Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 23, 1898, Image 1

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n n
VOL, 9
NO, 223
Boots anb
For the rainy season must be of solid leather. Wc
carry only reliable shoes. The Star5Star line has
been our strong hold for the past six years. They give
Neat, Stylish Clothing .
Well made and durable at our lowest "racket prices,"
Our clothing trade is increasing, w'hy 1 Look at our
prices and you'll know the reason,
Hosiery and Underwear
We sell you the very best goods for the least money
that can be found, We have some special values in
wool underwear this season, Come and look it ever.
We buy in very large quantities and give the custom
ers the advantage of a cash business from factory to
N?W York
We arc hot going to say a word about Clothing, this
week as everybody knows that our assortment Is the
largest and our prices the lowest. But we want to call
special attention to our
Mackintoshes and Umbrellas
UMBRELLAS From 35c to 2.50
Salem Woolen Mill Store.
To the House of Representatives and Senatei
We, the hop pickers and the laborers of the fruit orchards and Hardens,
and the tillers of the soil, and the mechanics, and the ,, typewrlieri.
memorialize your honorable body to enact laws such as will compel all
the merchants ilri .Salem and vicinity to sell all their wares as cheap as they
can be bought at
For It is a fact that Friedman sells Clotblag, Hats, Trunks and Valises
at 30 per cent cheaper than any other house In Salem. Dry Goods, Laces and
Embroideries, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Sox. Umbrellas, Mackintoshes and
Rubber Goods. But wo are compelled to go to Friedman's because
He sells from 25 to 40 per cent cheaper than the rest.
We would further memorialize your honorable body that you will not
give your lotcs to elect Friedman for U. S. senator as It would leave this
community In the hand of monopoly merchants. Hoplnir you will give this
memorial your honest attention, for which we, as citizens of this community,
will ever pray,
Something Striking
for the Woodman, machinist, shoe,
maker, carpenter, plumber, tinner,
farmer, blacksmith, etc., at
Tools of all descriptions.
t -r omAr.-cv
...- !r
YV . I. niAliilll
iMxjKK.ee miK ana imercuiuiuuu.wBu. "" -v"",,:, ,uginess papers lssuea anu
Every entry from the beginning Is made frcm the business iai.a
received. We offer five ceurses:
Bunc. Shorthand. English, P"PjJwS
, This school has a record for thoroughness and r WaS, XKrn
uallnstructlon. Pleasant study rooms. .Er'eDC.ea The principal will
methods and appliances. Tuition and board reasonable. JB '&,, for
be found at the college oKce each day to answei Inquiries. &ena or
From $2.50 to $10.00
lipinrinjil. Kalem. Oreuon,
t""f . a
On the Part of Spain
Not Tolerated,
By Our Government in Evaciv
ating Cuba,
Yellow Fever Makine; Terrible Pro
gress. jVashinoton, Sept. 23, A very
peremptory message of Instruction
has been sent to the Cuban military
commission and It Is to be the basis
of a note to the Spanish commission
ers. The authorities at Washington
will not make public the terms of the
note but Its general tenor Is that the
United States won't be satlefled with
any further delay In the evacuation
of Cuba. It Is to the eilect that the
terms of tho protocol called for the
Immediate evacuation of Cuba and
Spanish sovereignity must be re
linquished. The American com
missioners haye been Informed that
the evacuation of Cuba cannot be de
layed. Troops From Ponce.
New York. Sept. 2s. The Trans
port Seneca from Ponce arrived this
morning having on board the Illinois
signal corps and 100 troops and gov.
eminent employes.
Hayana Bad OfT.
New York, Sept. 23. A dispatch
to the World from Havana says that
out of 8,000 patients In Havana hos
pitals, 43 are suffering from yellow
foyer of the most dangerous type.
Twentystwo deaths from yellow fever
have been reported officially.
Bound for Paris,
Qoeenst jwn, Sept 23, The United
States peace commission arrived on
the Campania this afternocn.
Spaniards Acting Pair.
Sa.n Juan, Sept. 23, Everything
regarding the evacuation of Porto
Rice by the Spanish troops U proceed
ing satisfactorily. The Spaniards
are acting in perfect good faith, turn
lng over everything as they quit the
various towns.
Cubans Disbanding.
