I have been taking r-lao'u Curo for Connumptlon ulnco 1880, for Coughs nnd Colds. I hud nn attack of LnQrippo in 1890, nud huvo had others since. In tho Winter of 1800-7, I had a spell of Uronchltln, lasting all winter, and leaving n tronblesomo cough, until I again tried 1'lso'n Cure, which rultovcd ine. Mr. M. I). Smalley, Colorado Springs, Colo,, August 10, 1808. ThftFiM Company, Warren, r. Great Success Mon'saults In all sizes, former price 80, now :. Men's all wool cluy worsted suits extra heavy, former price $12, now. Men's all wool cheviot suits, former price $10, now Men's all wool plaid suits, former prlco $10, now Mnniii inni'lrlntnjlii"! imml iiimllt.v. rndllCGrt to Hoys' mackintoshes, all sizes, reduced to 175 Men's hcary working pantM, former prlco $125, now bj Men's cotton worsted extra line, former price $1.50, now 1 00 Men's nil wool cheviots, extra tlno, former price $2 50, now.. 75 Men's good heavy oil grain working shoe, reduced from $1.50 to 1 -So Men's 0 oz. rl vetted overalls, plain, reduced to J-r Men's 0 oz. heavy Jumper Men's Ooz. heavy engineer overalls reduced to Just Received,,, A big lino of rubber boots and shoes, umbrellas, nnd nlso a full lino of will bo sold at the same low prices. Call and get a choice of bargains REMEMBER H. ZANDMER, 96 THE EMPORIOM Wo Invito the ladles of Salem to Inspect our now lines which are dully arriving. We carry all kinds of CHINA" Uavllaud, German, Seml-L'orco-luln and Stone ulilua, both pluiu anddecoruted. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CLOCKS. PORT1ERSAND RUGS, also kllchenwarc. Como got prices, and bo convlncd, thoy are the lowest. Wo uro hero to stay and want to do business with you. THE EMPORIUM 303 OJainiarclal Stroot. New Price List of Welsbach Burners HURNERS $1 00 MANTELS a0 CHIMNEYS 10 SHADES 15 SELF .LIGHTERS.... 25 If live or more burners nro taken nt ono time a discount will bo made ftoin above prices. Order burners or repairs EARLY IN TIIE DAY" 1 1 71 OIIEMEKETA ST. Telephone 50. fissay 0iii(e AND LABORATORY. No, 71 Chemckcta st, J. li. T. TUTIIILL Asiaver, O.C.T.Co's NEW STEAMER POMONA1, leaves fui Portland Monday Wednesday aad Fildsy at 7 a. n Quick time, regular net. rice and low rates. Dock between State aad Court streets. M, P. BALDWIN, Agent, Salem. . DRESSMAKING.. Ladies, If you want a n ce fililnc dress made, without having to try it on until it is done, call on Mrs. McMullin, No. 343 Front .. . M,,. lis tier craduitlne diploma ill dress cutlinir and ijuaranleesher work to be fint-clajt. wok Hours 10m 8 to II a.m. and frvin 1 to 5 p m. 10.8.1m THB PIONEER LIM'TBD Is the narocof the oaly perfect train In the world, nowrumiing every night between St. I'aulandCnicagt.viatue Chicago, Mil. wiukee A- St. Vaa lUilway-jhe r"'" road of the We t in adopting all tnrroved .facilities I .r the safety and joypjcnt of pas. itncers. An illutfrated pamphlc. sh v.ing views of b auliful scenery akme the r-.uic ot stbeiioncr Limited, wllbc sent tut 10 ar.y Lamp. Addiem Oeo. H. Hraff M, Pavscpgcr AaeM. t'biwuo. 111. nffiOll UBCn letllPt Ul inwri , 1, Q:ne 1 w 691! O j9- Cf Z' " TZ. X -flu UrtUifcirUiiAh-aT Ws KgniUn Salem - Gas Light Co. mfa CUR13 WKlHfc All USt Alls, EJ Bast Cough 1 Birup. iuia uouu. uiv m In tlmo. Bold brdrufrauts. SFl THE REDUCTION SALE at Zatidtncr'a Clothing Store has proven a great success, nnd the sloro tins becu crowded dully. As long as tho goods lust we will continue to sell them at the same low price?. i $1 00 0 00 0 60 7 00 2 00 ruin coals, mnckintuMics, woolen underwear, which THE PLACE: State street, Near Commercial THE STATE OF OREGON. Continued from Second page. Shortly after, cumo the stu dy pi oneer wltu Ilia teams, wcnuinR m way acjro93 tho plains and over tho mountains, to found a homo In Oro Kon. (Jencrally spcaklnK. ho was a man full of practical aonse, of Kieat force and Individuality of character. Ho knew what It wai to work, to overcome dltllcultlcs, to expose him self to danger, and to enduro trials, hardships and privations. Ho was not always educated, but bo was not an Ignorant man. Ills stroutf com. moo