Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 31, 1898, Image 1

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    -t f( '
j mm: i
NO. 244
and Umbrellas
Arc some of your most presslnR
mornings. "iVe make a study
able to supply them with good
suit your purse as well as your
Our $2,50 Mackintosh
Is a surprise and a roRUlar $100
A large line of Box and Cape
all wrol Tricots
Special for 10 Days
Allno917.S0 Kersey Overcoat, worsted HnlnR, with
silk sleeve and nverllninR, for
' Others at $7.60, $10.00 and $12.50:
Full line of Umbrellas from 50c to $5,00
A thorough training in business or shorthand pays Is
evidenced by tlto number of student? of the
now holding responsible places, The revival of busi
ness now on will make many new openings for young
neople who arc prepared. Day and oyenlng sessions.
Call or send for catalogue.
Overcoats, Ulsters
and Macintoshes,..
Nice new goods will be sold this week
at 20 per cent reduction. In other words
we will sell our 5750 garments for $6,00,
These goods came in late and we are over'
Cor, Commercial
r i
lie Feet
Our stock or boots, shoes au:l rub
bur Roods Is so largo and complete, we
can suit you, then wo can FIT YOU,
which Is one of tho tunny advantages
wo have- over the small stocks and
cheap lines carried elsewhere. Unex
perienced buyers pay too much for
tliolr Roods, hencocan not compote,
another advantago wo have which
our customers receive the benellt of
by trading ut
wants on these wet, frosty
of your wants .ind ure
reliable Roods that will
Those $8.50 Coverts
In Brown and Tan would be ocd
values at $10.03. Guaranteed
Coats In Blue and Blue
and State Streets
is the time
To make Doors and Windows
secure against winter storms.
We have a full supply of Build
ers' Hardware.
The Entire Group of
Spaniards Have Until Friday
To Reply,
Negotiations Will Be
Broken Off.
Ily Assooliiteil Tress to The Journal.
Paris, Oct. 31. At the peace com
mission today (he Americans
presented a written expression of the
purpose of the Americans to take the
entire groupe of the Philippine Islands
and to assume such a proportion of
the Philippine debt as has bcon spent
for the benellt of the Islands In public
works, Improvements and better
ments. It Is also set forth that the
United States will not assume any
part of the Philippine debt which was
Incurred by Spain for furtherance of
military or nuyal operations to quell
the Insurrections of natives. Tho
session adjourned until Friday In
order to give tho Spaniards time td
prepare a reply. The session lasted a
little oyer nn hour.
London, Oct. III... The Madrid
correspondent of tho SlunduJd says:
There Is much anxiety In Madrid m
to the result of Monday's Joint sitting
of the peace commission. Inasmuch as
Spain accepted tho Cuban articles of
tho protocol only on condition of u
subsequent agreement being arrived
at In the Philippine question, sho
will resist any Infringement of her
rights in the Philippines without
There was a strong Impression,
which has been growing there
recently, that the Spanish, upon
receiving definite assurances of the
American determination to take tho
entire Philippine group, would quit
the conference, but this view was
mod I lied by the uttltudo of the
Spanish newspapers which arrived
here today.
These are found to havo wheeled
Into lino with tho Epoca of October
27, which demanded that the Spanlsl'
commissioners should sign a treaty In
Paris, no matter how onerous the
conditions Imposed by the Americans.
It Is bclloved here tonight, on tho
eve of taking up tho main question,
that the Spanish commissioners are
not likely to acquiesce here In any
treaty that the Americans would sign.
In the Philippine discussion two
wearisome questions are likely to bo
raised by the Spanish. The first Is on
protocol phrase, "control, disposition
and government," of the arcllpelago,
tho Spanish doubtless holding that tho J
word "disposition" does not Involve
posesslon, though thoy know thafpo
session was originally written In the
protocol und changed to "disposition"
on M.Camlsoo's Instance In behalf of
Spanish sensibilities. Collatlral to'hlJ,lof yizcayy was intact, and ho
this If, is a scoria contention, propoge(i t0 bUid a cofferdam around
possibly to be merged with the ,,er an( ,,r,n( er t0 the surface,
first, that when the protocol wus!afu,r mMw repalrs necessary to
signed, there was an exterior ' u0at her.
agreement oetweuu . uimwu mm
Judge Day that neither tho protocol,
nor Its terms should, In tho treaty
negotiations, involveSpanlsh sover
elgnty In the Philippine 'archipelago,
On this point, Judge Day, thought, jcould be raised, and ho said she must
the Associated Press, has already, bo removed from tho mouth of tho
nniniPiilvripriled the existence of an .harbor. Tho board will have another
standing outside or the protocol, 'secretary legardlng the wrecks oft
cither verbally or in correspondence, Santiago.
