Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 05, 1898, Image 2

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wf&MkicAY, OCTOWRR 5, tS8.
MkH Tmt flM.M, hi Aehrance.
'frmt piJiwWM 91 09, tc AdTaito.
Ctei Tows' L00, W Advance
Jut now'6w(M Is suffering from a
t"cre dooe'of thV liiconiprehcnslbies.
The JouitNAttteiM ' confess to being
.'slightly rattled tttid confused as to
ithe mental Idurinc'rasles of a certain
'.tripe of calct) pcrinypollllcal manlp
,'ulators. i.CK&Tlng9ircakea',)trlpcd
,tall, spotted iliVrVe1 Republicans sur
prise our colapr'oilcliTlo'h df things ter
restrial. Many of these peculiar pcV
J)lo fought against Djlpli who was a
gold man in 1695 becauso they were
10 to 1 or any-thing-to-wln silver
jhcu. When that storm raged in Sa
lem, thero Acre butthrco cold stand'
srd wen among nil the Republican
politicians who congregate at the Tied
Corner-Ed Illrsch, John Q. Wilson
and a llttld chap by the name of Yo
der.'' Next wo And the whole contents
f' tfiebrcgbn political catch basin
on a goid standard platform howling
themselves hoarse for Mitchell, the
life long champion of free silver. At
present the same band of bucking
1 1 .
skiRplastcr Btatcamen who, by tlie
help of God and Harvey Scott, hare
got1 theni&elves jacksr.rcwcd onto a
gold standard platform, are hero at
Haletfl' lighting the only candidate
Who has pronouncedly and everlast
ing! u'nd unequivocally always occu
pied exactly the proud position
to which these wrather-vano Jacka.
napes havo'rcluctantly been shamed,
or'' forced themselves, tutu. But tho
Incomprchcnslblcs don't object to Mr.
flold Standard Corbett because hois
nota ollverlto but becauso they pro
tend 'that ho has such a feeble totter
Ing intellect, that ho has only been
able to ainus's "several millions and
does tuoro business and pays more
taxes than any othor man in Oregon.
Especially do theso hard-worKcd
conservators of political morals ad
mire stalwart, robiut, phytlcal ca
paclty as it Is found In tho person
of their ringleader and senior sou
ator. But they shed crockodile team
lest Mr. Corbett pass away before he
reaches Washington. They do not lay
awake nights for fear that tho Idol
of their hearts will he carried to
hcavon or Into private life right away.
Compared 10 him Corbctt's personal"
Uy is a proud and commanding
figure In tho affairs of the Pacific
Coast Metropjlls. Jlut consistency
has no place In the jiiorat conceptions
or Intellectual machinery of cayuso
wire ' pullers and dogs salmon ofllco
brokre or their chief of tho Incorrupt
lblea would hot lead oil by voting for
a man ton years older than Corbett.
Of all tho bagnio politics and gypsy
jockeying In tho public alTalra of a
commonwealth theso wild and In
coherent scnatorshlp scrappers do
servo tho palm. Itako the purlieus or
Portland, scrapo tho gutters of Tarn
many, search the records of Infaultlo
Incapacity, and heaven nor earth nor
the-Mnfcrnal regions can produce
tho llkes-of n Republican who fought
PnlptfCccauBo he was not u silver
lie, .supported Mitchell who was,
and now refuses to support u candi
date on no other ground than that
age and experience Is n crime In tho
Republican calender.
The bill Introduced by Reprewota
tlve Virtue for the protection of bo
tels atid boarding nouws is a move In
the right direction. There are only
about half n dozen state: in the
Union but what have some kind of a
law that protects It. hotels abd
boarding houses. In fact there are
only about four states and Oregon Is
ono of them. There should be a law
passed during this legislature for the
orotectlon of hotels. California has
a good law that Oregon ought to copy
from. Almost every hotel and board
ing house in Oregon has a continual
loss from dead beats. Men rnulle it
their business to beat hotels. They
(ro well dressed, have the best room
In the house, "never rulss a meal or
pay a cent." To our certain know
ledge this has been done recently In
Salem and not only by one out by
several, and it occurs every month,
and It ought certainly bo stopped.
California and other states, that have
hotel laws, arc not annoyed In this
manhcrfor fear of punishment, That
class of beats Dock to Oregon, where
they practice their profession with
out fear of'bclog molested and will
continue to do so until there Is somo
law passed to prevent It. It Is to be
hoped that Oregon will fall In line
with tho rest of the states nud puss
the same kind of a hotel and board
ing house bill for their protection.
News ao4 Comment About tfot'Latcst
. Booksami Periodicals;
PeraonVwhb wish .to get a vivid
picture of tho seamy side of ' war and
how it Impresses those who suffer
from Its cruelties and terror should
read "The Story of a Life, A Ro
mance of European War," by the
Baroness Bertha von Suttner. It Is
translated from the Get man and pub
lishcd In nncVv edition by A. V. M.e
dure & Co., Chicago.