sense, united with bis pnctlcal knowledge or life, Rave him discretion and wordlygwlsdoni. Brave, generous, hating oppression, loving I1I9 home and bis country, rovorlng the good and delighting In justice whatever may have been bis faults and vices thoro were com bined In his charactjr those rugged virtues and forceful qualities that gave direction and purpose to liumun nlfalrs, and leavo tholr Impress upon tho Institutions of his uge. Accus tomed to Independence of thought and action, and tho security which a government regulated by law allords to rights of person and property, these pioneers were freemen, who bad como hither from the great republic to build homes, and to plant the germs or light and constitutional liberty in the rude soil or this then unreclaimed wilderness. Their presence soon nmdo Itself manifest; on till sides where they hud settled the country bore testimony to their Industry and thrift, their business activity and love of hocIuI order; there wero farm houses, surrounded by gardens nud cultivated fields; there wero Hading posts for furnUliln supplies, and markets for exchanging products; there wero highways that facilitated travol, schoolhouses for tho education of youth, and churches for the morul betterment of men; nnd their small communities were putting In practice the principles of soclul order, with out any organized government. It was not posslblo that this con dition of things could long exist, without adoption of some form of government, that would safeguard individual liberty and secure tho rights or pilvato ptoperty. In the nature or things, there would arlso disputes and disagreements, that could only be settled by some trl buual Invested with ultimate authority. Thceo contention, em phasized the necessity or laws to detlnethe legal relations or persons and prope:ty, uud toconrer perogatlve posers to enrorco obedience to them. For this purpose a provisional gov erument was established and Invested with the attributes or sovereign power. There was doubtless another cause contributing to this result. It is known thatthero were Jealousies and cnmltlos, causing rrlctlon, and tending to disturb the public peace be tween the settlers and persons owing a fnrrtiin alleclaiicc. arising from the conviction, believed by one and not denied by the other, that the purpose of the government of Great Urltlan u,na t nhuirh Oregon and make It a colonial dependency. The establish ment of tho provisional government under these circumstances was an anomoly. The territory was the subject of treaty regulations, and the setting up or such a government was contrary to Itt provisions, and with- Hood's Are nalulwr (ator rapidly Pills !tili4 men and travel lers earry them In vest kt. ladlea eanrr tbafii tn parte. imiekeiM kep tbtra to mwUatna cIomU, trteiwU tteuuutt4 tuu 10 intwu. ft out legal authority In ract.lt was a usurpation, an assumption of Juris diction over persons and property, without legal right; and yet it was a government based on enlightened principles of Justice, nud constituted to preserve social order and conserve the public welfare. A government ot this character, being the logical outgrowth of these environments, could not fall to In spire loyalty and command respect. It marked an crn in the history of Oregon, and in tho fulllllmcnt of Its mission bore testimony to the Intel ligence, wisdom nnd patriotism or Its founders, Oregon was Jlttio known, and nt this time wits supposed to bo a sterile country or little value; but tho effect or these oyeuts precipitated Interna tional complications, aroused atten tion In tho East, and raised tho war cry, "tiftyfour-rorty or tight," even tually resulted In tho treaty of 1846, which make tho Oregon country part of the territory of the United States, nnd disttucd thereafter to form threo or the stars In tho galaxy or the union. In 1848 the territory or Oregon was organized under tho net or congress, and tho provisional government, was superseded. The territory bad now legal autonomy, aud enjoyed the protection or the United States. The people relt secure In their rights