;-Tn -B WHMHMWBt "inn mum :. ?. SOU L'U" -fc.f afc ' ' r i 1 IBM i. T&. Once get oiir store and ycxi will soon be convinced that wc arc doing the dry goods business of Salem, Cadh i king'and our low spot cash price is the is the magnet that draws and fills our store to overflowing with happy and contented customers, For cloaks, dress goods, hosiery, underwear, mack intoshes, umbrellas and everything in fhc dry goods line wc are the money savcra lor you, OABH 8TORE HOLVERSON'S ?ra3a8S8S8a Umbrellas Anjmmcnsc Line of Popular sellers from ' 50c to $5,? V.V j' " . !" J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. Astigmatism,, Seventy-five percent of eye troubles are caused by ntlgmtic conditions being present. If your eyes Arc but sllglitly defective It Is better to glvo them atten. tlon at once. 1 will furnish the glasses that will make perfect tight poult 1 through Imperfect ejet. CHAS, H, HINGES, Exi-krt Optician, 296 COMMERCIAL STUEKT. CALX, A MEeSBNOnn .... nnd have your notos and packages delivered, to oclloot u bill, to go on errnndit for you. Ask for special rate on merchants' paokogos. Charge reasonable. Bloyclo ser vice. Ring Blue boxoa or telouhono 40. Lookwood Meiweuger System, Centrnl offlco No. 200 Commercial street. SALEM LOCAL. For additional Locnl and Social see third page") First-class tullllnory, State Htrcot. Miss Smith, 10-3 2w hns returned Senator I, Eugene. I). Drlyer Mrs. Gus. Stalger, of Portland, U tho guest of Mrs, A. J, Monroe. Mrs. 0.E, Wolvcrtot), nnd niece, Miss Edna Price, arc visiting nt Al bany. Mis Lcono Puliio roturned toduy from Portland where she lias bcon Visiting Miss Edna Cannon. Miss Louie Nowland, of Sodnvlllo his returned to her homo after n visit with her cousin Mrs. Williams or this olty, Rev. Wj. Mulllu, the Evanjrollst who has, been holding revival meet ings .at the first Baptist church for the last week, went to Brownsvlllo to day to attond tuo annual meeting of the Baptist Association of clergymen. Rov. Mullln reports a very ptolltable series of meetings In Salon), New Mackintoslwsi Camo today, They uro beauties. If you need a mackintosh see them before you buy one. They are black and brown cheek, plain brown check, plain brown and navy blue, all muda with the new doublo breasted military cape, so much In stylo now. Good all wool cashmere, Pries W.BO and W, Warm and Dry Feet You will always hnvo If rcu buy your sijooh Trout it, Wo carry wiypooa, sonti goods, no mAm. la ours. .Our Lltllu paper uuni Mefcuol iini makl ug us friend. Ttn cWWub all like them be inhm treyre stylish and then UwylMtso Iqbk that they make tto she Mil mitllr. Try them, JhMt llm of rubber goods, coin ttpri-Nff heel, rubbers for WILLIS BKOS k CO. U4W DRY GOODS X.J Jil0g. P HWfwtJ frHfi m. November Ik)- "i. V- inside of it CASH STORE Mackintoshes Some of the best numbers wc have shown, Ladies' Mackintoshes from $2,00 up Men's Mackintoshes from S3,00 up Floated Iron, It is not usual that pcplo aro treated to the sight of n Inrgo body of Iron floating In tho water, but those happening along the river front Saturday afternoon would have seen that phenomana. The large Iron motor mains were Honied across from the dock to tho new crib by the em ployes of the Water company, Ends were put on each plpo and they floated liko huge Iron logs. Verily tho Water company has an Ingenious head. Dramatic Reading. Hamucl E. Wei In, elocutionist and dramatic reader will glvo "Tho Mer chant of Venice' tomorrow night at tho Y. M, 0, A. hall, and "Hamlet" Wednesday night at the Wlllametto University chapel, Mr. Wells Is noted as tho best dramatic reader m the United States his Interpretation of Shakespcaro Is without a superior. Tho prlco of admission will be 2nc, buttostudcntBand members of tho Y. M. 0, A. a rcductlou to lfic will he made. Tickets can bo procured at tho Wlllamotto unlyorsltyor tho Y. M. 0. A. rooms. HOTEL WILLAMETTE. Col. Conner's Splendid Success