Scrlbner's for October promises an
other Installment of Mr. WyckofTs
"Tho Workers," the tramp-author's
tour from Chicago to Denver. Al
though this Is notoriously the "Man's
Magazine" of our country, the table
of contents revcalscontribullons from
America's most notublo woman
wrltero. Tho Illustrations arc always
of the highest order and tho war
papers In this number arc very strong
writers, bcglnntg with Richard
Harding Davis.
humane education. It Is Idle to say
that this text book should be used by
every teacher In tho public schools
unless provision is made to put tho
book In the hahds of tho teachers.
They cannot afford to buy It, them
selves, although it costs but 25c in
parts or 7Cc for the whole work.
There Is a special rate for Introduction
and it would cost but a few dollars to
put it Into each school In the city and
have Its bcneliccnt Influence go out
to tho 1500 schoil children of this
city, und be carried by them Into the
homes. If ministers of churches
fully realized the importance of
humane education they would urge
the placing of such books In Sunday
school libraries. Better still If they
could persuade tho state school
authorities to adopt It as a state
HffiBW I?
Yau Can't
you keeD
the blood pure
tho nerves ;
steady and the
bowels health
fully regular
with Hostet-
tcr'6 Stomach
Bitters, It
will mako
your muscles
strong your
head clear,
your sleep
restful. Try
It and iec
A. F. Ilofcr ys Capital Journal Pub.
Co,, notion for money; continued to
October 1cr.11.
it. II. Knox vs 1). A. Mattlson, ac
tion at law; continued to October
L. A. Lewis and A. L. Mills, part
ner, vs If. P. MtiNary, W. T. Gray
and Geo. U. Oray, action at law; con
tinued to October term.
Thomas Ilolman vs I). II. Looney,
eta!.; settled.
Mrs. Catherine A. B'own was ap.
pointed guardian of the person and
cstato of Kenneth James Brown, aged
(I yearn, nnd lior bond was fixed at
Ocorgo O. Brown, executor of the
estate of John Cornell, deceased, filed
his final account, and Itset forbearing
at 10 a. m. November 6th.
The llnal account of Thomas C.
Townscnd guardian of estate of Rose
N. Townscnd, was approved arid
guardian discharged.
Two marriage licenses were Issued
yesterday, one to IIul M. Cooper, of
Union, Or., and Miss Maudo Gcor, of
Maclcay. Mr. Cooper, not being
qultb or auc, presented 11 cetlUcatc
signed by his parents, Mr. and Mrs
T. II. Cooper, of Union, and Miss
Gccr is tho daughter of Gov, elect T.
T, Geer. Tho other license -.rus Issued
to A, I). Waller and Miss Cora
Fowler, the father of tho young lady,
J, 0. Fowler signing tho alllduvlt and
giving his consent to tho marriogo or
his daughter who Is but 17 yours old.
The llnal account of Soth R. Ham
mer, executor of tho estate of Kllnor
Shrum, deceased was approved and
the executor discharged.
A. W. Prcscott, executor of cstato of
Harrison W. Prcscott.twas ordered to
soil tho real property belonging to tho
cstato, at private sale.
J. M. Ledgcrwood, executor of tho
estate of Wm Ledgcrwood, decc.sed,
was ordered to sell the personal prop
erty lelonglng to tho estate, at
private sale.
The Atlantic for October Is a num
ber rich in personal Interest, seven of
the fourteen articles haying Individ
ualized titles or being biographical or
possessing the strong llayor of IndN
ylduallty of the authors. Individual
Ity und strong personality are In the
pervading atmoophere of Its pagoi.
Where It Is so fresh and yet so girted
of quality as appears regularly In the
pages of th's magazine, It must
arouse the best efforts of other liter
ary publications to keep up with this
periodical devoted to literature,
silence, nrt nnd politics.
Harper's Monthly for October has
the second Installment of Julian
Ralph's new story, "An Angel In A
Web." A uew romantic narrative
dtamaof the time or Cromwell is be
gun that promises rare entertainment
for lovers' or wholcsom fiction.
colaboratlon by two authors. In the
Weekly Kranlc Stockton's "Associate
Hermits" has been hupplly concluded
and it has afforded delight, unto
thousands during their summer vaca.
Hon and several distinctively new
figures arc hung In the Stockton urt
gallery. Tho author could not resist
tho chronic custom of muklug the
closlcg chapter a marriage bureau.
Current history has come to be re
garded as a regular part of up to date
school work. Tho school teacher who
docs not read the dally.nowspapcr and
In aoine way keep In touch with the
great changes being made In the maps
of countries and forms of government,
Is rpally n back number, Thero are
so many publications thut summar
ize current events right up to date,
and there ure so many homes where
bright boys and girls pick up the
uows or the day rrotn tho telegraphic
reports. So tho teacher is compelled
not only to read the dally newspapers
but a weekly or monthly summary or
current events. Fortunately thcie
arc published In nearly every publl
cation that come Into the home at
present, Both tor pcrsonul use and
for use In the school room the weekly
publication called "The Oreat Round
World and what Is going on In It" Is
altogether the best published. If
It Is uj you cannot get It, send to the editor,
wiinam u. Hanson, no. a and 6
West Eighteenth St., New York. He
is an educator and deserves tho thanks
or nil patriotic American people for
the Inccntlvo ho has given to the
study or current history In our
Portland, Oct C-Wheat alle)
01; Walla Waila,67c.
