Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 28, 1898, Image 2

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innumMJliiJiii rrV
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liHlilMimil MUM
1 .
F gi
r'i .
itfOMDAY, NOVKMBSR 38, 1S98.
Mf.'OM Tim 3.00, in Advance.
Batfsft Fear KaatiM SI 00. to? Advance.
;; 1WMr. Oaa YAr 1.00, In Advanoo
&. ' m. 11
Tho men elected to office by the
People's Union party In ttita county
are proving tlio strongest friends of
th people and the protectors of tho
taxpayers. They not only do not steal
but they do not help tho gang to steal,
They were elected by thn fanners n
seatnst the ring candidates and the
fanners uphold them.
Jud?oBotse'rf recent decision that
a one-sided hop contract Is null and
void, and that an Injunction cannot
bo granted against a farmer to compel
enforcement of such a contract, Is
worth thousands of dollars to tho pro
ducers of every county In the state.
Ho Is not a Judge for those who want
to take away tho last chance a man
has to get something for his labor, He
Is a Judge of all tho people.
Sheriff Durbln Is making a popular
officer and Is protecting tho pcopio In
his office where aver it is In his power.
A farmer called at Tub Journal of
lice Saturday and said he was pre
pared to put up $100 towards keeping
Mr. Durbln In office to tho end or his
term, if tho legislature did not pro
vido proper compensation. There are
others who will do tho same. For the
first ttmo In many years tho court
house combination bus been broken,
and Mr. Durbln should bo kept there
for tho full term fcr which ho Is
elected. Take It In the matter of
drawing Juries alone Mr. Durbln Is
a protection against partisan
methods that have prevailed In tho
past. Both grand and petit Jurors
will be of u better clinrnctor with n
sheriff of tho opposition party.
A farmer railed at this odlco Satur
day wlm had been notified to pay
delinquent taxes for each year since
1812. Ho had no receipts but had
paid for each year except 1800. When
ho went to tho ehrriff'H odlco tho
books showed tho fuels and Sheriff
Durbln told him to tear up tho notice
sent by a private tax-collector ap
pointed at 15 and 20 per cent commls
To these men elected by tho Union
party, men like Ilolse, Huydon and
Durbln, tho farmers must look for
protection nnd they should uphold
thorn and oncourugo thorn in their
reforms. Thcro uro honest men in
tho Republican party but they often
get Into ofllcc only when thcro Is a
strong minority party to compute
"Enter not Into tho path of tho
wicked, and go not in tho wuy of ovll
men. Avoid It, puss not. by It (go
not by that way) turn from It, end
pass away. Fur they sloop nut excopt
they huvodonoinlscliler, nnd their
sleep Is taken awuy, unless they cause
onto to fall. For they cat tho broad
of wickedness, and drink tho v ino or
Ylalenco.' Proverbs.
The above selection from Holy Writ
1 vory applicable to tho political sit
uation at Salem. Hero is un clomeut
of Republican?, who profess to wish
reform, and somo reully do wish re
form, but they want to got It all for
the honor and glory of tho llopubllcan
party inoro than ror the real cause or
Tho Union party voters arc nuked to
chooeo between tho two factions of
Republicans, when It U to bo hoped
they will hesitate long enough to read
the abovo passage of scriptures and
then proceed to put up a straight
Union ticket composed or good men
The Union party stood back In
hopes that, a citizens movement would
be started in which all taxpayers
could participate. A massmeetlng
of taxpayers that would have been
representative of the best Intelligence
and beat patriotism of this commun
ity could have put up a non-partisan
ticket that would huyo been correct.
, The cltltons or taxpuyors move-
meut was however conl'ucd to Re
publicans. It may accomplish some
good, but not ai much as If It had
been made a movement of all the
people against tho old city ring that
Jim control of tho affairs of this city
In tliesa many years. No hiiiio of
tbese Reform Renulilliuinn nrrwumn
0.1rwmj WW v.J W WV WMVtl'l Ul 111" VWUI1-
, ell and mayor and let tho ring have the
Mttpf tho oftlccs. Then they hope
.with tho help of tho Union mmuber
et the Council, Mr. lluren, to lift tho
city out ot ine ima m means or lou s
tetlM, Kt w)U tlut work?
fcjij;vmu uuiuu party cuuniuor whs
iMti if they want to bo a party to
hmk h-HlMiearted reform measures, or
gwfcftber they will put up a ticket of
aiitlU)ushfne Republicans, or
Wlwwt mhm of th), suggest that
tho Union party put up no ticket
until artcr Thursday's Republican
primaries, when they say x it
will be Known what the outcome
of Suturdny night's convention
will be. Is this a safo propo
sition for tho Union party? If they
put up a ticket at all, they should act
atonce and go boldly and squarely
before the peoplo for reform not only
In the city council but In tho record
er's ofllcc, tho marshal and police.
