&y ; iv L S& -J- $ B V . if Ij- lT"liVK' aT UMi-.L'V a I M ; ES.' i B " Gimme my ' Seal Jim, quick ) can't stop this trip." B One will go a long way out of the 9 "Gimme my 'Seal Jim, quick j can't stop this trip." One will go a long way out of the way to get Seal of North Carolina smoking tobacco. The old settlers and ranchmen know its good points and that nothing has ever been made that makes a better smoke. The Original Plug Cut Always the same Miia ana 1001. jm MmmWMmmmmwmmwmmm m jw DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. J3Y HOKBR BROTHBRB, THURSDAY, DECEMDEU I, i8g8. Dally, Ono Year $3.00, In Advnnoo. Dally, Four Montlm $1 00, lr Advanoo. Wookly, Ono Yoar $1.00, In Advntico THE EVILS OF VACCINATION. In view of tlio lurgo number of sol tllcts Hick nnd dying or Htnullpox at Manila following urticlo from the St Louis, Mo., Post-Dispatch, of Oct. 1(1, 1S08, Is of Interest. It Is from tlio pen of Dr. M. II. Loycrsoii, M. D us fol lows; For many years I lmvo devoted nij sclf to tlio study of pathology of vnc clnatlon, lloforo Hint I was In the stato of "sleepy acquiescence" In which many of my professional brethren aro today. Hut the fucts aro too sturtllng to ndmlt of any more lethargy on tlio subject. Vaccination Is supposed to be a pre ventive against smallpox, That's why our soldiers were vaccinated. Virus Is no protection against typhoid or the other fevers which woro to be guarded against. Our army was the pick of the land; tho (lower, of youth. Men were re jected right and left. Novor had such strict enforcement of physical health been exorcised. Men In tho condition of health do not wither .way and die of malaria fever In a month. Thoro was some other rea son for their Illness. Out of an army of 122,000 perfectly healthy men, men of vigor and vital ity such as tho world has never ho fore seen, 2,000 vvero sick at ono time, What Is tho reason of thlslnrgo sick rato? In the old uayit of the Clititlati martyr it was not unusual for the ttav- kc ragatia to cast Inno cent women into a den of lioiiN, to suffer liorrl- IiIm ai'imv nml fear In?. J fore death finally came r to tlieir rener. In JXl. thin Clirlitlan age ', and thla land of Vl ami dlization teua thousands of r women daily Buf fer the alow tor tit cut a of an woachinor dcut.lt. They do thla became of a false delicacy fre- ijucimy incuicaieu oy uicir uiuiuvra. There 1 a marvelous medicine for women that cures all weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism. It acta di rectly on the delicate and important organ concerned in maternity and makes them rtrong and healthy. It Is Dr. Pierce'a Pa vorite Prescription. It allay inflammation, heal ulceration and soothe pain. It give rent and tone to the tottuicd nerves, under its magic influence the headaches and putui in the back and aides, the dragging and burning sensations, the nervousness, weak ness, lassitude and despondency that result from to-called female weakness are ban ished. It fit for wifehood and motherhood. Taken during the period of solicitude, it banlshei the usual discomfort and nukes baby's entry to the world easy and almost Iaiulii, It insure the new comer's health and an ample supply of nourishment. Thousands of women nave testified to it marvelous merits. All good druggists sell it. Mrs. Ursula Duuhsm, of HUtersvllle, Tyler Co., W. Va., writes. " My baby is now nearly a year old Alter she was born I had local weak iicus. I coulit not stand up. I took three twtttc of Dr. Pierre's favorite Prescription aud It has cured rue. I can now do all ruy work " rv r It is better to do Dr. Pierce's sssjya than wait until the whole structure is ready to fall. Constipation is the one, all-embrac-lag disorder that Is responsible for many o titer dls- Ti i ease. Doc tor Pierce' HlAflGnflf I'lcasant yclleta cure ICttOttlll lt urug. stats seu ttietu. mey never gripe, une m-tl ' Tellct" It a geutle laxative, and t4f wild cathartic. They are tiny, sugar i coitctl granules. r i , NehlH else U "Just ai MAlf3f