Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 27, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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mumwauKHwui i.uiwii
f I twf'yy"1 yr
HI1"'""! " 1
Daily Capital Journal.
DsSr. Oae Tear $3.00,, Ja Adraooe.
XbBt, Xwa- jKontbo SI CO. ir Adraooe.
Weekly. Oae "Tear 81.03, ia J&rtaots
Harrey Scott peiks bopefaHy,
almost pathetically so, I the special
Msskm of tbe .eglsaatere. As be bus
oeTcr been there, no one knows -what
Hod of legislator tbe great Oregon load
editor weald make. As It is tbe one pper river win
place Jo tbe world trtiere aay ordinary ponwtde tils list be Is mistaken If
man can mate nerfcuteoa kinds of a fee Insists oa caassifylaa fisbwhoais
tvA of nlaiseaf, it is not likely tbat wit fisbtraps. Let all reform
Mr. Fulton's bill bad out been la
trodooed in tbe senate xt Ibis writiag
and and it saay out be so ese-iMed as
toslrikeat lie salmon indastry on
tbe pper river walle protecting the
badness as 11 Is conducted a lbej
lower river.
A Ml to abollffe all kinds of traps
aad obstructions would be alawfalj
aeaeure and ibere coald be other ase-
fal legislation. Bet Itisoot proven j
that the -ordinary fisbwaee. of tie
appar Oolambla Is fatally iByarioas to
tbe salmoacrop. while It represents
ajlttlims of property aad employment
of sracb labor.
Senator Fnlton Is a reasoaable saaa
tbe b wheel interest of Dae
oodoabtbe able to
even Le would ibIbs all chances.
Hwi Irtef raw.sreen, antral ned,
rnGrDerlenced men. suddenly called
fratof obscarity and baring tbe blgbj
appellation f law-maker tbrnst spon
tbeci by tbe vex pjptflan vox .Del,'"
and then asked ts unmake exlbtlng
laws, mate new ones, elect a senator,
aad examine Into all tbe bort com
nomiags ol tbe pmmftmtealtb at S3 a
day and pay for their own cod fish
balls bow can anybody expect any
thing Irani sack nen under Paobc4r-j
Sew, to tell tbe lratb, we -greej
Ttltb Ilarrej, and don't expect nay
tbJnc frtini this special &esEtn. It
will be a fioliooHDC Jw tbew men
and for a tot r rounc Biea andj
women - be iHa be bJred as derks.
It has that merit. Itpens adtmrorj
0pn9rtiHBitT Uk persoas wh wumMj
elberwitte baTe n psob ohasce te
xrlscle in iniUtc affair aad tfeej
)H be aientj beneStted by tbe ox
poMtre and rubWap ccalnKt eacb
Harrey Soutt does o&t despair of
tbe lecitfatnre- He kindly pitsitn1
tbe bead and saj s "it attist make Itf
record fr Jfelf. Lelt t its wn
-weak, wobbly cncklnc-call' self, wltb
(iDtdlrectSon r rapport from en blub.
tir 1 ruin Ilarvey, tbe pow creatures
will bare to wljrtle alonir and wben
Stsallrer pal tbe4r tails between
tbeir iecs and wsoat forbttme
be canBtracted fairly and
Strong:, steady nerves
Are needed for success
liVCij MUC1C AC4tU
Depend simply, solely,
Upon the bJood.
Pure, rich, nourishing
Blood feeds the nerves
And makes them strong.
The great nerve toak is
Hood's Sarsaparifia,
Because it makes
The blood rich and
Pure, giving-it power
To feed the nerves.
I Tbepectalela aeatosx ft.
Wlhsii f Asria bartoEJ
JhsK a ea ms Janv wc - -
TiilkisBBlnflexiiftlie nvvomwu
lrprtse back f tbat iaBt4ttrt).
Wftb aly e Jew Measures UkeJy to I
. -v,f-o iini Jar a vote, H)
1 was Wpfciy pKlaat taat tbe aom
J bers eaoa bave & new set f oudes--e6-I
;H!day a wifle that Is loa r tweJTe
jear twfclad te tlsies.