Flour Portland, 83.25; Superfine
82.25 per bbi.
Oats White &K$30c.
Hay 810(dl2 per ton.
Hops 5121c; old crop 4(3tk.
Wool Valley, I0l2c; Eastern
Oregon, 8W12t.
MlllstuH Bran, 814.; Shorts, 814.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, IXGO
turkeys, live, 10rai24c.
Eggs Oregon, 20c per doz.
Hides Green, salted 00 lbs,
under 00 lbs,0i7c;sheep pclts.l
Onions 75c(isl per sack.
Butter Best dairy, 4045c;
creamery, iocflKoc a roil.
Potatoes, 5500c per sack.
Hoes Heavy, 84.75.
Mutton Weathers 3)c; dressed, 7c
dressed,. 520J.
Oats 2&ttt)c.
Hay Baled, jjicat, $0(87.
Flour In wiiolcsalo lots, 8.1.40: rj
tall 84.00.
Hogs drcscd, 5c.
Live cattle 2J3c.
Butter Dairy 20c; creamery 25c.
Sheen Live, 82.50?S$3. ,
Wool Best. 15c. Mohair 25c.
Hopsr-Best 10Y312C;
Eggs-20c in cash.
Poultry Hens, 78c; spring chick
ens, 7(q0c.
Farm" smoked meats Bacon, 81c
ham, 10c shoulder, 07c.
Potatoes 25c.
Wlicn ycu call or DeWitl'i W itch Haiel
Salve dorrt accept anything else Don't be p
taixea into tuwtl.ute 01 piles or xores lor h
burnt. Slow Drug Stcre.
The house has twice sat down upon
"Flsif Myers In his determination to
haye his annual junket at tho ex.
peukc of the state In tho shape or u
Jolu'vi'sltlng conimltteo to Inspect
tho fisheries of Orcgou and Washing
ton. He now comes hack a third
time nnd offers to have only a little
Junket not to cost over 8500. The
house will ba positvely cruol If It
dcfl!t allow thK
Besides enabling him tu look after
h own llshlng Interests and visit
canneries ho Is Interested in, the
flyers legislative Jilnkot U of some In
calculable yaluo to tho neoplo of this
state that has never been explained.
The cynical objection that the state
tkpuld not pay mileago to a commit
IwV&fl' their clerks when all travel
m torwiquiht pot to weigh.
Whtttitolte state treasury for, but
to btajSggijM taf Junkets that ttro only
V4MWff.'M9dy Into tho. p(W
lH4i & mmm -ho originates tliem,
TfcenThi 87.JM HIM dim two senators
v4m;w4.(M U- H ' lunket In 1893.
tUm Imh ifcMiki resciwi Its former
kMtf mHq' Hii vrMt tho Han
JTW.' Myti tit peccadillo of 8500
IftMEjMfed pfj jwikt which Ih ycry
JB mi h f iel, g)tWwn.
tWWWl i,,l,U-'.4HU
.. IH. .1. I.UI., -,
That Joyful Feeling,
With tho exhilarating Kcnso of re
newed health and strength und In
ternal cleanliness, which follows the
uso or Syrup of Figs, a unknown to
tho fow who have uot nroirn.ssnd tin.
grossed beyond the old tlmo mcdl.
olncs and tho cheap substitutes some
time oiioreu out nover accepted by
tho well-Informed Buy tho gouulno,
Manufactured bv the Lullfnrnln via
Syrup Co.
X3u ri rrr m-.-
Death's SaiWIe-IIom.
Wbcn a man has over
worked hlnudf, and
neglected bU bealtb,
until be finally realize!
tbat be U a lick man, he
too frequently goes ta
ionic obtcare nlimiclan
wbQ ba bad very little
experience or practice; tbe retult la a wrong
dlajrnoila and tbe wrong treatment. A man
In tbU condition, if be continue to work
and taVca tbe wrong medicine, ia really
making bimaelf a aaddle-borse for death.
Under tbeae condition, what a man really
need 1 tbe advic and treatment of a phjr
alclan of wide experience and practice, Dr.
K. Y, Pierce, for tbirty year chief contuU.
ing pbytlclan to tbe Invalid' Hotel and
Surgical Itutitute, at ItutTalo, N Y., make
no cuarge tor aurwenpga utter irom a man
h&rire for AtiMverinir
orwomaninthlaconditT6a. The Inatitution I historical performances Of the collcire
Lee fo Shepard, Boston, have
printed a pretty volume of poems by
Samuel Walter Foss, "Songs of War
and Peace." While thero uro many
carneht rhymes In the grist, Mr. Foss
bus ground out not a few decidedly
humorous und original. Ho may be
said to have style of his own, in this
latter field, as lu "Swlpsoy, tho Mis
sionary," und "the ShandagUndlnn
Reformer." Thero Is unotlior vein In
which ho expresses himself with grcut
skill, as "Grassvalo'd Great Man,"
and In "An Art Critic." Theso und
many other homely subjects treated
In a homely and sympathetic manner
stump Mr. Fobs as a poet of ths peo
ple, utmost If not quit second In
runk to James Whltcomb Riley who
may bo said to bo today the only poet
of the American people.
