Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 07, 1898, Image 1

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.'r.-Hll AJ
-" ' HI m ii
-j"" i i
SO, 265 t
Just what you want Tor
suitable for all once.
select from.
Dolls; Picture Books,
For the children. Album?, toilet cascjy, dressing cases,
work boxes, stand covcrp, stnruped linen and fancy
goods of all kinds for everybody.
Over 700 Dozen Handkerchiefs
For you to select from. They're lllio best values ever
brought to the coast.
Buying in Such Quantities
We get to the very bottom prices, and what Interests
you more Is that wo give you the ndynntsgo of ull
bargain lots and cusli discounts.
Remember Our Low Profits
Apply to Christmas woods as well as to all other lines.
N?W York Racket.
Great Bargains
in Mackintoshes...
Going at manufacturers prices. "OMy
a few left and they must be closed out
before the 1st of January
10.00 .
6.60...... Box and cape coats 4.00
3.00 Cape coats 1.95
And everything else at removal sale prices.
Money is the Lever
That Moves the World
and the pretty and useful Christmas goods at The Fair
moves the pocketbook. but does not affect it a great deal
for the reason that everything is so cheap,
A Fine Line of Sample Vases
and tree ornaments bought away down low for spot
cash and will bs sold very cheap,
100 Dozen Handkerchiefs'
Books, albums, beautiful chenille covers, toys of all
kinds, carts, wagons, doll cabs, dolls slippers.,
Santa Clausf Letter
has been delayed on account of the heavy storms, but he
has made arrangements lor his headquarters at the Fair
P, SyHis letter will appear latev,
presents. You'll llnd them
A wonderful yarlety to
COATS $8.50
" 7.00
The Policy of Terri
torial Expansion
Resisted By the Massachus
etts Senator.
Important Promotions in tho Army
and Navy.
Br Aoclnletl 1'rcx lo the Journnl.
Washington, D. (;. Dec. 7. Vest
(dctu Mo.), Introduced tlio following
Joint resolution.
''That u ider tlio constitution of tho
United States no power Is (riven to the
federal government to acquire terri
tory, to be licld and governed per
manently as colonies. The colonial
system of European nations cannot
bo established under our present con
stitution, but a'l territory acquired
by the government, except such small
amount as may be necessary for coal
ing stations, correction of boundaries
and similar governmental purposes
must bo acquired by the government
with tho purpose of ultimately or
ganizing such territory Into states
suitable for admission into tho
The sonato In executive session to
day had a debate upon the subject
of expansion. Senator Hoar was the
principal speaker and took tho
grounds against the policy of territor
ial acquisition.
Washinqton, Dec. 7. The presi
dent today 6cnt these nominations to
tho senate:
Elder M. Hrattnln, register of the
lund ofllc4 at Lukcvlcvv, Or. To bo
major generals:
Brigadier General Quy V. Henrv,
Brigadier General Leonurd Wood.
Tho nominations today Includo olll
ccrs of the navy, advanced for eminent
and consplclous conduct In battle,
among them being Hear Admiral
Sampson and chlcy and other ofllccrs
who fought In the Spanish war,
Washington, Dec. 7. Tho house
bill to carry Into effect tno recom
mendation of tho International
American conference for the Incorpor
ation of an International American
bank at tho lust session, hud been
made tho special ordor for toduy, but
It went over for one week, Hepburn
demanded the regular order and
called up tho antl-sculplng bill.
Sherman 0' New York explained
that tho bill was Mutlllar to tho one
passed by tho house during tho last
congress. The changes wero mainly
restrictive upon corporations.
Washington, Dec. 7. Annual re
port of the navigation commissioner
Chamberlain gives statistics showing
that a majority of tho tonnage en
tering and clearing fron American
ports wus In foreign hulls, lio cites
the fact that foreign countries yearly
expend large sums In aid of tho mer
chant marine and suggests that
course to the United Stales govern
Washington. Dec. 7. -Tho eeuato
had a long debute In executive ses
sion upon the question of contlrma-
Always Au Fait
Wo have Just received a large hlp
mentof Cut Glass something for
the holidays au fult.
Jewelry Manufacturing
We are now prepared n do ull
kinds nf fancy engraving and
Jewelry manufacturing on short
notice, at reasonable rates.
