JKTff','mmrw T vr ' "T'"" yi' tww"" BrfMl'VTSWTE'' flf ,vr(T Ji vA' HI-? DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. M 11 , SALEM, OREGOK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1,898.. NO. 23f. VOL IX. We flt M 17 A KRAUSSE BROS. 275 COMMERCIAL, jTREHT. Mackintoshes Overcoats a Umbrellas Arc some of your most pressing mornings. Wo make a study ublo to supply thcui with Reed Biilt your purse as well us your Ours$2.50 Mackintosh Is a surprise and a rcRular MOO seller. A large line of Box and Cupe all wool TrlcotB Special for 10 Days a iinniiin.no ICnrsov Overcoat, worsted HnlnR, with silk sleeve and ovcrllnlnR, Others at $7.f0, Full line of Umbrellas from 50c to $5,00 G. W. JOHNSON & CO. 120 BTA.TH AthorouRh training In business or shorthand pays is evidenced by the number of students of the now holding responsible places. The revival of busi ness o v on win make many now opening for young Sconlo who aro prepared. Day and evening scsslous. Call or send for catalogue. Friedman Is That a senator ha been elected and It was all brought about by Friedman withdrawing of his name from tho senatorial contest. Ill reason was that should ho be elected senator he couldn't sell his mackintoshes, rubber boots and shoes, his clothing, huts, dry goods, luses, ladles' and gents' furnishing goods. As It Is you can r.ur chase all tho above lines of goods from Friedman, where you will rove from25to40 more percent, than If purchased elsewhere. Remember the place, corner State and Com mercial. There will be on exhibit ion In Friedman's window for 10 days'a crochet bed spread aud a pair of pillow shams made of No. 80, Barbour's Linen thread. Something Striking for tho Woodman, machinist, shoe maker, carpenter, plumber, tinner, farmer, blacksmith, etc., at GRAY BROS SALEM OREGON Tools of all descriptions. Ffifil Our stock of boots, shoes and rub ber goods la so large and complete, wo can suit you, then wo can FIT YOU, which Is ono of the many advantages we have ovdr the small stocks and cheap lines carried elsewhere. Unex perienced buyers pay too much for their Roods, hence can not compete, another advantage wo have- which our customers receive tho benefit of by trading at wants on these wot, frosty of your wants and tire reliable Roods that will taste. Those $8,50 Coverts ln Brown and Tun would bo Reed values at $10.00. Ouaranteed Watcrproor. Coats In Blue and Blac $550 Wa for 515.00 $10.00 and 812.50: STREET Delighted! iiiy ' x3BP tin f 1 1 JL-ss-Ik OREGON MEN Are Ordered to Go to Manila, The Secretary of the British Colonics. Declares it is Our Duty to Keep tho Philippines, (Associated Pro'sdl'sputch to Journal.) San Fkancisco. Oct. 10: General Mcrriam has chosen tho following forces to constitute tho next and, pre sumably the tlnal expedition to tho Philippines: Third battalion, twenty third Infantry, and Oregon recruits, batteries A and 1) Callfoi nla heavy artillery, Wyoming light artillery, Nevada cavalry, Hr3t Washington In- j fantry, twentieth Kansas Infantry,' first Tcnnrssco Infantry Hfty-tlrst Iowa Infantry, a total of 101 ofllccrs and 6.170 men. Tho batalllon of the twenty-third United States Infantry and recruits of the Second Oregon regiment have been designated for embarkation on the Senator which will sail by the end of the week. Minneapolis, Oct. 10. The four teenth Minnesota regiment left this morning lor guard duty ln towns on the. Fosstown extension of the great Northern road. Paius, Oct. lO.-Thc Evening Herald today published 'the substance of an Interview with Mr. Chamber lain secretary of state for tho British colonics, who is now In America, In which he Is quoted as suylng that he considers tho United States, owing to tho recent war, to be In tho same po sition as that recently Great Britain In Eypt, adding that tho United States has the same Imperative duty to keep the Philippines. Canton, Oct. 10. A private funeral scrvlcoovcr tho remains Saxton was held from the Bnrbor residence this afternoon. Tho president will leave by special train for Omaha to night. Mrs. McKlnley -will spend a few days here. ALL WORK ..SflLEM DENTAL PARLORS.. ROOMS 27 AND 20 ELDR1DGE BLOCK. -WINTER I tm eft j j 6 Commercial street, Salem, will pay A LARGE IE 1 GREEN Fall and Winter Goods of all description at the very lowest racket prices for spot cash at the FAIR STORE, 274 Commercial st Salem, Or, Shot by the Uuard. Lexington, Ky. Oct. 10r-Prlyate Edward Nygram, of tho Twelfth Now