fvwjyiftre"ryH'i it'HFffl!8,f"5 rT JM j( CT1 a; OP HIGH-GRADE PIANOS - 326 COMMERCIAL STREET Mil!!- They are ubovc the nveniKo in quality and deslRns. Kept In all widths bo as to8ayo wustc In cutting. Don't put oil Betting llluoleum for your kitchen, dining room, bath room or hull, when It can bo hud for the price ye are asking, Good linoleum fur 50c per yard. BUR.EISL Sl 248 Commercial street, near State. THE EMPORIUM LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS! All now and up to date. Handsome for little tuonoy. Call early and maco selections. A I wo a new lino of granite ware. THE EMPORIUM SOU Commercial Street. SALEM SOCIETY NEWS," Personals and Social livents at the Cap ital City and Other Towns, Rcadors at Salem and other Ore gon towns arc requested to bend In Items of personal and nodal news to uppoar In Tim DAif.Y and Wkkkly Jouunat.. f En. Miss Funulo Wirt, of Portland, Is vlHltiotr In this city. W. A. Pearson, of West Fork, Is visiting friends In this city. Mr, and Mrs. L. Flobson, of Stayton, are visiting friends In Salem. Mrs. T. J. Loulsgnot, has returned from a Visit with frionds ut Corvallis, Miss Rcna Foster of Gates Or. Is visiting at tlio home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horgnn. Miss Florence Moachau, of Scuttle, Is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Gardner, for a few days. Miss Ilattle Basket, of Petaluma, Cat., has returned to her home after a three months visit with friends hero. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Rock of Oreton havo been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stonson of North Salem tho past week, Misses Mabel and Rose. Crolghton wont to Portland yesterday. Miss Mabal will go from thenco to Joseph, Or., where Bho will cngago In tho millinery business, At the annual business msotlng of tho Uulon Christian Endeavor society tho following 'illlcers wero elected for the coming year: President II. Dodge; vice president Walter T, Jeuks,' secretary E. T. Prescott; treasurer Mls9 Olllo Larson; super Intondentof unlor work Mrs. J. G. Evans. New Price List of Welsbach Burners BURNERS 81 00 MANTELS ...; 30 CHIMNEYS. t 10 SIJADE3 15 SELF LIGHTERS.... 25 If live or more burners are taken at ono time a discount will be made fioin above prices. Order humors or repairs EARLY IN THE DAY! I Salem Gas Light Co. 71 OHEMEKETA ST. Telephone CO. Assay AND LABORATORY. No, 71 Chcmckcta si, J. D. T. TUTIULL Assayer. $ O.C.T.Co's NEW STEAMER POMONA, leaves lor Portland Monday Wednesday sad Fridy at 7 a. Quick time, regular net- J vice and low rates. Dock between State aid Court streets. T M. P. BALDWIN, I Atrtnft KalMri. A. t ! Office i V--4 s SS- V HAVEV YOU LOOKBDX AT OUR NEW PATTERNS OP Linoleum and Oil Cloth ? arararar PiAJULLLTQN Wonderful Little Paloma. A ycry competent Salem intisbal critic has written tho following esti mate for Thk JouitNAr.: "It was the event of a lifetime to many who were present. That a child of such tender years was able to interpret the Masters In such a charming and ar tistic manner was a surprise to all, Her intelligent compre hension of her numbers, and her beau tiful face, served to deepen the pro found Impression on tho audi nee. As one looked over the program beforo her appearance it seemed an Impos sibility that one so young should he able to meet successfully thcdltllcul tics of the Mozart Fantasia. Rut tho rendering of that selection as surcd tho audience that no part of tho program would fall of successful Interpretation. Her own composi tions excited tho greatest interest. Her Improylsatln on the theme handed In by ClIITord Whlto Kantner was a marked manifestation of her genius. Owing to the suporlor excellence of her rendition of tho entire pro trram It would