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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1898)
VV ?HH(S"Trflplr'(r' -T' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. - -9 .. ., - 4P '"Hrj. ' V ,!-! ..Jjtf "B ' " " VOL IX. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVElNCBEIt 1, 1898. HO. 245 Do you want wet weather and winter goods ? if so go to the New York Racket.. THEY HAVE A LARGE LINE OP Oil Coats and Pants of ttio Fish Brand nono better, also , Rubber Boots and Shoes for all uges, In all shapes, of the best quality. Overcoats Duck Coats, In (treat variety, pants and vests. The (Inclc coats rubber Interlined, Macintoshes for men and boys at low rates, und don't overlook the fact that we have n very largo stock of the celebrated Star G Star boots and shoes for nil uges, at our mual close margins of profit, as are all the aboyc goods. Call and savo money. if TjfiAJMS J A III SSHSKfik HI " ?V 3t 1 V il v Wo havo the clothing, good all wool, Salem mills make, men's suits, youth's suits and boys' suits. HOUND OUT SACKS. SQUARE CUT SACKS. DOUBLE BREASTED SACKS. CUTAWAY FROCKS, and all kinds. Our stock of underwear 1b full and complete. This soaBon wo are making a specialty of mackintoshes and umbrellas. ABk to seo them, Salem Woolen Mill Store. A thorough training In business or shorthand pays Is evidenced by tho number of students of the -mia now holding responsible places, Tho revival of busi ness now on will mako many now openings for young people who are prepared. Day and cyenlng sessions. Call or send for catalogu;. Overcoats, Ulsters and Macintoshes,.. Nice new goods will be sold this week at 20 per cent reduction. In other words we will sell our $7,50 garments for $6,00, These goods came in late and we are over,' stocked. FRIEDMAN'S Cor. Commercial SALEM, Jul (Boob TtXHarm Glotbtn& Is whaf men and boys arc Talking about, Stvlish and Nobbv NEW RACKET and State Streets OREGON. Now is the time To make Doors and Windows secure against winter storms. We have a full supply of Build era' Hardware. GRAY BROS. LONDON TIMES It Approves of Our ttitude, In Regard to Taking the Philippines. Heirs of a Six Million Dollar Estate in France. Ily AtiocUteit Presi to tlio Journal, London, Not. 1. Tho Times expresses satisfaction at tho decision of tho United States to tako the Philippines. It says: "The arrange ment Is undoubtedly tho best that could bo made for the Inhabitants and for all Interested lu tho trade and progress of the far cast. Spain has no choice but to yield, slnco her warmest partisans no longer maintain she has the means or tho wish to renew the war. aTho Dally News says: 'For Great Britain, the Atucrlcon retention of tho 'Archipelago Bhuuld .be nothing but gain. In Baying this, wo assumo that tho United States will not ex tend hor exclusive tariff laws to tho colonics, but will allow the manufac tures of the world freo access.11 Winnipeg, Nov. 1. Ely Do Grand mont, of Asliland, Wis., Is In this city enrouto ;for Victoria, B. C, on an Interesting mission. Tho only heirs of the late Due do Grundmont, France, live In Canada and the United States.? Tho Due left an estato valued at $24,000,000 f rancs,and the DojGnndmouts living on this continent will roje'lyclt da proving their claims. Ely Do Grandmont Is visiting the various families securing oyldcnceof ancestry for purpose of claiming tho estate, Maduid, Nov. I. A dlspatco from tho Vlstaycs Islands says that several companies of native troops have re belled. They were pursued und sev eral killed. ' ALL HALLOWE'EN. The Festival Was Pleasantly Observed In the Capital City. The members of tho third year pre paratory class, of Willamette univer sity, met ut tho homo of Miss Ilolen Bagley, on Cottage street, to enjoy an old fashioned good time Hallowe'en party. Games, music and all tho pleasures incident to the evening were Indulged in until near the witch hour of midnight, when a delicious luncheon was served, after which tho happy guests had more fun and dis persed to their several homes. Among those present were: Misses Helen Bagley, Mablo Robertson, Ermlo CJurk, Iris Iiunua, Inez Field, Miss Marsham and MUs Hawk; Mcssers. Chas. Wenthworth, S. Sle wart, RudieSchram, Rodney Ackloy T. II. nubbard and R. IV. Wllklns, Tho beautiful homo of Miss Neva Griswold was appropriately decorated last evening with ack-o-lanterns, hanging apples and all the parapheu- ulla of All Hallowe'en In honor of ; that happy evening. A few of tho many menus gainerea ana pass hours quite pleasantly by ed tho POTATOES OWON GRBN 1 11 PUT CO. 205 Commercial Street, Salem, will pay cash for Potatoes. OH, DEAR JOHN j You had ought to go to Tho Fair store for what you, want; for every thing is so cheap, and good quality too. We can get moat anything wo want to wear or uso and really It is hard to keep from buying when we go there, for they always have so many things to sell and at such low prices too, in fact John I really feel as though we can save 15 to 30 per cent on so many articles at The Fair store, now don't forget the The Fair Store, 274 Commercial st, Salem, Or, P, S. I think O. P. Dabney is the that Lost Shackle book, seeing ghostR, meeting futos, and other amusements appropriate to tho evening. A fortune teller had bcon Imported and disclosed soma astonish' lng futures .md moro truthful pasts. At a seasonablo hour tho guests departed to dream of their future husbands and wives, afllrmlng that a most pleasant tlmo had bcon hadi Among tho guests were: Misses Ncya Griswold, Cora Griswold, Maude Grls wold, D. Gans, Margaret Hodgkln, Rita Rakewtraw, Lcttlo Abrauis, Clara Lloyd, Flnrenco Brown, Edna Trice, Iua Sttlwoll, Mabel Shupp, Botha Kay, Evalyn Gecr, Pearl Bandore, and lima Holland; Messrs. W. A, Manning, Roscoo Drumljoller, Roy Bishop, Bert nancy, Ilarry Guild, Rex Busscll, Roy Rus8oll,John (Vip.lirnn. Will Hnrlvln. ltllfta Darhv. MurluniKcnnody,Frcd Bowersox, and Ralph Watson. Tho Misses. Blanch and Graco IN lidgo very happily entertained a few of their many friends at their pleasant homo, corner of High and Union streets last evening. The rooms were beautifully decorated With autumn lcaycs and the lights shining through the many colored foliage made a yery protty effect. Games and music and a general good tlmo tilled tho hours all too soon. A delicious luncheon was served in a unique way. autumn lcaycs being used for plates. At an early hour the young folks departed sorry that Hallowo'en came but once a twelfth month. Among those present were: Misses. Blanche ind Grace Illtdgo, Tot Mo Can, Connlo Lewis, Dollte Armstrong, Carrio Bozorth, Olllo Armstrong; Mcssers, Eddie Pay no, Kinney Miller, Ira Hamilton, Gates Cochran and Jerry King. - Overcome evil with good, Overcome )our coughs and colds with One Minute Couch Cure It cures croup, tronchl. pneumonia, la grippe and mog diseases. NEGLECTED THE SOLDIERS Damaging Testimony Before the War In' vestigating Committee No Excuses For Insufficient Medical Supplies in Cuba There Were Not Enough Medical Officers, Ily Axioclntcd Pros to tho Journal, Lexington, Ky.,Noy, 1. Before the war Investigation commission today Chlef'Commlssary Marshall of Camp Hamilton, denied tho statement mado by Lieut. Colonel Mltcholl, of tho First Territorials, last night. Lieutenant-Colonel, D. D, Mltcholl, of tho First Territorial, had testified that, although tho regiment was mustered I nto,tho scrvlco In tho mlddlo of did not rccolvo its arms until about thrco weeks ago. It has not yet received all Its clothing. The man account of rain and cool nlghtB. 'Thoy have told us overy day for our stoyes would be hero tomorrow, but General J, 0. Bates, testified as to Mobile and Chlckamtiuga. When asked what, In his opinion, was tho weakness of tho medical department, he Bald ho thought that tho great mistake was mado In not sondlug medical officers In sufficient numbers with tho regiments ordorcd to tho flelJ. Bates concluded by saying: "I think thero lu not sufficient excuse for medical supplies bolng short lu Cuba." V.M C. A. Night-School. Tuesday and Frlduy evenings will bo used for the night school at tho Y. M. 0. A. All those who Intend to tako up ono or more studies during tho winter aro usked to bo at tho rooms tonight at 7.30 p. ui. Thero aro a number or boys and young men who are worktog during the day who could spend Bomo of their evenings in study, o tho Y. M, C. A. offers them this chance for improvement. A Contession. By Associated Press to The Journst. Eooenk, Ore, Nov, l.