Prep arations for u Qrand Social Season. Tho extra session of the legislature Is over and tho members go no home to return In January for forty days mora. Of the ninety members who make up tho two mouses, fully 0110 hair and some with their families stopped at Mie Wlllametto Hotel. With Its regular trade that largo hostelry was taxed to its utmost capacity. Its decorations or llowcrs rcius, eyorgrcous and palms aud Its garden like appearance, warm rooms, and It lovely young ladies orchestra playing at It nc' nnd dinner, were well worthy of the many compliments they received. It was a'l appreciated by tho fact that almost very available room has been engaged, for tho regu lar session of tho legislature In Jan uary next it is certainly a high compliment to the management. Outofull tho largo crowd, that has stayed there not even 0110 wont away dlssatlnlled. There uro Indication that tho rcgu Jar session will boa gayer aud more social assembly of people, The prcs uro or business will not bo as great. Landlord Conner's Ideas or running a hotel aro up to date, to have every thing possible for the plcasuio and enjoyment or his patrons, Ho took the hotel under tho most dlscourago Ing circumstances, and by hard work, enterprise and Judicious management, It has gone to the head or the list, as being Urn best hotel In tho northwest. Tho Wlllamotto hotel orchestra of Itself deserves more than u passing notice. Misses Nellie Ilrowu and Lolq Nloklln are expert violinists, aud their equal Is hard to Unci. Miss I nemo uccKner, pianist uas no su perior o Oregon. They liayo bceu tho wonder and admiration of all who haye neard them, They will play during tho entire sesslou or the next legislature forty days at lunch aud dinner. They are threolovoly arthti In short dressoi aad jot uro perfect ladles, Winter Clothing. The New York Raakot bus a largo lino or oycrcoats.duck coats and vests, long Hliort slicker cunt and minis. boy's duck coats, wool and cottou work shirts und fancy wool and laun'djrlijj dhlrts, boy's nud iucu'h wopl sweaters, rubber boots and shoes In abundance. Cull und save money. AT THE STATE HOUSE Dally Personalities and Proceedings in the Different Departments, Sharp Trick or Committee Clerks In Rais ing Their Certificates for Pay. At tho state house Monday morn ing there was a great cairn. Near! all tho members and the lobby have gone to their homes. Many went with heavy hearts, as no pay for ser vices could be drawn until the appro priation bill is signed, which was not done at noon. Secretary Kincnld re fused to Issue nuy warrants until the bill becomes a law by the goycrnor's signature .or otherwise. The chief executive has five days In which to sign or lllo bills. Mils filed and not vetoed become a law ten days after filing. All claims or members, offlccrs, clerks and employes liayo been de llbcrtly examined and classified and the vouchers und warrants for the same aro ready to Issue the moment the bill is signed. House bills 13, 15 and 38 were this morning signed while, 11. D. G7 was died without slgnaturo. One or the most I mportnnt results . or this session Is the heavy reductions j made In the Income or the state printer for tho coming four years. 1 The expenditures for this department had already been decreased $35,000, as compared with the last, term or Mr. Lecd'fl predecessor, which with the "kulllng" or tho extra session, will leave that clllco no longer tho most I lucrative In tho state. I ' A rather clever case or rorgery was ' attempted at the state capital last I Siturdiy. Many or the certificates made out and signed by the chulrmcn j or the different commlttlcs In the house allowed from seventeen to nine-1 teen days ror labor preformed by their clerks, but by resolutions passed, an order was Issued to have all certifi cates changed to twenty days. Now several or theso certificates wcro ror three dollarj per day, and somehow, quite a number or this class