Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 08, 1898, Image 1

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5t '
JSTO, 237
Boots ano
For the rainy season must be of solid leather, We
carry only reliable shoes. The Star5Star line has
been our strong hold for the pastsix years. They give
Neat, Stylish Clothing ' '
Well made -and durable at our lowest "racket prices
Our clothing trade is increasing, Why.? Look at our
prices and you'll know the reason,
Hosiery and Underwear ' '
Wc sell you the very best goods for the least money
that can be found, Wc have some special values in
wool underwear this season, Come and look it ever,
Wc buy in very large quantities and give the custom
ers the advantage oi a cash business from factory to
N?u) York Ra(k?f
iffc& 610MI
ws i 7 1 ft Ml
We are hot going to say a word about Clothing, tills
week as everybody knows that our assortment Is thu
largest and our prices ihc lowest. But wo want to call
special attention to our "
Mackintoshes and Umbrellas
MACKINTOSHES From 82.G0 to $10.00
UM BRELL AS From :15c to 2.G0
Salem Woolen Mill Store.
A night school will be oponed on
Monday ovenlng, October 3,
at the
Friedman Is
That a senator has been elected and It was all brought
ubout by "Friedman withdrawing of his name from the
senatorial contest. lilt reason was that should he bo
elected senator he couldn't sell his mackintoshes, rubber
boots and shoes, his clothing, hats, dry goods, la:es,
ladles' and gents' furnishing goods. As It Is you can i.ur
chase all the above lines of goods from Friedman, whero
you will sayo from 23 to 40 more percent, than If purchased
elsewhere. Remember the place, corner State uud Com
mercial. There will be on exhibition In Friedman's window for 10
days a crochet bed spread and a pair of pillow shams made
of No. 80, Barbour's Linen thread.
Something Striking
for the Wodman, machinist, shoe
maker, carpenter, plumber, tlnr.er,
farmer, blacksmith, etc., at
Tools pf all descriptions.
The principal will be found at tho
collcao oOlce Friday and Saturday evenings
of this week to answer Inquiries.
How Australian Savx
ages Make War;
After Being Whipped Out of
Their Boots,
The Spanish Are Askingjoo Many
(By Associated Press to the Journal.)
Victohia, Oct. 8, News from
Australia states that tho cannibal
trlbo of Rcndovahavc captured the
vlllago after slaughtering many ln
habitants and took thirty prisoners.
The latter were killed and eaten at
the feast In honor of the victory.
Pahib, Oct. 8. Tho United States
peace commissioners at their session
this morning are undorstopd to have
taken Into consideration direct sug
gestions from tho Spaniards. It Is
regarded as likely that tho Spaniards
have already outlined their apparent
expectations and that they aro be
yond tho line of posslblo acquiescence
by Americans.
New York, Oct. 8, Agonclllo and
Lopez, envoys of the Phllipplno In
surgents, sail for France today. Ag
onclllo said his mission to Washing
ton was a failure.
Army Surgeons Testify,
(Associated Prcs dispatch to Journal).
Washinoton, Oct. 8. Major Em
met Grlllln, formerly brigadier sur
geon of camp Thomas, today gave
testimony before tho war department
lnvcatlgatlon commission, '"lie. sittti
there woro suillclent physicians at the
camp and all were competent men.
The hospitals, however, were badly
Strike Situation,
(By Associated Press to The Journal.)
Pana, Oct.8. Tho strike situation
remains us It has for a few days past.
The roalltla laro still In control.
The strikers received a messagd today
saying that another train Ipad'of
negroes would Icavo Birmingham Ala.,
for Pana tonight. All local unions in
Southern Illinois aro instructed to
assemble and stop the expedition,
5 Commercial street, Salem, will pay
Fall and Winter Goods
of all description at the very lowest racket prices
for spot cash at tlve
274 Gommercial st, Salem, Or,
Rear End Collision,
(By Associated Press to The Journol.)
Omaha, Oct. 8. A doublo-hcader
Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Val
ley freight train crashed Into tho
rear end of tl.o Omaha pusscngcr
train thW morning. A dining car
was almost split In two. Tho killed
arc: Harry Jones, waiter, Chicago.
Fatally Injured: Otto Ilomedale,
dining conductor. Seriously injured:
J. Wcstorheld, Omaha; A. W. Brandt
and Mike Smith, engineers freight;
Frank Spock and Madden, firemen; D.
F. Danner, Pullman conductor; Otto
Parsons, waiter, and several other
employes were slightly injured.
Shot By a Woman.
(By Associated Press to The Journal)
Canton, O. Oct. 8 Mrs, George,
accused of shooting Saxton, the
brother of Mrs. McKlnley, will bo
arraigned "Monday. Allldavlts charg
ing her with murder in the llrst
degree having been filed against tho
wo.uan. President and Mrs. McKln
ley will arrlvo tomorrow to attend the
funeral of Mr. Saxton.
