nyrifinrniriri GOLD fltfdl1 WABH1NO iOWDEH. DUST THE '. i CASHING Great Success Men'tt stilts In nil sizes, former price $fi, now $4 Men's nil wool clay worsted suits extra heavy, former price $12, nuw....u Men's all wool cheviot suits, former price 910, now (I Men's all wool plttld suits, former prlco 910, now 7 Men's niuclclntoMies, wood duality, reduced to 2 U ys' iniiclclntosliex, ull sizes, reduced to Men's he.wy working pants, former prlco 9125, now Men's cotton worsted extra fine, former price $1.(J0, now Men's all wool cheviots, oxtra line, former price $2 fit), now Men's good heavy oil grain working shoe, reduced from $1.50 to.... Men's Ooz. rlvcttod overalls, plain, reduced to Men's 0 oz. heavy jumper Mn's 9 oz. heavy engineer overalls reduced to Just Received,,. , !.,. If.. n ..t.l.j.H tw. , i .1 will be sold at the same low prices. Call and get a choice of InrgaltH REMEMHER H. ZANDMBR, I)U, II. C. KI'LEV .... A UI,F IIIIU III niUUUI Ullvlb-tllllll TIIIIUI, I 1111 bU.llS, Ul.llylVIIIUO-MIUS, umbrella', and also a full line of woolen undcrwc.ir. which Gold Filling a Specialty We inukcn specialty of line Gold Fillings and cjntnur teeth that re quire building up fro u excoMlvo dwiy. Crown Work Gold and Torcelaln Crowns adjusted to badly decayed roots.thls restores them to their rormer usefulness, and In many Instances Improves upon nature's work so fur as beauty Is concerned. Having a very complete laboratory we arc prepared to make all kinds of duntllures. F.il riles extraction of teeth without the use of Chloroform, Ether, or Uoctlne. Examination free. ..SflLEM DENTAL PARLORS.. ROOMS 27 AND 0 ELDRIDOE BLOCK. Over I'ojtofi'icc. New Price List of Welsbach Burners BURNERS 31 00 MANTELS 30 CHIMNEYS 10 SHADES IS SELF LIGHTERS.... 25 If llvo or more burners are taken at one time ti discount will bo made torn abovo prices. Order burners or repairs EARLY IN THE DAY!! Salem Gas Liglit Co. 71 OHEMEKETA ST. Telepbono 50. Assay 0ifi(e AND LABORATORY. No, 71 Chemeketa st, I. It. r. TUnilLU Aswyer G.SJI1I1G1 NEW MARKET St.te street, near rwlroad. Freshest am' best meats. My parous ay I keep the bs treat In town 2 J ;;; OSTEOPATHY m w j. MoviNoan, p. o. Qra Ute Amertain Hubool of 0tmrt1'y Kirktvtlle. Mo. Tu.dy 1 i'ar I s nt T V. I"enpoit'r Jul Hut it n . rf it n SIu.i I y. VC1?-' nU Ffl.Uy.Hi7 4-5. Mr N. IUnk .Hum Ore. UoaMlUtlua Knt offl U-Mrn O. C. T. Go's PASHEXCiEIl 8TKAMEIW Altona Pomona I.EAYK FOR VOKTMNI) Pilly, Except BumUy at 8 a. ra. QUICK TIME AND CHEAP RATES. Dock tetweaa Bum and 'ourt Ut. M. P. BALDWIN, Airent. 7ii iraiiiBirdffiWTHftftnrar'-'ii twfiMTir-nw - fatM.- . BEST POWDER THE REDUCTION SALE at Zaudiner's Clothing Store has proven u groat success and tlic store Ims been crowded dully. As long as the goods lust wc will continue to sell tliuui ut the same low price?. 00 00 CO 00 00 75 00 75 25 :i5 r 45 rtl.ii... . I ran . . . iiiiinlflnl ijltAd TFI : PLACE: 96 State street, Near Commercial I)U. II, II. OUNGEU I ..X-MAS.. THE LONG FELT WANT OF SALEM IS SUPPLIED...GO TO THE EMPORIUM You will llnJ Hiito tlii)M nrllelc Hint coultl not do docurcil In tills city before. Their ttoro li well telerli'il mul tip lf lto, ut piloon lower llinn elsewhere. They furry o cnmplolollnoof crockery from plain "lone Clilimlo Imnil piilntetl Hnllanl. Just rucelvixl a laruo imorlinoiit of sUt wnrc, lumps, clock, rims and portlorn, Oo there If )on want gotol volue for llttU' money. THE EMPORIUM .'10'J Commercial Street. Ol'BN EVB.Sl.S'HR i; SALEM PEOPLE f :: and OTHER PEOPLE Rcadem nt Snlem and