IMMMH KSttM v" , " E.f . l.-.i f 't ,. f. ;- K' ?"! ', -t I r - M BV What do foil thirfk of ttiose .3 -Schilling's Best advertisements? T-1 &fti F" Is other tea colored? Bs'lS'chilil'ing's Best pure? back if you don't like it? Schilling's Best money- ao ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BY klOU-HJU QROTHHjmj, bs MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1898. Daily, Ono Year $3.00, in Advance Dally, Tour Months $1 00. lr Advauoo. Weekly, One Year $1.00, In Advanoo BINGHAM ETAL KNOCKED OUT Continued from First Pate. Tlio suit of Blnghatu and Davis for an Injunction and receivership against Thk Capital Journal was hoard before Judtre Bolso at 8 a. m. on affidavits1 of tlio plaintiffs seeklrigbo . stop tlio execution of a Judgmcnb for $i,015.40 obtained ngalcst The Capi tal Jouknal Co. by Hofer Bros. In JudiieHurnobb'a court foi wages duo thorn. Bingham and Darls appeared through bholr abborrioy, John A. Car son, and Hofer Bros, were represented by Wm. II. Holmes and D.C.tihcrman. Mr. Carson stated to the court that this special action at 8 a.m. was begun to get first, an inlunctlon to restrain an execution that was to tako effect at 10 o'clock today. The second branch of the suit was to secure tho appolnttnonb of a receiver. An aflldnylt was rond frotuMr. Bingham claiming that tho Judgment was obtained In default, that nono of thu officers of Tin: Jouhnai. would defond agalnitthoBulb. That tho claim for wagon was In valid, tho defendants had no claim at law, as it wus not founded on any contract entered of record on tho, books or tho corporation. This Mr. Carson called to tho especial attention of the court. Tho reply of defendants was that Bingham and Davis hud pro cured tholr stock for political pur poses and not fur a alld considera tion. This ho claimed cut no Ugure and was not to bo considered. Ho charged that Hofer Bros, had con spired to wreck tho corporation, and to fraudulently and unlawfully get control of the entire property. Mr. Carson concluded his roylow of tho.caso for plaintiffs and concluded with adomand that unless restrained from further prosecution, A. h Hofer would tako judgment. He, dwelt especially on tho clause of tholr petition alleging that for mercenary purposes Hofer Bros, had changed tho policies of Tim Capital Jouukal. Far yea; they had pub lished It In tho interest of tho Repub lican party. This was donlcd. They had changed tho paper to advocacy of frco silver and other falsa und chim erical Ideas. Judgo Bolso asked If plaintiffs had not had knowlcdgo that defendants had a judgmont and would takooxecu tlon. He said thoy woro In court when Judgment wus taken, but had no Idea that' nofer Bros, would proceed to put It into Judgment. Mr. Carson read authorities assert log tho lights of minority stockhold ers. Any scheme to freeze out a min ority stockholder should ti frowned upon by tho courts. TAUJBD AOAINdl TIMH, The majority stockholders woro in thesaddle and were rldlug tho minor ity with whip and spur. If this udg ment was executed tho corporation was Insolvent. They would not ask tho court to hastily appoint a receiver. Tluy would ask an Injunction to ro stral n this sale which would exhaust all the ussots. Mr. Bingham had fouud a case that exuetly llts this case. He would not rcud it in full, but would leave It for tho court to consider. After tho plulntllT had absorbed all tho earnings of this cor poration, thoy had gono further und taken a Judgment uglust tho company and would subject tho stockholders to still greater expenditures. Mr. Carson uow picked up vol u mo after volume nf ro celvershlp cases handoi him by Mr. Bingham, and read and commented, Mr, Bfogham occaslonably helping him to u felicitous thought. Ho was talking to kill time and seemed to want to consume all tho tlmo until of tho newspaper. The answer as published was read in full and Major Blicrman proceeded with his