Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 05, 1898, Image 1

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NO, 263
Just what you want for presents. You'll find thcai
, suitable for all ages. A wonderful variety to
select from.
Dolls, Picture Books, Games
For tho children. Albums, toilet case, dressing cases,
work boxes, stand cover?, stamped linen and fancy
goods of all kinds for everybody.
Over 700 Dozen Handkerchiefs
For you to select from. They're the best values ovor
brought to tho coast.
Buying in Such Quantities
We net to the very bottom prices, and (what Interests
yon more Is that we give you the adyantsgo of all
bargain lots and cash discounts.
Remember Our Low Profits
Apply to Christinas goods as well as to all other lines.
N?u) York Racket.
Great Bargain;
Going at manufacturers prices, Only
a few left and they must be closed out
before the 1st of January
5,50 Box and cape coats
" 7.00
" 6.25
.... 4.00
3,00 Cape coats l.yo
And everything else at removal sale prices,
This space is reserved for a letter from
..Santa Glaus..
Who is he writing to I
Why, to
..XTbe fair Store.
Because he always makes The Fair his head
quarter for Holiday Toys, for of course he knows
they are the leaders in all Christmas toys. Look
out for his letter,
ssembled at Noon
Senator Simon Appeared and
Was Sworn In,
Annual Review Delivered at the Opening
of Congress.
Speaker Reed Calls the House To
gether as Ususal.
Vr Aaaoolatetl 1'rHi tu (lir Junrnnl.
Washington, Dec. 5. Congress re
assembled today under circumstances
of unusunl public Interest. The same
congress six months ago declared war
against Spain, and now with the war
fought and won It came together for
the first legislative consideration "of
questions developed by tho eventful
months Just passed, The spirit of the
occasion was not, however, one of Im
mediate expectancy, for tho few
months left to tho existence of the
Fifty fourth congress give promise of
little more than the beginning of
tho momentous policies and problems
growing out of war.
Tho sonato chamber presented an an
imated scene. Promptly at 12 o'clock
Ilobart rapped Tor order, Mllburn, the
venerable blind chaplain, In a pro
foundly Impressive manner, returned
'devout and reverend thanks for
God's goodness to us us a nation and
for his care of us since we Inst gath
ered In this chamber."
Senator McBrldo of Oregon, pre
sented tho credential nf his newly
elected colleague Hon. Joseph Simon,
to whom the vleo-prcsldetit adminis
tered the outh of ortlcc,
Exactly at riSoTfSpeakcr Heed's
gavel came down with a sharp crack.
The great ebony mace entwined with
silver and surmounted by a silver
eagle was lifted to Its place. Spread
ing folds of American Hags wero
broken to the breeze about, the bril
liant stained glass coiling and tho
house of i representatives entered upon
the closing session of the memorable
war congress.
At 1:110 p. tu, tho president's mes
sage was presented In both houses and
Its reading began at onco.
W. Drew, of Rueene, Died of
Drew, of Rugene,
Washington, Dec. G.--Tho war de
partment has received tho following
report from General Otis of deaths
auionp the troops, in the Philippines:
"Manila, Dec. 4. Following deaths
since last repert:
"November 24 Otis W. Drew, prl
vate company B, Second Oregon,
"November 20 I. J, Wlllot, urtisan,
First South Dakota, dysantery; James
Link, private company L, First
South Dakota, dysentery; John J.
Mahoney, private, .company K, First
South Dukotu. typhoid, Clyde L
Pitts, private, companp L, Third ar
tillery, acuato melancholia, Charles
F, O'Donncll, muslclun, company
F, First Idaho, dysentery; Frank
Temple, private, company 1, First
California, smallpox."
Seth Wade's Funeral
Was conducted at 3:30 p. tu. from
the residence of Wm. R. Anderson,
Rev. V. E. Copeland officiating. Tho
remains were burled at Rural cemetery.
(By Associated Press to tho pally Evening Journal.)
Washington, Dec. 6, The president today transmitted to cougrcss his
annual message. Ho begins tho messago with the statement, that notwith
standing tho added burdens, rendered necessary by tho war, our pcoplo re
joice In the very satisfactory and steadily Increasing degree of prosperity
evidenced by the largest 'volumo of business over recorded. The rovonuo
legislation passed by tho present congress has Increased tho treasury recolpte
to tho amount estimated by Its authors and tho Qnancos of tho goycrnmont
have been successfully administered and Its credit lias advanced to tho tlrst
rank, while its currency has been maintained at tho world's highest standard.
