DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. w j inr r - . l -1. n.n aftrf Ah VOL IX. SALEM, OREGON, THITRSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1898, NO, 260 ttr Men's black diagonal mackintoshes $ 1.45 Men's black all wool mackintoshes or box coats. . 3.65 Men's very fine all wool brown covert cloth box coats, velvet collar 5.25 Sold at $6.50 to $7.00 elsewhere Men's line dress overcoats 10.00 Men's very fine top coats, latdst styles, for 11.40 Men's overcoats, cheaper grades 3.85 6.00 New York mm DOHS A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS THAT'S THE POLNT Bin ail kill NOW IS TIIKITIMK TO I1UY ..BLANKETS.. Sec those special lines WOOLEN MILL STORE, This space is reserved .Santa Who is he writing to I Why, to ..tTbe Jfatr tore., Because he always makes The Fair his head quarter for Holiday Toys, for of course he knows they arc the leaders in all Christmas toys, Look out for his letter, O. F. 274 Commercial Street. Suitable Tools sain! and prices at the for a letter from Glaue FOR ALL TRADES. A man might as well try to work with Ills hands alone unless lie has the tools that help. THE REST is none too good for the man that dops the work. THE BEST can alay be found at GRAY BROS. DABNBY WAR ISSUES Require a Citizenship Convention. Hill of t.ie Great Northerh Is ! Kicking, At the Unfair Northern Pacific Man agement. Ilr Auorlntrit 1'rrn to tlir Jtitirnnl. Washington, Dec. 1. A call Torn national christian cltieushlp con vention, to meet :it Washington De cember 13, has been Issued by a num ber of oillcers of reform associations and leading citizens. A convention has been called to dhcuss problem government forced upon tin) congress by the result or tlio war with Spain. Nr.w Yowc, Dec. t.-The Herald aays: "Persons inually well Informed In regard to Jame? J. Hill's position In the Northwestern railroad contro vcrsy say cable dispatches received from Europe arc to the effect that Hill and his friends have soil all tho Northern 1'acKlo hulttlni;-), is correct. They declare Hill Is nob .1 little dls gustcd over the tactic s of the company In taking advan tage of the O re it Northern and conuunli'S that had formed an agreement for a regulation extension in Washington and t!io contiguous territory. Hill, they say, will now show them that the Great Northern Is not toho Impased upon, and It Is not Improbable (hat the tight ever the extension In tho northwest will bo renewed In a lively fushlon, unless somebody backs down. They say J. Plcrpont Morgan, who Is the direct ing spirit of tho Northern Pacific, which caused all tho trouble by pro jecting a Clearwater, short 1 ne, said so far as ho was aware, Hill had not changed Ills attitude toward the Northern Pacific. CREW RESCUED By Scotch Vessel From a Dis Mantled Barkcntine, Ilr AmtiM'tnlril l'rraa u tlic .luitriilil. Ualtimokk, Dec. 1. The steamer La Hespcyo, from Glasgow, arrived today, reports that on November 25, she rescued Capt. Appleby and a crew or II seamen from Rarkentlne St. Lucie, of Antwerp. Tho St. Lucie was dismasted durl.ig the gale and lotonc man. Dig Fire. Il- iNMirlntiMl 1'rraa to llif Journal. Miiw Vowc. Dec. 1. A seven stoiy granite building at Woostcr and Third Jstroets, oucuplod by cloth ing linns was burned today. Lom $184,000. Trie Mad Mullah. tly Aaaovliilrri I'rraa In tlir Juurnnl. Romiiay, Dec. 1. Two Hrltlt.li brigades have been ordered In the Swat valloy, owlug to tho mad Mill labs successes over the local trlltes mini, Always Au Fait Wo have just received a large ship ment of Out Glass something for the holidays au fail. Jewelry Manufacturing We are now prepared o do all kinds of fancy enurating and jewelry manufacturing on short notice, at reasonable raloa. HoHday Goods New goods arriving crery day. Stock larger Uian evor. SI Thompson A Co. HEAVY L03SE3. The Amount Reaches Nearly Oae Mil lion Dollars. II)' AnnouIiiUmI l'remi l (lip Juurnnl. Nr.w Yoiuc, Dec. 1. Marino un derwrltersin this city cstlmato that the losses sustained by Insurance companies, as a result of the storm, beginning last Sunday, will probably reach 31,000,000. Dig Loss to Nebraska. II' Aucln(ct 1'rciii to Hit! Juurnnl. Lincoln, Nob. Dec. 1. -Tho Lincoln Normal University buildings wero damaged by llro to tho extent of $100, 000. Qeneral Conference. !! Aaancliilrtl I'roaa (lie .tiiurnnl. CllICARO. Don. I (Milrmrn una tn. day chosen as the place for holding 1 uc aiotuouist