Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 21, 1898, Image 1

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. M 4 '
JNO, 267
N?W York Racket.
In great abundance, the largest stock we ever
received, direct from New York, Our lines
take in fine albums, work boxcs,papcteric, shaving
sets, games ol all kinds, picture and story books,
dolls, chenile and other kinds of stand and table
covers, stamped linens, silk and linen handker'
chiefs, fine silk mufflers, hoods, fascinators and a
thousand other items, Call and sec for your
his decision, and
navnl protection.
nro nnxlous for
London, l)cc.21, Tho Dally Mall.
Mils morning says It credits tho report
that Australia will Join Canada In
defraying the cost of Paclllc cable
executive session, and at
lourncd until January 4.
1:40 ad-
Missing Parts
Prime Minister Sagasta
Trouble About Ekctine a King
Racket Prices Prevail in All Lines
ureal. Baroains
Going at manufacturers prices Only
a few left and they must be closed out
before the 1st of January
" " 7.00
" " 6.00
" " 5.25
5.50...... Box and cape coats 4.00
3,00 Cape coats 1.95
And everything else at removal sale prices.
Santa Claus' Letter
To the Fair Stere:
North Polk, Dec. 180i.
To Thk Faik Stork,
274 Commercial street, Salem, Or.:
Dkau Siu:-l Wave been a little delayed on account of tlie cold
weather, but my reindeers are In fine shape and will travel fait
to gather up Christmas toys and presents for everybody, and as I
have already made arrangements to have my headquarters at
THE PAIR STORE, I know that you are well supplied with
beautiful things for children and older people. You must have a
yery complete stock, fori have been advised that you are ths
largest shipper of holiday Roods inWesternOregon outside of Port
laoa. 1 believe you received 22 large cafes at one time, and 44 cases
of holiday po'ods altogether this fail.and 1 know that any one buy
InK Christmas toys In such large quantities as you do will be able
to sell everything very cheap, and 1 know that I can please all
the pood girls and boys and older people, too, with your nice pood.
Yours for Christinas toys and everything
P. S.-I will appear at THE FAIR STORE In pergon each
day for the remainder of the week.
llr Adoolnted 1'reai (o tho Juurnnl.
London, Dec. 21. The Madrid cor
respondent of the Morning Post, plves
a translation of tho 17 articles of the
IIispatm-Ainerlean treaty. Ills word
Inp with the oxcoptlon of tho 8th,
12th and 17th articles Is almo3t Ident
ical with that plvcn by the Times,
December 14, and then cabled to the
Associated Press. Tho text of tho
treaty, as it appeared in tho dispatch
to tho Times, did not contain the
8th, 17th, and 10th articles, and was
Incomplete as to tho contents of tho
3d and Gtli. The Morning Post's Ma
drid correspondent supplies these
Articlo.1, after dcllnlnp minutely
tho geographical position of the ceded
Philippines, adds:
"The United States s-hall pay to
Spain $20,000,000 within three months
after the exchange or ratifications of
this treaty."
Article'), after provldlnp for tho
repatriation of Spanish soldiers In
the Philippines, adds:
"The evacuation or the Philippines
and Guam shall bo mado upon condi
tions similar to those rcpulatlnp the
evacuation of the Antilles, and in a
period to be tixed by both govern
ments. Flaps and stands of colors,
ships of war, not captures, small
arms, cannon of every caliber, with
their carriages and accessories, powd
ers, munitions, material and effects
or every kind belonlnp to the sea und'
land forces of Spalu In the Philip
pines nnd Guam shall remain tho
property of Spain. Pieces of heavy
caliber welch aio not field artillery,
mounted In fortifications and on
coasts, shall remain In position for 11
period of six months from the cx-
chanpe of ratification, nnd durlnp
that period tho United States may
purchase said material from Spain, If
both governments arrlvo at a satis
fa5tory agreement thereon."
"Article 17. This treaty shall bo
ratified by the queen repent and tho
president of the United States, with
the consent and approbation of the
senate, and ratifications shall be ex
changed In Washington within six
nxonths, or earlier If possible."
Then follows the signatures of all
the peace commissioners and the teals.
Madrid, Dec. 21.- Prlmo Minister
Sapasta. who has been 111, Is Improv
ing, bulls still confined to his room
no will confer today with Senor Mon
tero Rlos, president of the Spanish
peace commissioners.
