S 'I 1 'f .o i. 7" f fc' y L,' ' 1 ' t'K a m B f M?' e 'P M i s: .(Q Miners PiperHeidsieck Plug Tobacco when they make a " strike," as it is the richest " mother lode " in Tobacco ever discovered. It has been "worked " for twenty years, and the vein is as rich and deep as ever, and is always on the same level. It assays "pure and per fect." Try the 10-cent piece to-day. CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. BY UOKBR BROTUEKS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 8g8. Dally, One Year $3.00, tn Advance Dally, Four Months $1 00. lr? Advonoe. Weekly, One Year $1.00, In Advanoo GREAT FIGHT OVER TEXT BOOKS IN OREGON. Thero was a bard Unlit. Id Oregon last spring over the office ot State Su perintendent of Schools. It wus fore ordained by tlm educational "pow cru" wltbln the Ropubllcan party that State Superintendent Irwin must go. Ho could not be relied on by the school book trust politicians. Tliey bad founlit blm when bo was a candidate and confidently expected bis defeat. But bis Methodist friends, bis Grand Army frlonds and bis abil ity to make stump speeches put blm lnoQIcowlth lots of votes to spare Hut It would never do to renominate blm, In the eyes or tbo IIlRh Lords of the School Trust. IIo could not bo relied upon to appoint a Stato Board of Examiners who would all vote uod bustle for tbo trust. He said so be fore the state convention and sa.ld furthermore that there should be toxt book legislation, as Oregon public school books were costing a groat deal more monoy than In other states, where they used tbo same books. That settled it. Irwin could not have a second term, Tho Portland text book rlog went to Astoria to put up a uikn wbo could bo relied upon. Hon. Cinderella's fairy god-moth- er, with one touch of her magic wand, I transformed the maiden's rags and latter into the richest silks and sat int. There are thousands of young' women to day who Jneed a fairy j crod tnothir I who will touch Lthetn with the I wand of health. rA eirla best Kift la her Ecaltli, Urery Kin may be a healthy girl Land become a healthy wife and a capable mother, If she will but take the proper care of herself in a womanly way. Dr. Fierce' Favorite Prescription is the best medicine for ailing women, young or old. It strengthens and invigorates the organs distinctly feminine. It promotes regularity of their functions. It allay Ir ritation and inflammation It checks un natural and exhausting drains. It put the whole organism concerned in wifehood and motherhood into per feet condition. Almost j; of tho ills of womankind are traceable to some form of what is known as " female complaint, " Trouble of this Mud unfit a woman for wifehood ond mother hood. Thousand of grateful women have Wen rendered healthy and happy by the use of this marvelous medicine. At their own request, the experience and testimony of many of them have been included in Dr. Fierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser. The "Favorite Prescription'' is sold by all good dealers and an honest dealer will not try to induce you to take an Inferior substi tute for the sake of extra profit. r a. A. Conner, of Alleehauy Spring. Mwrtaooety Co.. Va , writes. ' My daughter. mue& u vear. had a noltre coming on her neck and It disfigured her very much I uytbat IIWai bottle of Dr. fierce In paper coven blading, to cents uy tbst it lias disappeared after toe u otic Dr. riercea j'avoruc itckiivihh In paper covers, one-cent stamps; ciotn Ii3itur. iu cents extra. Dr. Wercc's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr, m V HnrfjClsssssfl -JsWHr R. V. Pierce, Bufialo, N. Y, 'n " chew Dick Williams at the bead of the board, Mr. Rlglor, Capt. Wetzell and a host of ngonts and runners from all over the stato were on band to nominate a man who was to bo a "practical Educator" with a big "P." who-would appoint any kind of board of examiners, to select textbooks, wbo would bo wanted by the trust. Thus Mr. Acker man of tho Portland toxtbook syndicate was nominated. As county superintendent of schools he had stood Iu with tho comblno and voted for CO textbooks ot their publication out of a possible sixty An exact majority of tbo members ot tho board of 41 'experts" voted for exactly tho samo Identical list of textbooks and they Included publica tions that progressive teachers pick up with a shudder and use with a chill. Mr. Ackorman ran several