C l," A'pcrwancut cure. vaswaj JtfHK .,. IWf kau WJi mtwL mTi WPvk Jwi t-! m m 8 S l 3 It Is not hard to find. The men wcro vaccinated. Two privates In tho Twelfth New York at ClilckamaiiKa were com pelled to havo their arms amputated on account of blood poisoning from vaccination. Two men from the Fifth Callfornld had their arms amputated, tho result of vaccination. And those nro only Isolated rases of hundreds. What Is vncmntlon? It Is tho Injection ot poison Into tho blond. What did wc expect theso men to do? Faco typhoid fovcr, djsontcry, camp diarrhoea, poor food, hardship, tronohes lllled wlih water, scalding rains, everything under tho sun that was disadvantageous, with systems nllyo with cowpox, debilitated with tho tilth of Impurnnulmal blood. Healthy men can stnnd hardships, l'vo stood some myself. I know what endurance means. Hue you can' expect men who ought to bo sick abed with cowpox to endure the hardships otu Unban campaign. vny, iiien, tiui wo vaccinato our soldiers? Jsc:atiS3 It Is custom aud a fad. Wu have grown to think vaccination it necessary uvll uirl a great preventa tive. 1 declare, and I am ready to provo that smallpox, against which vaccination isdlrected, Isoi ly fatal or dangerous wuoro doctors or nurses mako it so. The only exceptions be ing very young eniiiircu under a year old, rachitic or scrofulltlo persons, bleeders, drunkards and Inebriates. Health, not poison, Is nature's cure. Cleanliness, good blood; theso are tho requisites fur health. Ho one can ex pect health from tho Injection of the seed ofa loathsome (llseas.ii IntoliU system. The Royal British eoni'iiUilon took stops which havo led to the abolish ment or compulsory vaccination In England. What steps will thls"Land of tho Freo" take to rid horseir of this breeder of pests Smallpox Is thecursoof the century, It wo excopt consumption and cancer. Smallpox breaks every tie on earth 1 havo seen mothers desert their chil dren, fathers tliolr wivos, brothers tholr sisters, Smullpox Is a dreadful thing a dreadful thing when you come to tho post-houEo stage. Hut tho pest-house stngo Is not necessary. Smallpox Is not contagious, unless tho doctors mako It so. And vet this 'puro calf lymph" takon from tho teat of a diseased cow Is tho "ex tract" of health wu have Injected Into tho (lower of our youth. Wo have vaccinated our sturdiest manhood with tho degeneraoy of uttor tIKh, Wo havo bred In their blood tuberculous. cancer, consumption, und smallpox, cowpox uud groutpox, but wo liuvo'l not protected them against tho ma- lurla of Cuban swamps Jcuner'sown son died from vacilla tion, Jouuer, tho great advocate or "horsopox-cowpox" virus. Evory man In our army was tirst poisoned before mmiL to Cuba. An organic animal poison was poured Into his blood, The putrefying mat ter of u soro was mixed with puro Aniorlcun blood. What an outrage. The Tennessee. Undersigned has still a few tlmi sand of thooo Tennessee strivvterry plants loft at 81.00 a hundred. They are thu iluost tublo berry, or for the homo market. Early uud brlllluut red. Now Is tho II mo to pot out to get u spring oron. E. IIokkii. d & w If. Salem, Or. I will now tell all trimmed aud tin untrluiuicd huts ufc cost, Miss Smith Stato Btreet. 1 1-28.1 w THE NEW LAWS Enacted at the Special Sessslon of tho Oregon Legislature! Reviewed tn the Oregon State Journal by Carey K. Maitin; a Young Salem Lawyer. There arc two laws enacted by tho recent legislation aiming at the rail road commission. One law took effect October 15, 1808. Tho other would havo gone into effect three months from tho close of tho session or on January 15, 1800. Every -time the railroad commission las gone Into the courts It has been successful and It ls possible that the legislature ictcd wisely In making two laws for tho abolition of the commission for It might he able to knock out nnc law. There arc two laws changing the times of holding circuit courts In the sixth Judicial district. Ono was Scnato Hill G8 and the other House 11111 