Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 06, 1898, Image 1

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.NO. 264
How is this?
Men's willow calf lace shoes,
new toes. calMincd, Goodyear
welts $3,00 a pair,
Rubbers Free
With all ladies shoes at $2.50
or oyer wc give a pair of ladies'
rubbers free of charge for 10
ankei sale!
Congress on Routine
Power to Bo Given to Acquire
Four Men Killed and Several
Mexican Minister Raised to an Ambassador.
See those special lines and prices at the
Money is the Lever
That Moves the World
and the pretty and useful Christmas goods at The Fair
moves the pocketbook. but docs not affect it a great deal
for the rca&on that everything is so cheap.
A Fine Line of Sample Vases
and tree ornaments bought away down low for spot
cash and will be sold very cheap,
100 Dozen Handkerchiefs
Books, albums, beautiful chenille covers, toys of all
kinds, carts, wagons, doll cabs, dolls, slippers,
Santa Claus Letter
has been delayed on account of the heavy storms, but he
has made arrangements tor his headquarters at the Fair
. Store.
P, S."His letter will appear latei',
ll- Aaanrlntrit I'rms to Hip Joiirnnl.
Washington, Dec. 0. The session
of tbo the senate was devoted mainly
to routine matters, the Introduction
of bills nnd the presentation of reso
lutions. Halo presented a bill to re
vive the grade of udtulrul and vice ad
miral. Vest Introduced u Joint rcso-
lulled declaring that under the con
stitution, the United States bus the
power to acquire territory to bo held
and governed as colonies.
Washington, Dec. 0. The presi
dent today sent to congress the nom
ination of Powell Clayton of Arkansas
to be an ambassador to Mexico,
Romero, tho former Mexican minister
having been raised to the rank of
Four Worth, Dec. 0. Tho Far m
ors National Congress began Its an
nual session today with several hun
dred delegates present.
Washington, Dec. 0. Tho houso
had a short session today und ud-
Journcd out of respect to the memory
of the lato Represcntatatlvcs North
way of Ohio, and Love of Mississippi.
Heklin, Dec. 0. Tho Reichstag
was opened today by tho Kinporor
Washington, Dee. 0. Tho presi
dent today transmitted to congress
tho report of tho Hawaiian commis
sion together with the text of bills
drawn by tho commission for the gov
ernment of the Islands as part of tho
United States.
Washington, Dec. (!. The Trans
port lUieblaardvedatManllu today.
r Auoclntcil I'rci to (lie Jaurnnl.
Boston, Dec. 0. Four men were
killed, andsoveral severely injured at
Fort Independence, Castle Island In
Boston harbor, this afternoon by the
explosion of tho mine, which hod been
removed from tho channel by divers.
Tho men were engaged In carting the
mine from the shore to the Interior of
the Islund.
Nllro- Oelatina Explosion.
Pinoclk. Cul., Dec. 0. Tho nltro
gclatlno house of the Judson Powder
Company blew up lato yesterday,
killing Superintendent 'Charlc9
Kennedy and four Chinese, the only
workmen in tho building at tho time.
Tho explosion was a terrific one, four
tons of nltro-gclatino blowing up,!
completely demolishing tho building.
Tho same house was badl damaged
by an explosion six weeks ago, and
two Chinese wnre killed. Superin
tendent Kennedy was superintending
some rolxluu when tho explosion oM
yestcrduy occurred. It Is probablo
that the causo of the explosion will
never bo known, as no ono who was
In the building escaped death. (
Technical Delays Will
Be of No Avail,
Coaling Station In Carolines
May Bo Secured,
American Commissioner Listen to
r Spanish Quibblings
A Noted Physician Will Prove This to
SufToreti InSalam.
All Becauso oregon Was Va
cant so Long. '
r Aoclnted I'rt to Hie Jnurnnl.
New Yonic, Dee. 0. A special to
tho Herald, from Washington, 6ays:
"When Hon. Joseph Simon, tho new
senator from Oregon, was formally
sworn InlootV.cc, he found that there
was no seat for him In tho senate.
Tho fenaiorship from Oregon had
been vacant so long thnt
In the arrangement of seats no
arrangement was mado for
Senator Simon on the Republican side
of the chamber. The new senator re
sented the suggestion that ho sit on
tho Democratic sldo. The Republi
can leaders were consulted and It was
suggested that Senator Hutler, aPop
ullst, might be willing to move over
to the Democratlo aide, but ho re
fused to give up his present seat and
Senator Simon Is still seatless."