nnd In tho expectation or reaping the re ward 1 or their Industry. A good gov ernment Is always a blessing. Busi ness relt the Impulso or greater nc tlvlty; the trades were moro numer ous and remunerative, property be came more dcslreublc; the prorcsslons afforded opportunity ror prcrcrment, and were stimulated to ambition; the population steadily Increased, and the country showed everywhere signs or progress and prosperity. Under the Impetus or these causes the transition or Oregon rrom a terri tory to a commonwealth quickly fol lowed, coycrlng a llttlo over a de cade. ' A convention was called to draft a constitution. It wns composed of men of mnrked ability and great Individual character. Nobody could bo found In any community better quallllcd to discharge tho Important trust committed to them. There was among thorn that diversity or talent and experience which Is essen tial to a right comprehension or their duties that loyo or law and order which Is the basis or all well-regulated governments that knowledge or existing conditions which pecul iarly iltted them to draft a constitu tion embodying thoo principles of constitutional freedom which upheld social order, maintain the public peace, promote political pragress and Imbue men with that high senso or loyalty and Independence necessary to tho unbuilding or prosperous nnd rrco states. Tho constitution drafted by them was not n codo or seir-operatlng laws, but a declaration or tlioso great principles ror establishing Justlco and promoting tho gcnerul welfare, which derive vitality and become operative through the notion of tho different branches or govornaiont. There wero some limitations or power In special lnstances.but ouly In such cases as experience hud demon st rated to bo essential to tho preser vation or liberty and the stability or the state. With this constitution as her chart, Orcgon.as our ship or state, somo less than 40 years ago was launched on tho ocean of political life, and, guided by It, she lias been able to keen her courso through tho darkness of night, and to And havens or rest rrom tho wild waves or the tempest. To the uoblo men and women whoso sacrlllces and achieve ments rescued Oregon nnd built our state, wo owe n debt or gratitude. Wo ought to recount their noble deeds to our children ror Imitation and exam ple, and cherish their memory In graterul recollection. Wo ought to show our appreciation or their labors and services by loyally serving our state, and preserving Us rranchlses or liberty. I have an abiding faith In the future of Oregon. With Its great re sources and many natural advant ages, Oregon Is destined ta grow ana develop and become great and prosperous under Industrial Influ ences and Commercial enterprise. Her tields are fortlle, her rorests are studded with timber, her mountains aro full or mineral wealth, her rivers aro navigable and stocked with marketable llsh, her harbors ure com modious, her wutor-powersnumeroui, her scenery bcautirul. and herclmato healttirul. To cuttho tall fir rrom oil her hills and baro their summits to the sunlight or heaven, to convert plulns and waste places luto culti vated field homes, to delve the moun tains and nxtract her ores, to sub ject her waterpower to uses or man uracturlng cntcrplse, to whiten her rivers with the sails or commerce, and stud her shores with the marts or trade, to make her harbors u safe rpfuge to the mariner rrom storms and tempest, to devlop all these vur lous resources and subject them to the use, profit and .happiness or man kind will demand our best energy aud highest intelligence. It Is true that our growth In popu lation nnd accumulated wealth has been slow, but It lias been steady and certain, and without booms, pr much priyato or public Indebtedness. Our laws are humane and equitable, and Jubtice Is administered with prompt ness and Impartiality, Our people do not prone to riotous cooduct, or to -dn violence to person or property, but they are law-abiding, patriotic and self-res nesting. Our exemption rrom the turbulence and disturbances that have been so common In some