Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 10, 1898, Image 2

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toWOAT, OCTOMER le, it.
Tr W.00, fat AttvMoe.
rr Jtfotrtow $1 0. if A4wk)
OM7ar 91.00, in JUlvaac
gainst m mmi
.(Cwtmjed from first page.)
ftd that 0, March was later elected
to till the vacancy.
t I JwpU;tlft(urthr allcuotliatA.
I 4 ' F. Ilofer Jh mm begun a suit against
th ctMrtpaify to recover $1,205.70 upon
an allecdV accouhtloH between the
' corporation and the said A P. Ilofer
Jrv, and for la further sum or Wli.OJ
J alteKed'to bo due E. Hofcr on 'nn
'. alWgcdf accounting, and which ljist
claim is" protendrjd to bo assigned to
A. P. IJofr Jr tliat tho said dcfijn.
dunts K JiloTer, A'. P. JJofcr Jr.. nnd
Pi X, Ifofer hare "fraudently con
spired ao i colluded together to wreck
the said defendant corporation nod.
If possible acquire all the property of
said' defendant corporation."
and to that end have
brought tho action; that tho
corporation Is not Indebted to tho de
fendants IIofer8f ajd that no account
log has been had; that tho .said de
fendants, tho brothers Hofcr, aro
"prosecuting tho said action for tio
fraudulent and unlawful purposo of
obtaining money and property to
which they aro not enllt.'cd, and wltli
the purpose and object of fraudu
lently obtaining a ludgment against
mid defendant corporation, and bf
causing $he property of salddefcndaot
corjioratlon to bo sola upon said Judg
Bient, and thetuoelycs to become the
purchasers thereof; and with tho ftir-
ther fraudulent and unlawful purpose
of Injuring the other stockholders )n
said corporation, especially tho plain
tiffs In this suit;" that tho claims bf
tho defendants Hofcr, based uprin
certain services pretended to have
been rendered, aro "Improper, unlay-
ful and fraudulent," and not ju$t
charges. Tho plaintiff further allege:
"That during tho eight years la$t
past, the said defendants. E. Hofcr.
A, P. Ilofer Jr. and P. X. Hofcr havo
bceri In ill 6 control and management
of the business, property and Inter
ests of tho said defendant corporation
and havo managed and conducted tho
same without reference, to tho othor
directors and stockholders of said de
fendant corporation, and havo during
bhiu uniocoucctcu onu received mrg
sums of money belonging to tho sal
defendant corporation, nnd liav
fraudulently appropriated tho nam
to their owh use, and have failed and
neglected to account therefor; and It)
addition to receiving and collect
log said moneys the jsalO defend
anta havo llkowlso collected
and recelyed and frAudulontly appro.
pnaieu 10 inoir own uso certain per-
(itilsltej, such aa railway passes for
themselves and families, thentor and
hIiow tickets, contributions from poll
tltlonsand candidates for olllco at
the different elections held In said
city, county and state, for divers of
tkm, Including tho offlco of United
HtatesBenUor;and tho said defend
ants have also maintained nnd sup.
ported themselves and families, by
paying their household bills and ex
perrnes through advertising, dono and
furnished by tho Bald defendant cor.
porallon to divers third parties; and
the said mones, proporty, perquisites,
advertising accounts, political cuntrl -buttons,
etc. amount to tho sum of
5,000, or thereabouts, and tho sama
belong to tho said defendant corporation.
defendant. Ilofer. and would take no
farther Interest -In the business, or
the preservation of Its property and
Geo. 0-, Bingham and Jahn A Car
son are attorneys for the plaintiff in
tho case.
The above sensational statement Is
published In a newspaper of Mr. 131 og
ham's political faction before.' copies
wero served on tho Interested parties
for tho sole purposo of defaming
our name and business standing under
guise of legal pleadings, all of which
are falsc.Tho facts about tho cond uct
of this newspaper shall be laid before
the public In tho courts. There is no
act of theirs while connected with
tho newspaper business In Oregon or
elsewhere but what they are willing
should bo made public. There Is hard
ly n day In the year that Tun Jour
nal ofllce Is not open day and night,
and every day's business Is on record
and never before besn called .In ques
tion, until nowGcorgo 0 Bingham,
a well known Salem Republican poli
tician in connection with Geo. W.
Dayls, fate Republican county chair
man, and tho former a contln.
uoua public oniclal, whether the peo
ple elect him tp o(11qo or not, bring a
sensational suit to inlurc the standing
and Infhirneo of this newspaper of and
Its publishers In this community.
His troubles and grievances date hack
to tho Republican primaries of 1800
wncn lie wanted to bo nominated for
tho legislature on the Mitchell Repub
lican ticket. Ho professed to be a
gold stundard man, and this paper
showed that he would havo to either
betray his principles ur Mr. Mitchell,
and he was not available In the con
ycntlon Ills next trouble was when
he as city and acting for tho county
Republican chairman made himself
and Mr. Geo. W. Davis candidates for
school directors at the last Salem
school election, and wero mercilessly,
but properly turned down by the pco
plo of his own party. Tho people had
really nothing against Mr. Davis, but
his unfortunate associations with a
man universally disliked, and thoy
were both defeated at tho polls about
four to uno. This satisfied Mr. Ring,
ham that unless ho could get a con
trolling Iniluence in Thk Capital I
Journal, his operations In ifoWlc '
affairs would bo ycry limited In dura
ton, and ho pot nbout getting control
of stock in Tjiu Jouiinat. company.