Offii GREEN if
205 Commerclul Street, Salem,
You had ought to go to Tho Fair store for what you want; for every
thing is so cheap, and good quality too. We can get most, anything we want
to wear or use and really It Is hard to keep from buying when wo go there, for
they always lAue so many things to sell and at such low prices too, In fact
John I really feel us though we can save 15 to 30 per cent on so many articles
at The Fair store, now don't forget tho place John lt,s at.
The Fair Store,
274 Commercial st Salem, Or,
' P. S. I think O. P. Dabney Is the proprietor, and he Is the man who wrot
that Lost Shackle book.
and this denial Is supported by the
French yellow book.
Washinoton, Oct. 31. An Informal
scsslou of the cabinet was held Sunday
at the White House. Tho president
embraced the opportunity presented
by tho presence or several members or
the cabinet to discuss with them
their forthcoming annual reports.
The members of the cabinet were:
Secretaries Alger, Long, Bliss and
Wilson, and Postmaster - Goneral
Smith. The assistant secretary of tho
navy, Adjutant-General Corblu, and
Surgcon-Genorcl Sternberg were with
fno prcsldcut daring u part of tho
Tho president is said to believe
that the negotiations will bo brought
to a satlsfactcry conclusion.
Naval Constructor Hobson's Plans to
Raise It.
Naval Constructor Hobson arrived
in Washington Saturday afternoon,
nnd appeared beforo tho board or
naval bureau chiefs for the purpose of
explaining the condition of the Span
ish ships wrecked off the coast of
Santiago, and the progress and pros
pects of efforts which arc making for
their recovery.
Naval constructor Hobson was with
tho board all afternoon, and gave a
great deal of detailed Information as
to the condition or the .wrecks. He
was certain It was useless to contlnuo
tho wrecking company anylongcr,and
and that conditions did not merit
tlicSSOOper day paid them. Con
structor Hobson said that In his opin
ion tho Colon and "Vlzcaya could bo
raised and brought to drydocka at
New York or Norrolk at a cost of
$300,000 for one nnd $100,000 for tho
other, und possibly they could bo
brought In for $400,000 each. Tho gov
ernment would, of course, take the
The Courts Refuse a Restraining Order and
Preliminary Injunction
Bingham and Carson Don't Make an Early Breakfast Off the
One Cent Daily The Capital Journal Establishment
Sold Under Judgment to Hofcr Bros,
Promptly tit 10 o'clock F. N. Derby, first deputy sheriff of Marlon county,
appeared at tho Capital Jouknal olllce to sell tho property under execution
tosatlsfy ludgmontorilorer Bros,
Ho gavo Bingham & Davis twenty minutes ot graco to put In nppcurauco
and bid on the property under cxeeutton.
At exactly 20 minutes past 10 o'clock all the personal property, telegraph
franchise, books and accounts, Including presses, type, wutcr motor, good
will, (und all accrudlngpcrqulsltlrsyct to come, Inclundlng theatre tickets,
railroad pusses, cordwood, turnips, etc., were bldlsn by A. F. Ilofor, Jr., for
amount of Judgment.
This Is a great victory for tho people
Thr Capital Jouknal will contlnuo to protect the people against tho
encroachments of political power and capital combined.
Concluded on Second I'aite.
risk of spending $200,000 on each of
tlit. vnaenla nnrl In Mm nnil iiilalit. flnrl
lt wa8 unaulo t0 ralso tliem.
Mr. Hobsoa wanted to be placed at
tho head of a wrecking company
which ho should organize and be
authorized to oxpend $330,000 or $000,-
000 on the two vessels, lie said the
Mr Hobson also gavo the bureau
chiefs Information concerning tho
Relna Mercedes and tho Mcrrlmuo
The former could bo easily raised, he
bellevd, for It was apparent that she
was only scuuieu. xuo iucrrimuu
will pay cash for Potatoes.