31. They read exactly alike. Each passed both of the houses and each 'was signed and approved by the Governor on the same day Oct. 15, 18U8. Neither law contained an emer gency clause and . neither takes ef fect till January 15, 1800, On .Jan uary 10th, being the third Monday In Junuary, a term ot court must by the term of both bills bo hold In Uma tilla county. Under a now law the closed season for salmon fishing on tho Slusluw and all other rivers In Oregon except the Columbia und Its tributaries begins November 20 and ends December 20 for the fall run and for the spring run begins April 15 und ends June 1. Sportsmen will do well to remember that tho close season for shooting grouse Is under tho new luw from No vember 15 to July 20 and that It Is un lawful to kill prarlo chickens at any time whon there Is enough snow on tho ground to track them. There arc two new laws.whlch aro not goucrally understood. Otic Is for tho payment ot per diem und expen ses of rejected volunteers of the Spanish American war und the other Is for the repayment of fundi advan ced by persons to promote tho exhibit at tho Omaha Exposition. Only rejected volunteers who wcro members of tho Oregon National Guard will get pay and they will not get their pay until the Adjutant General compiles a list of ulll those who wcro rclcctcd and Hies such list In the auditing department or the 6tutc government. For tlio Omaha expo sition promoters they will not get tholr money till after January 15th 1808, when tho luw for tholr payment takes etfect. Persons having claims must tile them with the Omaha Commission which will meet and audit them Indue time after It gets Its money from tho State. Rejected volunteers should tlio their clalu-s with Adjutant-General Tuttle. I thus been suggested that the stato militia ought to bo speedily recruited and drilled ready for another brush with Spain. Tho stato will bo taxed $.10,000, tho same next year as the present, ror tho support or tho state mllltlu, und It should bo recruited up to a war rooting. Tho new school law dellnlng tho quullllcutlonsor voters at school meol lugs und elections Is not understood by many. Men and women can yoto but they must have been assessed by the assessor when ho was around the year before nnd thu assessors roll must show that the man or woman hud at least $100 worth or property. This doesn't npply to the country districts where tho Inhabitants number one thousand or less, In thosu districts poor men und widows Ihouuh they many not havo been assessed und may not havo uny property may still voto U they haye ituv children or school ago In the district, Ono or the Important now laws Is tho mining law. It goes Into etfect according to tho term or the emer gency oluuso on January 1, 1800. When a person dUcoycrsu quartz initio and dcslics to "steko" It Immedlatelv he should post u notice on tho spot or discovery containing tho iiumo of the lode, the name of tlio locator, the locution, number of lineal feetclalmcd each way from tho strike with width on each side or lode, the general strike or direction or the lode aud within three aays nfter posting tho notice he shall put up six substantial corner posts or monuments not loss than threo feet high being ono post ut each corner and ono In the mlddlo of each end of tho strike. The new law has several Interesting details and among other things nrovldes thata contract for "grubstaking" Is no good unless In writing and corded In the county where tho cations aro made or to bo made, re- lo- The new luw changing the legal rate of Interest from 8 to tl per com went Into olTeot on October H, 1803. Ve'y muny people do not seem to understund tho new law. It Is now lawful to eontruot, to receive mr pay any rate of Interest up to und Includ Ing tou per cent tho fume as It was formorly, Hut under tho now law In ull cases where no rate Is specltied only tl per cent can be collected. Couuty, city, school district and other warrants presented and not puld or stumped on and alter October 