WHAT 13 GOING ON DOWN AT 325 Q OMM BR. O I -AL, QTRBT r? mr HHhi RaftleA W Pemember the name m. x when you buy again. Jr k MB H-V ..iBlr "' - , THE LEGISLATURE, Shows a Businesslike Inclination to Economize. I House and Senate Vote Down Grab Qamea Governor's Message ( In This. Issue. In tlio scnuto thoschcnio for the usual whltowns.1 of the stnto treasury was voted down, as was tlio codo steal, which ought to cut off tlio houso from similar grabs us neither houso alono ought to appropnato money In nny manner. In both cases lion Ben. Selling did the hard lighting. In the houso tho resolution to buy five papers for each member was cut down to three, tho Union members voting against buying any. Mr, Mc Culloch tabled tho resolution to In vestigate tho stato treasury, on tho theory tnat It belonged to tlio work of tho rcKular session. Speaker Carter Is catching onto his wcrk ul:cly, considering that ho never saw a legislature In session be fore he took tho gavel to preside oyer ono liliuseU, Ho will not announco lilt committees Wednesday, as stated. Ho feels that much depends .upon their work, and as their organization of tho General Assembly may be con tinued nttho regular session, if It gives satisfaction, ho will strlyo hard to get his committees as nearly right as pos sible. Economy and the dispatch of business will bo his sole guides. In the senatorial Held the faction seem to havo concentrated unon M. U. George, one of Gov. Lord's uu-1 polntces for circuit Jludgo. who Is trying to.play both sides for support. It looks as though tho llrst round would bo a count of nosed between Gcorgo and Corbett. or a scattering of votes between a multiplicity of candidates to prevent an election. No senatorial caucus has been un announced, but It Is certain that the MltchcII'Mcllrlde continuant will make a determined stand one way or another, to dofeat tho election of Air. L'orbctt at all hazards. Tho Union members held a confer ence this morning at which only members wore allowed to bo nrcs- cnt, but no conluslon was reached as to senatorial candidates. Several names were canvassed but a decision was deferred to another conference. Tho names considered are men of the highest, character. Hen Selling Is the business scna'or so far, and ho has the senate back of him. U. S. Senator McBrldo, accompanied by his nephew and private secretary 13. 0. Glltner, was In tho lobbies of Hotel Willamette this afternoon. A Gr eat Reduction Sale At Znndmcr's Clothing Store for the Next Thirty D.ays Our entlro stock of Men's and Hoy's Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods below nickel "prices. Read thslprlco list: Men's suits In all sizes, former prlco JO, now s4 on Men s a woo c ay worsted suits oxtru heavy, former price $12. now' " o oo Men's a woo chovlot suits, former prlco $10, now. .... ...... " ' o 60 lions all wool plaid suits, former prlco $10, now..,. . ? no Men's mackintoshes, good quality, reduced to . o $ lVoys' mocklntoshcs, all sizes, reduced to . 7 Men s henry working paum, former prlco nil 25, now. "" !". m Men a cotton worsted oxtia lino, formorpneo $1.50, now ! i on Men s all svool cheviots, extra tlno, former price $2 60, now ! 175 Men a ijood heavy oil grain working shoe, reduced from $1.50 to .,'.'."" 