tbouHiod votes behind tho re9t of the ticket and tho first act of the special session wus to uppolut a Joint com mittee to revise tbo school laws or ibo stuto and especially the toxtbook law, to take selection of textbooks entirely out of bis bands. Now If Mr. Ackerman Is tho man wo tuko him to bo ho will be glad to bo rid cf the Job or appointing a state board of examiners to select text books. Tho proposed law provides a textbook board of five men to bo named by tho Governor who arc to do tho work heretofore dono by tbo stato board of examiners and tbo county superintendents 11 persons, moro or less obscure who cannot bo bold responsible. Once In 6lx years the new textbook board will select books for the public schools of Oregon. They can be called together at any 1 1 mo to act on this matter It any action Is needed. They will te known, prominent poisons, men and women who havo reputations at stako and cannot afford to bell themselves to any publishing house. Furthermore thoy uro not to bo tcachors. A reward of a principal ship or any other cdueatloual In ducement from tho comblno Is not going to Influence them to select an Inferior book, or to select one at u pilco higher than other states pay for tho Bame book, bo wo say, Mr, Ackerman you ought to be glad to hayo such a board created. You know that If you act under tho present law you will be required to serve tbo combination you have worked with In tho past-Tho com bine that nominated you and that spent Us monoy freely to elect you. All this Is said without any disrespect to Mr. Ackcrmuo because anyone who knows anything about school pclltlcs In Oregon, knows what has bceu done In tbo past and will be dono again If tho peoplo do not cbungo tlo present system. Mr. Ackerman said during tbo campaign that bo was not tho Book Co. Caudldato. Tho Republi can papers said so. If that Is truo lot blm keep bis bauds oil and let that obnoxious system of selectlgn textbooks bo abolished und a better ono adopted, .-- -,,? - iiBiimmmrfinrfiinTn wnrf Immediately alter tbo Juno election some ono interviewed the Republi can leaders in Multnomah county and they declared one and all that tbey were under no obligation to any Book Co. for assistance In tho campaign. If any Book Co. bad helped any ticket It had helped the Mitchell Republi can and not tbo regular Republican. Harvey Scott, Jo. Slmon.Mr. Corbett, and all tbo Republican leaders de clared tbey were In fayor of rbolili- Ing the present system and would In troduce a bill to adopt the system em ployed In other states where some of the same text books used here were secured at much lower prices, and that would leave the people tho right through proper authority to get the best and the most improved school books at tho lowest prices. The Republican leaders have kept their pledge and the legislative com mittee have met and fearlessly dis charged their duty. They made an effort to take the selection of public school textbooks out of politics and out of tbo hands or tho textbook trust. Tbo agents of tho trust rvcrc heard. They brought all sorts ot in fluence to bear on tho committee. But, beaded by Senators Daley and Mulkcy and Representatives Hall, Young and Palmer, the committee withstood all efforts and infiueoccs and have given tho people a fair and square knock-out reform bill in the true Interests of the public schools of this und coming generations. The bill for tho revision of school laws will be the most Important measure before the legislature. It will be fought with all the cunning, skill and unlimited resources of the. book trust. That light will be largely waged through the public school machine of Oregon. Teachers and superintendents and principals will be arrayed against the bill from all over tbo state. Lobbyists will bo brought from pther stales. Attorneys will bo hired by the book trust In every county In the state. Book sellers will be en listed and the poverty of tho people will bo cited as an argument against any change In tho present system. Editorials from The Joun NAT, In opposition to a chnnge four years ago, when textbooks were last adopted, will be placed In everybody's hands. We argued then against any action or any cbungo under an unjust system that had been foisted upon the peoplo under Stato Supt. McElroy, und unless this system Is abolished we shall again do all In our power In opposition to a change iu textbooks