HWMHSWW BQ9WBMffVWi "'J" " -" Ahi 1ia liH "ii hiiiUMfcMMWAfcJiwMttrtJMOiiMmiri abMMtkMMMM wtirfcaiiMfiiiiTiiM r rimimri in i jL". j uBrttrasrTssnmjwa . ' i .' $ . & .- i h t VI tf- 3' ty i fr Ir"' fe MA " ?p . IS ' iseiitiiOgaeiLgasifteQajeggaaeg Bargains in Capes.,. Another shipment of capes lias aril ved In our clonk depart ment. They ate the beat yalucs ever shown In Salem or any other city. Forlnstancoa plush cape, beaded and cmbrold- crcd collar, Mi I bet trimmed 2 " A plush cape, extra Reed quality, plain with thlbot trimmed collar --3 00 A plush cape, extra good qualty, good! length, collar and front thlbot'.trlmmed ' A plush capo beaded and embroidered collar, tlilbct trimmed fancy plaid lining, a seller - S? A Bnucle capo, good length, collar thlbct trimmed W To A double Beaver cape, nicely braided - -J A Golf cape, good quality, black beaver - ou A flno quality olack beaver capo velvet and buckle trimmed f 00 Jackets at cut prices until all are sold. Do not intend to carry over a single garment. s&SS I HOLVERSON'S I sss- 9 i!l8SSaSSPS8SSglS REFORM REJOCES The McBridt Push Has the Last Pins Knocked Out From Under. XMas Gloves Just received the greatest line of holiday goods over shown. Gloves that fit well, feel well and look well. Good things for those who think of good goods. La "Marchc" Swede Gloves, the latest, colonr.brown, ' mode, canary, white, drab.-ctc, 81.50 "Goethe" Our Star 3 clasp kid glove, the bost'ovcr sold for 91.00 1 "La Fayette" Real kid with fancy embroidery; very swell 81 .75 "Lafayette" with contrasting stitches S1.G0 Boys' and Misses' Kid gloves, extra quality, all sixes $1-00 J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. All kinds of glasses for all kinds of eyes Painstaking and painsaving Eye service, Nothing affords moro plcasuro than a pair of well fitted glasses, which makes one's eyes as bright and clear as In younger days. A Fine Christmas Gift And worth II vo times moro than what you paid for them, A correct fit guaranteed, HINGES Salkm'b Exphht Optician, Permanent ..200.. Location. Commercial Street. THE WEATHEH. Tonight and Wednesday fair. PERSONAL AND LOCAL, Movements of Rcnldents and Visitors At the Capital City. (Tor additional Local ami Rodnl MotMnl i'c Scott Uosnrth Is In Corvallls, on a brief visit. Thomas Kay Is In Albany, on busi ness connected with tho mill. Hoary E. McGinn, tho Portland at torney Is In the nlty on legal business. John Holman has returned to Albany, after coming to Salem Mon day to yoto. Sedgwick Emergency corps will hold a called meeting for special buslnoss at 2 o'clock p m. Saturday Dec. 10, at A. O. U. W. hall. V. II. Parker, of Portland, has re turned to his law practlco at Portland, after n visit with his sister Mrs. James W. Watt of this city. Rev. II. Schweudner, i f St, Joseph, Mich., has arrived In the city aud Is tho guet of Roy. Schunko, or tho Germqn ISaptlst elm nil during the week. ' Tomorrow evening Miss A mm Krobs will prosont a musical pro gram to bo performed by tho members of her class, nsslstod by Miss Margaret Aldorson. This program will be one of tho special features of the fair, local jjven ra. Dec. 0 Tuesday evening Cathollo fair open?. Dec. 10 Monday eynnlng Salem Chamlier of Commerce annual election. Closing Prices on Capes and Jackets . $10.00 Capo now 7.50. 9 6.00 'Capo now 1.75. 3.2) Capo now (2.75, ?,0J Capo now $2.25. Correspondingly low prices on Ladles' und Children's Jaokots. Dress Patterns make nice Christ inas presents. Come in and make your selection now aud have' It f ait away for you. Notice those n our south window. WILLIS BROS. & CO, ttU9TlQOU SOUTH ok rosTorwor.. jJtrflalosfio Saxony ull colors. ejjlHren'jfiOo shoecx-Ladies' "6o. Bfbkeajilloe of underwear at 20c. Judges Exchange. Judge Harriott held court at 2 o'clock today to hear the Ilcllon dl vorco suit for Judgo llolsc, while tho latter went to Dallas and tried u case In which Judge Burnett could not properly act. Oregon City Election. Pendleton- -Tho annual city election resulted In tho election of Dr, Freder ick W. Vincent us mayor, Ucorgo II, Hartmau and Frank 11. Clopton as councilman, John E. Hcum as recorder, John II. Heathmau as marshal, and George W. linker us treasurer. Tho total vote cast was 07o, smaller