YnVCti!! I hnvo been taking TIro's Curo for Consumption nlnco 1883. for Coughs and Coliln. I had nn attack of LaUrippo in 1800, and hnvo had others since. In tho "Winter of 1800-7, I had n spell of Bronchitis, touting all winter, and leaving a troublesome- cough, until I again tried I'Iso'h Cure, which rclloved me. Mrs. M. B. Smallky, Colorado Springs, Colo., AugUBt 10, 1808. TbO P10 Company, Warren, Tt, Great Success Mon'u suits In all sizes, former price 80, now U 00 Men's all wool clay worsted suits nxtra heavy, former price $12, now.... 0 00 Men's all wool cheviot suits, former price $10, now 0 CO Men's all wool plaid suits, former price $10, now .7 00 Men's macklntones, gooa quality, reuueeo. w -w Hoys' mackintoshes ull sizes, reduced to 175 Men's Ilea fy working pants former prlco $12."), now 65 Men's cotton worsted extra line, former price $1.50, now 100 Men's nil wool cheviots, oxtra linn, former price $2 50, now 1 75 Men's uood heavy nil grain working shoe, reduced from $1.50 to 1 25 Men'a 0 oz. rl vetted overalls, plain, reduced to 35 Men's 0 oz. heavy Jumpar Men's Ooz. heavy engineer overalls reduced to -is Just Received,, A big lino or rubber boots and shoes, ruin coats, mackintoshes, umbrellas, and also a full lino of woolen underwear, which will bo sold at tho samo low prices. Call and get a choice of bargains ttEMEMHEtt THE PLACE: H. ZANDMER, 96 State street, Neat Commercial Beauty's Eyes... JlsSlfe C. H. HINGES EXPERT OPTICIAN New Price List of Welsbach Burners BURNERS $1 00 MANTELS 30 CHIMNEYS 10 SHADES 15 SELF .L1G TITERS.... ffii If llvo or more burners are taken at oue tlmo a discount will bo made fiom above prices. Order burners or ropalrs EARLY INTnE DAY!! Sal 71 OHEMEKETA ST. Telephono 50. Assay Office AND LABORATORY. No, 71 Chemeketa st, J. 11 r. TUT1IILL Assajer, DRESSMAKING.. Ladies, If you want a n ee filling dress made, without having to try it on until it is done, call on Mrs. McMulhn, No. 343 Front street She has her gradu-tlng diploma la dress cutting and guuanteesher work to he first-class. Wo.k hours fiom 8 to II a.m. and from I 105 p m. lo-S-im O.C.T.Co's NE-V STEAMER POMONA. leaves (or Tort Und Monday Wednesdiy a I Fiidty 7 n' tuick'liro. regular m vice and I'm- rates. Dock Uween Mr.ie Aid Court siuvts. M. 1. DAIDVIV A,jit. ! i t IToixxly need Imve Neuralgia. Get Dr. Mllctf V4o till from aruiesw: n'Ono cc ' lias Light Co. I r - - I IM tUHtS WMtHt AIL tLSfc JAI13. IS! Boat Cough Syrun. Taatcs Good. CM F3 In tlmo. Bold by dnnrelnts. THE IlEDUOTION SALE nt'tmdmer'ri Clothing Store has proven a great success, and the store has been crowded dully. As lonsf as the Koods lust we will continue to sell them at the same low price8. Should be eyes of strength nnd perfect vision eyes of beauty arc al ways so; beauty's eyes care not. Strange how n woman will go on straining her eyes, producing prema ture wrinkles nnd wasting nervous energy, under the supposition that glasses will ruin her appearance. In reullty nothing so enhances one's looks as do glasses, when pluccd bcrorc defective eyes. I put beauty In glasses, as well as behind them. 200 COMMERCIAL STREET THE EMPORIUM Wo Invito the ladles of Salem to Inspect our new lines which nro dally nrr vhiL'. Wo carry nil kinds of CHINA'" Havlland, Gorman, Seml-Porce- lain and Stone ulilnu, both plain and decorated. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CLOCKS, PORT1ERS AND RUGS, also kltchenware. Come got prices, and bo convlncd, they are the lowest. We are hero to stay and want to do business with you. THE EMPORIUM 309 Commercial Strcot. SALEM PEOPLE 1 and OTHER PEOPLE t Reatlum at Balem and othor Oregon tow ns arc remitted to send lu Items of personal anil ; social ues to appear In tho The bally and Weekly Journal. Ifeu. Mrs. Ed Prior nud son left homo for a visit atSocramontoCallfornla. Hon. and Mrs. D, II. Loonoy have returned from their wedding trip to Omaliu and Chicago. Miss Ethel Stanton, of Sllvcrton, has returned to her home, uftcr visiting Salem friends. Miss Georgia Powell, who has been thecuestof tho Misses Wugner lor some time has returned to her homo at Portland. A. S. McDonald, editor of the Linn County School Journal, and super Intcndent of school?, was a balem visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, of Liberty, aro visiting relatives nnd Trlends at Obborne. Kan., und exptct to make an extended stay there. Augu-t Tdiuess I, of Oregon City, has accepted a position In Stono's new drug More, 1 11 the place of Fred Harris, who has resigned Hood's Sestore full, regular action Mb ol the bonels, do not lirl- WJf p tate or Inflame, but leave W III 2) all the deUct dlelrt or- " " " ginltra In perfect ccixiltiaa. Try tbem. cents. iTtyastil only by U. L !l4 Co Lovdl, Um. ON A TORPEDO BOAT DURING THE WAR. When the U. S. torpedo-boat Porter started across to Havana on April 22, It wob rodgli rough even for the Gulf Stream and that day and night showed that the life on board was going to bo a struggle with nnturc a test ol physical endurance. The Porter's motion In such a sharp sea as runs nearly all tho tlmo oil the coast of Cuba wns, to say tho least, uncom fortable. The roll was from thirty to forty-(lvoi decrees each way, and twcnty-li'ye times a minute, with occasionally an extra roll thrown In, which went beyond the registering limit of the Indicators, and made one wonder why the boat took tho trouble to come back, It seemed so much easier just to go on nil tho way round. To rest and sleep In such conditions was very dllllcult, and only posslblo when physical exhaustion overcame every other feeling, nnd when tho sleep wns so broken that It IHUtted one to renew the exacting duties of handling tho delicate mechanisms of the boats, or exercise the cool Judg ment and lnstnnt decision demanded by the service. The discomforts nnd the trials borne by the crews of these llttlo craft during this period will never be known, nor could be appreciated by any persons but those who were In tho service Some Idea of them can bo gleaned from the article on "Torpo-do-boat Service" that Lieutenant J. C. Fremont, U.S. N., commanding the Porter, contributes to Harper's Magazlno for November. In addition to the other sulTcrlngs of the men. tho heat below deck was such that 110 one went there except on duty. Tho life was on deck; those on duty at their posts were on their feet; tho remainder, If not struggling with their veey slmplo meals, wore trying to get some sleep, stretel ed nut nnd wedged In between torpedo tubes and rails, or In Bomeplaco that prevented sliding around. Such was tho life on IMEra m wrmt m. ?&?. v in 'Ul .1 1 1 -. A?r -., 4 " . e . r.t VW. rffM .;fe?M ? U klui ilunltj la IUhmi'i umjii. Ctpyrlibt, Tixr trrvn: r-sno-nmr board when the lack of prcpareduess at tho opening of tho war necessitated tho use of torpedo boats for anything nnd everything except legitimate tor pedo boat service. And when proper vessols to perform tho duties to which tho torpedo licet had been diverted wee provided It was too late. Hut although tho boats wcro worn out by tho arduous service they hud been through, both tho boats and their crews had established records for en durance, which excited tho admira tion of foreign cxpeita in audi mat- ters. In describing the life on shore the ablest correspondents In the country havi worn ou' lead pencils most in dustriously, and in this lino ono of the hardest workers has been Frederic Remington, who describes and Illus trates tho llfo with the Fifth Corps In Harper's Magazliio for November. Ho Is.yet unable to decido which is tho worst-sleeping In a mud-puddle, being confined on a troop-ship, or s lot at. They nre all Irritating, aud when done on an empty etomacn, with the object of Improving ono's From Extreme Nervousness. ,-" THAT no oue remedy can contain the elements nocessary to cure all dlseas- e, Is a met well Known 10 overyone. Dr. Miles' Sylw ot Rostoratlvo Remedlos consists ot seven distinctively different preparations, each for Its own purpose. Mrs. L. O, Brarnley, 87 Henry St., Bt. Oath erlnes, Ontario, writest "For years I suf fered from extreme nervousness and aunoy ins constipation, developing Into palpitation and weakness of the heart. I was unable ta sleep, suffered much from beadacho, pain in my left sldo, palpitation and & constant feeling of weakness and prostration-1 began using Dr. Miles' Nervine, rJeart Curo and Nerve and Liver I'UU and tbo AntM'alrt Pills to relievo sudden paroxysms of pain and headache. I soon felt much Improved and the pains and aches and wearlneu left . 1 hn tnnV Dr. Miles' Restorative Tonic and am now restored to my former good health." J)r. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee. firt bottlo benefits or money re funded. Rook on dU eosaoftba heart aud p u-ttrntt. Address. Dr.' Miles' Remedies! Restore , Health JLUIIVJ3 MEDICAL .. EJUbart, Iud 'WNfmw'i'rw mind, they are extrnvuKantly expen sive; but as they satisfied a life of longing to fee men do tho greatest thing men tire called upon to do, he Is content. Ho thinks tho direct and only causo of all the privation and delay which became notablo In Shatter's operations wus duejto the fact that the command was sent Into the field without a proper ratio of pack-mules. Before San JimnJUIll tho men were on half rations on account of lack of supplies, and were out of tobacco, which Is very ncccs sary to the well-being of a soldier. Townrds the end of tho light ho was going to the rear, tho sight of the road was Indescribable. All tho broken splints, bloody bodies, hope less suffering, which drags Its weary length to tho rear, arc po much more appalling than anything clso In tho world that words do not mean any thing to ono who has not seen It. Men half-naked, men sitting down on the road sldo utterly spent, mo.i hop ping on one foot with a rlflo for a crutch, men out of their minds from sunstroke, men dead and men dying. The story of tho bravory, patience, nnd fortitude of our men Is admir ably Illustrated und described In Mr. Remington's article. After the Scorcher. Ed. Jeurnal: Again tho bicycle llcnd Is getting In his deadly work, no less than three crippled tho past week. Developments for tho coming week to still come. Tho good people of Salem will soon bo called on for contributions to cnlnrgo tho Salem Hospital. The writer sometime since while walking quietly along was soon apprised of tho coming of a scorcher, ho turned to the left, said scorcher did the same, and by luck there was no collision. On remonstrating with said scorcher, ho retorted by srjylng, you ought to have heard the boll and should have gotten out of the wny anyhow. Gentlemen of the council, hnvo pedestrians any rights tho scorcher Is bound to respect? If so iM Wy lit), kjr IUrpr llrailun "ro - r ,-TT " IX ACTION please dish them up to us. Aro tho council nwaro that tho loss or a citizen or child Is worth all tho bicycles ridden. Also gentlemen, are you aware that tho liws of the land has declared the bicycle a vehicle, and also aro you nwaro that vehicles aro not allowod on sidewalks, and If thoy uro so per mitted and sanctioned by tho council then tho city assumes tho responsi bility or and is llablo for damages for should bo). All othor cities have laws prohibiting it, perhaps for rea sons nbovo mentioned they would bo llablo for damages. It looks like this thing would not stop until some city olllcor's wife or child Is maimed, then the stable door will bo locked. Tno writer Is no enemy of the wheel, in fact enjoys tho sport, but ho ! has respect for tho right nr otucrs. Tho fair sex, Qod bless them, are In many Instances worse than tho men and are more dictatorial. A female scorcher on a Bldewnlk Is a terror, (Salem has some.) I see no way out but to make the gcod suffer with tho bad. Debar all the uso ot sldowalks, or fUe Krln and bear It and take the consequences. In case of negotiations being broken off and war Is again declared with Spain, lb should bo suggested to the government, that they enlist a regi ment of Snlem ulcycle Scorchers (we could spare thorn willingly) as tuey would malm, and crlonlo more Spaniards In a less amount of tlmo than all the Rough Riders at bantlago all you would hayo to do was to give them plenty of rope and good side walks. H. K. Just What She Hoped For. My llttlo girl had a very bad scrofula trouble, Sores appeared In her ears ancljlier eyes were also affect co. I decided to 'liavo her beum taking iUood'8 Sarsaparllla. Ileforc the llrst b ttle was gone the sores were less painful and after the use of a few more bottles they were cured." Mhs. Howard Pope, Alpha Or, Hood's Pills are the only pills to lake with Hood's Sarsapirllla, 25c. Wheelmen's Meeting Tonight. "All bnslness men and wage-earncra who aro bicycle riders, aro requested to meet tonight. Wednesday, Novem ber 2, at tho police court room In the city hull to crganlze, and consider the peding bicycleordlnanco." TO CUHB A COLD IN ONU DAY Take Laxative Bron.o Quinine Tablets. All drugglstd refund the money If It full to cure. 25c. The genulue has L, U. Q. on each tablet. may be toothless and Inllrin aud rlmple if rnlnri. hilt lin still tins pimnull of manly vigor to Hpnreelate tbo ltltfti rade irrocenesat Branson's, k Hallowe'en Tricks, Any porson.bollo bllud or observing can see the effects of tho Hallowe'en tricks which the small boys delight to play on the last night of October. Woodpiles liavo been moved, tho usunl number of small outbuildings overturned, sidewalks torn up in large and small patches, gates removed nnd lodged In trees nnd out of the way places, pump hnndlcs liavo van ished, and chaos iclgns In some pre cincts to a greater or n less degree. The small boy will liavo his fun nnd will grow old before his time without his tricks, but theso should bo Inno cent ones, and not costly or damaging to tho proporty ot others. A poor runn cannot afford to lay a now side walk every year, or build a now fence, or buy a now pump, and yet these arc tho staple capcry of the nilschloMovIng youth, This spirit should be checked If posslblo, and the boy taught to respect the llrst prin ciple of Americanism, to honor the rights or his neighbor. Tho damage done, whllo small tti each individual case, cast a good deal, In labor and time, expeuded and works a hard ship on everyono hnvInK to do repair ing that tho boys might liavo their fun. This should be remembered nnd tho Jokes should bo tempered with the spirit of kindness. AH Hallowe'en Is enjoyed greatly by the young folks, but ull ages enjoy n lfio meal at Qcorgo Dros, on State street. NflsNJTsaieTvJBBvJNVsHrvaNaMsV t nfirmnn DEALER IN : GROCERIES; Points, OUa Waidow;Glnna Var nlflh, and tbo most ooarploto utoolt ol Brushos of all kindfl in tho state Artists matorinln, linio; hnlr; co mont aud shingles; and the flnoat quality 01 grans boou. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property at lowest rates. WERNER BREYMAN, 2t Commercial slreett 2 doors southiof uudd & Hush's bank, Salem Or 9-12 dtw 2m WANTED. Now today ndvortiaomonta lour llnoo or lost in this column 'pnortod throo timos for 25 eta SO ctn n waolc, $1 por month. All ovor lour lines ot samo rato. WANTED. Ton 4.10ns of dried up ples. Hnrrltt & Lawrence, grocers, Salem. 11-2 Ot WANTED. To rent hop yard by party with nine years cxporlenco. .Can glvo best references nnd mako crop from start to finish. Hns enough help to handle 20 to CO acres. Address N., Journal olllco. QIRL WANTED -A girl to do house work. Will pay $3 a week and no washing. Apply at Orphan's Home. II 1 II NOTICE. 1 have this day given my son. II. Q.Shaw, his time. I shall claim none of his wagcs,nolthcr will I Iks responsible for any debts of his contracting. Dated Liberty, Ore, Octobor3, 1803. -B Shaw. 10 20 .'it PASTURE-For horses and cuttle, only two miles from Salem. Terms reasonable. J. W. Watt. Pirtcentli and Chemeketa Rtrects, Salem 1020 tr BOY WANTED Steady work out eldo orbdiool hours. Avply at Jour nal olllco for particulars. If HOUSE CLEANERS Remember that tho best and cheapest carpet paper Is tho heavy felt paper sold ut Tiik Journal otlicc. 20-tf FOR SALE. Two good Percheron mares with their "Courbct" colts, marcs weigh 1C50 lbs each, Inquire Brook's place near Shaw. 0-24 lm WANTED. We want and nre pre pared to pay a fair price for ull tho markotablo apples and pears offered. S. A. McCall & Co. 0 20-tf WANTEU-I have property In Ore g'jn to sell or trade for Kansas prop erty. For particulars uddress S. M. Tomllnson, Washington, Kansas. Mention this paper. FOR BALE-Trado or rent. Fino largo stock ranch will sell very cheap mi easy terms or trade for other property, or will rent for a term of ye.ua. rent can bo paid In work on tho place. For particulars address box 02 Journal office. 13 lm FOR SALE CHEAP. Ten acres of land 5 miles cast of Salem, near Frultland P. O., good school and church closo by. Box houso 10x20, good barn and well, 3 acres cleared, balanco In pasture, fenced. Good title. A duress Win. Blackmore, Frultland Oregon. 