argu ment. 1'lalnlirffl as good business men had not invested In this stock without fully Investigating tho samo. After Hofer Bros, began their suit these plaintiffs began an action that bore all tho evidence.1' of bad faith. They had taken no steps 10 6ccuro a u temporary Injunction. They had allowed Hofer Bros., to tako all stops In protecting their claim und now came In at the last moment. Their complaint set out no facts showing Insolvency of tho company as re quired by tho code. No such facts had ocen ?et out In their petition. Nob a claim wus shown to bo In ex istence ugulnst Tiik Capital Jouh nal. Mr, Bingham mado his affidavits entirely on Information and belief. He mado no chargo of positive insol vency or even danger of insolvency, do did not sluw the necessary con. ditlon to aubhorlzo uppolntincnt of n rccclvor. Mr. Sherman now showed by authorities that a receiver could only be appointed on cloarcst proof of its propriety and necessity, which was utterly wanting in tho demands of plaintiff. All that the plaintiffs contended for was that oy delaying this execution and grunting a rccolvcr,thoy could do no liurm. Plaintiff had introduced no evidence to dlsprovo tho answer of Hofer Bros to tholr petition. Then Major Uhormaarcadafildavits In reply to Mr. Bingham's nfllaavfts from E. Hofer, A. P. Hofer, and M. L. Chamberlain, showing thut the sums clulmcd by Hofer Bros., wcro duo and actuully owing to .Hofer Bros. Mr. Chamberlain as president ot tho company, sworo that Bingham had requested Chamberlain to defend against tho ulalm of Hofer Bros., but had produced no facts to constitute a valid, lcgltmato, or meritorious de fenso against such claim. A. F. Hofer as business manager ulso tiled an nflldavlt showing that the corpora- tson owed no debts of uny cliurnctcr except to (Infer Bros,, for wuges. Mr. Sherman hhowed In conclusion thut plaintiffs hud not acted In good faith, or taken the necessary stops to protect thcmsolvcs as they had amplo opportunity If they hud any cuso to cotuo Into court with, Ho concluded with u plea that tholr motion should bo disallowed. If thoy woro honest and slnccro why did thoy not get a temporary restraining order whon the case was In court Instead of waiting uutlt tho lust mouiont. cccdcd. A largo crowd of lawyers had gathered aud enoycd tho gleams of humor thrown Into the situation by Mr. Holmes. Mr. Carson was called away part of tho time by other busi ness and was not present to enjoy the airing given his pleadings. Holmes exposed tho prctenso of plaintiffs that thoy had acquired tho stock as a business venture. They denied thut they had objected to tho editorial policy of The Jouuaal except as it was abusive, scurrilous, foolish and vcnul. They had Itn properly alleged In a court pleading thut silver was not money, that Its eolnuge was a false and chimerical idea. At last lb must be proven In court whether this was truo or not. Thoy allege Improper conduct or this nowspapcr. Yet these aro tho kind of men they aro anxious to get Into business rotations with. Bingham and Davis wcro good business men yet It seems that as such they aro unxlous to put their good money into a concern thoy allege was Insolvent. - Holmes concluded with an exposi tion showing the weakness and fri volity of tho groundwork of the whole proceeding on tho part of plain tiffs. Thoy waited until lube Saturday night beforo taking any steps to sturt this preliminary hearing. Mi!. UINQltAM TALKS. As counsel for himself and Mr. Davis, Mr. Bingham now arose to urgue tho case nt 10 o'clock, tho time set for tho sale. Whon tho Ilofors constituted a majority of tho board Of directors they could make any kind of accounting they saw flt. Ho showed that the dobb of Tiik Journal Co. bo Hofer Bros, was re duced In 3 months 8000 duo tho Hofers. Tho business was ho prosperous they wore paying off their debts. Ho claim od thero was not a word of evidence