Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 27, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    ; 'WJHpAPVVWfljy Wifitmrrm -p
xyvksM: im ' i'v t imi' , Ki
cfcrvcd Scats, 75 Cents
nt Dearoorn's.
ManaKcmont Sam. ClPartrldite, San Francisco.
ro the House of Representatives and Senatci
Wo. tlio liop nickers nntl the laborers of tho fruit orchards and Hardens,
und the tillers of the- Roll, and
the merchants In Salem nnd vicinity to
can be bought at
Fnr it. is n. fnct, that Friedman sells Glothlnir. flats. Trunks and Valises
lat 30 per cent chcapor than any other
poibroldcrles, neckwear, iianiiKcrcmcrs,
lubber Goods. But wo nro compelled to ko to is'rlcuronn's oecauso
Ic sells from 25 to 40 per cent cheaper than the rest,
Wo would further memorialize your honorable body that you will not
lye your totes to elect Friedman for
Lmmiinllnlntlmlinnrl nt timnnnnlv
Qcruorlal your honest, attention, for which we, as citizens of this community,
vlll ever nrav.
The . . .
inRpopRim ....
has Just received a largo lino of
Flower Pots and Jardinicrs,
"Now Is tho time to Iook after
Personals nnd Social Kvents at the Cap
ital City and Other Towns,
Readers at Salem and other orft-
Igon towns aro requested to 6enu in
litems of personal and social news to
appear In Tub Daily and Weekly
IJouknal. Ed.
W. E. Yates, an attorney of Cor-
Ivallls was a Salem visitor Sunday and
Mr. and Mrs, I. L. Patterson add
(children, went to Portland this
Mrs. G. P.Torrell and dauchter.Mlss
IUla.aro visiting Judgo Terrell during
tho Fair week. '
Judgo and Mrs. 0. M, Denny aro In
tho city to remain during tho entire
session of legislature
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sutton, have
(returned from u summors visit In
Michigan and Mlnut30ta,
Ex-Senator Cogswell, of Portland
was an Interested spectator at the
opening session of tho legislature.
Mrs. F. S. Unrrlnoton. of Winlock.
IWn.. tho mother of Mrs. B B.Colbath.
tli visiting her daughter for a week or
Mrs. II. D. Wilson and Miffs Beat-
(rlcoBarlo v, of Oregon City, aro visit
ing at tho home of Chief Justice Wol.
Msior James Bruce, a prominent
farmer of South Benton county, Is in
Ibaleoi iu company with bis wife and
Mr. nnrl Mm TV Vlnloln. nf Grants
.. M .W. .M. ...W.V w-
pass, returned to their homo Monday
Her a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Henry
Monday Evening. Oct,
tho mechanics, and the typowrltcrj.
soil all their wares as cheap as ahoy
houso In Salem. Dry Goods, Laces and
sox, umureuus, oiuckiuiosuch buu
U. S. sonator as It would leave this
tlliTplinn t B. Ifnnlni? V0U Will EIVC til la
Miss Helen Ramndall who has been
visiting MiS9 Margaret Hodgkln for a
few days, returned to her homo In
Portland this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harton roturned
to tholr home In Portland this morn
ing, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
II. G. Guild of tho Independent.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Walker, of
Portland, returned to tholr homo this
morning after a short visit with their
son Italnh G. Wulkor. of Stono's Now
Drug Store.
Mrs. C B. McElhanoy, with tho
llttlo McElhaneys, of Whltcakor, Is
vlBltlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs.J.E.
McCoy on North Capital sirect, and
Joy reigns In tho McCoy mansion,
Hon F. M. Brattan, of Springfield,
and Hon Ivan McQueen of Loranc,
T.nno countv. members of tho legis
lature, aro domiciled with Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis at 331 Liberty street.
Mrs. Homer Hallock Is visiting her
mother Mrs. Jacob Berdurdl for a few
days. Mrs. Halloek has been ylsltlng
In California, all summer, and stops
over to bco hor folks boforo proceeding
to hor homo In Pendleton.
