rvBmmm, stiQ umppyui , I, i u jiuijm iLiMiiiM..u.i 1.1 iin j Mttfc MILT CAPITAL JtMUUL Y MOrlt4MOTHMIl, MONDAY, OCTOWMt 17, lf. "5T Tewc flM.OO, ta A4ym. ICmMh 1 00. tr Adv. mYnt aH.O, hi AJrrawoe "CUftKXHT XVJCNTS. Ejiperor William's departure for tin Holy Land has started a dlscus Moatotr)o.drlMbilltyur tho cs UMtttaaeae .rofttney, ThoFrel iRBlge ZeUf mja: "Wben.-ihe ewjwror and king f Prussia leaves the country for any length of tline,a9'ln the present In stance, a dulycmpowercd person ought, Id tho meanwhile,, to seize tbo reins of government," It urftc'tuat the matter bo brought before thorelchstag. A nuuibcrof tho 1 leading liberal papers, support tho regency proposition) whllo several of the conservative papers scout tbla, ylow. The constitution or the empire doca not appear to provide for a regency The. prefddonoy of tho German bund la vested In the king of Prussia, but nothing Is said to legal lie the transferor this dignity to a regent of PrU99la. In the meanwhile the emperor's brother, Prlnco Henry of Prussia, who would naturally bo regent la absent In China. The next prlnco available would be Prlnco Frederick Leopold, son of tho lato Prince Charles of Prussia, eldest brother of Emperor William I, tho grandfather of the present emperor, The whole mutter of the empcror'a trip to the Holy Land will be threshed oyer In the coming session of the relchstag. In government circles tho expression Is heard that It Is not fair to expect the emperor to bear the en tire expense of the journey. It Is Bald that the cost or his majesty's trip, exclusive of presents and llbsral back sheesh, wlllsmountto nt least 6,000, 000 marks. Tho costly Rifts to the sultan of Turkey and to his harem, etc , also figure up from 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 marks. Therefore, It Is Bug. gcstcO, as the voyago la expected to redound to Germany's greater glory and advantage, that parliament ought to grant a credit to cover tho main expenses, more especially so oh other wise the emperor will have to run Into debt. The conservatives an swered the government's approaches favorably, but the centrist) have replied with a Hat negative. t I I The Inadequate meat supply of Ger many, owing to tho barrier erected against foreign cattle, hogs and meat, continues. From Austria solely somo 8000 head of cattle have been admitted and Russia supplied about 80,000 plg. The Imports are quite lusuniclcnt to cope with the rcqulrmenls which tho home supply falls to meet. Prices have risen Btcadlly for months past, and thoy are now 'JO per cent above those or 1807. Tho slaughtering of horses for food has greatly Increased especially In tho large cities, and dog flesh Is openly udvcrtlbcd. In tho Chora n I U ftachrlchtcn, "fat young dogs" rorin n standing advertisement. nt The evueuutlou of Fashodu In Egypt by the French must take place If war between Great Nrltmti and France la to bo uvortcd, as tho Marquis of Salisbury, has nailed his colors to the mast and cannot rcccdo from the position ho has taken up, and In which he received the unani mous support of tho country, Tho speaker, the organ of tho lib. eral party, refers plulnly,thia weck,to the Impossibility of relinquishing tho British claims, and points out that, if It comes to war, It will not be merely forFashodu, but for the maintenance of Great Britain's place In tho world, plus her undoubted rights. The speaker adds: "If we abandoned our claims, Eng lishmen would not only lose tho rc sector other, tut would lose, their own self-respect, and English states mnhp would bo dragged In the mire," These emphatic declarations of tho English press and public men have already had a certain Influence across the channel, and tho Inspired atateuitnts of tho French .rcts lw little the Importance of Fishoda and shlftthe ground to an undctined claim upon the provlnco of Uabr.claiiaata and a port on tho Nile. Ml Sir Lepel Henrlo Orllliln, a well known writer on Indian subjects, ad drei a rmHIbk thlnweek, In Eng. ktd, oa th uubject of the suggested Aaglo-Ataerican union, He said Col. &m Hay, the former Unltod Btatea MbHdQr at London, wrote to him on lyit4 KutUnd, 6aylng "I sometimes think that tho only uvamn weianKcca possess over you. Is that we have two native coun tries, while you have only one." CoJoil Hay appears also to have triyR hi opinion of the twggcstcd Weilnio memorial In England, M rmrtur, aftrovl of the scheme, wfctafc h JVffrcfe4 ft being In the hi' kffNmaaHlmous. Ho re wrM tJit It wag the first tlttta any eotwiry Ud ertwUd a memorial to ibo bad beaten Its panple in tfctt tUe niUJcrlptloBA 1 afelwV f