ns to what their pay should be. He rcud H0?IH Sitters Don't mnko matters worse by trying this and that medicine fur dyspepsia, In digestion, and nervousness. Tako Hosbetter's Stomach Bitters. It goes bo tho root of tho cause und cures tho wholo bod oy curing tho stomach. WAS GRAND JURY LEQAL? bi Question That is Deing Discussed Salem Lawyers. Walter Lyon, who has read law, writes the Portland dully ns follews: Questions of perplexity to Salem law yers have grown out or tho lasb term or circuit court for Marlon county. Four persons were indicted and con victed, two of whom are serving terms In the pcnibcntlajy, one in the roform school aud one in tho county Jail. Indictments were also returned agulnst sovon men, charging them with altering election returns. Upon motion the seven indictments were quashed and set aside on the ground thut tho grand Jurors were Illegally drawn. Tho 'grand jurors wcro first drawn from tho full panel of 31. One became sick and was excused. By order or the court, a name, to till the vacuncy, wa9 drawn from the Jury box, while 12 name were out; that number having been drawn toserye ou a cuso as petit lurors The cjurt's ruling quashing tho In dictments In tho election fraud cases was mado after tho first four persons had been Indicted, tried and con victed. Counsel for the convicted men claim that since their clients NOMINATE A CITY TICKET. By Direct Vote of the Resident Qualified Electors of the City of Salem, Fill out ticket below, cutout, and then get your neighbor to do the same, and let the people-namo tho candidates, rsJBSrs"vNvdrds DIRECT NOMINATION BLANK Oaniudatk for THE STATE OF OREGON Sk. :cch of Gove; nor Lord at the Portland Commercial Club Banquet, M A YOB RECORDER TREAS URER ; MARSHAL Fill out for ward In which you live. ALDERMAN-Flrst Ward To Fill Vacuncy For Full Term ALDERMAN-Sccond Ward L K ALDERMAN Third Ward Z ALDERMNA-FourthWard Signature ' Residence rsjrsvsjKr.7rjfiyr7vavssorvHSHNi snbbsanvsnkhnb Fill out tho abovo and doposlt In Direct Nomination Ballot Box at Cap ital Journal onice. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY 6:00 P M) Lv...JPorlIand. ,.Ar B.-3S r mlv. ...satem ....JjV 745 AM) Ar. Sun Francisco. Lv (9:30 (a.'oo A M OO A M 00 PM Above trains stop at all principal station bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion jeflerson, Albuny. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, llarrlsburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creiwcll Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tlons from Koscbmg to Ashland, Inclusive. KQSKDURO MAIL, DAILY. 8.3o AMI Lv. . . Portland .".Ar 430 r it to55 A Mf Lv.... Salem.... Lv- iso.'PU 520 Pi)j(Vr. ...Koscburg.. Lv 7.'3Q A M Pullman biuTot sleeper and second-das sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. DKTWKKN PORTLAND AND CoRVALLIS. Mall trains dally except Sunday, j 730 am! LvTT.. Portland.. Ar 550 P M 13,'KFM Ar....Corvnllls.. Lv t.-oepM At Albany and Corvallls connect with tulns of the O. C. & E. Ry. EXfRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. O.R.&N I OKrART FOR Fast Mall 8 pin TIMS SCHEDULE. From Portland, s'alt Lake, D.-nver F Worth, Omah. Kanta ."! t? 1 t r iy. 01. uuu, v.nicajo dEast. Cltv and Spokane Flyer 3pm 8pm 4.-50 FM) Lv.... Portland..., Ar 7.-30 p M Lr. . . .McMinnville 8:30 pm) Ar Independence Ar) 8:25 Lv-5.-5o Lv) 4-'5 .... 