than at tho election onu year a.o, Dr. Vincent succeeds Dr. C. J. Smith. Tho contest for marshal was spirited, Hcathman having only three plural uy. Vincent Ii4(i ini majority over J. E. Miller, and was elected us un In dependcut candldutc, although ho Is a strong Republican, No paity lines were drawn, and Vincent carried every precinct, as did tilsu Ileum. Oregon City Tho municipal elec tion was quiet. The voters walitcd quietly to tho polls and cast tholr bal lots, although tho frll&ds of tho rival candidates worked faithfully to sccuro votes. Tho majorities wero as follews: Mayor, Charles D, Latourotto, inde pendent, 101; treasurer, II.E.Stralght, non-partisan, 21; couucllmon, Frank Ilusah, Independent, 2J0; J. W.Powell, independent, IU: E. E. Charnmn, non parties, 40; C. G, Huntley, Independ ent, 30. The total nnmber of voles polled was 050, six less than lust year. Oakland. The municipal election resulted In the .election ofjtlio follow fellow follew ing: C. L. Ohonoweth, mayor; P. U. lleckloy, P.O. Parker, J. A. Hatty aud C. II. Medley, councllmcn;G. T. Hub sell, recorder; '.. L. Dlmmlck, treasurer; O. A. Uousor. marshal. Tho majority aro new olllccrs. .JIulMy, Tho city election passed oil qulotly. Tho olllcers elected are: Mayor, F. Frlsby; treasurer, M. V. Koentz: marshal. Charles Tvlcr: councllmen, William Allen. O, Hone. II, Owen, D. Taylor, W. Goulford, I). L. Stewart, The contest for rccurdor resulted In a tlo voto betweon S. U in stead and W. J. Stewart. Albany Tho city election woa very quiet. Six hundred aud three votes wero cast. The olllcers elected are: O. O. Lee, Dcm., marshal: E. A. Parker, Hop., treasurer; O. P, Dan nuls, i(ep., F. II. Pfelffer, Dcm., and William Rlohards, Pom., councllmen. ' . Dr, Bull's Couth Syrup furnishes most substantial comfort und relief to consumptives; it works most remark ablo cures, Don't despair. Itollot can certainly tbo had; a euro Is possible with this wonderful remedy, Ill SIM I p II AU druftfbU sell Dr. UUm Nertu FImUu Salem Has But One Ambition to Be the Best Governed City en the Pacific Coast. There is great rejoicing among all but tho Republican push over tho re sult of tho city election. It became known early In the artcrnoon that tho Citizens' ticket was in the lead and by fl o'clock Major-elect Chas. P. Bishop was receiving congratulations from a constant stream of visitors at his store, At 7 o'clock crowds of volunteer workers for the citizens ticket were thronging the headquarters atM. W. Hunt's olllco congratulating the In dependent Republican leaders and members of the Union committee for their maenltlclcnt victory. At 8 o'clock tho crowd started with cheers for Mr. Blshop'6 ofllce and gave him an olllclal notification of their appre ciation of his ruunlng qualities, which ho appreciated by setting up a couplo of boxes of cigars. There wns no speech-making but the crowd that gathered thoroughly enjoyed them selves. Ono great weakness of the Repub lican light was the discords among tho leading elements. They were not united and harmonious, while the op position had eliminated all friction and presented a ticket or strong clean men. Tho Republicans had almost no workers except city, county and fed eral olllco holders. The result nf tho election Is far reaching In state politics, as It means tho downfall of tho McBrlde-Mltcuell combination. Without tho city of Salem government, pollco and lire dc partment back of thorn, Micro Is not a McBrlde delegation In the text state convention or legislature. Without Marlon for trading stock McBrldo can accomplish nothing. Multnomahh Is against him. With out Marlon ho cannot conduct opera tions even If Clatsop und Columbia are for him. The pcoplo of Salem and Marlon county understand tills. and this city olecilon removes nil doubt about Mcllrldc's getting a second term. Salem can now slough olT an ex pensive "push" thut has been neither enterprising nor progressive, except In bad Unnnclerlng and personal plundering of tho public. The city has been allowed to bo run "wide oiicu," whllo grafters and boodlcrs have plucked and plundered the pjrpctralors of offenses against tho community. With u clean business city govern mont. with an honest, economical administration, with ull sorvlco for tho city