His opportunity was found when ho
experlcncowith him In a corporation
and .knew his methods.
Mr. Bingham's plans, as now dls
closed in ,hls Injunction suit, were to
get a receiver appointed and by hooic
or crook without. buylnR the paper
get control of the Capital Jouhnal
In that way. It was Intimated to tho
present publishers by gentlemen close
to Mr. Bingham that he simply
wanted tho stock to protect himself,
and, like the southern confederacy,
all he aBkcd was to be let alone. But
uorer Brothers niodo tip- their minds
If that was what he wanted they
might as well auit tho tho newspaper
businesses to try and accommodate
an Individual of his talents nnd ac
tivities In certain directions. In
other words there Is no such thing
possible as publishing an Independent
newspaper in tho Interest ofthe peo
ple and the taxpayers and have Mr.
Bingham as a stockholder und keep
him satisfied.
The present publishers took charge
or this paper with the distinct under
standlngthat they wore to be per.
fectly free to conduct It as they saw
lit withoi t dictation from any stock-
holder, because they wero absoluto
owners of a majority of the stock and
wero unaccustomed to publishing any
othor kind of a newspaper, and Messrs.
Chamberlain and Byars and tho late
u. iu. iyuimj so understood our agrco
ment with them, and as gentlemen
and falrmlnded men always respejted
that contract, and neyer In any way
Interfered or dictated tho editorial
Fiojii tho tuio Hofcr Bros, took tho
paper no stockholder was ever assessed
one penny, and until we took tho pa
per tho mockl-olders were continually
compelled to put up money to keep
the paper alive. When Mr. Blogham
took tho stock wo wero aware It wns
not becauofi lie loved us or the paper
or Its other stockholders. Both wo
and the public know why and what
for ho bought stock, and he was not
long In shoving his hand.
When ho got the recent contract
from tho county court for collecting
delinquent taxes amounting to some
thirteen thousand dollars for tho last
I live years this paper published tho
facts nbout tho matter, showing that
It wan a Job for whloh ho could bring
J Imabout any bill ho pleased, and we
then nnd thoro decided to bring tult
i for balnnces due us on wages, because
wo knew that nothing but abolute
' silence about his public record would
f A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers. I. C. HuhimriT llm. r.v nf KonknV t- ,,.,.
decided to OIVB AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold; These presents are in the form of !
f Beautiful Pastel Pictures!
They are 13x19 inches in slic.and are entitled as follews:
Lilacs and
kit1' '"VtWOAt
em .
. . jis wits fim iw
1 rjt
w Y
""I "r..
Lilacs and
An Unknown Man,
Thcro Is an unknown man in Salem
who has very few friends and there
Is a man whom every ono loves be
cause ho gives them those ICc meals
at George Bros.
Lo3t in the Fog,
In souio countries people got lost In
tho fog but Branson &(Jo. will always
unu mo nay 10 your nome witli these
high grade groceries.
A False Alarm,
Last night a Salem man was return
ing from tho lodge, nnd saw some lire
shining through a window but on
investigation It was seen to be the
ends of several 5c LltMn Chnmnlnn
cigars some men were smoklug.
m 1
Ofllce of the Secretary of State, i
Saloi, Or,, Sept. 3, 1803. J
.Scaled proposals will be received at
tins onico until noon. November 4,
1808, to furnlth the following articles
ise 0
Oflcrs travelers choice of llio following
route eait, They are all famous for their
tccnlc attraction.
O. K. & N, via OgJcn and Denver
Shasta Reutevla Sacramento, Ogden Jantl
Shatta Route via Sacramento, Maj)te and
A dally line of Ihrotiph PULLMAN
Francisco nnd I-oi Angeles to Chicago this Is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
Apply to the anents of the 0. IV & II.. O.
for the State of Oregen: for the use of s- L" Southern Pacific, or the undersigned,
8 pm
inese rare pictures, tour in number, hv thi. rmnonni ne.t
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen Fmm t. v.r rt,ro ...:...'
- . . . -.... wa VIIUIULQI OUUICL1.1
rl Jirn nnvt nffAfAi tl.n ? tM. iL ..i.tt '
in his studio and arc now offered for the Hrt ttmi in thn ni.t.u
The pictures arc accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orie
inals, and arc pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
.1 r up . rcs- 2rc ,he, correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
them in beauty, richness of color and art 1st c merit. 6
w!!hbcpanckag7oi blSLSf IC vtSLTCh I
1 11 i . ' . K'"-if. is inp dcsi launury starch on the market, and
beautllur let"" P g' your grocer for this starch and get a
to meet it, Wo aro not anxious to
run this paper with a man like Mr.