Tho way to teform Is to reform, not
to temporize in order to savo the Re
publican machine.
Enormous Exports of Wheat at
Prices Wool Kept Down.
liradstrccts report uuys-thls year
:o exceptional In magnltudu and
variety of blessings draws near the
end with yet another good gift, a
marked increase of confidence In
prospects for the year which Is to
close the ccntutf. The industries
are doing remarkably well, consldci
Ing lilndranco until of lato by un
seasonable weather. With storms
and cold, many branches now get
larger orders.
Sales of wool liavo been 35,075,000
pounds for four weeks, Including
about 5,000,000 for export, but mostly
at concessions, which hayo been this
week -a little Increase.! on fine un
washed fleeces.
When steel rail contract was ready
for final signature, withdrawal of ono
large company killed It, but a work
ing compact Is nevertheless said to
have been made, apparently 0 sort of
gcntlemem'rt agreement, In .which
more conlidcnco Is perhaps expected
than is felt. Tho market of Hesse
mcr grows stronger at Plttttburg.
Wheat bus again advanced 1 shade
though for spot only 0 ror the past
week, whilo Western receipts are
heavy, and for four weeks hayo been
38,031,201 bushel, ngalntt 20,110,104
last year-
Tho Atlantic cxports,i1our Included,
have bcon .'1,057,870 bushels for tho
Week, against 3,(128,440 last year. Pa
cific exports, 371,185 bushels, against
1,020,050 last year, making for tiirce
weeks or November 13,012,000 bushels
against 15,105,200 last year. While
Atlantic shlpmcntscxcccds last year's
a nccrcaso from tho Pad Ho affects
this market but little. Moreover,
corn exports continue heavy, In four
weeks, 10,453,300 bushels, against
0,320,788 last year, lining tho prlco ic.
and Hliowlnu a continued demand for
nearly live months alinout equal to
tho unprecedented domand or lust
Failures ror tho week have been 188
in tho United States against 230 last
year, and 21 in Uanadu, ugalnst25 last
Dunn and Go's. Report says:
Unravorablo features uro very fow,
prominent among which Is tho con
tinued dullness at wholcsulo points
or wool and woolen goods, Tho sit
uation ns to the country's export trndo
Is lluttorlug, except ror tho scarcity
or freight tonnage, which Is becom
ing serious, tending to check ship
moots of goods contracted for, nnd
thus to hamper seriously tho do
yelopmunt of American trado ubroud.
This Is particularly left In tho Iron
ami steel Industry, and considerable
pig Iron arranged for shipment Is bo
Ing'dclaycd and It may ultimately be
thrown back 011 domestic markets.
Wheat, Including Hour, shipments
ror tho week nggrogatu 5.821,720 bush
cls,ngalnst 5,070,141 bushels last week,
5,405,173 bushels In the corresponding
wcok or 1807, 3,753,003 bushels In 1898,
2,030,082 bushels In 1805, nnd 2,007,802
bushel) In 1804.
SlncoJuly 1, thlsyoar, the exports
or wheat aggregated 83,714,183 bushels
against 18,435,570 bushels last year.
Iluslncis failures In tho Unite 1
States for tho week, 178, against 228
last week, 233 In tho corresponding
week last year, and 200 in 1800, 203 In
1805,and 307 In 1801.
lluslncss failures In Canada number
25,ag')lnst24 last week, 31 In this
wcok a year ago, 30 in 1800, 6S in 1805,
and 35 In 1801.
The raging
lion that rav
age the eatth,
cckinif that
which it may
devour Is a
fearsome a 11
tairoulat to
filfht. 111.
health is a
(tralthier but
much more
danjrerou en
emy. It la al
ways easier and
better to avoid
it than to fiEht
'It, It comes in
various guises,
At first it is
usually as a tri
ll t n ir iudlircs.
tion or o silllit
attack of bll
iousness. Then
follow Iom of appetite, or headache, or nerv
ousness and sleeplessness, or stupor. These
arc the advance heralds of consumption,
malaria, nervous exhaustion and prostra
tion, aud a multitude of other ills,
There Is an easy way to avoid, and a sure
way to escape from, ill-health Dr Werce'a
Golden Medical Discovery itivea edge to the
appetite, Invigorates the liver, makes the
digestion perfect aud the blood pure. It is
the great appetite-sharpeuer, blood-maker,
flesh-builder and nerve-tonic It cures o3
per cent, of all cases of consumption, it
uocs not make oabUy Hesu like cod liver
oil, but firm, healthy tissue, without coipu
leucy. Honest dealers don't urge substi
tutes for a little extra profit,
' I cannot praiw Or Tierce's Golden Medical
Ultcovcrytoo highly," wrilr Mrs. Mary A Bey.