A marriage license was Issued to
Mr, L, A. Crane and Mr?, Cora J.
Carr, Miss Annie Will hard signing
the affidavit.
Mr. B. Forstncr filed her oath as
executor of the estate of Bon Forstncr
deceased, and letters testamentary
wero ordered to bo Issued to her.
Judge Terrell appointed A. Snydor,
Frank Hcrrcn and J. Z. Maurcr as
appraisers of tho cstntc of Bon Forst
ncr The case of Sarah Schourer vs W.
R. Schcurcr, an action for divorce
was tiled today. The p'alntltl alleges
cruel and Inhuman treatment as thn
cause of tho notion and prayq a decree
of tho court dlsolyiug the bonds of
matrimony and allowing her tho
custody of her minor child and further
that tho defendant furnish at least
$10 monthly towards tlo support of
hersolf and child. W. M. Kaiser and
iV. T. Slatcraro retained usattornoyB
for the plaintiff.
One land deed wns filed, In tho re
corder's olllco by II, G. Meyer nnd
wife, north lot 1 block 11 Unlyer
Rlty addition to Salem wd to S. B
Ormsby $1200.
. Well Trained Hornet
This morning a team of horses be
longing to n Mr. Wlnans, of South
Snlcm, came over tho hill from homo
at a llyoly rato and evidently In
tended to pursue their course down
Commercial street, but obcdlont to
thecomn.and to halt,glvon by sevoral
pedestrians, stopped near tho Wil
lamette hotel, but not before they had
badly demolished tho front whcol to
tho hack and mixed the load of butter
and eggs, with which It was loaded
Into an unrecognizable mess.
Uby Whipped.
When the Irishman'! doir ate his
pot pig Pat beat him nearly to death,
and when those cheap John try to
equal Strong's 25c meals ttioy are
hardly masters.
Die, IT, O. Eploy Dr. II. II. dinger
Bridge and Crown
Artificial Plates , $600
and up
cash for all kinds shipping upple?
He was TJnanimousty
' Elected
Hon, H, Bt, Kincaid the Union
Speeches Made Sketch of The
Republican Manager.
In tho Joint convention at noon,
Hon. Jos. Simon, president of tho
senate, was-elected United States
senator, rccomng 04 votes, as against
Harrison It. Kincaid, who received 23
yotcs, and A. tj. Bennett 1 ynto.
President Sltnon voted a blank.
Senator Kuyttihdall was absent, and
Mr. McAllister, voted for Bennett.
Senator Mtehcll, chairman of tho
caucus reviewed tho action of the
Corbctt force! in caucus and in the
joint convention. Stated that after
voting solidly ,thrco times, In joint
convention for ill. W. Corbett, that
gentleman requested that his name bo
withdrawn. Ho withdraw tho namoof
II. W.Corbet t.
Brawnoll wared tho American .Hag
all over the world, and thought that
God Almighty is standing In with
the Republican party In carrying tho
light of liberty Into tho mountains of
tho Philippine Nunds. Named tho
Hon. Joseph 'Simon.
Al Reed seconded Simon's nom
ination, calling him tho llttlo giant
of tho Republican party of Oregon.
Whitney nominated a man who had
been a Republican from the infancy
of tho Republican party; a man who
had stOwd by Abraham Lincoln and
hud stood by Jas. G. Blaine, and had
stood by his principles lion. II. II.
Smith, of Baker, called this a bat
tic between man on tho one side and
monoy on tho other. Ho thought pa
triotism consists not In high-sounding
pluases, but In duty performed. Ho
seconded tho nomination of II. R,
Tho ballot was thon taken with the
result as above.
When Driver's name was. called, ho
felt It duo to himself to ruako an ex
planation. Ho had opposed a caucus.
Ho was a Republican and bellovcd In
majority rule. Therefore tho candi
date of the caucus was his candidate
and he voted for Simon.
When tho ballet was over, United
States Senator-Elect Simon made a
short and very neat speech.
He thanked the convention. He
camo to this session with an earnest
determination to do everything In his
power for tlio election of II. W. Cor
bctt. He thought that Corbett was
entitled to tho nomination and elec
tion. He thanked tho members of tho Re
publican party and also of parties not
Republican for tho uniform courtesy
which ho had received In tho pres
edlncy of tho senate
He expressed a dcslro to heal the
Men's suits In all sizes, former price $0, now ,, ..,....$4 00
Men's all wool clay worsted suits nxtru heavy, former price $12, now.,.. 0 00
Men's all wool cheviot suits, former price 810, now 0 60
Men's alt wool plaid suits, former price 110, now ,, 7 00
Men's mackintoshes, good quality, reduced to. ..... 2 00
Boys' mackintoshes, all sizes, reduced to.... 1 7fi
Men's heary working pant, former price $1.25, now 65
Men's cotton worsted extia line, former price 81.60, now ,.,,. ...100
Men's all wool cheviots, extra line, former price 82 60, now 76
Men's uood heavy oil grain working shoe, reduced from $1.60 to 126
Men's 0 oz. rlvctted overalls, plain, reduced to ,... .... 35
Men's 0 oz. heavy jumper.. . 3.1
Men'sOoz. heavy engineer overalls reduced to 46
Just Received,,,
A big line of rubber boots and shoes, ruin coats, mackintoshes,
umbrellas, and also a full lino of woolen .underwear, "wjijch
will be sold at the same low prices.