Will Cut Short His
Eastern Visit
Spanish Soldiers Returning
From Cinfuegos,
Important Federal Supreme Court
Uy Associated I'rest to the Journal,
'Jerusalem, Oct. 31. Thocmporor
and empress or Germany arc curtail
ing their visit to tho Holy'Land. They
abandoned the trip to Jerlco, owing
td European complications, and be
llovlng they ciin go to Syria.
jJHavana, Oct. 31. Major Almy und
Captain Page havo returned from
Cinfuegos. They report tho sanitary
conditions as bad, especially at the
camps of tho Spanish soldiers. Ho
ports of skirmishes between the
Spaniards uro Incorrect. It Is
understood that eight battalions of
troops remaining along tho Jucaro
military Hue will arrive at Cinfuegos
of Marlon county and Oregon, und
this week, preparatory to being
embarked for Spain.
About 25,000 troops arc expected to
concentrate at Cinfuegos for cm
barkatlon homo. The stcauiar Porto
Hlco sailed from Cleufuegos Wednes
day, carry 1,000 troops.
The Cuban delegates who linyc
been In session at Santa Cruz del Sur
aro expected to contlnuo their sessions
ut Mareno. Tho goyornmont has
ordered olllcers and soldiers who are
evacuating Cuba bo paid In preference
to other obligations,
The .Investigation,
Lkxincjton, Ky, Oct. 31, General
Dodge, Colonel Sexton and Dr. Con
ner, of tho war Investigating com
mission, arrived today. Connor will
make an Inspection or tho division
hospital whllo Dodge und Sexton will
make a tour or tho regimental camps.
The Iowa and Oregon,
Washington, Oct. 31. The Celtic,
one or the colliers uccompunylng tho
battleships Oregon and Iowa to
Honolulu put In ut Buhla toduy. As
Celtic left Tompklns-'illo the same
time as. the battleships and It Is ex
pected the latter will arrive at Buhla
In the courso or a day or so.
Important Decision,
Wasiiinuton, Oct. 31 United
Slates supremo court announced a
decision sustaining the constitution
ality or the feature of tho tax laws of
New York which lays a tux on foreign
corporations doing business in tho
state, according to the capltnl
employed. Tho case vas Instituted
ugalnst Comptroller Skates of New
York, to vacate ur, assessment upon
the capital or a largo western
drughouse huving a branch in Now
York City.
Chief Justice Fuller announced the
court's decision, afllrmlng the
judgment supreme courn of Montana
In the case or tho as, Louis mining
and milling company ugulnut the
Montana mining company, Involving
the right's mining claims.
The czar of Russia has now become
u convinced Dreyfusard, and Is taking
a sympathetic Interest in the prison
er of Devil's Island, Tho National
Review adds that there has been
great astonishment and indignation
caused in French ministerial and the
higher military circles of Franco by
tho publication of too frankly spoken
articles by M. Zukrowskl, president
of the Russian appeal cnurt,dcclaring
the Dreyfus courtmartlal amounted
a return to thclcttrcs de caclmt and
the days or the Bastilc, and also
scathingly criticising prosecution or
EmlloZola. It Is asserted that tho
Russian government received remon
strances from Paris In the Interval
between the article, efforts being
mado to havo M. Zakrowskl silenced
or removed. But, it is added, the
attempt failed. This Is looked upon
as being cyldcuco of a rcmurkablo
change of opinion In Russia.
General Wcsloy Mcrrltt and Mrs.
Morrltt aro still In London. Mrs. Mcr
rltt Is suffering from typhoid fever,
Although her condition is notscrlous,
her sickness will necessitate her re.
malnlut; here forsomo time.