New York, Sept, 23. A Herald
dispatch from Santiago says that
General Demetrlo Castillo and other
Cuban officers have secured permis
sion to disband portions of the Cuban
army, the purpose being to furnish
the planters the necessary laborers to
renew agricultural operations.
Good for Atbitration.
(By Associated Press to the Journal,)
Buenos Ayers, Sept, 23.-An
agreement between Chile and Argen
tine to submit their boundary dispute
to arbitration has been signed.
A Great Reduction Sale
At Zandmers Clothing
Our entire stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Boots nd Shoes, and
Gents' Furnishing Goods below racket prices,
Read thsl price list :
Men's suits In all sizes, former price 80, now... ;, i 5,
Men's all wool clay worsted suits extra heavy, former price 812, now.... U oo
Men's all wool cheviot suits, former price 810, now o 60
Men's all wool plaid suits, former price 810, now..... 7 oo
Men's macklntoshesj good quality, reduced to f""
Boys' mackintoshes, all sizes, reduced to...... x
M n' K'n woVuaexUaVnMoVmerprrce78i.t;o. iow! .' 1 00
Men's all wool cheviots, extra fine, former price 82 60, no ... 75
Men's irood heavy oil grain working shoe, reduced from 31.50 to 1 2o
Men's 9 oz. rl vetted overalls, plain,
Men's 0 oz. heavy Jumper.. , . ...
Men's 9 oz. heavy engineer uvermiB
Also a full line of men's extra heavy box coats at very low
nnces Also a full line of youth's suits at reduced prices. Um.
Eenas.ha caps trunks land valises; a full line of fall and
winter underwear, overwear, neckwear, socks, handkerchiefs,
Mistinders'Kloyes. etc., at very low prices. Wo have a full line
of bate? grade7 giods at the same reduced prices. Call early
and get your cuolce of bargains while the sUck Is complete.
This is a New Stock and Has Been Bouoiit for Fall Thade.
Commercial street, Salem, will
Great Loss of Lifo From Fire Damp W
a Mine.
(By Associated Press to The Journal.)
Pittsduro, Sept. 23. An exploslnd
of tiro occurred In tho Umpire Coat
mines, near Brownsville, this morning!
Fifty men were entombed and two
have been taken out dead. There
were 130 at work at the time and alT
but about 50 escaped without Injury v
Five are believed to have been killed.;
Rescuing parties are trying to' reach"
the unfortunate men. One hundred
women and children surrounded the
mouth of the pit.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon Ave
more bodies were recovered. At 1:30
p. m., 27 entombed miners returned to
town. They escaped by traversing
a mile and a half by underground
passages. Another body has been re
covered making eight dead. Nine
teen miners are still unaccounted for.
All who escaped arc Injured or
burned. The dead are unrecognizable,
being burned and mutilated. The
explosion Is said to have been caused
by loosening of a large block of coal
which opened a pocket of gas.
Mysterious Death of Robert Fulton in
Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Sept. 23. Robert
Fulton died In the hospital from in
juries received in a mysterious man
ner He was found yesterday lying
beside tnc railroad track a -short dis
tance from town, with his back broken
and an abrasion on tho head. He
never became conscious enough to tell
how he iWas hurt. As his pockets
were turned Inside out there is a sus
picion of foul play. Friends say he
had $100 the day before. Fulton
came from The Dalles a few days ago.
His sister, Mrs. Flora Dell, of The
Dalles, has been notified by telegraph,
Reorganizing thej Army.
Major-Ucncral Miles, commanding
army, has completed his plan for the
reorganization of the volunteer forces
Into corps, division and brigades. This
plan has been submitted to the war
department for approval. It contem
plates a reorganization of tho volun
teer force which -has not been ordered
mustered out, and designates an army
of occupation for Cuba, provides '.for
the relief of tho army In Porto Rice,
and establishes a reserve of relief
troops In the various Islands which
will be occupied by the United States,
It Is known that the troops of tho
Seventh corps, now under general
Lee. will bedesignatbd to go to Cuba.
Storms At Hea.
(By Associated Press to The Journal.
Memel; Prussia, Sept. 23, Heavy
storms haye been prevailing In the bat
tle sea and 120 fishermen drowned.
Call for National Bank Reports,
(By Associated Press to The Journal.)
Washington, Sept. 23. The comp
troller of currency has Issued a call
on all nat lonal banks for a report
their condition September 20.