other OreRon town are remitted to tend In Item of pergonal ami soolal new to anpear In the The Billy and Weekly Journal. TKi H Zunduier.the merchant, Is In Tort land. Wylle Zlnn Is In Portland 911 Iiup! ncss. Mr. and Mm. Kola Nelsarc In Tort land. Miss Pearl Itickell, of Eugene, Is visiting licr father Mr Rlckel, nlght wiitcliiiiau at the state house, J. J, Rlehardbon, who lm beon at Dunsniulr for tho pase year, Is In the city for a visit with his family. V. H. nilckenstalT and family, of Council DlufT.s, Iowa, are In the city with a view to locating hero In the future. Miss Merle D.ivey has accepted a position at tho Cheum wu training school, and hasitone to commence tho dlscliarjre of her duties there. Walter Pujih, tho architect, and Joph Bernardl the plumber are ex pected to reach home Friday morn ing from Phoenix, Ariz., where they have had a large building contract which has kept them away from home for about llvo months. TO CURB A COLD IN ONH DAY Take Laxative Bron.o Quinine Tablets. AH druKKbtd refund the money If It falls to cure. c The genuine has L. U. Q. on eaoh tablet. OLD wgjaawwngMBaBwWiirtirifiwiiniftaiiCTvwfa"ii nsasVWvHNaUaraNaVVsHSJs AROUND THE EVENING LAMP, Fat Western Reflection Upon the Newest Books and Periodicals, SkV'aTSBrvB'flNsNra'VXaTSaVsaSNr Mr. Benjamin Kldd, the distin guished English sociologist nnd publicist, author of "Social Evolu tion" and "The Control of the Tropics," who after more than two mouths' travel and observation from Boston to San Francisco has Just left our shores, devoted the closing tiny of his visit to putting upon paper his Views of tho International aud colonial responsibilities and duties ol the United States, as enforced nnd inndlllcd In his mind by his own per sonal expei lencos and observation in America This paper appears In the Dercmbcr number of the Atlantic Monthly, through which Mr. Kldd will make this deliberate expression of his Judg ment regarding "expansion." Ilnlshcd by liim on the day of his sailing for home. The Christmas number of the Pall Mull Magazine splendidly sustnlns the reputation this magazine has won for its literary and artistic excellence, From ono end to the other of Its pages It is tilled with good things. Among the remarkable contents are: .superb photogravure frontispiece. "The Virgin and Child," after the famous picture by Gerard David, and now published for the first time; a line poem by E. N'esblt entitled ''The Now Christ mas, a very touching and powerful Ghetto tale, by I .tngwlll." entitled, "They that walk In dark ness." No less than peven short stories are contained In the number, and poems nro contributed by Henry Newunlt, the Marquess of Lome, E. Ncsblt, Lady Uamsay, and others. In addit ion to tho exquisite frontispiece the December Pall Mall Magazine con talus two colored plates, designed by II. Greenville Fell, nnd reproduced with great artistic excellence This number of tho magazine by tho way, ends Vol. XVI. (Now Yerk: Astor Court Building, $:j 00 a year.) The Christmas number of the Amor lean Queen Is an inviting feast from title page to concluding advertise ment. At llvo cents a copy, or 50 cents u year It ought to tlnd a placu in many homes where a high priced fashion publication cannot enter, Published at 78 and 80 Walker street, New York City. Every American will be Interested In a page of photographic reproduc tions In the Christmas Ladies' Home Journal which presants "Mary An derson do Navarro us die Is today," her two year old son, nnd the exteriors and Inferiors of tho Da