Tho. progress of modorn medical
sclonco lias k:d to the discovery of
succcssfuly methods of treatment for
most or tuose iimamcs onco regaiuuu
nk Incurable. Asthma has always been
regarded us belonging to thlsobstlnatc
class baltllng tho skill or tho greatest
nhvslcluns. Thousands of suffered
know by their own experience that
llttto. If anv. roller lias uccn niiorucu
I them bv tho methods heretofore
emooved. Dr. Rudolph Keiilinuauu
tho noted physician has, after a life
long study of Asthma and kldnoy
disease, discovered a remedy which
not oniy gives insiant. rcnei in wm
severest cases of Asthma, Hay fever
and Bronchitis ,but has actully cured
thousands whoso cuses hud been pro
nounced Incurable So complcto lb his
confidence In his 'remedy, that to
overcome tho skepticism of the public
growing out or tho fulluro of other
remedies, Dr. Schllfmunn requests
tills paper to announce that all day
Thursday Dec. 8th ho offers a liberal
sample box or Schltfmann's Asthma
Curo rrco chargo to all persons apply
ing ntStelner Drug,Cofs store, Stuto
and Commorclal streets. Ho believes
that an actual test will be tho most
convincing, and In fact tho 'only, wuy
to overcome the natural prejudice
of thousands or Asthmatics who have
herotoruro sought roller In vain. Per
sons living out or town will receive
by wrltlfg direct to Dr. R.Sclilffmunn
316 uosaoel St., au nun, juinn., ue-
foro Dec. 15th, ur no rreo samples can
bo obtained after that uaic, &enu
slmplyyour name and your address i
plainly written ou a post cum.
Br Acauotntoil Preaa to (ho Journal.
Paris, Dec.O. Thu history of tho
document which will certUy tno pass
ing or tho oldest colonial power in
tho world and tho advent or tho new
est was epitomized by Judge Day, In
a single sentence:
'A peace treaty tocontuln anything
which the victors put into It."
The Amorlcans had listened Tor
hours with their customary patience
to the technicalities convoked by
tho Spaniards, with their customary
shrewdness and persistency, against
every proposal ror tho dismember
ment ot tholr empire Darkness had
comoon, and the liveried attendants
mobilized by the French authorities
had placed a tloy lamp at tho elbow
of each commissioner. Senator Frye,
whoso unconcealed contempt for
diplomatic quibblings cxoltcs the
ustonlshmcnt or tho punctilious
Caatillans, had stalked home, his pa
tlenco cxhanstcd,
The commissioners decline to say
what conclusion was reached, but tho
bargain ror a coaling station in tho
Carolines was not comontcd, and, ac
funding to present prospects, It Is
llkolv to rail. Tho temper or tho
Americans In this mutter Is:
"Wc make you a good offer ror an
Island. You may tuko It or leave It."
Tho Spaniards scorn disposed to
leave It. Tho Americans do not re
gard it us a prlzo which they can de
mand as one or the natural fruits or
the war, whllo tho whole policy or
the Spaniards Is to conllno tho ro
gotlutlons as narrowly as poislblo to
tho letter or tho protocol signed In
Washington, and to cxcludo nil
extraneous matlors, Tho result or
this policy may bo tho leaving or
many details Involved In tho change
orsovcroignty over tho various pos
sessions to settlement by the regular
diplomatic prooesscs when normal
relations between tho two govern
ments have been resumed.
The Spanish commlsshners insisted
at tho provlous meeting that the set
tlement of tho status of tho Spanish,
who remain In tho colonics wns a
problem so closo'y alcln to cession
that It could not bo logically sep
arated rrom tho matter, but should be
considered next to tho question or ces
sion, and before such matters as coal
lug stations and religious toleration.
They appeared to tho Amorlcans,
haying gained all tho great points to
begenorouson tho minor ones. Ac
cordingly, tho American commission
ers, as foroshadowod by tho corres
pondent of tho Assoclotcd Press, woro
conciliatory today on tho order of
procedure as to tho status of tho
Spaniards remaining In tho lost colo
ThcSpinlsh commissioners uoutl duo
lighting with tooth nnd nail to pro
euro ovory posslblo pecuniary and
other concos9lon, Tho Americans had
already promised to guarantee the
return of Spanish prlsqncrs in tho
hands of tho Filllplnos. Scnor Mon
te ro Rio? proposed that tho United
States should pay the expenses of
shipping them to Spain, arguing with
his customary ingenuity that this
was tho duty or tho Amorlcans; as a
matter or course Tho Americans
thought tho request unreasonable,
and a good deal or tlmo was consumed
In discussing tho qucstbn.
Tho question or tho status of tho
Spaniards In tho West Indies und tho
Philippines who wish to remain there
was nearly sottlcd, as well as certain
commercial questions involving tho
rights or shipping under tho Spanish
(lug, which will bo glvon advantages.
Secretary 0cda, or tho Spanish
commission, when questioned after
tho meeting as to tho progress made,
answered excitedly:
"I am almost mad, I cannot talk.
Wo aro making progress."