1 25 Men'sDoz. rlvrtted overas, pain, reduced to ... . Mcn'a 0 oz. heavy Jumper. . ....... ,T ... .?. $ Men'sooz. heavy eughU overalls reduced to::;':::::::;::. ::;;::::;; Also a full lino of men's oxtra hoavy box coats at very low Rlffi iA i80 tt fuU na 1f yut'' ""ll" at reduced Slcci'uS! brollas, liats, caps, trunks laud valises; a fufi liuo of full and winter underwear, overwear, neckwear, socks, handkerchiefs buspoudora'gloyes, 0 d., nt very low prices Wo havo Hull line and get your cholco of bargalus whllo tho stock Is complete This is a New Stock and Has Been Bouoiit son Fall Thade. H ZANDMEF, 96 State street, Near Commercial LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. HOUSE MONDAY AFTERNOON. The speaker was authorized to appoint a mulling clerk and three pages and said ho would announco these appointments at tho opening Tuesday morning. Moody, Williamson and Beuch were appointed to Invito tho secretary or stato to administer the oath to the newly elected officers, which that gen tleman did In a few moments. Curtis seconded by Myers, offered resolution that each member be pro vldcd house und senate lournal and laws of 1805 and a copy of II Ill's code. Ilesolutlon adopted. McCulloch moved that thrco notify the governor of tlio organization of tho house. Carried. McCulloch, McAllister and Ross wero appointed us such committee. Myers olfcrcd resolution for pro vldlng each member with Jive dally or weekly newspapers. McCulloch moved to Indefinitely postpone and pending a vote Mr. Myers withdrew tho resolution. Moody moved to notify tho senate of the organization of the house. Mr. Curtis offered a resolution, which asked that the renortcrs of the various nowspupers bo Invited to scats within the bar and that the scrgcant.at-arms bo Instructed to provide conveniences for them. Mr, Williamson introduced a reso lution inviting the ministers of tho vurious rcllalous denominations of the state to open the dully session of tho houso with pruycr. A resolution was offered that a committeo of five be nppolntcd to de termine and recommend tho compen sation of thcofllccrsof the house. MILLS INTRODUCED. BROWNELL, S. B. No. 1. a To repeal act crcutlng railroad commission. MACKAY, S. B. No. 2. To provide new pilotage rule for the Port of Portland. DALY, of Benton S. B. No. 3. To reduco thclegul rate of Interest to six percent. SENATE, TUESDAY, A. M. President Simon announced his standing committees. Senator Hazcltlne offered a rcsolu tlon for a committee of two t-enutors and three representatives to Inform tho governor that both houses aro or ganized and ready to receive his incs sage. DUFUlt, S. B. No. 4, Itclatlng to terms of circuit court. DALY, of Luke, S. 13. No. 5, To amend the assessment luws, FULTON. S. B. No. 0. To creuto olllcc of County gumo and forestry wardens to bo appointed by tho county courts. Monthly salary to bo lixed at not above $75 a month. SELLING, S. B.No.7. To regulate and tlx salaries or county olllcers and district attorney in Aiuitnoman county. HAZELTINE, S. B. No. 8. To provide for reimbursement of moneys, etc,, to commission to Omaha exposition. BROWNELL, S. B. No. 0. For un act to provide for a consti tutional convention. OLEM.S.B. No. 10. For nn act to define terms "land" and "real property." DRIVER, S. B.No. 11. Conferring upo'i Eugene Divinity school power to issue diplomas, etc. MACKAY, S. B. No. 12, To amend pilotage laws. DALY, of Benton S. B. No, 13. To authorlzo Benton Co.. to estab lish a freo ferry at Corvallls. HARMON, S. B. No. 14. To amend charter of city of Grante Puss. FULTON. S. B. No 15. For an uct to protect, sturgeon. BROWNELL, S.B. No. 10. For an act of facilitate sottlemeut of cstatcszln eprobatc. DUFUR. S. B.lNu. 17. To regulate proceedings In Justice j cuuria. PATTERSON, S. B. 18. To amend law relating to dates of holding court in thei third district. DUFUR, S. B. No. 10. To protect hotel keepers and board ing houso keepers. MACKAY, offered