Navarrcs' delightful English home. These pictures will bo treasured by tho be loved nctress' admirer In thlscountry, as they give an Interesting gllmpo of Mrs. de Navarro's dally life aud her surroundings Harper's magazine for January will contain tho first Instalment of 1. EANCIW1LU Deadly Cancer Cured at Last! Do Not Give Up in De spairThere is Hope! For ngos it lias boon thought that Cnncor is incurable, and tlioao so unfortuimto us to Imvo this drontlful afl'.iotion have con ntlorod thomselves beyond hot of recovery. Tho doctors are ab lolutoly unable to nlVord any re lief, and the poor utrerer might tvoll consider himwlf on the wuy to nn oarly gravo. It is now easy to bo why tho Joctors havo failed to otire Cancer. Thoir theories havo been all wrong, and hence thoir treatment mis directed. They havo mado the mistako of thinking that by cut ting out the soro or uloer, known as Cnncor, the diHUs would be gotten ritl of, uud tho patient ro atorod to hoalth. Hut the onto! kuifo accomplishes nothing, for tho Caucor promptly returus.and is always more virulont thau before. It hu been domoiutratod, boyond doubt, that Cnnoer In a blood dlittaM, and ciin not lie cured by the surfleon'a knlfo because the UtwJ mr net U cut avtty. ,, , , "Several yow ngo my wife tuul an ulcer on her tongue, wliloh. though an noying, wni not regarded tarknwly at first. It refued to Iwul and began to glow, giving her muih pain. The do tort treated It for quite a while but - f - " Howolls's now novel "Their Silver Wedding Journey" Illustrated by W. T. Smedley. Mr. and Mrs. March will again be the favorite characters ns they nro of all of Howell's creations. They appeared tlrstln "Tholr Wcd Ing Journey" nnrt aain in the "Chance of Foituucs'' Tie January Harper will bo awaited with dally In creasing delight. The bulky Christ mas Harper has so many attractions that it Is hard to begin to enumerato them. Tho old leader of nil the monthlies keeps up Its dignity, Its ability, and yet approximates tho ro. tiuircmcuts of progress In n very happy manner. Most notable for Pa cific coast people will be Bert Hartc's new story "An Esmcrelda of Bock? Canyon." Now York Life, the greatest, of American Illustrated humorous weekly papers, continues Its brilliant career of good-natured satires aud clcunund wholesome amusement. Tho Gibson cartoon of the American girl, who Is pom abroad with her father, mother and sister, Is alone "worth the prico of admission." The San Francisco Wave Is by all odds the ablest, cleanest and best Il lustrated weekly on the coast, and It Is to bo hoped tint newsdealers every where on thecoast keep Iton sale. In cdlto'lul ability It is vigorous and courageous. Scribncr's Mugazluu for December keeps tip Its high grade for the past year. The illustrations arc 11 delight to the eye and the mind. The print ing of the magiizltelsa pleasure to anvono who loves the art ofGutton berg. Its war articles have been the magazine ' features of thcyc'ir. Social ptoblems.tlctlon aud art nro balanced In a happy manner. The ensemble produced by the man aging editor Is the work or a gculus In magazine building. Catarrh Cannot Be Curd, with hcul iippllcnllonH, as they can. not reach the scat of tho disease. Cutairli Is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is not a quack medlclno. It was prescribed by ono or tho best physicians In this country for years, and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed or the best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two In gredients Is what produces hiich won derful results In curing Catarrh. SetiU for testimonials, free. 1 J CiiKNi'.v. Props. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, prlco 7fie. Hall's Family Pills aro the best, An Unknown Baby Is a common thing In Romocltlcs, but the famous meals of J.E. Burnett's arc the most appreciated thing In the city. Hoarseness Sore Throat Honrnonofui, Boro throat nnd constant coughing Indicate that tho bronchial tubes nro BUiioring irom a oau com, which may dovolop Into pleurisy or Inllntiimatlon of tho luncra. Do not waato hoalth and BtronctTi by wait- hip, but ubo Dr. JolinW. BuII'h Cough Syrup at onco. This wondorftil rem ody cures all throat and Iuiir affec tions In nn astonishingly short time. Dr. Bulls Gough Syrup Cures Hoarseness and Soro Throat. I)ow ore small nnd pkataut to take Doctor recommend it I'rlce jj ctnli. At all drugging wnro unubln to do her any good, n id finally pronounced it Cancer of m t malignant typo Wo viro gifwti) til an oed nml gnvo hor ovory reinwli nwoinmeiidLxl, but they did not twin to rouoli the dlsousn, and it eontinuiil to upronil and grow. Upon the iiilrlit of a friend hIio hognn to tnko M. H. K . nnd after u fmv bottlea hnd boon uwl 11 decided improvi'inont was noticed, and continuing the remedy bIio whh cured complntoly and tho iiannHneiiee of tho cure htm been proved, mm no sign 01 tliu (ii4H80 nwa rutumed.thiitigh ten year have t'lued, 1I.L. MlDDI.KIIHiHlKH. Sparta, (ia." Tho euro made by S 8. H. ar pornin nerit It in the only blood remedy which can ouru olwtlniit dttep-watcd bliMxl dlseaseii, Ihmhiihu it in tho only one whloh net mi tlif enrrwt tirinciido l itircirig out tho poluou and ridding tlic ttyiftom of it forcvar H. 8 8. imver tiU to cure the womt nnH of Cnncor, Bcrofula. Catarrh, old ort, taor, tc, It mat tM not what othorromudlenhuvelwMi ued In vain. It U the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable nnd contain not n particle of potniih, inerwiry, atvenle er oUior mineralH. Valuable bookw on Qaneer and lilotMl VUtoW will be mailed free to any ad dre by Swift Speeiilo Co., Atlanta, Ga. nza&x mx'W UBtJUtM mmutti;,fvmny'3iir.timrrjnnn irnwrriniiiDnmn .tw Mr, Stump on Farming, Hun. J. li. Stump, representative from Polk county, recently wrote Ills congratulations to tho members of Corvallls Grange for their enterprise In building up the organization, say ing: Organization Is tho order of the day. Every other Industry Is bettor organized than farming. No industry not organized can hold Its own ngalnst organized Industries. But 1 havo n special reason for wishing a strong Grange at tho Corv.illls college. Tho farmers nro Impoverishing their lund at a rapid rate. Barnyaul manuro Is entirely Inadequate. Commercial fert ilizers are out of tho question at tho present price of wheat. I only see one hope for the restoration of tho fertil ity of our land, and Hint is by raising soino of the many leguminous plants, aud thus restoring tho nitrogen to the soil. Experimenting along this line aud through farmers' Institutes Is, In my opinion, the most urgent work of your Grange and college If we go on 10 years longer In the way we nro now going the result will bo disastrous. II II I .1 .I...M The Modern Mother Has found that her llttlo ones arc I in proved moru by tho pleasant Syrup of Figs, when In peed of the laxative effect of a gentle temedy, thnti by any other, Children enjoy It and It oed tits them. The truo remedy, Syrup ot Figs Is manufactured by the Cal Ifornla Fig Syrup Co., only. Qoats Wanted, Call on or address The Journal olllcc. State number, kind nnd price of nnlmals. II 2(1 lin For llncmillnery, Miss Smith, State Street. 