Call aod got a choice of bargains
H. ZANDMER, 96 State street, Near, .Commercial
factional difference In the Republican
party of Oregon. Promised to consid
er tho Interests not of one section of
thostato but of tho whole state.
no received long an enthusiastic
applause, and many congratulations
when the joint convention adjourned
and the senatorial struggle was over.
The Mitchell push were all there to
take their medicine.
The Republicans of tho state and
nation arc under a great debt of ob
obllgatlon to one. to whom moro than
any other, not a party In tho sena
torial struggle, tho result Is due, and
that l.i Graham Glass. Next to Sen
ator Slmou, ho Is tho man who has
been most abused In tho predatory
Republican press and next to him ho
has also scored the greatest triumph.
As secretary of tho state central
commlttco Mr. Glass had virtual
charge of tho last Juno camp
palgn. Tho result speaks for It
self. Ho has had chargo of
Mr. Corbett's and Mr. Simon's cau
cus for the senatorshlp, and all who
have been on tho ground know he has
throughout been master of tho situa
tion. This management has been do
votdof tho usual scandals connected
with senatorial struggles on tho Pa
cific coast. Mr. Glass has been
tireless, and disced. Somo tlmo
before his battlo was won tho
keenest manipulators in tho
state who were on thu ground opposed
to him wero obliged to throw up their
hands and give up-t'.io light, Ho has
won an honorable victory reflecting
tho greatest credit upon himself, thoso
for whom ho acted and for his party at
tho mostcritlcal tlmo in Its history.
For the Republicans to huvn failed to
elect a senator at this tlmo would
liavo worked Irreparabla lnury to the
stato and would have ruined tho
Graham Glass showed generalship
of a high order and Oregon should bo
proud of a man who out of the
tangled maze of tho Republican fac
tions could achlovo a result so liar
monlous and satisfactory. Mr. Glass
is a mau with n natural genius as a
political managor and ho will again
bo hoard from Ip. itaVo nnd naUonal
The house transacted routlno busi
ness aud adjourned to 2 p. m. Monday.
Tho Incomprehensions didn't put
up much of a light.
Mr. Flaug savs tho anti-caucus Re
publicans had no leadership. Yep.
"Tho Llttlo Extra I llred at Mr.
Corbctt did It. "--Fellow who wore a
faca like a gravestono Friday night.
Yellow Fever Racing.
(By Associated Press to Tho Journal.)
Memphis, Oct 8, Tho yellow fever
situation throughont Mississippi Is
assuming alarming proportions. Mer
chants hnyo suspended business and
twenty thousand citizens have fled.
On Furlough,
A young soldier, belonging to tho
Washington infantry and out on a
furlough from tho Presidio, was given
a bed In the city jail last night.
Ho evidently had missed tho train
and sought consolation In tho flow
ing bowl, As he wasihomoward bound
Recorder Edca allowed him to goon
his way which ho did.
A Happy Man,
Friedman tho pioneer Salem mor
chant was not In tho senatorial corn
blnatoln but he Is tho happiest man
In town and receives tho popular vote
of all the Indies us the handsomest
haberdasher for his ago In Oregon
Pain ht'-e Bo&aow with Dr. Mllea' Pain ZMIia.
at Zundmcr's Clothing Store has
proven u great succoss, and the
store has dcoo crowded dally.
As long as tho goods last we
will continue to sell them at the
same low price",
The Government De
mands Murderers
The Dead and Wounded Ar
rive at Fort Snclling,
Indian Troublo Not Ovor Troops
to Romovo to Loach Lake,
(By Associated Press to Tho Journal.)
Walker, Minn., Oct. 8. At tho
Indian council n demand was mado
by tho government that tho men
concerned In tho killing of the soldiers
near Bear Island bo given up to
ttuswor to tho chargo of murder. The
Indians stated that but 10 ot tholr
number wero In tho fight with tho
St. Paul, Oct. 8. Tho dead and
wounded of company E hayo arrived
at Fort Snolltng, Tho third regiment
served In the Santiago campaign, hut
tho loss during tho Indian outbreak
almost cquallod that during tho war
wth Spain.