Thn Spanish commissioners have re
ceived authority to bind tholr govern
ment on certain matters, but thcro
are yet importunt questions on which
their Instructions arc unsatisfactory,
and It Is not unlikely that many of
tho details Involved In tho chango or
sovereignty In tho Spanish colonies
will bo left for settlement in tho regu
lar diplomatic process when relations
between tho two governments aro ro
sumed. When tho commissioner emerged
from tl'.O foreign ofllco this evening
artcr along session, Judgo Day an
nounced that all requests had been
settled and tho treaty will be signed
In three or rour days.
New York Troops
Come Home
An American Vessel Lost By
The Crew Was Lost After Taking
to Tholr Boats,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
dog powders are the greatest
to health of the present day.
Alum bilcln
rotai tAwxa rowcm ea. ntw vobk.
Judge Carter's Uody.
Ur Aaaoolnlcd 1'rcaa to (lie .laurilnl.
San Francisco, Dec. 0. A body
supposed to bo Judjo Carter's was
round In tho ruins or tho Daldwln ho
tel today.
Br Aaaoolntad Praia to tUa Journal.
Honolulu, Nov. 29. Five com
panies or Now York volunteers sailed
today on tho steauuhlp Australia for
San Francisco. The first regiment
will sail next week,
Thrco deaths have ocourcd stneo
lust advices, all privates of tho tlrst
Now York. Tho transport St. Paul
arrived from San Francisco Novem
ber 20. She will icavofor Manila to
Tho steamer Maunc Loa brings tho
no rs or tho burning, on November 6,
or tho ship W. II. Sturbuck, lumber
laden, rrom Port Blukely for South
Africa. Captain MoDohuld's boat,
with Ills wire, tlrst mate and nlno or
tho crow and three babies, landed at
Hookon, November 20. When tho
vetuol was abandoned the crew left In
three oouts. Tho boats remained to
gether ror rour days, whun the llrst
mato's boat capsized, tho cook being
lost. A storm ramo up later. Tho
second mate's boat was lost 'sight of
and hus not been heard or since.
The TenniAsee,
Undersigned lias sM a fow thou
sand or those TonnesseoHStriwberry
plants left at 81.00 a hundred. They
nre tho finest tablo berry, or for tl
homo market. Early and brilliant
red. Now Is tho tlmo to put out to
get a spring crop. - E. Hoper,
d & w tf. Salem, Or.
Ily ,Vuclneit Prcaa lo ttie Journal.
Chicago, Dec. 0. May 05J. Cash
No 2 red OS.
San Fhancibuo, Dec. 0. May
cash 1.15.
You Don't Need a
Refrigerator Now
274 Commercial Street,
China Tea Set and Lamp I
To be ol ven awry on New Years' eve. No drawing; only count or
SkVSSi rr Wng very fast. 'almost rasier than Vo can handle.
KjSrt d reel and can show the Import Bills; therefore we get
the K out; and can sell cheap. You will find our stock very
JK Holiday Goods such as tine Havlland and German China, to
fefldX-worseU. Novelties In China and glassware, fcog
lfih' ScmT-Porcelaln (of which we carry ten patterns) Bohemian
KlaisX Cut 0 ass, common glassware, etc. Come and se and
to convinced of our having a large stock and saving at least 25
Kenton account or Importing. Wc invite you to the
Yokohama Tea Store.
Always Au Fait
We have Just received a large ship
ment or Cut Gla98 something rpr
the holidays au fait.
Jewelry Manufacturing
We are now nrcnared n do all
kinds of fancy engraving and
Jewelry manufacturing on short
notice, at reasonable rales.
Holiday Goods
fHWI'MWW '' " ' ' l'i " Jf'""""?! '11
New goods arriving every
Stock larger thao ever.
But you need good warm conv
forts and blankets and therefore
should take advantage of our closx
ing out sale, We are also supplied
with ready made sheets, pillow
cases and bed spreads
Tho joint commlxslons met at 2 p
in. It developed that yesterday's
session was of far greater Importance
thuu was generally supposed. It re
sulted In tho Americans uncompro
misingly rejecting Spain's requcBt
that for n term years tho ships or
that country jind Its products bo ad
mlttcd to Cuban and Porto Rlcan
ports under tho sumo regulations and
customs lurltT us American ships and
Noithern Pacific to Build South From
Walla Wa'la.
Union, Or., Dec. n.- General Munu
ger MrCabo, of tho Northwestern Pa
clllo railroad, has arrived from Wclla
Walla In company with President
Taylor, of tho Summorvllle, llluo
Mountain Si Walla Walla Railway
Company, which Is arranging to build
a railroad from Walla Walla f tins
city. At Walla alla this now road
will form a connection with tho
Northern Puclllc, and Manager Mo.
Cabo Is hero with Preslduut Taylor to
Investigate the resources of the coun
try tributary to tho proposed road.