11 2cod2w ysNarNXsaHsvoaV NKNVNH SUO'NB 01 nns DBAIiBR IN : GROCERIES: Paints, Olln Window CJlnsn Vnt nlsh, nnd tbo moat cowploto atoclc ot Brttshos of alt klndn In tho statf ArUstd materials, limo; hnln ce ment and nhhiGloa; nt d tho flnoit quality ot crans acod. A WsaBNHMBSBN5ftSBtSH , 7 PER CEN f LOANS BOZORTH BROS. 292 Coinmoiolnl St , Bnlom, Oic. RltAt 1CSTATI5 DISALUUS, dwll-ll-.'lni Money to Loan at 7 per cent On Mortgage Security. Ore to five jet' llmr B3ISB & BARKER, dw.11.u-3m 270 Commorolnl at. mortgagT loans On Improved city anil furm nroirty at lowest latet. WEUNEU nUBVMAN, 3)2 CnmnicruiAl slieett 2 doors south. ul I. rid & Hutli'a bank, Salem Oifgon'; 11-12 dw 3m REAL ESTATE LOANS On uliort or Ioiir time. Nolo and other fiwiirltlf liouxht 1111(1 KOlll. THOMAS, WAIT & CO. (KNOW. UlUlKHItS, 11-33 d-tf :-.7 Coimiieri'liil Sirviil WANTED. New today navortiaemotua lour llnou or leas In this column Mnortod throe Umoi for 25 eta, SO otit, a week, $1 por month All over lour linos at aarao ruto, FOR bALK Young mare, broke in work, weight L'lOO, can bo seen cor ner Commercial and Stale street. Saturday next from 10 o'clock till noon. llIKKltt FOR SAM-J CIIKAP-Ono second hand doutilu suuUd uarrlugo heavy and strong. '!"- ('ummerclal street Werner Fennel! 1120 1w. GOATS WANTHD-Call 011 or ad. dress Tho Journal olllcc. btate number, kind and price of animals. 11-20 1UI FOK SALK On eaiy terms 115 acres, :W under cultivation. 7 acres of or chard with 100O trees mostly winter apples f to 7 years old, one-half inllo from railroad station, good town and bchool, good Improve ments, a line dairy and stock farm with plenty or wild range, good nelgLborhood, Duo springs, ouc thlrrl cash, long tlmo on balance. Fine stock ranch, Apply to II. liefer, batem. TO LOAN. I have 81200.00 to loan ut lowest Interest. Nj bonus. Good trcourlty. Add rota, I'., Journal Olllcc. II 22 tw ItBMOVKD-A. iT. ForHtno77rtgun store aud iiiachluu shop, has been moved to Ktato Blruut, opposite Iloluian block, where woik of all Kinds will be received. 11-4-lm WAN'Fkd. To rout hop yitfd by party with nine years experience. UHii give bout references and make crop from start to finish, litis enough help to h.iiidlo 20 to 60 acres. AddreKs N., Journal olllcc. IIOU8B OLKANKUS- Iteuiomber that tho best and ehoajx-st curixit paper Is the hea v," felt piier Mild atTllKJouiiNAI. oflice. 20-tf WANTKD.WeTvant and are lire" pared to pay a fair price for all tho marketable apples uud pears offered. S. A.McCulI& Co u 20 tf WANTKU I Iiitve proiiorty In Ore gott to ell or trade for Kaunas prop erty. For particulars addres ti. M. Tomllnson, Wushlugton, Kansas. Mention this paper. MUSICAL -A llmltsd number of student taken, -on p bo, violin, guitar, mandolin and lth , Alto Grnin lestoni given. Anna M. KreU. Muttc Hudio, Gtay Cloak, room $, Cll fioma to 4 p, m. If m for Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought BEARS THE SIQNATURE OF CpC Use tmc ecHTnun ooiininr, tt Can you do bel ter than td take T n K OVKU LAND for ISO!)? Hero mo ONE THO USA N 1) PAIIliS nf l.lin frosh, strong work of the men and wowon of the west, wrl'crs who havo llvi'd tho life of which they write, nud seen and felt tho things thoy describe, and FIVE 11 UN DUKD PICTURES, tho work of tho most tulatitcd artists or n region that lm produced tunny such, aud Is pro ducing them all the tlmn ALL Foil ONE DOLLAR. Every dlmo you spend for the nunr tizlne, and every copy that you read or send to a f 1 lend Is helping The Over land ir. its great mission set beforo In 1803, when Hrut Ilarlc gave It Its motte: "Devoted to tho Develop merit of tho Country." Put The Overland on your list for 1800. 