a resolution remonstrating agalnstduty on lumber as proposed by convention now In Quebec. Adopted. .SELLING, S. B. No. 20. To fix sulariR of state officers and Judges land olllcers of iho supremo court. DALY of Lake. S. B. No. 21 To repeal railroad commission. FULTON, S. B, No. 22,(by request.) To provide forphyslolal examina tion of plaintiffs whoask'for dam. ages. MULKEY, S.5B. No. 23, Tocreato oftlcoof recorder of con. Jvoyances n Polk Co., with $1,000 salary. Road second and third tlm nn passed. THE SATURDAY .EVENING POST At- Mailed to address on "V every any trial, week from now to January i. 1899, on receipt of only Ten Cents (Silrcr or Stamps) The Saturday Evening Post has been published weekly since 1728 170 years and is unique in illustration and literary excellence. AMEMCAN KINGS AND THEIR KINGDOMS Will tell the stories of the several greatest money monarchs of our country how they acquired and how they retain their power. THE POST'S SERIES OF PRACTICAL SERMONS By the great preachers of the world; It gives real, per sonal non-sectarian help toward better living. (UNDER LA M P in wnp n ha w - v . IISm - J' v n KaSBp mHii E EVENING IALFHOUR6 WITH SONG AND STORY A mice bearlnir this title gives an entertain Ing collection of short bits of that sort of read ing that one docs not care to miss -anecdotes, Information, the strange and the wonderful aro all touched upon interestingly. THE PASSING OP THE OLD NAVY Two charming articles on the romance, antique cus toms and duties of the old tradlng-vcssels.thcprogross of modern naval Bclcnce, and how Invention has killed much of the poetry of sea life. One of the best American Illustrators of marine life Is now painting pictures that will accom pany this series. THE PERSONAL SIDE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTORS A series of articles portraying our best- Known actors in tnetr home lire, and show- lni? Its rlnllnn fn til..!- r.l. nHil .. 1l ..f- ...III -.. f.. . -.. .. ... ...... . ....... auuKKi.o .. aub..ii3ca. iiic Dalies win uijcu in nn early number with the "Personal Side of Sol. Smith Russell," to be followed by four others, profusely Illustrated by photographs and original drawings. The regular subscription price of the Post is 2.50 per year. It is offered on trial for so small a sum simply to introduce it. There are 16 pages every week, the same size as The Ladies' Home Journal, and as handsomely illus trated and printed. The Curtis Publishing Company PhiUdelphi. THK BOOK OF THE WEEK Will deal with the week's fore most offering from exten sive review will be given In many cases, a reading from the book It self, a brief story of the author's lifeall fully Illustrated. EBBMT1VS3tmHfr"W,lB8SMfii HARMON, t. H, No. 21. Relating to appeals In civil actions. DALY of Lake,S. B.No. 25. For nn uct tlxlnn sularlcs of tccro tury of state, treasurer aud clerk of supreme court. BUOWNELL, S. B.No. 28. IlelutluK to contests of wllh, DALY of Benton, S. B. No. 27. Authorizing sale of equities la es tates of decedents. KELLY. B. B. No. 28. To repeal olllco of food commissioner. AJJAiUS. a. is. jno. zv. To provide for taxation of dogs. BATES, S. B. No. HO. Rok'ulutlny trutcrnul orders, ilurmou offered u resolution oppro prlutluL' a set of Hill's codes for eacli senator. Lost. LOONEY, offered a resolution, tnut u committee of two senators aud three representatives be appointed to Investigate tlis books of the stato treasurer. Lost by 7 to 16. TAYLOR, offered a resolution for u committee of two senators and three representatives to Investigate books of asylum. Adopted