be dllllcult to slnirlc out any particular selection. Her country. Neither are they of any happy auditors will long remember ! time. We are apt to look upon an the delightful surprlso and revelation , urchlsm as a now disease. In fact, It that mnb tliRtn liint. Rvn.ninv. it in ' Is as old us failure. Tho murder of thorcforo no wonder that so many called for n second evening and those denied tho privilege of hearing her last ovening cannot afTord to miss this evening's program." Fruitland Items. Falrvlnw school opened this morn ing with Miss E Swarts, of South Salem, as teacher. fourteen pupusarn in auenciance. Pruno growers are scoring the I country for all the plckors they can got, paying sixty cents a box. ; Tho rains have worked i hardship ' and considerable loss to the growers. A Pleasant Wedding. A pleasant wedding ceremony was celebrated lust evening at seven o'clock In the parlors o? the Hotel Perkins at Portland, when Miss Maud Gccr, tho daughter of governor elect T. T. Gccr was Joined in tho ti.nild ftf liilt, unrllnnl tji Tp tint M uauua ui iiuij i.wutuvn v ", i. 4-. Pnnnnr n? ii,. if m r)r. nr. T p. inn. pastor of tho First Presbyterian church of Portland performed the wt. w.wa -. ---- ..., ceremony which matie me young pniinln mnn nntl wlfn. In thn nrcficnco ' . t nf rnw L.tiinntfi friends of tha con- ' v. .-. .- ,.... .-- ... tractlng parties. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will reside at ! fhn'P 'P Ocnr fiirm nenr Mncleav ! the l. i.. ueer rurm near wacitaj nnniii i.iih iiiiti!iii:ii in ;ui. uuu diim. i Gccr In tho cast after which they will go to Union whore Mr. Cooper Is engaged In business. BORN. FREDERICK. At the family home n" rur u '. ' YTm? " .Srai. Ar.ios Frederick, a daughtor. VMWWVI . - , - ----- .- - -.- w DIED. GEHRMaNN. At the farm homo, six miles north of this city, onTues day.October 4, 1898,tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gehrraann, aged 2 months; The funeral was held at the Cath olic church at Brooks, at 10 a. m. to day, interment being had ut the II rooks cemetery. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby glyen that there ure funds on hand applicable to the payment of all warrants of the city of Salem, endorsed on or before Sep tember 30, 1890, drawn upon tho gen eral fund. Please present said war rants for payment ut Ladd & Bush bank, as Interest on same will cease rrom the date of this notice. A. A Lke City Treasurer, Salem. ScpU 29, 18O8. 10 1 lOt Do You Read. a What pooplo are saying about Hood's Sarsaparllla? It Is curing tho worst cases of scrofula, dyp3p sla, rheumatism and all forms of blood disease, qrruDtlons, gores, bolls, and pimples. It Is giving strength to weak and tired women. Why should you hesitate to take it when it Is doing 30 much for others? Hood's Pills are tho best family cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure, Lost in the Fog:. la some countries people l-'ct lost In the fog but Branson & Co. will always Hud the way to y.our home with those high grade groceries. An Kola Murder. An Eola Murder would excite Inter eat all over the state.Justus sure as .those loc La Corona cigar causes con tentment in many uouse uuiu. 1 The Crime of Anarchy. No more startling or revolting crime could have been committed than the nnlrder of the empress of Austria. "Not since Marie Antoinette wad rent to the gtiillotlno has there been a crime more apt to awaken that sentiment of chivalrlc pity and Indignation to which, on tile earlier occasion, Burke gave expression In words that are likely to bo remem bered as long as the English languago endures. Now, as then, n queen has been chosen for murder becauso alio was a queen beloved by all her people. It Is scarcely conceivable, sitys