He left for a trip over tho valley, and
will return to this city soon.
Two other men uro ulso here In tho
Interest or the O. R. A N., und watch
ing every movement that is ocing
Manager MeC&be said ho was lioro
on a tour or Investigation, and ut this
time had nothing to glvo out. He,
however, expressed himself ua being
well pleased with the valley and Its
The new road will oome over tho
mountain on practically the llnesur
veyedbyO. W, Hunt several years
ugo, and utilize tho grade which was
constructed at that time between
Union and Summorvllle, a dlstunco of
over 20 miles.
Qrea? Iptetest. Manifested, In Ariyjuuj
Trustee's Meeting.
Walter Lyon writes to tho Oregon-
Much Interest centers In tho next
meeting or the board ot" asylum trus
tees. The terms or Dr. Williamson,
llrst phylcan, nnd Dr. Grllllth, as
sistant phBlcian,liuve expired, and It
Is expected that their successors will
bo elected ut thu board's meeting tills
week. Dr. Williamson Is a candidate
for re-election. Dr. Grllllth Is ahoa
candldato for ro-elccelon, hut, It Is
and, hopes so bo promoted to Dr.
Williamson' ptaco In caso ho Is not
re-elected. Dr. W. R. Morso, or Sa
lem, Is also a candidate ror Dr. Wil
liamson's place. Dr. Williamson in
a Democrat, but has been tho Jlrst
physician at the asylum for a long
tlmo. Superintendent Paine le away,
having gone to the state of Washing
ton for tho purpose of visiting tho
asylum of that stuto
bottor known aB Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral, has mado a rocord for its ..
rcmnrkablo curo3 of asthma. Casea
that have boon considorcd beyond
hopo or liolp havo boon cured by
this remedy. Wo givo two examples
of such cures out of tho many on
"My mother tma boon a great euflorer
from nuthmii for tho past ton years, nnd her
recovery Is almost without a parallel. On
nccount of horndvoncod ago ovonoventy
wo had but little hopos of over seeing her
well Again ; but wo aro slncorely grateful to
Inform you that sho has been entirely cured
I by tho usa of Ayer's Chorry Pectoral.
1N0I.W HANKS, Tar Hrook, N.S. .
"I was n sufferer for a long tlmo from
asthma, vainly endeavoring to procure relief ,
, In tho uso of ordinary remedies. At longth I
was induced to try a bottla of Ayer's Cherry
1 Pectoral. Tho tlrst bottlo afforded mo so
much bonoflt that I continued tho uso of tho
remodv until nntirolr cured"
JOSEPH KLONZ, Charlotte, N. C.
Cfiernj federal
put up in hnlf-slzo bottlos, 60 centa.
Full-sizo bottlo, $1.00.
Rainbow of attractive prices unlocks the pocket
books for our many appropriate gifts, , , . ;,
Buren &
Our Adolfo
A 3-clasp, roul kid glnvos, In
all colors. Siiclul Monduy. oo
Tuesday and Wcdnsdoy $1.33
Special prices this week
In our entlro lino of ladlos'
tullor mado suits
926.00 suits $18.05.
$22.50 suits $IQi05.
$15.00 suits $11.76.
$12.60 suits 9 0 85.
910.00 HUltu 9 7.03.
Cyrano chains
Thosii neuk ohulns are now
tho lutust fad- Wo have them
In Jot, Poarl, Garnet, Amber,
etc., 926 cents to s.ou oauu,
Opalescent porcelain ware
Elegunt novaltlos for Xmus
girm ut 20 per cent reduction,
Alligator chatclains
Swell for tho little ones with
chain and hook... ....... 10c.
The Delerium Tremens
are a bad thing to have, but those 16
cent meals, at J. E. Harnett's White
House restuurant are sought by every
Ice wool fascinators
Shawls, otu. A hlgllne at
vcrv small prices, 26o, 60c to
92 00.
Twenty per cent reduction sale
Evory poy's and child's suit
and ovuruout In the store must
go. At this snoohtl out whluh, .
taken olT of our- usual low
prices mukos this sale doubly
Men's Clothing
$7 45 SPECIAL. Thirty Of
our boat 80 00 and 910-9U stilt
ut tho ubove prlue.
Greatest values ever offered,
Our entire 92.00
price. ........
lino snt'elul
Holiday Kerchiefs
Grand assortment-
Plirjne 1,
278 280 Commercial street, cornoj Court.
SalWs Grejabs. -Sii
- ' A
. 'vff
.kiapmt.. jnmciwia'.Y v-jy.iy .g v. 2"" "'
; '.sCTHViO'UK
....,.,.----yitf-r-KJ..miKJ - rirrl MMMMKHajll
i-i f.2 MriL
...fc.i .dim-.
HAa-Jf-liL i