Thero Is no mnro helpful way to
cduoatochlldr"!) than to read to thorn.
Every family should have an hour In
the cvenlnu set upurt for reading
aloud to tho children nnd for the
lit tlo ones, two to ten years, we know
or no monthly that contains so much
that Is delightful as tho Child Garden.
One llttlo child thut we know of has
had the story of Donald und Eva's
visit to tho country read to hor oyery
evening for a mouth. She is u little
city girl und tho trip has become us
real to hor us though she experienced
ull that delightful trip heroeir. Sho
knows overy step on the way und
knows before tho story comes to the
turn of the road Just what she will
see and hear. Tho Mothers' club
department Is 11 grand feature of tho
magazine and every mother struggling
with tho problem of bringing up
children needs Its helpful suggestions.
Any mother la welcome to correspond
with tho editress nt Km Prospect
Avenue, Chicago.
Life Publishing Co., ID West 3lst
street, New York have published
"Tho Yunkee Nitvy," by Tom Musson
and freely Illustrated it by tho high
quality of old print and original
drawings employed on the celebrated
American humorous weekly. This
llttlo uuvul history Is crammed with
historical fuels and running oxer
with Information about tho achieve
ments or the maritime arm of our
country's defense. Tom Masson bus a
talent for concise und witty state
ment that Is pungent und impressive
and hotter cilculatod to educate the
Americans of the present generation
than tho long-winded dry ns-dust
Leo and Shepard have begun the
publication or the "Old Glory" series
or stories for young folks embodying
the history of the war In Cuban waters
and Manila. The volumes are well
hound and Illustrated, 81.25 each. The
first Is entitled ."Under Dewey at
Munllu," or the War Fortunes of a
Cistawuy. Nothing approaching In I
iKi.tlnl. Ii....i .1.. ... r I
aiim.1 niiuivaii Lliu BLUry Ul LiUVVy
Russell nnd his fortunes, resulting In
heroic services on the "Olymplu,"
husuppeurcd since the famous Army
and Navy Scries by Oliver Optic.
Furthermore, It U the only popular
hook ever written that presents life
In tho modern navy. Tho sea stories
that have so charmed young and old
aro obsolete, und Mr. Strntomeyer
Is the tlrst to show what a boy would
llnd on n battleship of todty. Thlfl
combined with a ylvld und ac
curate description of the memorable
contest nt uuylte, and the rich store
or historical and geographical In
formation skillfully presented manca
the book us ono of the greatest suc
cess or the year. Tho chapter telling
tin; story or Admiral Dewey's life Is
of special Interest. The hero, while
full or a llfo and vigor that render
him ubunduntly ublo to take care of
himself In his .perilous udventurcs,
Is manly, true, and clean "throughout,
rcndorlng the book wholesome as well
as thrilling. Thcsuccecdlng numbers
announced are: "A Young .Volun
teor In Cuba or Fighting for the Single
Stur," und "Fighting lo Cuban
Waterc, or The Ilopes and Mishaps of
a Young Ounner."
E. Uofku.
Tiuth wear well. People have learned
that De Will' Little Early Riser are ro
table little plllt for reflating the b wells.
They dou't,cripe. 8tone Diug Store.
You Invite f'ltappoiniment'when jou ex
periment. DeWilt'a Utile Kwly Rlteri are
pleasant, easy, thorough little PilM, They
cure sick headace at su.e as )u take them
Stone Drug Store.
A atubborn cough or tickling In the throt
yields to One Minute Cough Cure. I Iarmless
In effect. It acts at one. Stone Drue Store
Acker's Eoglldi Rem?dy Will Stop a
couflh at any time, and will cure the worst
cold In tweUe hours, or money refunded
25c and cc. Lunn & Droolc druggists.
DWitt' Witch llatel Salve has the
largest sale of any. Till fact has led dis
honest pecrle to atempt to counterfeit it
l.ook out when you cMl lor De Witt' Witch
Hexsl Salve, the great pile cure Stone Drug
Tbe Result of Imperfect Digestion
of Food.
Eery Hying thing, plant or animal,
contains within Itself the germs of
certain decay and death.
In tho human body theso germs of
disease uod death (called by scientists
Ptotuulncs), are usually the result of
imperfect digestion of food; the result
of indigestion or dyspepsia.
The stomach, from abuse, and weak
ness docs not promptly and thorough
ly digest the fooJ. The result Is a
heavy, sodden mass which ferments
(the tlrst process of decay poisoning
the blood making It thin, weak and
lucking In red corpuscles; poisoning
the brain causing head aches and pain
In the eyes.
Bad digestion irritates the heart,
causing palpitation and finally bring
ing on dlseasoor this very Important
Poor digsctlon poisons the kidneys,
causing Brlght's disease and diabetes.