or the other states, must be ascribed to the other ttates, mutt bo ascribed to Annual Oaten ovor 0,000,000 Boxes TOR BIUOUB AND HERV0U3 DIB0BDER8 euelt na Wind nnd Tnln In tho Stomrich. aiddliipsa. ruliit4 nflur monlfl, Honil ncho, Diwlnoss, Drowslnoss, FlunhlnRa ot Hunt, Loss of Anpotito. Gostlvoneas. Dlotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sloop. Frlithtful Dreams nnd nil Nervous nud Trombllnu Sonsatlons. THE FIRST D03E WILL QIVB RELIEF III TWEHTY MINUTE! Evory aufforor will nokuowloduo thorn to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IirxciIAM'H 111.1, takon na direct od, wlllqulckjy rnstoro 1'omnlos to com plete health. Thoy promptly roinovo obstructions or Irrcaulnrltlca of tho srs torn nnd euro Mick Ilcndnclic For ft Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills aro a And 1ito tin LARGEST GALE ofntiyrnt cut Medicine intlio World. 2So. at nil Drug Stores, the Intelligence and orderly character or our Industrial classes. In the avocations or labor, tho professions or business pursuits, our people nre not excelled ror their cncriry, Inventive genius, Intelligence or business sagacity. Nor aro they wanting In patriotism and loyalty. When tho summons of war came, within flvo days of Its no tice ourquota of uieu was filled, and thoy marched through your streets with banners streaming and drums beating, in rcsponso to their country's call. Toduy they are In far-away Philippines, guarding our victorious Hag. Bravo boys, we aro proud of you; proud of your manly courage-proud of your lofty purpose; proud or your high Renso or patrlotlo duty. May you live to wipe rrom off tho Islands every vestlgo of Spanish savagery and atroc ities, and return to your grntoful country crowned with the laurel wreath of victory. Wo have built Institutions for tho care of tho unrortunnte, of charity, of reform and punishment and nil are conducted on humane principles, and managed with care and economy. We hayo churches and kindred associa tions, dedicated to tho moral eleva tion of man and tho betterment of his condition. Our public school system furnishes the children of tho state with excellent educational advantages to enable them to become fairly In telligent nnd lilted for tho ordinary duties or lire. To those who reel tbo stimulus ror u higher education, or dcslro to becomo loaders ur thought In M10 various branches or soionco, tho professions or tho Industrial pro Jccts that mark the upward and on ward advance of tho age, there are colleges and universities, whoso por tals stand open to recolvo them, and whoso course of study will lay tllo foundation for the fulfillment or tholr aspirations to becomo useful citizens and bencfuctors or their raco. In tho coming years, when tho two great oceans shall bo united by tho Nicaragua canal, and ocean cables shall stretch rrom the Pacific coast to Hawaii, tho Phllllpplne Islands nnd tho Orient, to meet tho demands or commercial activity, Oregon will outer upon a career or growth and development, progress and prosperity unexampled. With a sea coast 200 miles In length, Indented with a splendid, navlgablo river, whlcli extends ulong Its border and pono tiates with one or Us branches tho heart or tho great Willamette f alloy, Oregon possesscb the physical features and natural resources, whoso appro priation and development will cover her great plulnb with Immenso herds of cattle and sheep, und convert her boundless prairies Into rich fields and prosperous farms, the scat or thriving villages and tho homes or the thrifty and intellgent people; build up factories and forges, smelting works and othor manufac turing enterprises, that will cause the hum of Industrial activity to resound throughout her border; extend trado and Induce commercial enterprises lf TIIE EXCEUENCH OF SYRUP OF TIGS is duo not only to the originality and simplicity oi tno coramnuiion, uutaiso '. to the care and (.lull with which it Is manufactured by scientific processes known to tho Cu.iroiwiA. Pjo Svmr Co. only, und wo with to Impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the truo nud original