-ODurtland Green, Indicted for murder In tho first degree In connection with the murder of John Linn last June, was arraigned this morning, and pleaded guilty. Ho wilt be sentenced Monday. place John lt,s at. proprietor, and he is tho man who wrote ARMY NEWS Cabinet Considers Atv fairs Abroad President Will Ask Increase of the Army. Preparing for Winter Quarters In Alabama. Br Associated I'reu to The Journal. Washington, Nov. I .Tho cablnot today devoted most attention to con sideration ,'otj affairs In Cuba and Porto Rice. -Tho admlulstrativo feature ofj,tho Philippine question received some attention. Nothing was heard from tho commission at Paris, as to.Jyestorday's proceedings and nothing Is expected until Friday's session. What sum this government will consent to pay Spain cannot bo estimated, bat when tho final account Is tendered It Is believed tho balance duo Spain probably will not oxeced $25,000,000 or $30,000,000. It Is the suffered without tho blankets, on lOdays," said Colonel Mltcholl, "that they havo not como yet." tho Santiago campaign camps at intention of tho presldont to maintain a military government in both Cuba and Porto Rice for tho lime being. Washington, Nov. 1. There has bceu no change In tho plans of tho war department regarding tho disposi tion of troops to Cuba, No date has ever been tixed when tho troops shall depart. Tho only thing determined upon Is that tho control of the Istund shall pass to the United (states on January 1, Washington, Nov. 1. Tho subject of the reorganization of the army, with a viow to securing au adequate force for tho new possessions of the United States, hits already received serious consideration of the president, secretary of war and otllccrs of tho army. The president will mako recommendations to congress em bodying his views' and the views of those who are in a position to give the best advice, It is probjblo he will recommend an increase of tho army to 100,000, It is believed that the demands which havo been mado upon senators and representatives for mustering out tho volunteer regiments and discharge or volunteers who havo remained In tho service has been so great thut they will be convinced that a regular army for garrison duty on the new posses sions will bo an absolute necessity. Dbtkoit, Nov, 1 Four privates of the 10th Infantry ut Fort Wayne, were badly injured today by an ex plosion of powder, which thoy were transferring for shipment to Porto Rice. London. Nov. 1. The Fillllno who represented Agulnojdo (n London,and who husjbeon in Paris, lias returned here. Ho asserts that the American commissioners havo Informed the Spanish ccmmlssuncrs that tho luttor must cnmplotc their work this week. HUNTsviLLU, Ala., Nov, 1. Today preparations arc being made for troops to spend tho winter here. Tho contract involving $55,000 has been lot for the erection of mess halls and sheds. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP Ratified and Rejoiced Over by Friends and Salem Business People. Monday afternoon a largo crowd gathered In to congratulate Tin: Jouiinal upon its victory In tho courts. All tho Hugs uwucd by Hofer Bros, woro flying beforoTiiK Jouiinal otllco whon thopapor was Issued Monday evening containing tho news of tho sale. Congratulations wore sont lu by tel egraph and telephone. From all over tho city tho business peoplo compli mented ThkJooknal mon on winning their light and having been exoner ated from all tho charges embodied In Mr. Bingham's petition. All tho business men of Salem, can testify from their dealings with tho defoud ants that thoy huvc always Insisted on settling thoir own personal bills, and refused under nil circumstances to hayo bills properly