Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 21, 1898, Image 1

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. J.N l
VOL, 9
NO. 22
;03oot6 an6
For the rainy season
carry only reliable shoes. The Staiv5Star line has '
been our strong hold for the past six years. They give '
Neat, Stylish Clothing . ,
Well made and durable at our lowest "racket prices."
Our clothing trade is increasing, vVhy ? Look at our
prices and you'll know the reason,
Hosiery and Underwear
W7-. .1I it i i i r . .
"' yuu ui very dcsi gooas lor tnc least money
that can be found, We have some special values in
wool underwear this season, Come and look it ever,
We buy in very large quantities and give the custom
ers the advantage ol a cash business from factory to
Ngu) York Ra(k?fl
We are liot going to say a word about Clothing, this
week as everybody knows that our assortment is the. ""
largest and our prices the lowest. lint we want to call
special attention to our
Mackintoshes and Ombrellas
Salem Woolen
Two Branchesof the Oregon Legislature
Called to meet on the 20th day of September, in Salem, Oregon ?
Because there exists an emergency that should be corrected,
FIRST That several persons are making money out of tills, by charging
enormods profits on their wares.
SECOND That they palm off spurious goods and charge first-class prices
and to correct these errors the governor In his message to the legislature will
That they pass an appropriation so that all the employes wiU have money
and not vouchers, and they will not be compelled to go to the high-priced,
stares for their wares (who credits and charges an enormous per cent) o as
the customer, who pays cash, stands the losses for the delay of the old-timers.
The people will be ordered to -purchase their waresat
2 Friedman's New Racket, X
Which Is opposite Bush's watering tank, where you will find a complete
assortment of clothing, and where they will give you lits in Men s, outh s
and Children's Clothing, where a full line of Furnishing Goods s kept; where
ttie level-headed people will llnd hats; and, for a good understanding, you
will get your Shoes at Friedman's New Racket. The ladies who want to be
In fashion will get their laces, trimmings and embroideries, tablecloths, nap
kins, towels and pillow shams, ana fancy goods at I riedman s bev Racket.
Under the new laws you will be required to keep your nose clean; you will
therefore buy your handkerchiefs at Friedman's. It will be the headquarters
of members of the legislature when the house is not In session. In fact, no
member of the legislature will be entitled to a seat in the house or senate,
unless he shows some article purchased at Friedman s.
Remember the place, Corner State and Commercial Streets, balcm.
Something Striking
for the Woodman!- machinist, shoe,
maker, carpenter, plumber, tinner,
farmer, blacksmith, etc., at
Tools of all descriptions.
W. I. STALED, Principal, Salem, Oregon.
,,.-,-.. ....i,,r !" The Bl
Fall work will begin Monday, September 12 The y?te, , o,
Bookkeeping and Intercommunication system of buslnw SfSSI uu J I ai"
Every entry from the beginning Is made from the UuslnowJ papers iueo an
Business. Shorthand. English.
.. . .. MMW - -6 . -
, Tina sciioo has a record lor murouguutar. am. ,,. r?zzz liocleru
ual Instruction. Pleasant study rooms, Kxpariencl WW.Hr .S
methods and appliances. Tuition and board rswow sLaSSi fw
be found at the college olEce each day to answ !" sW '"
must be of solid leather. We
From S2.&0 to $10 00
.From :i,")C to 2.00
Penmanship and Typewriting,
-1 ., .-.I nrfurrA-olrOntttf. ItUllVlCl
The Dons Leaving
General Miller Will Command
the Expedition,
Chaplain Who Escaped Court
" Martial.
SajctandeKj Spain, Sept. 21 The
steamer, City of Rome which left
Portsmouth, X. II.. with .Spanish
prisoners arriyed this morning,
Miller to Manila,
Washington, Sept. 21, Gen, Mil
ler, now In (command' of San Fran
cisco will command the reinforce
ments ordered to Manila.
Latest lrom Cuba,
NnwYonrc, Sept. 21. A Havana
dispatch to the Herald says: Two
ofticcrs of the American army left
today to Investigate matteis in the
Matanzas province. The Spanish
contention that It Is impossible to
admit the cargo of the Comal free of
duty, is relinquished but Spaniards
insist on landing the vessel at other
ports than Havana.
Leaying American Soil.
San Juan, Sept. 21. The repatria
tion as Spanish soldiers began today,
About 100 sailed for Ilavie on the
steamer Chateau La Fittc. :One thou
sand .infantry will sail tomonow.
TheSCuban oIuntefrs hae all dis
oanded and Spanish soldiers are en
gaged in dismantling the barracks
anU'boxliigmp the guns anil- ammuni
tion. He TalKcd Too Much.