I TMs wrttrwBRtBpBfoptMl MlBS
IMarparot 1. StaaSey eatlr a pre-
JpriA,f tbe Aflana Tow a Talk, a
Tarvbrtefet local paper, because we
Ireiorre 1 tAie loca paper at Drain as
jibe afrnewnel aad eiJtod by a
1 . IIU TV-nUrt l.ffiJlAT Ik AU1
Hood's SaxsaparfflaJJJ"'"
Cures nervousness, . .
j JteCaBocfti it-SBwewhatflf a pea
4ia tbe daiecatlfrB JrumMariwi wbea
ltDMiues to eflonoeiy. Tve ratber
Dyspepsia, rheumatism,
Catarrh, scrofula,
And all forms of
Impure bJood-l
Senator -Joseph Sluoa W Mttut
snab county bas acola trktatpbed
ortr all opporfUen Aad afidotraattoa
indbaEapaln been made PrtuMeotj
id tbrlSenate witbovt pptsltMB, ci
twpt from tbe six vppurftiwn moabttn.
wbs rted for Senator Daly of "Late
and Klamatb, a wttterof party toty.
Tbe beaatels a smaH ospaot body
off men and it Is nt dlffiouit fr a
leader f men, us Mr. Slxa&a ban
proru biSKel! to be, to draw abiat
bim a contrownR element, basted by j
a majority of rotes, us as to be able to
bate p tbe worklscs f tbe apjier
boobe pretty muob as tbey please.
While of Hebrew dettoent, Senator
BSmon'e ability as a lawyer, bis kes
political fcac&clty. bis anraryint: p
Uteness and ooatmand f bisfetilsps.
and bis intense ! altty to American!
rtwtOBis and omttetikal trms,l
Lave eaabled b4 to ororowtie erery
obstacle to bis soocess.
In tbe Dolpb Beaatorial oMt4. of
1MJS be rtaaalned loyal to tbe eaews
bOialBeeto tbe last. Wbfle be was
wrt. Mr. Dolpfe'a aaaaatrer. be rared
store loyal than swee of bis maaatwE.
la tbe piewiDt waatortal oootest be Is
sot Mr.Owbtttt's jBaaatJer. tboeirb so
doabt bis loyal sopporter. Tbe faot
It-, aa exatuiaaU) of Mr. Statoa's
ioond diHoloBefi tbe faot tbat be is sot
k awh of a aaaajrar asbe Is ertdiUd
wltbbeiaj; He ouoNy aad ioWtoer
ateiy aad iaumptly dtes bis wort
aad tmaU al auea as soaiiy eialfc as J Wessiacb tbat aay other creat aaUoa
Cfroomfitauces wHI penolt. He will '88 rtowrpo tboaa. Tbe taleol
at saorifiee puty later to aay j1 e Yankee Saaeoo Paac Jorpor
xuasjunWtoits'aala this rttetttel i"g a4sba$aotbeiiexiuesud.
bebeooues a safe party loaoar. ' -
i:1 , ,. -. J Tbe Lc&.
Preiident Scbnrman. in bis anneal
address to tbe students l Oornetl
unlrer6ity, toncbed pa tbe Issue
broojrbt np tbe recent war with Spain j
relatlre to tbe disposal of acquired
territory. Including the PbiHupines.
He said:
"Ivow tbat tbe war Is weritbere
seems to be a willingness a the part
of some to depart from oar trJplnal
paUcy- At tbe begrlnnlne of tbe
jonflIctOBr'pre&ldent.&nd er oonsrress
In dedartac w-ar, made a solemn
declaration as to tbe znotlres and
principles ea wbkfe It was to be
waced. We Interfered, -we dedarei,!
In Doha jr tbe sake of boaaaalty. and
dlBclalmed aay Intontioa of forcible J
actieu or control oyer tbe island, ltj
Is sot in aooordanoe then with tbese
pilneiples to annex an; territory
wblob fermetiy bateaced to Spain.
"We bear Jt adrocated tbat tbe
Philippines belonjr to ns by ribt of
ceonest- Bnt.tbe idea tbat we bare
conquered tbem is a mistaken ane.
We bare taken Manila, bat there
yet remain: 15.TO3 lnsarpents nder
Jtheoontrol f a Utrct and desperate
leader. To dalm tbe Itaands by ricat
ofconqest, It wonld be neoeshary
! first to conqser tbe. We are there
fore wider no obligation to its penle.