Steamer Wrecked,
Victoria. B. C. Sept. 23,-The
steamer Bocowltz. bound for Naas
and Skeena, ran on the rocks off
Kltkalah. Goshen Island, and was
wrecked. All tho passengers got off
In canoes. The steamer Is likely to
prove a total loss.
Store for the Next Thirty D.ays
reduced u
reduced to
96 Slate street, Near Commercial
flR If f
pay cash for all kind, shipping apple,
Constituents Bid Their lawmakers
And They Are Assembling at the Capital
to Do Theie Battle
The preliminary skirmish oyer the
legislative organization Is proceeding
at Portland but will bo transferred to
Salem Saturday and Sunday.
Indications are that tho two houses
will promptly organize and proceed to
The Journal extends to tho In
coming solons tho freedom of the city
and will labor to make their stay
pleasant abd profitable to themselves
and their constituents.
It Is believed that most of the mem
bers who travel to Portland go with
a cabinet photo In their pocket.
Tho rldttt of J. B. Stump, of Polk
county, toja seat In tho lower house
of the legislature may ibo contested.
The face of the returns showed Mr.
btump td be elected by four votes
bver his .opponent, Mart Scrafford.
Before the vote was officially canvassed
the county court bouse burned and
with It all tho election returns.
Friends of Mr. Scrafford hayo sc.ured
affidavits" from election ludgas and
clerks of enough votes Illegally re
jected to quango tho result of tho
election. With these affidavits Mr.
Scrafford will go boforo the legisla
ture and ask to bo scatod as Polk
county's representative. Mr. Stump
Is a firm Union memoer.
Hon. H. M . Palmer and Hon. Jacob
Clem of Linn county, representative
and senator respectively in the legisla
ture were In this city; today, They will
return home again and will be In
Monday morning ready for business-
These gentlemen are both farmers
and elected on the Union ticket.
Their colleagues Dr. D. M. Jones of
Sodayllle. and J. J. Whitney of Al
bany, are also Unionists.
Hon. Ernest Y. Carter of Ashland,
who la making an earnest canvass for
the speakership will be In Salem
tomorrow. He baa no opposition so
far except In the person of Hon. J.
W. McCulioclj of Salem, who went to
PorHand''thi8'6i6rnlng, Mr.CartcMs'
a sound money Republican, a success
ful and well Informed banker and
fruitgrower. .
Col. I. N. Day, a prominent owner
of Southern Oregon mlnes.cDnstructor
of the canal and locks on tho Colum
bia and a backer of John H. Mitchell,
is In the city.
non. D. A. McAllister, a member of
the state fair board, and Hon. F. S.
Stanley, the two members from
Marlon county are In tho city.
Hon.S. O. Beach of the Multnomah
delegation was In town today. It Is
likely that the Portland senators and
representatives will not come to Salem
until Saturday night or Sunday. It
need not be said they arc solid for
non. E. A. Sherwln, Union member
from Jackson county, Is quartered at
the Willamette. Ho Is a successful
business man and will work hard to
secure come proper recognition for
tho State Normal school In his
county. In common with tho other
Union members so far arrived ho does
not favor taking any hand In electing
a Republican senator.
A member remarked today that the
Oregonlan was advocating so many
sweeping reforms that not many would
he realized.
from Custody of a Policeman Returning
Him to College.
(Special to Tho Journal.)
Wooduuiw. Sept, 23. Policeman
Stewart of Astoria, arrlycd -hero this
morning In charge of a boy about
12 years old, who with his brother
aged 12, ran away from Mt. An gel
college .about a week ago. When the
train stopped to wood, north of Wood1
burn the older boy jumped off and
escaped across the fields. Stewart
ordered him to stop and even fired a
pistol shot over the boy's head but to
no purpose. The lltth fellow with
him also tried to escape.
The boys are from Astoria and say
they do not object to going to school
but that they are sent there to enable
a guardian of theirs to rot) them of
their property.
Fall and Winter Goods
of all description at the very lowest racket prices
for spot cash at
274 Gommercial st. $a!m, Or,
Ask Concessions of Independence From
the Americana
(By Associate Press to tho Journal).
Manila, Sept. 23. An investigation
of an attempt to poison General
Agulnaldo shows that the cook Is not
dead as reported, and that no priests
are implicated.