row Kollsh- a, MlKiwttr, eltlseH of Una Itottasl Kei wW eot participate J. J J ( Sir Jftkw K4t' anil.rltual- mwmit, dsiiw have been mWh tmwkmlf foftmA utterance .of tfc nkMu, 0 Ct4 erburv on SMyjt tfltowt raMtd, Which fr 1" . i ... kin atftUM tH whokj body of churchmen. In a scries of charges to the clergy, delivered this week, the primate spoke In no uncertain voice. He caused a profound impression in; high circles imi deeply aggrieved the low church party The primate declared plainly that the doctrine of the real presence, as embodied practically In the doctrine or consubstantlatlon la permitted, though not expressly taught, by tho churcn or England; that, although compulsory confession Is absolutely Illegal, voluntary confession la legal and no clergyman Is justified In re fusing to hear It, und he commended prayer for the dead, but forbade in vocation of t!ic saints or the virgin, Ho declared the elevation and tho preservation of the sacrament und use of Incense ure not permissible, but ho approved a certain revival of the ritual In conformity with tho prescriptions of tlte prayer book. Practically tho primate 'sanctions nil tho doctrines and practices which the low churchmen have so yekcm ently condemned and tho hlghchurcn men arc proportionately elated. Though they disagree with some points, most or tho clergy will fall into lino with the primate's charges or Injunctions. Kcnslt,' whoso follow era have been somewhat shaken by Truth's exposure of him, promises a demonstration In a thousand churches during the first Sunday In November. lnthcPart8 peace conferonco the Spanish commissioners have been urg ing the generally admitted 'principle which Imposes on conquerors the bur dens belonging to the territory con quered either In their own bchair or that of their cllunls. Thoy Insist that It would bo an extraordinary course to saddle Spain, already In so lamentable 'a financial position, with tbo Cuban debt while surrendering!) the victor the security with which 'it should be paid. They remarked that If they had' asked the United States for permls. slon to raise Interest out of tho cus toms 10 venues, thoy would naturally have met with a refusal. How then, can they be asked to leave to the vic tor the plcdgo allowing payment or Interest and yet retain tho burden or tho debt? They observed, however, that as Cuba Is the key to the Ouir or Mexico, the United States will thus bo ablo to pass the only barrlcr,whlch thoy had hitherto been unable to cross nt will, and that Is worth some sacrifice. Honco, the Spanish com missioners Insist, In tho iimuo or rec ognized International law, that the debt should not rest solely on Spanish shoulders. It Is Impossible to foretell the American reply, but It Is nut likely that Mr. Day and his colleagues will yield. An Idea Is alloat and said to bo warmly ud vacated by the friends or peace and Justice that the Interest should be reduced to i!J per cent, or even to 2 per cent, und Jointly guar anteed by the Spanish and the future rulers of Cuba, each thus bearing only n very slight burden, and the bondholders being protected from loss on their Investment. This list Infor mation does not emanato cither Span lards or Americans, bub thcro is an Intention of bucking It so ustoglvo It somo chance of success. MARION CIRCUIT COURT, Entetlea Made In Depaitment Number One. Iii caso of L. A. Lewis and A. L. Mills va. II. 1 MoNary, W. T. und Goo. I). Gray, on action at law, judg ment for defendants. State or Oreiron vs. It. W. Witt In dicted for having obscene writing In his possession, tho Jury returned n verdict of guilty. The defendant, was also convicted or larceny from a dwolilng, October lS,sot for pronounc ing sontenue. Throutrh John lluvne. counsel for plaintiff, suitor First liunk of Joseph vbO. L. Humphries, un action for money was settled and dismissed, Tho grand lurv Mulshed Its Invpstl. gatlons una have decided not to visit tho stato institutions us Is tho com mon custom, It U probable that no written report except tholr rogular Indictment will bo inado, yenr thoughtful man whether lie be an ar lUtprabutl tie man, a mechanic or farmer, feeli that be has a tain work to do in Hilt world, and he want to couiDlete it. A brave man' irin-( ctpa) fear of death ! became it cotnuela hint to leave Ida life work unrtaiihed. lie fcara alikne for the aame reaton. lie feela that he might a well break bl neck and done with, aa to have In beat workln nowcrs hnmtwed an waated away by dli case. To have the brain dulled and the bod; en HiMilf hlU.tinliAnitil lklvsjl better than a living: death, with alt It uoril utuu