Many generals and politicians havo
called on Marshal lilanco.lato captain
peueral of Cuba, who has just arrived
from Havana. Ho will bo received by
the queen repent today.
An Old Vttctan and Odd Fellow Passed i
Away ot Yew Hark.
Ilcnr.V Mce. onn nf Mm Riihstnnl.ini
Afe cltlzcn3 of Yow Parlr.dled at his homo
"- - I nnn i T. in wm. ... ii...i.i.. .. .. . .
..wu. ureuuuiusiu liiUIUU )UMSCUi:r I
depot last evening at 11:30 o'clock.
Mr. Meo was born In Leicestershire,
England, May 17, 183.9, and camo to
America with his parents whon ho was
0 years old. Ilocamoto Salem about
live years ago, locating at his present
homo In Yew Park. For tho past
seven years tho deceased has been an
Invalid, but nit until last Friday was
his condition dunperous, when ho was
taken suddenly worse and died us
stated, from liver comnlalnt.
ID Tho deceased was an nlil snlillnr nnrl
a prominent member of Sedgwick
PostG. A. R. or this city, Ho en
listed In the army In 1801 us a team
ster serving In that capacity until
1804 when his tlmo had expired. Ho
re enlisted as a prlvnto in Company H
120 Indlaua Inrantry on March 18,
1801, serving there until his dlschargo
atthcclosoof the war. During tho
latter part of his service he was sent
to tho hospital for dUcnso contracted
by exposure In the army and wus dis
charged from the hospital, Mr. Mcu
was also an Odd Fellow, being a mem
ber of J, L. Torhet lodgo No. 41C, of
Iroquois III, In this lodgo ho served
in all tho olllccs, being elected past
grand master and also sent to tho
grand lodgo scvoral times. Slnco lilt
rcsldcnco in Salem, howover, ho has
not actively aflllcted with the order,
The deceased leaves a widow, Mrs.
Ella Mec, nnd nine children: Mrs,
Claro Cunningham, of Logans port,
Indiana, Lylla A. and Leila E. Meo or
this city; Miles Meo, of Merlin Or.
Charlie A. Wcstof Lcland Or , Har
ry A. West, of Wolf Creek, Mllo, Ches
ter.A. and Emory L. Meo of this city.
Mr. Mec was a kind and loving
rather u thoughtful and considerate
neighbor, and was respected by till who
know him, nnd the entire community
In which l'o lived unlto In deopest
sympathy for tho aflllcted family, In
this, their sad bereavement.
The funeral bcrvlces will bo held
from tho family residence Saturday
December 24, 1893 at 2 o'clock In tho
nftomoon. Rev. W E. Copelund of
tho Unity church officiating. Tho
remains will bo Interred In tho I. O.
O. F., cemetery tho Sedgwick tho
Pnaf. C A. n. nnrl Mm T. l t linvlmr
charge of tho services at the iravo.
Not Go In the
Hitchcock of Missouri
: Appointed.
Secretary of tho Interior to Suc-
ceed Bliss, of Now York.
AMoclnteil I'rem (u the Jourunl,
AUCKLAND. N. .. Dec. 21. Advices
from Samoa under date of December
15 say there Is serious troublo In con
nection with election of king to suc
ceed tho luto Malletoa, Supporters of
Mataafa have becomo warlike and it
Is reported the German consul Is sup
porting Mataafa In spite of an agree
ment between the consuls to romaln
neutrul and nllow the chief Justice to
decide upon the question or succes
sion. Foreign resident fear a tribal
war when the chief Justice pronounces
To Wed.
A marriage license was Issued to
Ruby A. Ratty and Mark A. Hloom,
W. C. Reynolds slgnlnir tho nllldavlt.
To tho Penitentinry.
Sherlfl Alexander Orln, of Jackson
county, brought two men to the peni
tentiary this morning, one Marshal
Kelly, to 6crve live years for larceny,
und tho other, Joseph French, for four
years for mayhem.
For the Holidays.
Finn celluloid poods, elegant per
fumes, tho best makes of American
and foreign hair brushes, complete
line of druecists sundcrlcs. Fry's
Drug Store.