rumr-dy. As the gmuinc- Hyrup of Tigs is manufactured by the t'AUKoiiNiA Via Srnup Co. only, a Iraowledgo of that fuct will a&bWt onu in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par tics. The high standing of tho Cam roitwiA Fia Hvitur Co. with the medi cal profession, and tho satisfaction which tho genuine Syrup of Tigs has given to millions ot families, makes the name of tbo Company ft guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It Is far In advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritating or weaken ing them, aud it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ufTucbj, please remember the mine of thu Company . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. MAN VUANC14CO, CL .nrvir KlCV.. that will create a merchant ranrlno for the transportation of liar pro ducts, manufactured aud In the raw material, for distribution In the markets of the world; making your bcautirul city, Justly fumed ror the energy nnd Intelligence or its men, and tho culture and refinement of Its women, the magnificent metropolis of this growing empire, renowned for Us wealth nnd learning, Us Imposing buildings, its social character, Its commercial importance nnd Its edu cational Institutions. To the good people of this stale, to whom I am Indebted ror so many fav ors bestowed. I pray that Oregon may continue to grow rich In blcsstugs for them, and powerful ror tho protect ion of tlielr rights nud liberties; that sl.o may always stand for law nnd order, peace and Justice; that fiho may cherish the Interests of civilization aud tho principles or constitutional freedom; that she may abldo and long abldo tho strong fortress of liberty, sheltering your children aud my children, and their children's chtlrden forever, Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications ns thoy cannot reach the diseased portion of tho car. There Is enly ono way to cure denf ncss. nnd that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inllamcd condition of the mucous lining of thoIOustnchlun Tube. When this tubo Is Inllamcd you hayo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deaf ness Is tho result, nnd unless Inllcm- mntlon can bo taken out and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nice cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an in tlumed condttltlon of the mucous sur faces, We will gtye One Hundred Pollurs for any caso of clearness (caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by If all's Catarrh Cure. Send ror circulars; rrcc. J?. J. Cltr.NEY & Co,, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist. "JCc. Hull's Family Pills are tho best, TO CURB A COLD IN ONJE1 DAY Tako Laxattvo Brotno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the monoy If It rails to cure. 2oc. The gonulno has L, U. Q. on each tablet. Try Schilling'! DMt tea and biking powdtr. rsarxXBrvarsBs' DEALER : GROCERIES Paints, Oils Window Olnas Vor nlflh, and tbo moat couiploto a took ot Brushoa of all klndn in tbo ntatr Artists materials, llmo; hair, ce ment and nblnelos; nnd tho flnoat quality of erans need. '.YVCSHV MjrsKHNv'Ma MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm properly at lowest rates, WEKNER DKEVMAN, 22 Commercial street. 2 doors southio! iml & liusirs bank, saiem Or o-l2 dtw 2m WANTED. Now today advartiaementa tour llnon or loss in tills column inaortou tnroe times for 25 cta SO eta a woolc, $1 par mouth. All ovor tour llnoa at same rato. NOTICE. 1 hayo this day given my son. H.O.Shaw, his time. I shall claim none of his wugcs.nolthor will I lo rcspnnslblo ror any dobts or hU contracting. Dated Liberty, Oro., Octobers, 1803. -B. Shaw. 10 20 31 PASTUUBFor" horses and cattle, only two miles rrom Salem. Terms reasonable J. W. Watt. Firtccntli und Chcmeketa Htrcots, Salem 1020 tr BOY WANTED Steady work out side or bchool hours. Apply nt Jouu NAL ofilco ror particulars. tr HOUSE CLEANERS Remember that tho best und cheapest carpet paper Ih the heavy felt papor sold at Tim J oukn al otllce. 