or Audcrwavlllt, buckiughsm Co Vtt "My
friend gave me up as dying of cousuiuptlcn I
tried ctervthlnf , but atcw worse, until I became
so weak ( gsye up all my housework, 1 tried
four bottles of the 'Ooldeu Medictt uUcuvtry'
and have now no more ueed to take tuedlciue of
any kind. I recommend your medicines the
Golden Medical Diicovcry1 and '1'te.iuut rel
iefs '-to my friends with a full belief lu their
When any member of the family is alck or
hurt, took In Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, and there you will find the
remedy. It used to cost $1.50; now it' rami.
1008 pages. Over 500 illustrations. Send 11
one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing
only, to World's Dlspeuury Medical Asso
ciation, lluffalo, N. V., for paper -covered
ropy. Cloth binding, 10 cenU extra.
III MMwr" 75x
Tired Men
Men wear out their lives quickly
nowadays. Their brains nnd
bodies ore overworked, and then
come sleeplessness nervousness,
dyspep-da aud general debility.
Tho system gives utit. Thews
troubles, If neglected, hasten
tho end. Strength and health
co mo back with the aid of
It helps the
food digest
makes nerves of
iron atfd Induces
sound sleep.
An English Uarllst positively as
serts that Don Curios' armyfwlll take
tho field In Spain Boon after the
treaty Is signed. He declares that a
loan has bcon fully ttnnnced, and that
It Is divided equally between France
and England, and he adds that after
tiic English capitalists were shown
the evidences on which Don Carlos'
chances of success arc based, they of
fered many times the amount asked.
Tho English Uullsts assert that much
moro money would have been secured
had it not been for thn fact that Don
Carlos stipulates that there should be
no assistance from Jews, as ho is ap
prehensive of their obtaining tlnau
clal control of tho monarchy.
Continuing, It Is assorted thai, the
Spanish government has known for
some time that Don Carlos possessed"
an army, organized Into battalions
and butteries, olllccred and largely
armed, hut the Spanish ministers
counted on ills failure to secure funds.
Therefore, tho Spanish government is
said to bo panic-stricken und to be
endeavoring to make the Spaniards
believe that Orcat Ilrltuln has agreed
to linancc Don Carlos und that he, in
turn, lias undertaken to cede the
Canary Islands to Great Britain In the
In the event, of success.
Tho London office of 11 I'll III pplnc
capitalist has received a letter fro m
Its agent, at Manila, dated October 10
In which tho agent says:
"Tho rebels arc prepared nlreidy to
resist annexation, lam lu the confi
dence of their chlers, and I assuro you
they aro quite prepated to retire to
tho hills, ir moro than ti protectorate
is offered. I bono It will not conic to
wurllko proceedings for It would bo 11
vorv nrotractcd affair. Tho Ameri
cans v.ould not Und tho rebels as easy
as tho Spaniards did, for they formerly
hud only 400 rllles. whi'c tho rebels
now have 80.0C3 rllles and 80 cannon,
Including several Maxims.
"Americans aro not iillowodto crtm
tho rebel ll.ies without passports. A
narlv of Gorman olllcors, who at
tempted to do so without passports,
wero mistaken for Americans, and
wore refused permission. Wlion It was
discovered they wore Gonuam, tho
officers wero permitted to proceed.
Tho Impurclal toduy says:
"The Spanish government thought
that after tho signing of tho peace
troaty frlondly rclatlons-bctween the
United States and Spain would bo
resumed and and tho governments
would negotiate directly on matters or
secondary Importance, but tho United
States' last note requests that tho
Paris commissioners bo empowered to
arrango a revision of tho treaties or
commurco and a special treaty ror tiio
Philippines, as well as to settle other
questions, Tho Spanish cabinet Is
obliged to accede to tho request, and,
therefore several additional sessions
will bo noiussiiry after Monday.
"Tho Instructions sent to Montero
Rlos ordered him again to Insist tlut
tho uhsoluto rights or Spain lu
the Philippines should bo maintained
In uccorduuco with tho very clear
text or artlclo !i or tho protocol. How
evof, tho government declares Mon
tero Rlos will sign tho poaco treaty
wlt'iout reserve, us Itt signature
inder protest will deprive tho troaty
or ti dotlnlto character and lcavu
matters ns bad they aro now,
und we have ministerial authority lor
saying that tho govorument desires
the speediest bottlcmout of these
matters, as otherwise they muy result
In grave dungors In Spain."