were made to read live dollars, at the same 1 time the number of days was changed us per resolution, xt ,. !.. n i.. 1. nuuuui liivsu im:iii.i kuu niruuKii miu uuu.uk uuimiwiiciii,, u.. " virtuous clerks had their trouble Tor their pains. Many or tho legislators aud stale olllclals attended tho (leer funeral on Sunday. Speaker Carter, who wits probably tbo hardest worked member, Is today rusticating by hunting the Mongolian pheasant, ror which the Willamette valley Is growing ramous. This mag- ; ulllccnt game bird has not yet reached Mr. Carter's region In Southern Ore gon. Secretary ur Stato Kincnld has not only had his own troubles, but those, or everybody elso to bear during this 1 session. Today that olllclal thought! ho could once more "see daylight" from beneath his Hood or work, but ' this afternoon ho was unexpectedly ' raced up with an Injunction, brought by District Attorney Ilaydou, re straining him from Issuing tho Ease-1 orn Oregon asylum warrant to Mr. I Wright. IIouso bill CD, Introduced by Gray, of Lane, Is a Miort nnd unpicntsous measure, but of great importance. It Is tingrammatlcal, but its Intent Is clear from Its ono brier section, which follews: Sec. 1. No act or law Incorporat ing any city or town shall bo passed by tho legislature of this stato, unless tho samo has boon submitted ror rati- llcatlon to tho legal voters or tho town or city to be Incorporated or chapter amended, nnd tho result of said election, certified to by the propor olllcors und attached to said ! charter or amendment before being introduced In ulthor house or the leg-' ishilure." f This bill I it vol von tho prlnclplo or Direct Legislation and was voted ror In the house by 25 Republicans and 17 Union members. It passed the senate without objection, Secretary tor State-elect Dunbar and Treasurer-elect Monro are In tho capital, Mr. Dunbar has selected ror living apartmonls rooms at J .M. Martin's residence, near tho state house. Mr, ?looro will Rccuro quarters while here. Mr. Dunbar has decided upon V, K. Lovcll as ono or his princi pal clerks, Under tho present admtnls tratlou, Mr. Lovcll is auditing clerk, Samuel Koscr, or Astoria, will bo appointed to succeed Mr. Lovcll In the auditing dopariment. Mck Haas, assistant auditing clerk, will also to retained by Mr. Dunbar, During tho last hours or the sosslon the Salem charter bill passd the sou ate, under suspension or rules, hut owing to the fact that It .vas not en rolled In time for the signature of tho prcsldont und speaker 1 ho bill Is void. A 8 soon ns the bill was passed, Mayor Illchardson was notified that owing to Its length tho regular enrolling clerks could not complete It, and his honor took It down town, employed a large number of olerks to enroll the same, but ulas.lt urlved at the cap tal about 15 minutes after adjournment. Underwear For all ages In abundance at tho Now York Racket, ut their usual racket prices, I7 2dlw i m i Cr.'amery Butter, Cholco AOo. two nounJs. fliuwl butter -iUo, two pounds. Best eggs 2e Second, 2-'lo cash. Free delivery, wcck. naiem creaming opera uouse, Liberal discount to stores on eggs this White FrtSnutorc, - n,tf Never ml rid tho head If it nches or feels dizzy, Tho trouble Isn't there. Never mind tho mouth If It tastes badly. The ttouble is lower down--in the stom ach Hostct tcr's Stomach Hitters Is whatyounecd to make you well. BITTER MARRIIiD. BA8EY-DISQUE.At number 323 Liberty street, Sunday, October 10, nt 8 p. m. Miss Ida liascy to Mr. Albert Dlftiuc, both of this city, Rev. W. E. Copeland, of the Unl tarfnn church, officiating, The wedding, which was a quiet iifYntr. wnn wlt.nnsxnil ntilv liv rnl 11 1 1 vr a 1 nnr1 n ttt ,,,, ,,, in,.iin, frin,iQ I . .Wt. V. . .... .UWUW W..MUWV .W.l of the contracting parties. The ceremony was performed under a wedding bower Jn tho corner of tho room, and Rev. Copeland said tho solemn words that made tho young couple marr and wife, In tho