Bingham as n partner, however much
we might profit by nssoclatlng our
selves with him or by sharing in Ills
quasi -public enterprises. Wo are
willing to let this whole matter go
Into tho courts and before the people.
We have nothing to conceal In connec
tion with our qondnct or this nows.
paper or in our relation to tho legal
profession or to the public service.
,Po.',"A& 0ct W. -Wheat 'alle
01: Walla Walla, r8c.
tflour Portland, 13.25; Superfine
12 25 per bbl.
Oats White 30fe37c.
llay-$10Crfli per ton.
Hops -lOWlScj old crop tifVfc.
Wool-yiilley, 1012c; Eastern
Oregon, 8$12c.
Millstuir Bran, $14,; shorts, $14.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2 CO
turkeys, live, ll($12io.
Eggs-Oregon, 21c22jper doz.
aides urecn, salu.-d 00 lbs, fcYj8c.
, HUtlsfy Mr. Blnuham. Iln now nua
., . - .. . . . t - -- . Mif
as utM,rey . r u.o administrator of for a receivership and tho winding up
v..u , . ., llu wluw unu iransrcrrcu of tho earthly affairs of Tun Capital
......m am, ueo. w. iwvw Ki ' Jouunal. So far as
Hiiaresorsiociforapar valuo of$2."l00
"That over slnco tho organlratlon,
of the said defendant corporation, tho
' said derendant has published atSaiom
aforesaid, a dally and weekly news
paper under tho tiamoof "Tho Capi
tal Journal,1 nnd both or said papers
wero for -wverul years after tho
organization of said defendant cor
poration, and until In or about tho
year 1800, published in the Interests
of tho republican party; that tho said
defendants, E. Ilofer, A, P. Ilofor Jr,
and P. X. Ilofer wero tho editors und
were In control of tho said publica
tion of said papers eyor since
the summer of 1880, and they
aro now editing und publishing
both of said papers; but in or
about tho year 1600, tho said last
mentioned defendants out of a mor
condnry purposo alone, and against
tho will and wlthput the conRcntof
mw other stockholders of said defend
ant corporation, huddenly changed
tho political policies of both of said
papers, and thereafter published tho
Mate In the Interest of free silver aud
false theories und chimerical
"MK, and thereby tho subscriptions
M advertising to said newspapers
were greatly curtailed, and tho bul
i interests or tho defendant corpor
for.tho nominal sum of $200, and that,
too, without offering the stock for
sale to tho highest bidder at public
sale, und without letting the widow
know to whom It was to bo sold, as
tholudy declaimed at tho time all
Ilofer brothers
uro concerned the airalraof this news
paper can bo wound up with a clear
coiisclenco. Woowo no man a dollar.
Tho business Is In good standing by
the sacrlllccs wo have made to kcop It
so. If Mr. Bingham Is a bona tldo
Stockholdur tin nmrlit. ti tui u,min.. ..
trintul ajIi... t.f iln. I.... l-.i . . ' "
, "'""'' "' t,,u '""h' ouyor.niia m ,3 share of the only debt the pa
It was only made Known afterwards por owes. But tho Jountur. will not
m, ,uu.Ur0I juugo Terrell in -be wound up without a light, and
..... !..uu, uuro u.o swck was while wo publish, It will bo published
rinmnnrliwl fnr ti munlf .....1 it. t...i. i . . " ' ""I
:; , "L;: :... :.r: : m near,y ,n ",tor"t r
-..--rv.UR(,llOAliniluyY u.m. jiir. uHwoaroabloto do.
Bingham bought ton shares of Mrs. t, . , .. n.
v.ouiiuii umuni oir. Dingiiam us
a citizen und towurd his family wo
have only good will and' hope ho may
ceaso tho ubuseH lie has practiced In
tho past so us to Improve tils refu
tation and his relation toward the
public, and those aro the only short
ened to sell to Mr. Ulnirliam. nalie'r. "K:. l "l0 wo ttvo over touched
iiiiiri .an wiiatnAM.i.M.i.. .
-.,.-... ..u iiui uiivc iiiainci uiiornoy
und made a small rortuno out of tim
I fill Inn ni..I I.....I... .. ...
!...... unu uuiujf uuee Hiueucd blood,
I iiko 1110 ugar, 110 lias pursued tho
puono criu evor since. Polled In
fcmmn A. Byura for $500, or $20 u'
sharo when from tho record It shows !
ho paid tho widow of the Walto cstato
ouly $8.70 a share, if Indeed ho paid I
In unythlng but uttornoy fees. He I
next tried to get Mr. M. L, Chamber-'
lln'a stock, but that gontieuian do-
and other Salem men had had some '
There H an opportunity at this
session of tho legislature to cut down
tho cxpenso or tho State University
or elso reconstruct tho Institution on
a moro satisfactory basis.
Tho present cxpenso of about $30,
000 a year Tor un enrollment of about
a hundred students and graduating
young men and women at about $2000
per capita Isoutof all proportion.
Professors aro kept at from $2000 to
$3000 a year who could not earn one-
llilrdor that sum In common school
work, There are somo excellent spec
ialists uud educators of broad culture
on tho faculty nut tho Institution
carries some who can make neither u
name for themselves nor for the state.