And this Is so because every organ,
overy ncrvo depends upon tho stomach
alono tor nourishment and renewal,
and weak digestion shows Itself not
only in loss of appetite and llesh, but
In weak nerves and muddy complex
Ion. The great English scientist. Hux
ley, said the best start In life Is a
sound stomach? Weak stomachs fall
to digest food properly, becauso thoy
lack the proper quantity, of digestive
acids (lactic and hydrochloric) and
peptngcnlc products; the most scnsl.
bio remedy In all cases of Ingestion,
is to take after each meal one or two
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, becauso
they supply in u pleasant, harmless
form ull; the elements that wcaic
stomachs lack.
The regular U6c or Stuart's Dyspep.
sla Tablets wlll cure every form of
stomach trouble except cancer of the
They Increase, flesh, Insure pure
blooJ, strong nerves, u bright eye und
clear complexion, because all theso
result only from wholesome food well
Nearly all druggists 6ell Stuarts
Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents full
sized package or by mall by enclosing
ntu w oiuari uo., mursnuii, Minn.,
ubusxyour aruggist nrst
A llttlo book on stomach dlap.iKAs
mulled free. Address Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich. 103 5 7
Oder travelers choice or the following
routes east, They are all famous for their
tcenlc attraction.
O. K. & N, via Ogdcn and Denver
Bhasta Reute via Sacramento, 0lcn .and
Shasta Route via Sacramonto, Maj we
A rqdallye,llne of Ihrouph PULLMAN
Francisco and I.os Angeles to Chicago this Is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
Apply to the agents of the 0, 11 & N., O.
S, L., Southern Pacific, or the undersigned,
for folders and descriptive literature.
Gen'l AgtWorcester, Uldg. Portland, Ore,
Canadin Pacific R.R.
And Soo Pacific Line
St. Paul
For btokrn tuitaces. sore, nsxt bites
bu.rns there Is one reliable remedy, DeWttl's
wtch Hasel Salve. When you call for De
Ofllee of the Secretary or State,
Sai.km, Or,, Sept. :i, 18U8. J
Scaled proposals will be received at
this otllce until noon, November 4,
1893, to rurnlth tho following articles
for the State or Oregon; ror the uso of
tho 20th Biennial Session of the Leg
islative Assembly.
33 reams legul cap, 14 lbs., No. 7
ruling, white laid, Charter Oak,
Scotch linen, or other good paper.
30 rcump first class Conrcss Note,
7 pound. No. 7 ruling, white laid, or
other good paper.
20 reams letter paper 12 lbs., No. 7
ruling, white laid, Carew, Charter
Oak Scotch linen or other good paper.
20 reams typewriter paper, letter
size. Purogon letter wovo No. 3r,
vulley Paper Company, or other good
20 reams tvncwrltcr naner. lr-trnl
size, Puratron letter wove Nn. :u.
If. .11 T " -. .. -
New Vork
a i," all points east and southeast
Cheapest rates, bestservice and accommo
dations Through toutlst sleeper to Minneapolis,
St. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, and lioston
without change
Canadian Pacific Railway Go's. Fmpress
ine of steamships to Japan and China
The tastest and finest ships on the Pacific
ocean. Shortest, and be.t route to the
Canadian Australian S. S. Co.
To Honolulu, Fiji and Australia The
shorlost route 1 1 the colonies.
For rates, fot'erg and any infoimatlon call
on or address,
Agent. Salem Or.
Agent, 146 'I bird street. Portland, (.r
Disttlcl Passenger Agent, Vancouver. I. C.
8 pm
2 pm
ex, Sun
10 pm
and Sat
i.'45 am
From Portland.
Salt Lake. Denver F
Worth, Omaha. Kartai
City. St. Louis, Chlcgo
ami ivasi.
Walla Wallc, - Spokane.
Minneapolis, at. l'aul,
jjuiuui, Milwaukee (hl
cago and East
All sailing date sub
ject to chare?.
For San Francisco.
ban Mptemoer I, 0, n,
IO, 21, 3U.
To Alaska
Sail Sept. 17.
To Astoria nnd way land
Oregon City, Dayton and
Portland to Salem
ami way landings
Leave Riparia dallg ex.
cept hatutuay.
Leave Iwlston daily ex
cept Friduy.
a m
4 p
ex Sun
Jo pu
43 pm
Lv Lew
S.MS m
1 hurs
vicn naiei saive. wnen you call for De Viillov Pntwr Pnmnnnv n;7n,. :i
W tfw don't accept countereh. You will I n-HJi? aVQr t-on,Pany or Other good
no, be disjointed. Stone Drug Store. j lams typewriter naner. l.,nl !,,
More than twenty million free samples of
DcWItt' Hazel Salve have been dlitrlb sled.
Wnat bettfcr projf f thlr confidence do you
want ? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores in
the shortest time. Stone Drugstore.
One Minute CougU Cure surprises people
Uy Its quick cure. It his wo the b st repu i
lamm ui any prrfaiauon lor com, Croup, Or
obstinate cough Stone Drugstore.
Paragon letter wove No. U, Valley
Paper Company, or other good paper.
0 boxes Little's satin llnlsh carbon
paper, blue, size 8x13.
0 boxes Little's satin llnlsh carbon
puper, blue, size 8x10.
10,000 No. 01 envelopes. 60 lbs. No. 1
rug, XXX,
12 gross rallroud steel pens, 'No. 49.