a writer to the Ilarpcru Weekly, that an Aus trian or a Hungarian, even tin anar chist, could hayo been found to ralso his dagger against the beloved Eliza beth, who was beloved of all her peo plo and whoso person formed, it Is not too much to say, one of tho strongest bonds of the dual monarchy. Only a foreigner could do it, and It Is not wonderful that Austrian mobs suwtiss iluuiith or JtMITftU should have risen against the Italian residents in Austria to avengo the crime of an Italian. And there Is no reason to supposo thut the wretch committed his crime as an Italian, no was a murderer In his character or an enemy of the hu man race. Envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncharltablcness are of no Murlo Antoinette reminds us that when tho failures of society gain con trol of society, thov will reyongo , themselves upon Its successes, and i without respect of persons. A htin j dred years ago tho cry was aristocrats to tho lantern. Now It is, "Down 'with tho bourgeois," When tho Spanish anarchists destroyed a theatre : for tho supposed purpose of killing a nrtrsnnncrn who escnni-ri. their oruans prooinmC( the massacre to bo novcr- thelessa success, since only .vcll-todo I)erfi0n8 wero killed. Whoovef Is out of dcbti and W10Cver Is contented, Is 1Iiri, tnrtun mnrWn AdiiUiimltM. ..w.......,rl.. , . ., - - . Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion or tho ear. There Is enly ono way to cure deaf ness, (and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inliamcd condition of tho mucous llt.lnir of tho Eustnchlan Tube. Whon this tubo Is Inliamcd you hayo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, mm T 111,11 in la uunnij nuiui uwt ncss Is tho result, and unless Inllam and w jon it is entirely cioseo, ucar ' mauon can uu iiikuii uui uuu tuia ; tubo restored to Its normal condition, : huarlni; will be destroyed ferever: - . ,... : -- . . nlno cases out or ten are causcu uy Catarrh, which id nothing but an 111- Junied condltltlon of the mucous sur- iUCCS Wo will glyo Onelluodrcd' Tollars for any case of deafness (caiibed by catarrli that cannot becured by null 's Cutarrh CurCi Scnd Ior Crcuiur8; free. F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toicrso, u. Sold by Druggist. 7Gc. Hull's Family Pills arp the best. A Bowl of Soup, A Ave cent bowl of soup will satisfy ". PWle but the majority of Salem neonlo want a 25c meal at Strong's appcuso uiuir iiungur, THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is duo not only to the originality nnd simplicity of tho combination, but also to the euro and bklll with which it Is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fia Svnur Co. only, aud wo wifch to impress upon it 11 the importance of purchasing the true aud original retnrdy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by tho CALiroit.viA Fio Srnup Co. only, a Uuowleilgo of that fact will assi&l ono in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pur tlos. Tho high btandiug of the Cam roitNiA. Fia b'VKDi- Co. with tho medi cal profession, aud tho satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellent of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, us it acts on the kidneys, liver nnd botvela without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. cam ru IN CISCO. CJ. USUiLV. 