Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 17, 1898, Image 1

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''A. i to
" i' 1
HO. 264 J$
invite you to examine their
stock of
"Sorosis" Shoes
for which they hayc secured the
exclusive sale for Salem, Ore.
D.ilntlly clad arc thoc who wear "SOROSIS."
Tlie Now Shoe for Women.
!g Blanket
Sec those special lines and prices at the
Santa Claus' Letter
North Folk, Dec. 1893.
To Tin: Faik Store,
274 Commercial street, Salem, Or.:
Dkak Sin: I have twen a llttlodolayert on account or the cold
weather, but my reindeers aro In flne shape and will travel fait
to Bather up Christmas toyu and presents for everybody, and as I
have ulrcndy mtido arrangements to have my headquarters at
THE FAIR STORE, I know that you are well supplied with
beautiful things for children and older people. You must have a
yery complete stock, for 1 have been advised that you are tli3
largest shipper of holiday goods InWesternOregon outside of Port
land, lbelloyo you received 22 large carni at one time, and 44 cases
of holiday Roods altogether this fall.and 1 know that any one buy
ing Christmas toys In such law quantities as you do will be able
to sell every thing very cheap, and I know that I can please all
the good girts and boys and olderpeople, too, with yournlce goods.
Yours for Christmas toys and everything
Frank, Lowell Is In Portland on a
business trip.
Hon. T. T, Ocer went to Aurora
this afternoon.
S. L. Moorehead, chlof clerk of tho
senate Is c the city.
F. J. Rarr Is In Woodburn on a
short business visit. '
Mrs. II. A. Dearborn has returned
from a Tlslt with her daughter Mrs.
Mo Cully of Portland.
Mrs Lena Haas Is visiting iter
daughter, Mrs. Geo. I). naltman, of
Portland, for a short lime.
Mrs, Russel Catllo and family, loft
this afternoon for a ylalt at Mrs.
Catlln'a old borne In Burlington,
. c
the Fair Stere:
274 Commercial Street.
Miss Allw Conner has returned
from a vltdt with frlen3sat Corvallls.
Mrs. M. R. Tasker Is visiting her
daughter In Woodburn.
Special services In memory of Hal
Hlbbard will be held at the Method
ist church Sunday evenlog. A prog
ramme appoprJate t' the occasion
has been prepared and the old school
mates and friend of the departed
soldier will be in attendance.
Music rolls by tho hundreds at
Will's niuttlc store.
Iir Aasoclnted Prcan lo the Journal,
CiiiDAOO, Dec. 17.May 601; cash
2 red 69.
San Francisco, Dec, 17, May 1.1b
cash 1,161,
To Be Delivered Dc
cember 24th
Pinardel Rio Was Ravaged
By Spaniards,
General Davis lissues a Sensible
Ily Aamiclnlcil 1'rcnN l Hie Journal.
Southampton. Eng. Dec. 17.- -To
Interviews, who besieged tho Ameil-
cm pencj commissioners today, be
fore they sailed for New York, they
said they could not discuss the terms
of the treaty of peace with Spain.
Whltclaw Held and Judge Day were
much Interested In the Interview
from tho Manila correspondent of
the Associated Press with Admiral
Dewey, but they would discuss
neither that mutter nor the
protest of Agonclllo, the representa
tive of Agulnaldo and tnc Philippine
Insurgent leader. Judge Day said the
treaty of peace would probably bo de
livered to President McKlnleyon Do
cember 21, but added: It wus Impos
sible to say whether It would bo pre
sented to tho present sonato.ortu that
which comes In oftlcccn Marcb next.
This tho judge added, Is a matter
which the president will havo to de
cide. Washington, Dec 17.- The torrlblo
state of affairs cxlstlng-ln the western
province of Cuba Is shown la this re
port to the war department from
General Davis:
"Pinar del Rio, Dec. 14. Adjutant-General,
Washingten: Arrived
here last night. The troops are
comfortably encamped, und Have ull
the required supplies. We have been
received with the greatest enthusiasm
and rejoicing. The civil governor
left the provlnco when tho Spanish
troops retired The alcalde called and
tendered his services, A small Cuban
force Is In the town awpollce.and good
order prevails everywhere. I shall raise
the tlag tomorrow In tho nrcsenco of
the troops and citizens. The treasury
Is empty, and the only means of re
plenishing It Is a system of taxatluti
almost to the verge of confiscation.