under the present system which Is simply a combination of robbery aud stupidity. Wo arc only forecasting the light that will be made to prevent this much-needed and lust reform now demnndedand undertaken by the Republican party In answer to a pub lic sentiment that will no longer be thwarted by tho textbook trust. Tho latest move Is to tako tho textbook provisions out of tho bill to revise the school laws and make It an Independ ent mcasuro and thus give the trust a little better chauco to tret In IU work on this bill be Da rate and alone and wo are sorry to see some so-called educators enlisted In this round about move of the enemy. Wo shall In another article rcvlow the efforts made by mjuio of these gentlemen. In the meantime the people should not sleep. They should demand this re form begun by the Republicans of Oregon, to their great credit. THE MARION COUNTY BALLOT FRAUD OASES. Tho lust day of the year Is a tlttlnp; time to review the most remarkable occurrence of a remarkable political year. UOS wus tho Urmlo of the fttruKL'lcs In OrcKon that tfrcw out of the silver Issue. When the writer came to Oregon ubout ten years ago, he found tho Republican party la control of the blmetallsts. Mitchell wus senator and was returned on u frco coinage platform, Tho Hryan campaign carried with It all who were disgusted with Repub lican trickery on the sliver question, and with tho combine that con trolled the MuKlnley convention!, to support of Dryan. Iu the stato cam paln of 1603 there was but one course for houcst blmetalists to pursue und that as to go Into one party against the gold standard party and tight It out. Tho Union ticket In this dis trict was tho result with Boise and D'Arcy as candidates for circuit Judges. This wus tho situation Unit brought about the contest that was carried ou In a fair and honorable manner until ballot frauds were uuearthed In Ma rlon county by the vlgllauco of tho Union county chairman, W, T. Rig don, and leading and Influential men In both tho Rcputllcau aud Union parties. Tho facts developed showed that thero was aconsplraoy to hold back the returns and havo a recount In Marlcn county, after tbo other county returns In this district wero made and ofllclally coufitoJ. Then It wasdlccoyerei that the tally sheets In threo precincts in Marlon county bad been altered so as to supply enough tallies to elect one of the Union can dldatcs for Judge and defeat the other. A wavo of excitement went over tho county and Judge Boise acted with great energy and decision of character to secure his certificate of election. In all the acts which followed It was plain that the sliver party was as keen as the Republicans to have the perpetrators of the crime against pur ity of elections ferreted out and con victed. All distinctions of party lines disappeared In the' prosecutions. The men arrested for connection with the offense wero Republicans and Democrats. The crime attempted was against a Populist and In tbo Inter est of a Democrat. But Democrats were as earnest in acmanuing a thorough investigation and let the lightning of Justice fall on whoever was guilty. Among the mon arrosted wus one connected with tho Union stato central commit tee. An indictment was promptly returned at the last term of Judgo Burnett's court and then it was dis covered that an ereor Pad been made In the drawing of a substitute for ono of the grand Jurors wbo was taken sick and had to be excused. This was an error or Judge Burnett and be bravely faced bis mistake and dis missed the indictments, rather thau be reversed in tho supreme court after putting tho county to the expense of securing a conviction. He held the defendants under bonds to tho next term of the graod Jury In February when Indictments will be sought do novo and trials will no doubt follow. At the January term of the Marlon county court a new list of Jurors must Deselected by the judgoand commls sioners. Two hundred names must bo taken from the tax roll for 189S, and from these grand aud trial Jurors for 1809 must be drawn. The law govern ing the selection ot Jurors was amended In lfi03 so that tho county court may select 400 to 000 names In stead of 200 and there 19 a One of WOO for any one who suggests names orally or by writing them on a slip and hand ing them to any member of tho county court when it Is making up injury list. It Is a tremendous responsi bility that rcsti