20 gross Q llott's steel pens No. 404.
4 gross Gillot's steel pens, No. 303,
o gross ivficrorooK "J " pens.
When Going East
Use a firsKlass line in traveling between
Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicago, and the
principal towns In Central Wisconsin.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair car
In service.
The Dining car are opcrat.d In the.lnter.
est of it patrons, the rrost elegant ervice
ever Inaugurated. Meals are served a la
lo obtain first-class serlce
should read via
your ticke
uysnepsia can be cured bv usirn AcVtr't. u 17 kiss Fultvin nrl nono Un nia
Dypenila Tablets, One little tablet well! 0 gross Estcrbrook & Co's. Probate
t ui , money reiunueti. sicqi pens HO. .113.
bold In handsome tin roses At 25c
B rooks, druggists.
Lunn & 0 cross Estcrbrook &
quill steel ncna No. 312.
0 gross Estcrbrook & Co's,
lors steel pens No. 231).
0 gro&s London Incandescent,
IUCUU3 no. -i.
' An' SiiinfnrA'a inrllnl a9 I..,.
....... uuuiuiu a IUIUIHUI ICU (UK.
Sick headache absolutely and permanently
cured by using Mol.l Tea. A pleasant herb
drink Cuies constipation and Indigestion,
makes you eat. sleen. work ami hmnv. sin.
tsfactlon guaranteed or money back. 25c and ' pints.
Uinn lirook druggist. 5 jross
. lnrnc.
10 doz. Peck, Stow &
Aekei'a I3vini,siA l'nhl, ... 1 1 An.
hosltlve guarantee. Cure heart-bum, raising ' st"ti,d8 N,V j5fi
oft he food distret after eating or any form , dpz. Peck, Stow
ot dyspepsia One little tab et pIvm lm. Munus tso. dm.
for men, biys und children. Excellent
quulltyut low prices; bring In your
uuys.unu. ui mem up ror winter ut the
New York Bucket Storo, Sulem.
little tablet
1 mediate relief. 25c and and 50c.
Urooks, druggist.
From Extreme Rarvousniss.
of which he U the bead 1 one of the arrest
cat in the world. H has practiced in one
spot tight In BuHilo for thirty year, and
Id uelifUbora honored him by makluu blin
their representative In, Coogrca, Doctor
Hcrce'a Golden Medical DUcovery cure
liidlgettlou, bllloutuc, Impure blood, ma.
krala, and waiting disease. It cures o3
ver cent, of all case of consumption.
Honest dnuvista aupplv it when called for
uta aon-i auvtse a u
UK." vn
bed mv
1 fftfcr
.leal UUcovery ami ' IMltts.
IHDvf rv nt ah,
Iwurruvllv btutnlnl. I
my bqnsl. autt Ih plu lu
r'(loMu Mtii
got throw. taUasr the Bret Itottle. t cannot
I followtd your Mic, aud by (h time I had
tube inl wmiM oi in1
t natter It
tack MK. aoJ 1 have not hid a cbill slue I
i tin
b time aao I wrote you aud describe
writ Hr. Jamr ContMlut. W I
rd Co,, to. "You advised ine lo
id yej
lecomoseiM it too whly
It ieV M tH $10, now it la free. Dr.
Hece'a Cwmrsoh Srv Kedlcal Adviser.
loe8 Hev Over joo illustretlea: For a
tapr-covrd copy send twenty-one out.
eRt tttmm, o cover walllnir ou(y, to the
World' DMstsiMry Medical Association,
No. Mj Mots Street, BuKalo, N. Y.i cloth
Madid 10 cent extra.
professors, Ills narrutlvo is dramatto
and o-tertalnlng, well stocked with
anecdotes about famous coitimundora
and marines. It would bo norfeotly
safe to uso this story of Yankco
prowess at sea as a textliook for sup
plementary reading In our public
schools, except that its humor Is often
bettor calculated for udults.
Grit, gumption und gunnery Is the
sub-title of t.io bdok.
Tho Whltaker & Uiy Co, S.ui
Frauolsco, publish "Hiurt Culture.'1
a textbook teauhlng klndtiea to a I
mals, written by Emma L. Page. It
is a highly practical work, calculated
to enable tho teacher to Interest Midi
children and nt tho same time teach
them the .fundamental truths of
morality Inseparably connected with
4IIAT no one remedy can contain the
J element &eccaary to cure all dlseaa-
c. Ha fact well known to everyone.
Dr. Miles' Svtttm of Roatoratlve Itemedle
coniUU of even distinctively different
preparation, each fortu own purpoMe.
Mr. I. O. Ilraujley, 3T Henry St., Bt, Cath
erluco, Ontario, write! "J'or year I uf
forvd from extreme nervousnea and annoy-
and fceukneasof tho heart. I was Unable to
Weep, suffered much from headache, pain In
uy loft atdo, palpitation and a, constant
(eellncotweakuesa and prostration. I besan
uslnj Dr. Mite' Nervine, Heart Cuw aud
Nervo aud Liver Pill and the AutlPatn
I'M to relieve sudden paroxysm of pain
and headache. 1 aoou felt much improved
aud tho pain and ache and wearlnosa left
we. I then took Dr. Mile' Retoratlva
Tunic and am now restored to my former
gooa Beaiin."