3AIDM STEAM LAUNDRY Ploaflo notlco tho cut In piloon on tho follcwltie it't, plain lo cent Uiincr ilrawcrj, 5 tn lorerll Under sliftti 5 to ioocp'i socki. per pair 3 cenl IInmlKcrchlef I cen Silk liatulkerclilcf 3 cont Sheets and pillow klips 34 cent per dozen Mid othct work In proportion. G7"ThuinolB and other worlt lntolllBOUt'v wnahort by lia rt, CO!,. J, OLMSTEAD, Proprlotoi BARR4PETZEI -Tho Old inollablo- Plumbers and Tinner , Malto a Spoolnhy of Pumps and Tank Work Au. Work Guauantkkd. 214 COMMIiKCIAL SI'KKr.T. 27ft Telephone No. 24S THB ANNEX IHMCOMMIillCtAl. ST. Ono door North ot l'rt OHlco. Mnmifiit'tiinir 11 1 Imllisl' wciirliiK iiipnrl of all kind. Tailor muiln milt 11 nin'oliilty. I'or (tfitt lit Kiiarnuti'oil, Will f 11 rnlHli koimIh nml trliiiiiilngj ur niitki! iiji kimhU iiroiiKCt to u. ('HAS. I). ItAY, Prop. A. M. HUMPHREYS CO, OKAI.nilfl IN Grain and Grain Bags Warelioimo, Htiliin ami tSuclrny, 10-37 tinilw Otllco, W0 Commercial St., Halvm CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Mtcts all rati! ami pasgengor trail,, liar;. Cge nd enpicM to nil pans of th eh) Prompt service. Telephone No, 70. WHITE & iJlSfpUP. - Li'AHr FOR SALE ' 3CO Ao eo All In VmnhlU County, .'Ml ncre for mtlolnn Ijoily, or In 40 mire IthcU. IUalMl half H lllllu UTMit III WtfliAtfl klillll.ll 1,1 Ymnlilll county, (JrtvKnn, hiiiI hub mul n iiulf inlltM mmiiii nl oiulon. rrlcoioriMvli lort)' were (ruin ItJti iipwnril, HMorilliiK to ImiiroreiminU uud Iim'uIIoii. (IikhI noil itml imv turuii. For furtliur pitrtleiiliir oiiipilru of v. II, IfOAN, H-IW-IiiiomIh llrooki, OriKini. WANTED, Wheat, oats and barley, will buy onr Vriirulioitfti rocelplD for Haute. Got our prices twforo Belling. We cansavo you money. THJ.80N-HAIiri.BTT GlIAIN C'O. Warehouse, North Malum, Olllcc, 70 Court St., roar of Dairy initio's Btore. DnicD ritoiT"iiAaa roa salh. WANTED PRUNES AND unicu ttrrLto lo-aV.iin Bee Titlsou-IJartlott Oinlu Co, VIOLIN MIHM NKI.I.IK JIItOWM linn unite h InriMi'luM ill Tlfllll ktiiilvuu mul run aouiHii liuxlrtten fvvr more. TEACHER SIS (ur leriim nl r. 417 Murloii ilrotit. iirvJrJrvirsjVNj(x.arsjv INTBHSTATB C0NS1WAT0IIY ETTAANDERS-WILMAN AuocUte Teacher V'wlern Conmiva toy, Knaji City, Mo irpretentln Ihe Inter tt e Syiien. m Hatem. Ore. Over lint Njliooal HanV. Heidxce 376 Chuith nrtt. Siutllo Uour9 to I a at J a to (, i Over Years. uy aTnctT, niwyohhcity. BUSINESS CARDS. O. JH. OIAOK dentist Sucoeuer to Or. J. M. Keene, otd Whilt Corner, Snbm, Or. Vartiet desiring tunerioi operation! at moderate feet In any branch an In especial request. Salcin Connecting and Preparatory School Pall Tkbm Oi'kns Oct, 3, 1898. Common School, Normal, Business and II I It School courses arc nrovldcd. Send forclreularsi, or cull at our school roonm for them, Olllco hours, 4 to f o'clock p. tu. A. J, Oakland, Trln. O. H. LANB Merchant Tailor 211 Cnmrnnrrlnl nf- CSrQuluj $13 nnd upwnrcti, t'anui ai mm upwnrcu New Blacksmith Shoo. w- r. n. smith co tho old rollnblo omftlio Imvo ouonod n hop rpponlto tho brewery, nnd Invito pntrona, nose worlc ana lowost prleea: 105 Conunorclnl at. Bnlem. Capital Soao Works, Kunnlni: at full blast and maklni; best of Inutility ami toilet soaps. Ite sure to call for the . Salem brand when )on want cood goods. - A. W. ANDERECG, Manager, BARRELS, BARRELS. KfmlA