simple service or tho Unity churctt, aUcr which congratulations nnd a merry good time worn the order or the even ing, An elegant luncheon was perycl. Mr. and Mrs. Dlsquo were the happy recipients or many beautiful and useful plcscnts. Mr. and Mrs. Dlsquc will be at home to their many mends after Monday, October, 23, at their home number 323 Liberty street. WYATT-BASEY. At tho fctutc Mute School Sunday afternoon Oct. 10th. Mrs. N. A. Wyatt to A. J. llnscy, Ilev. P. S, Knight olllclat lng. Mrs. Ilascy was a tencher at the Mute school nnd Mr. Basey Is the well known livery man of this city. The students were Invited to the ceremony nnd were tiuicl) delighted to be present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilascy will reside nt the home of the groom on Liberty street. DIED. ULNNETTE.-Attho home or her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Hep- hurn, Sunday, October 10, Mrs. u. Mrs. A. licnucttc, aged 30 yearn. Miss Laura Tersaru Hepburn was li .rn rinpptitltni- ".r. tNflH 11 nil in'irrlnil -..-. .., i-- ... ..... ,n. A. Itnnnnl.tn. nf ttnw York, ; farc, 2, 1801. For some time W V- - --W...., V W. .WT. sho was has been ailing und Iter demise not wholly unexpected. Funeral services will be conducted from the family home on Trade street, Tuesday, -October 18, at 2:30 p. in., Key. John Parsons, of tho M. E. church olllclatlng. A Hop Uuycrs Knife, A hop buyers knife would make a good weapon or defense, nnrt Branson and Co's. high grade groceries make a good stock ror tho larder. A Reckless Hebo. A dare-devil tramp will rule under a freight car and cat almost nny thing, butthu liihubltantsorsalem patronize Strong's restaurant and cat his 2i cent meals. The Sweetest Candy In the world Is the kind that you fancy most, and tho best meals in the city aro tho 25c meals nt Strong'i restaurant. The Stamp of Stle MADE IUQHT AND . BOI,D RIGHT AT A LOW PRICE FOR THE FOLKS 110 CAN'T AF. FORD TO PAY A RIG TRICE. $2,00 OSBURN'S RACKET 303 Commercial St, DIHKCTLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OFPICR hoSSM EH tw VJtt ILA All KSSVaj& ..NORTH WINDOW, PLEASE.. Prices spenk louder than pages o' Idle words. If you nro Inclined to post yourscU on values stop at our north window a minute. Hore'a an Item or two you'll find : Ladles' all linen hemstitched hand. kerchiefs o Men's ull linen hemstitched hand- kerchiefs ic0 homo of that 100 dozen purchase of haiidUerchlt'fs 5o Lad es lleeced vests t8c Ladles heavier lleeced ,.2:io Ladlea'30 percent wool vests ...48o Ladles' Melba Union suits -lOo Men's very heavy lleeced vests. ..48c Men's beautUul tan cashmero socks 22o Men's elegant tan wool shirts. . . ,lSc JfUST OPENED... Anot her big lot or those meu's dressy balsonlato lasts RACKET PRICES. WIGGIN'S BAZAAR, 307 Commercial Street c ENJO ED Appropriation to Pay Banker Wright of Union. TO e Utoppell By an Injunction ceedlng From the District Attorney. Pro- District Attorney Ilayden has be gun a suit to enoln payment or the claim or W. T. Wright ror reimburse ment to him or the 825,000 warrant ror the Eastern Oregon asylum site at Union, Ore. FILKSA NOTICE. 8ALEM, Oct, 17, 1898. Hon. II. It. Klncald Sec. or Stutc: I hereby notify you that It la ray Intention as soon as papers can be prepared to enjoin you from Issuing a wanant In ravor or W. T. Wright for the payment or that pretended claim against the Stato of Oregon, as I consider It a mere evasion of the supreme court. S. L. IIaden. Dlst. attorney ror 3d judicial district or Oregon. Saturday Banker W. T. Wright called on Secretary or State Klncald and asked him to accept the old war rant ror 825,000, originally ksucd to Phil Mctschanas a member or the eastern Oregon asylum board and declared unconstitutional by tho su. prcmc court, but Mr. Klncald de clined to have anything to do with It, Mr. Wright simply wanted to' leave It with him and have It cancelled as an obligation against the stato and issue