Tho military sorvlce, under one common' flag and for a righteous cause, has
strengthened tlio national spirit and liaa served to coment more closoly than
over tho fraternal bonds botween every section of tho country. Tho message
contains about 18,000 words aud tho llrst half of It U dovotcd entirely to tho
history of tho causes leading up to the war and tho prosecution of tho war
and the negotiations for peace. "
The president docs not discuss tho government of tho now possessions,
which will como to us as result of war, h,ut states that a mllltury government
will be coutlnuei until such a time as congress provides other forms of gov
ernment. Of the government of Cuba the messago says: "Spanish rule
must be replaced by a Just, benevolent ,und humane government, created by
the people of Cuba. Until there Is a complcto tranquility on the Island and
until a stable government Is Inaugurated the military occupation will bo
The president strongly urges upon congress tho noceslty fur an early
construction of tho Nicaragua canal and says: "The construction of such a
maritime hlhway Is now more than ovor Indlspcnslblo to that lutlmato and
ready Intcr-communlcatlon between oMrEustcrn and Western seaboards, de
manded by tho annexation of tho Hawaiian Islands and tho prospective ex
pansion of our Influence and commerce to tho Puclllo and our national pol
icy, now more Imperatively than ever, calls for its control by this govern
ment." Concerning tho situation In Chlua, the message nays: "Tho United
States has not been an Indlfforont spectator of tho extraordinary events
transpiring In tho Chlneso empire, whore a portion of Its maritime pro
vinces are passing under tho control of various Europeun powers; but the
prospect that the vast commerce which tho energy of our citizens und tho
necessity of our stuplo productions for Chlneso uses, has built up In tlioso
regions, may uot bo prejudiced through any exclusive treatment by the
new occupants, has obviated tho need of our country becoming an actor In
tho scene. Our position among tho natlonB having a largo Pacific const,
and constantly expanding direct trade with tho farther Orient, gives us an
cqultablo claim to consideration aud friendly treatment In this regard, und
It will bo my aim to subserve our largo Interests In that quartor by nil tho
means appropriate to a consistent policy of obr government. Warships havo
been stationed at Tien Tsl J, for more ready observation of disorders, which
lavo Invaded oven tho Chinese copltul, so as to bo In position to net Hhould
need arise, while a guard of marines has been sent to Peking to ufTord our
minister proper protection.
Much space is dovotcd to tho matter of foreign relations. Regarding tho
claims ngaltiht Turkey the president Isays: Tho newly accredited envoy of
tho United States to tho Ottoman portcj carrlcB full Instructions, looking to
the disposal of all matters lu tho controversy with Turkey fora numbor-of
years. Ho Is especially cl-arged to press for a Just settlement of our claims
or ldemnlty, by reason of tho destruction of tho property of tho America r,
missionaries, residents In that couutry during tho Armenian troubles of 1895,
as well as for tho recognition of olderclatmsof equal Justness, Tho president
recommends that cxccutlvobo authorized to correspond with; governments
of tho principal maritime powois with view of Incorporating into permanent
law of civilized nations prlnclplo or exemption of ull pnvato property at sea
not contraband ot wur from capture or destruction by belllgorcnt powers.
Thosecrotary of tho treasury repotts that tho rocolptsof tho government
from all sources during tho fhcal yoar ondlng Juno 30, 1809, amountod to
$401,321,333, and Its expenditures to $143,308,682. It It estimated that upon u
basis of tho present reyenuo laws tho rccolots for tho year ending Juno 30,
1800, will bo 8577,S74,C07, and Its expenditures $080,874,017, roiultlng In a defi
ciency or $1 12,000,000.
ConcliftW on Fourth rge.
Ready to Write the
The Missouri Cattle Plunger
t Recognized.
All But the Languago of the
Botwoon Spain and tho Unltod
States Agrood Upon.
Or Aainclnted 1'rMi (o the Journal.
Paris, Dec. 6. Tho Joint session of
tho peace commission began at 3 p. ui.
Tho Americans say Ub possible,
tliugh leprobablo that today's Joint
meeting will settle all open questions
In substance, leaving only tho word
ing of tho treaty for discussion.
The American commissioners say
there Is no foundation for reports cir
culated In tho United States and
cabled back that Prosldunt McKlnlcy
has forwarded to tho American com.
mlssloncrs Instructions to Insist upon
Spanish yielding a coaling baso In tho
Carolines and that tho Spaniards aro
roncwlng tholr opposition to a cession
of Mio Philippines. iDoth commissions
rccognlzo that tho latter question Is
Washington, Dec. 5. Advices
from tho Purls peace commission, aro
of a gratifying charactor and hopeful
of tho Hlgnlng of tho pcuco treaty
within a reasonable time. Members
ot the cabinet oxpross suMsfuutlon at
the progress being mado and state
that negotiations aro progressing
smoothly. There aro various details,
howovcr, concerning which tho
chairman desires to loam fully of Iho
presidents wishes, and It was "nn
inquiry of this character which
formed the burden ot the latest com
munication from Paris.