Holiday Goods
New goods arriving every day.
Stock larger than ever.
S.W.Thompson & Co.
tlon of tho Hawaiian commissioners.
Hoar mado a vigorous protest against
tho practice of appointing sooators
on such a commission. He said
senators so appointed became the
authorized agents of tho president, to
carry out his Ideas and wishes and
claimed heat this was not compatible
with the functions of a senator, Tho
method of appointing senators on tho
commission defended by Morgdn and
Piatt, of Connecticut.
Other speakers In in controversy
were Chandler iind Bucon In opposi
tion to tho freo exorcise by tho presi
dent of tho power of appointing sena
tors to other positions. They pointed
out that there was a law Inhibiting
oltlzens from holding two offices with
pay at tho same. Aldilch was among
tho?o who contended for tho right of
the president to cull tnto tho service
ofthecountay tho talents of senators
and members of congress.
Among the Business Men.
N. J. Judith, city recorder-elect, Is
taking a well earned vacation pre
paratory to entering upon his new
duties as city pollco Judge In January.
Buslnossuicn should remember tho
annual election of tho ulctu Chamber
of Commerce Monday December 10.
That organization can bo mado useful
to tho city and should be maintained.
Onoof the most genial und go-uhoad
young business men who bus cast his
fortunes In our city Is Frank Plckcrlll
of tho now art gallery. Our readers
will enjoy forming his acquaintance.
Friedman Is un old-tlmor. Ilo re
calls a citizen's movoment about 25
years ago, when Geo. Gray wus elected
mayor and John F. Miller was In the
council and It was one of tho best
administrations tho city ever had. He
began to auction off tho Stock Bros,
dry goods today.
Aldorm.iQ-clcct Geo. Grlswold, of
tho pump and windmill llrm of Grls
wold & Cliuso, leaves on Monday, ac
companied by Mrs, Grlswold, for his
homo in Michigan, v hero they expect
to spend tho holidays and will not re
turn until February. Mr. Grlswold
cumo to Salem In 1887, from conduct
ing 11 large farm In Polk (county, and
went Into tho real estate business.
Later ho bought out tho Dorranco
Lumber Co., and four years ago es
tablished tho business he Is now In.
Hciownsa uoatcottugo corner Four
tccnth und Leslie street and Iiub, al
ways been ranked as one of tho solid
business men of the Cupltul city of
Oregon, lu tlio recent citizens' move
ment which has resulted In tho com
plete oyerthrow of the old Republican
city ring Mr. Grin wold was
ono of the prlmo movors and
"was himself- electod uldcrmuo
by u largo mtjorlty In a
strong Republican ward, although
himself not 11 Republican, As a
Salem business man lie can go back to
his old homo und friends In the cast
with n feeling of pride und satisfac
tion at the handsomo endorsement
he has received at tho hands or his
neighbors. Mr. Grlswold Ua member
of the Mas.onio order a lid of tho G rand
Attorney Henry E. McGinn, has re
turned to Portland, after appearing
In tho Helen dlyorco case, heard hero
You Don't Need a
Refrigerator Now
But you need good warm conv
forts and blankets and therefore
should take advantage of our clos
ing out sale, We are also supplied
with ready made sheets, pillow
cases and bed spreads
Bra k
Bound Ovor But, Battorsby Gets Off
More Easily.
The Trials bf White and Dattcrsby Held
Tuesday Cltfcen'i Commttteo
Pnnccutes Several Cases.
Justlco Johnson's court room was
crowded Tuesday afternoon ut 2
o'clock When tho case of Lemuel
White, accused of Illegal voting was
called bjltho court.
A grcu't deal of Interest bus been
aroused tin thesoenscs and their out
come was watched with interest.
White appeared In court without an
A, YfJ Dennis, was called to the
stand, 'Ila wax not acquainted with
White, 'but saw him at nulls ut Wurd
2, on Mbnday botweon tho hours of
2 and fl o'clock In the afternoon,
White came to tho polls with an es
cort and offered to vote. Ills voto
was challenged by Louis McClutno
und Will to wus told by Judge Litch
field, that ho could cither bo Identi
fied or bo sworn. McClalnc challenged
him on the ground of uon-rcsiduncc.