on the county court In selecting this Jury list. Both the stato and the defense are entitled to a ury that shall be above suspicion or reproach. That thero have been charges ot political Intlucnco In the selection of Juries In tho past makes tho duty of the court In selecting this jury all the moro Important. Ons; of the grayest crimes against free Institutions has been committed In Marion county. It Is u crimo that strikes at tho pur ity of ejections and tho Independence of the Judiciary. Much as one may b: Inclined to wish to sec every man and his family spared the humil iation und degradation of a convic tion forsuch an offense. A higher sen timent of duty to the free Institutions under which we lire and the rights of tho accused to a complete acquittal if innocent, requires that theso trials of the ballot frauds in Marlon county to conducted In the strictest compliance with law and that eyery detail of the law be strictly observed and then let tho responsibility for conviction or New Goods Arriving Dailv Suits for the small boy from .$1.50 up Suits for men 3.50 up Overcoats and Mackintoshes at greatly reduced prices. We do not intend to carry one over, so we have Umbrellas DRESS GOODS TABLE LINENS COMFORTERS Fine Goodj FRIEDMAN'S ;NEW .BACKET CQUfJER COMMlJUpJAJ. AND STATIi StRKETB, SALKM, OKK40N. failure to convict tail wbero it be longs. The county court nitlst select the Juryllst. Whether It be composed or 200 or 400 or GOO names. Tbey should be the names of the very best and wildest cltlr-ens of tbo county without regard to their politics, re ligion or pcrtonol Interests. If the county cou'b will take all the ellglblo names and put them In a box and shake them up and then draw out 200, or 400, or 000, for the Jury list, lust as the regular panel la drawn out, no charge of "selection" could be raised. But we are satisfied, and the public will be satisfied, that the manner In which the Jury list will be drawn, will be lawful and honest. How It Hurts. Rheumatism, with Its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid In tho blood has accum nlated In your Joints. The cure Is fouud In Hood's Sarsaparllla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that they have been completely cured or rheumatism by Hood's bar Bitparllla. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, biliousness, Indigestion, Price 25 cents. Many a houiehold Is saddened because of failure to keep safe and certain cute fot croup such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that your lluls onos ate protected. Stoic's Drug Store, When yon ask for De Witt's Hatel SaWe don't accept a countettiet. There are more cases of piles being cured by this, than all others. Stone's drug store. SICK HEADACHE ABiOLUTELY AND permanently cured by tnlng Mold Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cutes constipation and fndigestton, makes you est, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 50c. Lunn & Brooks druggut. o -.as. 3 x o at?, ac j. Bearsta Tt King Tw Hilt MW) ""r '&&& Soothing, healing, cleinsing, DeW Ill's Witch Hsxel Salve, the eoemy of sores, bums and wounds. It never falls U core piles. Lunn St Brooks, dtuggisU, o.v.asTom.rr.A.. Jm 9 Kiad Vo" H BoiW m6&&fW& & Orercome eril rlth &, Orercome your with One Minute Conch coughs and colds Cure, It cures croup, tionchuis.pneumonia, iur. tionchitis.pncumonia, la grippe and Inng diseases Stoie. diseases. Stone's Drug The rooner a cough or coin Is cured the hetier. Llneerinr colds ate danaerous. Ooc Minute Cough Cure quickly cutes it. Why sutler when sued a cougn cure is within reach? It isfeleasant. oione's Drug store. A cough li UOt like a ferer. It does not huve to run a certain course, Cure it quickly with One Minute Cough Cure, the best rem edy for all. We reccommtnd it because its good. Stone's drug store. P.VPEttlF.NCH IS THE BEST TEACHER Use Acker's English Remedy in any cast of coughs, colds or croup, snouia 11 iau 10 1" inirae dlale telle money refunded. 35c snd 50c Lunn & Brooks, druggists. o.A.jes,x,c:r:x.A.. Usarstas TM Wad twHi9Wm BcejW DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BV using Acker's Dypepsla Tablets. One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25c. Lunn & Brooks, druggitts. Late to bed early to rise prepares a man for his home in the skies. Little Early Riser, the pill that, make life longer, better and wiser. Stoue's drug store. MADE MEA'MAN AJAX TABUrraiVB'.s vu,u, a IT. k'.rwu IHttatn Vtlilm U'-t PI tr Al.uiau4oikr Vscmm an4 IiulU W twtaraLulMUUrlaoiaorioaM.aaS o fil osu tor stud7,baslaM or marilM -Jfe Israel launltr sad OoujaptlOB it tlunpoa uiwk th csaalrs AJax Tablirts. Im t.