Special dispatches from Madrid
says Senor Montero IMos, president
of tho Spanish peaco commission, has
Informed ills government that tho
Americans dcurtud cession of the
Sulu archipelago.
Further ad vlco horn Madrid says
tho Spanish cabinet has decided to
instruct the commissioners utter tho
poaco treaty Is signed to treat for u
roylslou of lliu treaty existing be
foro the war,
ThoUcrtnun press this wook has
Itllnliwl I t unl f tt iivmlf ll.nkl ! tinltt tltsh
uioil'll ibsuu u hiuuw uriu uuuuv tun i
Philippine question und tho peace ne-1
gotlatlous at Purls, Nearly till the'
comment has been uncomplimentary
to tho United States, which Is re
garded as showing "excessdvo greed
und political Indecency In formulating
new demands President MoKlnloy I
being also accused of "Inconsistency" I
and "laoV of back bone' In not with-,
standing "the Increasing demands of j
tho Imperial parly."
PiM !
Shut Out of Canada Under a taw Re
(pairing Inspection. ,
Waller l.you, the Salem cone
spondent of a Portland paper wr'tes;
A McGill, a local uursorymin, ro
ports that prospects uro at present 1
excellent. Tho iiumbet of orders for
spring delivery received is three
times as great us that of any former
Rjasoo. Treos generally tire reported j
to bo lu it healthy condition, and as
tho market is not Hooded, prices aro
ftlr, Thodomatid, Mr. MeQlll rinds,)
Is principally for upplo trees, thuugh '
thcro Is considerable Inquiry ufterl
Italian prunes.
Oregon had all the Western states,
and until last March, British Colum
bia ror a market. Recently a Ca
nadian law, tho purpose or which
was to afford protection against tho
Importation of diseased trees, went
Into effect.
"Tho result Is," said Mr. McGill,
"that our trees nro shut out."
Continuing ho said:
"It makes no difference whether
our trees arc healthy or not. if they
don't want us to ship there they
can find an excuse to condemn our
trees. A fo.v shipments lost that
way takeoff ull the profits. When
the law went Into effect, we had two
shipments on Hie way. They were
condemned and we had to throw tho
trees away. The British Columbia
nurserymen cnu grow ull trees needed,
so It is to their interest to shut us
out. The tree-buyers of British Co
lumbia would bo able to buy their
trees cheaper If wo wero allowed to
compete with their nurserymen."
Scaled bids will be received by the
County Clerk or Linn County, until
Jnnurury oth, 1800, at tho hour or 1
o'clock p. m. ror hlbor and material
icqulrnd In tho remodeling und Im
proving a brick court houso for Linn
County, at Albany, Oregon, All work
to bo completed by September 1st,
1800, according to plans and specifica
tions 011 tile In my olilco.
Tho County Court will consider bids
as follews:
First, For the completion or tho
entire work.
Second, All mason and carpenter
work, Including material or brick,
stone, iatli and plastering, cementing,
concrete, lumber, elc,
Third, Heating und plumbing com
plete. Fourth, Galvanized iron, tinning
and slating.
Firth, Painting,
The successful bidder will bo re
quired to give an approved bond ror
the amount or his bid Immediately
after the contract Is awarded him,
upon sucli conditions asthecourt may
determine and demand.
TI 0 County Court reeoryes the
right to reject any or ull bids.
By order of tho County Court tho
lltli )ay of November. 1808.
Fkanic Ukahtiiei:,
Clerk of Linn County, Oregon.
Stockholder's Meeting Chamber of Com
merce. Thcro will bo u meeting of the
Stockholder's of the Salem Chamber
of Commerce hold at tho City Hall,
Salnm Or,, on Monday the lUth day of
December, A. D. 1803, at tho hour or
8 o'clock p. m. .ror the purposoof
electing u board or directors to serve
ror the ensuing year; and the trans
action of such other business us may
bo brought before the meeting.
F. R. Anhon, Secretary.
Gi:o. 11. Okay, President.
A now suit wus begun by Warren
Slmiinnsetal. vs. Charles Simmons
ot ul.' It Is an action brought in Dc
pirtmcut No, 2, demanding a parti
tion of tho'estato of Asa B. Simmons,
deceased. 11. J. Bigger Is the pluln
tllf's attorney.
Judgo R P. Boise, has tiled Ills dc
crco In tliocasoof Lllionthal and Co.
vs. F. Trombly ct il. awarding the
hop under dispute to Paul It. G.
Hunt und Li'.'liomund Co. us tha law
fill owners of tho same und award
ing them Judgment fur costs und
disbursements of the notion.
Tho will or Henry Daws was ad
mitted to probate, and John F. Daws
was appointed ns executor, upon his
tiling a ootid or $U0O.
