goods and all are to be sold without limit or reserve, S, FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer, ffl 1 The fall of snow hud made hard pick ' log for the rcathercd tribe. XX X j The people who ask a state bounty .or $50,000 to encourage sugar beet In- 'dustry ought to be able to show that the llax industry and tho prune In dustry and tho mohair Industry and tho wheat Industry and other Indus tries arc not quite as much entitled to a bounty. They will probably be prepaied to show that the 350,000 will not go directly Into the pockets or tho trust that tlxes the price ot sugar, and that the price or sugar to the consumer will be reduced In pro portion to the Increased tuxes the property or the state will have to bear. To The Hon. Legislators. Tho "Crnnlse" studio bus removed to larger und more commodious quarters In tho Eldrldgo block In the old Cherrlngton gallery, over the New ork Racket store. They All Say The Salem "Special" Hour made by that new machinery beats the world. Try It, i tf i i. mm 1 TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY ' Tako Laxativo Uromo Quinine I Tablets. All druggists refund the ' money If It falls to cure. 25c. The gonulne has L. li. Q. on each tablet. Fresh TWICE A WEEK. OUR ROASTED COFFEES 12,c Ulended guaranteod better than package coffee. .15 cent Coffee, two kinds. 20 cent Coffee, four kinds. 36 cent Coffee, live kinds. :W cent Coffee, three kinds. 5 cent Coffee, three kinds ! cciu, ijuuee ivvo Kiudi. 0 tent Coffee, two kinds. try nur Iresh roasted Coffee, or get a sample; will not cost you anything, and neither us, as wo will gain your Yokohama lea Store FREE DELIVERY mi tw1c FOR nPlfMJc 9. noirr UnUiiurtFr;r.U' BRIDGEPORT, CONN T, B. HART, Agent, H MiLt St. and 130 state St, U9"'w SALEM, ORE. Mi 6omiW6iul MARION COURTHOUSE. MCKNSKI) TO WEE. marriage wis Issued to Miss Mm nle Miller and Mr, F. T. Peebler, Mrs, j. x. .Meade, signing tlio affidavit. ' TWO DKHDS, Two deeds were llled in the recor ders olllce as loll vis: Elizabeth X. Read nnd husband to II. C. Parker, 21.31 acres or land in to, s r t vv, vv, d. $200. T. M. Cook and wife to Su?an M, Ncal, 103 acres or land In tn 9 a r 2 w. pd. 81000. STIU. THBV COME. Another attaachment suit waa Ulod In department No. 1 or the Marlon county circuit court by Thomas Tay. joriVLo., or ban Francisco ngalnst l'cter Reader, to recover SIGO.-JO al leged due on a bill or merchandise sold the derendant some time ago. John II. McNary Is attorney ror the the plaintiff. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward ror any case or Catarrh ihat can not be cured by Hall's Cutarrh Cure. I- .J. Cheney & Co., Props,. Toledo, 0. Wo tho undersigned, have known in' Ch,e,ney 'r the last 15 years, and believe III in perreclly Honorable In nil business transactions and tlnanclally S ! .it0. c?.rry 0llt anyoblluiuions made uj biiuii urui, West& Thl'a.x, bolosalo Drug "5S2i ., ,,... Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.' ' Hal fntlirrli ll..... I.. .i' . .' iiairs uiiurr i Ciii-h u nu l,. nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or tho system. ".? ..tle. Sold "by all WT ,vV -'usumouiais tree, Hall's Family Pills arc the host. The White Machines. mowing machines and bicycles, first tnlhl "e.W torrlt0. nrny I nd it street;' Portland; ore. " ? We Are the Leaders. Wo are the nnit. nii.,....i . ., feff "'..Cud d cuiluruc, ioo or iio. For 3toc and fixtures THe ft Sale.. EmDorium Sfllij... bimi Salem Cannery Wants Peas. Farmo'S and gardncrs who wish to nilll Ivitn rtntlia rlllrlrw. nnvf dftu.nn fsi. - canning purposes will please call on .ur. j. m. wtuiace ut tlio Salem Water Co.'s otllro In tho city hall and designate the nmount or ucrus they arc willing to plant. Helorc making positive arrangements In regard to operating the cannery next season It Is necessary to know approximately the acreage-that can be accurcd be fore the Hist or January. In caso the cannery l.s operated, each subscriber will be notltled or the rull particulars beroro the first or February, !2-d&vv2vv One Dollar, Dozen ror the best enamel cabinet photos. The Pickerlll Co., leading photographers, next to Red Corner drug store. tf AMUSEMENTS. GRAND CM Ulen b... llatkcDSlo's Orchestra IS i - BmaVSOVBBA HOUSE 8T. VAI.RNTINE'8 UAY Tuesday, February Hth VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEX A WAV. 1VATUI rOR ITRTIIER ANNOUNCEMENTS Wood - Coal Good Dry Tir and Oak wjd n"d De livered. Tine Tj-eo Burnlns Coal, D. S. BENTIiBY & CO. Snocesion to Sulew Irojirovement Co. Iw I'rtMf. front KUdCliemekcUSii. of 1 1. Will be sold in whole or part, re gardless of cost. Call and secure some rare bargains, , -.w MaV'H(I jvicy"i'ii'''''M m tmtmutmm.