wM'iuiauiivM wawvu sno ble accompaniment! of dyspepsia, nervous neaa and melancholy. The best thing In the world to restore clear-headed energetic vitality and working power Is Dr. I'lerce'a Golden Medical )U covery. It acta directly upon the liver and digestive organs, giving them power to man ufactura rich, healthy Mood tree front bill ous poisons and morbid impurities. It alls the blood with the red life-giviug element which nourish every oigan and tissue. It replaces wasted tissue with kcalthv &eh and aolid muscular strength Uy feeding the brain and nerves with vital energy, it banishes neuralgia and uervout weaknesa and sleeplessness. It la better than malt extract or oil) cwutsloas. It Is not a mere temporary ailwvlant but a genuine and lasting uutrf cut, easily aulailUted by the weakest stom aebs, Kslpa Urttn. Sq , of Williamsburg, Caltawajr Co ato.. wrlteo ' Before I cotuiucuctU youi trcMawM I could not Ukc a diluk of waltr with, out g-ieM suffering In tuy stomsch. I could uo eat 1 was ft .ItTVlng. I had five different do tors examine tut, aud each out treated tut with ovKlainguie any good. Attest I look lour or n 01 our (ioiacn Medical to-day apt Uttrr health than I have been fol it veftiv. IwelAh hi. Wheuevrr 1 se ativ ol my IrtraiW sulTcitug I tell them of your lueJUIoi and ailrUe them to write to you," Dr. Pierce'a Pellets cure constipation. cer- . -w'TLyNaT 1 SL I 5 jrvmi A JUST BILL. Mr. Condon views Tun Journal editorial onithe University appropria tion through a false perspective: "Tho fact Is that Col, nofcr, who wrote that editorial, was before the ways and means committee to steer through a bill for S142 tor supplying his sheet to tho legislature or 1897, the holding up or which The Journal advocated, and that said bill was knocked out by such committee with out a dissenting voice and only (28 allowed for copies supplied to the senate. This body blow at a robbery Job so incensed Mr. Hofcr that the foregoing editorial was Inspired." The person above referred to DID appear before the committee and DID nsk that ALL tho nowspapers fur nished to the holdup legislature, where bills wero filed with the secre tary of state should be paid for In full. The newspapers rendered a dally service and the claim Is Just. After working hlmsolf up over Tim Jouknais editorial on tho Eu gene school, Mr. Ondon adu.its the wholo cheese and the general truth or all wc said as follews: "The truth Is that the present man agement of the university Is In such III repute throughout the state that Lane county's representatives In tho legislature wnuld Und It well nigh Impossible to secure any great fuvnr In legislation und the doctor's efforts should be highly appreciated." MEMORIAL SERVICES. Gathered Friends Pay Tribute to the Mem ory of Two Worthy 1'ionee; i, A largo congregation of acquuln tances and friends congregated at the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning to pay their last respects to tho memory of Fabrltus It, Smith, one of tho church' most valiant de fenders, and one of the members warm est friends. After the opening lesson had been read from the scriptures and tho con grcgatlnn had united In a hymn ex pressive of their sorrow at the loss or their departed friend, Dr. Parsons offered a pray or, strong In Christian sentiment praying that all might be led to sco tho beauty of the life Just ended und to emulate the examplo or that old pioneer In Oregon's Chrlstuln doyclopment. Fubrltua It. Smith. The choir sang a beautiful anthem tho spirit or which was in harmony with the exercises or the 'day, Dr. Parsons then followed with the memorial address, outlining in clear and forceful manner the honor, the beauty and tho usofulncws of a life lived In direct touch with the church aud Its great leader Jesus Christ. He held Fabrltus Smith up to the con gregation us an example of a man who Imsdono that, and cited his meek spirit, kindly disposition and the es teem and regard In which he was hold wherever ho was known. After a closing hymn aud the ben edlctlon had been said tho audience dispersed deeply touched by Mio words that had been suld und the evident venoiatlon In which the departed Christian bus been held. Tho Y. M. O, A. gave a special memorial service ut their four o'clock meeting yesterday In memory or Father P. H. Hutch, one or tholr firmest friends und most kindly help ers. F. A. Wlggliia led tho singing and u number of Father Hatch's most dearly loyed hymns were sung; tho old songs or his childhood und manhood, those he loved to hear tho young mou slug ut tho Sunday meeting which ho ulwuys attended. A row versca wore