conference In 1000. AT MAKION COURT HOUbE. Mlnnlo Simmons, the mother of the defendants In the case of Warren Simmons ctal vs. Charles Simmons, Frank Simmons and Clarcnco Sim mons, petitioned Judgo llolso fur lin order appointing her guardian of tlio children. The order was made. A stipulation was also lllrd In which tlio plaintiff and defendants agreed to a partition of the estate, by which the defendants were to receive threc-sey-ctiths of tho estate, equally divided among tho three children. Tho following deeds wero Hied In the recorder's olllce. Tho Dundee Mortgage & Trust Co.. to J. M. Wallace, a smull tract of land In tilts ra w. $1. Rov. II. F. Wallace, paslorof the United Presbyterian church of Port land, has returned to his homo uftor a' visit with Prest. J. M. Wallace of the Water Company. THE GREAT ROUND WORLD. Some Important Current.Eyents of a Historical Char acter Reported by Telegraph, (Hy Associated Press to tho Following arc tho thirteen articles of tho Peace Treaty now be ing negotiated before tho Joint commissions nt Pari1.: Frst The relinquishment of sovereignty over the claim of title tn Cuba. Second Tho cession of Porto In tho West Indies, together with Guam. In tho Ladroncs. Third Tho cession of tho Philippines. Fourth Tho terms of tlio evacuation of the Philippines. Fifth Tho pledge of tho United States to preserve order In tho Philippines pending tho rat llicatlnn of tho treaty. Sixth Tho release of military premiers mutually. Seventh Tho cession by Spain of the Island of ICusal, or Strong's Island In tho Carolines. Eighth Tlio mutual relinquishments of Indemnity claims. Ninth Tho religious freedom of tho Carolines, assuring tho rights or American missionaries there. Tenth Tho cublo landing rights at polntH within tho tho Span ish jurisdiction. Eleventh Tlio relcao by Spain of political prisoners for olfonses In Cuba and the Philippines. Twelfth Tlio pledgo of tho United States tn Inaugurate In tho Philippines au "open door'' policy, and to guarantee thesamo to Spain for at least 12 years. Thirteenth A revival of the treaties broken by the war. ,, Buren & We have just opened a large iiv voice of portieres, lace curtains, pillow slips, bed spreads and sheets and are well prepared to furnish almost anything to set you up for housekeeptng, Our stock ol fujtv niture is far more complete than ever before, You should see our new oak bedroom sets and iron bedsteads, cheaper than ever 248 Commercial Street ALL FOR REFORM Citizen's Mass Meeting Will Adopt a Platform at City Hall Tonight, Republican Machine Is Alarmed and Pro poses Drastic Measures of Reform in City Affairs, The situation of the city of Salem, Is one requiring tho best efforts of all well-meaning citizens. Tho city's financial credit must bo pres-cned and the Salem or tho future must not bo lost sight or. Out or all tho discussion had In this campaign and out of all the statistics published tn Tiik Journal there lias coino a demand for retrenchment and better business methods that will bear fruit In tho next city adminis tration, Thr Journal looks for eomo good representative taxpayors and business men to bo nominated at tho Republican primaries and city con vcntlun.Thcrc are perhaps as good men In the regular Republican organiza tion as among tho Independents, but they will bo compelled to place tho Interests of tho city secondary to tho Interests of tho machine. The Republicans are not all thieves and enemies of the taxpayer,any mure than members of tho Union party are anarchists and enemies of the govern ment. Rut all must admit that Re publican management of the Cllyof Salem has not been crcdltablo or busi ness like. Republican!: who have been meeting as citizens and taxpayers uro an earnest body of men. laying nstde all personal and partisan motives, even defying tlio regular parly organ ization, In tho hopo or putting the business Intcrosts of the capital City In better order. o4tv:o Dally Capital Journal.) Rice and other Spanish possessions Hamilton A. N. Rush, who was named on the citizen's ticket for treasurer, declines to stand as a candidate. While ho takes a deep Interest tn public affairs, and sympathizes with tho effort to bet ter conditions In our city, ho lias tho details and responsibility of a largo business devolving upon him, and thinks ho cannot give the duties of a public position the tlmo und attention It requires. The citizens' mass meeting will probably