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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1898)
I, ' . rtlfev mi ... fat IX. ! Vf : NOMIHATE A CITY TICKET. By. Direct Vote of the Resident Qualified Electors of the CANDIDATES NAMED. Fob M'AYorc - J. A. RIOti AUUHON, W. T. UltA Y, PHIL METSHAN, C. P. BISHOP, ' MEDANCHTON W. HUNT. ' FOK-tltECOnDRlt ED. N. EDES, 0. K. HltAWDENHURO, STEVE MFADDEN, P. A. TURNER, A, O, (JONDlT. i Fotl MAItBHAli O. D IIUTTON.DOO GIBSON, .1. 0. JOHNSON. FOK ALOnUMAW, FlUST,WARtJ J. M. LAWRENCE, FRANK WATERS, LOT PEAROE, ED. ' HORdAN. Second Ward -v E.P. PARKHURST, J. P. FItlZZELL, EBB LAFORE, E. B. PHIL- s jBBOOK. Third Ward , s 'HIRAM SMITH. GEO. GRAY, A. BLOSSER. " Fourth Ward JOHN GRAHAM, GEO. O. BINGHAM. Tun Journal will keep atandlnK a list of nil persona publlcaly named for city otllces for information of Its readers), Tun Journal hits o uind I datc8forany olllcc, Fill out ticket below, cut out, and then eel your neighbor to do the'samc, and let the people namo tlie candidates, DIRECT NOMINATION BLANK Candidate M A YOU RECORDER TREASURER MARSHAL -.- Fill out for ward In ALDERMAN-Flrst Ward ' To Fill Vacancy For Full Term ALDERMAN-Sccond Ward ALDERMAN Third Ward AUDERMNAt-FaurthWnrd Signature - - rvauwssarsjrssJMr4r Fill out tbo above and doposlt In ital Journal onico. For a Freeholders' Charter. Fill out blank below and also get namo and let tho pcoplo mnko tho city s . FREEHOLDER'S THE UNDERSIGNED FAVORS A FUEEHOLDER'S CON VENTION TO BE COMPOSED OF SIGNERS TO THESE BLANKS, WHO SHALL BE FREEHOLDERS OF THE CITY OF SALEM OR ITS SUBURBS, TO DRAFT A CHARTER. Name. I I I ' Rcsldenco X , Tho abovo ballots will bo collected In a separata ballot box at tho Capital Journal ofllco. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. BY HOlfKR BUOTHBR8, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER a, I8g8. Dally, Ouo Year 93.00, In Advance, Daily, Tour Month $1 00. it Advmioo. Weekly, One Yoar 01.00, In Advance WHY NOT DROP IT? When tho now charter la adopted for tho larger Capital City, and Its old boundaries and conditions drop off, as a snake would shed Its skin, why not drop the old namo with It? ,Tho Creator Capital City will bo known In Oregon as It has always been known us tho Capital. Now papers In jealous rival cities now Bvcr speak of It otherwise than as tk Capital, They never announce any one as having gono anywhere except to the Capital of Oregon, The Capitol of Oregon should bo a city that tho entire state could be proud of, with well kept streets, Hco rka, beautlfnl homes and publlo bulldlH. All old worm fences and pr&Uetlofl against cow-pasturo prlvl ! sMuM be removed Why moi drop tho old name ? Tlipre am k wad red towns In the United Diittw bf that Hiuio and not one of Umh (urwnU to much except the OqrtUl of Oregon. The name is wttttk nothing, To drop It. might nulvxlAa tj Mm world Mint. ivi nrwl.hit mm town that Is alive, and the ouo' City of Salem, for - .- - which you live. . - ...- . - - L Rcsldenco 7 Direct Nomination Ballot Rex at Oai your neighbor to sign It and voto tho charter. f CHARTER BLANK ' s,atc capital that was tho CAPITAL and STATE CAPITAL would up pear In all tho list of towns In Post Ofllco Directories and all directories Instead of ono town out of four hun dred postofticcs in. Oregon, Stato Capital would bo a constant advertisement us a namo that would cost nothing, When tho now Freeholder's charter convention Is Hold some ouo sug gests that hereafter this city bo or. Qcally known by its truo namo of Stato Capital. A STEf UK PROQRESU. An advertisement of a so -milled uow Bohoolof medical practice ap pears In this paper, and It Is of In terest to consider this fact. Osteopathy as ofllclclally idelluoJ Is u now sclonco of healing without drugs, founded Dr. Andrew T. Sill, of Kliksvlllo, Mn. This school denies1 ... . . ... i aucgeu curauvo properties orurugs and repudiate tho whole system of drug treatment us unnatutal