the new warrant ror $32,088.88 just put in the appropriation bill by the legislature In special session. As the bill was not yet tlnally passed Mr. Klncald could not act. MR. WRiaitT'S POSITION Is that he as an Innocent third party cashed tho state warrant that has been dcclnrcd unconstitutional ror the persons who sold the section of land to the state. The warrant was trans ferred by treasurer Mctschan to them for the deeds to tho land and cashed by Mr, Wright, and ho was able to make this clear to the Ways and Means committee and they put it In the appropriation bill, The legislature has passed the bill but the governor has not- signed It, though he will probably let It become a Jaw. Win. II. Holmes, counsel ror Mr. Wright, was seen und declared that he did not believe an injunction could be made to stick as against an act or thelaglslature when all the facts or the claim und tho past hl&tory or the case had been laid before It. AT MARION COURT HOUSE. Hamlin P. Smith, executor or the estate or Fabrllus II. Smith, do ceased, tiled a petition today asking to be allowed to sell personal property or the estate. Judgo Terrell ordered the petition grunted; and that tho pe titioner be allowed to sell tho property at private sale. James Scott, N. Hansen and H. T. Judson, appraisers or the cst'ite or Fuurltus II. Smith, deceased, tiled their Inventory and appraisement, placing tho valuation ut $9,802.50, A suit was tiled In Department No, 2, by Mary A. Flamoudon, Ad dio S Plumundon, and J. D. IMamondon vs. Francis II. Pcndland and James II. Pcndland, her husband. It Is an ac tion brought ror a partition or real property In Salem, Oregon, or sale nnd division. Sherman, Condit nnd Pane are the plaintiffs' attorneys. Marriage licenses were Issued to A A. Dlsquo and IdaO, Jtasey, the rather or tho young lady, A. J. Hasoy, signed the nlllidatlt, and Mrs. N. A. Wyatt and A. J. llasey. J. S, Pcnnybaker acting as witness. BIO BREWERY DEAL. English Syndicate Buying Cincinnati Plants. Cincinnati, Oct. 17 Tho prospects are that the olg deal whereby an Eng lish syndicate Is to secure, through purchase, possession or the Cincinnati breweries, will be completed some time during the present week. All or the preliminaries hare been arranged, but there Is yet some difference be tween tho syndicate and tho Lion una Herancourt breweries, It Is under stood that the difference is in regard to the price, but It will be adjusted satisfactorily before many days havo 'elapsed. Children's ribbed fleeced hose .....17o Ladles' heavy fleeced black hose.. 18c Ladies' line lleeced hose, ribbed tons 25c Ladles beauty pins, best kinds, (0 styles Inside) 5c Thcro are dozens or other things too, and what we'd rather have you no than anything elso Is to come In und bee these values. Prices talk, but goods and prices talk louder, Men's slickers, oil coats, oil pants, hats, mackintoshes, etc. etc. 9l.a5 DRESS You seldom get an opportunity to buy new staple dress goods AT ACTUAL COST That is what we are offering and for the balance of the week on some lines we will do even better, Call and see, 36 inch all wool serges in black, navy, brown, at, 25c. Our all wool fancy dress goods, at 32c, ALL LINES Oregon Fruits GRAPES PEARS APPLES (IJIg Red Ones) QUINCES TABLE DELICACIES FINE AFTER-DINNER CHEESES. SONNEMANN THE GROCER 124 Stato st Telephone- 31 Lamps.. Large assortment of lamps In latest shapes and designs in nlckle, high and low standing banquets nnd vase lamps. Wo liayo them nil marked In plain fig ures and can save you money on our lino as wo bought them direct at tho factory. Como and see the line, even If yon do not purchase, Yokohama Tea Store RED FRONT. REMEMBER our fresh roasted Cof rees ir you want u good cup or couee. FREE DELIVERY. Attend. PATTON BROS. Medallion Sale CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. fti KM Ym Han Always BNtit Bears the Signature of This we6k Only 5 Our 46 inch at, Our all wool 46 hich all wool black henrietta, formerly $1,00 now 70c, 46 inch all wool black henrietta, formerly $1,25? now 90c All wool black solid, formerly $1,25i now 85c All wool black solid, formerly 751 now 53c All wool ladies' cloth, 50 inch, formerly 65c? now 48c All wool ladies' cloth, 36 inch, formerly 38c? now 29c, All wool challics, formerly 75cj now 30c AT COST TO w 55TSTS New Collarettes Fine new line of the latest styles and finest qualities,. Prices range from the lowest to the very best. Be sure to. inspect them, Mrs, D, L Hester,. NEW BOOK3 Any or the following Cloth Round 10 mo Books limited to any address, post-paid on receipt 18c. Send for lists of 20c and 25c books. LIST OF a uonsianun....Ludovlo Haloyy w?1 nrc,8,of a Bnwnlo.MlBS Mulock hsop's Fables. a nee in Wonderland L Carrol a l i . ,IL iayUa J M Barrio .ui.uu,uKrjitfiiy ot Hem. franklin. Autocrat or tho Hreakrast Table Oliver Wendell Holmes Racon's Essays. Beauties or Khukespeuro Dodd Beyond the City.... A.C. Doyle nJ2SrkV??Uit-r AnnaSewell Book or Golden Deeds....C. M. Yonge Bracebrldgo Uall y. iri Browning, Robert ---..Poems Conresslons or an Opium Eater.... ....... n r..i Cranrord ....".."Uta TTaskeft Cricket on tho ncarth. Dlcken" Crown or Wild Olive J. Ru5k"n Discourses or Eplctetus Dolly Dialogues A. Hope Dream Lire u Murvel Drummond'j, Addresses. Emerson's E-wuvs. Ethics or the Dust j. Ruskin Kvangellno H. w. Longrellow Frankenstein Mrs. Bhellev Grace Abounding to tho Chler or blnnors John Bunyan Humlet ShakesnonrU Haunted ChamberHThe dKs nccesund Hero Worship .. cB II awat ha n w' t r.,',Y'.. r! W Su Gabies.::. HaVKrno .u A.iuuKuia ui uii iaie fellow.. u..iT"v:T"VrV Jerome K. Jerome Idylls or the King Tentmon Imitation or Christ T. a Kempis Julius Osar Bhakespere In Memoriani Lord Teonvson Lady or the Lake Sir W. Scott Lalla Rookh -.Thomas Moo Lamb's Essays or Ella. e Lamb's Last Essays or Ella, Lamb's Talcs From Shakespeare, Lays or Ancient Rome iMacaulav LaysorSwttlshavallers....." y r l)T77'AAY," Ednmnstoune Aytoun Light or Asia SlrK. Arnold Longrellow's Poems. Frank S. BooicsBLUB and BTATioVfrirJ 5J2y- GOODS... all wool black brocades 53c, black brocades, at 43c and 47c, MS '? 4." CLOSE OUT. 257 Commercial Street Salem TITLES. Lowell's Poems. Lucllo .--- o wen Merod I Mi Man In Black....Stantey J. Weyman Marlmon sir Walter Scott Mornings in Florence J Ruskin My Lady Nlcotln J M Barrio Nat Law In Spirit World.-Drummond Old Mam'sollo's Secret E Marlitt One or the Proresslon.-.M. Whlto, Jr. Parad so Lost -.John Milton Taradlso Regained John Milton Past nnd Present TCarlyto Paul and Virginia B St. Pierre Pleasure or Lire Slr J. Lubbock Plutarch's Lives or Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. Pop's Poem's Edgar Allen Poo Prince or the House or David. Professor Ingraham Princess Lord Tennyson Queen or the Air John Ruskin Riband Ills Friends.... Dr. J. Urown Rnsselas Samuel Johnson Reveries or a Bachelor-Ike Marvel Representative Men-R. W. Emerson Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Sartor Resartus T. Carlyie Scarlet Letter N.. nawthorne besameand Lilies i. Ttimirin Ships That Pass Jn the Night .... - Tfonhrlrn Tin rrnrlon. b gn or the Four a. C. Doyle oMet,c.'i ??.ok Washington Irving Stlcklt Minister S. R. Crockett, St. Mark's Rest John Ruskin, Story or an African Form ,,, ,-" ,""o : ol,ve Schrelner Table Talk and Other Poems. -... William Cowper Tangle wood Tales Hawthorne, ien NicntB In a Barroom Arthur Threo Men In a Boat J. K. Jerome Through Gates or Gold....M. Collins Thoughts rrom Marcus Aurellus : - Antoninus Through the Looking Glass m,T" o r Lewis Carroll Tlllyloss Scandal .....J. M. Barrle Treasure Island .....R. l. Stevenson Uncle Tom's Cabin xr, rlP: Harriet Beecher Stowe wf?r ? Wakefled Goldsmith Jjjf.les Klngsley W ilttler'a Pneius Klngsley 'n40W '" Thrums J. M. Barrle Wonder Book -Hawthorne Dearborn m COMMERCIAL STREET i . 1 ) M -