20-tr FOR SALE. Two good Porcheron marcs with tholr 'Courbet'1 colts, marcs weigh 1550 lbs each. Inqulro Brook's pjaco near Shaw, 0-21 1m WANTED. We want nnd are pre pared to pay a fair prlco lor all tho marketable apples and pears offered. S. A. McCall & Co. 0 20-tf WANTED I have property In Oro-g-jii to cell or trade for Kansas prop erty. For particulars address S. Jl. Tomllnson, Washington, Kansas, Mention this paper. FOR SALE Trado or rent. Fino largo stock runch will sell very cheap on easy terms or trado ror other property, or will rent for a term of years, rent can bo paid In work on the place. For particulars address box 02 Journal olllce. 13 1m FOR SALE CHEAP. -Ten acres of land 6 miles cast of Sulem. near Frultlund P. O., uood school and church close by Hux house 10x20, iood barn and well, a ucres cleared, balanco In pasture, fenced. Good title. Address Win. Hlackmore, Frultland Orcein. 10 22 1 mot MUSICAL A limlt:d number of student taken, on p ano, violin, guitar, mandolin and tidier, AUo German lessons given. Anna M. Krebs, Music studio, Gray block, room 6. Call from 2 to 4 p m, tf DMPLOYMDNT AOBNCr, Girls to do. all kinds of work wanted at the W. C, T. U. looms. Abo lhoe wanliug help apply to Mrs C. K. bherwood. at rooms on Court street, Wages from M.fo to 3 Pf week io-8.imJ WANTED PRUNES AND DRIED APPLES 10-18-1 m Sec TlUcon-Burtlelt Grain Co. VIOLIN MIH NK1X1K UllOWN lias qui aiarveciawoi viaiii ts anil rau af$U' TEACHER a a fAur lunru. i.nlv (or iorTns at rtsl. dsat-, 417 Marfou strsst. r i JOHN IK, IN fa I k I fa for Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF (aTii In Use For Over 30 THI CCNTAUH OOMMNY. TT MUMrHV HTWIHT. WtlltaM CITY. COLE'S ' Celebrated Air Tight Heaters WKWItMlMMtl -FOR "JALK BY- BROWN Si SMITH 256 Commercial st, HOT STUFF Is what people nro looking ror theso cool days. 'Our2prlcc8'runko competitors) Hot in the Collar And oupgoods always please tho housekeepers, Steam Heating, Hot Water And Furnace Work to suit CRYSTAL ICE A! COLD STORAGE CO. Solo wholcHiilo nuenta for Gambrlnus llrowcry Co., or Portland, and JoRopli SchllUllrowery Co., or Mllwaukeo, for both draught and bottled uoodfl. , A , . , Although our plnnt Ih burned out, wo aro proparetlto supply cold stoniKO Koods lb In tho past, no Ice will bo rurnltihcd until, our works ure rebuilt. TclephuneJ207. Chung Lee Co, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods Ladies' Furnishing Goods Reduced 30 Days, UNDKRW10AH Examine our Ptook and you will be convinced Hint wer cnn.savojyou money, COTTLE BLOCK . . . COMMERCIAL STREET. MANHOOD Biiarantccaiocureaii nervous ciksus, sunt as weak w ralu Tower, Ieiltclie. Wakefulness, Ist Ma'ihooa, ions, Merrousncu. 1.11 cither sex. caused by prepaid, Circular free. Manufactured y th- liBiim ninci. jitauBLUE. v cmr iuiuhii ijuak m iiivwt. -m I'ruftCo. distrlb'itliiageuU. FOR SALE BY D" J, Chloro-Napthdleum SHOULD RE KEPT READY FOR UHE HY BTOOKMEN AND FARMERS. A dlHlufuuUnt and vermlcldo thut Is extensively used uud tflVOKsulinfuo tlon. Send to IlAiturn" & Lawiiknok ror, or buy a bottlo from dwl28.1m ROMSRT I1A8EY, Aent, MADE ME A W3AW Sf82 "-A rAUtBTrfPOfclTIVKl.V cnitf l l ci ,B,o4uyj.HW(jl.ui,gU o Vf , l iiU.uul.oilje fmDt ui.J ludl i .iWi ,ii. r. 1hv vutcklu atut lur.l -. Olif it ml nfiirMuir.uulaap(br tosrlts if J'.jijl luu.Mir sua ivn uAbJtl suit OyMJUiplloa it ..I m f n II..1& Tlf. nu. .1 lid. lmfp. "V .".?'. mT;t H. m -. . -7,f ..: Ml sUl i ,airruiM Bllothul IBK 1VL1 'C11U " uiou Kinn tL (Bnl.ui AJaX Tub! nt huii - - - m ilk ja.aza m i a a IWI p Ul ma i.w wiuiii. rate .lets. itp) ON ji titimi tlMMMada Ji'l will cur roo. m Si ilia ' Tallin milUu uarki4p ta 0m ears In c c 60 uil. wir backs pi ctua Mj.t llatl irM.i-i4Hll lor tll.IiUUr ii IIOI1 If i.ivi nKjavr, i ." w i w :.ouiif uui,ia IUI.1I i-bio wnviy.j ; wjr!i..m; . .IrtvfLrlf Vfrepurin, ilar rn rtJv ""ihcui vv. iuwiM "HA1CUY tt., tu.Ui For sale in Salem Or., byl). I FRV ilrugtlst oAfaTonxi-. BunO til f- Hiw Alvrajn Souiht Years. HARRITT-a LAWRENCE "occrs. Heating, Hot Air Heating, of all kinds at figures the times. JAMES M'OUIRB KLiUo and Nlnotccnth atrcots, Salem. MADE TO OllDKO, RESTORED lly IIKlUEf Yellow