Contrasted with tho State Agricul
tural college, which Is run for less
money and accommodates nearly
three times tho numbor of students,
the college at Eugene does not make a
fuyorablo showing. It Is top-heavy
with expense and weak upon lis legs
and seems lacking In popular support
of the people,
...u.o uinii, duiicu uviua. ocaoic.
under CO lbs,07c;sheep pelts,1620c.
uuiuua i-ucjficii per sacK.
Butter Best dairy. 40a45c: fnnr.v
creamery, C0c0c per roll.
I'otatocs, 6605c per sack.
nous iicavy, w.75.
Muttou Wcathcr8 3c; dressed, 7o
Beef Utcorsja.COGf.'Ufi: cows, $2 50
3 dressed, V0.
Oats dOe.
Hay Baled, Jheat, $(rf$7.
I; lour In wuolcsalc lots, $3 40: rc
tall $4.00.
Hogs dro-sed, 6c.
Live cattle 2i3c.
Sheep Live, $2T50fa$3.
Veal -53.
Butter Dairy 20c: creamery 25c.
V00l Bcst.lfic. Mohair 25c
nopv-nest ioroI2c.
Eggs-20o in cash.
Poultry chickens, 7fji8c.
rami smoknil iiiiiirj!ltnnn oin
ham, 10c shoulder, (lW7c. ' '
1'OtUtOCB 25c.
nm mfcrfTK
III juKaw I
.iHr IVLm HLtrHH
.rr jb I BtvJVuR
When a man inf.
lent irom neglect
ed tlldiKCBfioil.
conitiption aud
torpidity of the
liver, he soon
loses all eniov.
ment of bis meals. Nothiug tastes good
or looks appetising. He irrumMe at his
wife, or the cook, or the landlord, or the
landlady, or tUe waiter, as the case may
be. People Hy that he has "a fiukikv
tite rt and let it ko at that. The fact
in It in a precarious xm-
the stockholders of
corporation, wen? also thereby Injured ' J" 'or a .MllwM be should take the
.. s.aa ..& - 11 if nr r.maai - !& in. ii
Aa iwwisur iui 41111c if ! "
T . m
la that the man la lit a nrecaHou vm
ditlou and. if he continues to n.i.-lrct hl
atlnn tlmniv nfi .. . 1 , hea,th candidate for consumption or
tt j i?i if Krea,,y dn'aKCdi and tome equally terrible malady.
ucientiunt' . " nocsn-i wiau to "nine with.
so. and thus ward off the "blir nnu"
WUen a man'a appetite it "finicky,"
when his liver it torpid, when he fttla
"heaikchey," dull, llatleot and generally
out of torts, he should take Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Ditcovery. It makes the
appetite Uku, the Hver active, the blood
pure, the brain clear and, the whole body
alert and energetic. If the bowels are
COMStinatfcd Dr. Plerce'a PUcutit 1V1I-!.
wu cur uiat, The "Golden Metlical
Pjacovery " cures 93 per cant, of all cases
of cowptlpH, weak lungt, catarrhal,
Uofccbkd ami VoM troublea.
J'SlS8.' &.& SlH J"fct doctors
1m4 aa4 MDH U HvW, I hr Mh oi.
Ia4v-a. vr. ul I k. n Kiiuk bbv, i.i .ii
u jt. rmnm wh
tsM $PvBjpsj. aHTMsja
wi tlilr stock depreciated."
'iiwy further allege that tho de
feiiMt., the brothers Ilofer, have
im la coflM of the business and
Imwi folcll all moBoy due tho c r
pwUo, h4 bye failed to account,
tk stockJw'Oers llterefor, the
MMMIS4 w lM4ve( i ulaccd bv tt
'pMHiutn JMKMH 39.tW. That thn
NMMll IsMain hd wanckvl of tle
liiiitsMiM.L. CtHUHbllH, ami d.
V, Mrt to liwtltuta uit, In
9jum 9f Mm orporto, mtatast
ornM deltdit, but tlutt wld of
m ftamfo tM Informed the plain-mih9yim4-Uk
no further
moMMjt of tlw af-
efrpratklfl, d 0
VfoKaj fOiil,
aitof) 10 me sain 1
' -"M
vm own
Dr. yfcwa'a MMsa4 rUU care cou
A4to. Oae imV" Pellet" U a dot
electing Jlr. Carson district attornoy,
ror tho flmplo n'ason that, all the
lawyers and the publlu know that Mr.