Tokoeptblb force i a eatjecation it
woald also be aecesar to laaiatain a
lire? army la lbePbflippinc.s. It woald
be aaotber bardra cm oar bands and
an expaurt ve one. We onebt not to
sacrlBce useful lives wben tbete Is no
obUcatioa to bawanlty and drlllaa
tlon in red red.
MMoaaroby ay expand by aoqtsri-
1 tkta of territory. Vat democracy wblob
le tfoverMttest by tbe jmoie and for
the peoete, caanot aflord to accept as
cltluios iveple wbo are not capable of
seif-izoi eraxieac"
3Tbe prtudples cnenciated by tbe
professor are end bat tbey do not
toaofa tbe problem of tbe daty of our
persmeot towards territory And
people wbo by tbe fortunes of war
hare faHoo tndrr oar forreicnty.
We ar uai'er jreat moral obligation
to protect the) until a stable trorern
weot UtaM be established. Jast bow
tbat tbaM be dose or wbat tbey sbaM
beeaoapte rf la tbat direction time
Ofooethlac Americans are certain,
tbat tbey eaa xrforu tbeir fH daty
la title Matter as wM or better tbaa
If lbose territories aad peoples had
fattea back apoa Sfiaaisb aercy, or
were to beooote marc oloale ander
tbe prot-eotioa of boioe Earoiiean
power. Aaorieaa M9bo4, Americau
portal Mwrtee, Amerleaa raiimadk,
Aiuerieaa Vartaess aaetbols, Ameri
aa lilierty if pleahe will go
fartbartogiretbeOabaas aad lilt.
siaotpeaeeaod prosperity, tbaa aay
And Jo. Is la tbe saddle ucala.
Wbo Is payinjr tbelx board at tWs
Iopkottt for tbe speeches tbat wffl
be made in defense of tbe flap.
expected Mr. Place tobecowe tbe
warborse on tbat Mtie. We predict
1 2r PJnrr n cisreer as a fibter. He Is 1
!a Hoflanflor. Walt tiM he peU bis
dBtohUiiiifl ap.
WboD lt'Comes. to a membBr of tbe
state fair bnarfl worlilnc tbmucb a
SDOOSjoa In -wrrich be Is interested
there Is no tUaioultr. Bat ask the
same board to pat np u dollar to pay
deficits created by blrlac their owe
relatives aad tbey elac a dlSereat
soac. Saoh Is hamaa nature.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boi
TojC CtWTAUP COl0.wy Tf Wtf4rTQ1tCT. CWTOmclTT.
; in
Wanted Dr. Driver's real opinion
of the wbole KepaMtcan party.
"Baby1 Jones of Wasco, a auetabw
of tbe hoMap boase to lSK, Is fa
Tbe oaiarffed Jockkal as a Bar-
prise, oonsHer8 taat Daere is o
barrel in night.
As be bas been aotar fr maay
years, CUtas. Fsltwa takes bis aiedi
WlUiaaisoB, of Crook, latwiaced a
rcsjlation prertdiaj: for aa larltatien
to tbe ministers of all deootalaatloas,
la Saleauto in presoat at tbe opealag
of each dnj sessloa, aad se oee of
thba offer prayer, la moving tlte
adotniioB nl the res'4atio,Wllliason
said: "la ail probabihty taere bas
ineverbeoa atiioe lathe legislative
hisutry of Orepow, whea tbe taeebers
of the boose seeded tbe OTersicbt of
aa Alwijraty God as e do at the
present Uae.
Condensed and Filtered,
Flr.it quality iw by the carload.
Babr" McOoart pnoved tibe keen
est ane la tbe lot frcmManon ooaaty.
wben It came to namtnc a tpeuher.
Tbe "1 Union members are nut
j taking kindly to outride bossistu. So
far tney bave met by t'uenmwves a
wise coarse.
Dr. Driver and "Baby" McOoart
make a very pretty lejiiblalive tandem,
Tbe tdd warborse la the senate
balds tbe oott in tbe tracetu
If tbe 2i Uialoa members act la
teMt'ootiy in concert us a minority
they can be of rateable service to the
people- Ther seem iudlmul to do
This paner by mistuhe priated
Mr. CHom, Htrtor from Llna, us a
Democrat. He wus oleeted ou the
Uatoa ticket aed Ifc a Peojile's Party
A page a day for the Portilana ex
position and scarcely a Hue iu the Or
econian about the State Fair would
Indicate that the Stute B:iurd either
de not consider that pujter wortu ud
vertirintin or alse have not latelll
geaoe enough to get iuto H.