RESOLUTIONS. Joint resolution to meet In joint assembly at 2. p. m. to hear Oov. J Lord's message, udoptcd. uy uurtis for a committeo of ilvo to which all resolutions bo referred. Carried. By Roberts, to prohibit smoking In hall of houso at any time. Referred. By Ilawson, providing for commits teo clerks, carried. By Youngi for furnishing 200 two cont stamps and 100 uewspaper wrappers to each member, carried. By Meyers, for furnlshlnk' 3 news. papors to each member, carried. INTRODUCTION OV UILI.S. OURTIS., II. B. No. 1. For protection of Salmon and Food Fishes. WHITNEY, n. B. No. 2. To tax mortgages. BAYER, II. B. No. 3 To regulato tbo dolnir. of nnhiin works. STILLMAN, II. B. No. 4. To amend sec. 49of Hlllacnrfp. .CURTIS, n. B. No. 5. ao reguiato aud protect Sturgeon fishing, ODRTIS, n, B. No. 6. To provide for tho offlea nf immn and forestry warden. HILL, II. B.No. 7. To provide for and regulate elections to rcqulro and regulato tho registra tion of yoters for election purposes. Read first and 6ccond time. KRUSE, II. B. No. 8. Providing for tho election of United States senators. MOODY, 11, B. No. 0. To umond sec. 10IJ7 of Hill's code. ROSS, II. B.-No, 10. To establish a llscal agency for tho stato of Oregon In the city of Now York. MACKAY.S..T. R. No. 1. Protesting against tariff on lumber recommended by convention in Que bec. Passed, SUNATE STANDING COMMITTEES. Forestry Looney, Rullroads Bruwnoll, Patterson Daly, of Benton, Mackay, Morrow. Revision of Luws-Kclly, Reed, Fulton, Daly of Lake, Smith, RoadR nnd Highways Bates, Looney, Daly of Benton, Proobstol, Clem. Ways and Means Tuylor, Mulitoy, Kuykcndall, Selling, Adams. Agriculture and Kelloy, Clem. Assessment and Taxation Mulkey. Mackay, Potter, Cameron, Taylor, Claims Howo, Fulton, Daly of Lake, Commerce und-Naylgatlon Selling, nowe, Cameron, Proobstel. Counties Macka7. Tavlor. nn ---. . v ,. w Cameron, Patterson, Education Kuykendall, narmon, Porter. Elections and privileges-. Harmon Brownell, Wade, Engrossed Bills-Daly or Benton, Reed. Mlchell. Enrolled Bills-Patterson, Mulkey, Cameron. Federal Relations Driver, Proob stel, Dufnr. Flshlug Industries Reed, Mlchell, Bates. Horticulture Dalv ol Ronton. Put. terson, Looney. Insurance and Banklnc TTiiinnq 9 - WU aaams, uates. Prlntlng-Mlchell, Selling, Haines. Jrrlgatlom Proebstel, Camorou, Ji.urrnw. Judlclary-Fulton, Brownell.Mlch- Oll. IvRllv. Hufiir Medlcinn, Pharmacy, Dentistry I j,w. uunu, ..vujrtiuuiiuiiaiorrow. Military Affairs nazeltlno, Taylor, Wado. Penal Institutions Haines, Driver, Looney. Mining-Cameron, Harmon, Smith. Municipal Cornoratlnns--rrnAi tine, Harmon, Smith. Public Bulldlncsand InHtlMitinnc Adams, nazeltlno, Reed. I PubllcLands-Porter.Mulkey.nowe. Driyer, Wade. ' A New One. All tlio nerinln imr. Mmd nfni,i (nt but If the people or thH city will cat at Strong's they will be so happy they can stand them. A Green Legislator. All legislatures may have creco members but Branson & Co. has the highest grade groceries bold at any place In tho city. TO CURE A COLD INT onn nAV Tako r,nTiitiv. Ttr.it. - r..ininv Tablets. All druggists refund tho Uionov f It falls tn num. or.n Tim genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. All irugslata soil Dr. MUv Norro PluUo New Price List of Welsbach Burners BURNERS 81 00 MANTELS ,30 CHIMNEYS 10 SHADES 15 SELFUGnTERS.... 23 If llvo or more burners aro taken at ono tlmo a discount will bo made from above prices, Order burners or repairs EARLY INTnE DAY 1 1 Salem. Gas Light Co. 71 CnEMEKETA ST. Telephone 60, Assay Office AND LABORATORY- No. 71 Chemekcta si, J. Ii. T. TUTIIILL AMjer, ' J