1 Predicts a Prosperous Future for tho Peerless Willamette Valley of Westorn Oregon Mil. 1I0LMKS' AHUUMKNT. Taking tho record book of Tub Capital Jouunal Co senior counsol nroso and read the contract und ac counting or Horor Bros, with tho compuuy which plaintiffs claimed did not exist. PlutntllTs hud not made tho sheriff a party, nor given any bond to protect bho ad verso purly. His revlow wus clearly a sourco ol consbant surprlso to Mr. Binglum. Ho showed unoaslness aud Jumpod up and down ecyerul times us tho careful and ab times caustic analysis pro-J The state of Oregon presents an unlquo personality, arising from causes that belong tohcr forlnutlvo period. Lying within u 'disputed boundary, without political autonomy, subject to Joint occupation by treaty, bho Oregon country, on tho threshold ofilts history, wus a bone or confcntlon, Involving Intcrnatlounl compllcablons bhub wcro Inlmfcul to Its well being and threatened Its stabllty. Bettlemcnts wcro few'und widely scattered, and oyer me territory uruisu interests predominated and mainly controlled di rection or public affairs. There was no regular government, entrusted with powers thut had for tholr obect tho protection of person and property, or tho conservation of tho public good. To establish trading posts nnd ubsorb tho territory as a colonlnl dopendoncyof tho British kingdom, wherowith to enrich Itspeoplo and ex tend Its domain, was tho animating nnd controlling thought or those who rcprcsoutcd British Interests and policy. 'While- tills stut 3 or tilings existed, a iow missionaries wun ineir families came from the enst by way of Cape iiorniouicgrn. xne ooject or ineir mission wus to t .uch the suvngo und reclaim him rrom burbarlsm. They sought to plunt In his daikencd mind tho germs or light and llbarty, or Chrlstlun loyound charity. To uld In tho accomplishment or this high undertaking they located lund claims, built homes, schoolhouscs and churches, nnd established rules uud regulations ror tho government or their society. This was tho beginning or social orgunlzu blnn or govornmenb, und though nob Invested with tho attributes or sover eignty, It represented and put in pructlco, through tho Intelligence and wisdom or thoso who worauuthorlzed to control und direct lbs alTalrs, bhe principles or a progressive und Christian civilization, which aro always a guaranty or rulr dealing, and or rlghba or person and propcrby. U'niichiilod on TI1I11I Vagv. For a Freeholders' Charter, IFIll oub blank below and nlso gebyour neighbor bo sjgn lb and vote bhe same and leb bho people mako bhe city charter. FREEHOLDER'S CHARTER BLANK A M A M AW Direct connections at San Iranciscu with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mall steamship linos for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HON& LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtain?-1 from W. W. SKINNEU, Ticket ..jcnl Salem. K. KOEIILER, Manager. C. II. MARKHAM. G. F. &P. A. Portland Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Company, 1 rorYanulnai Train 1. av.'i Albany Train leaves Corvallii 1:45 THE UNDERSIGNED FAVORS A FREEHOLDER'S CON VENTION TO BE COMPOSED OF SIGNERS TO THESE BLANKS, WHO SHALL BE FREEHOLDERS OF THE CITY OF SALEM OR ITS SUBURBS, TO DRAFT A CHARTER. Namo. Residence. 10 s. wv and nob glvo tho court chance to act or consider tho mutter beforo the sale would take place at 10 o'clock, MAJOn BHEHMAN TALKS. D. 0. Sherman now reviewed tho caw for Horer Bros. Thoy had boon iHCtwttrolofTuw Oaijt..l Jouunal fertf years, and nob until a rew mmt affo hud their management f- sw called In question by uny Heec Holder, and uot then until ptelsstlife Bingham & Davis tje allied stockholder. Jle Wowd that lb was agreed that A. JP. Hofer and K. Hofer should each rtxseiye MS A week as wages In conduct sssfr Er.s ssftXN. k.j .r IklMY&KTmi It Mtuenta aud WW Women whose face are disfigured by unsightly friirktJntln pimples and blotches too frequently fait to under. land that thc.e are but the outward symptoms of inward dis order. They rcaort to var ious cosmet ics, olnt- nowdrrfl. nnl knowing that all the while the trouble ta not in the akin, Itself, but in the sys tem. It ll umetlmra nh. aolutely dangerous to use outward appllca. tlons. for If the skin atone I cleared, the real disease is likely to attsck some Internal orvau of the body, where it may prove futal to life itsiir. In the majority of cases these unsightly kin