Bingham was really tho man
behind tho throne, Mr. Bing
ham has through his po
lltlcab iniluence persisted In
foisting himself upon tho people or
thrs county aud city aH their legal ad
visor when thoy showed alacrity In
getting rid tf him und havo nover
shown any doslro to havo his services
a second time. That was why thoy
defeated him so terribly tor tho small
olllco or school director, they relt ho
only wanted that uillco to enable him
to bo on tho lusldo. and wliilo ostcnsl
bly serving tho people really servo the
banks und bondholders, whose attorney
110 might hayo been. When ho was In
tho city council hewasut tho same
tlmo uttornoy for tho S. P. Co., ()
matters where tho intorestaof the two
parties wero diametrically opposed-
Mr, uiogham Is not the only lawyer,
lit Oregon, who does this sort or buRi,
noss, but he Is tho most notorl.
ous ono In this community, und
It Is because Tiik Journal
has shown up his record in these mat-
Inf. nnd .Iiak . .-
v. .mi umor iimners or 1110 alloc
Klud, that he Iim bought stock and
wants a receiver to run Thk Qaitau
Jduiinai This Issue might as well
bosquarely.met, aodwe uro prepared
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications us thoy cannot
reach tho diseased nnrf.inn nr tu. ,..-
Thoro Ih enly onn wny to cure deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by un
Inllumcd condition of tho mucous
lluliiir or tho Eustnchlan Tubo. When
this tube Is Inllamcd you hayo a
rumbling sound or liuncrrm-.Mmnrirm
and when It Is entirely closed, denf.
ness Is the result, und unless Inllum
IliatlOn can bo taken nut. nnrl Mild
buuu riMiurcu 10 us normal condition,
hearing will bo destroyed forover
mno canes out or ton aro caused by
Catarrh, whk'h U notiiimr iim nn i.
ilHiped condltltloti or the mucous sur-
Wo will glyo Ono Hundred Tollars
for any cuso of deafness (catibod by
catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail's
Catarrh Cure. Send lor circulars;
free. '
P. J. Ciiknf.y & Co.,
u 1 . ., . Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist. 75c.
Hull's Pumlly Pills aro tho best.
A Midnight Murder.
A midnight murder always catihcs
apprehension among tho timid people
of tho community und those standard
high grade groceries nt Ilmnn'u
cause smPcs of Joy everywhere.
One Minute Couch Cure nrnrl.. n.ni. 1
lll. nnUL. "I. C .... - '.Vr ""I""
'., "i-"" "' won mc u t repu
tatlon of any prrpaiatlon for colds, croup, or
obstinate couih. .Smni. rim i.. '
n- .-.. . uiviv.
the 20th Biennial Session or the
isiativo Assembly.
35 reams legal cap, 14 lbs., No.
ruling, wh to laid. Clinrtnr fink.
Scotch linen, rirnt.lmr irnnrt nnnnr
30 ream lirst class Congress Note,
7 pound. No. 7 ruling, white laid, or
other good paper.
20 reams letter paper 12 lbs., No. 7
ruling, white laid, Carcw, Charter
Oak Scotch linen or other good paper.
20 reams typewriter paper, letter
Blze, Parygon letter wove No. 3,
A alley Paper Company, or other good
20 reams typewriter paper, legal
me. Paragon letter wove No. 3,
Valley Paper Company, or other good
u reams typewriter paper, legal size,
Paragon iettur wnvn Nn. 11 v.iiin
Paper Company, or other good puper.
0 boxes Little's satin llnlsh carbon
paper, blue, size 8x13.
oooxes Little's satin finish carbon
puper, niue, size 8x10.
1'l99.?.0- envelopes. 80 lbs. No. 1
rag, XXX,
12 gross railroad steel pens, No. 40.
20 gross Ollott's stcol pens No. 404.
4 gross Gillot's steel pens, No. 303.
8 gross Esterbrook "J" pens.
0 gloss Pulcon steel pens No. 048.
0 gross Esterbrook &Co's. Probato
steel pens No. 313.
0 gross Estorhiook & f!n'
ciiilll steel nona No. 312.
0grossEsterbrook&Co's. Chancel
lors steel pens No. 230.
0 gross London Incandescent, M.
Jacobs No. 4.
2 dcz. Santord's cardinal red
5 gross penholders, black enamel,
large. '
10 doz. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's Ink
stands No. 65ft.
4 doz. Peck. Stow & Wllcnr'a inb-
stands No. 554.
10 doz. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's Ink
stands No. 420.
12 doz. lynry tolders, 0 Inch
4 doz. Ivory tnldcrs, 10 Inch con-
4 doz. mucilage cups, No. 8 Morgans
t10(!.)Z' mucllugo stands, resovnlr,
No. 0 Morgan's patent.
3 reams Parker's treasury blottlug
paper, orns good, 140 Lbs. white.
2 gross No. 2 Eagle recorder lead
pencils, style CC0.
f doz. Sanford'n premium fluid,
2 doz. Stuffords writing n.iid
10 doz. Nmmnrnll I'lim t,irrl uin). in .,
x .. ,.-. ".-""" '" -""" "
iu. t, 11x10 incues, 000 stubs.
4 doz. Duplex cupboard, letter dirk
legal size. ' '
20 doz. Duplex letter clips.
15 doz. Pubera rubber rulers, 14 Inch
..ijz s,cel orascrs, Rogers N. 18,
140, bone. '
3 doz. steel "rascrs, Rogers No. le,
140. etony.
70 Boxes Pubers No. 300 rubber
hands, assorted sizes.
0 gross Pa bers lead pencils, No. 2.
for folders and descriptive literature,
Gen'l AftWorcester, Uldg. Portland, Ore,
Canadin Pacific R R,
And Soo Pacific Line
3 p m
From Portland,
0, Denver F,
Worth, Omaha. Knnai
.. .1 . . : '
ly, bi Louis, Chlcut'o
d East.