read from 2 Tim othy, 4th chapter, us expressing the Bcntlmonta of tho oltTf riond of the association und thou the meeting was thrown open for expressions orTcmem brauco by those who hud known him. Muny persuus in the uudlcnco spoke words of praise, of kindly remembrance and or lovo for the departed pioneer In christian und civil life. Ouo und nil remembered tho kindly smile, tho brothorly grasp of his hiud and tho deep, sincere, christian piety that tiurkt-dhls dtlly lire. George Hutch, son ur tho deceased, by tho request or Mr. Wiggins, guyo a brief outline of his fulhcr's life. Itcv. Hayes, or La Grande, wus Introduced to the uudlouco und paid u glowing tribute to tho memory or father Hatch and exhorted tho young men to follow In his steps and profit by his examplo In feryul terms His tuuln thought was expressed In the eentcano 4,study to show thyself up- proved or Uod," und he cited tho llfo or Father Hutoh, us an example or one who hud persevered In that study aud had triumphed. From first to lust the expressions or all bore evidence to tho love and yen oration or tho entlro community to tho memory of that old pioneer or Oregon und hur advancement by Fath er Hutch. An Explanation. The reason for tho ijrout popularity ol Hoods Suruupurllla lies in tho fact that this medicine positively cjres. It Is America's greutest me dno, and the American people hao un abiding conlldenco In ItJ merits, Thoy buy und take It for simple as well us serious uiimoni. contlitcnt thttt It will (la tlioiii good Hood's Plls cure all Ilvor Ills. Mulled for Mo by 0. 1. Hood & LU, Lowell, Mass. An Electric Light, lights muny women to tholr homes after uluht rail, but the inulurltyof the iiiwt use tho 10o La Crouu cigar as their luntern. The Sweetent Candy In the world Is the knd that you fancy most. und the best.uieakiu the city ure tho 25c meals ut Strong' rustuurant, gtBwiiiwntiKwoommtimoiittittoetimtiiittti I A Beautiful ' " In order to furtlicr Introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, 1. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These present are in the form of Beautiful Pastel Pictures! They arc 13x19 Indies in size, Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and ' Marguerites. 1 rqviuiHocoeMc'T 1 juR oirtrouMBw vm trtsniwiuco aBM Of ANT ttMXiTAlU. fSM TriMi rare nirf iirre. fntir In ntimhfr Ku Ut --anMnAl -.... .i ! R. LeRoy, of New York, havo been fe In his studio and are now offered for ine pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used In the orig inals, and arc pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures arc the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. One of these pictures IJaW jr ::jrzc:, Elastic Starch purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beaut.ful picture. ALL 6R0CERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUISTITUTE i Mwttti)a - twNi' TODAY'S MARKET. Portland, Oct 17. -Wheat vallc) 03: Walla Wullu, 00c. Flour Portland, W.2r; Superllnc 12.25 per boi. Oats White 3G(cmc. Hay SlOYrtll per ton. Hops 10015c; old crop ((t7c. Wool Valley, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, 8W12c. MlllstufT Uran, 914,; shorts, 114. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50(5 $3; turkeys, live, ll(o)121c. Eggs Oreaon. '20rjor doz. Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, under 60 lbs,01Cco7c;shccp pelts.l Onions 75cM$I Dor sack. Uuttcr Uest dairy, 40(a15c; fancy creamery. 50cfrf50c nor roll. Potatoes, 65(a00o per sack. Hogs Heavy, 14.75. Mutton Weathers 3c; dressed, 7c Beer lJteors.M.50(3.76: cows, 12.50 C 3 dressed, faO. 8M.KM MAK1Cr?r. SVhcat-51 Oats ,Kc. Hay Ualed, ihoat, ()(a7. Flour In wuolcsale lots, .' MOO: to. lau .mu. MHlstuIT-Ilran 312, without II. 'II with sacks; shorls-$I.li per and ton WltllOULSaCKS. Hogs drcrsed, 5c. Live cattle 2 J(jj3c. Sheep Live, $2t0C$3. Vcul-63. Iluttcr Dairy 20c: ireamery 25c. Wool Bcst.lfic. Mohair 23c Hops Best Mllte. Eggs- 20c in cash. Poultry chickens, 5(3(lc. Farm smoked meats Bacon, 81c ham, 10c shoulder, G(c$7c. Potatoes 25Qra0c. Apples .'lOfJiMOc. That Joyful Feeling. With tho exhilarating senso or re newed health and strength und In ternal cleanliness, which rullows the usoorSyruporiFIgs, Is unknown to tho fow who have not progressed be grossed boyond the old time medl. clues and tho cheap substitutes some llmo ode red but never accepted by the well. Infoitned. Buy tho genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. A Hop buyers Knife. A hop buyers knife would make u good weapon of defense, and Branson und Co's. high grade groceries mako a good stock for the