disease- are due to two thing, weak, new and disorder of the dlstlncttv fmi. nine organism, and impurities of the blood caused by them. The woman who suffers from disease In a womauly way will soon suffer iu her general health. Iter stomach, liver and other organs will tall to perform their proper functions, with the result that the blood become impure. Left to her self, she will probably resort to cosmetic ana ointment. If she consult a physician ho will tell her that the stomach or liver only (a at fault Her distinctly womanly 7, .." r wy u urn auu ouiy cause. For this she should resort at once to Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. It acta di rectly and only ou the delicate and important organ concerned. It make theru trong and. well. Then a course of Dr. Plena's wore Indicted by the Jurors that re turned thoolectlon fraud Indictments they are lllegully held, lr the court ruling us to tho lllegulltyor bho grund Jury Is to bo sustulned. Motions to setusldoand vacate the ludgmenbs und appllcublons ror writs or hubeus Lcorpus on tho part or counsel for the convicted have fulled, however. Tho questions arc as to the legality or tho dotentlon or the four convicted men and If thoy aro Illegally detained as to how to secure their release. Somo attoronys claim that tho grand Jury wus a legal uoay. - ..-W. in At Four Score. Health. rrom the records thut they wcro to have- "reusonublo compensation." But thoy held a majority or tho stock woro a majority or tint hoard or directors aud thoy could "audit tholr own bills." This sully raised a smile us coming from Mr. Blnghum. THKV WKHB UKLPLRRS hu argued, unless this ucMon was granted for tlio protection or tholr rights, lr the sale could proceed, mi nority stockholders hud no rlghte. Hero tho counsel shed tears over tho woes or minority stockholders. Ho renewed tho request that ho was nob partlculur about it receiver at this lime ir this sulo could be rcstruincd, and sat down. TIIK COUItT UULKH. Judgo Bolso now culled ror Mr. Bingham's atllduvlt.ln which he asked thut proceedings 00 rcstruincd. Ho examined lb curufully ror a row minutes and then ruled agunlst plaintiff for tho reason thut whereas tho suit for un Injunc tion und receiver was tiled beforo Judgment was rendered but no steps hud t -en taken to press It. If tho proceedings had been stayed at Mio lime un equitable defense could have been made und tho rights of the parties fully Investigated In amplo time before tho execution went into e tree I. Tho sliorlfT wus now sought to bo restrained but ho hud not been uudo u party by plaintiffs aud uo Uud lud been offered. Beforo an Injunction could Isjuo ugulnst the sheriff ho miiiit. IkA mirtr 11 rvirfti. nid Knnrl toiitAl. ... -....v. ,,..., . .mu mi,.!, ' tutsedtuoSOthllfa mll ..,, ...... to protect, 1110 uuvorso parties. This , -Dr. Milv Rostorativo . r V.' Z :.'.' , -T.w.. .HV . muwu m - . t)4444 Tho above ballots will be collected In ascpuratc ballot box at the Capitat Journal office. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores in A !&& fsl! immfflw ifi 7 1 V ' When you call ot DeWitt's W ich Hazel Salve don't accept an) thing else Don't be talked into substi.ute 01 piles for sores for burns. Ston Drag Stcre. DYSPEPSIA CAN DE CURED BY using Acker's Dyepsin Tablets, Une little tablet will clve immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25c. Lunn & llrooks. druggists. More than twenty million free sample ol DeWltt's Hazel Salve have been dlitrlb'Jtcd. What better prosf f th:ir confidence do you want ? It cure pllev, burns, sea di, sores in the shortest time. Stone Drug Store. EXPERIENCE IS THETlEST TEACHER Use Acker's English Remedy In any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should It fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 3jc and 50c. Lunn & llrooks, druggists. For broken suriaces. soret, insect bites. burns there is one reliable