Delivered to any part of the city, or
to auy depot or wharf.
Per 100 lbs 25c
Per ton (without sacks) to 00
(STThese priees until further
The present political bosses of the
state fair desei ve no sympathy for the
predicaaiest they are In. The city of
Salem turned them out about ten
thousand people on one day last year
to help tbem out. If 25,000 had turned
out tbey would bar blowed the
money in Just tbe same. They
begut silrer water pitchers aad
presented themselves cold medals,
while the people of this city made
sacrifices to help the fair out of the
hole feaaaclally aud tbey ran ft in.
Portland. SeDt. 0. wheat valle)
01; Walla Waila, 5Sc.
Flour Portland, $3 25; Supertlne
12.26 ir bt.
Oats Wblte 34(5S0c.
Hay tsflO per wd.
Hops RalSfc; old crop 4i$c.
noon vaney, jyisc; tasicrn
Oregon, b(fli2u
Millstf Bran, 812.50; shorts, 113.
Poultry Chlckeas, mixed, 83.50
mrtejs, uve, ivgizic
For health and pleasure drink
the purest Capital Brewery beer,!.
bent brewed on the Pacific coast!
Is found everywhere bottled and s
tap. '
rVJL LJl-- D
Estks Oregon. 20c per doz.
Hides Green, salud CO lbs.
Eczema !
The Only Cure.
Eczema is mure tlmu u skiu ditteuse,
and no skin remedies uuu uurtt it Tbe
floaters tire uiiuUlu to u&ttut u uure, uid
tbeir mknentl mixtures are damupag
to tbe most power! ul uunasitutiun The
vrbele trouble jb m the blood, tiid
Swift's SHnufie is the only remedy
wbiob can reuuu iiuub dtttijvHoutud blood
under C9 lbs,6i(a7c;sbeep pelts.l
vu)ous w per sac a.
Butter Best dairy, 25ig30c; fancy
creamery, oOafatoc a roll.
Potatock, W.abV: per sack.
Hccs Heavy, M.76.
Mutton Weatheis3tc; dressed, "c
Beef lteers,t334J0: cowa, $2.50(33
Vessed, tfwQi.
Wbeat 51
Oats J0c
Hay Balea, :beat, W(17.
Floar la wuolesale lots, t-1.40; rc
an m.vfj.
-Air Tight Heater;
256 Commercial st,
la what people nro looking for these cool days,
Our prlcw e
Hot in the Collar
And our poods always plcnso the housekeeper
Hog6 dresed, 6c.
Live cattle-2rS8c.
Tbe At&orla pipers report tbat
Senator Fallon vrM early iatrjdoee a
VfM to aboMsb sbtraps aad fib-B-bcels.
He.wlH "draw tte Hae" at
sdBcsxBdffiHr-ets as usual, becaase
that Is the wiy nearly all salaioa are
taken on tbe lower river.
Butter Dairy 20c; creamery 25c.
Sheep Live, 82.60(23.
Wool-Best,16c. Mobalr25c.
Hops -Best lft'S.
Effgs- 20c in cash.
Poultry Hens, 6fc; spring chick
ens, "(a$c
Farm smoked meats Harnn. Rlc.
ham, 10c shoulder, 6ft7o.
I Potatoes 26c,
Eecma"lmLr out on nvj- duuehter tad oen-
tinned to UllTOWl M -w ' UbUmmti maci nr ttrkllnw in tk lkr.t
ter la vm ouUwVr JBflWfe,. )icWt toOseMnnteCoiicbCarc. Hirmteu
ttcirrmO. Bhr vw) iMuitl Kr k .weS-ct It ten atobce. Stone Drag Store.
If srrerxJ puod duatum Wf g mX 1 , , "
tict irw vih. mdtliri wf W ' eFitiTely cures rick hedehe,
drrkatdl ciMwe njpniBd mi tM , fiU and contapitioo. Adellghtlnl
lierJue mti t T Jdnolc Removes all eruption of the sUn,
uien lo w muobmtod .MJI j , fwE a perzeci compiextw, Of inooey re.
iHHIinMm i...t . . HHHTj:J1 ir"i' -Ji" . i-nn ct
.v ftrv 1hhti,4V f..
wmm ww-uv vmuu. JLUipT-y iii. .ii .m .T.w .