Walla Walls, - Snokane.
KYI-... .!). T. ...
miiiiiEujiuils, ot. laUl,
uuiuui, Aiuwaukee Clii
cago and East
7 pin
St. Paul
New York
,, , Boston
a all points east and sovthcatt
Cheapest rates, bestservlce and accommo-
ITjrough louilst sleepers to Minneapolis,
bt. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, and lioston
without chance
Canadian Pacific Railway Co's, Fmprcss
Ine of steamships to Japan and China
The fastest and fineit ships on the Pacific
ocean Shortest and best route to the
8 p in
ex, Sun
10 p m
All tailing dales sub
ject to charge.
For San Ernnclsco .'
Sail September 1, 6, n,
10, 21. 20,
a m
To Alaska
Sail Sept.
and Sat
To Astoria and way land'
Oregon City, Daylon and
S, S. Co,
, Fiji and Australia The
the colonies,
'ersandan? information call
ou Invite disappoinlment when jou ex
periment. DeWiit'n Litlle Eirly Rlir are
pleasant, easy, thoroujjh little Pills. They
cure sick headace ai su.e asy.ui fake ihem
Stone Drug Store.
A stubborn coudi or tid-llmr in ti,. (..!.
yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Ilarmlew
InenVct It acts a( once. Stone Drue Store.
When you call or DtWitt's W itch Hazel
Salve don't accept anything elie Don't be
talked into suUtl utc 01 piles for sores for
burns. Stone Drug Strre.
Acker's ErglUh Remedy Will Stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the wort
cold in twelve hours, or mnni-v ..fnn.l.,1
25c and sec. Lunn & Jlrooks druceiits
ffoboay noefl tiavo Mournuia,
l"ln I'iIU fmm drutaU' ""Oi
DeWitt's Witch Harel Salve has the
largest sale of any. This fact has led dis
honest peorJe to attempt to counierfeit It.
Iok out when you cll tor De Witt's Witch
Ilejel halve, 1 he great pile cure. Stone Drue
broken surtjrM. mr .. 1.1...
burns there Is one reliable remedy. DWln'
Witch Basel Salve. When youTall for De
.. .uuiii .cccpi counterfeits. You will
not be dipooinied Stone Drug Store.
hexagon, uilt,
12 gross Fabcra lead pencils, No 2
i.iuiiu Kill.
20 doz. Pubers patent Ink and pen
ell rubber orusors, mammouth.
3,000 McQIU's patent paper fasten
ers. No. 2 Hat head.
3,000 Mc'JIIIh patent paper rastcners.
No. 2, round heads, white.
3,000 McGIUs patent puper rastcn
ers. No. 4, Hut head.
,n1o.d?z'.,ra,),e Pad9' tu old PPer,
10x21 Inches, strom? lortlmr t.inl '
15 doz. waste paper baskets, cross
bar, No. 4.
3 doz. wauto paper basket, small,
No. !1, round.
20 lbs. hemp twine, No. 2.
4.d,oz,.nfortl's "ucllage. quarls.
All bids submitted should bo
marked "Proposal ror Stationery."
Nono but tho best quality or goods
will bo accepted.
Tho right to reject any or all bids Is
All the above articles must bo de
livered at Salem. Oregon, on or before
Decombor 10. 18M.
Very respectfully,
Secretary or State.
To Honolul
shortest route t
For rates, fo
on or address,
Agent. Salem. Or
a . ,., . Ii. H. ABBOT,
Agent, 146 Third street. Portland. Or
yv , . n K J- COYLE,
Dutticl Passenger Agent, Vancouver. 11. C.
When Going East
Use a first-class line in traveling between
Minneapolis, St. Paul aud ChlcaCo, and the
1 ., ,T luw,, ,n cnirai Wisconsin.
Insmlce" ' keeping and chair can
,.T!feiPini?B Mrs a.re Pera-J In thc.inter
etofits patrons, the rr-ost elegant service
ever Inaugurated. Meals arc served n "
To obtain firsf-class serl your ticke
should read via '
The Wisconsin
Central Lines.
"li'srsK c,,,ci,Boana Mi,w'uk
1 cKetmii mrormation call on tod,
ticket ugent or write
f -1 .. JAS c- I'OND
"'"""'ass. BtntMUIwfcukee.
U?,::),' t"oe Agent Wis
i.5 a m
Portland to Salem
and way landings
Leave Rlparla dailg ex
cept Saturday.
Leave I-ewlttun itntlt- -.
- ...ixi i.HMj v "I
cepi r nuay. n.
4 p m
4 P m
ex Sun
.'3 p iu
43o p m
Lv Lew
S-MS a m
Ruth for Portland Tuesday, Thursday ajj
Saturday ct 7:15 a. m.
Transfers lo street car line at Oreg Cilv
If the steamers are delayed there ound
trip tickets to all points In Oregon, sshlnc
ton, California or the Mtr. rnnn.,.i.r
made at Portland with all rail, ocean and
river lines.