Dr.NVKH, Sept 21. Chaplain Mc-,
Intyrcof "the Battleship Oregon is
stricken by neryous prostration.
This -will delay assembling of the
court martial ordered to try the chap
lain for alleged unfair criticisms of
I MIC ouiL-ers oi me army.
Luzon Still Occupied.
Manila, Sept. 21. The report that
the last Spanish garrison of the Island
of Luzon had surrendered was pre
mature. The Spaniards still hold
eleven scapoits of the Albay province,
tic principal hemp district.
Or. Miles' Nerve Plasters 85c at all druggists.
Jail Millinery Opening,.
Announces Her Fall Opening for
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 21st, 22d and 23d,
Having spent six weeks in New York Citv selecting Pattern Hats
and Noveltie. 1 will show a line net to be compared with In the
slate. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
M, E FRASER, 265 Commercial Street
A Great Reduction Sale
At Zandmer's Clothing Store for the Next Thirty D.ays
Our entire itoeK of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and
Gents' Furnishing Good below rycket prices.
Bead tlisl price list:
Men's suits in all sizes, former price $0, now $j 00
Men's all wool clay worsted suits extra
Men's all wool cheviot suns, iormor price asiu, now o 60
Men'sall wool plaid suits, former pricn $UJ, now ' 7 00
Men's mackintoshes, good quality, reduced to ,... 2 00
1 Hoys' mackintoshes, all sizes, reduced to 175
I Men's heary working pants former price $1 25, now 65
1 Men's cotton worsted extra line, former price $1.50, now 1 00
Men's all wool cheviots, extra line, former price $2 50, nov 1 75
1 Men aL'ootl heny oil grain working shoe, reduced from $1.50 to 125
Men's or. rivet ted overalls, plain, reduced U .'15
MenS U cis heavy Jumper . , 35
I Men's V heavy engineer overalls reduced to 45
I Also a full line of men's extra heavy box coats'" at very low
price. Alsea 11111 nneoi youtirxsuiiH ab reuueca p'ices. uui
brellas, haw. caps trunks and vallsos; a full line or fall and
winter underwear, overwear, neckwear, socks, handkerchiefs,
kUeMnderti' glove, etc., at very low prices. We have a full line
of better grade Kiodi at the same reduced "prices. Call early
and get your ciioice of bargains while the stock Is complete.
This is a New Stock and Has Bkkn Uoduiit kok Fall Trauk.
H UciiHerca! atwtt, , will pay
Repairs to Chicago, Atlanta and
Yorktown About Completed,
Former Two Assigned to the North At
lantic and the Latter to the Asiatic
Squadron. '
A dispatch to the New York Herald
from Washington says:
It Is the Intention of the nayy de
partment to place three man-o'-war In
commission during the coming month.
These are the cruisers Chicago and
Atlanta, which have been undergoing
repairs at the New York navy-yard
for two years, and the gunboat York
town, whrch has been put In condi
tion for services at the Marc island
The Chicago and 'Atlanta will be
assigned to the North Atlantic fleet
until the conclusion of a treaty of
peace with Spain, when their future
stations will be determined. The
Yorktown will be assigned to the Asi
atic station, where the need of small
gunboats In the waters of China and
the Philippines Is especially felt.
Captain P. II. Cooper has been as
signed to the command of the Chic,
ago, and Commander C. S. tPercy,
equlpmento.lllcer to the nayy-yard,
has been selected to command the
Yorktown. So Tar as can be learned
the Atlanta's commanding oflicer has
not yet been determined upon.
It will not bo surprising If the
Chicago is assigned to the Euro
pean Squadron, to be formed
early in November. The inten
tion of the department to rclioye Com
modore J. W. Philip, In command of
the second squadron of the North
Atlantic lleet, in the event of con
tinued peace, and assign him to duty
as commandant of the Boston nayy
yard, is icgardcd as indicative of the
attention of the authorities to send
Commodore II. L. Howlson to sea, As
the European squadron will be the
only commodore's post which will bo
vacant, It would not bo surprising 11
he wcie assigned to that command.
A special from Washington saye:
Bids will be opened on October 1 for
contracts for the construction of four
coast-defense monitors, authorized by
the last naval appropriation law. It
is said at the department that four
tlrms Wlll'surely bid the Union Iron
works, Bath Iron works, Columbia
iron works, and Dialogue & Sons.
The department has not yet awarded
the contracts for the construction of
the torpedo-boats and torpedo-boat
Considerable opposition is still
manifested by shipbuilders whose bids
were not recognized py the naval
board on construction to the Ilcrres
coirs and John W. Trigg, of Rich
mond. A Veteran Martyr.