; Washinonon, Dec. 21. President
today nominated Ethan A. Hitchcock
of Missouri, to bo secretary of tho In
terior, Hitchcock Is at present am
bassador to Russia. Ho was appointed
minister and when his rank was
raised to thai or cmbusssy ho was re
' Washington, Dec. 21. The scnato
has continued tho nomination of
Ethan A. Hitchcock, to bo secretary
of the Interior.
; Washington, Dec. 21. There wore
efts than fifty member on tho floor or
.ho Iipufo today. Henderson re
reported back ravorably tho Rally res
olution directing tho Judiciary com
mittee to Investigate and report on tho
resolution as to whether members or
tho house, who had accepted com
missions In the army during tho Into
war, had, by so doing, vacated tholr
Beat1 In the hniiRC. Tho resolution
was adopted without division.
Tho spirit of Christmas seemed to
pcryade the members and a number of
small claim bills weru passed by unan
imous consent.
At 1:05 tho hnusa adjourned until
January 4,
Washington, Dec. 21. At tho
opening of thcseuate,Cullom reported
ravorably a bill to prnylde for a gov
ernment for tho Hawaiian Islands.
LClmndlcr offered n resolution, which
I-" .J - - - -
was referred, providing ft r tho dls-
trlbution of appropriation blllsumong
tho standing committees of the ten
ate. Tito urlyato pension calendar in
the scnato waulheu takun up and nlno
pension bills wero pasted. Several
Joint and concurrent resolutions wero
udopted, providing for Improve
ment of certain harbors and direct
ing tho secretary ot war to have
surveys and estimates or cost mado of
Various river and harbor Improve
ments. Mr. Daniels called up tho
resolution of Mr. Prostor, providing
fora commltteoof senators to visit
Cuba and Porto Rice, with a
ylcwot ascertaining tho conditions
of thoso islands and reporting their
observations to tho senate. Ho moved
to proceed to the consideration of tho
resolution. A yoto disclosed the ab
sence of a quorum. The motion was
defeated. At 1:25 tho scnato went Into
Senator Hutler, or North Carollnn
gave notice of an amendment ho v HI
Introduce to tho pension appropria
tion bill pensioning cx-Confedcrato
soldiers. ThonmcndMont follews:
"That from and after the passage
of this bill, ovcry pcuslon law now en
the statue books, shall apply to every
Invalid soldier, widow, minor child,
dependent relative, tho army nurses
and all other pensioners who may bo
able to prove their claim under the
present pension laws, without regard
or whether eald soldter was enlisted
in tho Federal or Confederate scrvlco
or the civil war or 1801-05, provided
that thoso enlisted in tho Conrcdcratc
sorvico shall not draw any back pen
sions prior to tho passage or this bill,
but their claim, undor existing laws,
shall begin and become operative with
the passage of thlt bill."
Tho Hawaiian bill was somewhat
changed by tho house sub-commlttco
on territories, Tho qualifications or
senators was modified, so that Instead
of a property qualification or $2,000
property valued at not less than $1,000
will be sutllolont, A simitar modifi
cation was mude as to tho qualifica
tions or representatives. Tho no mm 1 1
tco will sit during the holiday recess,
In order to havo tno measuro before
tho house boo i after tho reasicmbllug
of congress.
The house listened to tho first
speech on tho annexation or tho Phil
ippines. Williams, a Democrat mem
ber of tho foreign affairs committee,
In an hours speech, stated his op
position ton policy which would
bring tho Islands under tho sphoro of
tho United Stnlcs' Influence, 11 e
contended that It would be hostllo to
thosplrltof our institutions to assmuo
control over 0,000,000 people; that an
nexation would cost us $140,000,000 a
year; annexation or islands met nnno
or tho tests which applied to our past
acquisitions or territory, and would no
n mlstako from a social, political and
matorlal standpoint. Williams' re
marks received careful attention and
sovcral times drew npplausu from his
Democratic colleagues.
The agrlculturo appropriation bill
was passed without material amend
ment It carried $3,000,322, or $187,120
more than tho current law.
It May Lose Its Unholy Cinch Upon
tho State of Orogon,
The Present Method of Selecting School
Text Dooks Will Be Materi
ally Changed.
Throo Moonshiners Killed in
Ladies' Dressing Tables,,,
Havo received much attention from
tho furniture designers thU soason
nnd a very charming lino of
ihoso articles Is tho result. Wo
have some beauties In quarter
sawed oak, birds cyo maple and
Always Au Fait
Wo have Just received a iarpe bhlp- j
mentor CutUlass-somemwg lor
the holidays au fait.