rendered In open competition and with all officials and employes paid upon merit and for actual ser vices rendered. Salem will go forwurd In un era of orderly, peaceful and pro gressive municipal government. Tho new city government should purgo Itself of all tho rottenness and oxtravaganco of tho past. No ap pointments should Mo mado as a re ward fur political scrylco. Tho repu tation of being tho best govorncd city on tho Pad tic coast should bo the proudest boast of our city. It will takosoveral years to gain that reputa tion, but It is worth striving for. Horse Shut, Ono day last week somo ono with out conscience shot and killed a horso belonging to E. Klnsey In the Wuldo hills. Tho animal wus very much needed by tho family, und whether dono through Kiallco or by careless ness the perpetrator should bo brought to Justice, Catholic Fair Tonight, Tho Catholic Fair will gracefully open this evening at 6 o'clock by Mr. Claud Gatch ex-mayor. He will deliver an address appropriate to tho occasion. Tho program of tho eve ning Is by tho young ladles of tho Academy. It will bo worth hearing and seolng. In every sonse artistic. A supper table will bo well provided with all things to satisfy tho most rampant appetites an 1 tho most ro ll nod Utes. Tho Hull Is u veritable fairyland. Admission free. Come early. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, Nevor Dis appoints thoo who uso It for obstlnnte coughs, colds and Irritations or the throat and lungs. It stands unrivaled ah u romedy for throat und lung diseases, bold by all druggists for 25c. 134 Bute it JOURNAL "X-RAYS." The price or grass seed has fallen. in Fourth term arc not popular any where. The first hard frost fell last night for several years, TuuJourmal bollevei In steady, 11-the-year-uround work. " Will Gray was too good a man to bo burled under a numv drift. Ed. Edcs got a big vote for a man running fora fourth term. The push has nothing loft to bleed now but the poor old state fair. xxx .There was a great demand for Alaskan nnowshocs this morning. n x Geo. Grab has the deputy tax' col lecting lnft and the state stovo Aorks Job. Even Claud Catch's name could no longor be used to conjure with by tho gang. t The number of two-bltters, who really put on a great deal of style In tho world, Is quite large. Messrs. Clmmborlln. Hunt, Cuslck, Boothby und Pcarco did the Job up brown for the Republicans. IXX Why shouldn't the Illllfee club be required to pay city license? It seems to be doing n good business. It didn't hurt tho two Silver county chairmen, John Bayne and W. T. Rtgdon.to be abused for their support of the citizen's movement. Alderman Buren was the happiest man In torfn last night. Ho will not bo so loncHomo iu tho council hero after. XXt Collector Ike and Collector Gcorpe Grab hayo both got fat Jobs, and the party bo d d. That's scientific politics. . " Frank Durbln Is u sheriff for all thepoople. lie and his deputies ar rested Illegal voters right aud left Monday. George Grab lias used tbo party to mako himself attorney for tho pub lic in general, but there Isn't much left of HIS party. It was not tho "straight" Repub Means tho people had tho avalancho of their frozen wrath In store for. It was the crooked fallows. Mr, Jack D'Arcy, you will, of course, bo asked to resign from tho Union city cornmltteo, aud somotuan named who Is not quite so close to the Patterson-Blngham push! XX X Chairman Strong and Messrs. Stelner, Palmer and Mo A tea of the Union Rommlttco deserves the thanks of all the pcoplo of Salem for tholr services In downing tho ring. XX X Alderman Lawrence was ono man who did not break his neck to buck tlio popular tide. Un was busy all day selling groceries, and In the ever: Ing called on the mayor-elect. A push Democrat, a push Republi can and a push policeman formed a highly Interesting trio on a Salem crossing Sunday morning. It was nn effect I vo political object lesson. Ed. Edes says the peoj'le of , Salem have always treated him well, and he feels Just as grateful to them as If they had given him a fourth term. Though lie would have preferred tho latter, he has no kick coming. 