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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1898)
-, " z&wwbr 1 V " filiate- 1H 9fl; 5 r I t ,'r4 I ' $ 3.'" i ' ""' " ""' ' ""u" '" LtiragAiCM5JE3C I Our Cloak Dee 5B "as" i (M 8T0RE HOLVERSON'S $Siai1ieSS Ladies Underwear New lines of "Florence" nnd "Onclta" union suits In all grades from 75c to M.OO Fine wool garments In whlto or natural, best cyor sold for $1.00 per garment, Ladles white merino ribbed, a great value 05c per garment Full lines of cotton ineots from Ilceccd gar- 26c up. J, J. DALRYMPLE & CO. PERSONAL AND LOCAL, Movements of Residents and Visitors at the Capital City. ForiuWItlonnl UkI nnd Soelnl Boollilnl page. Prof. Z. M. Parvln Is lji Albany attending to his musical work. Gov. olcotT. T. Georls In tlio city, coming up from Portland this morn Ing. Uco, W. Irwin has returned from a trip to La Orando and Eastern Oregon points. I). M. White, tlio gonlol restnuritLt man, Is ttiklng his annual hunt near Mill City, WillSollwnod Isiylslllng rrlendsat Turner, and pursuing Mic wory "Ulilnco" pheasant. E. W. DoRurd, an old soldier, Jwcnt to tlio Soldiers Home, at ttosoburg today. Mr. DoHard Is it resident of Independence. Mrs. Mi G. Morris, of Albany, who has been ugliest at tlio homo of Mr. and Mrs, 13. F, McKlnney for some time, has gono to Turner for a visit bofore returning home. Knights of Pythias Attention, You aro cordlully Invited to attend with your families a lecture to bo given In Unity Church next Sunday night bv Past Grand Chancollor Rov. W. E Copolund on Chlvalrlo Crusader of the Eleventh Century, and what he did to clriltzo iho world. More Names, Friends of Attorney Jell Myers, and Republicans among them, aro mentioning him as a sultublo candl ditto for mayor. Others uro saying that uncntoi prising young business man like Wiggins, of tlio Uackot store, would mako a good one. For line inillnery, Miss Smith, State Street. 11 2ood2wt 15c a Yard For dress goods. Look at them In tho window, they make up as protty us higher priced goods. Wo have them at l.lghor prices also. Wo havosomoof tho nicest black dress goods In Salem. You will mako u mlstako If you do uot look them over boforu buying your dress. Our Slippers. Aro from tho house of O. K, Fox, They injinufaoturo nothing else, so mako slippers well, Our black nnd tan felt Juliette, with fur trimming aro a nlco thing to wear around homo on cold frosty morn Ings. They keop your feet warm. Men's Hats That uro stylish. Good quality and low prices. A combination that Is hard to beat. You will llnd ull our huts possess thceu qualities, Skos Repairing, Wo have with us W. II. Arm strong, who Is tho best shoomukor In Salem, Fino hand turns nnd welts aro a specialty with him Wheu your lino shoes need half soling or repairing, bring them to him and ho will tuko prldo in doing tyou a nlco job. WILLIS BROS. & CO, OASII DIIY OQODS AND ailOES. ,fjf 1i"' PutteruBi bent und cheapest. w . 9Besfi&&2&&i artmenb Wo carry tlio lurgest stock of ladles', misses' nnd children's clonks In the city. Ladles' Jackets 83.60 to 82.r.0O Misses' Jackets 92,00 to $12.00 Children's Jackets 81. GO to $10.00 Plush Capes $2, CO to $20 00 Cloth Capes $1.60 to 12 60 LATEST STYLES 11EST VALUES CASH STORE mm88 A Big Drive -IN- Men's Solid Color,; Wool Underwear Goods that sold at ment, and were good wc oiler tlio lot at $1.00 per gar vulue nt that, . 50c per garment UNITED BRETHREN CONFERENCE. Appointments That Were Made at Philomath, Tho Oregon annual conference of tho United Brethren In Christ, held Inst week at Philomath, was one or tho best sessions In Its history. The growth of tho church during tho lust llvo years has been remarkable Bishop J. S. Mills, I). L. LI. D., pre sided at tho conference. O. O. Bell, who has been tho presiding elder for the last two years, wan again almost unanimously elected us tho conference leader for another year. Itev. W. M. Wejkly, of Duyton., genoral church erection secretary, attended tho con. fercno Tho stationing committee reported tho appointments as follows Presiding cldor-U. 0. Bell. Coqulllo and Coos II. S. Epperly and F. Harnlsh. Myrtlo Point J. L. Taylor. Roseburg To bo supplied. Eugene