EG. Bolter, a prominent. "u , but tho elite of Salem all go to
and stock raiser of Cross Keys, Lro(iK.!yirongg, rc8taUrant. tor tho 2Go meals
.. 1 t . ..!...
county, ana ins uaugnusr jure, oau-,,,0
fnrrl Mil lilt 7. 11 nil clllldrOll. UlSO Ills S00
J. P.i Bolter and wlfoaro In tho city to
ylslt tho Fair andotherpolntsof In
terest. Mr. Bolter is an old homo
resident of Polk county and has been
in Salem niany times but ho has been
away for twenty years consequently
gees many changes In and arounrj tho
Music Item.
TmmPillntelv after tlio fair Mrs.
from 5 to 10 years of age, and will
teach them notation, notes and
values, tones, melody, rhythm and
special work sho has Inventea ior
children. Blackboard anu ciiarn uma-
r mMons. Annlv ut onco, 25 cents per 1
hnr RMiriin over Firjt National.,,,,. lf ,i10Vnnloof this city will eat
UUUM - - a
One More Day.
Onp more day of tho State Fair has
passed and Its succes Is assured, ana
1110 PUDUO IIUVO luiuuRtu wvv. .w-.
restaurant every day to get thoso
famous 15c meals.
(Written for Tho Journal.)
Three cf tho leading singers In Sir
Arthur Sullivan's new opera, "Tho
Beauty Stone," uro Amcrlca.n Miss
Pauline Jornn and Messrs. Devoll nnd
One-third of the pupils In tho
Stuttgard eonctvatory are studying
music with tho Idea of entering tho
profession. Twenty-seven of them
aro Americans.
Tho oldest chair of 'music
Is tlmt of Greslmtn college, London
(England) founded in 1575. Sir J.
Frederick Bridge, organist of West
minster Abbey, Is tho professor of
muslo In this college.
A Paris correspondent tays:"Atncrl
cans should sing Italian In Franco
and French In Italy. The criticism
through which they pass In Paris (bo
hlnd their backs) Is something scath
ing. A composer who devotes himself
to sacred music, and tics himself
down to the rigid forms at demands,
forgoes tho applause of the many;
bub both ho and his art 'gain a hun
dredfold by this self denial. Ho who
can build a church can build houses,
with greater cae, and to him who
has accomplished an oratorio tortus
of muslo will boas child's play. 11.
It may not be known that Madam
Bolle-Cole, n favorite eloper on tho
English concert and oratorio stage Is
an American. ShcU one of a largo
number of our singers who have made
successes In England.
A German contemporary "Dlo
Kammcrmuslk," prints an account of
some experiments In making violins
of clay. The Instruments aro said to
possess a sweet, yet powerful, tone,
and to .speak very powerful. They
aro on exhibition In Berlin.
The W. C. T. U. Work.
At tho W. C. T. U. hall Sunday the
Roy. Williams spoke to an apprecia
tive audience from tho Prophcsi3 of
Malachi 3 chapter 0 verso. "Yo arc
cursed with a curso." Rov, Williams
said many things which tho Jouknal
reporter took special notice of and
which If heeded would better cho
condition of socloty. Among them
wo quote tho following. "Tho mln
lster or tho Gospel who surrenders his
right to 9pcak against tho liquor
tranic nnd kindred evils puts himself
under tho ban of suspicion" and' ho
went on to say further. "Tho govs
eminent that fails to recognize tho
higher government ought to ceaso to
oxlst," tho Bpeakcr enlarging on tho
expressions and going deeper into his
subject again said. "Tho minister
who falls to cross tho path of tho ovll
doer and law breakers and call down
thn anathomlcs of such on his pato,
puts himself under tho ban of sus
picion." Rev. Williams Is pastor of
tho United Brethren church of this
city and as a speaker has a powerful
voice which ho uses to express his
conviction fearlessly and conscien
tious. Tho meeting closed with souio
special music by Mrs.O, M. Charlton,
who occasionally consents to sing for
tbls lneetlnL' from tho W. C. T. U.
song book "White Ribbon Vibration"
Rev. Dollarhldo will speak at tho
same place next Sunday and wo bo
speak for him a good audience
DIECKMAN. At tho family homo
In Ankeny Bottom, n-ar Sydney,
Oregon, on Monday, September .JO,
1803. Frank Dleckman aged 18 years.
Tim funeral will bo held from tho
family homo at 12 in today, Rev. Daly
of tho St. Josephs Catholic church
olllceatlng. Interment will bo had
at tho Catholic cemetery.