1 restaurant w Hood's Cure all liver Ills, bilious- um m m ncss, headache, sour storri- E9 II nch, Indigestion, constliw- i I I lfc tlon. They act cilly. with- " out pain or crips. Sold b l I drntuttit. IS Mntl. Tli only lllli to Uk 41th Hood's StrnpitllU SHE MAO A DREAMi SAW THE HOUR OF DEATH ON THE DIAL. This Is her story : the true story of a well known rcolik-itt of Springfield. She believed, Bi co witiiy women believe, that fate controlled tict life, her fortune, and her future. She had ben unhntipy a long time. She bud suffered n lotiR time. She had vainly sonnht In.li bete, there, and yonder. Day rtUttcs'-d her. Night no longer refrcplted her, but brought only fitful Hlxmbir hmnited by frlfrlifui dreams. It was the hand of fate, she sold. She grew nali, fictful, haggard and tired of life. She drifted. dtlAcd on Into that wild emeus of women's woes that lias driven thouniui of her snfletlwr sisters to the verge of iK iluttt'iiclion. Finally rite cattle to look upc n death nlnnc as a source of relief. Hhe lirpert for If, longed for it. She cnuricd the fateful hour. One night she awoke with n start. She dreamed that when the baud on the dial of the clock should point to the third hour of morning she would die, Often she bad suflcrcd agonies and wished for death, but now it was so sudden, so near, so very near! In that moment life became inexpressibly dear. How long had she to live? With a cry she sprang from her bed and ran to the clock. It lacked ten minutes of three. Only a few minutes more of life 1 With frenzied hniU she grasped the hand of the clock and pushed it back, back, back from the fateful number. Then she stopped nnd almost swooned but no, the tlcic of the clock should not make n coward of her. She would die at the fated hour fate had decreed it, but a few moments still re mained. In that time she would take leave of thoto dear to her. Kuhlng to her writing desk she seized her pen and attempted to write a note of farewell. It was useless, words failed her. The blank sheet swam before her. Despairingly she turned her eves from it to a newspaper that lay near at band. In an instant her gaze riveted on tbe lettera-whlch were therein printed fromWrs.AnnnTuggle, of Cherokee City, Ark.. Mrs. Hmtna Snyder, of Ames, Iowa, and Airs. White of Stony Creek, N.Y. The reading of these letters brought new hope, new desires to live. She would make one more effort. She also would turn back the hand of fate and become a healthy, happy woman. That very hour she began the struggle. That very morn, ing she began to use Dr. Tierce's favorite Prescription, and to-day there is no happier woman no nappier wne ana moiucr in all Springfield. This one woman is a ty; of thousands who suffer and submit IS silence to the annalllng fate which they. too, consider inevitable, l'or them all there is hope, l'or them all there Is help. Let them resolutely turn back the hand of fate, that, acccordlng to their over wrought imaginations, Is stretched out against them. Many a woman to-day Is Buffering constant pain, and sees the hand of death on tbe dial of time, who could be saved to a useful, happy life, if by some means her attention could be drawn to the wonderful cures of woman's ailments wrought by Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescrip tion, The difference between Dr. Pierce's treatment and all others is tbe difference between KXPKMMKNT AND EXr-KRlENCB. A woman naturally shrinks from the experimental treatment which involves questionings and examinations that arc repugnant to her delicacy and offensive to her modesty, and which at best result in mental misery and physical patchwork. And so she silently endures her suffering rather than submit to examinations and local treatment. Wonders arc worked by Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription. Nature is always struggling to build up the waited and worn system. Ilut she cannot make bricks with out straw. The "I'avorite Prescription" supplies the material that nature can use to repair the waste of the system and re new the vitality of the debilitated organs. When this is accomplished health comes along natural channels and comes to stay, Music