remedy, DiWitl's Witch Haiel Salve. When you call for De Witt's don't accept counterfeits. You will 01 be disappointed Stone Drug Store, One Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick cure. It has wot. the b-st repu tatlnn of any prrpaiatlon for colds, croup, or obsdnate coughs, Stone Drugstore, SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY AND permanently cured by using MoUl Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 35c and 50c. Lunn & llrooks druggist. You Invite disappointment when jou ex periment. De Witt Utile Eirly Rlers are pleasant, easy, thorough little Pills. They cure sick hecdace as su.e as y u take them Stone Drug Store. Truth wears well. People that De Wttt's Little Early Riser are have learned re- table little nllls for reculatintr the b welli i hey dou't gripe. Htone Diug store, 0 boxes Littlo's satin finish carbou paper.fblue, size 8x10. 10,000 No. 0 cnvolopcs. 60 lbs. No. 1 rag, XXX, 12 gross railroad steel pons, No. 40. 20 gross Gllott's sbeel pens No. 401. 4 gross Gillob's steel pons, No. 303, 8 gross Esterbrook "J''rn. 0 gross Fulcon steel pens No. 048. 0 gross Esterbrook & Co's. Probate steel pens No. 313. 0 gross Esterbrook & Co's. Judge quill sbeel pons No. 312. 0 gross Esbcrbrook & Co's. Chancel lors steel pons No. 239. 0 grow London Incandescent, M. Jacobs No. 4. 2 dcz. Sanford's cardinal pints. , 6 gross penholders, black large. 10 doz. reck, Stow & stands No. 558. 4 doz. Peck, Sbow & stands No. 554. 10 doz. Peck, Stow & stuntis no. 420 12 doz. standard. 1 uus. nurj lomers, n) inch con- K I litis. 4 doz. mucilage cups, No. 8 Morgans pa bent. TM10ndMZ mu,c,laBe stands, resevolr, .w. w '.u,KUU o UULVUL. 12:50 p, ll imc n. m. 1 ram arrive at Yaquina O:co p. in !, Returning.- Leaves Yaqulnn 7:00a.m. Leaves Corvallis 11-400, m. Arrive Albany 12:2c, p. m. For Detreit: Leaves Corvallls 7:00 a.m. Leaves Albany 8s a, m Arrive Detroit 12:20 p.m. Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:40 p. m. Leave Albany 6:05 a.m. Arrive Corvallis 6155 p. m. 1 and 2 connect at Albany with Southern Pacific train giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. Train for the mountains arrives at Detroit at noon giving ample time to teach camping grounds on the lircitenbush and Samiam rivers same day, EDWIN STONE, Manager, II. L. WALDEN, T. F. &P.A. J. TURNER, Agent Albany. 8pm ex, Sun. Saturday lop m 7am Tues Thurs and Sat 6am Mon Wed Fri Walla WatlR, -Spokane, uiiuncaioiis, at, l'aul, Duluth, Milwaukee Chi- cago ana tost OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All sailing dates sub ject to chance. For San Francisce: Nov. 1, 4 7, 10, 13, 16, iy, 22, 25, 20. COLUMHIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria and way land. ings, arrive. ipoktnt Flyer 10:15 am 4 1 m W1LLAME1TE AND YAMHILL RIVERS Oregon City, Dayton and way landingv 4pm ex Sun 3."iopra Mon Wtd WILLAMETTE RIVER1 Portland to Salem and way landings A lo p m ' "p..;. Thurs Sat Leave SNAKE RIVER RIparia 1:45 a m Leave Klparia dallg ex Won cept Saturday. Wed (Leave Lewlston dally c x Friday cept Friday. Lv Lew iston 5-M5ra sun Tuei Thurs WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND SALEM ROUTE-,8teamer Ruth for Portland Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday ct 7:15 a. m. Transfer to street car line at Oreg Cltj If the steamers ore delayed there onnd trip ticket to all points in Oregon, thing. ton, California or the east. Connecting made at Portland with all rail, ocean and river lines. - W. II. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pa. Agt. Portland, Or. G.M.:P0WERS,. Agent, Trade street oaicm. dock BOISE & BARKER, City Agenu. -TAKE THE Oregon -Short Line. -.THE- Quickest, safest, Cheapes4 Line for all points FREE reclininc red Ink, enamel, Wilcox's Ink Wilcox's Ink Wilcox's Ink lyory folders, 9 Inch ivory folders, 10 Inch E-mI and southeast. C chair cars. Pullman mliM sleeping carf, and upholstered tourist sleep. ing cars on nil through trains. BOISE & BARKER, Agent Salem, Or C. O. TERRY, Traveling Passenger Aeen W. E. COMAN, General Acent. 