Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 19, 1898, Image 4

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,i I
It it .
l, , ITeare always busy.
rcMoa, Vc do not credit. Some of the other fcl
lows do that, Another lot of nice stylish Jackets
jo in, sizes 32 to 42. Reasonable in price too,
Our cloak department is the busiest place in the
store nowadays, bear in mind that our dress goeds
stock is full and complete, The best $1.00 kid
glove in the market, The celebrated W, C, C, cor
sets all shapes,
Special values In
ready made wrappers
wade of prints, flan
nelette or Imported
saxony flannel. V5c
to $3.00 eacli.
Table Linens
Satisfaction giving
kinds only admitted
here. Linen by tlic
yard at 35c, 50c, 75,
to 42.00. Dordercd
MclothB with napkins
to 'match In swell
Seventy.fivo percent of eye troublea ate
caused by astigmatic condition) being
prtscnt. K your eyei ore but slightly
, defective It i better to glvo them atten
tion at once, I will furnish the glasses
that will make perfect tight rouitl
through Imperfect eyei,
Expert Oitician,
and hflvo your notes and paokngea
delivered, to oclloot a bill, to 50 on
errauda for you. AaU for ppoclal
rata on merchauU' packago.
Charge reasonable. Dloyolo nor
vice. Ring Ulna boxen or telephone
Tiookwood Meeaeugor System, Central
offloo Mo. 280 Commercial street.
A Killing Frost Predicted for Wcdnes
day Might,
Wednesday night and Thursday
fair, colder. Killing frost tonight.
For additional Local and Social tee
If. S. (J lie went to Marlon today.
E. A. Kurtz is u visitor at Cor vallls.
Prof. 55. M. Parvln ent to Albany
to lay,
Frank McDovItt, has returned to
Boadon. .
Mrs. A. a Sklun Is visiting friends
. at.Turnor.
Mr. and Mrs, .1. W. Hamaker huyo
returned to their home, at Klamath
Falls this morning.
Miss A, N. Lathoy, of Kluuib, ro
turacd to her homo haying been In
tho city during legislature.
New Mackintoshes!
fame today, They aro beauties.
If you need a mackintosh sco them
before you buy one. They are
black and brown check, plain
brown check, plain brown and
navy blue, all made with tho new
uouuie oreasteu military cape,
much I11 style now. Good all w
casumero, rnco m.du una .".
Wcfa and Dry Feet
You will always have If ycu buy
" yeur sltoes from us. We carry
oly jfCKx, solid goods, no paper
' w, In ours, Our Litllo Glunt
. itofcueifciioeeMre making us friends,
TIm children all like them bo-
mvm they are stylish and then
, ttoty lrt so hw that they make
Us bill swallor. Try them,
. Jntfl Km o rubber goods, coin
" ' & ( !. rubbers for
&A 4:
Low spot cash .prices is the
Hew stiff hats,
new fedora hats
at our usual low
pr'es for prime
50c to $1.00
Clothing Sale
Have on lookrd
nt these splendid
values we
crlng at ,
Judge R. P. llol.se Is at present
holding his regular term or court, In
Yamhill county.
John T. Elklns, left this morning
for Orcswcll Lane county Ore., where
he will remain for some time.
Tho steel bridge wus closed to
tralllo Tuesday ovctilng. and tho work
of re plankliiK begun. It will tako
soino time to rompleto tho Job and
until It Is finished will only be open
from 0 to 8 o'clock each evening.
Salem ladles and gentlemen who
belong to thoorder of United Artisans
and all in to rented In Fraternal Insur
ance should not fall to attend this
evening's program at tho Reed. It Is
all frco and the public Is cordially In
vltcd. The local com 111 It to headed
by Master Artisan (J. II. Lane havo
prepared a rrogram that will ensuro a
grand evening's enjoyment, Como at
H o'clock.
A Social Meeting.
The United Artisans havo prepared
un excellent program and will presont
It to their many frloudi at Reed's
opera house this evening at eight
Tho best of local talent will lend
their offortB, and Francis I. McKenna
tho supremo master Artisan of the
older will glvo an address
Tho program In detail will be as
Piano solo Clifford Kantner
Vocal solo Tom Howling
. A. HurroriH.
Recitation.... Ulaneho Hell
Violin duot.Mlsscs Ilrown and Nieklln
Vocal solo.. Miss Marguerite Aldorson
Address. Francis 1. McKenna, su-
' .proiuo M. A,
Vocal Kilo . . ... To A rms
, Prof. W. F. Scoble.
Vocnl solo Asthoro
n , , Miss II. 11, Holland.
Recitation Mrs. C. S. Riley
Vocal solo Prof. Franclcsco boley
Hanjo Solo James Patton
Professor Scoble'a selection, To
Arms" Is tho now war song written
by Clifford Kautnor and tho professor
will be accompanied by thouuthor.
Prof. Soley will moke his first op
pearance before u Sulem audience at
a public entertainment. Several
neighboring lodges will bo presont
und a good tlmo Is expected. All
persons Interested In boullleary ordors
aro Invited to attend, No admission
will be charged.
" ' o
SpcukerCattcr and Representative
Curtis are In tho city wwlstlng tho
chief clerk and calender clerk of tho
housoln tho revision or tho house
Under Its new charter Portland
can operate Its own lighting plant.
Thoso most prominently In connect
Ion with the vacant seat uf Jnsonh
Slinou In tho. state scnuto on tho Re
publican sldo iiro O. F. Paxton, J. F,
lloothe, II, ij, Rowe. Orahum GIuhs
and Wallace McCamant.
For successor to Joseph Simon as
the leader of tho Republican party of
the county there havo been men
Honed Donald Maokay, J, Thorburu
Ross, Dan MoLauchlau and Wallace
McCatuanU Anyono of these, It Is
believed, would make a safo leader.
The now legal Interest law gocn In.
to effect at once, us It contulna un
emergency clause, and has beeu signed
by the governor. This will reduce
Interest on all warrunts from 8 to 0
per out, but will probably not upply
to uny warrants stamned Iwforo this
law went I uto effect.
' " 1
Pais Ucjk noMuiw lt) Pr, NIW ltn ?ln
Freeman Eldridge Shot Twice With
a Shotgun.
He Will Not Reveal the -Name of the
Dastardly Perpetrator Is
Seriously Wounded.
'Special to Journal)
Uckvais Oct 10. Tuesday about
two o'clock Freeman Eldridge, who
lives near Gervals, was at the home of
his brother Hugh, when ho had an
altercation with a party, and as a
result he received one load of shot In
the body und one In the
head. No other party was
present but the perpetrator, and
his name, Mr. Eldridge will not re
veal at present. Wishing to avoid
his assailant, he left the house, and
was again II red upon. He had the
shot removed by Dr. Stott and Is to
day ublo to be about.
Tho affair Is causing much cxclt6
ment here, and the fact that Mr.
Eldridge says he will reveal the per
petrator's name when the proper
timo comes, leudstolhc conclusion
that some arrests may be expected.
The State sues to Recover From the
Stove Foundry.
A suit In attachment was yesterday
(lied by too state of Oregon agaltmt
' the Northwestern Stove Foundry Con -
posed or J. Lorweuberg &Co.,ln De
partment No. 1. circuit court of Ma
rlon county. S. L. Ilaydcn, district
attorney, and G. U. Rlngliatii arc at
torneys for the state. The amount
sued for Is $10,000 and Interest, due
October l,and the capers show that
an additional amount of $11,00.1 02
will bo duo next January 1.
An additional suit, is Instituted to
recover tho sum of $30,207,42 for con
vict hire, at 35 cents per day. per man,
since Oct. 1st, 1805, to Oct. 1st, 1803.
Tho two suits aggregate the total
amount or $4(1,207,42, duo Oct. 1st,
stilt leaving a balanco of $11, 003,52
due on notes Jan. 1st 1800. as .well as
the accurlng corvlct hlreslnco Oct.
1st 1808.
The first suit is for purchaso money
for.plunt of stoyo foundry, on which
transaction notes were given aggre
gating $22,103,02, und 011 which only
$.00 hus been paid.
Sheriff Durbln took possession of
the entire plant and stock at the pen
itentiary stove works today and
ordered the same shut down ut noon.
He has placed Clydo K. Rradcnburg
In chargo of the same, and will pro
ceed to tako an Invoice of the sumo as
soon as possible. Supt. Gilbert of the
penitentiary stated he would send tho
men out to .work thl.4 ufternoon, but
Sheriff Durbln says they shall not
work, Mr,Gllbrt probably wanlstobo
placed In custody of the property.
The property of tho company at
Portland has also beon attached, as
the company is snld to bo hopelessly
La Fayette Memorial,
Tho public schools throughout tho
city obsoryed what Is called La Fuy
etto Day. Tho last hour -In the day
was given up to readings, recitations
and other exercises calculated to In.
still a warm regard for tho famous
French soldier and revolutionary pa
triot, Unnlc Failure,
PiTTSiiima. Oct. 10. The German
National Rank of this city has gone
into voluntary liquidation. It Is said
the closing of the Institution is due to
unwlso Investments. Rank Examiner
Voting says tho securities held by the
bank aro ample to pay depositors dol
lar for dollar.
SMITH-M'CORMICK.-At tho homo
ol the bride's parents, corner of
Slato and Twelfth streets, at 12
o clock today, Miss Jesslo Smith to
Mr. J. J. McCormlck, Rev. W. O.
Tim wedding was a private one,
only tho relatives und Intlmato
friends of tho contracting parties
Iwlng present.
Mr. and Mrs, McCormlck took tho
afternoon train for Portland, there to
sponditholr honeymoon, after which
they will roturn to Salem to mako
their future homo.
Mr, McCormlck Is employed at tho
penitentiary and tho young couplo
will mako their home for the presont
with the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Smith.
Don't be uneasy
TIicjo dull limes because money
Is tight hen you can cut down
your expenses if you buy
Writing Material
from us. Wn will sell you ono of
the tlnost boxes nf stationery (21
sheets of papr, 21 envelops) for
l5o, that you have always paid
2o for. If this Is moio than you
wish to pay, we will sell you tho
15o kind at ten cents, or tho tea
cent box for FIVE CENTS
Tlicso prices aro for good goods
which uro not found In racket
Isascoodasfluy tlvo cent tablet
on tho market, and Is a competi
tion dotlers, E.nouou Skd,
(Continued from third page.)
"It will bt presumed of coufrfe In
the appelate court, and hero too, for
that matter, that the officer did his
duty and put the names or all the
Jurors Into the box. On the other
hand the state, having offcrrcd noth
ing but this presumption, which Is
weaker than the positive testimony
of the officer whit!) was within reach
of the state, Ills presumed that tho
testimony of the officer would be
against the former presumption. I
take it, therefore as established by
tho showing here that these names of
of the twelve men engaged on the
Jury In the civil case were not In the
box. Now the question Is, what ef
fect has that.
"The constitution requires 'That
the legislative assembly shall so pro
vldo that the most competent of the
permanent citizens of the county
shall be chosen for Jurors; und out cf
the whole number In attendance at
the court, seyen shall be chosen by lot
as grand Jurors, flvcof whom must
concur to Und an Indictment. Rut
the legislative assembly may modify
orabollsh grand Juries.'
"I am of the opinion that the case
of the 'State vs. Lawrence' controls
In this matter.
"It Is truo It says the legislative as
sembly may modify or abolish tho
grand Jury, but the argument in this
case Is that the legislature has power
to modify or abolish grand Juries,
but the manner of drawing them Is
beyond the authority of the legisla
ture to change, and that the drawing
must take place from tho whole num
ber of jurors In attendance upon the
court. I think, therefore, that In
order to have properly drawn the
extra grand Juryman, all of
the wnamcs should have been
in tho box I hayc examined the trant
crlnt In the Lawrence case and find
'that the question was there raised, on
a motion to set aside the Indictment.
The court In referring to that says:
'The next inquiry Is whether the
effect of this Is to entitle the defend
ant to have tho Indictment quashed,
and the Judgment of conviction re
versed,' and reaches this conclusien:
'There are however, numerous author
ities to the effect that when a grand
Jury Is not selected as required by law,
or a selection hus been made of such
persons as aro not qualified to act as
grand jilronan Indictment found by
them Is null and void, und should be
quashed, und the prisoner Indicted dc
novo.' Aad'thcn comes a Maine case:
'These persons wero sworn and charged
us grand urors, und udded to tho
panel, und acted in finding the bill,
iiutas their selection for this purpose
wus nut in conformity to the laws of
the state, they constituted no
part of a legal grand Jury. Con
sequcntly the Indictment could not
have been found by at least twelve
jurors, and Is void and erroneous at
common law.' The supreme court of
Oregon concluding the matter said.
Upon the whole It Is our Judgment
that tho accusatory paper was not an
Indictment; that It proceeded from
and was the actot a body of men
selected us a grncd Jury In ylohtlon
of the constitution. It fellows, there
fore that the Judgement of conviction
mus be reversed, and the cause be
demanded for such further proceed
ings in conformity with this opinion
and the law as may bo required.'
"Of course, it is a matter of regrot
that such things happen in this way,
but It Is a constitutional right guaran
teed to tho defendants and must bo
observed, Rut the statute says that 'if
tho motion to sot aside the Indictment
be allowed, the court must order that
tho defcudant If In custody, bo dis
charged thcrofrom; or If ho havo given
ball, or deposited money In lieu thoro
of, that his ball be exonoratcd or hi9
money refunded to him, unless it di
rect that the case be resubmitted to
tlic samo or another grand Jury.
"If the court direct that tho case bo
resubmitted, the defendant, if then In
custody, must so remain unless hobo
admitted to ball; or If ho have already
given ball, or deposited money In
lieu thereof, such ball or money Is
unswerable for the appcaranco of the
defendant, to answer a new indict
ment, If 010 be found.
"On the sublcct of the demurrer,
the statute Is tho same, and as the
demurrer In thlscaso has been argued,
tho court will without giving any
reason therefor sustain tho demurrers,
pro forma only, for the purposo of
clearing tho record; and the order will
bo that the Indictment bo set aside,
nun uiub vuu uuusu uu ru.iuuiuiiK-'u ui
tho grand Jury to bo drawn at the
Things You'll Find Here!
Lots of folks know some of tho
things we carry, and some of tho
things we don'tcurry, but dou't know
nearly all wo have. Our stock hus
grown a great deal In tho last year.
We havo larger und better lines and
still sell at lowest racket prices.
Resides largo lines or Hamilton
Hrown, and Rice and Hutchlns, war
ranted bhoes you'll Und horo well
selected stocks of underwear, hosiery,
meu'i furnishings, overshlrts. over
nils, working gloves, ladles and chil
dren's mittens, towels, linen and cot
ton, crash, Jlneu und cotton, notions
all klutls.tableta, envelopes and paper,
slates. naiinllH. Ate. Jtnri n ir linn nf
staple articles In
WIGGIN'S BAZAAR, 307 Commercial Street
next regular term of court, and the
same order will bo made with refer
ence to the demurrer. The
case Is of such Importance,
and of such public Interest
that I deem It proper that the defend
ants bo required to answer to the
merits If an Indictment be found.
This Is an objection which the de
fendants might have walved,and pro
ceeded to trial on the merits, but the
urging of this objection Is one of those
constitutional rights to which the do
fondants nro entitled. The court
will sustain tho motion to set aside,
but the cause must be resubmitted to
another grand Jury, and If reindicted,
the defendants must answer to the
merit". The ball Is holdcn until the
next term of court."
Frank Wiseman and family left
last Sunday morning on tho overland
for John Day, Eastern Oregon, where
they will make their future home.
Harvey White took tho train Tues
day for Salem, on his way to Ncwberg
where ho will take In the fair, which
is being held there this week.
Joe Doran and family who has
been spending several months In
Eastern Oregon and Washington are
home again, having arrived Sunday
evening, Joe says he thinks tho Will
-atuettc valley Is the garden spot for
him. But If a man wants to mako a
stake at firming they had better go
cast of the mountains, where they
can raise 00 bushels cf wheat per
George Hlnshaw who has Bpent the
last two years In Kansas, arrived In
Marlon Tuesday on 11:30 train, where
he was greeted by his many old
friends here.
J. Jay Cook has bought one-half
Interest In his fathers (Joseph Cook's)
store and will be principal manager of
the business, as the- health of his
father will not penult him to manage
It alone.
Mr.Huworth's family who have been
Hying In the L. O, Rutherford house,
has moved In tho house vacated by
the vVlscman family.
The Marion fruit dryer run and
conducted by U. F. Hlnshaw Is being
started up this week for u run on
apples, with u full compliment of
Tho parlies around this place hav
ing dried fruit here sold their prunes
for about 3 cents per lb. and arc well
pleased with the sales.
Mr. Leo who Is now serving cm the
grand Jury at Salem, after farming
one year at Whltakcr, has bought
property In Marlon and the family
arc occupying the same.
A brother of W. J. Hadlcy from
Colorado, and a nephew, Mr. Harnett
rrom California," were visiting with
Mr. J. and family lost week.
Farmers nre huuy putting In their
fall crops.
Contractor McCoy at Work Replanting
the Big Bridge,
Work was commenced yesterday by
Mr. McCoy and crow at replanking
tho west approach of tho big Will
amette bridge, Tlic lumber Is being
brought from Dallas, and the work
will be pushed through as fast as tho
plank arrive. Tho bridge will be
cl'i-cd to teams from 8 a. m. until 5
p. m. each day while the work Is in
fhe Stamp of Style
303 Commercial St,
Such as steel enameled waro of all
kinds, tinware, cups, pans, knives,
sieves, strainers, wood bowls, etc.
Two Extra Good Tilings.
A mun's splendid muslin night
gown, extra long silk embroid
ered front, splendidly made Wc
A mans heavy gray sock. ... . . . no,
Calcium Carbide
In largo lumps two pounds for.. 25c,
Fresh broken ready for the lamp
two pounds ,. , 300
This is la tho very best carbide,
and we break it fresh every few
days, It'a solid (Ire,
Bi v MMrV
You seldom get an opportunity to
buy new staple dress goods
That is what we are offering and for the balance of the
week on some lines we will do even better
Call and see
36 inch all wool serges in black, navy,
brown, a(,
Our all wool fancy dress goods, at
In Police Court.
Frank Russett, a drunk, and Pat
Conner, a vagrant, were arrested last
night and given live days each.
The Unknown Dead,
of many battles arc burled through
out the country, and Htrong's restau
rant furnishes the living Hth the
Destine meal in the city.
An English Cap
looks good on some people, but Bran
son & Co's high grade groceries aro
becoming to any household.
Acker EnglUh Remsdy Will Stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the wont
cold In twelve hours, or money refunded,
25c and 50c, Lunn & Brooks drucchts.
For broken lurtaces. sorei, insect bites,
burns there is one reliable remedy., DtWitl's
Witch Haxel Salve. When you call for De
Wilt's don't accept counterfeits. You will
notbediwppolnted. Stone Drugstore,
LOST A bunch of about 6lx keys.
Finder leave at 200 Commercial
street and recelyo reward. 10-10-31
frr Scbllllua'i Bt tea and baklac vowdw.
APPLES (Big Red Ones)
124 State at Tolephono 51
Largo assortment of lamps In latest
shapes and designs in nlcklo, hgli and
low standing banquets and vase Tamps.
We haye them all marked In plain tig
urea und can save you money on our
lino as we bought them direct at the
factory. Come and see tho line, even
if yon do not purchase.
Yokohama Tea Store
REMEMBER our fresh roasted Cof
fees if you want a good cup of
Our 46 inch
Our all wool
46 inch all wool black henrictta, formerly $1,00l now 70c,
46 inch all wool black Henrietta, formerly $1,25 now 90c.
All wool black solid, formerly $1.25 now 85c
All wool black solid, formerly 75ci now 53c
All wool ladies' rloth, 50 inch, formerly 65cs now 48c
All wool ladies' cloth, 36 inch, formerly 38ci now 29c,
All wool challics, formerly 75ci now 30c
New Collarettes
Fine new line of the latest styles and finest qualities,
Prices range from the lowest to the very best, Be sure to
inspect them,
Mrs, D, L, Fiester,
Any of tho following Cloth Bound
10 mo. Books mailed to any address,
post-paid on receipt 1 8c. Send for
lists of 20c and 25c books.
Abbo Conatantln.,..Ludovlc Haloyy
Adventures of a llrownle.MIss Mulock
Asop's Fables.
Alice In Wonderland L Carrol
Au Id Llcht Idylls J M Iiarrle
Autobiography of RenJ. Franklin.
Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
Oliver Wendell nolmes
Bacon's Essays.
Beauties of Shakespeare Dodd
Beyond the City a.C. Doyle
Black Beauty.. Anna Kowell
Book of Golden Deeds O. M. Yongo
Bracebrldgo Hall w. Irving
Browning, Robert -Poems
?.n i,,eif T :r-,AIexan'lro Dumas
Chlldo Harold's Pllgi Imago
,s -, - Lord Byron
Coming Raco.... -Bulwer
Confessions of an Opium Eater
nTXfi ----- .--Mrs. Gaskell
(JrlCKCr. fln Mir tlnnrlli im.i
Crown of Wild Olive....".". Raskin
uiscourj.es of Epletetus
Dolly Dialogues a. Hope
nSf-.7 O.Sohtelner
Dream Life 1 Marvel
Drill,, mnnH'i Artr i'mnu
Emerson's Essays.
ftinics or ine Dust J, Ruskln
h.uukuuuu w. L,ongrellow
Frankenstein- Mrs. Shelley
Grace Abounding to the Chief of
Hn,nerS J.
Haunted Chamber Tho Duchess
Herces aud Hon Worship .-CarJyle
" a,wall'1i v-H. W. Longfellow
House or Seven Gables.... Hawthorne
Idle Thoughts or an Idle Fellow..
,, ---- --Jerome K.Jerome
Idylls of tho King Tennyson
illuxr Ca)sar Shakespere
T,wMnefm?r,yu, Lord Tennyson
HnC N'? Lke Sir W. Scott
H ll . R1Sokh '.---Thomas Moore
Lamb's Essays of Ella.
I.llmh'd I. UGt. Vonn.., VII.
Lamb's Tales From Shakespeare,
Lays of Ancient Rome Macaulav
LaysofScottlshtCavallers .-
r ii7TT"iWu1, Edmonstoune Aytoun
Light of Asia. SirE. Arnold
ongieiiow's roems.
Frank S.
Booksuller and Statio.nek,
imriiiiHiiiii'iiiftHW liVimui
all wool black brocades
black brocades, at
and 47c, ,
Commercial Street
Lowell's Poems.
Luclle Owen Meredith
Man In Black. Stanley J. Weyman
Marlmon Sir Walter Scott
Mornings In Florence J Ruskln
My Lady Nlcotln J M Barrle
Nat Law In Spirit World Drummond
Old Mam'ewlle's Secret E Marlltt
One of the Profeaslon.-M. Whlto. Jr.
Paradlso Lost John Milton
Paradise Regained John Milton
Past and Present TCarlyle
Paul and Virginia B St. Pierre
Pleasure of Lire Sir J. Lubbock
Plutarch's Lives of Alexander the
Great and Julius Caesar.
Poo's Poem's Edgar Allen Poe
Prince of tho House of David.
Professor Ingraham
Prl ncess Lord Tennyson
Queen or the Air John Ruskln
lUband Ills Friends Dr. J. Brown
RasseUs Samuel Johnson
Heverles of a Bachelor Ike Marvel
Representative Mcn-R. W. Emerson
Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare
Sartor Resartus T. Carlyle
Scarlet Letter N. nawthorne
Sesamunnri T.IIioq .1. Htmlrln
Ships That Pass In the Night
nnfplrn Tin rrn flrtl)
Sign of the Four A. O. Doyle
okcicii hook Washington Irving
Stlcklt Minister S. R. Crockett
St. Mark's Rest John Ruskln
Story of an African Farm
, uitve fccureiuer
Study In Scarlet A.C. Doyle
Table Talk and Other Poems
. William Cowper
Tanglewood Tales Hawthorne
Ten Nights In a Barroom... -Arthur
Thron Mnn In n rtnat T U' InrnniA
Through Gates or Gofdl.M. Collins
xiiuuvnui irom Marcus Aureuus
,. Antoninus
Through the Looking Glass
. Lewis Carroll
Tlllvln&sKfiinrinl T M Hitrrle
Treasure IsHnd R. L. Stevenson
uncie -j.x)m's uaoin
Mrs. Harriet Beccher Stowe
Vicar or Wakefield Goldsmith
Water Babies ., Klogsley
Whlttler's Poems Klngsley
Window In Thruns J. M. Barrle
Wonder Book . Hawthorne