''iriS10 .-wns- tkfcen lmt iritiieBti.
LTzrrTSJTJ. , OH'WTb 6 6 fll7Ue
lfaoks, drnjcivts
iiiar ll flntt lule --k. ftuikiin i.r v,.,i i
Tn to litl A dmen 1k1pj rurnd lir ts-
k nn.rtfat
jUrtftj uid irt liw Bkau imrlwtir limuullj &br
Is W slxines years ulfi cud luii aianUArriit
eaac tat rver itnamna.
5f" . mja 4 Uw Arwdtsl
. tpi
IX T ha
W Lucas lrr ttt Vumis, Jto.
Don't erjKiat local ewiiwtUwa of
soap and salres tu purr Ecsossis. Tbey
reh oaly tbe surface, -srhile tbe di-i-aase
ooaaes froa -rttbia Swift's
AVo's Drtfeptu Tabitis are soli on a
botidve guarantee. Ceres heart-bero, ralUsg
eft be froi diMreis after tansc or aay farm
ldrpept One hule tablet giTW im.
Bitue rebtf. 15c aad aai 50c. Laas &
rboLs, (beggUt.
Steam Heating,
Hot Water Heating,
Hot Air Heatinf
And Furnace Work of all kinds at figufj
to suit the times
Make? a specialty of furnishing to the trade Ice manufactured from !1
well water distilled at lowest rates, , n J
1 je5 Te a,so sole wholesale agents forGambrlnus Brewery Co., oljm
imi. aau josepn &omeu urewery Co., of Milwaukee, for botu araunu"
C C QTor
Tbe aowauat effect aad perfect
safety wit waiob ladies ay se
Sfimp of Figs, aader alt oosdiUvas,
aakes It tbeir faroritc remedy. To
a. w-c . Ee8e arwoie, jew: wJail M ab S sTls 'Dk a errnC af Mokio Tea pcTai leanng
Syrap Ooatpaay, sristed near tb be-' """J gtrfctwd to ooattua no jiot-Jlludi;',w J'y y l a-ate in -fee
twa of tbe package. Fw sale by aM J Books maled free by 54fc Spedfie I I,ihBe B P- Peaces a dear and beaMi-
reixjtlUe druggists. lcsnpaEy,Aflaata,Ceurru.. iw ronijutaaon, aaa ewes counapaaoa ana
Dycfjefaa can be cued by iwr Aeter'r
uyvef-1 0e bale itWet ntB 1 bottled etxA
ITkeSniaT 'fiSft J S" bfe tee cream parlors Id connection with their o
iAn&SL 5 eoraorof KlueteBth aad State strecu All kinds of temperance drlaU
?ra !- IJHklk- Mil JMUI m lUid JIBWJV Ban Ma ..!
,j ..wuuamc. uiicuj a can, -,
It tbe only care and will reaah ike most
obtumate chbe li n fur tibad of all
eisailiu- resBediec. becaube n nares eases
hickbaaiaeiieabBMnseri.Bi permctiecalr
JSriBi Cues oenatKictKin and in&pnum
aulx j-tic eat, sleep, work and hufp' Sa.
MBaEttcm ccartatesd e: money nasi. 25c and
1 .ami it. SitiuLs drugpst
Telepbo&e 27
SUte and nineteenth street, &"
J sick benaaiaie. Limn k Brooks, anirxist.
n- mine ' ?.;... 1
rixaoita to care aa ccrcost iiicun,
Urua Power, Headache. Wtkriiilnr
m, erTosSIlcc. Ul draias, lens of piwer ia General. jn
r-r-"-'--' vj oCT-aeruon, youtarai error, c - -n
i.!i.OIn?,'fua,,1nu.',aieh lead to Xfimr.CBr-tVlJ
EaSkrS.1-? WWFOt PJfL rir tMrMl
. -" hr m can u nnirin i" a v r Tn rt i&kjk r --- rtm m
t"-m m rm. ..-J .i --"---" " - ' L ""T a Z . TMrfMWJ
--"..waiNjiiroiiufattnu. TnirJ an1 Yam&Lfl y r'