-idThnndi ud will sara roa. . O. tin rTAT . .. vlntAfwlM. nrralar tr Foe sals in Salem Or., by D. T. FRY drsgebt cut the price onethird. HATS, AND, CAPS BLANKETS TRUNKS ANDYALISES at Qicap Frices, PROPOSAL INVITED. f h board ot trustee of Oregon 8tate Insane Asylum, hereby Uvits sealed proposals, for furnishing to the asylum, St SaWra, Oregon, (or six months ending Jane M. 9, goods and supplies as hereinafter described. o.mr,t. nirlK scan at th asylum, or secured from the asylum eoramlsiary, except where bidder li required to furnish sample. DRY COOD3. i,w ..t. twmnt A ihertlnr. 4 In., brown. 1,W0 yards fequot A sheet hr.M In., brown 1 sooyards, Lonsdale shtUng,SS In., bleschrf. 1000 yards Mariner's stripe shirting, Amos- art ysnls A. C. A. ticking, 9S in. , too yards mattress ticklnr, as per sample. 1X00 yards crash, bleached. 18 In., per sample. 400 yinls crash, checked, IS., in per sample. 3X1 yards stlesia drab, per sampio. 100 yards Farmer's satin, per sample, l.ooovardseingbam. per sample . .. , 400 yardscallco, green, seal, turxey reu.snu, per sample, 1,000 yards calico, B Indigo blue, a In, per 73UUS UlCItS WUkWii svs 'w --- r-- . aodos ladles' cotton ho No 101jMrsmpie. r.li. MSiti! sites 24-3. II -. "Xri, & . as per sample. , dox thimbles, No S, as per sample, lidos suspenders, s per sample. 1 g gr pcarlbuttons, smoked, 4 holes, lines il, Vg grpMlDUltons, white, 4 holes, lines 21, as K grsPh?rt buttons, F. B. 40. as per sample. tgrrest buttons, as per sample. 3 ggrrnu buttons, as per sample. 'JDdox I lUiKV tVM HU; i . "" " " P24donxstay binding, n. AW.. No. 10, white, is pacts pins, r s t catic, i .r Sfl boxes hair pins, as per sample. , Sgr Duplex safety pfns. No f aspsr sample. I40papersneeaies,iuili, n. ..."- - . IWdoxtnr.ad, J. P. Coat's or Clark's 0. 8-80, N.T., white. w-10, ao-uu.io-jii uit, mw., 9S, lo-ia. GROCERIES. 7.000 pounds rice, No. 1 Isand. 20 pounds gloss starch. Klngstord s Mb pVg. 48 due oysters, core. Field's. 200 pounds mscaronl. whit. 8-lb boxes, row ponnds sal soda. ...i. CO pounds beeswax, common, as per sample. ISO pounds pearl barley, 251b boxes. 100 pounds cream tartar, Folder's 25-lb boxc. 20 pounds candles, Htearic Wax. 14 ox. 40 dox corn canned, "Usttle Ax. ' lOdos (llant powdered lye, Mb cans. 3 dox Worchcstcrshlro sauce, quarts, L. : P 40 pounds bluelur, Nuromburg, balU, L. A. ICO pounds China starch. 1J0 pounds L. L. raisins, 20-lb boxes. 25 gr safety matches, Vulcan or llarlma. tm pounds soda crackers, XXX, mere or less, atiirerea as requireu. 75 pounds sago, 15,000 pounds Liverpool salt. BUOAit. Granulated sugar, cans, (Am. pounds. Kxtra "C" sugar saue, lAm. Kef.) 15,0 Ref.J H.Ou pounds, BYIIUP. 2,&W gal syrup, bidder to submit ssuple. BOAP. 2.60S pounds, net, Savon, best standard soap, Opirou taufg, per sample. , auu cakes PesrleM kitchen soap per sample. CHEESE. 400 pounds Oregon lull cream cheese, more or lew, best quality, delivered as required. FLOUK, 800 barrels Not flour, more or leu, delivered as required. . ,. ... 40 parrels no 1 wranaiu, wuic ui ii, uc ltvercd as required. MEAT. Mo nntind beet ixr day. more or lew. deliv ered as required, equal parts (ore and hind quarters, 10 commence tub. 1, lsW. JU) pounds mutton per day, more or less.de llvcred as required, equsl parts fore and hind quarters, to cemmene Feb. 1, 19W. FISH. 600 pounds of salmon per week more or lets, delivered as required without heads. BltUailES AND BROOMS IS dos No 1 best brooms, per sample. 3 dox whisk brooms, per sample. 2 dox scrub brushes, M, persarai'le. Sdoa dust brushes. 7 n Sunset, per sample. ldox dust brushes, "11.11." per sample. ldox (rather dmters, ostrich, 22 In, per sample. SHOES. M nalr ladles shoes sixes 3 12, 4 20, (-30, 6 23, 'le. M0, i 4, per sample 12 gross sbou laces, 4-4 per sample. VINEGAK, 700 gal vinegar, 40 gr, pure elder, bidder to submit sample. COFFEE. 4,000 pounds Costa Rica coffee, per sample. 4JO pounds Java, per sample, 800 pounds Mocha, er sample. MX) pounds chicory, er sample. KOLbED OATd.ETC. 8 000 pounds rolled oats, In barrels. 2.0U0 pounds steel-cut oats, In barrels. 