Always Au Fait
We havo Just received a large ship
ment ot Cut Olass something for
the holidays uu fait,
Jewelry Manufacturing
We are now prepared o do all
kinds of fancy engraving and
Jewelry manufacturing on short
notice, at reasonable rates.
Holiday Goods
TO &
New goods urriving every
Stock larger than ever.
S.W.Thompson & Co.
We have just opened a large iiv
voice of portieres, lace curtains,
pillow slips, bed spreads and sheets
and are well prepared to furnish
almost anything to set you up for
housekeeping, Our stock ot fur
niture is far more complete than
ever before You should see our
new oak bedroom sets and iron
bedsteads, cheaper than ever
Maduid, Dec. 4. Tho government
has reached a full decision regarding
tho Cuban and Phlllpplno dobtf, but
tho official gazottc published an an
nounccmont,that tho drawing of tho
redemption of Cuban bonds will occur
December 20. Speculation In the Cuban
and Phlllpplno debts on tho bourBo
has seriously displeased the cabinet.
The rlso In tlioso securities Is attri
buted to tho report that tho govern
munt will devoto tho Indemnity re
ceived from tho United States to that
colonial Indebtedness, regarding which
no declslvo steps havo boon takon by
tho ministers.
' I , , ,.!
y Aeaaclntert l'rc tu the Jonrunl.
Kansas City, Dec. 5, A dispatch
tho Jonrnal. from Chlhauhau, Mexico,
Grant G, Glllott, tho missing Kan
sas cattlo pluugcr, whose sudden dls
appcaronce so startled tho financial
world, arrived In Chlhauhau, Novem
ber 23, aud left tho morning ot tho
24th, for Durango, where It is stated
that ho deposited a large sum ot
money In tho bank. Ho remained
only a short time In Durango, when
ho bought a return tlckot to Chlhauhau,
Two prominent buslnoss men of this
city camo up from Durango on tho
samo train with him, and stated that
hoboughta flrst-o'ass tlckot and rodo
In a sccond-clao coach as far as Tor
rcon, whero ho took tho Pullman.
The gentlemen got Into conversation
with htm, and he said he had mado
considerable money In Colorado, In
tho goncral merchandise business, and
ho was In Mexico with Mm vlow to
Investing In rauch or mining proper
ties, Ho conversed quite freely upon
various topics, roferrlng occasionally
to tho cattlo buslucss. He was well
dressed, and wore soycral beautiful
AtJlmlncrhe was met hy his at
torney, (;. It. Troxol, and tho two en
tered Into a low conversation and re
mained togcthor until they reached
Chihuahua. Thoy arrived here last
Monday, and wont to tho leading
hotel, whoro thoy registered. Tho
man was undoubtedly Glllott, as Ills
slgnaturo corresponded with his sig
nature to a document held In tins
Troxcl left on Tuesday on tho Jtago
for tho West, presumably for 'the
mining camp In tho Slorra Madro
mountains. Glllott Is still In tho city
but his whereabouts aro unknown.cx
ccpt to tho dotcctlvoi.who arc clo?oly
shadowing his every movement.
Tho report ttmf.GIHdtnWd'bcoifnr.
rested and hold in custody hero Is un
true. Tho Jofo Politico says tho
Moxlcan authorities havo not seen
him und know nothing of his whorca
bouts. HcJIwIll be arrested Immedi
ately upon tho arrival of tho authori
ties from tho United States, who aro
expected to arrlvo soon from El Puso.
Glllott and Troxol's baggugo Is all in
this city, and on 0110 ot tho trunks Is
a tag with tho name O, It. Troxol.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum batdng powders are ht gtttXmk
menacers to health of the pretest ky.
state news.-
ITlvo bodies from tho wrecked At
lanta have been found.
Tho Dallas Woolon Mill Co. Iia9 ad
vortiscd for bids for building a largd
addition to their plant. The com
pany have started their electric light
Four young Indian girls wero cap
turcd at Dallas Sunday by Marshal
Lynch, thoy having escapid from the
school at Chemawa. Two belonged at
Grand Ronde, and tho other two at
Slletz. Tho girls claimed that
thoy wanted to go homo. They were
returned to tho school.