Indorse Mr. A. A. Lee, tho present treasurer. They can do no bettor unless It would bo to put up some man who would serve for nothing, and save the city 3100 a year The machine Republicans know that the Independent Republicans at tho head of tho citizen's movement are deeply lu earnest about retrench ment. Tlio rmichlno promises to put up a ticket and a platform pledged to do In city atfalrs exactly what tlio Re publican delegation did In county affairs. They 'promise to do moro In the way or reforms than the citizen's movement promises. Rut the citizens' ticket will be placed upon a spccllln platform of retrenchment at tho City Hall meeting tonight that will com pel tho regular Republicans to make prolty sovcro propositions to their candidates Saturday night, if they do nnt putupand elect men who will keep their pledges, thcro will bo great trouble all 'jaround. The citizen's ticket Is composed of well-known citizens and taxpayers. O. P. Hlshop Is a promlncnt"nll-wool" Republican and a succcsful business man. Ho has boon an active lender In public affairs, and If ho puts tho city's affairs In as good order as ho has his own, he will make Just the Mayor Salem needs at this tlmo. N J. Judah, for city recorder Is a well known writer on the city press, and It Is reported that he has been discharged from u lucrative position because ho allows his name to boused. Ills proposition to the Cit izens' committee, on which ho accepts the nomination, Is that ho receive a net salary of 81000 n year, turning all fees from city or county rases Into tho city treasury abovo that sum. Mr. Judah Is a thorough byjeompctent goutlemen for tho place. D. W. G Ibsen, hotter known ns "Doc,"' for City marshal Isof a pbneer Republican family, a man of family, and abovj all a man who will treat all elements fairly and show no favors as chief of police. Ho has long been connected with tho pollco force and knows tho dutlcsof tho ofllco and Is not afraid to perform Ihom, Sam:m, Or., Dec. 1. 1808. To tho Cummltteo of tho Non-partisans of tho City of Salem Or. Ukntlkmkn: I am In formed that I liavo been honored with tho nomina tion of councilman fur tlio First ward of tho 'city by said political parties. After duo consideration 1 navo con cluded that my business Intorests aro such as to rcqulic all my time, und It elected to the ofllco I would bo una- bio to properly fulfil tho duties thereof. I therefore with slncero regrets. that under tho circumstances 1 cannot ac cept tho nomination, do hereby tender my ros'gnatlon. I greatly appreciate tho distin guished honor conferred upon mo by the nomination, und I hereby extend to you my most slncero thanks. W. M. Kajbku. F. W, Slcusloil of tho 1st ward, re quests Till! JouitNAi. to state that ho Is not a candidate forlcouncllmun. IlrU'UllMOAN 8TATKH. Following are tho slates at the Re publican prlmarlos being held this afternoon. There Is but a light voto and 110 opposition. riltST WAKU, Delegatoai-J. 11. Molr, Jr., W. D. Cluggctt, E. S. Lamport, Dan Tarp loy, O. L. McNary, Frank Southwlck. For Aldermen: Frank Y. Water, J. M. Lawreuce. HKCONI) wahd; Delegates. Charles Cluggctt, II. I). Putton, John Uoldccker, Eugune Willis, T. K. Ford, I). F. Parkhurnt, E. R. Phllbrook, F. T. Wrlghtman, MarkS.SkluT For Councilman. J. A, Raker. THUII) WAHD, Delegate Werner Rreyiuan.F. II. Meredith, Oco, R. Uray,E.M.OrolBan, A. A. Jofiup, O. W. West, 8. Fried, man. For Alderman A lonzo Uesucr. HALUM no. I. Delegatus - Claud (latch, Frank Hughes, Dr. R. Curtwrlght, A. T. Wain, W. C. Hubbard, J. A Evans, Geo. F. Rodgors, O. O. (Joodale, For Alderinuu:-C, H. Lahe. COPPER MINES Rockefeller About to Control tho Copper Mines, ll- AuiM'Inlrtl I't-CKM to thr Jourmil, Nkw Voimc. Doc. I. The Tribune says: It Is reported from Reston, that John D. Rockefeller has entered the copper mine Held, as a large Investor and his ulllmito object Is to control ttie copper mining Industry of the wliolo United States. WILL RESIST The Cession of the Philippines By Spain to tho United States Government, Work ol tho Peace Commission Proceeding Rapidly. Ur Aaaoelaled 1'raaa lu tlia Journnl. Maduid, Dee, 1. Advices from the Philippines say tlio Insurgents hayo decided not to recognize tho cession of tho Islands to tho United States, und will resist to tho last und It u also claimed that .tho United States will require 70,000 troops to put down the rebellion and It Is alleged that tlio