Whito parleyed somo und then sworn
In and voted. Tho defendaut said he
had lived at the Salem lodging house.
Mrs. Susan Burkholder the l.uia-
lauy of itho Sulcm Lodging house
tea titled that White hud formerly
had u room at her house but not tor
ten days or so, and then hud kept It
only four or Uve nights. lie had no
pcrmtiucut room, rented It by the
night only nnd wus simply u transient
At the conclusion of Mrs. Burk
holders' testimony Whlto roused him
self from tho tlcopy appearunco that
hud characterized him so fur und
lukcd, "Did you say I runtoj tho
room by the night?" an alTerumtlvc
answer wus glyen and turning
squaro around toward tho witness
he said, ''Huvc'nt I always paid you
by the week for my room?" Tho ans
wer was negative after 11 puuso ho
asked "wasn't 1 thoro for six wcoks
straight before tho fair? Then Mrs.
Burkholder remembered that ho had
been there at that time, but not since
then to stay any length of time,
The other witnesses sworn ull cor
robborutcd the testimony of Duvls us
to thu challenging of White and his
White at last was uskid If ho had
unythlng to say and was sworn. Ho
stated that he cumo to Salem In Juno.
'Ho went to yote on Monday una asked
Inw long ho had to live In (he city
boforo ho could vote, Tho Judgo told
him thirty duys, nnd us ho hud been
In town about six months he thought
ho would vote. He wus challenged
und wus fworn und voted. Hud lived
at tlioSaluin Lodging houao for u
whllo, about six weeks, went from
there to tho hospital. Ho had been
sick most or tho time, and after
his recovery had gono tn tho Opera
Lodging house. Ho hud asked many
persons what ward ho was In, but
didn't know any names, as ho wan not
'acquainted. Ho didn't know who
kept tho Salem Lodging house or tlio
Opera Longing house, only know that
ono was a lady. Didn't know whut
what tho doctor's name was who
treated htm at the hospital
Vhlto wns quito clover In switching
from tho Salem lodging house theory
to the ono of tho opera house, but was
a good deal puzzled by the questions
nsk by Attorney J. II. McNary.
At tho conclusion of his testimony
ludgeJohnssnhold him to iwalt the
grand Jury In $200 bonds. Not being
uble to furnish these ho wus escorted
to the county Jul'. While Is an ex
convict having served his time out In
Juno slnco which time ho has been In
this city.
After nn Intermission of 25 minutes
the court was again called to hear tho
case of the State of Oregon vs. Wll
Ham Buttcrbly, accused of tho crlmo
of brlbtnga voter, ouo Win. M. Cooper,
by offering him lcgul money of the
United States.
Charlie Johnson, the policemen,
tuld how Cooper and Dattcrsby went
to the polls togothcr, Coopor voted
and Battersby weat out nlono, re
marking to Johnson as ho passed
"There Is an Edcs and Hutton voto.'t
He didn't know Cooper,
Charlie Boothby was called. He
had seen Cooper at the polls but didn't
seo him vote. Johnson came In und
told ltlm he hud a warrant for
Dattcrsby nnd ho called Coopor to
him und nsked If Battorsby hud paid
him anything for his vote. Coopor
.said ho did not but had promised him
something. At llrsl. ho said, ''Thoy
promised mo money but didn't pay
mo anything." Got Doc, Gibson and
nsked Co" per again. Ho denied thu
money payment but said Battorsby
had offered him 11 plnco on tho tire
department If ho would help tho
Cooper wns culled unci testified.
He wus stundlng tn front of Hill
nnd Ponton's cigar store Monday,
when Battorsby camo along and usked
him to go down and voto. Hattorsby
said" You want to put lu u good vote,"
und ho replied, "ull right I will put
In a straight voto." He hadn't beon
waiting for anyone, but Uuttcrsby
Just hnpponcd along. At tho polls
Uuttcrsby spoko to Mlnto und ho
haticd him (Coopor) a tlckot which
ho voted. Didn't seo Battcrnby ngnln
until ho camo to tho river bank whore
ho (Cooper) vun walking and Bat
torsby nsked If ho had cvor offered
him a position. Ho suld ho would
swear tho truth. Battorsby asked If
ho was going to swear that ho bougut
Cooper's voto for $1.50.-IIo replied
that ho hud not told anyono ho had
sold his voto for Hl.no Buttersby then
went away saying that It was nil
right If no job was put up on him.