and rr Ym n fnl tkf 1iirttii mmA WMW HUM VII IIHHtll I ' VI UMVI HLU kegs all sizes, (or wine, cider, vinegsr, pick les, ment etc, First-class and for salo at a nnr(;ain. au kiiius 01 worK uone on snort notice in coid shane. Cv. Stewart. South Salem, o-n-im WANTED Potatoes and Onions WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRIOE. OREGON GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT CO. 205 Cen mcrcial Street, Salcn, Ore. A tliorouuli training In business or shorthand pays l evidenced by the nuiubor of Btudents of tho (im now holding responsible plucos, Tho revival of bual iichs now on will uinko uiuny now opcnlims for youuu, people who nro prepared. Day und oyenlnir BCBslonn. Cull or send forcnutlotfue. Try Our New 15c Coffee Imported by tlio shipload, roasted for our trudo by Closset Dovcrs, Portland. Per pound package 15 cents, with u uood spoon In each package. IIARIUTT & L A WHENCE, Steam Heating, Hot Water Heating:, Hot Air Heating, And Furnace Work of all kinds at figures to suit the times JL - 9s. JtA tO JstJstACpXCj3l"IKCK MANHOOD RESTORED U v n W Kruttu tocuie u rsln IMwer, llcuJache, slous, Ncrvousatu. Ul ifrslas, loss ?l power la Oeucnu. i OrytM of ciUwr Mx. roused by over-exertion, youthful errors, xrMiv j stf totcco,opiuiuorstrmuUnts,whlcU lt4 to InllroiityCMiutdiAoaM' iBsanltr. Can. berariicd Invent vockct. Ji.raixrbox. -r t,trsaH prtiialj. Circular Free. ol4tyaldninUts. Ask for It, tAjuo other. MSDufurturcd by U-t Ptau Urdlclue Vo tvi. Hrance. t.ue-D! VruiCo.,autrlt'ittuBicnU, TuUiianJ Yial14tV..?QrtiiaJ.V FOR SALE IY D J, FRY. SALEM, OUCGON S HALF WAY HOUSE Flno cIrrm Snd tolmcco, nott drinks; meals nt all hours; nice clean beds. North 8lem near V L. Wade's l'utillc watering trough. ItW-lmo M. lTtrUTlKOKK, Prop, PALACE MEAT MARK1T WEST & MATTHEWS. Havo had lone experlonco In serrlns cltfton of Bnlem and will ttoplenxcd to kco old imUonn at tho new stnnd. Fresh Salt and Hmokod Meats and Lnrd. Kor n square deal romember, HAPPY JA.C1-C, 110-lm ISO Btato street, Pnono 5M SOUjlK BROS. PIANO TUNERS ANO REPAIRERS l'OHTLAND, OltE. For Bnlcm mul Mclnlty loavc orders at Ot. C. Will's Mmlc BlonS. OFFICE, CITV HALL For water seivtce apply at ofEce. Dd't payable monthly In adrahce. Make complaints at the o"-, Chloro-Naptho'eum SHOULD UE KEPT HEADY FOR USE BY STOOKMEN AND FARMERS. A disinfectant and vermicide that Is extensively used and gives satisfac tion. Send to IIariutt & Lawrbhe: for, or buy a bottlo from dwO 28-lm ROBERT BASEY, Aoat. UPHOLSTERING J. J. DAVIS, M Btate Btnxt. New or old work put up In best order. Lowest prices. IHinges, chairs and mattresses made over, aivu us it call 11028-1 m IT LAST-! Good News for tho Suffering Public. The envious r.vsli who were determined to make Dr, Cook trouble In the courts have backed down, and their alleged case was dismissed when it came Into circuit court. They didn't dare tfl meet the troth, as Dr. Cook's patient's are too numerous and the are ever giUeful to the man who hu cured them and can cure other. Dr. Cook makes a specialty cf chronic iliicai, and does not use poisonous dtur;s to cure llitm. If you have a friend who need help send him to DR. J. F..COOK, Consultation fice. 301 Liberty stieeti Qm P, O. Orookrt My MailMVC Sir. rsw'a YlhW rtitm. Tbkt iXmlfilul rtou4f utrruus ciwa, sucit as weak "iory, ImmX Wk,rlulncs, Lost MViboofe, Salem Water fe, ncniws . " k a wa l m lt3 t '. if 1 t ) r. w " m " u MmrmmivmmtiirmmmmmM&mwm 'writ yrw"1 & wui-' -swt-'''f -w-itwyw f &timsWmttv!'f imi$tvf,',n'imA