Dknver, Sept. 21. Captain C. A,
Wooden, or the Seventh Infatry. died
at Port Logau today from the effc:t
of exposure in the Santiago campaign,
no had been with the regiment thirty
heavy, formor price $12, now.... 0 00)
State street, Near Commercial
eaih for all kinds shipping apple?.
Persons Cremated and
teen Severely Injured,
Caused by Spontaneous Combustion of
Dust in a Grain Elevator ut
Toledo, O., Sept. 22. Ten cre
mated and 15 seriously Injured Is the
record of the most disastrous fire that
eyeroccurred In Toledo. The spon.
laneons combustion of dust In the
grain elevator owned by Paddock,
Hodge & Co., at 0 o'clock last night,
caused this terrible destruction of
life, and none of those who were
taken out after the lire started were
far enough from death's door to tell
any of the details.
All oyer Toledo houses were shaken
by the exploslou, as by an eartequake,
and windows were chattered for blocks
around. Very soon afterwards flames
burst from all sides of the elevator.
It was but a few minutes till iho tiro
department of the city began tho
work of rescue, which was rendered
difficult by the terrible haat of the
lire. The river cut off escape on one
8ldd, and there the flames (seemed to
bo less llerec.
It was learned that a force of 20
men had been In-the building their
purpose having been to load 80,000
bushels of grain during the night,
William Parks was found tirst. Ho
was 20 feet from the building, fright
fully burned and his clothes almost
torn off. Ho had been hurled from
hlstplace in the main room thiough a
window, and his agonizing cries were
most pitiful.
Another employe, John Carr, was
hurled from the fifth floor of that
building, and was found bleeding and
burned, with many bones broken. He
did nou long survive.
Fireman David Kemp and Charles
Keller, the engineer, were found at
their places In the engine-room.
They were wounded by falling timbers
and their faces were charred to a
crlbp by the flames.
The little daughter of William
Parks was sitting at tho desk In tho
olllce at the time of the explosion,
and was hurled out of the
door. She walked down the elevation
on which tho building stands and
aroppca aown, to do .carried away
unsconscluus, suffering from wounds
from which she cannot recover.
John Smith was fatally burnad. Ho
was literally dlsenidowlcd, and was
taken to the hospital to die.
The missing men are doubtless all
dead. No trace can be found of any
of them, and as they were employed
at the top or the elovator, their
chances for escape were but slight.
Tho heat became so Intense that 20
cars standing on the sidings near the
building where added to the loss. The
lire dspartment had a hard struggle
to save other elevator property. The
bridge across the Maumee rjver was
on fire sevejal times, but outside the
loss, of the elevator, the damage Is
Mr. Paddock, a member of the own
ers of plant, said there was between
500,000 and 00,000 bushels of grain In
storage at the time, the most of it be
ing winter wheat.
At 12:30 o'cIock the flames were
under control.
(Hy Associated Press to the Journal.)
Toludo, Sept. 21. The explosion In
the elevator of the Union Elevator
and Transportation Company last
evening resulted In the death of most
of employees In the structure, and a
money loss exceeding half a million
dollars. There was at least 150,000
bushels of grain in the building.
Vain bna no show itlth Dr. Miles' Pal a 211U.
Fall and Winter Goods
of all description at the very lowest racket prices
for spot'eash at
274 Commercial
1898 ...FALL OPENING... . 1898
pinb milZjnbry
Mrs. Hooker
Interested to
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday September 21, 22 and 23.
The stock was personally selected In the East.
. Nonpariel Millinery Parlors,
317 Commercial Stiikkt,
The King Is Dead and Germans
Ready to Take Island,
(By Associated Press to The Journal.)
San Francisco, Sept. 21. The
steamship Alameda from Sydney and
Honolulu brought.further particulars
of the death of King Mallctoa. The
king's death was duo to typhoid
According to a report It was be
lieved at Samoa that If H.M. S. King-
dove bad not been at Apia tho Ger
mans would have hoisted the German
flagon Mallctoa's death and pro.
clalmod the annexation of Samoa.
Hawaiians Are Divided.
San Fjiancisco, Sept. 21. The
steamer Panama lust arrived from
Honolulu brings advices up to Sep
tember 15th, saying the congressional
commissioners arc finishing their
work and expect to leave the Islands
on or about September 23.
The commissioners are being do
ludged with petitions and memorials
from native Hawaiians. Tho senti
ment of the natives appears to be di
vided. One faction desires the restor
ation of the queen, the other accepts
the new order affairs.
A Senator Dead and Washing
ton Republicans in Session,
(By Associated Press to The Journal.)
Haktfoud, Sept. 21. Former
United States senator Win. Eaton
died today.