14, 1803. only druw (J per cent. lteoms to Iks tho prevailing opinion that ull war rants .stamped prior to October 16, 1803, will draw the old rato of 8 per cont uutll they nro paid and state and Ulli lli li JtjLJJLJ O Coupon CALENDAR 1899 Is a beauty, patri otic, up-to-date. Subject: "An American Girl" One of the handsomest pieces of color work issued this year. Lithographed, with border of army and navy emblems embossed in gold. Leuvo your numo with your druggist and ask him to save you a copy or send 0 cents In stamps ror one to C I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mans, (Mention tliti pnpcr.l Remember Hood's Sarsaparlllu Is America's Greatest Medicine for the Blood and the Hcst that Money Can Duy. Hence tuko only Hood's. county olllccrs nnd city olllccrs aro paying 8 per cent interest on nil old warrants. There seems also to be quite a number or legal opinions tending to show that possibly this practice Is Incorrect and Micro Is a possibility or some ono testing the matter in the courts. It would bo an Interesting case Involving tho princi pal laid down In all constltlons and the constitution or tho United States that no law shall be passed Invalidat ing contract. The new llsh law is tho most com plicated law passed at tho recent ses sion. Under the new law tho office of llsti commissioner Is one of the most Important in the state. Tho gov ernor appoints the commissioner und he holds for for four years und the ono now appointed will hold till near the end or the term or ulllce or Gov ernor Geer elect. No person can llsh for salmon with u net without per mission from tho llsh commltsloncr und nil such lishermcn und cannery men and shippers und puckers of salmon must be licensed and work under the llsh commissioner. The new law covers twenty printed pages In the new session Inw and wns In force from and after October 1808. Ono good provision In the now Inw Is that foreigners cannot llsh ror salmon. Ono or the new laws creules a utw kind or commissioner's court In the county or Multnomah. Tho court which shall correspond to the county court In all other counties, will In Multomah county consist or three county commlsslonsrs and no Judge. By the new luw ihe county Judge of Multnomah county Is not n'member of the county court ut ull. In Multno mah county they now lmvo plenty of separate otV.cors. A county judge to nttend to probate mutters- three county commissioners to uttend U roads a county auditor to audit bills a clerk of the county court Instead or "county clerk" and a clerk or the circuit court, besides u separate county recorder und other separate olllccrs. Under ono or the new laws the old tlmo principle that executors and ad ministrators cannot bid In property sold on execution or borrow money on estate undor their chargo lias been mod I lied by expressly authorizing ad ministrators und executor) to bid In property und also borrow monoy on es tates when deemed expedient to re fund other Indebtedness Of cnurso they must act under direction or the probato court. m Stockholder's Meeting Chamber of Com merce. There will bo a meeting of the Stockholder's or the Salem Chamber or Commerce held ut tho City Hall, Salnm Or,, on Monday tho lUth duy or December, A D. 1803, ut tho hour or 8 o'clock p. m. for tho purposoof electing u board or directors to serve for tho ensuing year; und tho trans action of such other business as may bo brought beforo the meeting. F. H. Anson, Secretary. Gko. B. Gkay, President. S?f WE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS Is due not only to tho originality and simplicity of tlio combination, but also to the earo and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to tho Califoh-MA Fio Svitup Co. only, nnd wo wish to impress upon nil iho importance of purchasing the true und original remedy. As tho genuine Syrup of Fig's is munufucturcd by tho Calikoknia Fiq Svitur Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will sshtsit ono in avoiding tho worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tho high standing- of tho Cau ronxiA Fio Svitur Co. with tho medl cal profession, and tho satisfaction which tho genuine Syrup of Fig has given to millions of futilities, makes the namo of the Company a guaranty of tho excellence- of Its remedy. It is far la advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, lirer and bowels without Irritating or weaken ing thorn, and It does not grlpo nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember tho najno of tho Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. an rukxeuco, cj, aIMTHU.l- Jktw v.vSUCK.2. iliililMIW HMMtMtMidwBaitaMnWaSauttMtiMaAMata NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled bids will be received bv the Couuty Clerk or Llnu County, until Jnourary 0th, 1809, at the hour or 1 O'ciock p. tn. ror moor unu material required In the remodeling nnd Im proving a brick court houso for Linn County, at Albany, Oregon. All work to be completed by September 1st, 1800, according to plans and specifica tions on tile in my oulcc. The County Court will consider bids us follews: First, For the completion or the entire work. Second, All mason and carpenter work, Including material or brick, stone, lath and plastering, cementing, concrete, lumber, etc, Third, Heating and plumbing com plete. Fourth, Galvanized Iron, tinning and slating. Firth, Painting, The successful bidder will bo re quired to give un approved bond ror the amount or his bid Immediately after the contract Is awarded him, upon such conditions as the court may determine and demand. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order or the County Court the 11 th thy or November, 1808. FllANIC Ckauthiu-:, Clerk or Linn Count, Oregon. 11-20-ow OAJ3TOH.Ia.. Bews th A Un KM You Hai9 Always Boutfit Many a household Is saddened because of (allure to keep a safe and certain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough Cure, See that your littla onea are protected, Stoic's Drug Store, Soothing, healing, clemsing, DcWItt's Witch Hszcl Salve, the enemy of sorei, burns and wounds It never falls to cure piles. Lunn & iirooks, diuggists. Lato to bed early to rise prepares a man for his home in the skies. Little Early Klser, the pill that makes life longer, bet er anJwiter. Stone's drug (tore. Constipation pievenls the body from rid Jlni itself ol waste matter. DeWitt'n Little Early Klsrs remove the trouble and cure ftlrk lii-mlnrtif. niltniicnMia Vnll et,..ip coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. Stone's UIU 11UIC PLAYED OUT. Dull Headache, i'slnu in various parts of the body. Sinking at the pit of the ttimach, Loss n( appetite. Fcvcrlshncss, IMmples or Sores or all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health, Acker's Blood Elexlr has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood disea es. It is certainly a wondtrful remedy and we will sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Theroonera cough or com is cu-cd the belter. Linfering colds are dangerous, One Minute Cough Cure quickly cu es it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is within reach? It Is pleasunt. Stone's Drug store. A cough is uot like a fever. It does not ln.ve to tun a Certain course, Cure it quickly with One Minute CouRhCure, tho brt rem edy for all. We reccomm:nd It became its gcod. Stone's drug store. OASTOniA. Bear th Un Kind You lla8 Always Bouh EXPEKIENCK IS THE I1EST TEACHER Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of ccughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give Immediate re lie money refunded. 