York, was shot and killed by tho pro vost guard last night while running to evade arrest. Private Balleyo of 3rd the engineers, also shot by tho guard, Is In a critical condition. NEXT CONGRESS. Republican Majority In Congress Will IJc Small, Wasiiinoton, Oct. 10. Tho Wash ington Post presents today a vlow of tho political situation with special reference to tho complexion of tho next houso of representatives. In summarizing Its dispatches, tho Post says: "While- Democratic gains aro out lined In many states, tho ilgurcs given by the correspondents of tho Post do not yet make It positive that the Uepubllcans will lose control of the house. There Is at present In tho house of representative a Republican majority or GO oyer all parties com bined, and this majority will bo diniculfc to completely overcome. Tliero is no doubt that It will be reduced to n vory small number, but tho present Indications do not point to its entire disappearance. "f ho estimates uiado by the Post's correspondents show that 100 districts in tho United States will certainly bo Republican In the approaching eleo Monunlcss the unexpcctcd'liappens.and 13 additional districts will glye tho Republicans a majority or the houso. "According to tho Post's advices there are no less than 42 doubtful districts, the large number In a great measure due to the caution or the Post's correspondents In declining to place In the certain column any dis trict which contains an element of doubt. Out of this 42, howeycr, thorc aro at least 20 districts In which tho chances are said to favor tho ropub llc&ns. For Instance, there aro dis tricts In Massachusetts, Maryland, Delawuro, New York, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan and Wyoming which aro clawed ' jia doubt ful, but which tho Republicans 'will probably carry. With 108 dis tricts assigned with certainty to tho Republicans, as1 against 123 assigned to tho Democrats, according to tho Post's Ilgurcs, the party In pjwer has an easier path to travel to tho desired goal. Tho Populists are Riven in seats and the silver Republicans, 4. German Exports, Iir.ui.iKj-Oct. 10. Tho exports ror the third quarter or tho (present year from thu southern hair of Germany to tiiejUnltcd States aro offlclally totaled at $3,541,023, or $1,100,533 In excess or the amount ror the corresponding quarter last year. Du. II, 0. Epley Dr. II. II. Ollngcr THIS WEKK WE ARE I NO SPECIAL PRICES ON GIV- Bridge and Crown Work Artificial Plates $6,00 and'up GUARANTEED, APPLES TIT i i cash lor all kinds shipping apples LINE OF mm WAYS ; MEANS Committee Swinging a Sharp Ax. ... NoJIntrcst on Bills of Last Leg islaturc, Status of Legislation at tho Present Date. The ways and means couimlttoo havc'bccn at work slnticc early this morning completing tho approprla Hon pill, which may bo submitted to both houses for debate Tuesday morn log.' Tho bill will bo largo on account of Mid largo number or deficiencies mm INJUNCTION M GEO. W. BINGHAM AND GEO. W. DAVIS SUE AS ALLEGED STOCKHOLDERS. Blngliam Airs His Grievances In a Complaint Full of Misstatements 1 -Asks to Havo a Receiver Appointed, (From Tho Salem Statesman,) A RECEIVER ASKED FOR. STOCKHOLDERS OP TUB KVKN1NQ I'APKK WANT AN ACCOUNTING. Tho Management of that Sheet Slight ly Shown Up Messrs; Bingham and Davis tho Plaintiffs. Gcorgo VY. Davis and Qcorgo U. Blnghrfm, plalntllTs,ys. Ernest Hofer, A. F. Ilorcr, Jr., P. X. Hofor and tho Capital Jouunal Publishing Com pany, defendants, fs the title or a new caso tiled In Department No. 2 or the state circuit court ror Marlon county Saturday Tho action is brought ror the purpose or having A. F, Uofer.Jr.. restrained from prosecuting n suit against the defendant corporatlon,for tho appointment or u rccelyer ror the corporation, whoso duty It shall be to sell and dlsposo or ull property and assets of defandant corporation, und divide tho same among tho stockhold (For conclusion and statement carried over, and ror which under de cisions or the courts, warrants aro already oatstandlng, But tho bill will bo submitted to sevcto over hauling ln both houses and probably many Items will bo cut down. Tno commlttco have been obliged to lot a great many Items go over to tho regular session on account or lack or time to properly Investigate. The Marlon county tmluty bill Is causing great, excltoment among thoso Interested and potllons uro being circulated against the proposed cut or $10,000 In the Fiagg bill. Tho state oniclal'd