Steaimhips satl for Sen Francisco. Sept.
26, 29. Oct. 2, S, 8, 11, 14, i7 20, 23,26, 29
W. II. HURr.miuT
Oen'l Pas. Agt. Portland. Or
G. M.1POWERS. Agent, Twde st.eet dock
-tty Agents.
Southern Pacific Co
8.-2S ni
7-4S A M
. Portland . ..Ar
...5atern ....Lv-
Ar. San Frnnclsco . Lv
street Portland Or
Oreffon Short Line.
sleeonur car, an3 , h .w i. ""a" P?'c
hiBcawonall ihiough trains. " S,eP
Agent Salem, Or
Traveling Pajsenger An
W. E. COMAN. k "
bef Po,.ln .n'lTfS n" I'TkutTSnT
lS, n,nd S?cm Tun,er- Ma"on
lellcrson, Albany Tangent. Shwldi, Halsey.
Harrisburg, Junction cfiy, Eugene. Creiwell
Cottage Grove, Dram, Oakland, and a" ,,.
tlons from Rosebu.g to Ashland, Inclu ve
8.-30AMI Lv .. I'ortlaTTd.'.Ar 14.-10PM
s i5o p " k: &"? v S M
j -OPMI Ar .. Roseburg.. Lv 7.3oam
Iu Iman butrt sleeper andsTcond-claT,
BCTWEKN POKTI.anii ...'-...'.
Mai, tiain, dally, cxcVpt T
",-is P M f Ar. . . .Corvniii. 1 .. f ?' :? I "
I Iw . . . . Portland . ." A r I Y.- en
lAr..Corvallls" Lv St;Soi
inv nn.l r". iir '
l ni iinv n.i - ...
..." : . .. """ v-orvauis connrrt i.i.
trains of the O. C. & E. Ry.
4--50PM1 Lv ... Portland.... Ar I 8-2; a
7.V50 p m Lr . McMinnv lie Lv I k'-V0 a u
yoPMJjU independence L I i!o a u
rw 1 . 1 Vlons ' Sa" irancisco with
Sailing dates on application t,A.
nates ami I pti-i. . i-...
p-,. . . ".:- '" "icrn
L Wind feffi1"' 'MS
from W."d WUVJ ffiA- cjn.be obuinM
"""u" -et hznl
from W.
' II markiiau ?.0nujR. Manager.
"I I. MARkHAM. G. F. &P.'A. Port.n
124 Third Siree
General Atrn
Portland, Or, '
More than twenty mllllnn lr .nn.ni ,
rvui... 11...1 o .' . : --- - "1'K.i ui
ri '.' ","M,K nave wscn dUtribiled
Annual Galas overo, 000,000 Bote
rhoro will bo quite a number ut
letHlliig tho state fair who In the
near future, expect to erect monu
nenf? or thelr doparteil friend".
;;."" l luiKUb to can on air. T. it.
atrip. Mlln faat Itfltl-rnrntf- f .h.1. c i. .''"" ' "It III tllO Ian0 mivllllnn n n.
Onac.nso.de lw,n, ,.:, 'Vrfi ' '""z"? "yu IMSiate street and 144 Ml . "
the shortest time Stone Dn.g S ore.' '" 1 ,7n"fl0 wl,,b "' JOU designs (hn
as nearly 700 or them) and specimens
Dyspepsu can be cure.1 bv u., a,,.... 0f ll,e w,,lt0 bnZ0.
Dypepla Tablets, One little taftet well j Durablli,y ' White Brome-Attesled bv
OlVC ImmCaiate relief nr ii.An f...t.i ' n 1 n ... . .
jijeh at Wind and lMtn In tho Btomaeh,
CllddlucM. Filing uftor nutala. Head,
noho. JJIwlnuM, DrowsinosH. FimhliiKs
u,AU ?, ' A'lHilltn., Ooatlvonas,
lllotohea on th Rkln. O'M CIiIIIb.DK,.
turbo.1 BIh-p IVhjhtful Droanni and hII
Ixul "'"' I'wmbllng Bonsatlona.
will aukiiowlodtfo tlu'in to bo
llBUCH.tN',1 PIM.H. iaken na direct.
gMUufeklrgtfra Fmnaloa to y -P
eto boalllu Thoy promntly remoVo
obstructions or lrroj.ulorltkS of tho aw
torn hhiI euro t,lvU Hoatocuytffc
weaK btomaeh
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Uver
Booohnm's Po fir
Without a Rival
. A h th
of miy i'Mteut Modlrlue liuiio VorU.
25o. at all Dru SFrea. " "
mmciliaic rellnl nr mnnn
i. i t...i " : .; .
joiu 111 lunuiome un 1 oxes at 2jc,
U rooks, diuggltu.
Lunn &
Eminem Scientific Authorltes
Tlie NortJiem Paciiic
Railroad still continues the popular
route foreastorn travel and now tl at
summer Is opening up It becomes Z
fortable accommodat ons furnished
passoncers aro nrnvorhini .....""i.,",
The mad It a vSrSa V 1 "?J"! -"Ing,
cent belt of country In ' "V ,""1" u." avM 5t . . .