A Hungry Chinaman.
A hungry Chinaman world go to
enn n iiiiiimt: iiiiiju iaj uiwun --i
A Mysterious Murder.
Any kind of a murder may bo com
mitted In Salem and tho murderer
escape but a man uovcr can smoko ft
lOo La Corona cigar and withstand
the temptation to smoke another one.
A Sicic Stomach.
A sick stomach makes a man unfit
for duty but thoso 25c meals you get
at Strong's aro a panacea for that
hungry feeling.
PfesIdent 0f the Senate,
, t d ,.
jpSaSbut tlio La Corona
10ocgar is the king of smokers.
All tho people get tired of old Jokes
at strong's they will bo so happy they
can stand them.
(JUW v 1 - , 1 r. tn
Yes. I smoke, and to make sure that
I will enjoy tho cigar, I buy thoso
Ave cent ones mado at tho Capital
niimr More Wi State street, Salem, b
F, R. WfclsJei. 23rfcayi.
Trained Dogs.
Tho Gcrmnn army dogs nro trninca
when they find n dead body to set up n
prolonged howling. If no ono comes,
thoy tako tho dend man's cap or tomo
small nrticlo nnd with this in their
teeth go on n hunt for their trainer,
whom thoy load to tho spot. If thoinnu
is wounded, ho gives Ids cap to tho dog
and tho fame- object Is accomplished.
A Shan prlucers has written tho fol
lowing letter to the medical olllcer in
chnrgo of ono of tlio cantonments in the
Sbnn states: "Kindly fcupply mo llio
undermentioned nut! lei nes by bearer,
as I nin unwell, bctiug fell down from
olophnnt, nnd oblige Ono docs of smell
ing 6ii It, ono doss for onrolug headache,
ono docs for enroing tbo palu nt neck."
Dr. Sheldon Jackson, superintendent
of government schools iu Alaska, denies
tho report that tho rciudocr brought to
tho territory havo starved. A largo herd
has roaohed tho iuofh growing region
uwuy from tho const and nro doing well.
Moreover, tho Laplanders who came
witli thorn propnm to bring herds of
tholr own nnd embark in tlio busiuass
of ruling reindeer for ki!o nud for
in tram port.ti ion
Hemp is i.f antique origin, for it w.-u
need by tho cythi;-.ua ut kat fiOO yean
beforo tlio Cb.hthn cia. It fyows Wild
iu Ind'a tu.d iun.:iy inrts rf our own
land, n.:.l It wtm kuowu u tho Chtuesr
thmifn.'.ilri cf yoaiB iiiu Thu Romatir
wore iunilijr . Sin t!.i ua cf honip for
sails cni c:rdf Ltdia and Pet-sin it
tlio iintnu bou.o if hcinp. mid it ii till
tivotcd in tho Utrvl dtiites in Kcu
tacky, lUincl. .V -:iu!.n nnd iliceourl
Ikcwjlly Olifwrun l"s uf-rouib luhr
fcstcd iu it nuwrli ami iu that r.tjrc U
niton utitohes n hok-'it. tif IS or 30 feet
A Warm Stoye.
On theso cool mornings a warm
stoyo Is a luxury but no more so than
thoso famous 15c meals at George
Bros , restaurant.
A Deaf Legislator.
A deaf legislator would bo a man
out of place, but oven ho would know
that that the Co Llttlo Champion
cigar made by A. Hucdcnsteln are
tho best.