Dr, Mile' ltemedlea
aro sold by all druj
Sb)t uuder a 4tive
Kuanntoo, flrt bottle
Vetittflta or money ro
funded. Book on dl
eofthe heart and
r n free. Addren.
MltvsMKD.IOAL AX, Blklurt, IndU
Drink a steeping of Moklo Tea pefon tetlrlng
at nlglit, and se how soundly you will sleep
and how Joyotnly you will awake In the
tnornlng ft supplies food for the blood
while you sleep, produces a clear and beauti
ful complexion, aad cures constipation and
sick headache. Lunn & Urooks, druggist.
Mokl Tea positively cures sick headache,
Indigestion and constipation. A dellthtlnl
drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin,
producing a perfect complexlou, or money re.
funded. 25 cent and 50 ,cents. Lunn A
Urooks, druggists
There will be quite a number at
tending the state fair who In the
near futuro, expect to erect monu
ments for their departed friends.
Don't forget to call on Mr. T. H.
wiiii m too largo pavllllon. or at
iwaiate strtt-L and m Mill street,
who will exhibit to you designs (ho
has nearly 700 of them) and specimens
of the white bronze.
Durability of White Dronzo Attested by
Eminent Scientific Authorites,
lri rlriT !. L- Clmu f.
, stands No. 420.
12 doz. !y.ry folders, 0
i do. Ivory tolders, 10 Inch
4 doz. mucilage cups No. 8 Morgana
10 do, mucllago stands, resevolr,
No. 0 Morgan's patent.
3 reams Parker's treasury blotting
paper, or as good, 140 Lbs. white.
2 gross No. 2 Eaglo recorder lead
pencils, style 060.
5 do. Stanford's premium lluld,
2, doz. Staffords
10 doz, Nonpareil gummed stub tiles
No. 22, 11x15 Inches, 600 stubs.
The Wisconsin
Central Lines.
for all connections at Chicagound Milwaukee
For eastern points.
Ijcketfull Information call on Sodr nearest
ticket ugeiit or write ,
Ueneral Pass. AgentMllIwkukee.
Of effonShort Line.
! L,n.l?f " P0,n' Lst and southeast.
. ruth reclining chair cars, Pullman palace
peeping car, and upholstered tourist sleep
Ing cars on alt through trains.
Agent Salem, Or
Tiaveling Passenger Agen
W. li COMAN, W
124 Third Stree Portland. OrT' ACem'
Tlic NortJiern facilic
writing lluld Railroad still continues the popular
. routo foreastcm t.mv-i ,mri ,..'. i:"l
. V " '- MM "Ull LIIUL
Ruth for Portland Tuesday, Thursday tnS
Saturday ct 7:15 a.m.
Transfers to street car line at Oreg Oily
If the steamers are delayed thrre our.d
trip tickets to all points In Oregon, estlng.
ton, California or the east. Cnnnrrtino
made at Portland with all rail, ocean and
river lines.
Steamship sail for Sen Francisro, Sent.
26, 29. Oct. 2, 5, 8, 11, i4, 17 20, 23,26, 29
Gen'l Pas. Aflt. Portland, Or
O. M.POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock
City Agents.
Southern Pacific Co
6:00 P XI
8."2S PM
7.'4S A M
lv... 'Portland. ..Ar
iiv....bateni ....Lv
Ar. San Finnclsco.Lv
A Ml
iiarrtsbura, Junction City, Eugene, Crcsv
-i,t uiuyc, urain, uakiand. and all st
tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive
d.3oai) Lv... Portland ,.Ar U.-ioru
.055 A M Lv.... Salem.... Lv J 1 So.p tt
J-,3-0rlMLAr .. Roseburg.. Lv 1 730 A u
Pullman buffut sleeper aid secolTdrcliiT.
sleeping car attached to alt through train.
Mall Ma!" dally except Sunday.
7.10 A m I Lv. . . PortlaUdT.Al (T.vSoP m
!i0S2jdLlMCoivallU.. Lv?:-ospm
penholders, black' enamel,
Wilcox's Ink
& Wilcox's Ink
Wllcox's Ink
... "" nnu t-orvaiiu connect with
trains of the O. C & E. Ry.
-"""'' 'Ain uaiLY LRXCEPT SUNDAY.
4.So p m 1 Lv
7.op MVLr.,
. McMinnvillc Lv
indeiHrndence Lv
I 8S
J 4.So
A u
o A M
50 AM
rwi!L?TOei,U1?,at n -'""Cisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mall
ateamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA
Sailing dates on application
Rates and ticket to Eastern points and
LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtalnk
from W. W. SKINNER,' Ticket Men.
UAXV..,1 KOEflLER, Manager.
.11. MARKIIAM, G. F. &P. A. Portlan,
iCorvallis & Eastern
K, K. Company,
c-vcsAiDany ,sIj0p
leaves Corvalli , lt5
arrive at Vaquina.....'. &00 n.
p. m
Pure cast zinc, In my opinion, will
la.t for ages.