4.0U0 pounds cracked wheat. In barrels. M0 pounds cream wheat Iu barrels. 1,000 pounds hominy, large, lu bartels. 1,000 pounds hotalny, small, In barrels. l,uu pounds coru meal, fellow, In barrels. TOBACCO. 8,000 pounds Battle Ax tobacco- BEANS. 10,000 pounds beans, No. 1 Navy per sample. HI'ICES. 900 pounds ppr, black fi-lbcaus. standard ground, 100 pounds cinnamon standard ground, Mb cans. 23 pounds macs, stanuam grouna 0-10 cans. 21 pounds sage, standard ground, 5 lb cans 15 pounds cloves, whole. 3 pounds aliplce, whole. CKOCKEItY. SOdoscoflVe cups, W Q ware, per sample ii dos saucers, W U war, per sample. 10 dos dinner plates, W O vrare, per sample, ados pie plates, WO ware, per sample. 5 dos pitchers, 1 sal, W a ware, per sample 1 dos pitchers, toilet. W O ware, per sample SO dos soup bowls, v Q ware, per simple. 6 dos baker's 7-lu. W O ware, per sample 10 dos baker's 10-In W O ware, per sample A dos cream pitchers, W U ware, pr sompte, & dos platters. 10-In. WO ware, por sample. 2 dos salt shakers, per sample. 1 dos pepper shskers, per sample. 1 dos mustard bottles, per sample. 2 dos vlnegsr bottlss, per sample. 2 dox s) rup pitchers, ir sample. li dos glas tumblers, pr sample. CIILOMDK LIMK UO pounds chlor Urns, 1-lb cans, per ssmpl. BTATIONKUY. 1 kt Indelible Ink, Parson's . iiU Ink, Paul's .aa par sample. i dos lead pencils, AW Faber's No 4. 1 f r pens, incandeaeant. No Jacobs. S gr pens, OiUott'a Ho b&t, H V, db lelas. 1 gr pens Falcon D. 1 gr pens, bVat's stub. No D. MIBCELLANliOUa. 8 dos combs, dressing per sampla. 3 dot shoe blacking, Muxon's No S. 12 dot bath bricks. 4 dot bowls, granite Iron. No 125 per sample. 10 dos knlvea, iron handle, per sample. lao pounos axis grease. DRIED APPLES. 3.000 nounda dried aDDlca (bidder to submit sample.) TINNING. 'Towyards calico. American, black snd white, IM'ErdTwhUe tabl. oil cloth, best quality. 2 boxes IX Uenlo redlpped roofiinl tln.iOxJJJ iwpuusu, PU1UCT, ft HW ;S SO bushels charcoal. 0 sheets No. IS, galv Iron, 30x9, sheets No. 2 galv Iron, aOxM. 12shMUNo.221l.a black Iron. 30i. a dot No. t malleablo Iron kettle ears, tinned, t dos black Japaned ball woods. 1 box 1 X bright tharcoal tin, tDxH. PI.UMDINQ. 24 eacb S and K in. elbows. luorueach K.V. W. In black pipe. 12 compression boae nibt,nnUhed H In. with slutting box and 8. 0. T. 12 yards bras safety chain. No, t. llwchround gauge glaas washers,tH, h ami U In. 12 each square guage glass washers H, S and liln. HAUDWAItE. 100 poanda mixed No, 4 horse shoes, light, Amortca or Ptuznlx. 100 pounds mixed No. 3 horseshoes, light, American or Pnctnlx. 100 pounds mixed No, 2 horse shoe, light, Amencan or Phcenlx. i ponnda each Nos. 5, S, 7 and 8 .Captwell duiw mun &iu, njuimua neau. 4 horse rasps, Heller llroa, IS in. 2.0CO pooutu Cumberland coal, per sample, lu) feet U In. round Nonrar Iron. 100 bet each round Norway Iron, 8-t, 7.1, IcijMCb carriage bolU. Vix2K, 5xS, VJH. Ux4 B-inxtH. TlaxJ, J-WxIH. Nx2, Sis,' Nxsh. 71i, ". a pounds eoU blank nuts 5-tS, S and V In. iu iwiui lib square tool stsei. ft feet of IK-In. aquar tool steel. 30 tWt or h-la. aquare harrow tooth ateL nns'sitn ind 14. 1 Attrtitronr tool holder I gr cacIi Hlix tcrcwi N 1 srf Mrh U In tifn?WI. Nl Nit.i. ... 2 i. .V A. os i, anu o. -,., -. ft in . . Ns ft 7. ft tltl 0. S gr each H In terews. Nos 0,8, and 10. ',...!. t. Inurm NnSS. Band 111 i!".:'. V"V..' Vj..: ' u ,,i ii 'rv.ri'w v fn-v.; u. 4 greach l In screws, Hos 8. 10. W. and 1 it each ljiln screws, Nos , 11, IS. and 15. 1 gr each s in screws, noi s.anu iu, 1 Kr each SU In screws, Nos ll and IS. 1 Breach 24 In screws Not 10. IS and 14. 1 Uea each slim taper files, 4, ft, 6 and 8 In. DHUGB. lOOirrsra yil Merc oxide, friulbb, 3 kilogracld boric powd. IMulbb. 1 kilour acid tartaric powd, 8ju Ibb, 3 kllogr ammon brom gran. Bqulbb. 1 kllogr acacia powd, jiulj)b. 1 kllogr bUmothsubnlUHbulhb. S kllogr chlorororm. 600 m bottles, SqUlbb. 4 kllogr sod brom Squibb. 2 kilotfr nnx Tomlca. powjl. Bquluit. SO pounds arld.carlwlfo gold labul, Merck, 1 pound acld.nltrlc VV Merck. 2S pounds iwtMsluni, brom.Rram, Mrrclc. 5 pounds sodium, phos ftrsn, Merck. 1 pound Max Van bosn tyt In Lhn Kink. , 5 pounds oil or orange, sweet, duplex, liaml prcoscd, Lehn Flsk. JO pounds ammou, clilorldogrsn. a pounds borax powd. 10 tl stronger ammonia In 5 gal glM contain- s'pounila other snlpli.Msl. , S4 pounds acid muriatic com, In o lb glass stoppered bottles, Mai. ft Ilia magnesia carb K. v M. 6 pound prepared rhalk select. 