larder. A RecMesa Hebo. A daro-dcvll tramp will ride under a freight car und cat almubt anything, but the InhubltuntsofSaleni rmr.mni7 Strong s restaurant und eat his 25 cent meals. At Four Score. CNOLE EZKKIEL 011EAR. assessor and tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who has passed tho GOth llfo tnllo atone, aaya: "Dr. Mllos' jluktoratlto Nervine has dono a greot deal of good. lsuiTcrttUforjearufrom sleopleasncsa and iiorvcus heart. trrM Would fuel yoary and used up lu tho morn ing, had no ambltlou and my work seemed a buTduii. A friend rcounended Dr. MleV Nervluo, uud I pui-hased a bottlo uuder protwt as I had tried ap luany remodicj un successfully, I thought it no use. But It Bavo me rvstful sleep, a good appetite aud restored tuo to euorgetlo health. It Is a grand good medicine, aud I will gladly write uuy one inquiring, lull part Jculars of my sat uiaviurr experience." Ur. Miles Remedies are sold by all drug gists uuder a positive guarouUd first bottle boncflU or inouey re funded. Book on dl. eases 01 the heart and nerve free. Address. OR. UILE3 UKPIOAL CO. WkkuU U4. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health- fJV$i& lll lILjaLotX. Jvt Present t and are entitled as follews: Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. chosen from the very choicest subjects' the first time to the public. I - stewttii Truth wears well. People have learned that Dc Witt's Little Early Risen are re lable little pills for regulating the U. wells. Tliey dou't Eripe. Stone Ding Store. A itubbam cough or tickling In the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in eHVct, It acts at once. Stone Drug Store. When you call or Dt Witt's W Itch Hazel Salve don't accept anything else Don't be talked into lulutl.ute oi piles for sores for bums. Stont Drug Store. Acker's EoglUh Rem id y Will Stop a couuh at any time, and will cure the worst cold In tweUe hours, or money refunded. 25c and 50c, Lunn & Iirooks druggists, De Witt's Witch (Urel Salve has the largest sale of any. This fact has led dis honest peorle to attempt to counterfeit it Look out when you call for De Witt's Witch Ileiel Salvr, the great pile cure. Stone Drug Store. For broken suiiaces. sorei, tnsret lilies, burnt there Is one reliable remedy, D Witt's Witch Ilaicl Salve. When you call for De Witt's don't accept counterfeits. You not be disApoointed. Stone Drug Store will More than twenty million free samples of DeWltt's Hazel Salve have been dlitilbitcd. Vtbat betti-r prosf f llitlr confidence do you want ? It curea piles, burns, sea ds, sores in the shortest time. Stone Drug Store. Till.'l IVa rvitltvlv filpu. ttlr I....I..I.. Indigestion and constipation. A delightlni urinx. jtemoves an eruptions ol the skin, producing a perfect complexiou, or money re- funded. 25 cents and Jo cents. Lunn & UrooVs, druggists One Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick cure. It his wo., tbe best repu tation of any prrpaiation for colds, croup, or obsUnate coughs. Stone Drug Store. You invite c isappointment when you ex periment. DeWitt's Utile Esrly Kiiers are pleasant, easy, thorough little Pills. They cure tick hexlace at su.e as y u take them Stone Drug Store. Sick headache absolutely and permanently cur d by using Mold Tea. A pleasant herb drink Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Sat isfaction guaranteed or money back, 25c and Lunn & Iirooks druggist. ' Aoket's Dyspcpua Tablets are sol J on a hosltlve guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising oft he food distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia One little tablet givas im mediate relief :5c and and 50c. Lunn & Iirooks, druggist". 1 Drink a steeping of Moklo Tea peforr let'.rlng at night, and sr (how soundly you will sleep and how jovou.ly you will awake in the morning It supplies food for the blcod while you sleep, produces a clear and beauti- mi complexion, nan cures, constitution and sick headache. Lunn & Iirooks, dtugglst. Dyspepsia can be cured by using DypepslaT.bleti. One little tat. Acker's let well mc ipntuwie renei or money "sold in handsome tin taxes at 25c. Brooks, druggists. refunded. Lunn & REMEMBERED. There will bo qultu n number at tending tho btute fair who In the near future, oxpect to erect monu ments ror ineir departed friends. Iton't forget to cull on Mr, T. 11. ,JLu.,,t ,M tho lare iwvllllon. or ut ISObtato street und 144 Mill street, wno win exhibit to you designs (ha bus nearly 700 of thorn) and specimens of the white bronze. Durability of White Drome- Attested by Eminent Scientific Authorltee. Pure cast zliie, lu my opinion, wl last for ages. Analytical Chemist .fur tho Govern or the United States, Washington, win resist, mo cliemlcul effecU of uio awuuspnero lor uu time. Watt's Dictionary op CiufMtSTitY. For durability and beuuty they are nil thut can be desired. . ... P' L. BAUTI.KTT, Assayer or Metals ror the State or Maine. Every doubt has been dispelled as to the durublllty of rlno In the ppen air and under the Inlluence of nvery klnd-of weather. Ukk's Dictionary op Arts, Manu- vactubks and Minks, Vol. 2 page It is much superior for these pur DO.