25c and 50c.' Lunn & Drookt, druggists. Overcome evil with good, Overcome )ojr coughs and coids with One Minute Cough Cure. It cures croup, bronchiiis.pneumonia, la grippe and lung dieases. Stone's Drug Stoic Bar th j lha Kind You Hate Always Bough' CURE YOURSELF! r. IJ for iinimturnl lUiharKi'". Inrlumiimtli'iit, irrlUtluna ut ulivrnlluiis of Iiiucouk tni-nil'ranci. I'ulnlt'x. ami nut lrln- ,THtEOsCMtU CUCfl. " or Polwo " I nam oy srriiifa-.aia, 'r snt In pUla rapT, ty prrJ, prrpuli, for II III. 11 r 3 Lot l li-a. 73. t'lrcutar will 011 rtuat- jSJfcSy it i m.MM.NH fv97 tjmrtiiutl J ffjH ttl It aulaiur g ui'faitau awniia Ifiv "51 Get lour Gliristmas Presents free! Wc will prcscnl a fine hat To every twin or hoy purchasing n suit of clothes at Friedman's Now Racket. Wc will present a good pair of gloves To everyone purcha9ln an Overcoat or Mackintosh at Friedman's New Rucket. Wc will give presents To overy customer purchasing dry goods or general merchandise, to the ntuountof five dollars or over at Friedman's New Racket. The grandest presentation sale known, Our orices arc the lowest! our goods all late styles, Blankets, comforters, silk mufflers, hosiery, underwear, unv brellas, fancy goods, trunks, notions, etc, FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET Cor. Commercial and State Streets SALEM, OREGON, China Tea Sef and LarRp! To bo given awry on New Years' eve. No drawing; 'inly count or guess how many coKee beans In the Jar- See our north show win- mm iiuu can m mo sioro ror particulars, uur Imports of holldav goods ure arriving very fast, ulmost faster than -vo can handle. We Import direct and can sdiow the Import Bills; therefore we get tho latest out und can sell cheap. You will Und our stock ory lurge; Holiday Goods such as lino Ilavlland und German China, to sell, odd ple-c3 or sets. Novelties In China und glasswure. Eng lish bctul-rorcelaln (or which wo curry ten patterns) Bohemian glassware, Gut Glass, common glassware, etc. Come und see and b convinced or our having a largo stock and saving at least 23 per cent on account or Importing. Wo Invite you to the Yokohama Tea Store. toanattartrtrtiifrafiai MtmiMMmt TODAY'S MARKET. Portland Dec. 1 04: Walla Waila.GOc. -Wheat yallej Flour Portland, 83.45; 92.25 per bbl. Oats-Whltel041c. SuperUoe nay $8010 Derton, Hops 1417jc; old crop Oc. Wool Valley. 10Y3i2c: Eastern wregon, cwizc. Mlllstuir Uruti, $10; shorts, $10; (a) 815. Poultry Clilckens,nilxcd,2.252.75 turkeys, live, 13(a)14c. jwggs uregon, ziwmo pcruoz. Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, under GO lbs,0i($7c;shccp pelts.lC 381c. 520c, fancy unions 7occs'H per sacK. Butter Best dairy, 2030c; creamery, wcwooc Per roll. Potatoes, 5000c por sack. Hogs Heavy, $4.75. Mutton Weathers 31c; dressed, 7c Beer Utccr8,$3.50(3.75: cows, $2.50 3 dressed, 5f30. SAT.F.M MARKET. Whcat-51. Oats 35c. Hay Baled, jlieat. $0 50M$7. Flour In wiiolesalo lots, $3.00: tall $3.00. Mlllstuif-Uran $121 without re- and per $KU with sacks; shorLs-$13i14 icn wunoutsacKs. Hogs drcsed, 5c. Live cattle 2i(a)3c. Sheep Live, $2.50Cd$3. Vcal-5i3. Butter Dairy 20c; creamery 25c. Wool Best. 15c. Mohair 26c Hops--Best 10Ya)17c. Eggs-25c in cash. Poultry Chickens, 57c; turkeys, llyc, 10c. Farm smoked meats Bacon, 81c hnm, 10c shoulder, 0(a7c. Potatoes 30c. Apples 30c. SICIC HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY AND permanently cured by uring Mold Ten. A pleasant herb drink. Cuies constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 50c, Lunn & Iirooks druggist, When you ask for De Witt's Hnzel Salve don't accept a ccunteitiet. There are more cues of piles being cured by this, thnn all others Stone's druc store. DYSPEPSIA CAN HE CURED BY using Acker's Dypepsin Tablets, One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25c. Lunn & Iirooks. druggists. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. llio Kind You Have Always Bought Soars tho ifv&tc&ti Slgnaturo of 1 Oregon Short Line, -THE- Quickest. safest, Cheapes4 Line for all points E'Mt and southeast. FREE reclining chair cars, Pullman palace sleeping car, and upholstered tourist sleep ing cars on nil through trains. 110ISE & BARKER, Agent Salem, Or C. a TERRY, Traveling Pasnenger Alien W. K. COMAN, General Agent. 