TliCiO arc no custom-houses in this
province. Tho country Is one of
urcat fertility and beauty, but Is
ravaged almost to destruction. I urn
assured by responsible citizens and
foreigners that one-half the former
population has been klllsd and starved
to death. Colonel Scyburu, with two
batailons, Is at Guanajay. He Is or
dered to occupy Marlcl with a de
tachment. There Is no sickness
among tho troops. "Davis."
General Davis, the American com
mander Pinardel Rio, has Issued a
proclamation saying that President
McKlnley has directed him to as
sure the Inhabitants of security on
their lives and property as long us
they were orderly. General Davis
further declares that fair taxes will
be levied, and that no favorlsm will
be shown. In conclusion, ccnerul
Davis say:
'Inhabitants of Pinal del Rio-I
hate come as a friend to help you In
all which may contribute to tho pros
perity of tills great country, or It
general welfare. There Is very Utile I
am obliged to do with your co-opero-
tlon, but with your help I am bureof
complete success. Tho trochas and
forts will be turned Into homes, and
machetes will be used for labor only.
Your sacrl (ices and heroic acts have
been already rewarded. Tho pat be
Always Au Fait
Wo have Just received a large ship
ment of Cut Glass something for
the holidays au fait.
Jewelry Manufacturing
We are now prepared n do all
kinds of fancy engraving and
Jewelry manufacturing on short
notice, at reasonable rates.
Holiday Goods
New goods arriving every day.
Stock larger than ever,
S. . ThonpsoE A Co.
longs to tho history of tho century
think of your future pcao nnd pros
perity. This must boyouraspiratloo,"
Arc the Officers Accused of Haying Abused
and Maltreated Amos Stone. '
Portland, Doc. 17. -United States
Judge Bellinger this morning ovorj
ruled tho demurrers to tho Indict-
ments of Captain E. L Murphy and
Mate George Harvey, of tho American
ship George Stetson, accusing them of
Inhumanly abusing Amos Stone, onn
of their row, on the pussago from the
Atlantic to the Pacific.
Tho demurrers wcroof the stereo
typed class, merely stating that the
Indictments failed to set forth facts
suniclent to constitute a crime.
On motion of United States District
Attorney John II. Hall, tho trials of
tho defendants were set for January 0,
Murphy and Harvey were arrested
Immediately after tho arrival of their
ship In this port last February, nnd
examined before a United States com
missioner. They were released on
bonds to appear before tho United
States grand Jury. Their trials
though, could not earlier be proceeded
with, because they were pursuing
thclrflcafarlng vocation until recently:
Their victim, Stone, has all this
time been in tho asylum, at Salem
from tho effects of alio brutality to
which he had been subjected, Rut
now he is said to have entirely re
covered his mental and physical
Work of a Fiend.
Grant's Pass Djo. 17. What looks
like an attempt at murder occurred at
tho home of A. II. Carson in tills city
Sunday night. Mi. Carson had re
tired, when, as tho II ro was getting
low, Mr. Carson gnt a stick of wood
from the woodshed and put It on the
bed of live coals. Soon after an ex
plosion sulliclently strong to throw a
bllctc of wood out of tho lirnplaco oc
curred. An examination of tho wood
showed that a large ttolo had been
bored in It and a stick of giant
powder Inserted. The fire had caused
the cap to explode, but as tho powder
had bcon frozen, It had not thawed
enough to Ignite. There is nodolinlte
cluo to the perpetrator of tho deed,
but, as Mr. Carson has been engaged
In considerable litigation over wines
he thinks ho has a good Idea who did
the wort.
Two Vessels Collide and
Twenty Persons Drown,
lly Anaoi'lutcil I'rea lo lite Juiirnnl.
The steamer Plerremcnt has been in
collision with the Rrltlsh stoamcr
Illos, In the North sea undor condi
tions not explained. The Illos found
ered, and the Plcrromont Is bidly
damaged. It Is believed twenty per
sons drowned.
London, Dec. 17.-Tho steamer
Tlilnuvalla passed Dunuet Head today
signalled she had on boaid the crow of
tho IJrltUh steamer Govlne, which
foundered at sea December 11.
New glabs ball piano and organ
stools, a suitable Christmas preterit,
at Will's music store.