. . y '" -w iiuiiii. 1 irivn Allien..
; --.-.. ttiiMitr .
Corvallis & Eastern
n. n. Company,
KV. V .- ' W Y
u 1 .1 u ni
1V., l-i... ...
icavcx Aiuanv .. .
Train leaves Corvall ' V? P ni
Train arrive t YaqJin,; i: P- .
i. Returning.- ,a,luma 6.o jx m
Leaves Yaquina ,wi
Leaves Corvallis 7:oa. m.
Arrive Albany '4o.m.
For Detroit- iaSP-m.
Leavtts Corva'lls
Leaves A'banv 7.'ooa. m.
Arrive De.ofr 5 , m.
tiuii, mt
eryrytnt aCtflvi;n,81,,?lf ,constant
fff..n.t.fr"ct,,vo. an'l InterestlnL'. so
8 traveler goes through wltlis
end wuTiou ;aTi;i,r , v,z..iuTn
Sick headache iboiuteiy and permanently
curd by u,ine Moll Tea' A pleasTni TSSl
drink Cuies constipation and Indlgestmn.
makes you ea, sleep, work and luppy. Sat.
maction cuaranteed or money back. 2c and
Lunn St Hrooks druggist,
Ai'kei't Dviocosn lihiett ur. .11
huitlve guarsntee. Cures heart-burn, ralinC
oft he food dis'reis after eating or any form
" "f'lr1" "" nine tablet gives
mediate relief. X5 and and 50c. Lunn
fuuKs, uruggitf.
out fat true and ronoiina i, 1?... "'"!"
end wltlmut reallzlnir distance All
states, the eye is feasted w h JEn'Si
AS? " 0P,D' W,lK5flS&Keo?
.. I'bof. II. P. Oraio. lufit. wit h p.".' L.u.wu''?fw are
nnaiyiica Uhemlst for, the GovoPn. tJcnl' ; .11 "' t,URUl8
m u.o united Stated Washington, tIIUM
12:40 p.m.
6V05 a, m.
'a'iH'""" "!5S P- m.
Pacific irnln mJi ' . .ii """ .w,,n "thero
m....." " " "."."K ""' service to and
Arrive CorvJIis
I and 3 connect ai
Ncwr-ort and ajj.icent beaches.
a. ," r2nw.nu ivcs at
a o Zu """ ? "" "l",ne o leach
. , u ,uu nreuenbu!
iYci same aay.
h and
Drink a Keeping of Moklo Tea pefori icttrlnr;
ai niizlit, and se i how soundlv vu win ).-..
and h.w J-womly you will awake in the
morning H supplies food for tnc blood
wnne you s ecp, prod ic a clear and beautl-
,u,'w, aao cures constipation and
Lunn ci Urogks, itruggist.
Will resist tho chemical effects of
J tmoPhero for all time.
Watt'd Dictionary of Chemistry.
For durabllltv nnrl iu.,...i .1
nil that can bo aeslred. " J """ ttl
F. L. Uautlktt
Assayer of Metals for tho Vffil'n,
1 Kverv doubt has twon ,iiunn ...
to tho durability of zlno In thn
open ulr and under the Influence of
'overvklnd of weather. ,m,uenee of
I U2fiL, H.'S'IY.0.' AT8. Mano.
-. .... ., Sirica, voi. z nafje
ano run par-
& CO.
,225 Commercial sreet. t,!
Agent Albany.
tick headache.
NIqW Te io.lthely curYxt sick headache.
ipdlKcstlon and eoostipatloo. A delightlnl
drink. Rtmovrx all eruptions of the skin
producing a perfect cowpetoq, or money re'
fundftl. 25 cents and 50 cents. Lunn &
HrooVs, -Jrugglsts
1 " m 11 1
411 OmggUta oell Pr. WUm' Nerra PlontAr
It 19 much
pose to either marblo or granite, be
cause Itcan not cllslntecrate. '
auj;,iur lor inese our
Tllfi. H P., I... n..
Prof, nf V..;.l "S".1!"' "
Call on or Write
e. e. mrs iinmHn EKcr
64 & 6$ MerchaHtu' Exchange
lIAIfvir li
Natural Sclonces.
iwi. ui nauirai Kclonces, Slate
rmal school, Mlliersvllle, Pa.
Betittt. IMX!8dYMHjWJlhnH&tttl
for Infanta and Children.
Tba KM Yw Kavi Always iwfht
Boars tho ,, .
20u Miles
shorter and a wliolo half day quicker
than any otlierlluoto Omaha, Kan
sas city, ht. Louis aud all other
sutiiern and southeastern cities,
p-iuS0p&VA9catv,a Denver. St,
Paul, and Rllllngs, Mont. Tickets at
olllccs or connecting lines. If ynuK"
Lit.ilar0nia,"'.you cn stop olT and
see the Trans-Mlsslsslppi exposlilou
Oen'l acnt, Portland Or,
Tf-wnjfiivii iUiin,riftfil"'f iff 'fr1 '"""" """'Mt1,",,rtnfliiimrrwftiBiiiiiim 1 - un: