Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 07, 1898, Image 1

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NO, 240
Fit. the
Having completed arrangements to move from
our present location wc have decided to put on
sale at
Cut and Slash Prices!
Our immense stock of Men's and Boys' and
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, Etc.
Everything under the knife. Absolutely No
Reserve. This means a saving- to you of from
10 to 25 per cent, and to us the expense and
trouble of moving a large stock.
A thorough training In business or shorthand pays Is
' evidenced by the number of students of the
now holding responsible places. The revival of busi
ness now on will make muny now openings for young
oeoplo who aro prepared. Day and evening sessions.
Call or send for catalogus.
In gloria and silk
Fancy handles, steel rods.
Tile cheapest and the best.
Just in from the manufactory;
Large assortment to select from.
Special Sale Now On.
Cor. Commercial and State Streets
Our stock of boots, shoes and rub
ber goods Is so large and complete, wo
can buI t you, Mien we can FIT YOU,
which Is one of the many advantages
we have over the small stocks and
cheap lines carried elsewhere. Unex
perienced buyers pay too much for
their goods, hence can not compete,
another advantage wo have which
our customers receive the bcnellt of
by trading at
is the time
To make Doors and Windows
secure against winter storms.
We have a full supply of Build
ers' Hardware.
Explosion of Gas the
Many Valuable Records Were
Supreme Court Library Ruined
Inestimable Loss.
By Associated Prow tn Hie Jonrnnl.
WA3iiiNaTON,Noy. 7. An explosion
and fire at 5:13 Sunday afternoon
wrecked the supreme court room and
the rooms Immediately adjoining It
oil the main floor ot the cupkol. The
damage Is enormous. The entire ecu
tral-castern part of the great marble
pile, from the main Door to tho sub
tcrrancau basement, practically Is a
iimbs of ruins. Tho torco of the ex
plosion wus so heavy that the coping
stones on the outer walls, just cast of
tl.e point where tho explosion oc
curred, were bulged out nearly two
Inches, und locked doors were forced
from their hinges quite 150 feet from
the scene of It. I'M re followed the
explosion so quickly as to seem pract.
ically simultaneous with It.
Before tho flames could be subdued,
tho priceless documents In tho record
room had been almost totally de
stroyed, ntid serious damage hud been
done in the marshal's otllceand so me
minor rooms In the Immediate vicin
ity. The library of(the supreme court,
located Immediately beneath the su.
prcmc court room, was badly damaged
by fire, smoke und wutcr, practically
destroying the great collection of law
reference books. Tho library con
tained about 20,000 volumes and was
used not only by the Justices of the
supremo court but by members of
congress and lawyers practicing be
fore the supremo court.
The Capitol building wjs the sccno
of wreck nna dissolution today, folnw
log the explosion of gas in the base
ment, under the supremo courtrooms
und tho tire which wrought serious
huvoo lust night. An examination
of supreme court room, however, It
showed the dumugo wus confined to
the dsscolored walls and celling and
soaked carpets. The main loss to
the court Is In marshals office,
and storago loom, where the valuable
old records are kopt. The oxtent of
this last loss is not yet determined.
Senator McMillan's committee room
on District of Columbia, was prepared
with a bench und seats for justices
and rows of scats for attorneys and
spectators, The quarters are rather
cramped. Assistant. Architect ot
Capitol, Wood, said:
"No heavy sustaining arches or
pillars have given way so far as found.
Kor the present lb does not seem that
rebuilding any part of the capltol
will be necessary"
Thodamago tliut cannot be made
good was done- In the tile room of the
supremo court In tho basement, were
were stored all the official records und
original copies of opinions, from the
foundation of the government, lint
few papers wore absolutely destroyed,
these which suffered that fa to were
among the most valuable In the room,
Including manuscript, prepared in
handwriting of Jurists during the
days of Washington, Jefferson and
Justice Ilurluu said that the
library was very valuable. Many of
the works It contained would, he
thought, be dllllcult to replace.
Librarian Clarke, ufter a cursory
examination, necessarily made by the
light of lanterns, expressed the
opinion that many of the hooks could
bo saved, although they had been
drenched by water from the streams
poured into the library for two hours
or more after the explosion occurred.
Tho most serious damage, In the
opinion of the Justice of the supreme
court, Is to tho records stored In the
sub.basement. These included all of
the records of cases and opinions
rendered by the fathers of the Judic
iary of the government.
Election Bulletins.
The JouknalIios arranged for com
plete election bulletins, and will baye
them posted at Its office for the ben
efit of the public.
205 Commercial Street, Salem, will pay cash for Potatoes.
Couttland Green Received Senlanco
Life Imprisonment, .
Eugene, Nov. 8. Courtland Oreen,
who confessed of complicity in tho
killing of John Linn, was today sen
tenced to life Imprisonment.
Colorado Fire.
Pitkin, Colo, Nov.. 7. An entire
block of buildings was this morning
destroyed by tire, it Is believed to bo
Incendiary. Loss 3100,000.
Probably Sulctde,
Pendlbton, Or. Nov. 7.--At Thorn
Hollow, 15 miles oast of Pendleton an
unknown man killed hltusclr, Sunday
afternoon by shooting. Ills name hus
not yet been ascertained.
A warrant for $3.1,088 In favor ot W.
T. Wright, for tho Eastern Oregon
asylum site, was Issued by tho secre
tary of state today. Tho secretary
had bceu served with notice by Dis
trict Attornoy Ilaydcn that he would
beg'ln proceedings to restrain the
Issuance of tho warrant. The district
attorney withdrew ' his object
ions upon tho assenting by tho board
of school land commissioners to the
payment. Qultclulu deeds made by
three, of the original owners of the
site were delivered to the board. Ono
original owner of 140 ucres of the site
asked $1400 for a quot-clalmdccd lo his
part, und It wus not given.
"A Salem telegram to tho Oregon I an
Judge Burnott has not made an
orderappolntlng A, N. Gilbert trustee
of tho property of tho Loowcnburg
company, ultuched by tho state, as
has been reported. Sheriff Durbln
has not turned tho attached property
In Marlon county over to Mr. Gilbert,
und the penitentiary sU-vc foundry
Some Important Current Events of a Historical Character
Reported by Telegraph
(By Associated Press o
Spain will sign tho poaco treaty under protest.
Gov. Murry,of Newfoundland, demands the resignation or Finance Min
ister Morlne because he Is attorney for a railway contractor.
Rula proposes Prince Gcorge,of Greece, as commissioner general of tho
European Powers, In Crete, where the last vestiges or Turkish garrisons are
being expelled.
Japan has a new cabinet, composed of men who are not members of
political parties,
All the troops In, Western England huvo been ordored mobilized nud im
portant military news cannot bo published In tho London papers without
the sanction n' tho war olilce.
The Japanese minister to China bus had an audience
Empress of China. Tho Emperor Is alive and well, hut
the throne one step below the empress.
Tho Emperor of Germany has been made a prcsontof the abode of tho
Virgin Mary near Jerusalem, presort ted to him by the sultan and the German
Tho war investigating commlsslou will go to Santiago.
The Canadian PaclUc railway Isabout to plucoullno or steamships be
tween Vancouver und Vludlyostock.
Thcempcrorand empress of Germany started for Damascus this morning.
will Snot start up to day as wus
Stipulations ugreolng to the up
polntmcntor Mr. Gilbert as trustee
have-been- signed by attorneys for the
Loownburg company, and tho sta to and
tiled with the clerk of the circuit
court of Marlon county. Tho court has
made no order In the matter, and the
sheriff refuses to turn tho uttuched
property over to Mr. Gilbert, on the
grounds of luck of authority.
In the estate or M. S. Long deceased ,
Amos J Long, the administrator.
petitioned for an order authorizing
to pay tho expenses or the adminis
tration and legal fees, amounting to
$157, out or the funds belonging to
the estate. The petition was granted.
Sarah Evcndon, administrator of J.
S. Evcndon, deceased, tiled her semi
annual account showing the receipts
and disbursements during the past
six months to have been $200.J
Tho following deeds were'flled in
the recorder's otllce.
F. W. Durbln, sheriff, to Ida E.
Jack, Jot No. 3. In Woodburn Fruit
Farms, sheriff's deed. $100.
J. R. Wlllurd and wife to W. W.
Stephens, a small truct of land In t 8
s, r 1 w, w. d. $300.
W. A. Gcerto tho United States,
the southwest quarter of rectlon 30, t
10 s, r 7 0. Itf) ucres, q, c. d. 91.00
W. A, Geer to the United States,
the northwest quarter of section 30, t
10 s, r 7 e. q cd. SI.
W. A. Geer to the United States,
the south hair of the southeast quart
er of section 30. 1 10 s, r 7 e. q c. d. $1.