Ladies' Dressing
nt ft
Out Line of Fine Oak Extension Tables
Cannot be beat even In places the size of Portland,
and our prices on then are lower than others arc
selling the same goods.
Bira & Hamilton
248 Commercial Street
Hearty Recptioo
General Merritt On the Phil
ippines. Ho Says tho Germans Woro Not
Quite Friendly.
Ur Aoelncl l'rrn u tln Joiirunl.
Savannah, Ga. Dec. 17. The pres
idential party arrived at Savannah
this morning. Tho program for tho
day Included a trip down the Savan
nah river, reception and banquet at
night, when president and members
of the cabinet will speak.
Washington, Dec 17. The House
passed a bill granting the right or
wuy through thu San Francisco for
est rcboryo to tho Seglnnw southern
railway of Arizona. Pay no of New
York called up the bill extending tho
laws of tho United States relating t)
merchant navigation and moichaut
seaman to the Hawaiian Islands'
Mcllac sought lo havo the bill
amended to also extend tho Hawaii
provisions of tin act of February, 1885,
prohibiting tho Importation or con
tract labor, but Paytio moved tho
previous question. Then Payno
rather than prolong alio controversy
withdrew tho bill. Home then wont
Into committee of tho whole on the
Indian appropriation bill.
Nkw Youic, Djc. 17. Goii, Wesley
Merritt, who camo from Europo last
night, will resume command of the
department of the East. "It Is some
tlmo since I left the Phlllpplnso,"
said Merritt, "and nil that I can
aiy -about the .situation when I left
tlicro Ik contained In tho official re
ports which I made to tho govern
met and tho peace commission. Tho
climate of the Philippines Is not by
any means as it Is said to be.
I mot number of Europeans tlicro who
have been In tho country 14 years and
they seemed to thrlvo and nad no
sorlous complaints to mako about tho
climate. The Germans acted a little
queer when I got there first. They
werokind of meddlcsomo In matters
which they should havo let alone.
German officers made mo no olllslul
calls until Manila had fallen and then
thoir visit was not what might bo
termed friendly.
"1 think It will tako .10,000 soldiers
to hold the Inlands. Tlicro nro many
Spaniards In tho Islands that want
to remain thore. With ir.,000 United
States and 10,000 divided between
Fllllplnos and Spmlsh, I feel sure the
Islands could be governed properly. I
did not meet Agulnaldo but 1 am mil
Havo received much attention from
the furnlturo designers IhN season
nnd a very charming line of
these articles Is tho result. Wo
havo some licnutlcs In quarter
sawed oak, birds eye maple and
y....:.. -!-& a
kJWftflJSJJ s
isficd ho is a vcay shrewd man. I did
notrccognlzo thosnsurgents, fearing
Washington, Dec. 17 Brigadier
General Sheridan Is unsigned to tem
porary command of the department of
tho lakes.
Also One of the Rothchilds
Passos Beyond.
Ur Aoclnlcil l'renK to the Joufnnl.
Madrid. Dec. 17. Tho report has
Just been received from Havana that
General Maximo Gomez Is dend.
London, Dec. 17. Haron Fcrditn
James du Rothschild, member of par
liament, Is dead.
Nilks. Mich, Doc. 17. Henry A.
Chapln, tho luultl-mllllonalro mine
owner and richest man of Michigan,
died last night.
Nkw Youic, Dec, 17. Tho funeral
fo Calvin S.Hrlce took placo today at
the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church
after which the body was taken to
Lima, Ohio.
Causes a Town to Spring Up
Over Night,
lly Amnoi'IiiIviI I'rviia in (lie Journal.
Canon City, col. Dec. 18, The
discovery of gold live miles southwest
of this city, caused a new town to
spring up In the night. Half tho ablc
bndled men nf tills city havo gono to
the place and over a thousand claims
ato already Htuken.
tfurned to Death.
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 17. Matilda
Fox, 4 years old, daughter of Frank
Fox, a reservation dairyman, was
burned to death as a result of her
clothing catching lire whllo playing
In front of an onen flroplaco.
A Protest.
Ed JouitNAT,: A couple of young
widows aro making themselves very
consplolous ubout the halls and closets
In tho Opera houso with tho coons
tho troups afternoons "and"
evenings. If there Is any moro of It
their names will bo published.