salary bill will be tho occasion or a big light. It pro poses flat salaries as follew: Governor ...... $5000 Supremo Judges -1000 Secretary or state..., 4000 Treasuror 4(00 Attorney general 3000 Supt. or schools 1800 Success Men's suits In all sizes, former price $0, now $1 00 Men's all wool clay worsted suits nxtru heavy, former price $12, now.... 0 00 Mon'a all wool cheviot suits, former price $10, now 0 60 Mert'a all wool plaid suits, former prico $10, now 7 00 Men's mackintoshes, good quality, reduced to , 2 00 Boys' mackintoshes, all sixes, reduced to 1 75 Men's hpary working pant, former price $125, now 85 Men's cotton worsted extra tine, former price $1.60, now 1 00 Men's all wool cheviots, extra lino, rormer price $2 60, nov 1 76 Men's Kood heavy oil grain working shoe, reduced rrom $1.60 to 1 26 Men's 0 oz. rlvettcd overalls, plain, reduced to Men's 0 oz, heavy Jumper Men'sOoz. heavy engineer overalls reduced to '. 45 Just Received,,, A big Hue of rubber bootn and -hoes, rain coats, macklntoMhci, umbrellas, und also a full lino of woolen underwear, which will bo sold at the same low orlces. Call and get a choice or bargains REMEMBER THE PLACE; H, ZANDMER, 96 State street, Near Commercial Supremo court reporter,... . .. 1000 Supreme court clork. 3000 State printer 3500 All fees, percentages, commlsslous, charges, etc., now collected are to go to tho public treasury. Till) bill would make unnecessary tho onico of stato printing expert. THE AI'PKOPKIATIONS. The iYuya and Means committee reached somo important conclusions at Its sessions today. Senator Belling and Representative Flagg aro doing hcrolo work ror retrenchment all along tho line an4 aro uphold by Chairman Taylor and Beach and tho cntlro committee. It was decided today that all tho appropriations for orphan's homes go oyer to the regular session. The committee Is overwhelmed with bills ror legal services or outsldo lawyers) growing out or litigation In the attorney general's ofllse. It was decided to pay no Interest on warrants ror members or last legisla ture. Senators and tholr employes will bo paid In full. Tho Benson and Cavls 'house" will rare alike live daya pay to each, but full pay to tholr employes. At tho regular session a bill will do proposed to unite tho Muto school aud Blind Institute, and uso tho present Mule school ror an Institution ror Idiotic and fceblo minded children. Following Is tho status or legislation up to date: BILLS I'AS9ED I10TU HOUSES. S B 13, by Daly or Benton Frco NST T MIL ers; that tho defendants, tho Brothers Ilorcr, account ror all moneys, prop erty and effects or the corporation re ceived or collected by them or their families? and for the costs unci dis bursements of tho suit. Plamtlmf allcgo in tho complaint that tho corporation was organized In 1888, with $5,000 capital stotk, di vided Into lirty snares at 8100 each, which was later Increased to $10,000 divided into 100 shares; That plaint ill Gcorgo W. Davis Is tho owner or seventeen shares, and Geo. G. Bing ham the holder or sixteen shares or tho stock; that E, Ilorcr claims to own twenty-six shares, A. F, Hofer Jr. twonty-llyo shares, und F. X. Ilorcr ono sharp, and that tho last three claim to be directors or tho company. That on March 1-1, 1808, at a meet ing or tho stockholders, tho thrco Ilofcrs, together with M. L, Cham- borlln nnd E. A. Byars, wcro elected directors; that Byars railed to qualify, or Ilorcr Bros, sco pago two). c forry across tho Willamette river at Corvallis, S B 21, by Daly or Luke To repeal railroad commission. S B 24, by Wado or Union-Charter or Union. S U 43, by Durur or Wasco-To ndd telophono poles, etc., to tho list for bidden to bo destroyed. S B 03, by Fulton of Clatsop-Chur tor or Astoria. II B 22, by Grace or Baker-Charter or Baker City, II B 43, by Duyls or Lincoln To re imburse Lincoln county ror overpaid taxes. II B 45, by Shorwln or Jackson- Charter or Ashland. II B 40, by Muxwcll or Tillamook To proyido semiannual terms or cir cuit court In Tillamook county. (Concluded jn fourth puge.) THE REDUCTION SA LE at .andmor's Clothing Store has proven u great success, und tho store has been crowded daily. As long as tho good last wo will contlnuo to soli them ut tho same low price. GOLD FOUND Valuable Ore Discov ered at Skaguay, ExScnator Mitchell at Waslv ington. Indian Excltoment Still on In North ern. Mlnnosota. By Associated Press to Tho Journal.) Victouia, Oct. 10. News has been received or