Elections in all But
Three. States,
Oregon Maine and Vermont
The Republicans are Confident of
Heavv Gains.
Ily AuocIk .1 Press to tlie Journal.
Washington, Nov. 7. Tho voters
of all except three states, Mulnc,
Vermont and Oregon, wilt go to tho
polls tomorrow. Forty-two states
elect congressmen.
in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia,
Kontucky, Louisiana, Maryland,
Mississippi, North Carolina, Rhodo
Island, Virginia and West Virginia
only congacRsmcn will bo chosen.
Twenty-three states elect legislators
which will namo a United States sen
ator. These arc: California, Con
ncctlcut. Florida, Delaware, Indiana,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Montana, Nebruska, Ne
vada, New Jersey, Now York, North
the Daily Capital Journal.)
with tho Dowuger
occupied u seat on
Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee.
Texus, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin
und West Virginia.
Tho following stutcs select gover
ernors and stato efficers: California,
Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho,Kansu?,
Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Now
Jersey, New York, Nevudu. New
Hampshire, Massachusetts, North
Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Uaro
Una, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wis
consin und Wyoming.
New York State,
Nkw Yokic, Nov. 7. Tho Republi
cans ussert that tho stato ticket will
bo successful by a plurality of from
50,000 to 100,000. Tho Democratic
leaders claim there will bo a plurullty
for their state ticket of from 10,000 to
100,000. On Wall street betting Is
five to three on Roosevelt und no
Chicago, Nov. 7. Republicans ex
pect not only to hold what they have,
but make gains, whllo tho Democrats
are confident they will carry this city.
Piih.aukuaia, Nov. 7. Tho Re
publican and Democratic statu chair
man today made strong claims for
their respective gubernatorial can
didates. .Lost Not Confirmed,
CniOAfJo, Nov. 7. (Special to News
from Washington.) Navy department
onicluls feel a long way from certain
that Maria Teresa Is really at cceans
bottom. As a matter of fact, fear she
would sink cauwd her to be aban
doned, Probably searches will he sent
to learn the ships fate.
Deaths at Manila.
Washington, Nov. 7. ..0th at Ma
nila, reports twelve deaths since tho
last report. Among the names Is that
jSj IN OJj,fer,a private In the second !
Ten State Tickets On the l3allot in Col
The speaking campaign In Colorado
closed with a great mooting, at which
United States Sonutor Teller und
Charles S. Thomas, Fusion candidate
for governor, wore the principal
speakers. Ex-United States Senator
Wolcott, accompanied by his brothor,
Henry 11, Wolcott, Itcpublnan cundl
dut6 for governor, has stumped tho
entire state, , being evorywhero
greeted by largo audiences. Tho
question of the frco coluago of silver
has been tho pilucipal Issue. Sonutor
Wolcott has contended that the Re
publican party Is friendly to silver
and will restore free collage through
International agreement, u new ratio
possibly being necessary. Ex Gover
nor Waltc.tho former Populist leader,
has been supporting the Republican
There nro practically only four
state tickets, although 10 parties are
named on the olllclal ballot. Thomas
Is the gubernatorial candidate ot tho
Democrats, Populists, Teller Silver
Republicans, national People's und
liberty Union parties. Henry R.
Wolcott heads tho Republican, Silver-
Republican and Western Republican
tickets. The Prohibition and social
ist labor parties have Independent
stato tlckots headed respectively by
Robert M. Rhodes and Nixon Elliott.
A. R, Seaman, Republican stato
chulrmuu, predicts WolcottN elcotnn
by 15,000 majority. Tho fusion chair,
men say their tlckot will have 50,000
to 00.000 majority. Congressmen
Shafroth, Silver-Republican, und Roll,
Populist, It Is generally bollovcd, will
be re-elected. Tho fuslonlsts will
curr the legislature, but tho Re
publicans hope to electa majority or
18 overbold senators who will vote In
tho election of Senator Wolcotl's suc
cessor In 1001,
The Ohio campaign practically
closed In Cincinnati, In this county,
which Includes tho first nud l second
congressional districts, there ' has
been no speaking oxcopt by locul tat
ent until whou Charles Emery
Smith, Postmastqr-goncrnl, and Gen
eral Charles Grosvonor, congressman
from the Athens district, addressed
tho Republicans at Music hall. The
Domocruts closed tho campalng with
mcotlnga nddrcssed by local candi
dates. Factional differences huvo
caused Independent and Fuelon
tlckots here tho punt two years, but
this your there are straight pa'ty
tlckots only. For this reason tho Re
publicans will likely elect both
congressmen.' .
Tho only national Ishuo ugltatcd
hero was on sustaining the national
administration with 11 Republican
majority In congress. Nultliur side
discussed tho tariff, the currency or
etner questions. Thoro are II vu stato
tlckots Republican, Democratic
Prohibition, Socialist and Reform
All huvo full tickets hero and In olhor
cities, but in somo counties tho
Socialists and Reformers are not
recognized. Whllo the Republicans
will likely carry the state, tho Demo
crats cluim tho Republicans cannot
gain any congressmen. On tho lust
presidential voto tho Republicans
secured 15 and tho Democrutb 6 con
gressmen tn Ohio.
Along the River,
Tho recent, rains have hud some ef
fect on tho wutcr during the latter
part of last week, It having risen to
2 feet above low water murk. ThM
morning, however, It was steadily
railing and roglstorod 3 root two
Inches above tho bottom mark.
The Orcgo-i City Transportation
Company's steamer Pomona Is now
running to Indoponboncoand absoou
us the water Is high enough more
bouts will bo put on tho upper river.
Tho O. It. & N. Company Is
handling u largo amount or flour und
general freight nowund will pooh re
inforce her upper river sorvlce by
tho addition or an other boat.
Tho 0. 0. fc E. Company uro con
tcmplutlng putting u boat or two on
the uppor river us soon as the wut r
is or sutllclent holghth, itiuy bo come
time this week.
Tho woodmen uro resorting to new
means to get their wood to tho Up
market. To build it into hugo rafts
und flout thoso down to tho desired
points, taking thorn from there
tctheiconsumcr. Almost dully u
wanderer 011 the rlyer bunk can see
ono of thoso rafts moored to tho
shore at tho foot of the old ferry
Two Pioneer Documents.
County Recorder Rowland received
two old documents In his ofllue today
fur Dicing. They uro both pulentH
from tho government for hoiuostead
Ing claims and are printed on parch
merit. Tho older of the two Is a deed
for l(M 08-100 acres or land, Issued to
Amos J. Ferris, Fob. 18, 1850, when
Oregon was 11 territory und has tho
autogruph slgnlturo of president
James Hunhauati. The other Is also
deed for 320 ucres of land to David
Newsom und wife, Issued May 1st
1800 and containing the otllolul
ssgnaturo of presidont Andrew John
son. Roth papers are stained with
ago and nro Interesting documents,
A Telegraph Office
Is the place to go when you want to
send a message, und Branson & Go's is
the houw that you must patronise to
get high grade groceries.
And Hei Husband
For Blackmail and Extortion
in Now York,
He Holds an Appointment Under
Presidont McKlnloy.
lly Assnclsur Press to the Journal.
NkwYoiiic, Nov. 8.-Wllllam a.
Moore and wife Fay no Monro were
nrrcstcd by detectives last ulght
charged with attempted extortion
and blackmail. Martin Million, pro
prietor or the New Amsterdam hotel,
charges tho prisoners with having
blackmailed him of $107 nnd a dia
mond pin, and attempting to extort
additional 95,000. Moore hud In his
possession an appointment of Presi
dent McKlnloy, us United States con
sul to Durban, South Africa. The
wlfo is8aid to bo a daughter or ex
chlof JustlcoStrahan or tho Buprcmo
court or Oregon, her home being at
Abovo tolcgram undoubtedly rorors
to "Pot" Strnhan of Oregon, who
was married to Mooro und tho
two worn at Portland only last sum
mer. Moore wus a son or a man who had
large Interests In South Afrrca, nnd
who wus reported to bo about to es
tablish a BtcamcrJIno to this coust.
Mr. and Mrs, Moore spent last winter
at Budapest. "Pot" Strahan h woU
known at Salem and was a popular
ravorlto among tho yohng people at
summer resorts.
G. W, Sottlemlor today filed his
account as administrator or tho cs
Into or Cannon Pondlcti and was
discharged by Judge Terrell from
further liability.
Marriage licenses wore issued to
Miss Katie Ilandshaw and Mr. F. S.
Thompson, F. G. Haas signing tho
utlldavlt, und Mies Emma Show and
Mr. Houior H, Shapo, George F. Show,
tho futher of tho lady giving his con
sent as alio was but 17 years of ago.
Tho following deeds were filed lo
the recorder's elllce:
Frank W. Durbln to Y. W. 0. A.,ol
Newark. N. J lot 2 and n 1 of lot 3
in block 1 of Goo. II. Junes' addition-
ShorllT'sdood, $002.25.
James II. Kitchen and wife to Geo.
H.Mudgu 10.1!) ucres ot land In soc.30,
t sO, s r 3 w, wd,$500.
Thoresa Nlhlor und Joseph, Niblcr
to Rosa Helling ot al, 00.55 ucres of
land In Marlon county, q c d, $1.
Mary A. Cox and J, A, Cox to Sam
uol E Cox. sale ot estate, 9500.
In Ladies' Mackintoshes at special prices, Priest.
ley's Black Fancy Dress Goods at special prices, ,
In order to reduce our stock wq have inndo somo torrldc. quU In, the
itboyo lines. Pay you to Investigate. When you sco it In our ad1, It's
to bo had.
DO cent lines now 00 cents.
$1 .00 lines now 70 cents.
$1.25 lines now 00 couts.
$1.50 lines now $2.20.
$10.00 garments now $7.48.
$12.50 garments now $9,08.
$13.50 garments now $0.03.
$25.00 garments now $17.85.
New ptush capes.
New collarettes, new jackets
$2.50, $1.00, $5,00 to $15.00.
Honest Goods at
Phone 1. 278 280 Commercial streot, corner Court."
Salem's Greatest Store.
Baking Powder
Made from pore
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum taking powder are tftefreaM
merucen to btakh of the present day,
wotai. rKwa rwotn 00., w yowk.
Portland, Nov. 7. -Wheat yalley
03: Walla Wuila.OOc.
Flour Portland, $3.45$ Supcrtlae
$2.25 per bbl.
Oats Whlto 3138c.
Hay $8(J10 por ton.
Hops 1417o; old crop flc.
Wool Vntloy, 1012c; Eastern
Oregon, 6W$12o,
Mlllstul! Bran, $15,50; shorts, $14
Poultry Ghlckcns.nilxed, $2.5003.60
turkeys, live, 14fffll5c,
Egga Oregon, 20per doz.
Hides Greco, salted 00 lbs, 88tc.
undor 00 lbs,01$7c;sliccp pelts,1520c,
Onions DOcGjJl per sack.
Jluttcr Best dairy, 4045c fasoy
creamery, oucutduc por roil.
Potatoes, 5OC0c per sack.
Hogs Heavy. $4.75.
Mutton Weathers 31c: dressed, 7c
Beef Utcors,$3.50(3.75: cows, $2.50
3 dressed, 6YgO. '
Oats 32e.
Hay Baled, hoat, 8(l.50$7.
Flour In wuolcsalo lots, $3.30; ,rB.
tall $2.00.
Mlllstull Bran $12) without and
$131 with bucks; shorle $13l14 por
ten without sacks. -
Hogs drofscd, 5c.
Llvo cuttle 213o.
Sheep Live,- $2.60$3.
Veal 613.
Butter Dairy 20c: creamery 25c.
Wool Bcj9t,lfc. Mohair 25c.
nops Best 1017c.
Eggs-25o in cash, '
Poultry chlckons, 67c. -Ji
Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8!c
haw, lOo shoulder, 07c.
Potatoes 30c. T'
Apples 30c.
Shows the tiate of yor.r feallngj And the state
of your healdi as wi-11. Impute hlcod
makes Itiel apparent In a pilo and tallow
complexion, l'implei and Skin Eiupttont. if
you are feeling weak and wom out and do
not liuvo a healthy appearance you tbould
try Acker'i Ulood Elixir. It ernes all blood
diseases where cheap Jimnrorlllat and so
called .purifiers Ml. knowing this we se.ll
every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Wheat Market.
(By Associated Press to Tho Journal.)
Chicago, Nov. 7. Dcccmbor CO.l
cash 2 red 07o.
San Fkancisuo, Nov. 7 December
1 20! Cash wheat 91.22)
For colds
and couglia nnd all lung troubles
fierii Pectoral
is tho standard romedy. It ia now
put up in hulf-Bizo bottles. .
Ncw-Mclba Union Suits;
Special Hue at a special price.- Seo
them ,,
Mothers I
To convince yourself of 'tho true
merit of our boys' clothing, sou, them,
Beit goods, lowest price. '" S(
350 dozen. Now good!),, new prices,
wVapper-3. '
. '
Entire now lino at special prlcM.l
.- ''V
flonesf Prices.
... '
v -ii
- i
, f
pif mminwii " -