Anna E. Cooper lias petitioned ror
letters or guardianship 'lverGco. S.
Cooper, un Insane porsou. Judge Ter
rel will have Geo. Cooper appeur be
fore him Wednesday December 7 at 0
a. m, to show cause, if any, why
guardian should tint be appointed.
Tho final account of J. IC. Buff, ex
ecutor or the cstato of Geo. Buff, was
heard and approved. The linul hear
ing will bo hold Saturday December
10, tho executor having been granted
somo time to flic certain ynuohers
n trams', thocstntn.
Tlio following deeds were Hied In the
recorder's ofibo.
At Four Score.
Dr. Milos' Nervino Restores Health.
DNOLB EZKICIRL OllKAlt. assessor and
tax collector, Iluverly, Mass., who has
passed tho 60th Ufo tulle iitone, sajs:
"Dr. Miles' RttoratlvoNerln8 bos douo a
great doal of good. I kiitfcrcd fur years from
eleoileiips3 und nurvoua hcatt trouble.
Would feci woary and ucd up lu tho morn
ing, had no ambition and my work teomod a
burden. A friend rccommondvd Dr. Mhos'
Nervlue, und I iuirchased u bottlo under
protoat as I had tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought it no use. But It
ctiYoino restful sleep, a good appetite aud
restored mo to ouergctlo health. It la a
Brand good luudicluo, and I will gladly wrlto
uiiYono lunulrlnir. full nartlcnlaniof mvsnt.
uiaciory experience.
Dr. Milos' Kociodlea
aro sold y all drug
KlttsumUr u poltuo
truarnuto. first bottlo
biufiu or nvpiiyy tv
fuald. liookoudu
oastMtof thohoartand
uervvsfrtia. Aildresa.
D- MILES MKDIOALCO., Elkhart, lad.
try J-CT Tlff IfcTN
1 wmyifs iwrnms
is due not only to tho originality andj
simplicity 01 me comuiuauon, uutniso
to tho care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific, processes
known to tlio C'ALironNiA F10 Syrup
Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon
nil the importance of purchasing tho
true nnd original remedy. As the
genulno Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by tho Cami'oiinu F10 Sniup Co.
only, n knowledge of that fact will
tthstst one in avoiding tho worthless
imitations tniinufuctmed by other par
tics. Tho high standing of tlio Cali
fornia Fio Syiiup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and tho satisfaction
which tlio genuine Syrup ot Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
tho namo of the Company a guaranty
of tho excellence of Its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
us it nets on the kidneys, liver nnd
bowels without Irritating or weaken
ing them, and it docs not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to pet its beneficial
effects, please lcmcmber the nrnno of
the Company
-A. ii nrv,
F. W. Durbln, sheriff, to the Board
of school und university lands 1C0
acres of lund Int. 7. s. r, 1 w., w, d
A. N. Bush nnd wife to Clara E.
Drey, ct nl. a i Interest In n fractional
part of lot No. 1, block No. 48, Salem
w. d. $20C0.
It. W. Craig to O. Noyes and Laura
B. Noyes, the north one half or the O.
II. Walker d. 1. c. In sect ions 7 nnd 18,
In t, 8 s., r. 1 w, w. d, $20C0.
Geo. H.Burnctand wire to Warren
White 5 01 acres In the John Baum d.
1. c , In t. 8 f r. 2. w., w. d. 82T)0.
Blanche M. Kearney nnd M. L.
Kearney, to E'lcn Dimclcr, a small
tract of lund In the G. II. Jones
addition to Salem, q. c. d. 92.
Bertla Mark to Michael Mark her
husband, CO 2T acres In section .'!.'!, t, 0
s. r. 2 w., w. d. $2
Too Much to Tell.
Wooduuhn, Or., Nov. 17. Tho
following statement Is made by Budd
Kent of this place: "1 cannot begin
to tell the good Hood's Sarsaparllia
bus 'done for me. I was troubled
with my kidneys for two years, but
since taking u few bottles or Hood's
Sarsaparllia my kidnevs have not
troubled me. Hood's Sarsaparllia,;
aiso gave mo a goou appetite."
The Tennessee.
Undersigned lias still a row thou
sand ot thoso Tennessee strawberry
plants left at $1,00 a hundred. They
arc tho finest table berry, or for the
homo market. Early and brilliant
red Now Is tlio time to put out to
get a spring crop. E. Ilorjcit,
d & v? tr. Salem, Or.