Paterno, president of the Philip
pine national assembly, exaggerated
tho facts In the case.
Tho powder was put ln the soup
but the cook detedted It Im
mediately, and nobody was in
jured. The Filipino national as
sembly decided to request the Amer
icans first. to recognize tho Independ
ence or tno islands; second to es
tablish a protectorate over the
external affairs, and induce the
powers to recognize tholr Independ
ence; third to appoint n joint com
mission of Americans and Filipinos
for arrangement of details, to re
ciprocate America's services.
No Place For Miners.
Jack Phclan who went to Copper
river from Portland last spring, writes
to a friend In this city In a doleful
strain. '
"We have not made a dollar since
we left Portland, and we don't expect
to mako one vcr7 soon, cither." Intro
duotorlly writes Phclan.
"The Copper river country Is a great
fake, and for that matter so also Is
Tanana, for a poor man. If wo
hadn't enough provisions to do us un
other year wo would not forgo ahead.
If there Is any gold on tho Tanana It
can,t be touched with water, and It
Is from 25 to 15 feet to bedrock. It
would requlro a fortune to do any
mining here, as tho entire country is
"There were about 6000 men here
this summer and I don't boll eve there
was an ounce of gold among them all.
Besldcsjthat there Is not one map in a
thousand on this trail who made a
dollar this summer. With tho ex
ccptlun of 500, perhaps, all aro selling
their outfits and preparing to go
"Steamship companies are lying
about this country, und by so doing
have robbed many a poor man out of
house and home. 1 tell you this coun
try is a swindle so far as I have sctn
it, and I have aeen much of It.''
Tlitrtrtlmr Portia ndcrs-w lth- Phclan
aro Frank Staub, Gus Llllgron,
Ensile, Bartey Cronln, J. W. Johnson
and Ed Montgomery,
$100 Reward Sjloo.
Tho readets of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
ono dreaded disease that sclenco has
been able to cure In all Its stages, and
that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure known to tho
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment Halt's Cutarrh
Cure Is taken internally, acting di
rectly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system, thereby destroy
ing tho foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature Induing its work. Tho pro
prietors hayo so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer Ono
Hundred Dollars for any case that It
falls to cure. Send for list of testi
monials. Address, F, J, CnENEY & Co,
Toledo, O.
OTsold by druggists, 75c.
A Bpeci.il Tram,
A special train was run Thursday
to carry tho visiting knights and a
special wagon was run to carry Bran
son & Go's high grade groceries to
their patrons. '
Crider Dros, Co.
Articles of Incoropratlon of the
aboye compuny were filed today by J.
W. Crider. Gco.Haytcr, II. B.Plum
mor, E. C. ICIrknatrlok and J. J. Daly,
of Dallas.
A Traveling Man.
A traveling man experiences many
pleasures and one of the pleasantcst of
tlicni Is to smoke a 10c La Corona
cigar made by A. Huckensteln.
The Best Exhibit,
Many exhibitors at tho fair claim
the best exhibit, but all smokero con
cur in saying that those Little Cham
pion cigars of A, Huckenstelns aro
the best.
A Strong Nation.
Consists of strong men and healthy
women and strength depends upon
?ure rich blood which Is given In
lood'sbarsaDarllla. A nation which
takes millions of bottlca of Hood'H
Karsaparllla every year Is laying the
foundation far health, the wisdom of
which will suicly show Itself In years
to come.
Hood's Pills are crompt, efficient,
reliable and cany to tuke and easy to
operate. 25c.
Empire in the Hands
of a Woman,
He Believes He is the Victim of
a DangerousConspiracy.
The Emperor Realizes the Strength
of the Conspiracy.
(By Associated Press to The Journal.)
London, Sept. 23. Dispatches from
Pckln state that members of the
European community there bclieyo
tho Emperor of China is In danger.
The Dowager Empress desires to placo
Prince Kwang's grandson on tho
throne. The emperor realizes tho
strength of tho conspiracy against
him and ordered the guards of the
palaco strengthened.
Washington, Sept. 23, Tho Ohl
ncso minister Wu Ting received by
cable the full text of the edict is
sued by tho emperor of China yester
day, which calls the Empress Dowager
back to power.
It Is as follews: "Now China Is dis
turbed.. There Is need that all busi
ness bo well done.