Item, Immediately ufter tho fair Mrs. Willman will form a class of children from C to 10 years of age, and will teach them notation, notes and values, tones, melodv, rhythm and special work she has Invented for children, Blackboard and chart Illus trations. Apply ut once, 25 cents per hour. Studio over First National bank. 0-2(J-tf Hata, Star-5-Star Boots nnd Shoes, for all ages. Bring in tho children and tit them up. Wc havo a thousand other Items of every kind, all sold at racket prices. Call and save money, At the New York Racket SUircSalem. Go Where the Crowds Lead, to tho Now York Racket for your winter outfits for the school children, and other members of tho family In clothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes, uudf.rwear, gloves,hoslery, and almost anytiung you neca. Bargains that Is what everyono wants and that is wnattlio New York Racket has In the way of Overcoats. Duck CoulB, Lower' llsli brand slickers and pants. In Durance Vile, Mugers, the supposed murderer, Is languishing In prison und If the Jailor will feed him on those 25; meals at Strongs restaurant thcro will bo no danger of his starving. Underwear for all ages, at low prices. Hosiery, wool aud Jersey oyershlrts and other kinds of overshlrtslngteatqjantttlcB, at the New York Racket Suiru,Halem, The Ashes of a Martyr, Tho ashes of a martyr are held In reyerencu by many peoole, and the ashes nfa 10 cent La Corotta cigar brings back most pleasant memories, TO CURB A COLD IN ONU DAY Take Laxative Broa.0 Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure., 25c. The genuine has L. )t. Q. on each tablet. lT 1 ' "J i 9 DEALBn : GROCERIES Paints, Olio Window Glass Vnr utah, and tbo moat complete stock of Brushes of all kinds In tho slntn Artists materials, lime; hnlr; ce ment nud shingles; and tho fiuost quality oi crass seod. tSKsajB?vWtJCvasHSHrsSssMfl MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved eily and farm property at lowest rates, WERNER DREVMAN, 2)2 Commercial slreeti 2 doors south o( udd & Dus'.i's bank, Salem Of 9-12 dlw 2m WANTED. Now today aavorasomonts lour linos or loss in this column inserted threo times for 25 otn CO ots a woek, $1 per mouth. All ovor lour lines ot tamo rate. Q1RL WANTED. To do general housework. Apply ut E. M. Klght II tiger's, South Salem. 10 4 :it WANTED:-A fresh milch cow, or nearly so; Address giving age and prlco. II. Clcnvlaud, Chemawa, Oregon." jo-.lvlt ROY WANTED! A good GcrmatTor French boy ID to 18 years old, to work on rami, Address L., care Journal. 10 ! 3t FOR SALE. Two good Pcroheron mures with tholr "Courbet" colts, marcs weigh 1550 lbs each. Inquire Brook's placo near Shaw. 0-21 lm WANTED. Wo want and ure pro pared to pay a fair prlco for all the marketable apples and pears offered. S. A. McCall & Co. 0-20 fcf WANTED.-Ladlcs to do plain sew ing at homo, $1.50 per day; four month's work guaranteed; scud stumped addressed envelope for full particulars, Utopian Supply Co., Philadelphia, IM. 10-blt WANTED TO RENT-15 acres of land ut. IIopowoll, postolllco and store across road, good houso nud barn, plenty of water. A variety orchard of six acres. Address F. W. Nash, IIopowoll Ore. 10 3. It W A N TDRismonby "man to work afurmor tako churge of 11 placo near Salem. Good refcrenco ns to business ability and qualifications cau bo glyen. Address P. or cull ut this olllce. 