tho finding or gold quartz atSkaguay golug a thousand dollars to tho ton. Tho news comes from reliable sources and although tho exact location Is not knowm It Is within a short dlstanco or tho Gate way City, Washington, Oct. 10. Tho rail term or an United States supremo court began at noon today. Tho court room was crowded with promi nent members or tho federal bar, in cluding ex senator Mitchell of Oregon and many Inspcctators, drawn by In terest attaching to tho opening day or tho term, Minneapolis, Oct. 10. The rederal and stato authority is now working In harmony towards quelling tho Indian revolt. Gcnoral Bacon offered to con fer with Govornor Clough, but tho latter udylsed conferonco by wire. IIo received following from Bacen: "Situation bad. Conference yester day resulted In nothing. No Indian chiefs thorc. Luinbormcn ull coming Into Walker. Troops needed at Caea Lake." Atcornoy Gcnorul Muhlborn wlrco Governor Clough from Deor River on tho Foston line: "Havo scouts to get reliable infor mation. People mora than frightened along tho line. More troop should bo stationed west of hero. Bomadjl very much excited." A speclul to the Journal from Cass Lake says armed bucks arc undoubtedly proceeding south. Culls were recolved from Bomadll ror troops bift nono were sent. Washington, OcUO. At trleunlal council or tho Episcopal church tho extending Inliuoncoor tho church was Indicated by a memorial rrom Japan urging tho creation or a southern. Ju risdiction In that country and rrom SALEM'S GREATEST STORE YOUR mONBY BACK H your purchase proves unsatisfactory, ir what you buy hero doc not wear well, wo are ready to pay you ror your loss or tlmo. - Mackintosh time la horo Tho crisp cold air and rain remind jou of protection, th Ladles' doublo capo, doublo texturo in a lino blue nerge.as good as wo have scon ror $5 $4,00 All wool serge, blue and black and Uno ranlte cloth uiuo and brown, doublo rested, new shield front. $2,00 Ladles' cholco tan, habit cloth doublo breasted, double texturo, Inlaid velvet collar. $7,50 ftoveltlctj In line all wool fancy cloths. $10,12,50 $25,00 Misses and chlldrons, galore. Dress goods sale Ono of our old tlmo specials, com menclugjtomorrow.conlnulng all week. All dress ood ntspeolal prices, JOSEPH MEYERS L SQg& Phone 1, 378 280 Commercial street, corner Court ML.-. --.J t la fA MMaU LaUaUf kAMlit WH WTWf'Bn M(U Ml JUW If I WWW WWIW flLP " IfcAvWR oCHI sBd PWWttt R B Www POWDER AtMthtWPHr ROYAL BAKlNd rOWOtH CO., HtW VMM. S"B an Angellcan church, or Honolulu, asking that tho church or tho Islands bo amalgamate! with tho church or the United Slates, SPANISH SOLDIERS Are Being Well Treated By Their Own Government. (By Associated Press to tho Journal.) Madkid, Oct. 10. It Is said here, that tho evacuation or Cuba will be accomplished by tho end or November. Tho government Is employing 21 ves sels In ' rcpatratlon or troops. Tho soldiers havo received pay ror Juno and on landing In Spain will receive a month's pay and thc7 will bo glvon civilian clothing and mustered out of the service, MILLION OALLONS Of Oil On Fire in the Delaware River. (By Associated Press to The Journal.) Pnir.ADKU?HiA, Pa., Oct. 10Tho British steamer Wcchawken Is aground and on tire on Cherry Flats, In tho Delaware rlvor. Tho steamer cleared for Yonlco last Saturday, with over a million gullons of oil. Tho crew escaped. Wheat Market. (By Associated Press to Tho Journal. CinoAao, Oct. 10, Dccembor 031 cash2,red05, - -' San Fkancisco, 10 Oct. December $1.17 Cash wheat $1.18! . Salem, Oct, 10. Salem Flouring Mills quote fifty cents. Tho TUIson-Burtlcttgraln Co. pay 61 cents for small lots and uro prepared to pay a llttlo moro for targe lots. 0-ki Dr. MIIm' NaiiVBlTJUmtwitoir STINAli WKAKNV&. AUdriwlfltaell ,liepp!j Pectoral is tho best romody that I know of for La Grippe." Rov. J. K, CHASE, South Hampton, N.H. HALP-SIZn HOTTI.nS, soc. Ladies' Knit Underwear Flceco lined, Jersey ribbed, pearl buttons nicely ttnlshcu vest and pants, 25c Ladles' Jcrsoy ribbed extra ilnlah. covered olostlo scams, line Maco cot- ton, llccce linen. 50c Melba and Oneita Union Suits For ladles' misses aud children, lino cotton, to all wool at. 50c to $2,50 Men's Mackintoshes Ilad to duplicate our order on that' lino tan mixture, all wool covert, Uox Coat $6.85 ; Nothing shown to equal It undr. V $7.50. HART, 80HAFFNER A MARX. OUARANTSFO OLQTHINO. We aio solo ogents forSalm. it !. m V i TS .a :!& .. J " a a i. '-fs ' i,iv n