N Dr. Prmi'j ft i-i;m. Till wleiful remedy lory, 1,01 of kV drains, loss ?f jnwer in Ucncr. ' Organs of Jtmli. over -exert Ion. Touthftil errors. exre'Si .eot tobacco, opIumorstiinulanU, vrliieh lend to Infirmity, Coit-ui.ioa Of Jets nil v. Can be carried in vest pocket, f i oo ncr box. f '" tj.byraall prepaid, Circular free. Hold bv all druKjtUts, Aikforlt,t"cciioo(lirr. Noldhv I'eau Mi X edldne Co.. I"iria Hi ranee. I.aue-Ivl TtilrdaiUVaoibMI Bt .iMid ' FRY, SALEM, OREGON SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY I Ploiao notice tho out In priced on tho following .Skirts, plain .....toccnu LI uue r drawers. .. Stoioccnu Under shirts 5 to looenu Socks, per pulr 3 cenu Handkerchlofs ,. ,,..1 cent Silk handkerchiefs. , , , .3 centt Sheets and pillow slips 34 cents per) dozen and othci work in proportion. ty napnolo and othor work intelligently washed by hat rl, COL J. OIiMSTHAD, Propriety WANTED, Wheut, oats und barley, will bqy your warelnuto receipts for name. Get our prices beforo Belling. Ve can Have you money, TlI.LSON-IlAItTl.KTr GltAIN C0, Warehouse, orth b'alcm, Olllce, 70 Court St., rear of Dairy mple'e store, DUICD TRVn BAS TOR 8AI1S. BUSIHBiW OAKDM. O. M. OIAOK Succeuer to pr. I. M. Keeu. oW''V."hllf Corner, Sal opeiatlonj r im, ur. l'rtt delrff ttfririet opeiatlonj nt moderate feet in ftny brtMli rr In especial requett. Salftn Connection and l'repiratiry ScM Pall Teiim Opens Oar. 3 1898. Common School, Normal, Bu1dcm and ni,li School courses are provided. Send ror circulars, or cull at oufKhool rooms for theid, Office hours; '4:to 5 o'clock p. m. A. J. Garland; prln. O. H. LANfi Merchant Tall'or 211 Coratnorcinl nt, t3r0ulta $15 and upwards, Panto $3 and upwards, CAPITAL CITY Express and TVansfc Meets all mall and passengor tralss. Bag- cage and express to all parts oi tbs ctt) Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & DISQtEL BREWSTER & WHITA, HAY. GRMNi Shorts, chop, flour, mill eed, eto. Telephone 178. 91 Court t., BaIsm. Or, Capital Soao Works. Running at full blast and making best of laundry and toilet soaps, tit sure to call for the .Salem brand when )ou want god Coous. A. W, ANDERKGO, Manager. BARRELS, ' BARRELS. Made and on hand, a lot of barrels and kegs all sizes, for wine, elder, vinegar, pick, les, meat etc. First-class and for sale at a bargain. All kinds of work done on short notice In good shape, Cy. Stewart, South Salem. o-13-lm New Blacksmith Siiop. W- T. R- SMITH & CO ' tho old rollnblo nmltha have opned 11 shop opposite tbo browory. and lnvlta Satrcoui. Boat work nnd lowest price: OS Commercial at Salem. r OFFICE, CITY HALL' "For water service apply at office. Bil' payable monthly In advance, MaVej complaints at tho wr.c. G.S.FREEBURGER NEW MARKET fSt.te street, near railroad Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best treats In town ' 3t BARR&.PETZE1. -Tho Old Itellablo-' Plumbers and Tinners Mako a Speolnlty of Pumps and Tank Work' All Work GuARANricn. 314 COMMERCIAL STREET. Telephone No. 348 37ft . , . TRY TIIE . . , Armory Barber Shop 156 SrATc Strekt. First-class work done and neat, hair cot 150 Shave foe ERNEbT ANDERSON, Proprietor, Formerly Anderson &. Andencn II ATLAST! Good News for tho Suffering1 Public, The enrlous rivals who were determined to make Dr, Cook trouble In the courts bar backed down, and their alleged cue was dismissed when It came into circuit court." They didn't dare ta meet the truth, as Dr Cook's patient's are too numerous and they are ever griteful to the man who has cared them and can cure others. Dr. Cook makes a Specialty of chrosdo discavts, and does not use poisonous drugs t cure them. If you have a Wend who bU help send him to DR. J. F. COOK, 301 Liberty trt. Consultation free, CURE YWUUFl Vm HI tot unnatural diKbargM, InUamuatloos. 'I. 1W4V Ounauvt irriiauoiw aw uitin . M MfUl. vi UlllVUU WUII..WUVt SrnMaia jMtava. riai. " "' ' ItKlKHtOHIMiCUU.. '- r. r- --- ' M a ah a vulinHnllBi . vinwniHillllHB.. .... I- .1.1. Mr-... yw im "l If-' ai.nv, of win, vli. . uniuar aai Salem water Co., vm is x,l3 yy .s ' $" -. f i l At ? V fj ."' m