and do- struntlvo to health, Tho medical. system of diagnosis Is also ubauJoncd. In placoof "symptoms" and polsous the now sclonco substitutes a careful thorough physical examination, and treatment by mauluulathm, Under the now system, tho body Is exam ined and treated us an Intelligent machinist would oxamlno and treat i a complicated machine with which ! lie was perfectly familiar. By uctual ' cures wioight upon thousands of cases that bavc bcon pronounced hopeless by other schools, tbo Osteo paths have proven that If there Is an unobstructed nerve and blood supply to and from all parts of the well fed man, the effects called disease will as surely disappear as the asccptlc wound will heal nftor the surgeon has rendered the parts microscopically clean and placed them In u proper po sltkin. Llko allopathy, hoiuruopathy and tho other schools of medicine, It Is securlt.R recognition by legislation In a number of states. First sush dis coveries spread through the energy of their Inventor. Then thev establish schools and seek legislative protcc tlon. Osteopathy Is a severe step In ad vance In renouncing tho uso of drugs entirely, as marked a step beyond homoeopathy as homoeopathy was a step beyond allopathy. THE BICYCLE LAW. it matters not what kind of n bicycle law Mils city has, If it Is not enforced. The present law were good enough If the public would enforce It. Will they enforce a more strin gent law any bettor? No one ex pects It. If a dozen arrests were made under the present law there would bo no more persons run over for a year. The proposition (o enact a licence for cycling on the street would not. work well unless It was a general county law, as about two-thirds of thopcoplo using wheels In the city live outside tho city. Poor people, too poor to own n horse, can own a wheel to come to town on.' A great many people work In the city who como In on wheels, Here roads and streets aro pro vcrblully as poor as they aro horc In winter, and a large part of summer, the whcol Is an lndlspcnslblo neces sity. If It Is driven off the sidewalks It will woik up sentiment for better roads and cycte paths. This would have a good ctfect, but at a great hardship to riders. TiibJournal believes In protect ing the rights of pedestrians. But tho wheel tins come to stay, and It Is no longer a Inxury or a plaything. If the mayor and police would do tholr duty In enforcing the law Micro would bo no trouble and few If any accidents under the present luv. Will n new law not enforced be any better to pedestrians? THE JOURNAL SAFE. Tho public need havo no fears that Tun Journal will bo gobbled up and become the proporty of tho political combination whose agent Is seeking to havo a receiver appointed. Nor that Hofer Bros, will oyer mnko any compromises with tho gang of p"llt- Ical bosses, boodlcrs and suckers which that agent represents. Tho gang can handlo tho ugent They cm llecco tho public In tho namo of their party. They can cut ono nuother's throats when It seems convenient. They can cnnnublatc, felicitate and comblno to graft tho public to their hearts' content. But thoy cannot do It without the public learning their true character through this uowspu per whllo Hofer Bros, publish It. In this wo do not rotor to any Individual. but to tho combination who have been seeking for several months an oppor portunity to crush Tiik Journal. They thought tholr opportunity had como and their agent thought so. But Was there ever a women la the wide world who did not yeam to be the mother of a bright faced, happy, healthy, laughing, rol licking child? Ir there ever wai auch a woman, the waa a bad one, and while there are many thoroughly bad men, there are very few thoroughly bad women. It waa God'a and Nature's Intention that every woman should be the mother of healthy children. Tent of thousands of women defeat thU beneficent design by their Ignorance and neglect They suffer from weakness and disease in ti womanly way, and take no measures, or the wrong measures, to remedy it. ur. l'lcrce's l'u. vorlte Prescription is a sure, speedy and permanent cure for all disorders of thia description. It acta directly and only on the delicate and important organs that are the threshold of human life. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous and virile. It heals ulceration, allays inflammation, soothes pain and tones aud builds up the nerves. It banishes the trials of the period of Impending maternity and makes baby's entry to the world easy and almost pain less. It does away with the dangers of motherhood and shortens the period of weakness and lassitude. It insures the little newcomer's health and a bountiful supply of nourishment. It transform weak, sickly, uervous invalids into happy, healthy wivea and mothers. Thousands of women have testified to it marvelous rncr ita, A dealer ia not a physician, and haa no right to suggest a substitute for the prescrip tion of an eminent specialist like Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Ad viser sent for at one-cent atampa to cover mall lug only. Cloth binding 31 stamp. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. jBifc- Don't Make Matters Worse by trying this and that medi cine for dys pepsia, Indi gestion and nervous n obs. Tnko Hostct tor's Stomach Bitters. It goes to the root of the cause, and ctiroB the wholo body by curing the stomach. HOS te QTOMACH BITTERS he has not proven a good legal ad. vlscr. He has made one fatal blunder after another. He shows In this case that he Is no lawyer at nil. This liti gation against Tun Journal has been one failure after another. Tho gang that he represents never light in the open. They over reach the public when no ono Is look ing They do not oven cover their tracks. Tholr agent, can only prao. tlce with success when he has the city, county or stato back of him and owns the Jury In front of him. No one needs that kind of n thing in an open law light. The Journal Is safo and has no fears. All It asks tho public Is to suspend Judgment until the whole matter is before the courts. The booksof Tiik Capital Journal arc open to tho public. It has noth ing to conceal. It has never taken a dollar from the public or from any man but for service rendered In open competition, It has never rubbed widows or plucked the poor, or fawned upon the rich or knuckled under to men of the typo now neck ing to gain control of this newspaper. With God's help It never shall. Tiik Journal Is safe and our readers need have no fears but what each step In the litigation will bo a victory In the future as it has been so far. Injuring the Church. Hlllsborn Independent: Tho Michigan Conference of tho Methodist Episcopal church, at Its meeting In Lansing a few days ago, Is reported to have made a blunder which, to say the least, Is surprising. After an embittered und long dis cussion It adopted resolutions not only harshly censuring ail ministers who huyo voted for Democratic or Rcpnblibau candidates, but autocrat ically Instructing all ministers under Its authority that they aro to vote none but the straight prohibition ticket hereafter. This Is an action which will not be upheld by the M, E. church of the United States. That great organlzu tlon Is too intelligent, ton roliglous, too patriotic, to upprovo of such u policy, which, to say nothing of Its narrowness us a church 'pulley, Is u violation of tho spirit of our Repub lican institutions. Nor Is It likely that tho minority of tho Michigan Conference will allow themselves to bo politically disfranchised by the majority, who havo gono out of tholr way to thus project their church Into partlelan politics. Such mistaken zeal can only Injuro the church in Michigan whoso representatives nre actuated by It. Tlioro Is no occasion to discuss tho question of prohibition In this connection. The point Is that no church In this country can thus enter politics and dogmatically dlctato the political action of Its fol lowers without Ignoring ono of tho vital principles on which our goy eminent Is founded and protected. Supposo the Roman Catholicchurch should Instruct Its priests to vote for only one political party, how Indig nant would bo the very men who in Mlchlgun huvo forced theso resolu tions through their conference. In America tho slate cannot know tho church, und it can know no dif ference between one denomination and another. Statu of Ohio, City of Tolp.uo Lucas County. j ss Franic J. Cuknky makes cuth that ho is tho senior partner of tho firm ot F.J. Ciiknky & Co., doing busi ness In the city of Toledo, County and Stato aforesaid, aud that said lirm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DODLLARS for each and overy case or Catarrh that cannot be cured by tho uso ot Hall's Catarrh Cukk. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before and subscribed in my presence-, this fitli day of Decem ber, A, 1). 1800. , - 1 A, W. OLEASON, J Seal Notary Publlo. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken in ternally, and acts directly on tho blood aud mucous surfaces of tho sys torn. Scud fur testimonials, free, P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. bold by drugu'lstA. 7oo. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. SICK HEADACHE AUJOLUl'ELY AND pc.manently cured by urine Mokl Tea. A fileuant ucrb drink, Cures constipailon and ndigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and nappy, oaimacuon guaranteed or money uaca 35c ami 50c. i.unn k urooKs urugcut. An Electric Light will hurt u man's eyes If ho holds It In front of them, but a 23c meal ut Strong's Is soothing to both the sight aud tho stomach. ailD PIONEER LIMITED' hlho nmef the only pjrfectj trait In the world, nowronning every nluht between St, Paul and Cmcago, via the Chicago, Mil. waukee & St. I'nul Railway the plonrcr road of the WeU In adorning all improved facilities for the safety and rjoyraent of pas, lenger. An illustrated pamphlet, shewing views oi b a itifnl scenery along the route of the tioneu Limited, will be sent free to any person upon icclip; of two-cent rxatsge itiunp, Addrcst Leo, II, lies fiord, General I auenger Agent, Chicago, 111, w 6 9 tf JOURNAL. "X-RAYS." What about baby-wagons and Chinese laundry carts being vehicles, and not being allowed on the sidewalks. It Is said all the old rooter politic ians from way-back arc nosing around In the hog pasture trying to get where they can shako tho Gccr plum tree. We nrc to lake in tho wholo Asiatic Archipelago. Arc all the suburbs of Salem to bo annexed too? Portland has another new dally paper, but so far It bus not reached Salem. A subscriber wants to know IT Bing ham and Davis were bid In with the other property of Tiik Journal company. No, they are still frco moral agents-strong on the moral. Of all tho newspapers in Oregon, only ono little half-baked pup-tuck- ing sheet up the valley Jubilated oyer the BInghatn-Davlu litigation against Tiik Journal. It has died. How does it happen that this city has so many bright capable business men, and yet we cannot have a bright capable or businesslike administra tion of city affairs? How to enforce the bicycle ordin ance mnko It possible to convert vlolatluns Into fee cases against Marion county. NO FAITH CURE About Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indi gestion Anyway. Whether You Have Faith in Them or Not. Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not give an appetite, will not increase your llcsh and strengthen your nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do these things, bacause they arc com posed of tho elements of digestion, they contain the Juices, acids and pep tones necessary to tho digestion and assimilation of all wholesome food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will di gest food if placed In a Jar or bottle in water heated to OS degrees, and thoy will do it much tuoro effectively vlicn taken Into the stomach after meals, whethor you havo faith that they will or not. They invigorate the stomach, make puro blond and strong nerves, In the only way that nature can do It, and that Is, plenty of wholesonio food well dluestcd. It la not what wo cat, but whttt wo digest that docs us good. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots arc sold by nearly nil drtmglsts at fiO cents for full sized package, or by mall from tho Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. 112 4 7 An-lmportant Difference. To mnko It apparent to thousands, who think themselves 111. that tlicv are not atlllclcd wlth'any disease, but that tho system simply needs cleans ing, Is to bring comfort home to tholr hearts, as a costlyo condition Is easily cured by uslnir Syrun of Figs. Man ufactured bv the California Fig Syrup Co., only aud sold ny an druggists. PLAYED OUT. Dull Headache. Psina In various parts of the body, linking at the pit 01 tlie stomacn, Loss of appetite. Feverishness, Pimples or Sires ar all positive evidences of Impure lilool. No matter how it became so it must lie nitrified in order to obtain tiood health Acker's Wood Elexir has never (ailed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other bit 1 disea-es It is cnr.alnly a wond-rful remedy and we will sell every bottle on a positive guarantee, Hon. J. A. Jeffreys, ex-distrlct at torney of Jackson county, has moved to Snlem to reside, nnd follow his pro fessinn at Salem bar. Mr. Jeffreys Is a young lawyer of will known ability, and his advent hero will bo felt in Salem legal circles. Ifefe TIIK EXCRLENCE OF SVRUP OF FIGS Is duo not only to tho originality und simplicity of tho combination, but also to tho caro and skill with which It is manufactured by eclcntlQa processes known to tho Cauvouma Fio Svitur Co. only, und wo wish to impress upon ml tho importation of purchasing tho truo uud original remedy. Aa the lemiiuo Syrup of Figs 13 manufactured tiy tho Caufoknia Fjo Svaur Co. only, u knowledge of that fact will ashlnt ono iu avoiding tho worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tlia high standing1 of tho Cam KoaxiA Fiq Svitui' Co. with the rnedt cul profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes tho namo ot the Company a guaranty of tho excellence of Its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on tho kldnoys, liver and bowels without Irritating or weaken ing them, and It does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial effects, please remember the nvjao of tho Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. x rtuNcxaco, ou. iJaW PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, Ofllce of the Secretary of State, I Salem, Or,, Sept. 3, 1898. 1 Scaled proposal will bo received at this office until noon, November 4, 1898, to furnish tbo following articles for the Stato of Oregon; for tho uso of the 20th HIennlal Session of the Leg islative Assembly. 3.") reams legal cap, 14 lbs., No. 7 ruling, whl to laid, Charter Oak, Scotch linen, or other good paper. 30 reams ilrst class Congress Note, 7 pound. No. 7 ruling, white laid, or other good papor. 20 reams letter paper 12 lbs., No. 7 ruling, white laid, Carow, Charter Oak Scotch linen or other good paper. 20 reams typewriter pupcr, letter size. Paragon letter wove No. 3, Valley Taper Company, or other good paper. 20 reams typewriter paper, legal size, Paraeon letter wove No. 3, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. u reams typewriter paper, legal size, Paragon letter wove No. H, Valley Papor Company, or other good paper. 0 boxes Little's satin finish carbon paper, blue, size 8x1.1. 0 boxes Little's satin finish carbon paper, blue, size 8x10, 10,000 No. Oi envelopes. CO lbs. No. 1 rag, XXX, 12 gross railroad steel pens, No. 49. 20 gross Gilott's steel pens No. 401. 4 gross Qillot's steel pens, No. 303, 8 gross isstcrurooK "J " pens. 0 gioss Falcon steel pons No. 048. 0 gross Estcrbrook & Co's. Probato steel pens No. 313. 