017 d& wliii" LOST. A roll of bed clothing, con sisting of a small matrcss. pillow, blankets nnd quilts, Finder will please notify J. A. Ullycu, Sclo, Or. 10 3 3t QUICK ORDERS-Promptly fificd, Increnscd facilities. Good wjrk and promptly dollvercd. Call on the old reliable laundry. Hop Lee, Commercial st rcot. 10 3 3t LADIB3 No more darning, The Maolc Hand Loom Made of polithed rolled steel, Lateit invention for menning clothing, undtrwear, table linens or heel nnd toe in hosiery, A child can work it. Fetlect weave. Sent noitnUd, 25c. Greater West Adver'UIng & Novelty Co., "S5 Washington strict. Oakland, Cal. 0-8 I m MUSICAL ,A limlcd number of students taken, on pano, violin, guitar, mandolin and ilihc-. Also Gorman lessons given, Anna M. Krebs, Music studio, Gray block, room 6. Call from 2 to 4 p m tf TWO CLOTHrNO SALESMEN Wanted In balem and one In each county. I every state to take orders lor our 15 to Mo made to-order suits and overcoats. Lve m:n ivltront experience can nake 150 per month. If you can turnlsh satis factory reference, we will furnish a com plete stmple line and outfit, and start jou 1 wuik 111 uncc, rur pauicumii auarcii par AMERICAN WOOLEN MILL 00. Entorprit building, Chicago. 9-15 lm Chloro-Napthoieum SHOULD nE KEPT READY FOR USE HY STOCKMEN AND FARMERS. A disinfectant and vermlcido that Is extensively used and glycs satlsfao tlon. Send to Hauuitt & LAWitKNOM for, or buy u bottlo from dwO-28-lm ROBERT 11ASEY, Agont. SALDM STEAM LAUNDRY! Pleuso notice tho out in prices on the following Sk-rts, plmn...... 10 cent Unuer drawers. 5toioceru Under shirts,.., .....5 to ioocd Socks, per pair ., 3 cenu Handkerchiefs I cen Silk handkerchiefs 3 cenli Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per doren tnd othei work in proportion. 7 rhtnnela and cthor work intelligent' v washed by ba rt. COL J. OLMSTEAD, Propriety J. A. ROTAN hat removed to 300 Commercial street, Iwo ucors soutn 01 prstoiiice. Lames uest line of UNDERTAKING O00D8 AN1 FURNITURE n (lie city. 8-3 lm w CASTOR I A For Infants nnd Children. tin KW Yh Havi Always BwgM Bears the it&zffii (Signature CURE YOURSELF! I'm UisU (or uunttursl lltcUarfM. luSauuiitlubs, ImUtluua ur uUtialleas of tall com DjutrDi. ftlutfM. tnd uot Mtrln- rurr.i.ifefuituriv Stnt or voltvuv-u ketBBsimo.BHi ib v ii or Mat in Ula vttfft, b wt, BftpnlJ; lot II. 10. or i UlUe4.-J,. ' ClrvuUr Mat va-rwioets Poio bns sso tiow t Ith Dr. UUc rain Tins. .JBPil'jICaH mfm uutuwi B.W Ml W HlUIWf. Ki g35SBBi BMBBrBKivV'vaa!.ViT.TvtWwl for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OP Czyffc&i TMC CIHTAUReOMPANr. T Celebrated A T -FOR BROWN 256 Commercial st, HOT STUFF Is wbat people nro looking competitors Hot in the Collar And our goods always plciiBo tlio lipusokcepcrH, Steam Heating, Hot Water Heating, Hot Air Heating, And Furnace Work of all kinds at figures to suit the times. fflmiL W AND Make a Specialty of furnlRliIng to tho trado Ico manufactured from puro well wale distilled atlowcHt rates. They are also nolo wholesale agonta forQainbrlnus Rrowcry Co., of Port land, und Josopli ychlotz Iircwery Co., of Mllwutikeo, for both draught and bottled goods, Tlioynlso liayo Ico cream parlors In connection with tholr works at corner of Nliictconth nnd Stato street. All kinds or temperance drlnka for sale. Lady attendance. Give tis a call. Telephone 207. Chung Lee Co Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods Ladies' Furnishing Good3 Reduced 30 Days, UNDHRWfiAR Examine our stock and you will be convinced that wo can suvo you money. COTTLE BLOCK . , .COMMERCIAL STREET. MANHOOD fiBsrBnteeatocrell nenrom dlKi, suoh as Weai t-mory. Is ot rsln l'ower, Headache. WakrlulntM, I.ot MaMjooc. bUy mls spin, NervousntM. Ul cfrslns, Ions of inwer In Ocncrv Orrans or lllter sex. caund by oereettlon, youthful errors. cxvI-f je of LJsSw- D IXty 3 icssnltv. Can be carried In vettocket. JH.eotertK)x. - Is.'byraall preaUf. Clrculsr I'ree. Bold hy nil druttgllts. Aik for It , t Vo 110 otUer. Msqufartursd hy tf- - Ttau Mr.llclne"o., V irU frsuee. i.nue-l)l "'ujCo, ditrftitHjjf!enU. ThlrdanJ Y&nbU --l-.wI o SALE BY D J, FRY, SALEM, OREGON