Tho Dally Chronlclo prints a letter
from a correspondent who alleges that
tho various American typewriter
companies which do business abroad
havo formed a trust, which controls
the prices or all tho leading machines
sold In Great Britain. tJi' EJ9
European residents ol Peking are In
A state or iilurm at the drafting Into
that city or largo bodies or Chlncso
troops, as n counterpoise to tho recent
arrival thereof guards for tho foreign
legations. Tho natlvo soldiers ure
very turbulent, und, coupled with the
anti-foreign riots at Canton, the situ
ation has caused great uneasiness
among tho foreigners, who number
ubout 150. In rcsponso to tho demand
or the diplomats, the tsung ll-yumou
has promised to remove the soldiers,
who arc mostly Mohamcdau3, and who
openly dccluro their Intention of driv
ing out the foreign "devils." But tho
fulfillment or tho promise or tho
tsung-la-yamcn offers offers consider
able d I lllculty, as tho only rorco capa
ble or overawing tho Chlncso troops at
Peking Is tho foreign drilled forco In
the neighborhood or Tien Tsln, com
manded by General Yuan Slick Hal,
who, however, Isdrcuded by tho pal
ace. The birth of a son to Prince Eman
uel. Dukcof Aostu, eldest nophow ot
tho king of Italy, was a very import
ant eyent for tho house of Savoy, us
unless a change or circumstances
occurs, ho will sit on thothronoof
An Epileptic Girl Disappears and No
Search Mads for Her.
Word reaches the city that a girl,
udoptcd from the Orphan's home by a
family ot Salvation army pooplo
named Thomas, who lives south or
this city by tho Prlnglo school house,
ran uwuy early lust week, hllo
attempting to escape it beating und
hits not been hcurd or since Tuesday.
It seems that tho child, who Is an
cpjleptlc, had dono something to
apparently merit chastisement, and
was being punished by some uicmbor
or tho family., The child ran,
screaming, to tho woods, und disap
peared In tho underbrush. Slnco
then no truce has been found that
would lead to her discovery and
Judging from tho pulns taken to
Und tho child, li not of mush
importance whether sho Is found ur
remains undiscovered.
Flnnlgan's Ball Tonight.
Murray & Mack will Introduce soino
uf such specialties us have mado them
famous, tliolr burlcsquo on "Skirt
Dancing," and the, "Ulovo Con
test." tliolr "Side wulkTulk," and tho
burlesque circus act, "P. T, Hurnuiu
and Adam Fourpaw on a Lark" uro
enough In themselves to satisfy an
audlenco, and yet there is much more.
Besides tho co-stars, tho company
comprises Frio Pollock, Leu Del more,
Fred Wilson, Harry Hopping, Frank
Wattcrs, Mae Trumbull, Fannie
Trumboll, Kittle Beck, Heine Gule,
Mona Carrlngton, Blanche ICrcago,
Kitty Huwthorno, Constance Wlndom,
Mary Smith, Alice Smith, Jcuno
Riley and Qucenlo Treonle. Tho box
sheet Indicates u pucked house.
Gospel Meetings,
The moinbcrs or tho W. O. T. U.
und I. O. O.T., or Saiom, ure urrung
Ing for holding u series of Gospel
Temperance meetings In the near
future. The W. C. T. U. have long
maintained u reading room and con
ducted Gospel Temperance meeting
every Sunday afternoon, but tho Good
Templars, of which there Is a very
strong live lodge In SaIcm,uro going
to loin hands with tho good sisters
and brothors-in-law or tho W. C.T.I J.
und hold a series of real live Gospel
Tcmpcranco meetings. Good music,
good speaking und the best of feeling
for all. Watch the dates und arrange
your business so that you will not
mlssono of those mcetlng8,as you will
greatly benefitted by u meeting con
ducted us this will be, entirely nou-
sectarian In everyway.
When vou call or I), Witt' W itch Hazel
Salve don't swept anything elte Djn't be
talked injo subttl.ute or pile for ore for;
Excitement in London
and Paris
Active War Movements in
Now French Cabinet Completed and
Ily AinoclnUM l'rcn to Tlie Journal.
Pauis, Oct. 31. The now cabinet Is
constituted as rollews: M. Lebrct.
minister or Justice: Dupuy. premier
and minister or the Interior- TW-
reychet, secretary or war: Lockroy.
marine; Doltcasso, foreign affairs:
Pcytral, finance: Levcus. niihlm In.
straotlon:Dolonclo. commerce! Olllnnn
oolondlal; Vlglor, agriculture; Krantz,
puuiic works.
London, Oct. HI. There was an
unexpectedly gloomy feeling thljj
morning on stock exchange and the
Paris bourse, both markets being In
fluenced rroin tho uggrcsslvo tono ol
somo French papers. Besides this
something extraordinary seems to
have happened, and It looks as If a
crisis woro approaching. British
naval preparations uro being pushed
with great activity.
Tho British eiuorgenuy squadron Is
gathering nt Devouport with all pos
sible spcod. Ollhers und sailors have
bcon hurriedly recalled 'from tliolr
leaves orabsenco, several battleships
and cruisers , ut Portsmouth taking
rull crows on board, and othor war
llko preparations being mado.
A sensation was caused by jtho ar
rest or a supposed Russian spy at a
fort near Harwich, Tho man went to
a redoubt where ho tried to obtain In
formation from a sontry regarding
tho furttllcatlons.
It Is asserted today that tho ofllcors
of volunteers havo rccolvcd orders to
prepare for Immodlato mobilization,
and It Is staled that different urmy
corps have been Informed us tho ports
to which they have been allotted.
Paris, Oct. 3l.Knclulr suys It
learns on reliable authority that tho
Fashodi question will bo settled
fitvorablo to Great Brltlan by tho re
call or Marchund.
Pall Mull, Gazotto says: "England
has been und ovon now Is so ncuf war
that tho government has carried Its
preparations to tho farthest limit of
the preparatory stago. It lias been
arranged to call out reserves and
mllltla and to moballzo volunteers
und form large camps at various Im
portant rullrotd Junctions.''
Pain b.4 noGBow with Dr. liHon Pain 7111
New Mclba Union Suits,
Special line ut n special prlco. Sou
them 17c
New plush capes,
New collarettes. now jackets
9260, $1.00, W,00 to $15.00.
New Noyelties
Just being shown by us.
New red plaids,
Now trrcen plaids, combination
colorings, In tine lisle und cot
ton 60und7Sc.
New pillow tubing lftuthoyurd.
New lace tucking.... $3,60 per yard.
New green und purple voillngs
26c und 35c
Feather boas, newest designs,
76o to 2.60.
Lace curtine,
I ii nil :i ti.'iir lute nlun anmnln
curtwlni, to ciWj out at greatly re
duced prices, Bargains In this lot,
Pay you to Investigate.
Salem's Greatest Store,
Phone 1, 27 280 Commercial street, cornor Court,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food,
against alum.
Alum baking: powders are the greatest
menacro to health of the present day.
evening, at the homo or J. P. Rogers,
182 High street, Mrs. Susan Obcr
helin to Datilol Shaffer, both of
this city.
Tho newly married couple will
make their future homo on tho old
Oborhclm placo Just across tho bridge
In Polk county. The many frlonds of
both Join In heartiest congratulations,
Wheat Market.
(By Associated Press to Tho Journal.)
CuiOAao, Oct. 31, December 00
cash 2 red 08c,
San Francisco. Oct. 31 December
122 Cash wheat $1&1
Salem, Oct, 30. Sulom Flouring
Mills quoto llfty-two conts. Tho
Tlllson-Bartlottgraln Co. pay 5G cents
ror small lots and aro proparcd to pay
a llttlo moro ror large lots.
Dr. MlleVNorvo Mas tors 23c at all druggists,
bottor known as Ayor's Cherry Pec
toral, has mado a record for its
romarkablo cures of asthma. Cases
that havo boon considered boyond
liopo or holp havo boon cured by
this romody. Wo givo two examples
of such cures out of tho many on '
"My mother has been a great aufforer
from nsthma for tho past ten years, and her
recovery Is almost without a parallel. On
account of her advanced ago over soventy
wo hail but llttlo hopes of over seeing her
well again ; bnt wo aro sincerely grateful to
Inform you that sho has been entirely cured
by tho uso of Aver" Chorry l'octoral.
INGU3 HANKS, Tar Brook, N.S.
"I was a sufTcrer for a long time from .
asthma, vainly endeavoring to procure relief
In tho ubo of ordinary remedies. At length I
was Induced to try a bottlo of Ayor's Cherry
Pectoral. Tho first bottle afforded mo so
much bonoflt that I continued tho uso of the
remedy until entirely cured."
JOSEPH KLONZ, Charlotte, N.G.
Cherry Pectoral
ut up in lmlf-Bizo bottles, 50 conts.
ull-Bizo bottlo, $1.00.
350 dozen. Now goods, new prices
Wrappers, ''
Entire now lino at special prices, ,
Mothers I
To convince yourself of the truo
merit of our boys' clpthlng, seo thoin,
Beit goods, lowest prlcu,
Once Over Puff Tics,
Tho newest shape. Seo them, A
swell lino.
$8,50 to $18,00.