0 gross Esterbrook & Co's. Judge quill steel pens No. 312. 0 gross Esterbrook & Co's. Chancel lors steel pens No. 239. G gross London Incandescent, M. Jacobs No. 4. 2 dcz. Sanford's cardinal red Ink, pints. C gross penholders, black enamel, large. 10 doz. Peck, Stow & Wllcoxs ink stands No. G5R. 4 doz. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's luk stands No. G54. 10 doz. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's Ink stands No. 420. 12 doz. lycry folders, 0 Inch standard. 4 doz. Ivory iolders, 10 Inch con gress. 4 doz. mucllago cups, No. 8 Morgans patent. 10 doz. mucllago stands, rose voir, No. 0 Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, or as good, 140 Lbs. white. 2 gross No. 2 Eagle recorder lead pencils, stylo GGO. G doz. Sanford's premium fluid. quarts. 2 doz. Staffords writing fluid quarts, 10 doz, Nonpareil gummed stub (lies No. 22, 11x15 Inches, GOO stubs. 4 doz. Duplex cupboard, letter clips, legal size. 20 doz. Duplex letter clips. 1G doz. Fabcrs rubber rulers, 14 Inch Hat. IGdoz steel erasets, Rogers No. 18, 149, bone. 3 doz. steel "rascrs, Rogers No. IS, 149, ctony. 70 Boxes Tubers No. 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes. G gross Fabcrs lead pencils, No. 2, hexagon, gilt. 12 gross Fabcrs lead pencils, No. 2 round gilt. 20 doz. Fabcrs patent ink and pen cil rubber erasers, mamtflouth. 3,000 McUIU's patent paper fasten ers. No. 2 Hat head. 3,000 Mc'JIlls patent paper fastcnors, No. 2, round heads, whlto. 3,000 McU ills patent paper fasten ers. No. 4, Hat head. 15 doz. Table pads, to hold paper, 10x24 Inches, strong lcrthcr tips. IGdoz. waste paper baskets, cross bar, No. 4. 3 doz. waste paper basket, small, No. 11, round. 20 lbs. hemp twine, No. 2. 4 doz. Sanford's mucllauc. nuarls. All bids submitted should be marked "Proposal for Stationery." None but tho best quality of goods will he accented. Tho right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. All tho abovo articles must bo dc llyercd at Salem, Oregon, on or before ucccmocr w, isua. Vory respectfully, II. It. KINCAID, Secretary of State. Uvercome evil with good, overcome )our coughs and cotds with One Minute Couch Lure, It cures croup, lroncmlis,pneumoma, ia grippe ana tung diseases. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CU.2D HY using Ack'tr's Dypepsia Tablets, One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded, Sold In handsome tin boxes at 25c. Lunn & Brooks, druggists. Soothing, healing, cleansing, DcWltt's Witch Hazel balve, the enemy of sorei ourns anu wounus. it never talis to cure piles. Constipation ptevents the body from rid ling itself ot waste matter. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers remove tlie trouble and cure sick headache, biliousness. Srr.aU sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. Stone's drug store. EXPERIENCE IS THE IIEST TEACHER Use Acker's English Kemedr in any case oi coughs, colds or croup. Should it fad to give immediate relief money refunded, 3jc and 50c. Lunn & Urookt, druggists. A cough is not like a fever. It does not to run a certain course, Cure it quickly with One Minute Cough Cure, the best rem edy for all. We reccommend it because its gixxl. atone s drug store. When you ask for DeWltt's Haiel Salve don't accept a ciunteitiet. There are more cases of piles leing cund by this, than all others Stone's drug store, Lato to bed early to rise prepares a man iu, u uuu.c in me kics. j.iuic cjriy Riser, the pill that makes life longer, bet er and witer. Stone's drug etore. Many ahouseholl is saddeced because oi (ailute to keep a safe and certain cure foi croup such us One Minute Cough Cute, See that your llt.U onoj are protected. The sooner a cough or cold is cured the better. Lingering colds are dangerous. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when Juch a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant, .tone's Drug store. A Cracked Woodsaw is liable to tnuko tho splinters lly, but a majority or the Salein publlo make things sinoku when they net u ipe La Carona cli;or. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. i Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of c&yffl&&&ii TODAY'S MARKET. Portland, Nov. 1. -Wheat yalloj 03: Walla Walla, 00c. Flour Portland, $3.40; Superlino I2.2G per bbl. oats wnito 3-j(tj;jsc. Hav 8ta)10 nor ton. Hops-l417ci old crop Oc. Wool Vulley, 1012ct Eastern Oregon, 8W12c. , , . Mlllstuff Bran, 81G.G0; shorts, 814 (7t) $1C. Poultry Chickcns,mlxcd,$2.G03.G0 turkoys, live, HfJBlGc, Eggs-Oregon, 20nor doz. Hides Green, salted 00lb9, 88iC under GO lbs,0K97c;shcop nelts,lG(g20c, Onions 00c(a$t per sack. Tliit.trHnsr. ilnlrv. 4fVriJGc: fancy creamery, G0cG5c per roll. Potatoes, G000c per sack. noKfl Heavy, 84.75. Mutton Weathers 31c; dressed, 7o Beef Utcersa.GOQMG: cows, 82.50 3 dressed, GfSO, 8M.F.M MARKET. Whcat-G3 Oats 33c. Hay Baled, :hcat, $0.G0(rj$7. Flour In wnolcsale lots, 83.30; tm tall 82J10. Mlllstuir-Bran $12J without and 813i with sacks; shorts-$13J14 per ten without sacks. Ilpgs drccscd, Gc. Live cattle 2J3c. Sheep Live, 82.G0(i7$3. Veal-GJc. Butter Dairy 20c; creamery 2Gc. Wool Bcst.lGc. Mohair 2fic Hops Best lOfrDlTc. Eggs 20c in cash. Poultry chickens, G"c. Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8Jc ham, 10c shoulder, l(n)7c. Potatoes 30c. Apples 30c. EAST AND SOUTH VIA rHE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co EXfRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY 6:00 p M 8:25 PM 7.'4S A M Lv...;i'orlland. ..Ar Lv....Satem . ...Lv Ar. San Francisco. Lv 9:30 A M 700 A M 800 T M Above trains stop at all principal stationr bet. Portland and balem, Turner, Marion Jcflerson, Albany. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, llarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Crcswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tlons from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSKDURO MAIL, , DAILY. U.'JO AM) Lv. . . 1055 amVLv..., Portland . . Ar ( 4:30 P m Salein.... Lv i 1 50.TM Roseburg.. Lv 7.'3oA M sleeper and second-class 5:20 pmj Ar..., Pullman butlot sleeping cars attached to all through trains VJi31 SIDE. JJIVISIUN. BETWEKN PORTLAND ANU CORVAI.LIS, Mail tiains dally exccptSunday. 730 am! Lv."...l,ortlan5.. "Art 550 P M ia;is pm ) Ar. . . .Corvnllls.. Lv 105 P M At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 4.-50 PM) Lv... .Portland. ...Ar 7.-30 p m Lr. . . .McMinnville Lv 8:30 pm) Ar Independence Lv A M A M A M Direct connections at San Francisco with Occidental aud Orientnl and Pacific mall steamship linos for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application Rales and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONO LULU and AUSTRALL1A, can be obtain?! Irom W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Ajcnt Salem. R. KOEIILER, Manager. C. II. MARKIIAM. G. F. & P. A. Portland Corvallis & Eastern R, R. Company, 1 FerYaqulna: Train l- rw Albany 12150 p, m, Train leave CorvnllU 1:45 P.m. limn uiuvc m laijuma. ., ... 0:00 p. 111 Returning; Leaves Yaquinn 7:00a. leaves Corvallis 1 1 -40 a, Arrive Albany i2.'2C n For Detreit: 3 l Leaves Corvallis 700 a, Leaves A'bany 85 a, Artlve Delroit 12:20 p. Returning; Leaves Detroit 12:40 n. Leave Albany 6.-oc a. m Arrive Corvallis 6:55 p. m. 1 and a connect at Albany with Southern racitic train giving direct service to and from Newport ana adjacent beaches. Train for the mountains arrives at Detroit at noon giving ample time to teadi camping grounds on the lircitenbush and Hantiaro rivers same day. EDWIN 8TONE, . Manavet, ILL. WALDEN, T. F. S: P. A. J. TURNER, Agent Albany. Oregon Short Line. -.TIIK- Quickest safest, Clieapes Line for all points Ent and southeast. FREE reclining chair cats, Pullman paUct sleeping can. and uphulstered tourist sleep ing cars on all tluough trains. POISE & DARKER, Agent Salem, Or C. O. PERRY, Tiaveling Passenger Aaen W. E. COMAN, b General Acent. 