1 pOUnU DOWU UIT1H roui, HUltltl. SO pollndf rasellne, Clirciiborough 1 nfrl l.h frft liiln. lutlllltl A. immIi ROIC, KICVk oljart A podoph, Wyeth. liootablrilcalomcland od, blcrbcp,VyBlh. WOUbtrlt, codelns solph U gr.Wyetli. 1,000 tab trlt,oplumMKrWjeili. 1 0. al ll ezt snrsap Co, (for syrup) Vjela. i lb wine of coca Wyelh ItloieU sodphus 1,000 hypodermic tab No 4.V Wyeth. ft sal nut syr hypophoa, No 1, Wreth. t fb com cithlpllls' lmp!No too.l'l) A 1 gal auiextwiic 2 pound pepslno 1 3 pounds liayden 0 lbs milk ofmsei SO pounds dlgestlb 1 dox listtlfV pan! 2 pound IUttW 1 gal diit ext witch hazel, 1 D A Co, 2 pound pepslno powd Kalrchlld. 3poutHllIaydensVlbO. 0 lbs milk ormsftnesla, i'lilinp. 30 pounds digestible cocoa, l'lilll llllps'. Dine. 3 pounds IlattWw bromldla. q.ln.rjmli.rt', ltafnrlnrt. 2 pounds Worden's, geollno nasal and Uiroat spray. H dox katharmon. H dox xymoclde, II A (J. A do Alleock'i porous nlaaters. 1 uos Tin mariani 2 pounds aboorlient cotton, U lb pi packages. 1. nnnmi. AlMuirlMni rnttnn I llltlWfffl, 1 grOM each pasteboard pill boxes, Nos 29, SO groa Miller's pat tin ointment boxes, yt ox. 2 dux glssn eursrr.smsll. 1,000 powd paper, No. 7S U W T A Co, 1 each en 11 ermsn porcelain orunoratlng uisuc. Moa 0 and No 1 w T . o, 100 white falter papers. 10 in, W T A Co 300 eacn wnile mier papers, 13 ami ia in, WT A Co 1 grow raih prescript, vtala, pbll ov! 2. 1 and 4ox.WTACo. 1 dox chamoU. per sample. 120 cakes Williams' ehitving soap per sampU lOoOdrueranvslope SxSHm. S dos Alpha fountain s yr. No 4. All good must bo in accordant w'h sswawhw and In original package when possltrin. Other things being equal artlaies o' Oreston manu facture or production will be, ies preference. Each bid must imludo tm as well as totals, except bids for flour, meat and ftsh. A copy or this advertisement miut accompany each Md, and the name of the clan ot supplies be Inscribed on the envelope. Auditing oIIIc-m are pro hibited from confirming account Jof purchase, unlets the advertisement contains a full de scription of tie articles to bo purchased. Each bidder will bo require! to furnish with his bid a certified check for an (amount equal to 10 per cent of his bid save that for floor the chock is to bo t:0, for meat 1130. for fish 76J. payable toUis order of the board to be returned In case bid is rejected or proposal compliod with. Delivery of supplies! will bo required within 15 days afUr notlco of acceptance of bid. Voucher will not be Issued nntll the bidder has compiled with lil; contract. Tho right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Bids will bo opened at tho office of tho govornor, at Halem. Oregon, at 2:30 o'clock p.m. on Mond.y, Janu ary 3, Itvi, Dated at Balcm, Oregon, December ,U'" WII.MAM I"U)IID, 11. It Kl.Nl'AII). Villi.. MKTSU1AN. Board of J rutteea, O b 1. A. W.B.DUNIWAY, Secretary of Hoard. snonr unu a wiitue nun uay iiuicKcr . .- .-J .....!. . .. .... l-l than any Other line to Omaha, Kan- has uiby, ou ijuuia aim uu uuxi antticrn xnrt Ginf liAnutArn il.toa. v.v..v.. -v. v.. -.,..... ..-., 20u Miles Tli 1 eo routes east via Diuver, htnili . U.- Imn Paul, and niltlngs, Mont. Tickets atilJI yiiUI I OIIUI L LlllvJi offices of connecting llnw If you w east via omana, you can stop oil nod see the Trans-MUaUslppl exposlilon A. C. SHELDON. Gen'l agent Portland Or When Going East Use a lirst-class line In traveling between Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chlc0, and the principal towns In Central Wisconsin, Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair cars in service. The Dining cars are operated in the. inter est of its patrons, the rroit elegant service ever inaugurated. Meals are served a la Carts. To obtain first-clau service your ticlce should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. (or all connections at Chicago and Milwaukee For eastern points, ticlcetfull Information call on Sodr nearest ttck't agent or write JAS. C. POND General Pass. AgentMillwaukee. Or IAS. A CLOCK, Oneral Agent Wis Stark Street Portland Or. QUICK TIME NO CUAKGB COMPLETE COMFORT Those are the points that nuke railroad travel dessrable. Those are the nualliies that are the delight of the pas engcr over the popular NORTQERN PACIFIC RAILROAD The roadbed of the entire line has been Im proved and rides as smooth as a floor and now with Immense New Engines Yestibule Double Door Coaches Delightful Sleepers There is nothing left to be desired. Rates always low to sll points east. For particulars se THOMAS, WATT & CO. 237 Commerital Street CURE YOURSELF! Im tlisU for unnatural dlxhiruM, ludsuiiualUns. i Irritallvui or ulcfaiUas Irnntu vwutua. 