4 Tltn UiiIaiii TrtTtnfcr . t mliitiifid Uirld ' tlans to resort more to prayer and less to liw courts. The Jouknai, Is doing Its best to get even with Law yer Bingham. Ex. It Is Mr. Bingham who is carrying on tho litigation to secure an injunc tion and have a receiver appointed. The Journal's prayers ar heard. Old Callfornlans always mako fun of "Our Oregon, Sweet Oregon" on account of tho rain that Is frequently seen here In the winter months, and sometimes other months. But Just now down In a good many places In their own stato they arc having a hard tiruo .of it to get through tho winter, or even the llrst part of it, be cause of the lack of Mils moisture. From their Capital Lltsclf comes up a cry of want. Better get some webs on your feet IT you would prosper. Rev. Mr. Copcland gave his lecture to an appreciative audience at the Congrcgatlonul church Inst night, lie sot ouo his theory that roughly eacli Ave hundred years Micro has been a decided advance In civilization. The first was tho Greek literature; the second began with the dispersion of Jens in A. D. 70, tho preaching of Christianity und tho Jewish idea of homo life. Rev. Mr. Copolaud Is a forcible speaker. He Is an optimist and believes that all theso movements have been directed by the Eternal Father, The prince of the power of the air will, bo believes, take a part In that uplift. Albany Herald. Rev. Copoland is llltcral. Ho would give oven the devil a share In the progress of the world. ..GREAT SA6RIFI6E.. AUCTION SALJB TAX COLLECTION FEES. Bill for Delinquent Commissions On Taxet Collected. At tho December meeting of the Marlon county court will conic up the llrst bill of Geo. G. Bingham as do. llnquont tax collector. Ho has col lected upwards of two thousand dol lars atl5 and 20 per cent commission. Nearly all of It Is or tho taxes due for 1800. Notices for the delinquents of 1805 have not been out long und not much has como In. Very llttlo at tention Is paid to Mr. Blughum'sduns for tuxes buck or 1800, Following are some or tho taxpayers contributing to Mr. Bingham, tliess sums being all against real estates Of the STOCK'S DRY GOODS STORE, auction to commence on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 2:00 P. M. and continues daily afternoon and evenings except on Saturdays which will commence at 10 a m and 1 p, m. and 7 p, m, The manager, is compelled to make this sale as they must surrender the building by the first of the year, Therefore All goods will go without limit or reserve There is about $10,000 worth of dress goods, silks and fine wash silks, mackintoshes, umbrellas, hosiery, underwear, fall wrap pers, lace curtains, laces and embroideries, jackets and cloaks a good variety of notions, misses' and children's fine shoes, safe and other fixtures, etc, etc, The private sales will continue right along, Don't fail, to at tend at l 6oiuWGiui street. S, Friedman, Manager Proceedings Suler, or New In Congress. York, the ranking and would have been paid as quickly Democrat or the house committee on us notilled by tho sheriff. Opposlto' military affairs, Introduced a resolu cuch sum Is the commission nndjtlon "authorizing nnd directing the amount Mr Bingham Is to recelve: 'committee on military affairs to ln- Tux Rate Com. ....$ 30 71 .... in 08 . . . . 44 20 30 32 18 00 130 61 170 00 37 05 30 00 20 00 1)0 00 63 02 37 80 122 10 31 00 20 20 15 16 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 $7 34 3 14 3 00 14 60 8 00 5 01 18 33 5 10 10 70 23 87 0 43 0 01 2 41 Coffee Field The Held affords u great wauy va rieties, and our stock covers them all. Wc have a Dozen Varieties And novcr before sold so much codec nor pleased our patrons bo well. Como and see. SONNEMANN TUB GROCER S. B. Catterltn Ed. Grim.... G. II. Noble.. Geo. Morris... Dave Stelner J. O. Brown Brown & Smith ... Lucy Hall A J vUX Mn.T.A. Hlldlne.. Ira Erb J, J. Uurloy A. N, Moores A.E. LuRoquo S. Farrur& Co .... Squlro Farrar Ill 77 lielra John 1'iirrar.. 151)10 Thos. Johnson 02 00 A. Blosser 04 18 T. Grim 1(1 00 A great muny smaller sums have ! been paid iu, There are able lawyers who say there Is no law to pay any commission on the collection of these delinquent taxes and that Mr. Ring ham's bill will have to bo allowed as attorney fees, The county court undoubtedly acted In good faith In letting out this Job, although the sheriff could collect these taxes without furthur expense to the county. If that is the law some taxpayer should enjoin the county court from paying Mr. Bing ham uny commission beyond the actual expense of clerical services cur red q sending out the notices vcstlgutor the war department and the conduct of the Spanish war." The resolution was referred to t!ii j? jjjj committee on military affairs. 