124 Third Stree Portland. Or shorter and a whole half day Quicker sta7CltD,0rr,,n?10 OWKanl sas city, bU Louis and all other suthem and southeastern cities, Thieo route cast via Denver. St Site11 llllllDK.9' Mont- Tlckeu at ?ief ,of connecting lines. If you co f f la jOmaha. you can stop olf anrj see tho Trans-Mississippi expoflil A. C. SHELDON. UcftT agent, Port I a ml r OASTOJUa fcaiitio ?TlnKidYoarb!JA)wariB3a2 20u Miles 0JR.&H. DEPART FOR TIME SCttKMJLK. From Portland. Salt Lake, Denver F Worth , Omaha , Kanta ARRIVfc Fast Mall 8 pm City, St. Louis, Chlcngo and Eat. Spokane Flyor apm 8 pin Walla Walle, ; Spokane, Spokane Minneapolis, st. raul, Duluth, Milwaukee Chi Ner 10:15 am cago and hast OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Alt sailing dates sub 4 m ject to change. For San Francisco.' Nov. 1, 4 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28. 8 ti m COLUMHIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria and way land' tnrjs, ex, Sun, Saturday 4pm ex Sun 10 p ra 7am Tues Thurs and Sat WILLAMETTE AND YAMHILL RIVERS Oregon City, Dayton and way landingt 3 Jo pro mon Wtd Cam Mon Wed Fri WILLAMETTE RIVER .430 p mi Portland to Salem and way landings Thurs Sat Leave Ripatia SNAKE RIVER Leave Riparia dallg ex cept Saturday. Lv Ia intern 1. '45 am 5. '45 am Mon Wed Friday bun Tues Thurs Leave Lewlston daily e x-l ccpt Prtduy. WILLAMETTE RIVER ntVIinM PORTLAND-SALEM ROUTE-Steamti Ruth for Portland Tuesday. Thursday cn.l Saturday ct 7:15 a. m. iransiors to street car line at Ureg City if the steamers are delayed there ennd mp uckcu 10 an points in urcgon, t sscinj ton, California or the east. Connecting mane at rornanu witn an ran, ocean and river lines. W. II. HURLDURT. GenT Pas. Agt. Portland, Or, G. M.:rOWERS,.Agent, Trade street dock saiem. BOISE & DARKER, City Agents. TAKE Till Canadin Pacific R,R. And Soo Pacific Line TO- tvitt.neapoltfl St. Paul Chicago Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto New Voik , .. . Doston and all points east and southeast. Cheapest rates, bestservice and accommo dations Through tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, nnd lWon without change. Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Empress Ine of steamships? to Japan and China, The fastest and fiijcit Bliips on the Pacific ocean. Shortest slid route to the orient. Canadian Australian S, S. Co, To Honolul-:, Fiji nnd Australia The. shortest route t the colunies. For rates, fo 'ers and any information call) on or address, Salein Agency 283 Commercial St. II. II. ABUOTV Agent, 146 Ihird streot. Pottland, O. K J. COYLE, DlMtlcl Passenger Agent, Vancouver, 11. C. When Going East Use a tirst-class line In traveling betwein Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicngo, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair cars in service. Tlie Dining cars are operated In the Inter est of its patrons, the most elegant service ever Inaugurated. Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first-class scrtlca your ticke should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. lor all connections at Chicago and Milwaukee For eastern points, llcketfull Infurmflllnn i-nll nn SlLlr n.lrr.t ticket agent or write JAS. C. POND General Pass. AgentMillwaukee. Or IAS. A rmrir r:....i ... v's. Stark Street Portland Or. QUICK TIME NO CHANGE COMPLETE COMFORT Thoieare the points tint nuke railroad travel dessrahle. Those are the qualities that are the .'elicht of the nas.eneer over the popular NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Tne roadbed of the entire line has been im proved aud rides as smooth as a floor and now with Immense New Engines Vestibule Double Door Coaches Delightful Sleepers- There is nothing left to be desired. Rates always low to all points east. For particular e THOMAS, WATT & CO. 227 Commercial Street. All drogguu sell Dr. Mllea' Narva PlaaUw H... cr.r!Ty . jzzZiS wMmamsa