. ,.,,. 1"ok.11. V. CitAia,
Analytical Chemist, for tlm nnvm.
01 1110 unitea t.iates, Washington, f No. 2, round heads, white.
4 do. Dunlex cuntxmnl. lotfor ..n,w
legal sUe. '
20do7 Duplex letter clips.
15 doz. Fabors rubber rulers, 14 Inch
J5doz steel erasers, Rogers No. 18,
149. bone.
3 doz. steel rasers. Rouer N,
149, ctony.
70 Boxes Fabers No. 300 rubber
bands, assorted sizes.
6 gross Fabers lead pencils, No. 2.
hexagon, gilt.
12 grow Fabors lead pencils, No. 2
round irllt.
20 doz. Fabers patent Ink and pen.
en ruooer enters, mammouth.
j.uuo aicuiii'8 patent paper faUen
a. Nn ! fin, limwl
..MW ..V.AV..
era. No.
Will rcslst-tho chemical effects of
tho atmosphere lor all time.
Fordunibllliy and beauty iheyaro
all that can be desired.
F. L. IlAUTr.KTT".
Assayer of Metals for the Ktate of
s-4cijr uuuub lias ueen dispelled as
(0 1110 auraoiuiy of zlno In the
open air and under, the Inltuenco or
overy kind of weather.
FACTURES and Minks, Vol. 2 page
It is much superior for those pur
pose to either marble or granite, bo.
cause itcan not disiutegiate.
Titos. U. Uakeh. Ph.. D..
Prof. orm Natural Sciences, State
Normal school, Mllleravllle, Pa, '
3,000 Mc Jills patent paper fasteners.
n mnnrl linuria ivl.ltn '
3,000 McG Ills natent narwr
cia, mi. i, iiul ucuu,
15 doz. Table pads, to hold paper,
19x24 Inches, strong lerther tips.
16driz. waste paper baskets, cross
oar, xo. -k.
3 doz. wabto paper basket,
mi. ii, rounu.
20 lbs. hemp twine, No, 2.
t?.OJH?nfor(1!8 mucilage, quarts.
All bids submitted should bo
marked "Proposal for Stationery."
None but thQ best quality of goods
will bo accepted. kwu
Tho right to reject any or all bids Is
AU the above articles must be de
llyered at balem, Oregon, on or before
summer is opening up It becomes more.
?o "JK ever. The peasant and con,
fortable accommodations furnished
passengers aro proverbial and need no
"-wuu.xuutjMicKumeuiaae.w thout
n ?-nB0 J".0" ,s "nlvereally known.
The road traverses tim mnci ., .V
cent belt of country in the world
ffX.M1!1116, and -nterestlng, so
that the traveler goes through withs
out fat gue and reaches the Journey's
end without realizing distance. All
A 1 ". 'I"a",u'vUD'iaIio, Montaana 1
Dakota. Nebraska and the other
states, the eye Is feasted with scenes
Pleasing and Impressive, whlto no
sand storm. suiTrvntin., n. ..V '". "" I
! ?"'er .?eorallzlng"lscor.;fo7t9 aVe '
UJUb WILIl. it'nr MolTAta or.,1 ..11
tlcularscallon " l,ar"
No. 225 Commercial s'.reet, Intfm
building foimerly occupied by Dan J
Fry '6 drug store, Salem. Or. ,
.viadg ivi e: a man
w w ri on jiretHj4t. (.Ili - .
v ri i..4i :-' -TT-.r7iwi
j ui uuM,uiiq oiawr
TtT.ULrn t nil vital ..
i-- tiL"te,B..i
I ForVanuInai
Train leaves Alban
ti-in arrive at Vaquina..... fi;co
:. Returnlnu.
Leaves Vaquina ,.00- n.
Leave l"nrUlli 7'oa,m.
Arrive Albany ..::;; " ?"' ,
For Detroit- 2,25,J '"
& Airy,u:::.".: Es-
iSX?" :::::.",S5optt:S:
& AI?.e,,0,, 12140 p.m.
P,,icT. f"'","? i Aiuany with Southern
Pacific train giving direct service (a and from
New-on and adjacent beache.
Train for the mountains arrives at DeiMt
at noon civinu ample ttm: to teach campln.
grounds on the llreitenbush and Santlam
rivers same day,
T. F. i P. A.
Agent Albany,
..i .d ar offia u w,'Sutii iSfT
December 10, 1898.
Very respectfully,
Secretary of State.
U,rY..7.rJ..ri.w'".-?'" raw.. w cl
aalfi mTynliB
shorter and a whole half day quicker
than any other Hue to Omaha, Kan
sas city, St. Louis and all other
suthern and southeastern cities,
ThlPA rr.lllAJ oaol via n.ni. u
CjaTEd' "tfkftT raul, aod Billings, Mont. Tickets at
rot sale in Salem Or., byD. FRV dmKEUt e wt" Tla Omalia, you can stop off and
--- . , see the Traiis-Muslffllppl expositiou
I ?i'
f3W!!b'1 iSli-- 4$ ''
Tfc. 9f i3J XTC '& t$ t
'? -OTM jt-
IV sn""Mvssa