Cooper said ho wus going to scratch
Edct but Battorsby persuaded him
not to do it, so ho changed his mind
nnd voted straight. Louis Folsum wns
called and told of seeing Coopor ut the
polls und Joking him. Didn't dial
lengo his votu becauso ho know Coopor
wus u resident of tho wurd. Hero tho
defence moved todiimlss on tho
grounds of lack of convicting ovldonco
but tho motion wns overruled nnd
Battorsby wus called.
Ho told n very straight storv, saying
that ho wns a dabbler In politics and
u friend of Coopers. Ho wns engaged
Monday in tho polltlcul duty of In-
lluonclng his friends to uphold tho
party. Ho told Cooper thut he would
try und get him n position on tho II ro
department, If ho would help the
tloket and It was successful. Cooper
said he didn't wunt the position, us It
would Intorfcr with his buslnobs nnd
tho pav wus too small. So he Just In-
lluonced him In u friendly way, nnd
hud never ottered him money. Ho
went to tho polls with him to seo thut
no ono else, on tho other side, Influ
enced him to yoto for the cltlzons'
ticket. Ho taw Coopor on tho river
bank Tucsduy und ha said if he
(Cooper) would swour ho got $1.60 for
his voto they would nco Hut ho got
out free,
Cooper was recalled nnd stated
thut it was Charley Boothby who had
spoken about tho 81. CO voto, and,
had said If ho mado tho offer to you,
come out and tell nil about It, Ho
never spoke to Duo Gibson and didn't
kcow whether it was Gibson or somo
ono clue who was with Boothby.
Boothby recalled. Hud xpoken to
Cooper'H brother about telling the
truth. Gibson wus not thoro when ho
The prosecution submitted tho cuso
without urgument. McCourt und
Buwermun mudo u plea for their
allent ur.d prosecutor J. H. McNury
closed the case In un uble argument.
The court took the cao under nd
vUcmont till 10 u. m , today. (Wed
nesday) when he dismissed tho cmse
owing to lack of conylutlng evidence
against thedofendant.
Fancy Holiday Wares,
The Now York Racket Iiiih ii heavy
line or ull kinds of funey holiday good,
In tho shape of albums, dressing
cases, shaving Bets, cull and collar
boxcf, perfumed, Christmas cards,
games of all kinds, story books, paints
autograph albums, tcrup books, doll
In all nationalities, stereoscopes and
views, atomizers, and chetille table
and stand covers, fasclnutors, hoods
box paper, and many other Items.
Call and get at our usual low prices,
all marked In plain llgurcs.
7 cod 2t & w
Jefferson Myers, tho attorney left
this af muoou for Jacksonville, Flu,,
to be gone about, a month,
How the Fifty Million
Regulars Are to Bo Sent to
And tho Volunteers AroThonto Bo
r laUA I'raaa la Ilia Journnl.
Wabiiinotqn, Djc 7. Tlio manner
In which tho wir funds wero disposed
of la told Id lotters sent from all tho
departments and burens to tho liouso
commlttcoon appropriations of the
emergency national defense fund, of
llfty mlllons. tho navy department
got a largo umount, viz: $20,073,274.
Tho wur'dopartmontoxpsndltures of
tlio cmorgoncy fund amount to $13,
051,303. Tho stuto department re
ceived 9303,000 from tho emergency
Dknveii, Dec. 7. Tho Rocky
Mountain News today prints the fol
lowing telegrum from Secretary
"It Is proposed to send the rcgulnr
regiments to rollovo tho volunteers In
Manila ns koon ns transportation can
be arranged. Tho volunteers will be
roturncd to tho United States In tho
order In which they loft,"
This will bring the troops baok In
tho following order:
First California, second Oregon,
first Colorado, tenth Pennsylvania,
and tho Utah battery.
Non-PattUan. Temperance,
II)' Amoclnletl rc (o (ho Journnl.
CI'EVkland, Dec. 7.- Officers wero
elected at today's session or the non
partisan W. O. T. U., Mrs. Howard M.
Ingham, elected president.
The Peice Treaty,
ll Aoolucil l'reia lu tho Journnl.