10 22 1 mot MUSICAL ,-A limit td number of student laken, on p ano, violin, guitar, mandolin and xither. Also German lessons given. Anna M. Kreln. Music studio, (Jiay block, room 6, Call from 2 to 4 p in, tf WANTED, Wheat, oats and barley, will buy your waroliouic receipts for Bittnc. Oct our prices before belling, Wo can save you money. TlLLBON-BAnTI.BTT OllAW C'O. Warehouse, North Halem. Olllco, 70 Court St., rear of Dairy mplo's store. driqd rnrjiT bags roa bald. WANTED PNg and unicu nrrixo loaiMm Hf e Tillsou-Bartiett Grain Co, VIOLIIN mm nkujk nuow.v ims quits lurtt tlaw of loin uliidenta ami ean asiiiu- TC A P Li C D Apply for uirms at rwl. 1 UnullUII duc, 4t: Marlon stri. mcNjaiea iw merw. JU tlUWiltt for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF w9$r In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUn COMMtNT, TT MUBHV DTHCCT, WCVK VOBK PITT. COLE'S ssassf Isbssv Jmrnmaatk. Jmmmamw ?ssssssr Celebrated Air Tight Heaters -for sale by- BROWN St SMITH 256 Commercial st, HOT STUFF Is what pcoplo arc look ln for theso cool days. Our prices mnko competitors Hot in the Collar And oupROods always plcascitho housekeepers, HARRITT. a LAWRENCE tjccrs, Steam Heating, Hot Water Heating, Hot Air Heating, And Furnace Work of all kinds at figures to suit the times. CRYSTAL ICE AND Solo wholesale ntrcnts for Gambrlnus Brewery Co., of Portland, and Joseph Schllt?. Brewory Co., of Milwaukee, for both draught and bottled Koods. Although our plant Is burned out, wo aro proparcd to supply cold stoniKO goods as In tho past, no Ice will bo furnished until our works arc rebuilt. JAMES M'QUIKK Tclepliono 207. Stnto nud Nineteenth strcots, Sulom. Chung Lee Co, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods Ladies' Furnishing Goods Reduced 30 Days. UNDERWJSAH KxamlnQ'our etoolf nnd you will be convinced that we can savo'you money. COTTLK BLOUIC . . . COMMERCIAL STREET. MANHOOD enarautetdlo cure nil FOR SALE BY D J.HFRY, SALEM, OREGON BALEM STEAM LAUNDRY I Ploase notice tho out in prices on tho followhiix-- St-its, plain 10 cents Unuer drawers Stoiocerli Under shirts ,, 5 to ioocp's Socks. per imlr ,,,3 cent llandkerchtcfs,..., .....I cent Silk handkerchiefs. .... 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents peil dozen and othei work In proportion. ry Flannols on3 other work intolllgonUv washed by ha rl, COL ) OLMBTflAD, Proprletoi EMPLOVMBNT AOBNCY. Girls to do. all kinds of w irk wanted at the SV. C. T. U. rooms. Aho tlwe wanllng help apply to Mrs C. B. Sherwood, si rooms on Couii street, Wages fiom 12,50 to 3 Per week lo-3.im hi OSTEOPATHY m w. j. Noviwonn, d. o. fl rail nits American rkliuul of Otootathy. UiiksTllle. Mo. Tuwlay and Batprday at T. W. IsTn twit's. 801 HUto stroct. rUtvni. . MowUy, Wsdnely ami KrUlar, Itooms 40, l'irt Nt. )Unk, Kuanaa, Oro. ConstiltatiouFresst otlic. II-Mm COLD STORiG . MADE TO OltDKB. RESTORED Sly unlua nr. l'rau's Yellow Noi've ll!ls. This Mt!lful rrmttf uervous liUeast, such as WeaV Vmory, Jjijof iiram I'ower, iicauacne, waKriuiDCM,ii ms'iUooo, Kiiliy ltml. sloiia,Hrvousnts.ill dralut, lossofpmer in Oencrsi. Urraos of either sex, cauietl by oyer -exertion, yotitlilul errors. ck--I" jb bt tobacco, onluinor stimulants, which lead to inirmlty1Coi"tii..iioaor icsanjtv. CaubecsrrledlnTetttxKkct. Ji.ooperbaz.f ti.Wtusll prepalil. Circular I'ree. BolU l all ilruggUts. Ak for ll , t-Uc no otlitr. Manulactured y t'tatt lledlclue Co.,f iri France. l.aue-IJarUj i,ruffCoultrltiuUuBgents. ThlrUaul VarohlilBt "c'MnJ Chloro-Naptholeum SHOULD BE KEPT READY FOR USE BY HTOUKMEN AND FARMERS. A disinfectant nnd vormlcldo that Is extensively used and (fires sutlsfac tlon. Bend to Haukitt & iMwnBNOB for, or buy a bottle from dwO 28-lm ROBERT BABEY, Ajfont, 1V3ADE ME A MAN AJAX TAUUIlBlimis'svi'.ra vvhq JtLlj JVrui lUtaYlilnii U" 1 AbuMSiKlolLarVswMM a4 iudU . wil other nwM aq4 ludli . Thru iiuleklu aud (urli loss ViUhi? lu oil or iuodi , aaj crtiou' reioro lit it moa lot luJr, buitow or aurlui rariuir.nuiiaw or uuriu. V.