124 Third Suee Portland. Or, IViADE WIE A WJAN SG2 ..."A.". rAtlLGTrf eOUTlVKI.Y C0Urf Uf "I A 1,1- Hrr-out IHttaum Kulilnu &!, ?5d 1117. imiHiiiirIFicci;iwnM,sio. "nil., ujr MniMiuii'luluar '-( unit lndll crvtiutin, 'Sixty imrjilu miU wrfi iKrorjX.oaiMuUrluolJ or jcine. unu II u mull rjratuily. lulfclnaii nr M.r.lnj. wi' A.VWAN? Ii.ttvunt liiaanitv .n.l Vina .ninllnn II .uletiln tlmo. 'Jlu-li pin tLnwa linmdlato linpn- .iiMit and t-llf cla eCt ItH v. rro all others Jnll, b. Iii ui-oa harinit th minul.ie Jax Tablets. Toe; LlTacilrts! tliouaauds .Mul ulll euro tou, 1V otto luiitlro frlttim suarHiili-0 to fttfoct u cars in sen riua 01 rofuuil tl.i monsr. i'rlcaj 60 cenu per psckua.or lilp-iikiUK Ifuil treatmrut) for S3. BO 11 f ciail.lo V.,Hlu.w.ry''lr,Jllkl!.'Al'"lP't"c- Wreols fre. AJAX ,PMl2DY CO., "fflStnC For sale in Salem Or., byD. 1 FKV druggist m nr iiifiniiiirt 1 11 MrthtMfniiirifihff Ma'frfiiii"ETiritf(iirttu SALEM'S TOTAL CITY INDEBTEDNESS On a Basis of Two Million Dollars, City Debt is Twelve Per Cent of Total Valuation, Tan JouiWAia has been taking nn Inventory or the city's liabilities rrom the original warrant books. Ono book shows warrants Issued from January 30, 1892, to Juno 30, jbos Tho second wurrant bookoliows warrants Issued from Juno no, 1808 to tlitte! Onoofllehil report shows that there was $17,380.81 of warrants outstana-' Ing July 1, 1897, drawing 8 per cont Interest from time of Issue. Tho warrant books show total warrants outstanding Nov. 10, 18!), eOI.-170.20. Of theso warrants $52,788.00 were drawn on tho general fund with ac crucd Interest duo slnco September C, 189(1, of 91C.185; and $ll,0d2.li on the building fund with accrued Interest since October 1893 or about $1072.80, or total Interest due of $20,157.80. UONDKD DIMIT. Funding bonds at 0 poicent $ 00,000 oo Funding bonds nto percent 20,000 00 Ilrldgo bonds at 5 percent f0,000 00 Sewer bands nt G per cent 19,000 00 Street Improvement bonds at 0 per cent 0,181 fio Total bonded debt $155,10150 KL.OATINO DKI1T.I General rund warrants, Nov. 10, 1808 $ 52,788 00 Accrued IntcrcstSto date estimated 11,485 00 Building rund, Nov. 10, 1808 11,082 14 Accrued Interest to date 4,072 80 Total floating debt $ 00.G20 00 Total bonded aud floating debt $235,009 50 Incroaoo nlnco July 1, 1097 $ 35,230 19 EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- rHE SrHSTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co KXrRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY 6:oo r m 8.-SS p m 7-'4S A M Lv...;i'ortlaiut. Lv. ...Satera .. ..Ar (9:30 ..Lv-J.'oo o.Lv (ft.'oo A M OO A M CO P M Ar, San Krnncisco Above trains stop at nil principal statiom list, Portland anil halem, Turner, Marion Jeflerson, Albany. Tangent, SheJds, IlaUey. Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, nnd all sta tions from Roseburg to A.hland, inclusive. ROSKHURO MAIL, , DAILY. 830 a M I Lv . 1055 A m-Lv.., 520 pm) Ar , Portland" .Ar 4:30 PM .Salem Lv i 1 50: pu Koscburg, Lv 7.jo A M Pullman bulla sleeper nnd second-cms sleeping cars attached to all through train WEST SIDE DIVISION. BRTWEKN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mail tialns daily ejtceiitSunday. 730 A M l"Lx. . . .Portland?. Ail 5.5o P M u15 p M J Ar....Corvullis.. Lv 105 ph At Albany and Corvallis connect with tuins of the O. C. & E. Ry. BXI'RKSS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 4.-50 p M 1 Lv . . Portland . . Ar 8:25 A h 7.'30 p M Lr .. McMlnnvllle Lv 5:50 A W Hrjo PM) Ar Independence Lv) 450 AW Direct connections at San i-rancisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mai steamship linos for JAPAN AND CHINA Sailing dates on application Kates and tickets to Eastern points anr Europe. Abo JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSl'HALLIA, can be obtainH from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Ant Salem, R. KOEIILER, Manager. C. II. MARKHAM, G. F. &P. A. Portland When Going East Use a first-class line in traveling betwetn Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicago, and the principal towns hi Cental Wisconsin. Pullman Palnce Sleeping and chair cars In service. The