Sheriff F, W. Derby had thrco big
sheriff sales this mornlug,all or which
were bid in by the state. Tho clMm
of W. P Lord etui, comprising tho
stater board for tho halo of publlo and
school lands, against Edgar Grimm ct
al was bid In by tho state for $2,010.70
The claim of tho Stato Hoard
against J. W. Hatchelor ct al was sold
to tho btato for $1,331) 25, and tho
claim of tho stato of Oregon vs. Alice
Sneldcr was given to tho stnto for the
sum of $1,603.12. Tlieso wcro all fore
closures on mortgages held against
tho delcudunt's by tho state.
In tho matter or the estate of E. J
Chambers, a petition was tiled by
Mrs. M. A Chauihorri, wlfo or tho
deceased, asking that she be appointed
administratrix or the estate. Thu
petition was granted, her bond liled,
and letters or admlulstiatlon ordered
to Issue. II, W, Savage, I. N. Wag
ner and Heury Smith were appointed
appraisers of the estate.
A petition was tiled In the probatu
court by John Hughes, udmlnlHtnitor
of thh estate of Hoth It, Hammer, de
ceased, asking lor an order to sell
personal property of the estate In or
der to pay claims against It. Tho pe
titioner was allowed by Judge Terrell
and tho order made.
A petition was tiled In the J. H.
Hoffman estate ror an order changing
tho name on tho records of the cs
tuto from HulTiuan to Hoffman, as
there was an error In tho records In
that regard. Thu petition was grunted
and the alteration ordered made.
A marriage license wus Issued to
It. W. Curl and Hertlin N, Bliultt,
County Itccoi dor Holand making ,tho
usual allldavlt,
The following deeds were filed in
the recorder' olllce.
O. A. Noyes and wife to Henry II.
and Luclla It. McAllister, 27 acres,
1 8 s r 1 w, $804.
Capital Lumbering ;(Jo,, of Salem,
to Michael Wurd, lot 4, block 23, High
land addition to Salem, $100.
Chas Scott, assignee of Oregon Land
Co., to Hans Junscn, tho cast half of
loe No. 8, In Sunn) side No.8, and also
lot No. 17 InHunnysidoNo, 8, $1.
Nkw Whatcom, Wash., Dee. i7 A.
Sibley, agent or tho Humus, Suatllo
& International railroad, committed
suicide by shooting himself, Despond
ency Is assigned as tho cause.
Holiday Blipper
For men and wemen: neat shoes for
men, women und children, at lowest
racket price, Our ladles' hand turned
Vlut at $2.75. or dainty Qiubyear wet
at 2,45, make lino Christmas prtwrnts.
Wlgulns' llazaur. 307 Gmmerclal
8r,XUVNrv!fuuraaia MHiaruiAW
A Boaidof Five to Select School
Other Changes in the School Laws to Be
Recommended to the Legisla
ture. Tlicro was no diniculty about clos
ing up tho work of tho legislative
commlttco on revision of school laws
at Portland. Such changes as were
inatlo In what had previously been
agreed on occasioned no debate tn
speak of, nnd were generally adopted
without opposition. Chairman Daly
carried his point with reference to
tho mothnd of selecting textbooks,
nnd tho report and bill will, provide
that tho books bo selected by a board
or live competent men, to bo ap
pointed by tho governor, and not to
bo ollluhilly connected with the pub
lic school system of tho state. Itep
rcscn tati ro Young, or Clatsop comity,
was the only member or the commlt
tco to dissent, und ho Intimated that
ho would Introduce In the legislature
a bill covering tho same matter in a
different way.
Chairman Daly's provision for glv
Inn that duty to u board or live, lo
bo appointed by tho governor, was
crltlzlscd as unlikely to bring
tho relief promised. If tho selection
of text-books undor the present nr
rangoment bo subject toobjcctlon on
the giouud that Improper Influences
uro likely to prevail with tho county
superintendents and state Buporln
tendent, it was argued that tho &amo
Improper Inllucnce could bo applied to
tho governor's board of flvo oven moro
easily, Senator Daly Bald tho gov
ernor's board would bo composed cf
men or high character, and that it
was specified In tho bill thatthoso
men should not hold uuy ofllclal re
latlons with tho public school system,
As tho matter now stands, he said, tho
wholo text-book question In Oregon
Is practically In the hands of one con
cern, and tcachoM und school onicers
and others tinder llu Inlluonco would
bo glad to bo freed, but could not be
without a radical chango In tho plan
of selecting tho books, Unless some
suo'.i change as isembqdlcd In this bill
Is Introduced, he said, tho stato
would pay tho same unholy tribute
fornix years to come ut least. Rut,
admitting tho MublMty of tho govcrn
or'd board in sumo cases to fall under
Improper Inlluonco, Senator Daly
muir.tnlned that that argument
would not llclu tho present instuncc.