Jewelry Manufacturing
We are now prepared o do all
kinds of fancy enpravlng and
Jewelry manufacturing on short
notice, at reasonable rates.
Our Line of Fine Oak Extension Tables
Cannot bo beat even In place the size of Portland,
and our prices on then aro lowor than others are
selling the samo poods.
Holiday Goods
II)' Amtuuliitcit I'rri) to the Journal.
Concohu, Mass,, Dec. 21.-Col. 13.
S. Uarrot, national president or tho
Sous or the American Revolution,
was killed by railing rrom a window
or his hamo hero today.
Middi.ksiiouo. Ky Dee. 21. Ad
vices from Knox county, Kentucky,
say thrco-moonslilnors, Jacob uud Lam
bert Greor, nnd an unknown man,
wero killed and several of their com
rades wounded In a battlo with tho
icvouuo otllcers.
Dallas, Tex., Dee. 21, A tele
phono message from Fort Worth tells
of tho collapse of ono of tho tiro de
partment stutlons'therc. Several men
uud horses wore. killed andluujrcd.
Witness Dunning Could Not
Bo Forced to Answor.
llr Amiivliitril 'tv to the Joiirnnl.
San Fhanoisco, Dec. 21. John R.
Dunning, who was arrested for con
tempt of court for refusing to
answer certain questions' put
to him by attorneys' for Mrs,
Ilotkln, wus released from con
finement toduy. Ho appeared In
court and Attorney Knight withdrew
the obnoxious question, thus giving
Judgo Cook nu opportunity to order
Dunutng's release. Dunning then
appeared on tho witness stand and
gave further testimony pointing to
Mrs, Ilotkln as tho guilty woman,
Wedded at Noon,
Oregon Is to get relief at tho hands
of tho legislature rrom Its present
text book cinch by which one publish
ing trust furnishes alnc-tonths of all
the books at Its own prices, higher
than it charges other statcs,and many
of thorn entirely out of date.
Tho entire press ot tho state, In
cluding tho Orcgnnlan, supports the
demand for this reform which Is based
on tho cxpcrlcnco of tho moat pro
gressive school states in tho Union,
Thr Jouknai. has opposed the present
law from its re-enactment In 1801,
whon afterdebato it was defeated In
tho house, but through tho tnfluonco
of State Supt. McElroy It was again
forced upon tho legislature,
I'm; Journal next opposed having
tho slato board of cducatlan put that
pernicious plcco or mandatory legis
lation luto effect, as It tied tho hands
or tho people or Oregon against all
polslblo relief from tho monopoly fur
six years. After It was In effect and
thoro was no hopo of relief Thk Jouu-
nal opposed any chango of text books
uuder this law, as It would havo
caused an unnecessary expense at a
tlmo when the people wero least ablo
to bear it and tei.d to fasten au unjust
system (till farther upon tho people.
To simply chango text bonks uuder
an unjust r.ystom Is folly, Tho
present, reform alms to abolish a
system founded uponjtunndntory legis
lation to throttlo and foster corruption
or tho 6chool system.
Tho Joint legislative committee ap
pointed to rovlso tho Oregon school
laws concluded Its labors at Portland
on Saturday evening af'.er nettling
the mucti-mootcd text book question
and making a number or other mod
ifications In tho draft ot tho proposed
general school law. In reporting the
session or the committee tho Telegram
Senator Daly, or Ronton county,
chairman or tho committee, after a
strugglo, carried his point relative lo
the proposed chango In tho law gov
erning tho selection ot text-books,
Tho method advocated by him and
finally agreed upon Is to leave tho
matter of Felectlug text-books in tho
handsof acommibsiun or llv-i, to bo
appointed by tho governor. This
board Is to bo composed or business or
professional mcu of recognized abil
ity and integrity, who aro uot to bo
Identified with book houses In any
way. Tho present system or text
book selection being unsatisfactory, It
lt believed better rosultB can bo ob
tained by concentrating tho respon
sibility. For tho purpose of preventing a col
lusion or tho pooling ct Issues, It
Is proposed to give tho text
book commissioners the right to "C'.,..
lect any any good books regardless Ellis
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alttm fo&W powders are tlie greatest
metucen to health of the present day.
or what may bo offered by tho pub
lishing Iioufcs.