chargeable to them as Individuals over charged to tho company. Yet Mr. Bingham's lawyers specially charged Just tho opposite. AT TIM UOUItT HOUSE. The Jouiinal editor thanked Messrs. Holmes and Sherman for their able presentation of tho case, and was congratulated by many of tho members of tho bar, Tho caso was conducted for The Jouiinal with the best or good feeling, but It was plain that tho plaintiffs woro no match for The Jouiinal counsel in legal ability. n tho course of tho afternoon whon tho caso was reached on tho regular docket, Mr. Carson uroso and In good spirit remarked that while their argument In tho morning was pro ceeding The Capital Jouiinal proporty had been sold and bid In by defendants, and he asked for tlmo to amend thoir pleadings, as the status of tho caso was now materially dif ferent. Lsavo was granted without objection. Messrs. Davis and Bingham, it was stated yesterday, will appeal to tho supremo court from Judgo Boiso's decision In tho premises, The Jouiinal men wish to thank all thoir friends for their indulgetico and kindness lu thU struggle for its Indopondoncound solicits thoir good will and patronago in tho future as in tho past, Thoro Is still u mass of Iltlgatlcn pending that can bo drawn out to al most any length by tho astute plain tiffs and their counsol. But Id will not in any manner effect tho business standing or policies of The Jouiinal, The Journal will bo mado moro completely than ever beforo an abso lutely Independent nowspupcr, freo to treat ull public questions and public characters puroly upon their merit from tho standpoint of ttio public, To Messrs. Bingham, Davis and Car son It will entertain no 111 will what ever for any stops thoy may seo lit to tako to protect their legitimate In terests. BOUNDARY LINE SETTLEMENT, Difficulties tieween Chill and Argentine Adjusted, New Yohic, Nov. 1. A dispatch to the Ilciuld from Santiago, Chill, nnnonces that tho protocol on tho Punu do Alcala dispute has bceu signed. The protocol establishes that in no case the conference of thocommlttco Is without result and each country will appoint ono commissioner who will fix tho boundry of Punu according to the treaty of 1600. It Is announced that tho Chilean government will ro qucst congress to annul tho law by which Punu vus proclaimed Chilean territory. Next Monday tho Chilean congress will discuss tho protocol which will shortly afterwards bo submitted to tho Argcntlno congress. Both will approve It. Tho Argcntlno government will appoint General Mitre, Gonorul Vie torla, Bernardo Irogoyen.tho governor of Buenos Ayrey province; Joso Urubrlu, former president, und Juun Rose Romero. When all 1b concluded thero will be a manifestation of too Argcutl-Chllcau friendship, with the participation of tho army and navy of both countries, The presldonts,Roca and ErraJtlurU.wlll meet at Mcndoia, the luter will probably go to Buenos Ayrcs. A dispatch from Valparaiso says Argentina has accepted United States MlnUter Buchauan, proposed by Chile, to act as final arbitrator In tho Puna question. Tho Chilean arbitra tion commissioners going to Buenos Ayrcs will sturt as soon us congrcMj approves the protocol next week. Tho Chilean commissioners curry Instruct ions to promote commercial and In dustrial negotiations with tho Argen tine moinbere, WHOLE CHEESE Entire Philippine Ar chipelago! Will Be Claimed, By the United States. Gorman Flag Has Got IntoVerv Bad Company, Dy Associated Treat to the Journal. Washington, Nov. 1. While tho cabinet gayo little attention to the peaco negotiations at Paris, there is no longer any doubt us to the goncrul purposes of tho government to retain ;ho entire Phlllpplno archipelago. If. after tho final balancing of tho ac count, It Is found that thero Is any compensation duo tho Spaniards, It will bo mado In a lump sum. What tho United States will Insist upon Is that she bo fully reimbursed for every dollar expondod on account of tho war und In tho statement will bo Included an amount sufficient to- cover all payments on account of pensions In. :tdcntal to