Tho' goverdor has already been
elected, und ho bears no taint of
schoolbook Jobbing. Ho would ap
point a board that would bo aboyo
Husplclon, And by tills moans tho
state school system, ho said, would bo
rescued from tho inllucnco of text
book publishers, that Is anything but
u benollt to tho schools. As to tho
objection that persons not connected
with the publlo school Rystem would
not be quail tied to makon Judicious
selection or books, Senator Daly wild
they would boqualllled to compare
tho merits of tho books submitted for
consideration, und they might bu
measurably guided by tho testimony
nnd adylec or others In und out or thu
schools. And thou, ho said, tho need
of having a good business arrange
ment Willi tho publishing houses
Holiday fluractions
THIS WEEKv3 great specials with medleys
of merit, and prices that please,
Dress Goods, Caoes and Jackets, Ribbons
Colored and Black Dress Goods
At special price?, make Xmas
girts doubly ntlrasllvc.
Capes and Jackets
Reduced to close tho lino; you
know what that mcaiib, "i
saying ol one-thlid,
Plain and fancies). What could
bd moro pleasing V Our lines
uro very completo and at
greatly altered prices.
Men'a Clothing
(7.45 special. Thirty, ol our
best tu und $10 suit at the
above price. Orcatcst valued
ever oliered.
Boys' Clothing
20 per cent reduction nala, A
great saving for that Xmas
IMioue 1. 278 280 Commercial street, corner Court.
Salem's Greatest Stored
Baking Powder
Made from pare
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baldnir powdws are the create
meaacers to health of the present day.
miBwua remtxn ca, tw vor.
would also weigh in tho matter, and
competent, broad gauged men of
affairs would be altogether more likely
to do better for tho Interests of tho
children and tho taxpayers or tho
stato than Is done under the present
Senators Daly nnd Mulkcy both
championed tho boird of tlvo to se
lect text books. It Is tho plan under
which Washington and Idaho get
publlo school text books at 20 to 30
percent cheaper than Oregon. and get
better 'books.
If the report of this commlttco Is
carried out, and Micro Is no doubt, if
tho legislature Is not corrupted, that
this will bo a great victory over
tho present monopoly by which some
Inferior books arc forced upon the
pcoplo ut high prices.
Senators Daly and Mulkoyand tho
rest of thu commlttco descrvo great
pralso ftrZwlthstundlng tho efforts
mado tu prevent this reform. They
havo rendered tho pcoplo a great scr
vlco (that has long been needed In
Explosion at Dusty.
Couvalub, Or., Dec, 17. An ex
plosion of CO pounds or gunpowder,
kept In stock, demolished tho store of
Kay & Son, at Dusty, 20 miles south-
castor here. Portions of the walls
wcro blown out, tho roof fell and much
damago was done, the cxteut of which
Is not yet known. Eight persons
wcro In tho building, but nil escaped,
only nno being slightly Injured. Tho
causa or the explosion Is unknown.
promptly relieves tho cough, stops
tlio ticklimj In tlio throat, and in
duces qulot nn.l refrcahinir sloop.
You ajr It't too cold for Ice cream.
That itntemeiit It It true.
Hut Kills A Zlmi live lomt ulco crcm
Tint takei lu place with you.
Tliat nn peanut candy they have
And thoia fine chocolate illpi,
Maplo bonbon and cocoauut rolU
Malta moltt ii rutin ) our lip.
Majestic Cloves
Formurly tho celebrated Mon
arch, with this now surety
clasp; ulso pearl clasps, to In
troduce; special.- ..js- 9,78
Men's Gloves
In tho naw reds, with one
pearl clasp; a lovely gift 1 1,50
Umbrellas and Cane Sets
Lovely Xmas presents; sco our
Matchless Silk Suspenders.Sl.S
Holiday noveltlcH In swell
new culonugs.
Blue Serge Suits
With tho now, doable-brea itcd
lk faced vent; ver mutli In ,
VO((UQ .......... .. t .00
Cfiemj p
'l &r
L )B
., 1
- "V