24 Third Stree Portland. Or. Canadin Pacific R.R. And Soo Pacific Line -TO- Mti.neapohs St. Paul 20u Miles recorder lead fluid, writing fluid DcWiti's Witch Hatel Salve has the largest sale of any. This fact has led dis honest pec pie to attempt to ioun erfeit it Look out vthen you cell lor De Witt's Witch Hesel Salve, the great pile cure Stone Drug Store. PKOPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. W TNCLB EZEKIEL ODEAR, assessor and Hj i collector, noverly, Mass., who ha hud been neglected by plulutllTs they could uot nuw Interfere. Golden Medical Discovery will purify and enrich the blood, and suake her a new wo. man. Medicine dealer cell both rcmedie. "I cannot say too much for Dr. rUrcc' I'a yoitt i'rtcjliXlon, write MIm Clara lulrd. oT BrtilBport, Moulgomcty Co., Ptuna., "for the good it did uie. If nay on doubu thU gtv tbew my name and address." Sure, safe and clmple ways to cure all maimer or skin dieae told in Dr. Pierce' Medical Adviser, lor paper covered copy send ai one-cent stamps, to cover mailing only, to Dr. R. V. Wcrce, Buffalo, N, Y.; cloth binding, 31 stamp. That Joyful Feeling, With tho exhilaration mmiso of re newed health und strength and In ternal cleanliness, which follows tho use or Syrup or Figs, Is unknown to tho row who have not progressed be- gressed iyond the old tlmo medl. clnesuud tho cheap substitutes some tlmo otTercd but never accepted by tho well- Infoimud Buy tho genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Scrambled tirukea Isufuvorlto dish with the 1 mil vis, but the Sulem publlo inuoh prefer tho cloun. dellnlous 25 cent moah ut Strong's restaurant. Ulld 1 Croat deal of good. I suffered forieara from Blopleuc-si and nervous heart trouble ould feci weary and usod up In tho morn ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a burdeu. A friend rvcommonded Dr. Mile Nervine, and I purchased a bottlo undar protest as Ihadtrledfco man remediPJ n. auceesafully, I thought it uo use. But it I gave uio restful leou. a good nppotlto and V.IV1VU mo 10 onorgctto health. It ta a grand good mcdlcluo, and I will gladly wrlto oujuua imjuinug, run particular of my at- a.Kuiurj oxierienco. Dr. Mllc-s" Kcmedlco aro sold by all drug. gUuuudcro. posltlte tuarautee, tint bottle benefits or money re funded. Hook on dta easca of tho heart and nerve free Addroa. DR. UH.K8 MKDIOALUO Klkhart. Ind. wf 4ajWi jH Ofllce of the Secretary of State, Salji, Or,, Sept. 3, 1808 healed proposals will be received at this o 111 co until noon, November 4. 1808, to furnlch the following articles for I he btate or Oregon; for the use of the 20th lllentilul Session of tho Leg islative Assembly. 35 reams legul cap, 14 lbs., No. 7 ruling, white laid, Charter Oak, Scotch linen, or other good paper. ao reams first clas9 Congress Note, 7 pound, No. 7 ruling, white laid, or other good paper. so reams letter paper vi 10a., No. 7 rullnu. white Maid. Carew. Charter Oak Scotch linen or other good pancr. 20 reams typewriter paper, letter size. Paragon letter wovo No 3i, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. 20 reams typewriter paper, legal nlio. Paragon letter wove No. 3, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. rvuiuh iyH5wriier paper, legal sue, Paragon letter wove No. H, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. 0 boxes Liltle'6 satin finish carbon paper, bluo, size 8x13. Kross No. 2 Enoln ircuciiB, styio uoo. 5 doz. Sanford's premium quarts. 2 doz. Staffords quarts. 8.2oz,'.N.0,:nFar.en Bummed stub files 4 doz. Duplex cupboard, letter clips, legal size. ' 20 doz. Dunlex lQttnr r1lna 15 doz. Fabers rubber rulers, 14 Inch 15doz steel erasers, Rogers No. 18. 