We, the emperor, agitated for the
welfare of affilrs, observing that
the Empress Dowager has twlco
given Instructions on tho Emperor
with signal bucccss, 60 we now have
begged tho Empress Dowager to give
tho.emplro tho benefit of her ripe
experience and Instruction.
-J'rQm-UiO' day . tho ;EmpreDoW'
UL-or conducts tho business In tho
lmnerial department It will tako all
the princes and ministers to, perform
In the Chin Chung palace."
It Is difficult to obtain reliable In
formation at the palaco In regard to
tho proceeding, but the recent reform
atory edicts probably caused tho
changes. Whllo tho emperor was
subservient and a mero figurehead,
the dowager empress permitted him to
remain in power, but as soon as ho
attempted to act on his own initiative
his practical deposition was tho re
sult. His principal advisor, Kang
Yumol, a Cantoncso reformer, has
Tho effect of tho change must be
great. In all probability, LI nung
Chang will bo reinstated and Rus
sian Inllucnco will Increase
Tho suddenness of tho coup Is said
to beduotothedeblrcoftho dowager
empreg8 to prevent the mission of
Salem's Greatest Store
Honest Values Stitched with Truthful Words.
Those Who Read and Act will Profit Thereby.
$.750, $10,00, $15,00,
The ncwBuits and Overcoats aro
here. We can save you 15 to 20 per
cent. Como and see.
New Fall good to show
tfhooel, 218-280 Ootaiuirclal itrwt, corMr Cwwt " .;,
Tk vji H tfc Mliert rrf fcMf pewtfer L
KMW. Mim IhUMmw K MtN
Mr4 tetter Hm mjt ettor tftot
Afcsstattfy Pure
Marqats Ito from being successful.
The Japanese statesman recently
came to Peking with the object of
trying to bring about an alliance
offensive and defensive between
Japan and China,
A Peking correspondent, telegraph
ing Wednesday, says:
Tho dowager empress is greatly in
censed oyer Russia's passivity oyer
Ll Hung Chang's degradation and
Sir Claude McDonald's attitude since
Ll Hun,? Chang's fall, She has
granted to M. Pavloff, the Russian
chargo d'affalrs, several lengthy audi
ences. Probably Ll nung Chang will
return to power, but not to office.
A dispatch from nong Kong ports
gives the details of a secret convention
signed recontly at Peking, It appears
that the Chinese thereby concluded an
agreement with St. Petersburg by
which China ceded Port Arthur and
Tallen Wan, stipulating that only
Russian and Chinese warships should
ooUsrordockat Port Arthur. Russia,
It apppears; gets the exclusive use of
the inner harbor of Talfon Wan,
Stomach trouble is tho common
name applied to a derangement of
the system which is keenly felt but
4gueiy,tmaeft6arlt,maynean "
inability to retain food or to digest
it. It may mean nausea, pain nftor
eating, fullness, inordinate craving
for food, or entire lack of appetite.
Whatever it means, there's trouble,
and it's with tho stomach. If you
have stomach trouble, you will bo
interested in this letter from a
man who had it and was cured by
"For nine yeas I Buffered from stomach
trouble. I tried tho aid of the best doctors
of Philadelphia and I'ltUburg, and spent .
larce eurna of money, nil in vain. One day
while waiting a train in Bellairo, O, I
picked op a paper with a notico of Ayer's
Baraparilla. I got ono bottlo to try It. It
did mo bo much good that I purchased fire
mora bottles. I took four of them and
gained in flesh, my appetito Improved, nnd
now I can eat anything. My stomach Is all
right, thanVa to the use of Ayer's Sareapa
rilla." Calvin 11.Steve.ns, Unlontown, t'a.
Just OpendcvHankerchiefs
300 dozen of bright, attractive svvlss
and linen, plain embroidered and also
lace trimmed. Hotter values and
smaller prices. 1 cent to $2 each.
Dress Goods, s,
New fall and winter novelties, 12)0,
lCc and 25c. Values that i.ro un
surpassed. Better lines 60c, COc, 85c
to $1.50 comprising all the swell now
attractions. Bee us for Dress Goods.
No hat store prlce.8 or methods
here. We furnish you style and
quality at a saving of from Wo to
$1.50 on a hat.
youin Naw Gordons $3,00
' 1A '
tJIK ..- .
;r.a&i!&;-IS '- -. -'-'-