-nrvnl lniuutiY ftul fJonnauilitlon if ikA In lim. 'ftifefl Bw hLawb ImmAdtat lluDrov X'.-"ni inmuur . Thfall Bw hLawb I iuut and clicct a 0 U.B w traall others U tltt uiiou Imtlnii tit gtnota Aluc Tublt. turn cuim lhooinil fca4 will cat too. . v a uv Mia tro.ni piaf u. i. .!. iwr i aim. IXdltlra wrltu 01 rwuaa tin jts timtikmjtma I wrmm"tifc Sf for sale in Salem Or., byD. J. FRV druggist CURE YOURSELF! I'u ltlri fnr uutislurEt illMltu4. iuUaluluillyOU, Iriluiluot ur uUrluu 'of uiucgu uitiutiauir. Paluluu. aud not lll. .THtEumCHluicuCa. awii or joiwnau. lim.hi"" r.f .r.;ri".:T:,. ir.lu, or S lKiltU., IMS. (ArcuUr at on qus. ra L liuuxooiaa va iiao eura i nu tm mm ROT la iMldliri-V fIM0 Mi W HlWvr kTSi ssasfev ' m T&VIKKBm CAMNit O. JH. mAOK Dentist, St'Coesser to Dr. J, M. Keene, old WWlc Comer, Sabra, Or, Part tes desiring wiet operations at moderate fees in any branch art in especial request. Salem Connecting and Preparalwy SW Fall Teum Opens Oot. 3, 1809., Common School, Normal, Business and HIkIi School courses are provided. Bend for circular, or cult at our school rooms for them, Ofilc6 hours, 4 to 5 o'clock p.m. A.J. Gauland, Prln. Q. H. LANB Merchant . Tailor 211 Commercial nt, F3T Suits $15 and upwards, Panto $3 and urrwartts CAPITAL CHY Express and TYansfct Meets all mail and passencor trains. Dac gage and express to all parts of tbo citj rrompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & DISQUE. Capital Soao Works. Running at full blast and making best of laundry and toilet soaps. Be sura to cull for the Salem brand when jou want gotd goods. A. W, ANDEREGG, Manager. BARRELS, ' BARRELS. Made and on hand, n lot of Ijanels and kegs all sixes, fcr wine, cider, vinegar, pick les, meat etc. First-class and for sale at a bargain. All kinds of work done on short notice in good shape, Cy. Stewart, South Salem. 9.13.1m New Blacksmith Shop. w- r. n- smith & co ' tho old roliablo nmlthn havo oponod a shop rpposlto tbo browory. nnd iiivits pntrona, Boot work and lowost priens: 105 Commorolal at, Balem. - OFFICE, CITY HALL' For water service apply at office. Bil's payable monthly In advance. Make, complaints at the oQ'i. G.S. IBSBUBfiffl NEW MARKET f St.le street, near railroad. Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best meats in town as. BARR&PETZR. -Tho Old RoHablo- Plumbers and Tinner,. Make a Spooialty cf Pumps and Tank Work Ail Work Guaranteed, ai4 COMMERCIAL STREET. 27ft Telephone No. 348 . . . TRY THE . , , Armory Barber Shop 156 State Strict. First-class work.done and neat, hair cut 15c Share 10c ERNEST ANDERSON, Proprietor, Formerly Anderson &. Anderson A. M. HUMPHREYS CO. DEALERS IN Grain and Grain Bags Warvliimse, Salem and Maclsay, IQ-CT-lm-dw ODUe, aso Commercial St., Bleia . VICTORIOUS IT USE! GoodNews for the Suffering Public, The envious r.vali who were determined to make Dr. Cook trouble in the courts haw lucked down, and their alleged ewe wm dismissed when It came Into circuit court. They didn't dire to meet the truth, s Dr. Cook's patient's arc loo numerous aud tWtjr are ever grtteful to the man who hw cured them and can euro other. Dr. Coo makes specialty of ckrottlc discates, and does not use poisonous drugs cure them. If jou have a friend wW &c4 help send him to 1 DR. J. F, COOK, Consultation free. 301 UUtj stwet. OAlBVOSfiXA. u ficantlis IM aKinw Ht WW Wm iisstMe jf , SZWJ-tJL7 ' of Salem wato Co., "S -mm f tWt9l a s'-Wml