Insurgents hold 10,000 Spanish prisoners whom they will force to servo against Americans. Tho insurgents domand seven mil lion pesotas for tho relief of forty lrlars Imprisoned since tlio com mencement of the tyar. Pauih. Dec. 1. The Journal ofllclnl today published the decrco forbidding tho admittauco Into Franco of fruits and plants from tho United States as a ''precautionary mcusuro." Pauib, Dec, 1 Tho work of tlio poace commission Is proceeding rapidly and unless thcro Is an unex pected hitch, tho treaty will be signed within a week. Tho Joint session ro- arscmblcd this r-flornoon. Washington, Dec. 1. Minister Merry has reported to tho state de partment that tho government of Costa Rica has received olllclul notice of tho dissolution of tho United States of Central America. MUST FACE MUSIC Senator Quay Must Roop the Fruits of His Own Seeding, Ilr Aaaoolnleil I'rm, to Hip Journal, Philadulpiiia, Dee. 1. Jugo Fin lottcr today overruled all the motions of objections entered tu tho llvo in-J dlctmeots against United States Sen ator M. S. Quay and others, changed with conspiracy to unlawfully use tho state funds for prlvato purposes and set tho trial for December 0. JACKETS CAPES flf Special Prices this Week New Tan Coats Fli.o Korsoys, Dlaln co-t, storm and inlaid velvet col lars $0.18, 10.08, 112 .16 Short Lengths in piam uiiiuk mm uim.n and whtto salines, values up to 25o pr yurd. -81c, 10c, I2lc Lonsdale Muslin One yard wide tlio beet In the market tho rost of tho week in yards fur 1.00 Best Vicugna Cloth Regular price 10a pur yard, tho rest or tho week 1 1 yds fyr 91.00 Head Rests Oyer 100 different patterns regular 2Ac ones. Tho rest of the week each- ...... ..- .JDo v.. -... t.l t. .wl lililnls JOSEPH MEYERS & SONS. Phono 1. 278 280 Commercial street, corner Court. Salem's. Greatest Stoe, RoVal Baking Powder Made from pore cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum fcaklnj powders are the greatee merucera to health of the praent day. tnu. miw mwtxn ea, t vox. SETH HAMMER Passes Away At Three O'clock Thla Afternoon, At a quarter before threo Soth 11, nammcr,tho well-known Salem law yer and pioneer passed away at lila rooms In tho D'Arcv blok. Mr. Hammer had been 111 for about two weeks, confined to bis bed since tho 17th of this month. Ho was about OS years old und all his relations aro In the state of Illinois. In Salem Justice Court. C. Rodgcrs, found three hobos, Chris Waulker, John Thomas and Frank Allyn, in his barn this morn ing and had them arrested for tres pass. Thoy wero tried before Justice II. A. Johnson aod lined 85 and costs In dofault of which amount they went tu tho county jail. Roy. P. R. Williams, pastor or tho Yew Park United Hrethern church, swore to a complaint, this morning charging two boys, ouo of thorn named Cliff Kerr, with disturbing a religious mcotlng. Young Kerr has been em ployed at tho grocery storo of Allen & Roworsox, as n delivery man, and went to church last ovoulngnud while thcro mado unnecessary noise. lie und his companions wore cautioned by tho pastor but did not heed his warning, and persisted In their dis turbances. As thcro has been a good deal of such ronduct at the mcotlngs now in progress Rev. Williams thought to make uncxamplo of sotno one, hence swore out tho above war rants, Tho tlmo of trial has not as yet been sot. WHEAT MARKET. Ilr Aaaoclntril 1'reaa lu Uio Journal. CmoAOO, Dec. 1. May C0f. Cash No 2 red 70. San Fuancisco, Dec. 1. Dec. .1.141 cash 1.18!. Thai Wiil Dr. J. C. Aycr's Pills will prevent and cure biliousness. "Per jfwtri I have thoroughly teited AYER's 1'ilm, imlli hk a praventlve anil cur tor MllouitwM. thoy iiru lh bet medicine for t.BTP-. -ml $g)$li$$ BMs&inmnmmm Overcoats and Ulsters Flno black frolzo ulsters, Ital ian lined 10 00 Urown mixed and black ones equal to other $15 coats ono prlco - t!2 P6 Kersey overcoat, satin sleeve lining, worsted body lin ings.. I0 and 112,60 Wool Gloves and Mittens For these chilly days, In de sirable styles, 2o, 3c, 60c, and 73o Umbrellas Mke ours not to bo had else whore all mado to our order, special handle, special ribs, special cloths. W. B. Corsets Tho now short corsot nnd our Famous at special prices. No. 050 white, drab and black epeclals .-.. --! 33 Amerlca'sFumouscorset black und drab special--.-. - 11 10 ft 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, - 3 uvi J mmmmtmm'immimti m 1ort"l!f&1-''Wn"f ' rtf-AMMtlWIMAitliiJIM