140, bone. ' 3 doz. steel erasers, Rogers No. 16, 149, etony. ' 70 Boxes Fabers No. 300 rubber bauds, ussorted sizes. 1 uHiwrajJoucnicau oencns. Nn. 9 hexagon, gilt. J 12 gross Fabers lead pencils, No 2 l round gilt. I I 20 doz. Fabers nntonMnb- .n.i ., cil rubber erasers. mainnimiMi q,vw oicuiu-8 patent paper fasten 'rt. ri tint. liAtil SMW MVttUt shorter and a whole half duy quicker tuunany ot.ierllneto Omaha, Kan sus city, St. Louis and ull other sutheru and southeastern cities. inieo rputoj east via Denver, St, Paul, and Billings, Mont. Tickets ut offices or connecting lines. lr you go eist .v,n Omaha, you cun stop oil and see tho Trans-MUslsslppI exposition A. C. SHELDON. Len'I acent, Portland Or 1899 Chicago Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto New York . ii , . Boston and all points east and southeast. Cheapest rates, beitservlce and accoramo datlons Through tourist sleeper to Minneapolis, bt. lanl, Toronto, Montreal, and Boston without change Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Empress Ine of steamships to Japan nnd China. The fastest and finest ships on the Pacific ocean. Shortest and bust route to the orient, Canadian Australian S, S. Co,, To Ilonoluh, Fiji and Australia The shortest route t the coLnies. For rates, fo 'era and any Information 1L on or address, Salem Agency 288 Ccmmercis! St. ll. II. ABBOT, Agent, 146 I bird street. Portland, Or E I. COYLE, Dutrlcl Passenger Agent, Vancouver. II. C. Sixty Ninth. Year) 3 reams Parker's treasury blottlnc IQ01 paper, or as good, 140 Lbs. white. oOl 2 UrOSS No. 2 l?naln rnrnln l.J Countrv Gentleman THE When Going East use a tint-class line in traveling between M nneapolis, St. Paul aud Chicago, and the principal towns In Central Wisconrin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair cars in service. The Dining cars are operated In the inter est of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inaugurated. Meals are served a U Cart:. To obtain fiist-clasi senlc your ticke should read via The Only Agricultural Newspaper IN'DISI'KNSAIILK TO ALL COUNTRY KHSIDBNTfl WHO WISH TO KEEr UP WITH THE TIMES. ers. No. 3,000 Mc Jills patent paper fasteners, No. 2, round heads, white. 3,000 McU Ills patent paper fasten ers, No. 4. flab head. ,,o.d?zTable Pad8 tu "old Paper, 19x24 Inches, strong lerther tips. V ' ba n 4waste P1" sots, cross 3 doz. waste paper basket, small, 20 lbs. hemp twine, No, 2. 4nOZVy5Dford!? inullagc, quarts. A l J-.1.'?? 8bmltted should bo marked "Proposal for Stationery." wl&abc!)0St(1UamyofK00d9 The right to reject any or all bids Is Anihe B,yi articles must be de De?r?o!T8030reKOn'n0rbef0re Very respectfully, n. B. KINCAID, Secretary or State. Single Subscription, 12; Two BuWerlptlons, fiM; KourSubsrlptlons, W. Spalal Induoeinenu to iIUIV oM.irgo Clubs, w rite fur I'.irtloular on this llilnt. Free fill Jw, I fo Ux Subscribers for 1899 nuvtuin. '""."'u,;ii newsor me dayj CI.W1 'r0j,U',,l,)'mk", "I wl LESS THAN A CENT A WEEK! Does such a difference as that Jiutllv vou in ..... . 8K,ND TOK i'KWMKN COPIH8. lonBtoothedlireronce. XJd" UJ-IIElt TIVKEU A 60.V. Albany, N, v CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho o s ' The Wisconsin Central Lines, for all connection at Chicago and Milwaukee tor eastern point, licketfull information call on Sodr nesietl ticket agent or write JAS. C. POND General Pass. AgentMillwaukee. Or JAS. A CLOCK, G-neral Agent Wis w.-.a i uuiana ur. QUICK TIME NO CHANGE COMPLETE COMFORT Those are the point that mike railroad travel dtssrablc. Those are the qualities that are the delight of the pas enger over the popular NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD T.e roadbed cf the entire line has been low proved and rides ns smooth as a floor and now with Immeoss New Engiues Vestibule Double Door Cwhes Delpil Supers There,u .nothing left to b- desired., lUte always low tQtallpalnt,t. For particulars ec THOMAS,' WATT CO. 227 Commercial Strttf.