-.CS to cither marble or granite, be cause Itcun not disintegrate. Prof, of Nulural Bcle'nws, State tfuuuai sch(il, Mlllersvllle, Pa, fii?0i'iPd haye Meuraina. OetDr.UlU Wlu t-iU (rout dtumUuiOwtooMtiSolkS' PROPOSALS FOk STATIONERY. Oftlce of tho Secretary of State .( Salem, Or,, Sept. 3, Scaled proposals will be received at this office until noon, November 4, 189S, to rurnli h tho following articles for the State of Oregon; for the use of the 20th Biennial Session or the Leg islative Assembly. 35 reams leiral can. 14 lbs.. No. 7 ruling, white laid, Charter Oak, Scotch linen, or other good paper. 30 rcamf first class Congress Note, 7 pound. No. 7 ruling, white laid, or other good paper, 20 reams letter paper 12 lbs., No. 7 ruling, white laid, Carew, Charter Oak Scotch linen or other good paper. 20 reams typewriter paper, letter size. Parogon letter wovo No. 3J, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. 20 reams typewriter paper, legal plzc. Paragon letter wove No. 3, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. u roamstypowrltcr paper, legal size, Paragon letter wovo No. H, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. 0 boxes Little's satin finish carbon paper, blue, size 8x13. 0 boxes Little's satin llulsh carbon paper, blue, size 8x101, 10,000 No. Ol envelopes. 00 lbs. No. 1 rag, XXX, 12 gross railroad steel pens. No. 40. 20 gross Gllott's stcol pens No. 404. 4 gross GOIot'a stcol pens, No. 303, 8 gross Estcrbrook "J" pens. 0 gtoss Fulcon steel pens No. 048. 0 gross Estcrbrook &Co's. Probate steel pens No. 313. 0 gross Esterbrook & Co's. Judge quill steel pens No. 312. 0 gross Estcrbrook & Co's. Chancel lors steel pens No. 239. 0 gros London Incandescent, M. Jacobs No. 4. 2 dcz. Sanford's cardinal red Ink, pints. 5 gross penholders, black enamel, large. 10 doz. Peck, Stow Si Wilcox's Ink stands No. 658. 4 doz. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's Ink stands No. 554. 10 doz. Peck, Stow A; Wilcox's Ink stands No. 420. 12 doz. iycry folders, 0 Inch standard. 4 doz. Ivory tolders, 10 Inch con gress. 4 doz. mucilage cuds. No. 8 Monruns patent. 10 doz. mucilage stands, resevolr, No. 0 Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, or as good, 140 Lb, white. 2 gross No. 2 Eaglo recorder lead pencils, style 000. 5 doz. Sanrord's premium fluid, quarts. 2 doz. Sta fiords writing fluid quarts. 10 doz, Nonpareil gummed stub files No. 22, 11x15 Inches. 500 stubs. 4 doz. Duplex cupboard, letter clips, legal size. 20 doz. Duplex letter clips. 15 doz. Fabers rubber rulers, 14 Inch flat. 15 doz. steel erasers, Rogers No. 18, 140, bono. 3 doz. steel erasers, Rogers No. Id, 140, ebony. 70 Boxes Fabers No. 300 rubber bauds, assorted sizes. 5 gross Fabers lead pencils, Nn. 2, hexagon, gilt. vi gross i'aoers lead pencils, No 2 round gilt. 20 doz. Fabers patent Ink and pen cil rubber erasers, mammouth. 3,000 McGlll's patent paper fasten ers. No. 2 flat head. 3,000 Mc'J Ills patent paper rastcners, No. 2, round heads, white. 3.000 McG Ills natcnt nuner fustfln- crs, No. 4, flat head. 16 doz, Table puds, to hold paper, 10x24 Inches, strong Icrther tips. 15 doz, waste paper baskets, cross bur, No. 4. 3 doz. waste paper basket, small, No. 11, round. 20 lbs. hemp twine, No. 2. 4 doz. Sanford's mucilage, quurts. All bids submitted should bo marked "Proposal for Stationery." None but the best quality or goods will be accepted. Tlm.rlght to reject uny or all bids Is reserved, AH the above articles must be de livered at Salem, Oregon, on or before December 10, 1808. Very respectrully, n. R. KINOAID, Secretary of State. The Northern facile Railroad still continues tho popular route, for eastern travel and now Mint summer Is opening up it becomes more so than ever. The pleasant apd com- lorutoie accommodations furnished passengers nro proverbial and need no mentlon.Tho quick time made, without uiiuiisju 01 cum is universally Known. The road traverses tho most magnifi cent belt or country In the world, every mllo rurnlshfng constant seen ery uttructlvo and Interesting, so thut tho