I will now sell all trimmed and un
untrimmed hats at cost. Miss Smith
State Htreet. 1 1-28-1 w
Dull Headache, I'slnn la vailoaj parts of
the body. Sinking at the p t of the it much,
IKSot appetite. FeverUhness, Pimples or
acres ar: an positive evidences 01 impure
blood. No matter how it became 10 it must
be mi ilficcl in order to obtain good health,
Acker's Mood KUx'r has never (ailed to cure
Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other
uioon uisea es u is cortainiy a wondtriui
remedy and we will sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, DcWIit'
Witch Hard Salve, the enemy of sores,
burns and wounds. It never fails to cure
piles. Lunn 8c llrooks, diuggists,
Lato to bed early to rise prepares a man
for his home In the skies. Little Karly
Riser, the pip that makes life longer, better
and wiser. Stone's drug store,
Constipation pievenls the bo ly from rid
ling itself ot waste matter. DeVVitt'd Little
Kuly Riitrs icmove the trouble and cure
sick headache, llillouscess. Saall sugar
coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. Stone's
0n tU yf 1 Kind You Have Always BcJb
I m tllir J tor niiiilurn
llMliarKr. lutUiumalluiK,
IrrlOlluiia ur uUrrullaut
of iuuouui iuuitrum.
Pilule. Binl uitt itrln.
iTMiEnMOuwicuCo. Cr" or roiouus
Lcmcistu.Cli " r 'm-...
or bciii 111 uiaiu r.uivr.
. :. -i"i- ' - 1 7". -' 1
II l, n r 3 IhiIIIm, t.'M. I
uircuur tcui vu rnjucu.
..iddHsK' n
VlllHlll! V
i hi w tmir
SSSSSV V. 8. A. .m
- BSHi'" -
Wool lined gloves, kid gloves, mittens,
buckskin gloves in asbestos, tan and
waterproof, A large line to select from.
New goods just received Our prices
are the lowest Come here for your
umbrellas, mackintoshes, blankets.com'
forters and trunks
Cor. Commercial
Portland Nov. 28 -Wheal yallcj
04: Walla Walia.Clc.
Flour Portland, $3 45; Superfine
12.25 per bbl.
Oats-White 3S42c.
nay 8(ftl0 per ton.
Hops 1417ici old cropCc.
Wool Valley, 1012c; Eastern
Oregon. 8Ca)12c.
MillstulT Bran, $14; shorts, C14;
fe $15.
Poultry-Chlcken8.mlxcd,3 003.r)0
turKeys, live, 101210.
Eggs Oregon, 30o pcrdoz.
Hides Qreen, salted 00 lbs, 881c.
under CO lb8,0i(i?7c;shecp pelts,l&20c,
Onions 00c(a$l per sack.
Butter Host' dairy, 20ffi30c; fancy
creamery, C0cf5c per roll.
Potatoes, COQOOo per sack.
Hogs Heavy, 84.75.
Mutton Wcatheis3ic; dressed, 7c
Beer Lftccrs,3.503.75: cows, 12.50
3 dressed, 6T0.
Oats 35c.
Hay Baled, :heat, $u50(a$7.
Flour In wiiolesale lots, $3,00: re
tall 93 00.
MillstulT Bran $12 without and
9YJi with sacks; shorts-3I.liH per
ten without sacks.
Hogs drccscd, 5c.
Live cattle 23c.
Sheep Live, $2.50(ff$3.
Butter Dairy 20c; creamery 25c.
Wool Bcst.loc. Mohair 26c
Hops Best 16Y217C.
Eggs-25c in cash.
Poultry Chickens, 57c; turkeys,
llye, 10c.
Farm smoked meats Bacon, 81c
ham, 100 shoulder, (t$7c.
Potatoes 30c.
A pplcs 30c.
permanently cured by mini Mold Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and
indigestion, makes you eit, sleep, work and
hippy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
back. 25c and 50c. Lunn & llrooks druggist.
Wn you ask for DeWltt's H.wel Salve
don't accept a counteract. There are more
cases of piles being cured by this, lima nil
others Stone's drug store.
using Acker's Dypcpiiu Tablets. One little
tablet will give immediate relief or money
refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at 25c.
i.unn x nrooKS. druggists.
The rooner a cough or com is cured the
better. Lingering colds are dangerous,
One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it.
Why suffer when such a coueh cure is
within reach? It is pleasknt. a'one's Drug
A cough is uot like a fever. It does not
liuve to run a crtaiu Course, Cure it quickly
with One Minute Couah Cure, tho best rem
edy for all. We reccomm -nd it because its
gcou. atones drug store.
JSwi tb j The Kind You Haa Alircrt BoujM
Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coufjiu. coIuh or croup. Mioum it Ull to give
immediate re lie money relunued. 2jc and
50c i.tinn Urook, druggists.