tho war. JuiiUHALEM, Nov. 1. Tho Emperor William visited Mount Zlon yester day, where occurred tho ceremony of hoisting tho German and Turkish flags on a ploco of ground, which, according to tradition, was formerly occupied as tho abodo of tho virgin Mary, and which tho Sultan has presented to tho Gorman Em peror, DETiiorr, Nov. 1. A lotter loft by Mrs. Amollu Sonnaboud, .who com mitted sulcldo, declares that tho do censed was a cousin to prlnco Hohcn- lhco, tho Gorman chancollor. Statements of tho woman's daughters scorn to corroborate tho claim. catholic Fair. Tho Catholic ladles of the City havo decided to hold a Church Fair In their hall on Cliomckota strcot to begin Dccember,0 continued throughout tho week. Its object Is to holp to rcduco tho church dobt. Every effort Is being put forth to mako this "Fair" a Capital Success aud worthy of this jubllco season. A now fcaturo and what promises to bo an Interesting ono la a voting uonicst rorbaiours Most Popular Dally Paper. A valuablo prizo Is offorcd. A splondld musical programmo is also oomg proparcu. Call at the book stores and vote for tho paper. HONEST GOODS New Melba Union Suits. Special lino ut a speclul price. Seo tueni " New plush capes, Now collarettes,! now jackets 82 60, 81.00, 85,00 to 8IC.00. New Noyclties Just bolng shown by us. New red plaids, Now (.'recti plaids, combination colorings, in tine lisle and cot ton 60und7Co. Now pillow tubing 15c tho yard. New Iaco tucking.... 83.60 per yard. New green und purplo veilings 25o und 35o. Feather boas, newest designs, 75o to 82.60. Lace curtine, 1, 2 and 3 pair lots; also sample curtnlns, to close out at greatly re duced prices. Bargains in this lot, Pay you to Investigate. Salem's Greatest Store, JOSEPH MEYERS & S0P,: Phouol, 278-280 Commercial street, corner Court,,, Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bafclnf powden jure tlgrttet meruccn (o btaHh of Uw present day. WYAt muHO Krrmn m,mw vtxm. -id TOUAY'S MAUKKT. Portland, Nov. 1, -Wheat m. trnii -nr..,,. nn- valley uui iiuuw iTimu, uvu. FlourPortland, 83.45; SuperHne 12.26 per bbJ. , Oats-Whlto 3i38c. ' Hay 8810 per ton. Hops 14Ql7o; old crop Oc. wool vaucy, iol2c; Eastern Oregon, 8M12c. Miustuu uran, wg.&o: snorts. $14 at sin. Poultry Cblckens,tnlxed,82.G03?6O turkoys, live, 14(315c,' Eggs Orcgon.aJpor doz. Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, B8ic. under CO lbg,0K$7c;shcop pelts,1Ci0c, Onions 00c($Sl per sack. Butter Best dairy, 4045o; fawjy creamery, 50c(gfGc per roll. Potatoes, C000o per Back. Hoks Heavy, 14.75. ' Mutton Weathers 3c: dressed, 7o Bcof tltcors,3.503.75: cows, 12.50 3 dressed, C&0, SALRM MAMCET. Wheat-63 Oats 33c. Hay Baled, ihoat, 80.B0M. Flour In wuolesalo lots, .'WO.vJru talU2.00. ' " - " Mlllstuir-Bran 8121 wlthoutand 813t with sacks; shorts 8131014 per ten without sacks. Hogs d rosed, Cc. Live cattle 213c. Shcop-Llyo, 82i6083 Veal Cj3. Buttor Dairy 20c: creamery 2Cc. Wool Bcst,lCc. Mohair 25c. nops Best 1017o. Eggs-20o in cash. Poultry chickens, 57c. Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8o ham, lOo Bhouldor, G7c. Potatoes 30c. Apples 30o. Building a Conseiyatory, Col, Conner, of note) Wllllamcttc is having a lino large conservatory built that is to open off tho dining room. Itwlll bo Illlcd with tropical and blooming plants. Wheat Market. (By Associated Press to Tho Journal.) Ciiioaoo, Nov. 1, December 001 cash 2 red 07c, San Fhanoisco, Nov. 1 Dccoraber 1221 Cash wheat 8122 s ItfS Mm Pectoral " V tried almost everything foe "?Minui without success. At last wo oil Ayor'a Cherry Poctoral and tho rollof was immediate." B. A. KIXIS, Keent, N. H. Cures Asthma. IIALP-SIZB nOTTLES, 80C. at HONEST PRICES Handkerchiefs, 350 dozen. New goods, now prices Wrappers, Entire now lino at special prices. Mothers I To convince yourself or tho true merit of our boys clothing, seo thorn, licit goods, lowest price. Once Over ?uff Ties, Tho nowest shape. Seo them. A swell lino. HART, BOrtAFfNEn & MARX. QUAnANTcen ot-OTHiMQ. $8.50 to S18.CO, HPT 'MBFoSfffn m m tf I .iMtrW .' TimWV" rrlrwmimii