Salem Benevolent Institute,
Articles of Incorporation wero Died
today for tho aboyo named concern,
by G. 13. Graco aud 8. F. Collctt and
A. G. Cods. The purposo of tho or
ganization will bo to conduct a homo
for tho friendless, and a gospel and
educational mission. It Is understood
they hayo routed tho J, Q. Wilson
bearding houso on Center street, for
llvo years, and will mako that tbp
baso of their operations.
Helped Mrs. Moore.
Senator Simon camo to Washing
ton from Now York, whero ho was
detained In an effort to assist Mrs.
Pet Strahan Moore, daughter of
his former law partner, Chief Justlco
Strahan ot Oregon. Mooro represented
that ho w&h a relatlvoof Mark Ilanna.
.Soldier's for Cuba,
11 y Aoclntod Press to tho Journal.
Savannau, Dec. 5. Tho transport
Mlnnowaska, with tho 202nd Now
York, sailed today for Plnar del Rio.
Ily Aocliitel 1'reaa to tUa Journal.
CmoAao, Dec. C May 1051. Cash
No 2 red 00.
San Fkanoisco, Dco.lt. May 1.151
casb 1.131.
Honors From Mexico.
II r" Aannclnted l'reee to the Journal.
Wabiiinuton, Dee. f. Itomero,
Mexican minister to Washington,
todav notified Secretary Hay that
Mexico is determined to advanco nor
mission horo to tho rank of un embassy.
free leieal
Do you understand Junt vrbat Dr. J. C
Ayer's medicines will do for yout Are
they helping you ns fast as you think they
ought? Write to nur doctor. He will
answer all questions, and give you the
bost medical advice, ubsolutely free.
Address the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
First Bill Introduced In a Re
publican Congress.
Ily Aaeoclntrit Treai to the Jonrnnl.
Wabiiinoton, Dee. 6, HoprcHonta
tlvo Cousins, of Iowa, has Introduced
llrst bill In the houso at this sosslon,
It Is entitled "A Bill Declaring tho
btandard ot valuo In tho United
Stales," and provides that tho stand
ard of value In tho United Stutes Is
hcroby declared tu be and In tho
standard gold dollar or twenty-flvo
and eight-tenths grains of standard
gold, nlno hundred tine,
248 Commercial Street
Covered tho Troops at Camp
Ily Aniuclutril l'rraa tu the Jourutil,
Wabiiinoton, Dec, 5, Col. Le,
chief quartermaster of Cutup Thomas,
Chlckamaugu, test I tied before the
war Investigating committee today,
regarding tho faclltlles at Clilcka
mauga, "In tho main," suld Lee,
"tho troops wero adequately sheltered
with good canvas,"
A New Department,
Kalein has a new manufactory. It
Is that of the Post Ofllco candy etnre,
and tho work Is dono by an expert
French confectioner Mr. Hughes,
tho proprietor, proposes to glye his
patrons the best and froiheet candles
that can bo made. He has a irrund
stock of Xmos candies, and does not
chargo fancy prices, 2 1
Rainbow of attractive prices unlocks the pocket
books for our many appropriate gifts,
Our Adolfo
A 3-clasp, real kid gloves. In
all rnlors. Spclal Monday.
Tuesday and Wednsdoy $1.38
Special prices this week
In our entire line or lad lea'
tailor mado suits
825.00 nulls J 18.05.
922.50 milts SIO.OA.
815.00 suits SI 1.75.
912.50 suits 9 0 85.
910.00 suits 9 7,05.
Cyrano chains
Thcso neck ohalns aro now
the latent fad. Wo havo them
In Jot, Pearl, Garnet, Amber,
etc., 925 cents to 92.50 each,
Opalescent porcelain ware
Elegant novultlos for Xmas
gifts at 20 porccnt reduction,
Alligator chatelains
Swell for tho little ones with
chain and hook.. 10c.
Ice wool fascinators .
Shawls, etc. A big lino at
very small prices, 25o, 60c to
82 00.
Twenty per cent reduction aki
Every poy's and child's suit
and overcoat In the storo must
go. At this soeolal cut which,
takon off of our usual low
prices makes this sale doubly
Men's Clothing
$7 45 SPECIAL, Thirty .of
our best 90.00 and 810.00 suits
at tho above price. , '
Greatest values ever offered.
Our onflrfl 92.00 line SDcelnl
nriM s.finai
Holiday Kerchiefs
Grand assortment.
K 4
,. 1
Phone 1, 278.280 Commercial streot, corner Court. ' &,
& - s .
Salem's Greatest S?sl
274 Commercial Street
i 'W
fr ty4Ktv$gr'