2 go Moyer, of Louisiana today Intro- :0 37 duccd Iu tho houso a bill uppropprlat- 750 Inir 812.000.000 for tho constriictlnn nf jj jq a wde, dcop channel from deep water ui luu iuissisMiuM rivor vi uecp water of the Gulf or Mexico In- I will now sell all trimmed and un untrimmed hats at cost. Miss Smith State street. 12-5-1 w TO CURB A COLD IN ON El DAY Tako Laxative Bron.0 Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 26c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. I! Telaphono SI DOLLS Some splendid values now in and a tremendous stock on the Como and seo. way. Thoso Handkerchiefs on display on our blR show tables are tho talk of the town. Wo want you to seo them while they 'ro out In wood view. Hayo to surrender the pluco toothers In a day or two. Narrow val, laces footings, aud small hemstitched handkerchiefs ready to mount up. Save tlmo and oye work. Thoso 2. 16 Goodyear welt shoes for ladles. Blggost line ever shown. Keep your feet dry and warm. Big lino of fancy sllppera-oOo Up.' WIGGIN'S BAZAAR. 307 Commercial Streel Remember The cut prices wc are ma'ting on our Macldintoii line, Men's goods away under price. AMUSEMENTS. JIEHD'S OPERA H0TJ3E PATTOX llltOS.. Mwns -M TIUntSD.VY. DKOKMIIKU 8, TWO ..MARRIED.. MEN Ylie ruintal Farce Ciniedy ef the Setson PRICES, . SOo and 7So, Santa-Clans I I AH P t1 f fir t n "si ' AT I S. Dearborn's Boot Store Call for Warrants. Notlco Is hereby given Mint there, payment of all warrants of tho City r "'e'". 'indorsed on or befnro Occo ber20, 1800, dmwn upon the- gene-al rund. Please precent said warrants for payment at Ladd & Bush's bank, us Interest on the same will cease rom the date of this notice. c . A. A. Lek. City Treasurer. Salem. Nov. 20, 1803. 2 lOt I . 1 4. . . .WUIIIiy. BO YEARS' diHi EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Degions CopvniQirrs Ac. A New Department. Salem has a new manufactorv. It! Anyone sondlng a ketch and dttcrlrtlon mi quloklr Mcortaln our opinion free "bMtitr u UIT IlfllVlllBUIO. ..VIUU.UM.t identr.l. Iluidbookonl'tunu ent f ren. Clldcit oncr for leaning tulinu. luroumi Aiunn a vo. rcroi. is unit in me 1'osi umec cundv btore, and the work Is dono by an expert French confectioner. Mr. Hughes the proprietor, proposes to glyo his patrons the best and freshest candles that can bo made. He has a irand stock or Xmas candles, ond does not charge fancy prices. 2t Intention la probablr iioniairicur I'ntmita tAkon tptetal notice, without cliarve, la tba Scientific JItnenM A handiomolr UlostraKxt WMklr. L-r,,".V? dilation or anr fflemino lourna . TeroUJi yeari fourmondu.il. Bold tr all M11 HUNN&Co.30'Dw'NewM Branch Office. &S V St., Waihlngton. ft C. mm i)r. MIIts' Kervb I'lahtkiw rn' 8PWAk VRAKKvSa. All dni"Ut3 will nofoift' -j rlaAV j.. . , .. iWSxiiift5TifTK.rtf,T)rJC!eii:i-iG?!5 )K&zstw&iajwmz I -rt. vv B!SJ v 't0,N J SHSSgJ fl Poor Man.. ..Feels Ric When he Sees what a little money Will do at our store, Bargain Spot for Christmas Shoppers A few choice Chinese Calen dars 50c, 75c, and II A new line of Sterling Sllvor novelties, also a 25c line of triple plate silver novelties. Hand painted china articles and celuloid novelties, Turks & Button's calendars from 60 to J2. Look over his lino, Gertrude Partington's India Ink Proof Calendars and sketches, exclusive Salem agency, Flno boxes of stationery 75c, $1.00, $1,25, 92.50, and 93.00 263 Cummercial Street DOLLS, DQLL SET, TOY FURNITURE, STOVBS. CARRIAGES, DRUMS, WAGONS', TRUNKS, CniNA TEA SETA PIANOS, RON TOYS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. AND ALBUMS, OASES, DRESSING FANCY 1'OCKETBOOKS, CELLULOID, WORK BOXES, PERFUMERY, RIBBONS AND FANCY NOTIONS. FINE ASSORTMENT HOLIDAY SLIPPERS, Qome in and look around we're always pleased to show you. ...OSBURN'S RACK 7F 1 llLllHl 303 Oommercial Street . DIRECTliY OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE K$mmwimmmm&