Overcome evil with good, Overcome your
coughs and coidj wldi One Minute Cough
Cure It cures croup, I renchhis, pneumonia,
la grippe and lung diseases. Stont's Drug
aioi e
Many a householl is saddeied because of
Ullure o keep a sale and certain cure lot
croup suih ns One Mnute Coueh Cure. See
that your llt.W onej are protected. Stoic's
urug store,
For Infants and Children.
flie Kind You liavo Always Bought
Boars tho
Bignaturo of
Oregon Short Line.
Line for all nomls Kul and tmitheatt.
FREE reclining chair cars, Pullman palace
steeping carr, anu upnoisiered tourist Sleep
ing cars on all thtough trains,
Agent Salem, Or
Traveling Passenger Acea
General Agent.
124 Third Stree Portland, Or.
iviADe me: a man
...'A rADLtrra itfcmvEi.Y emu
jt li, iii -".m iiumih-liU.lnx !
iTf. iuPOiar,Klc(iltuu,ico u.
lit VUitMtUuJoihar '-raMm anj uj(,
cimIuqh 'llttu viilr.lu auU ,ur.li
tMWn J.out IUI.17 in olj or loans, sad
lit a uiaa fur tuJ. butlneu 0. uirilA4
l'.Vlllll lluiantf l.n,l nnnitm.illnn ti
.(-n Ih Hh. i...,. .. .. . .....
soi suit utitwu p Ct 1U3 w rro nil others tall. a.
Itt upon harimi tba vtnntno AJax Tablets, lot;
tii curoj tlmuwnU aid will cure too. V. airs u
(uallirs wrltuia auamutui to eSect our In acu cum
91 reluii'UM atoatt. 1'Im60 wnte par pwkM.or
i(iiM.kiuM (tu.l lratiul for ta.bolJr mall.Ia
'fu wjfPlr. Bnr c Ipv ot prlc OlrcuUr rr.
AJAX "I'.MRDy CO., $&
For sale in Salem Or,, byD. I FRY druggist
and State Streets
On a Basis of Two Million Dollars, City Debt is Twelve Per
Cent of Total Valuation
The Journal, lias been taking tin Inventory of tlio city's liabilities from
the original warrant bookH.
One book shows warra'nta Issued from January 30, 1802, to Juno 30, 1808.
Tho second warrant bobkishows warrants issued from Juno 30, 1808 to date.
Ono ofilclnl report shows that thero was $17,380.81 of warrants outstand
ing July 1, 1807, drawing 8 per cent Interest from LI mo of issue.
The warrant books show total wariants outstanding Nov. 10, 180, of
Of tlicso warrants 8T)L,788.00 were drawn on tlio general fund with no
crued Interest duo slnco September C, 1803, of 910,485; and $11,032.14 on the
building fund wltti accrued Interest since October 1803 of about 84U72.80, or
total intorcst duo of $20,157.80. j
Funding bonds at 0 pcicont $ 00,000 00
Funding bunds atC percent , 20,000 00
Urldgo bonds at 5 percent 50,000 00
Sewer bands at 5 per cent 10,000 00
Street Improvement bonds at 0 per cent 0,181 Co
Total bonded debt $155,101 SO
General fund warranto, Nov. 10, 1808 $52,783 00
Accrued Interest, 3 to date estimated 11,48,'iOU
Building fund, Nov. 10, 1808 11,082 14
Accrued interest to date 1,072 80
Total floating debt $ 0O.G2O 00
Total bonded and flonthiR debt 8235,009 50
In croaao alnco July 1, 1097 , $35,230 19
Southern Pacific Co
6:00 P Ml Lv...;i'ortland. ..Ar
8.-2C ru Lv....Satem . ...Lv
19:30 A M
i 7.-0O A M
( U:oo r m
7.'4S A m) Ar. San Francisco. Lv
Above trains stop at all principal station!
bet. Tortland and Salem, Turner, Marion
leflerson, Albany. Tanrcnt, Shodds, Halsey,
llarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell
Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta
tions from Koseburg to Athland, inclushc.
U30AMI Lv. .. 1'ortTand .".Ar 1 4. 30 I'M
1055 A MLv....8alem.... Lv i 1 50.TU
5. -20 p M)Ar .. Koseburg Lv ( 7.'3Q A M
" Pullman bullet sleeper and secondclM
sleepinu cars attached to all through tralnr
Malltiains daily cjccejit Sunday.
730 A M I Lv. . . . Portland". . AH 5.'5oP
1315 p m Ar....Corvalll.. Lvf t:os m
' At Albany and Corvallls connect with
trains of the O. C. & E. Ry.