You Invite cisappointmcnt when you ex
neriment. DeWltt'ft ttlle Eulv Risers are-
plnxsant. eaiy, thorough little Fills. They
cure sick heidnce as sure at you take them:
Stone Drug Store'
For broken turfaces. sorei. inject bites.
urns there is one reliable remedy, DeWitl's
Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for De
Witt's don't accept counterfeits. You wfll
no be disappointed, Stone Drug Store.
Truth wears well. People have learnod
that Dc Wttt's Little Early Risers are ro
table little pills for regulating the b. wells.
They dou't gripe. Stone Diug Store.
i m
Acker's English Remedy Will Stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the worst
cold in twelve hour?, or money refunded.
25c and sec. I.unn & Brooks druggists,
When you call for DsWitt's W Itch Hazel
Salvs don't accept anythlnj else Don't be
talked into subsli.ute or plies for sores for
burns. Stont Drug Stcre .
More than twenty million free samples of
UcWitt's Hazel salve have been uuuidjuu.
What belter nroof f their confidence do you
want ? It cures plleu, burns, sea ds, sores in
the shortest time, stone urug : i.
One Minute Cough Cure surprises people
by Its quick cure. It hss won the b:st repu
tatlnn of any prestation for colds, croup, or
.LuiIhuIa jiinS-ii LtriA Tlvttr Wtr
DsWitt's Witch Hazel Salve hss the
largest sale of Any. This fact has led dis
honest people to attempt to coanierfeit it.
Look out when you cnlt tor De Witt's Witch
Hezel Salve, die great pile cure. Stone Drug
Pain una no Dhow Tilth Dr. liilou' Tain ?Ula
is duo not only to tho originality and
simplicity of tho combination, but also
to tho caro aud skill with which it is
manufactured by bclcntlfla processes
known to tho Cu.ikoiinia. Fio Svitui'
Co. only, aud wo wihli to impress upou
all tho importance of purchasing tho
true and original remedy. As tho
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by tho Camkouxia Fio Svhui- Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
nsslht ono in uvoldlng the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other pnr
ties. Tlio high fitandiug of tho Cam
roitNiA Fio Srittrr Co. with tho medi
cal profession, and tho satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
tho namo of the Company a guaranty
of tho excellenco of its remedy. It is
far In advanco of all other laxatives,
as it acta on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and It does not gripo nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember tho nnme of
the Company
XW .-8KK.K.
QvUsssBsV dsHT b JcfA
They nro above the average in quality and designs. Rcpt In all widths
83 as to save waste In cutting. Don't put off getting linoleum for your
kitchen, dining room, bath room or hall, when It can bo hudjfor tho prico wo
arc asking. Good linoleum for 50o per yard.
248 Commercial street, near State
Boots anb Sboee
For the rainy season must be of solid leather, We
carry only reliable shoes. The StarxSStar line has
been our strong hold for the past six years, They give
Neat, Stylish Clothing '
Well made and durable at our lowest "racket prices,"
Our clothing trade is increasing, Why 1 Look at our-
prices and you 11 know
Hosiery and Underwear
Wc sell you the very best goods for
that can be found, Wc have some
wool underwear this season, Come
Wc buy in very large quantities and
ers the advantage ol a cash business
N?u) York Racket I
Chung Lee Co
Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods
Ladies' Furnishing Goods Reduced 30 Days,
Examine our stock and you will
There is no waste of effort to keep the fire going
in a JEWEL Stove or Range. There is no waste of
fuel, no waste of heat, no waste of labor with a
JEWEL Stove or Range. You get the most heat
with the least Juel Decause jewels aiv ncidium-aiiy
constructed. You get more service from a JEWEL
Stove or Range because
is built of the best ma-
terial in the best way.
Everybody gets the
most satisfaction from
JEWEL Stoves and
Ranges because they
are perfect in every
point. Ask the dealer
for JEWEL Stoves
and Ranges and look
or the trade-mark.
Jewel atovct r old by
Linoleum and
Oil Cloth ?
the reason,
the least money
special values in
and look it ever,
give the custom
from factory to
bo convinced that wo can suvo you money.
f. I V