FOR The Republican Caucus Finding tlieniHclyna without u cutidldato for U. H, nermtor on account of Friedman withdrawing of hu name from the Muiatorlal contest. Ill reason wuu that should ho ba elected senator lie couldn't sell liU mackintoshes, rubber boots nud Miocp, I1I9 clothing, huts, dry foods, lu:ca, ladles' and gents' furnlslilnt,' foods. As It Is you can pur chase all tho above Unas of itoods from Frlcdinun; wliero you will nuyo from 25 to 40 percent, than If nurchasc olxewhcre. Romeml)or tho pluco, corner Htato and Com inewlu.l. There will be on exhibition In Friedman's window for 10 days a crochot'bed Bpreudaud a pair of pillow shams mado of No. GO, llarbour'u Linen thread MUT THttT. NIW tOHS ertV. L J- TT i r j. igiit ntJctters, SALE RY- 5 SMITH for tlieso cool days, Our prices mako HARRITT d LAWRENCE .Gi"ocer8, im JAMES M'OUIRBSV Stato and Nlnetcontli streots, tialem. MADB TO OROKR. RESTORED ny iittiutf Or. Vcnn'js t ra I'l'.ls. Yrllow Net ra i'l'.ls. This "nitfifuf remedr m STORM CO o. jhl. mweK M JJttccemr to Or. J, M. K, W wMM Corner, Sabm, Or lHw m sisWus; sisiitsi operations at matenrte hothtmf tsraMk In especial reqaestf Salem Ctlif .trrwSM IPall Term Opk Oot,'S, Common School, Nomsv,1l and Uluh School crmrsfa ktm-m Send for circulars, or call mMiilOs rooms for tliem, Office bovivstto 6 o'clock p, tn. A, J. Garland, Prla. Home Boarding House No. 174 Front steetrils Mott convenient to- steim:r-hMMlint. Meats isctif 2.50 s week for board. Got4 furnished rooms reasonable, 7-7 'm W.P. GECmOE, r. O. H. LANE Hercbani Tallbr 211 Coasro(l st, results $15 end Ufmard, Pants 3n4 tspif SCflaa CAPITAI. CITY Express and! Transfet Sit WIIITK & 'DISJQUK. BRBWaTIIR & WKBTJI, HAY. OR AINi Sborts, chop, Bottr,m ed. t. Telephone 178. 91 Ceart si., SsOssjs, Or. Capjtal Soap Works. Runnlnrrat full blast and mnkbur .hut or laundry and toilet soaps. Be wre (e sM forth Salem brand when jou waatM4. goods. A. W, ANDER1GO WsaKf BARRELS, BARRELS. Made and on hand, a lot of barrels scd kefs all sites, for nine, eldar, Ylsegar, plk les,ment etc, First-class and for sale atU bargain. All kinds of work done ea sliftt notice In good shape, Cy Stewart Ssnus Salem. 9-13-im New Blacksmith Shoo. W- T. R- BMTTK &OO ' tha old rsllablo smiths hsys ep4 shop rppostte the brewery, srd JavMe patrons, Best work and lowest ptiess: 183 Commercial st, SsleaL Call and see the Trintsph Pruss Gratsi' or green and dried fruit. MORLEY PATRICK II lm 59 date street Saless Sata Water k OFFICE, CITY HALL For weter service apply at c. &m payable montblr la s4v Ivasce, Make complaints at the nffr. WANTED; Wheat, oats and barley, will bwy your wareheuto receipts for wws, Got our prices beforo selling. We can sayo you money, TlLLSON-BAnTLETl' OltAIKi CO. VVnroliouso, North Ualcm. Office; 19 Qourt St., rear of Dairy niplo'sstore.. DRIDD FRUIT BAGS FOR KAUB. e.s. warn- NEW MARKEiF, Stste street, near railroad, Freskets4 best meats. My pa'.rons say I keep t4; eK meats In town ssr barrIpetzeE -The Old KeUaUe-' Plumbers and Tinner.w Make m Specialty oi Pumps and Tank Wprk Ail Work Guarantekd. 214 COMMERCIAL STRECTi t( ' Telephone No, 34 37ft, LICENSED Wo must have amiss-ties ey Uw i I ihs tools UUve we tweieet 1 and keep the doctor ! &.?, the people don't beliete is osf flwe,eejsje and knife any mote. Who U fsiitf V. IB a.e the Ameiioas pecf 1 fm tssf(;tfBf Dr. J. l Cook hs Ues Iniim.is; tk wotthhsi people have Wa, Mes4 'I srjund and He ss4 sl4s W I4;.tjss, ajl beirs tits bsiineis, ww a. W patients than ever, 30! Lilsertf 1 Consul'attoa dee. uenwt Meets all mail and passssger traks. t gage and express te all puts of tfcs1 Proaapt serflce. TelephsM.NeJe. h Fruit taw;, t To Kil JL vJ X X.XXX eV AatwHTssMseiaat. WM n jSkiu. v. .. HSittaa