P. O. Bonobrako. Irvlng-II. L. Bell, Philomath station II. C. Shatter, Philomath circuit W. E. Rossmau. Hopewell To bo supplied. Marlon-T. W. Nash. Ncstucca T. E. Armstrong. Tlllumook-F. II. NolT. Portlund-E K. Fix and F. E. Fix. Chinese mission Moy Ling. Columbia river W. W. Gregory. Lewis river J. E. Connor. Hood rivor-J. T. Merrill. The Dalles mission to bo supplied. Tho Dalles olreult-A. W Qulnn. Dufur-O. V. White. Wasco-W. II. Bust. Moro-0 L. Engle. Tygh U. L. Brown. Yuqulnu Johnson Whlto and Wil son White. E. B, Ward and wife, missionaries to Canton, China. J, It. Parker, business manager of Philomath, colhigo, E. B. Emoreck, professor In Phllo ninth college. Two Deeds. Two deeds wore llled in tho record er's oillco us follews: United States of America to Kaapor Ettlln s. w, i n, e. I and n. w. i's. e. i of see. 0, tns. 7 s. of r. 2. e, containing 80 acres, donation land deed, Htuto of Oregon to W. A. Gcor w, I of 82C 30; tns. 10 s. b. 7 c, containing 320 acres, $400, The Overland Late, Tho morning overland duo In Salem at 7 o'clock a. m. did not rcucli this olty until 1 o'clock in the nftoruoon. Tho delay was duo to it freight train wrecked at West Fork, a small station soma distune" above Roscburg. Tho) overland could not pass until the) track was cleared. They Stole His Car. H'jnry E. Stcgc, tho section foreman of tho Southom Pacific Company, Is ooiuoaning tho lass or a gravel car, which ho had left standing locked, on lb eldo traok on John Savugo's farm ncur tho fair grounds. Mon day evening some boys, on mWohlof bent, broke tho lock and deported tho car bodily, hiding It In huoIi uu ef fectual manner that as yet It has not been discovered, Mr, Ktego Is mourning becauso his gravel car Is missing and ir any small boy knowing about It would report Its whereabouts ho would probably bo rewarded. An Electric Light will hurt a man's eyes ir ho holds it in front of them, but n 2fte meal nt Strong's Is soothing to bath the sight uud the ttomach, IN LEGAL FIELDS, Bineham's Attorney Flics An Amen ded Supplemental Answer. O'.her Docket Entries Made By Dolse in Depattment No, a. Judge of the Circuit Court, A. M. dough, coroner, vs. Marlon county; papers llled. A Bush vs. Anthony Klein, ct al trlnl set for Monday, 0' u. in. LUIenthal & Co. vs. F. Trombley ct al., Injunction; motion to strikeout demurrer and motion for decree on pleadings, motion and demurrer submitted. John McCrow vs.O. F, Long.ct, al motion to set asldo sale; motion al lowed. Richard Massey vs. John Sander ct. al: motion for sheriff's deed; order grunted. E. T. Carey vs. It. B. Carey, divorce; divorce granted; minor children uwurd to plaintiff. Without objection Bingham and Davis In tholr suit for a rccclvcrshir were allowed to Hie a supplemental answer. It states that since tho former papers wore died, tho defendant, A. F. Hofcr Jr., obtained a Judgment against the Journal Publishing Co., and caused an execution to (be Is sued and tho property to be sold under tho execution, and atHhe sale ho be came the purchaser of all the prop erty ror $2000; that he did not pay anything at all for tho property, and that hlB acts, la obtaining judgment causing tho salo of the property and in buying It, were in consummation or n fraudulent schemo to wreck the publishing company, nnd to acquire all Its property, and deprive tho minority stockholders of their rights In the matter alleged In the original complaint; that Dofcndunt A. F. Hofcr Jr., Is u director or tho defend ant corporation nnd a trustco or all Its property. The supplemental complulnt concludes with a prayer for nil tho relief plnlntlffs demanded In the original complaint, and In ad dition thereto for n decree, scttlmr nsldo the pretended sulo to A. F. Hofcr Jr., und declaring that he holds tho proporty In trust for tho liencllt or all the stockholders. norm imoTiiHiis' answer. Holmes and Sherman for defend ants today tiled their answer to the supplemental complaint, or plalntllfs in substance us follews: Admit that an execution was Issued on Judgment directed to the sheriff or Marlon county ror $1010.30, debt due from the Caiutat. Journal Putllshlng Co., with costs and Inter est. Admit that sheriff did lovy upon nnd sell ull tho proporty or tho do fcndunt corporation October, 'II, 1803. Deny that the huiho was sold or any partthereor to A. F. Holer, Jr., ror $2000, or any other prlco whatsoever "Tho sulci defendants Holer Bros, lor u further and sopurato answer to tho supplemental complaint or the plulntlltson tile in this ciuit-o ullego tint at the oxccutlon salo of tho property or the defendant corpora tion, Tiik Capital. Journal. Publish ing Co., tho same having been duly advertised by the sheriff or Marlon county, Oregon, wusotforcd ut oubllc sulo in duo coursu of law by said shirlll to tho highest and host bidder therefor, and the same wns pursuant to said notlco and proceedings or the said shcrlir under said sale purchased by Horor Bros, for tho sum of $2u00, tho sumo being In oxcess or tho )udg mentoftho said A. F. Hofcr, Jr., mentioned in the pleadings heroin. "That due settlement und payment was mndo to the said sherllT und said execution was by him returned us fully sallstlcd. "That tho said Hofcr Bros.uro now tho owners und uro In the full posses sion of the said property so sold by tho 6ald sherllT at sulu execution salo. "Whoroforo, Defendants having fully answered tho supplemental complaints or the Plalntllfs on tile heroin, pray ror Judgment and a decree as hereto fore prayed for In tholr tlrst answer on tlio heroin. Holmks & Sherman. '' Attorneys for Holer Bros. Judge Boise fixed Wednesday, Novembor 0 for final hearing. Sawed the Air, Yestorday artornoon abont 4:30 o'clock, tho woodsaw ut work upon tho Salem Hotel's winter supply or fuel, suddenly How to pieces und hurled through tho air In it hundred dllTercnt directions Tho saw was being opernted by J. F. Miller, A. VuuMur und It. W. Derrick, nnd was tunning ut high speed when tho accident ocjured. Mr. Dorrlck was standing on the wheel oiling tho bearings when with out a seconds warning tho air was tilled with Hying steel. Tho other two mou were on the ground und bits of metal were hurried in the wood pllo and ground all around them Thosaw currlago was wrecked and the shaft was broken squire oir and bent und twisted ull out of shape. It Is only by ono or theso laro streaks oflucic that no ono was hurt us u hinull crowd was gathered watching tho sawing and peoplo wero on tho court houo ?quuro which was also plentifully sprinkled with parts of tho saw, Au old saw running ut a high rata or speed sometimes Is a clangorous neighbor All Hallowe'en is enjoyed greatly by the young rolkp, but ull ages enjoy a mo meal at Gcorgu Uros, on Stute street. AT MARION COURT HOUSE. Julius Fisher, John Warnock and P. I. Hicks, appraisers of the estate or E. P. Hicks. Insane, Died tho in ventory and appraisement show Ing the estate to be valued at $3,024 60. 0. F. Hicks Is guardian or tho estate and person of E. P. Hicks. The date of hearing tho final ac count of R. J. Rice, administrator or tho estate of Ole O. Gunnison, de ceased, wnssctforSaturdaj, December 3, 1893, nt 11 o'clock n. m, Tho following were filed In the re corder's elllcc: Martha A. Culvert and Charles Cal vert, to L. D. Smith, 280,6 acres in the John T. Smith 1). L.C., In 1 6 s, r 2 w. 1 0 b, r 2 w, $600. Benedict Phelps and wife to G. W. Lee. lot 33 In Phelps' addition to Sllvcrtou, bond ror deed, $300. John Hughrs nnd wire to R. P. Phillips n of northl of D. L. C. John Phillips and Julia Ann Phillips, his wire, In 1 8 s, r 1 w, except 20 acres or west side, $000. John Hughs3 und wire to John Rubens, south i or north i or D.L. 0. or John Phillips und Julia Anu Phillips, Ins wire, excepting 20 ucrcs or north i, $000. Suruh J. Shaw.of Worchcster, Mass , to Paclflc College, or Newbcrg, lot 3, block ".Highland addition toSalcm,$l. Four mortgages were also llled lor record, as fallews: D.J. Holmes, rcrcrec. to Elylra A. Lawlcr, 100.70 acres In t6 s. r 3 w, and 100.78 acres In sections 35 and 30, In t 6 s, r 3 w, w d, $7,000. F. W. Oodrroy nnd wire to F. II. Buss, 40 ucrcs In section 35. t 8 s r 1 e. w d, $5000. F. 11. Buts und C. P. Buss to J. B. Arndt. 40 acres. In section 35, t 8 s, r 1 c, wd$100. Joseph Marnuch und wire to John Murnuch 25 acres in 1 7 and 8 s, r 4 w, w d $375. Mulinda Snyder to Alfred W. Scyder, her husband, 409.51 acres In t 7 s, r 1 w. valued at $10,000, w. d. $1. It. G. Kceno and wife to F. W. Godfrey, 40 acres In scctlou 35, t 8 e, r 1 o, $1. II. Hardcastlc and S. E. Hurdcastlo to It II. Scott and wife, one ucro ndjolnlng Woodburn. Geo. II, "Van Burcn und wife to Frank E. Wall, secretary or JcfTorson lodge No. 33, A F, & A. M., sinull tructof land In JcfTorson. A New Sidewalk. The pedestrians whose way leads them to the O. R. & N. dock will be pleased to learn that n new sidewalk is bring laid around tho corner of Mill and Front streets for about lf0 feet on each street. Tho old dilapi dated walk has been removed and tho new ono Is nearly completed. Com parative sarcty will now be possible or a night to those coming from the boat, Dyeing and Cleaning, Salem Steam Dyo Works 105 Com menial street (opposite the Willam ette hotel) Reopened, rollitcd and ready ror patronage. Prompt attention given to mull orders, Parcels called ror and delivered. Work nent, cheap and promptly done. 10 21 codlm W. II. Daniels, prop. An-Important Difference, To make It apparent to thousands, who think themselves 111, that they uro uot afillctcd with uny disease, but that the system simply needs cleans ing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, us u costlyo condition Is easily cured by using Syrup or Figs. Man ufactured bv the California Fig Syrup Co., only uud sold by ull druggists, oil druBiftstasoll Dr. MUV Norvo riuUua. In the South Side of Our Store,,, see tliobcautlful gluss-waie, in Hue, green and canary colors, thut go with Baking powder. Look In tho window, only to plcuse your eyo oven ir you do not wunt to buy tho powder; but It Is good powder ror tho money. Yokohama Tea Store RED FRONT. Watch lor our new pattern display in our North window or step In nnd sco them. Sold in single pieces or sets. FREE DELIVERY. DRY FEET WARM FEET Wo'dllko eycryniiui in Salem who wants a warm, dry foot during tho rainy days this wlutor, to try those "Water King" shoes. Made of box calf, with watorprojf Interlining, hollows tongue, English back stay, Harvard toe stlctly up-to-date war ranted by Rice & Hutchlns. We're having n big trade on them. Then that Ylcl, with leather lining and Goodyear welt sole, a leattful shoo ror lighter wear, S(pu Anothor big shipment of those turns expected early this week. RACKET PRICES. WIGGIN'S BAZAAR, 307 Commercial Street THE CITY COUNCIL. Meets and Transacts Some Routine Business. The council vns called to order by Mayor Richardson at 7 o'clock p. tn, ' MILLS ORDERED PAID. D. S. Bentlcy $ 5 JO Gardner & Darr 7 00 Lunn it Brooks 2 00 Gardncr&Darr 2 00 Brewster & White 10 25 Churchill & Burroughs 4 75 A liquor licenro was granted to M. L. Hamilton, and tho application of Wm. Haack was tcferrcd. Mayor Richardson called the atten tion or the council to the bad con'- d I lion or the sowcrago in tho block west or tho Woman's college. Al derman Waters reported complaints against the condition or the big mill race in North Salem. Both matters were referred to the commit tee on Health and police. A resolution was adopted calling the attention of the Chcmckuta Lodge und Ed. nirsch and Geo. Collins to the unsufc conditions of the old Fashion Stnblcs. A petition from the Sacred Heart Academy was adopted, praying to be allowed to construct a sower from their premises. Mayor Richardson reported that certain parties were removing stone from the south end of Liberty street. Tho matter was referred to tho com mittee on streets and public property with former to net. Thrco bicycle ordinance, read and refened to the conitmttco on ordin ances. One was an ordinance left by an unknown person und provided that a bicycle rider should ring his bell thrco times within 30 feet or any and oyory street crossing, and should dis mount ut least 30 feet from any per son met on the sidewalks und not again until he shall have passed said pedestrian. Two other bills for ordinance were read and In the main amounted to the same thing, namely that the bicycles should bo ruled entirely off the sidewalks. An nttompt was made by the authors of these last named ordinances, Alderman McGrew und Waters, to suspend the rules nnd put upon final passage, but Alderman Smith nnd Graham ebjected and the attempts railed. They were referred. it wns suggested that the bicycle men should hayo u chnnco to plead their cac befoiotho committee nnd it wns announced that the members of the committee would meet tn the police court room Tuesday November 8, nt 7:30 p. m, to listen to state ments. A large number or Salem business men were In attendance at tho coun cil, all anxious that their wheels should be allowed to stay on the side walks. They have called n meeting for tonight In tho police court room nt the city hall to consider tho pend ing ordinances. It is expected n lively time will be had ut the next mooting of the council, when the ordinances are put upon final passage. A resolution wns adopted requiring tho Light Co, to furnish nn extra arc light rrco as ar, nlTsot for any claim ror shortage from lights burn ing out nt any time during tlio month. AMUSEMENTS. HEED'S OPERA HOUSE. I'lvo NlgliU nnd HutunUj- Mttlrce, COMMENCING TUKSOAY NOVKMI1KR 1, Returning of Hie Favorite, Hamlin's Wizard Oil Company Comimny Stioiiger Than Kvcr, 1'oimUr I'rtcfs, Coal Coal . Coal Cheaper than wood, but we tell you thin not withstanding It Is antnuonlstlo to our wood trade. Just received two rarlorit of line free buruluu Oilman coal In itoroand for talc rea sonable. A lo juvu'd and dry wood. Good delivered fn-e. 1. 8. 11ENTI.KY CO. Successor! to Salem Imp. Co. IWMImo J17 Front, cor. Chemclceta $3.10 OO ladles, 2.45 welts and 2.75 hand 6HAN0ED StOGK n W Gommercia DIED. WALKER. At her homo near Ale, Marion county, on Tuesday, "No vember 1, 1898, at 0 a. m., Mrs. T. J. Wnlkcr, uged about 22 years. Deceased leaves a husband and a daughter to mourn her death. The f unoral will be held ut 2 p. in. today at Pleasant Grove church. SICK HEADACHE AD30LUTELY AND permanently cured by urine Mold Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you cat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 50c. Lunn & llrooks druggist. Your Dinner Is not perfect without a taste of that superb Swiss Cheese The best In the world. SONNFfYlANN THE GROCER 124 Stato st Tolophone SI NEW GAMES -AT- Dearborn's Book Store 5c Games. Punch and Judy, Old Maid, Snap, Shoot the Hat, TobORtfanlntf, Steeplo Chase, Yucht Race, Steeple Chase. 10c Games, Illustrated Authors, Peter Coddle. Cinderella, Longfellow, Dickens, Familiar Quotations, Map or U. S., DokSIiow, Uicycle Game, Fox und Geeso. A, R, O, lJlocks, 15, 20 and 25o each. 25c Games. Gamo ol Centuries, Picture Puzzles, Cut Up Steamboats, Railroad Cars, EtiRlne, Animals, Map U, S., Uncle Sam, Old Maid, Snap. Checkers, 6c a box to 26c a box, also Double Eaplu Auagrams, Yellow Ivld Ten Pins, Yellow Kid Cut Up Puzzle, Christian Eudeuyor Game, Ilrownio Nine Pins, Huso Ball, DEARBORN'S BOOK STORE. Goods store A splendid line of dry goods, ladies' garments, fine underwear, lace curtains, yarns, umbrellas, All the lines of goods in the store have been placed in the hands of S, Friedman, by the new purchasers to be closed out as rapidly as possibly, The prices talk, Come if you want bargains, to FLflGG SELL Wholesale and Retail at prices heretofore unequalled for cheapness? Papctcrics, (he very latest Tablets, newest and best Note Books Writing Paper in reams Pencils, Ink, Twine Pail Bags, Sugar Bags Elephant Bags, Lion Bags 1IRANCH OP BLAKE, McFALL & CO, 227 Commercial St. Salem, Ore, Country D&aleus Suppurd at ..flrtlMal Teem. $6.00 Painless operations our specialty:' ..SflLEM DENTAL PARLORS.. ROOMS 27 AND 29.ELDRIDGE RLOOK. Great Sacrifice Sale Of Millinery at THE LEADER For the next 30 days IMPORTED PAT-TERN HATS at greatly reduced prices. Walking huts and sailors at wholesale cost. Osirlch tips i off. All silk, good quality ribbon untnNn. 7 r. j on,.to .. .....,i n... ; ,., . . ' , ..u -------. vwmw, , xi u. and fancy rlobons in all Idths J off. M,EFRASER two HANDS Street S Typewriter Paper, Carbon Note Books, Blotters, Ledgers Wrapping Paper Safety Paper Library Paste, Playing Cards, And in fact, every thug in the line of Stationery. Portland Wholesale Tricks. AND UP. uV ui no. zz at u cents a yara, -i"u You will saye dollars by culling at our stores THE LEADER f"'" . 'AnAOT'iio,Pi.MtVK"11' ' ' 'y - ialiWWJilKtlW11' sTma wmm