4.-50 I'M) Lv ... Portland.... Ar I 8:25 AM
730 p M Lr .. McMinnvllle Lvf 5.5o A M
8:30 PM) Ar Independence Lv) 4:50 AM
Direct connections at San Francisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mall
steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA
Sailing dates en application
Kates and tickets to Eastern points and
Europe. Also JAPAN, CHIN , HONO
LULU and AUSTKAL1.H, can Li obtainH
(rom W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Arnt
R. KOEHLEH, Manager.
C. II. MARKHAM. G. V. &l A. Portland
When Going East
Use a first-class line in traveling b:tecn
Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicago, and the
principal towns in Central Wisciui.in.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and clnir cars
in service.
The Dining cars are operated In the inter.
est of itt pations, the rpost elegant seivice
ever inaugurated. Meals aie seived a la
To obtain first-dan sertlcd your ticke
should read via
The Wisconsin
Central Lines.
(or all connections at Chicago and Milwauket
For eastern points,
ticketfull information call on Sodr i.vbicsi
ticket ugei.t or write
Oeneral I'ass. AgtniMillwt.ukce.
Or JAS. A CLOCK, U-neml Agent Wis
Stuk Street Portland Or
20u Miles
shorter and a wliolo half day quicker
than any other Jlno to Omaha, Kan
sas city, bt. Louis and all other
suthern and southeastern cities,
I'll loo rnntrw mint, vlu na.. ...... o.
Paul, and Hillings, Mont. Tickets ut
onicesof connecting lines. If you go
eist via Omaha, you cmi btop oil and
eee tho Trans-Mississippi expohiilon
Gen'l aent, Portland Or
Those are the nnintt tliit n .b -it 1
travel d.ssrahle. Those arc the qualiii-s
that aro the lielight of the pas enger over the
The roadbed cf the entire line has been tm.
proed and rides as imooih as a floor and now
ise m mm
Vestibule. Doable Door Coaches
Del'ghiful Sleejicrs
There u nnltiinn ur. t !- .1..1..1 ...-.
always low to ait poinUeat. Tor particulars
237 Comaiercial Street
JPoboar ipea have Meuratiia, Get Dr. Mile
Vln Pjlla from duagta:iOno cecV '$?
m mm ill
timi; SC1IRDUIK.
From Portland.
8 pm
Salt Lake. Denver Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City. St Louis, Chicaf,o
and East.
Wallix Walle, Spokane.
ivunneapoiis, bt. l'aul,
a in
ijuiutn, .Milwaukee (Jlii
cago and East
All sailing dates sub
icctto cliantre.
For San Francisco.'
Dec. 1, 4 7, to, 13, 16,
9,22,25, 23,31
8 p m
ex, Sun
To Aiiorla and way land-
III 8,
ex bun
10 p tn
Ar Salem
lortland, Newburg and
Way Laiiding.
1 1 or Dayton
6 p. 111.
7115 P m
ITu Thur
3131 p m
10 a nt
Ar Salem
10 a m
Wed anl
L Salem
Conallis Albnny and
Way Points.
be 11s to Portland as akue.
Transfers to sirect car line at Oieg I'ily
if the steamers are delayed there ouud
trip tickets to nil points In Oregon. Wshirg.
ton, or California. Connect o j made at Port
Ind with all rail, ocean a i" river lines
.. H'li'l Pas. Aot. Portland. O .
G. M. POWERS. AKent, Trade street dock
City Agents.
Corvallis & Merii
t'nmicitliivnt YAQl'INA fillhlhe
Grace Dollar and Navarro
I'lrM-olHsx In cury roapect. Ono of the ale
tlouiuera Is iluo to rail from YhuIua
about Mcry flxedavx.
Sliortntt Itouto llctwceii
lle'ufeir Valley ToiDls and $a Fraoeuco
Pure Albany and Poliitu Wct to gan rrancUo
Cnbln... . ........I10 (U
Hound Trip . 17.W
T 1' A.!'. .V. Jausjfr.
J.Tl'ltNKIt. Aeent, Albany. Oie
Canadin Pacific R R.
And Soo Pacific Line
at. raui
Nw Voik
a ilall points eat and soJlheatt.
t heapest tales, be.iserice and accommo.
Through touiUt sleepers to Minneapolis,
Sr. Panl, Toronto, Muntreal, and Boston
without change,
Canadian Pacific Railway (Jo's. Empress
ine of steamships to Japan and China,
TLe fastest anil illliir ul.tn nn th VapIRc
ocean. Siiortest and best route to the
Canadian Australian S. S. Co.
To Honolulu. Fill ami Am!r!I The
s'ortst mute . the col inle.
For rales. (oMeru anil in information call
ot or addrcfe,
Salem Agency
aS8 Ctmmeicial st.
Agent, 1 16 IUrdtrct Piitlnd Oi
. , B J. CJVLE.
Duttlcl Poserj jjent, Varcouver U C