1'slnlru, sn1 not tttln- litusOii euCa. " or oisoo4s I Mold by nran-tsls, or scat la fUta r.Nt. t cxprtu, prepaid, tot ixsn, or J Lotties, SJ.I4. UicuUr Mnt on rwjbisi. i'HssW'ia TiitsB Mr la lul 4;a W JHv Qunaiitl m . ul la tuUiar. la' yn woumt.q .Kg C s. a. 3f SssBsl iMffiiririf i iipMar'-WMwa - TMiiiUMimi ii TIMR SC1IKDULK. From Portland. AUlTg. Fast Mail 8 pm rfalt Lake. Denver m Wnrll. rt.l.- ' City, St. Louis. riiu, an d East. " ........ Spoknne Flyor 2 pm Wa a Wall,v, Spokane Mlnneapolli, St. Paul' Duluth, Milwaukee Cli ! Spokim Flyer io.'i5 am -b- -tn, liaa 8 pm 0CAf.ANlllSTEAMaHIPS. 4 r "1 .... -K uaitt nib. ICC t tO Chin rr. I For San Frnncltc.,. I ". 33, 38, Jan 2,7, 17. 22 and 27, ,7M 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMERS ex, Sun. Saturday lo p in To Astoria and way land 4Pm ex Sun ings, wiLLAMEtTERlVEHJi' Lvive ArSafem 6p.a. Mom West Fri roitland, Newburg and Way Landings (For Dayton Salem 71IS p m JTuslhu and bat to a m. Tu Tku Mon Wed Sit Fri ,3'Ji m WILLAMETTE RIVER Ar Salesa lean Wed sol Fri I, Salem Tu.Thur Corvallu Albany and Way Points. bat 3p. in WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Dally boats to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oreg Oty if the steamers are delayed there ojbS trip tickets to all points in Oregon. Wnhlcj. tss as nxiifbtnia. Connect o 1 mHe 3 tw. land with all raU, . -sm'ru .imsT W. H. I1WM. . 'TT. (Jen'I Pas. AbU Pot.lard, ,, G. M. roWBKX. Agent, IVds reet i Salem. IIOIBE A RAKKEK, L Agss. TAKE THE Canadian Pacific.R R And Soo Pacific Line -TO- Mii.neapohfl &t. raui Chicago Philadelphia Waihington Montreal Toronto New Yoik x Dostes anil all points east and sovthcait. Cheapct rates, beitseivice and sccomnw. daiions Through touiist sleepers to MmnesiolU, at. rani, ioronto, Montreal, anl Dorics without chance. Canadian Pacific Railway IVs. Emprta ine of steamships to Japan and China The tastest and Gneit sbips on the Pseifc ocean, Shortest snd bast route lo tie orient Caoadiao Australian S. S. Co, To Honolu!'., Fiji and Auslralis Tbt shortest route t the colonies. For rates, fo -lers and an7 intormsliet) 1 01 on or address, C. M. Lockwood, Agrnt, Office Phone No. 40. jS8 t. omm.-sl m Residence Phone No. 55. "m:P'J It II VOW T. ln.,1 .A ll.lr.t .1,-Al I..rtlSlld. lk I li" I" llV - ,- k r, QliyIX. ntatid Passenger Agent, ancou,sr. B.'' . . -,TIIF- Quickest. safest, Cheapes1 Line for all points Kitt und southeast. WMKK r,-rlininfT fh chair cars, Pullmin p1s sleeping car, and uphoUtered tourist slP ing cars on nil through trains. 1101SE & BARKER. Agent Sslem,OiJ C. a TERRY, Traveling Paisenger Afts W. E. COMAN, Generaj Agent. 124 Third Stree Portland. Or. EASTNDJOUTH rHE SrHSTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co KXrRESS TXAIWS RUN DAILV 6.-OOPU1 Lv... Portland. ..Ar 9-3 J 7.MS A u) Ar. San Francbco Lv JjggJJl " Above trnins stop at all jncip JWJJ bet. Portland and Salem, Turner Mart TeQerson, Alliany, Tangent. Sheddj.HsiKj, ifarruburR, JunctUCtw, Eugene, CrU Cottage urovc, uram, ii". ---tlons from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSKBURCJ MAlLAILyj S.oAMlLv.'.n'oTtTand . Ar 14 3aj lossAitf Lv....Balem ... -j5j; S.-io rui Ar.... Roseburg Ly 73 lmaTTufftf "sleeper and w sleepinRcarsatuehed to UgBh ' WEST SIDE DIVISION. mviiH roiTLAND AND COR'" ,D AND CORVAU-" ' except Sundsjr rtlind,. A'lSJ'J, Mail! tains daily 7.AOAU) Lx 1215 pstj Ar Portland. Corvallis At Albany and Corraitu cooow. trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. J KXPRES TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT StffP- LiZ- - -itr- .TT. alU 4--SOPM) 7.-30P u figo pm) Ly ...Portland... Arl!"?s.ii Lr....MeMlMTlUeI.f5il Ar lndependen i,iwndence w,i- Direct connections at San "! mi ccidenul aud Oriental and toIN wll rAmtAm A Of.snttt steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHIN- Sailing dates on application & Rates and tickets to Bute" jr)M from W, W. SKINNER, M " Sa,tm- R. KOEULER. ,$, C. II. MARKHAN!. G. K. iP. A. " tlRPART FOR .;. -(a- ,,-jj , . v.SL.."ai: "iMiL f t-Af- li-t .,'..-. fiasfidSusW.