Representative Young, of Astoria la
tho only member or tho committee
who did not givn assent to this change
la tho law. Ho said ho had not given
tho matter sufficient consideration,
and for this reason voted neither' for
nor against tho change,
Tho law as rovlscd Is now In the
bands of stenographers, and will pro
bably bo Introduced In the legislature
In January without further modifica
tion. Senator Daly will father tho
bill nnd introduce it In tho senate.
For the Holidays,
A uofnland enjoyablo Xmas pres-
ont, ono of thoso beautiful cameras
in our south show window. Fry'd
Drug Store.
E. n. Flagg has roturncd from
Corvallls, where ho has been Inspect
ing the sollcgo with tho other mem
bers of tho legislative commission.
Ily AaaoclntctI I'rci to tlio Journal.
CuiOAao, Dec. 21, May 081; cash
2 red 03.
Han FitANOiBCO, Dec. 21. -May 1.101
cash 1.101.
Cherry Pectoral
" Wo tried almost everything for
pjthma without success. At last wo
.ed Ayer'fl Cherry Pectoral and the
roliof was immediate"
H. A. ELLIS, Keene, N. H.
cures Asthma.
From Now
Until After Christmas Day
Wc Win Sell
at 7c per pound
d Zinn, 154 State St
The Ethics of Christmas
The gr.nd nnd glorious Christmas time Is coming near and
nearer, our placo lsm.t now budding with ItH wealth of solidified
happiness In u slock that now la ut Its best, tho choicest things
will go llrst, fo make early selections.
Colored and Black Dress Goods
Unprecedented soiling In thoso
linos. Many numbers cut to close,
Capes and Jackets
At prices that will convince ynu
of groat reductions. Many good
nu in Iters sclented for Christmas,
hoiiio plums loft.
Boys' Cloth g
20 tier cent reduction Bala. A
great saving for that Xmas
Mr. William Frost and Mi.s Hello ' Opalescent Porcelain Ware
riiomaa of Englcwood, wero united I
New goods arriving cery
Stock larger than over.
Buren &
In marriage today at high noon at tho
residence of tho bride's parents, on the
Harden Itoad. Hcv. John Parson or
tho M. E. church, poformod tho cere
mony, A delicious wedding dinner
was served after which tho happy
principal took tho artornoon train
for Astoria for a ton-days wedding
trip. Upon their return bore, Mr.
and Mr. Frost will locate about II vo
miles oast of town on tho groom's
Mr. and Mrs. Frost aro wellknowu
In tho city nnd their many friends
with I hem all Impplncss In their now
Klcgant r.ovoliles for Jviuas.
Water liotllos, Huso BuwU, etc.
76c, $I.U5; to close
For the Holidays,
Something substantial, In .dam's
ail brlstlo hair brush. Tho bost goods
fur the least money ut Fry's Drug
248 Commercial Street
nap pur. containing about 61 or
over. Finder oio leave same at the
Journal office and be rewarded.
Many Choice
Gifts on thoso spuolal tablos.
Soma articles worth double the
prlco asked 10i, 10c, &s uudiUo.
Holiday Kerchiefs
Orand Assortment,
Poarl handlej
gn thoio new
Tho following useful nnd de
sirable artlulos will gladden the
heart of their recipients:
An Umbrella.
A Silk Waist Tattern.
A Pair or Gloves
A Box of Nice Hoso.
A Lovely Ohatelalno
A Feather Una,
An Ostrich Collarette.
A Silk Skirt.
An Ico Wool Shawl.
A Jewelled Comb.
A lluautlful Kerchief.
Got n Husband 1
Or couro you have, or Bhnuld
have, What are yougolng to do
muko his Christmas happy?
Take a loo at our Xmas spread,
then buy him
A Nice Mu tiler,
A Pair nf Gloves.
A Pair of Cult Links.
A Silk Hundkerchler.
A Pair of Silk Suspenders.
An Umbrella and Cane Set.
A Swell Tie.
Nlco Shirt.
A Choice Slumbor Robe.
And many other attractive
tilings that will be accepted.
Wen's Clothing S7.45
For to and 910 suits, noth'ng
llko it ever seen in Salem before.
Thoy're belling too. Aro you
going to let this chance go ?
Phono I. 278 280 Commercial street, corner Court.
Salem's Greatest Store
iV. 5
274 Commercial Street
". i