Minneapolis, Oct 8.--The govern
ment has notified Govornor Olough
that it has revoked tho ordor, putting
the Minnesota voluutcers at Duluth
and St. Paul under his ordoreds to
protect tho sottlors ot tho ylclnlty of
Walker. Tho goyornor said:
"I shall pay no moro attontlon to
tho war department. If It is necessary
I will Issuo a call for moro volunteers,
arm them with such arms as I can
pack up and lot tho govornmonti go to
tho devil I am tired doing business
with Washington, thoro Is too much
red tapo about it. Ordors aro Issued
ono mlnuto and rovoked tho next."
Tho governor rccolyc'l a message from
thomyaor of Bralnord saying: Tho
'Indlads aro concentrating at Leech
Lake in largo numbers and held u
council last night, Tho sltuatlrn
looks grave."
St. Paul. Oct. 8. A Walkorspoclal
to tho Dispatch saya:
Gen. Bacon rccolycd from Murshall
O'Connor today a request to move
tho entire forco to Leech Lake reser
vation to reinforce Lieut numphroy.
It. Is a mlstako to think tho troublo is
ovor. Qua Beaulleu admitted today
that tho Indians aro far from pad (led,
Chief of tho Bsar lslandors told him
If your purchase proves unsatisfactory, If what you buy horo does not wear
well, wo are ready to pay you for your loss of tlmo.
Mackintosh time
Is horo Tho crisp cnld air and th
rain remind joii of protection,
Ladles' double cape, doublo texture
In a line blue Hcrgc,us good as wo havo
seen foF$5
All wool serge, blue and black and lino
grunlto cloth oiuo and brown, double
rested, new shield front.
Ladles' choice tan, habit cloth
douhlo breasted, double texture, Inlaid
velvet collar,
Novelties iti fine all wool fancy
$10,12,50 $25.00
' Misses and chlldreos, galore.
Dress goods sale
Ono ot our old time specials, com
menclug!tomprrow,coninulng all week,
All dress uoodA at special prices.
Phone 1, S78 280 Commercial street, cornor Court
Wy vtfltVT Wrl
AfewiNtcfy nr
rovai tAMNa KwMa eo.( k(w yosk.
last night that he feared tho with
drawal of Bacon from tho sccno of
lighting would make It im
possible to control tha young
men, who are responsible
for the troublo. Bacon has placed GO
men hero to do guard duty, and says
while tho Indians retreated after the
fightht he was not satisfied aud In
coso of a general uprising ho wilt In.
auguratc a winter campaign. He saya
it may tako a thousand men to finally
subduo tho savages).
Minneapolis, Oct. 8. Tho Jour
nals Walker special: 260 soldiers
reached tho agency and are in the
camp overlooking tho lako. Indians
for whom warrants aro out Are still
on Boar Island.
Bold To a Trust.
(By Associated Press to Tho Journal.)
St. Louis, Oct. 8. Tho Drum-
mond Tobacco Co's. warehouse and
manufuctorlng plant ot this city, has
been transferred to tho American
Tobacco Company, tot Now York.
Thu prlco paid Is not glvon out but It
is tip In tho millions.
Princees Dead.
(By Associated Press to tho Journal,)
Berlin, Oct, 8. Princess Maria,
wlfcof Princo Albrccht or Prusela
and rcgentot Brunswick Is dead.
Wheat Market.
(By Associated Press to Tho Journal.
Ciiioaoo, Oct. 8, December 62t
cash2,recrU.' "' ' ' "
San Francisco, Oct. 7 Dccombor.
$1.10! Cash wheat $1,171
Oalom, Oct, 7. Salem Flouring
Mills quoto fifty cents. The
Tlllson-flartlottgraln Co. pay 61 cents
for small lots and are prepared to pay
a llttlo moro for largo lots.
Cfterrg Pectoral
" Wo tried almost everything for
hma without bucccss. At last wo
jil Ayor's Cherry Pectoral and tho
relief waa immediate"
8. A. ELLIS, Keone. N. U.
Cures Asthma.
Ladies' Knit Underwear
Fleece lined, Jersoy ribbed,' pearl
buttons nicely Unlshea vestand pants.
Ladles' Jersey ribbed extra tlnUh.
covered olastlo scams, tine Maco cot
ton, tleeco lined.
Melba and Oneit
Union Suits
For ladles' misses and chlldron, flno
cotton, to all wool at.
50c to $2,50'
Men's Mackintoshes
Had to duplicate our order on that
hno tan mixture, all wool covert, Box
Nothing shown to equal it untkr
ouArjANtesn oiothimo.
I Wo are sole agents forSakm.
j&ti&k t;12Lu&.Mdhteii
lit-Hf. -i-li-i.' ,'iA., U
, S -& WX . St-.-