traveler goes through wlths out fatigue and reaches tho Journey's end without reallrlng dlstunco. All hrough Washlngton.Idaho, Montaanu Dakota, Nebraska und tlm nti.or states, tho eyo Is feasted with scenes Pleasing ana impresslye, while no sand Htorui, suffocating atmosphere or other demoralizing discomforts are met with. For tickets and full par ticulars call on J THOMAS, WATT & CO. Agents, No. 225 Commercial sreet, In the building formerly occupied by Dan J. Fry's drug store. Salem. Or. AN EDUCATION FREE. The University ot Oregon graduated list June the largest claw in its history. The clsss numbered thirty. The fall term will beein September loth. Sludenti whn low completed lb tenth grade branches can, enter the sub-freshman class. No examinations are rermlied for graduates of accredited schools. Reasonable equivalents tie accepted for most of the required entrance studies Catslogues will be sent free to all applicants, Penons dcslrtriff ir formation miv address the nrKi. dint, becretary J. J Walton, or Mr. Max A. l'lumb, all cf fcugene, Oregon The cou.v are hoe ol a g od university. There ar departments of modern and ancient langusges, physics, chem'stry, biolcgy. ecology, English, elo:utien, advanced englneeilpg, astronomy, logic, philosophy, psychology, mathematics andphslcal educa lien. Music and drawing are also taught. The tulttro is free. All students pay ,nn. clients! foe of ten dollsrs yearly. Board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory cost 2.50 per week. 7.2I ot CASTOR I A for Infaati and ChiUrta. Ik M Ym Kavi Always ht$ Beam the Signature of &yffi& 20u Miles shorter and a wholo hair day quicker than any other lino to Omaha, Kan sas city, St. Louis nnd nil other suthern and southeastern cities, Thice routes cast via Denver, St, Paul, and Hillings, Mont. Tickets ut oniccs ol connecting lines, ir you go cist via Omaha, you can stop off and see tho Trans-Mlsslsslppi exposition A. C. SHELDON. Gen'l agent, Portland Or EAST AND SOUTH VIA FHE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co KXFRBSS TRAINS RUN DAILY 6:oo r m 8.-25 P M 7-'45 a m Lv...:i'ortland. ..Ar (93 J 700 800 AM Lv....Satem ....Lv .'00 A u Ar. San Francisco. Lv 00 PM Above trains stop at all principal station! bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion Jeflerson, Albany. Tangent, Shedtlt, Halsey Ilarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tlons from Roseburg to Ashland, Inclusive. ROSKBURCl MAIL, -DAILY. 830 A Ml Lv. 10,-55 a mS-Lv. 5. '2o pm) Ar. Portland" ..Ar M-Mo'si 1 1 50.TM ' (7.-30 AM .Salem.... Lv Koseburg.. Lv l'ullman bullet sleeper and second-ciast sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. DKTWRKN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mail tninsdally except Sur"hvy-J 730 amI Lv. . . .Portland". , Ar I 5:50 p M 12,-15 p M ) Ar. . . .CorvttUU.. Lvf 105 f M At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 450 P M ) Lv 7.'30 p M Lr. , H:3o p M J Ar ,.. Portland. ...Ar ..McMinnvilleLv Independence Lv 825 A M 5-5AM 4.'5Q A M Direct connections at San Francisco Occidental aud Onentalrand Pacific with mail steamship lines for lAI'AN AND CHINA Rates and tickets to Eastern points and turope. aiso lAi'An, wiuha, num LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtain;-! from W. W. SKINNER, Tic'-et Aent Salem, R. KOEIILER, Manager. , II. MARKIIAM. G. F. & P. A. Portlan Corvallis & Eastern R, H. Company, 1 For Yaqulnai Train leaves Albany 1 2 50 p, in. Train leaves Corvallls 1:45 p, m, Train arrive at Yaqulna 6:,o p. m :. Returning. Leaves Yaqulna 7:00a. m, Leaves uorvaiils 1 1 -40 a, m. Arrive Albany I2.-2S p. m. For Detreit: Leaves Corvalll 700 a.m. Leaves A'bany 5 a, m Arrive De'.rolt i2.-2op, m. Returning Leaves Detroit 12:40 p. m. Leave Albany 605 a. m. Arrive Corvalli 6:55 p. m. I and 2 connect at Albany with Southern Pacific train giving direct service to and from Newport and aUjacent beaches. Train for the mountains rrrives at Detroit at noon giving amp'c ttme to teach camping grounds on the llreitenbush and Santiam rivers same day. EDWIN BTONE, Manauei, II. L.WALDEN, T. F. fc P. A. J. TURNER, Agent Albany. Oregon Short -.TIIKr- Quickest, safest, Cheapest une for all points E-st and southeast. FREE reclining chair cars, Pullman palace sleeping car, and upholstered tourist sleep, ingcars on nil through trains. 110ISE & DARKER, Ar-ent Salem, Or C. O. TERRY, Tiaveling Passenger Acen W. E. COMAN, .... , . General Agent. 124 Third Stree Portland. Or. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD CP-SCENIC LINK OF THE WORLD, Weekly Excursions to tne cast m through tourist cars without change, moJem upholstered tourist sleerers ... ...sbv wi ajuci.cu conuuciora unu por lo Kansas City, Chicago Buffalo and Boston without c ange via Salt Lake , Mo. Pacific and Chicago & Alton Railroad. TUESDAYS.To Omaha. Chicago. Bull. a'o rnd Boston without change, via Salt Lake and Chicago, Rock Island & l-acific Rail road. WEDNESDAV.-'lo St Josei-h, Kansas Lity and St Louis without chance, via Bur hngton Route THURSDAYS To k'.. fii- .! c. Uuis without change, via Salt Lake and' Missouri Pacific Railway, A dav stooover arranoml at vili r -.1- ..i Denver. A ride through the famous Colorado scen ery. FVr rates an l information Inquire or O. R. & N. ank S. P, agents or address. r , 0. K HOOPER, Pass. & Fr't. Agt. Denver, Colorado. Gen . C. R. NICHOL, dencral Agent. 251 Wahlnn Sr, Portland. Or. ' o J&. is p o ac. a: .a. . JUari ti yf Ilia Kind Yoa Kjt linn Barti Line. 0.R.&N. DEPART TIME SCHEDULE, TOR From Portland. arrive. Fast Salt Lake, Denver F, Mail Worth, Omaha, Kansas S pm City, St. Louis, Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walk, " Spokane, Sookn. Flyer Minneapolis, t. l'sul Cr apm Duluth, Milwaukee Chi- , ... cago and East a m J 8 p ra OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. 4 D All sailing dates sub- p jectto change. For San Frnncisco. Sail September I, C, 11, 16, 31, 26, 7 p m To Alaska 4 . Sail Sept. 17. P m 8pm COLUMBIA .RIVER ex, Sun. STEAMERS s M Saturday 4 pm loptu To Astoria and way land- e, ijun mgs, 7am Tucs WILLAMETTE AND Thurs YAMHILL RIVERS , .,0 Dm and Sat Oregon City, Daylon and Mot wayjandingi yt(j 6am WILLAMETTE RIVER.., Mon Tues Wed Portland to Salem Thurs Fit and way landings ylt Leave SNAKE RIVER t v Uw U1Plla 'iaton i.'5 a m Leave Riparia dallgj ex- 5 .'4 5 a m Mon cept Saturday. Sun Wed Leave Lewistrn dally tx- Tues Friday cept Friday. Thurs WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM ROUTE-Steaei Ruth for Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7:15 a. m. Transfers to street car line at Oreg City if the steamers are delayed there oand trip tickets to all points in Oregon, sshiag. jon, California or the east. Connecting made at I'ortland with all rail, ocean anil f ftt "UM Steamships sail for Sen Francisco. Sent. 26, 29. Oct. 2, 5, 8, 1 1, 14, 17 20, 23, aO, 29 W. II. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland. Or G M..POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salem. BOISE & BARKER, City Agents. TAKE THE Canadin Pacific R.R. And Soo Pacific Line TO Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto New York Boston a .T all points east and southeast Cheapest lates, bestservlce and aecommo. dations ITirough tourist sleepers to Mlnnesitolis, St. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, and lioston without change. Canadian Pacific llailway Co's. Fmpress Ine of steamships to Japan and China The lastest and finest ships on the Pacific ocean. Shortest! and bust route to the orient. Canadian Australian S. S. Co. To Honolulu, Fiji and Australia The shortest route t the colonies. For rates, fo lers and any information call on or address, C. K. BRANDENBURG. Agent. Salem. Or. 11. II. ABUOT, Agent, 146 Ihlrd street. I'ortland, Or , , . U J. COYLE, Distticl Passenger Agent, Vancouver. B. C. When Going East Use a first-class line in traveling between Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicago, and the principal towns In Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair cars in service. The Dining cars are operawd In the.lnter. est 01 Its patrons, the most elegant service ever inaugurated. Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain fust-clus service your ,'tickc should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. (or all connections at Chlcagoiand Milwaukee ror eastern nn!nt tlcketfutl information call on SoJr nearest ticket ageut or write JAS. C. POND n ."fralPass. AgentMdlwaukee. Or IAS. A CLOCK, Oneral Agent Wis Stark Street Portland Or. Oflers travelers choice of the following route east. They are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. R. He N, via Ogden and Denver bhasu Reute via Sacramento, Ogden and Shasta Route via Sacramento, Majorc and Alberquerque, A daily line nf Ikrn.w.li VMITXfW PALACE and TOURISTSLEEPERS, San. Francisco and Los Angeles to Chicago this is The Short Line from southern Csbfomla To the East; Apply to the agents of tl e O IP & N., O. N L. Southern Pacific, or the undersigned, for folders atd descriptive iserauitfe. .J. J. DEM.JREUX. Bid. Portland, Cre, Gen'l AgtWorcester, til draxtftU aeU Dr. HUm Horva FUsieca "Aia .