Pakis, Dee, 7. Tlmro wuf uo Joint
session of tlio ocaco commissions to
day, ns tho Spaniards uro still oc
cupied In translating Amorlcus
nnswor to toolr proposals In regard to
UiOBtutURof Spun I till subjects In tho
nnnexo'l territory.
Qermnn Parhment,
Ilr Aiioctattd I're to tba Journal.
Bkumn, Dec. 7. Count Von Bui
lestrcm, a centrist, today wus elected
prcsldontof tho Reichstag.
Rainbow of attractive prices unlocks the pocket
books for our many appropriate gifts,
Our Adolfo
A 3-cianp, res', kid gloves In
all colors. Social Monduy.
Tuesday und Wednsdoy M 38
Special prices this week
In our cntlro lino of ladle'
tailor mudo suits
$25.00 PUltS 818.05.
il.M HUltR $10.(15.
$15.00 stilts $11 76.
$12.50 suits $ 0 85.
$10.00 sulttf $ 7.05.
Cyrano chains
Those ncok chains are now
the lutaDt fad We havo them
In Jut, Pourl, Qaruet, A moor,
etc, $25 cents to $2.50 euuli.
Opalescent porcelain ware
Elegant novaltles for Xmas
gifts ut 20 per cent reduction,
Alligator chatelains
Swell for the little ones with
chain und hook -.... ....
Phone 1. 278 280 Commercial street, corner Coiir!,'
SALEM'iS Gl?yeAEST '&ffiQ&
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum bafelngr powdm are ht grtaMt
menacen to health of the promt day.
aovAi cAmna rowoin ea, niw von.
The Fair.
Tho Catholic fair opened on Tues
day evening under auspl?es so favora
ble as to remove all doubt as to Its
success. Tho goneral make-up of the
hall ha? already been described In
these columns, und the Immenso num
bers who visited the fair wero not dis
appointed. Tho performance by
young ladles of tho Sacred Hoart
Acadomy was beautiful and artistic.
Wo cannot inaka special mention of'
tho performers, but each number was
In tho most popular young lady vot
ing contest, a now candidate's name
has nppcared. Miss Luttlo Hctlon
brand, the popular young lady lo tho
employ of tho Electric Light Co., has
60sotop;ioslto her nnmtr. Another
prlzo had cou udded, u 14 karat dia
mond ring with a ruby sotting, Tlio
contest will bo of Interest this oven
Ing. Remember, a supper Is prepared
tor ull.
Four Men Lost.
Ur Aaioclntetl Praia to the Journnl.
West Suwcrioii, Wis. Dec. 7. Four
mon .vera burled by a cave tn on tho
coal docks this afternoon, They
doubtcdly will bo lost.
Two Appointments,
Gov. Lord toduy named II. E,
Dosli of Mio first district and J. R.
Cnscy of tlio second district as mem
bors of tho stuto board of horticulture,
to servo four rears from April let,
Miss Mlunlo Whltnoy, of Wood!.
i . t '
ourn, is mo guoo ot nor aunt, ;u
J. F.Stclgcr, utlho Cottigo.
Ilr AiKoointoiI rrci lo Ilia Journal. .V;
CniOAan, Dec. 7. May 05L Cuslr t
No 2 red G8f.
San Fiiancisco, Dec. 7. Muy 1.171-'
cunt! 1.15.
crippled mo for years. I could not
walk. I trial many pliyaluinn.H with
out benefit. On tlio advice of a
friund I triad your modiolno. I
wns comnltjtoly ourod by tlaroo
bottloa oi
O. P. rtOWEN, llorton Summit, Pa.
Ice wool fascinators
Shawls, etc. A big lino at
vorv small prices, 25c, CDs to
$2 00.
Twenty per cent reduction sale H
Every poy's and ohlld'e suit
und overcoat In the store must
go. At thlh hDoolal cut which,
taken oil of our usual low
prices muko4 this sale djgobly
Men's Clothing
$7 45 SPECIAL. Thirty of
our host 80 On nod 8fO,CO suits
ut tho ubuve price,
Greatest values ever offered,
Our entire $2.00
lino; speoful.
"-v"-1 119, i
Holiday Kerchiefs
Orund assortment.
, n
274 Commercial Street