Dining" cars are operated In the inter est of its patrons, the rrost elegant service ever Inaugurated. Meals are served a la Cart:. To obtain first. dai service your ticke should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. tor all connections at Chlcngo and Milwaukee For eastern points, tlcketfull information call on Sodr neatest ticket agent or write JAS. C. POND tjeneral Pass. AgentMillwuukee. Or IAS. A CLOCK, General Agrnt Wis Stark Street Portland Or. 20u Miles shorter and a whole half duy quicker than nnv nt.iiorlinn tn n.....T.o Tnn sas city, St. Louis and ull other suwiurn aim soumeastern cities, Tliico routes east via Denver, St, Paul, and Billings, Mont. Tickets ut offices of connecting lines. If you go etbt via Omaha, you cun stop oil and see tho Trans-MUsisslppI expohlilon A. C. SHELDON. Gen'l anent, Portland Or QUICK TIME NO CHANGE COMPLETE COMFORT Those are the nolnts ilm mil. r.n-n.,i travel dtssrable. Those are the nualltl- mat aro tne Delight ol the pas enger over the popular NORTHERN PACIFIC R ULROAD Tlc roadbed cf the entire line has beet, m. proved and rides as smooth as a floor and now wih Immense New Enine Vestibule Double Door Coaches Del ghiful Sleepers There u nnlLinn lf. I. .1 1. 1 .. . ..,,.....fc k,t , ,t uoircu, nates always low to all points ea,t. For pitlicu'ars " HIU.MAS, WATT & CO. 227 Commercial Street whAb,.-v.&a. AUUruaetstoaveU'otarorSSa utafcfctifetf& 0.R.&N. OKPART FOR TIMR SC1IKDULK. From Portland, ARRIVE. Fast Mail 8 pin Salt Lake. Denver Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas Citv and iy, 01. lAJuis, nicaco d East. Spokune Flyer 2pm Walla Wall(, Spokane, Spokane Minneapolis, bt. 1'aul, Nyer 1015 am uuiutn, .Milwaukee Chi cago nnd East 8 p ni OCEAN STEAMMIIPS, 4 I'm All sailing dates sub ject to chanir?. For San Francisco.' Dec. 1, 4. 7, 1 13, tf, 19,22,25, 26 v. 8pm ex, Sun. Saturdny 10 p m COLUMIHA RIVER STEAMERS 4pm ex Sun To Astoria and way land' mijs, ... WILLAMETTE RIVERS Ar Salem I t a ILv. Salem Portland, Newburg nnd Way Landings. 6 p.m. Mous Wedi Fri 7U5P m Tiles Thurs (For Dayton Tu Tlmr MonWed Sat Frl Ion rn. iJO'P i WILLAMETTE R1VEK Corvallis Albany and Way Points. Ar Salem I. Salem Tu.'lhm Sat 31. m 10 a m Man Wed ini Fri WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISIO.Y Dally boats to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Orcg? City if the steamers are delayed there ootid tnp tickets to nil points in Oregon Wishing ton, or California. Connect o 1 made at Pott land with all rail, ocean and river lines. W. II. HURLUURT. fien'l Pas. Art. Portland, Or, O. M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street dock Salem. L'OISE & IIAKKER, City Agents. YAQUINA EOUTE Corvallis & Eastern Railroad CoiincrlliiR nt YAQUINA ultlillio YAQDINA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY 8TKAMKKS Grace Dollar and Navarro I'lrM-cluss In every rcsH.-ct. One ot the liO Hlcanu-rs In clue to mil from Yitiilim about every live dayx. Shortest Houto lletecii Belwccn Yulley Points and hn Franek) Pure: Albany nnd points West tnfian KtaneUw Cabin...... . 110 CO Itoiuul Trip H.W It. I WALDKN, EDWIN' STON'E, T. F. A V. A, Jlaiimttr. J.Tl'It.N'KK. Auent, Albany, Oie. TAKE THE Canadin Pacific R.R. And Soo Pacific Line TO Minneapolis) 01. 1 am Chicago Philadelphia Wathington Montreal Toronto New Votk Boston ami all points east and so -th east. Cheapest tales, beitserice and accommo dations ' 1 hrough tourist sleepers to Minneapolis St. Panl, Toronto, Mon real, Jd Boston without change, Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Empress Ine of steamships to Japan and China The lastest and finest ships on the Pacific ocean. Shortest and bast route to the orient. Canadian Australian S. S. Co. To Honolul-, Fiji ul Australia The ahortust route t-i the rolinies. For rates, loMera and any information call on or addiess, Salem Agency 388 Ccmmercia! St. II. H. ABBOT, Agent, 146 I bird itet, Poitland Or. E J. C 1YLE. Dktilcl Passenger Agent, Varcouver, O. i