In Washington.
Tacoma, Sept. 21. The Republican
state convention met this morning
and effected a temporary organization,
E, P. Blake, of Jefferson, was elected
chairman and E. D, Gllson, of Adams
county, secretary.
The only Incident of the session oc
cured in the selection of assistant
secretary, W. W. Robertson was
unanimously chosen. A member from
tho Lewis county delegation an
nounced that Robertson had formerly
been a Democrat and was not fully
Indcntlfled with the Republican
party. Robertson requested that his
name bo written and John Eilwell of
that county substituted.
Tho committee on permanent or
ganization decided to recommend T.
D. FIske, of Cowlitz county for per
manent chairman.
In Michigan.
Detroit, Sept. 21. Dexter M.
Ferry, chairman of tho state central
committee, called tho state Republi
can convention to order this morn
ing. Giant Fellows, president of the
state league of Republican clubs, Is
temporary chairman.
Injured on a Dam,
PiTTSiiuua, Sept. 2i. FIvo men
were Injured at the uovernment dam
on Neville Island, near Coropo'.ls, by
breaking of the traveling crane. Two
are In a critical condition.
Factory Floor Fell.
(By Associated Press to the Journal
St. Josiu'H, Mo. Sept. 21. A sec
tion of door nf the Amorlcan Biscuit
Company's factory fell today, Injur-'
ing three employes, one fatally. The
others are In a precarious condition,
st Salem, Or,
Invites all Ladles
Fiubt National Bank Building.
Is Again Made Mock,
ery of,
The Trial of Col, Picquart is
Hawaiians Divided in Their
Alligiance to the Queen,
(By Associated Press to the Journal.)
Paris, Sept. 1.21. Tho trial of
Colonel Picquart, on charge of reveal
ing Important documents concerning
tho national defense, was to have be
gun today. The publlo prosecutor
asked for an adjournment on the
ground that a prosecution of Picquart
on a chargo of forgery had been or
dered by the minister of war. Pic
quart made a statement which
caused a sensation. Ho said:
"Tins is perhaps the last tlmo I
shall speak In public. I shall sleep
perhaps In the prlslon of Chcrcuo
Midi. .1 wish to declare that If I find
there tho strangling cord of Lemercer
or Plquard or the razor of Col. Henry,
there will bo murder, for I have no
Idea of committing suicide." The
audience was Intensely moved and
shouted "Vivo Picquart." Tho
Judges, however, decided to indefin
itely adjourn the case.
Transported Convicts Mutiny.
London, Sopt. 21. Convicts at
Cayenna, French Guiana, havo
mutinied. It Is feared that prisoners
to tho numberof 4,000 will regain their
Ddvlls Island, whero the former
Captain Droyfus, oftho French army,
Is confined, Is a short distance from
Cayenne. It Is posslblo tho revolt
will bo the death knell of tho prison
ers, whoso guards aro under orders to
kill him If he attempts or others at
tempt to deliver him.
Deaths Reported in piflerent
Parts of the Country,
(By Associate Press to tho Journal).
Madkid, Sept. 21, The southern
part of Spain has been visited by
terrible Hoods. At Serrera, near
Cadiz, 80 persons were drowned. A
great number of cattle perished, and
the Olive harvest Is lost In tho prov
inces of Seville and Grenada. Many
deaths aro reported In other parts of
the flooded country.
WRAUNXga. AUdnutalataHcirotntoraoar
Saiem's Greatest Store
Honest Values Stitched with Truthful Words,
Those Who Read and Act will Profit Theroby,
5,750, $10.00, $15.00,
The new Suits and Overcoats aro
here. We can save you 15 to 20 per
cent. Come and see,
New Fall goods to show
Phone 1,
Tk Rofil it tbe MgtuKt grade baling powder)
uows. Actual UsUdKnv It gMiooo- I
tfclri! further Uan any other brMd. J
Absolutely Pure
One Unmistakeabic Case Arrites On a
(Ily Associated Press to The Journal.)
WiKOFF.Sept. 21. Tho Transport
Seguranca has arrived from Cuba
with sick soldiers from Slbouy. There
Is said to bo ono uumlstakeablo caso
of yellow fever aboard. The trans
port City of Mexico also arrived from
Cuba, having invalid soldiers on
Promulgated Against New Orleans oh
Account of Yellow Fever.
(By Associated Press to the Journal.')
"New Orleans, Sept. 21. The sfate
of Texas has promulgated a rigid
quarantine agaln3t New Orleans, ow
ing to the announcement that tiicre
were four casc3 of yellow fever here.
Prevention ia always better than
euro, oven when euro is possible.
But so many times pneumonia is not
cured that prevention becomes tho
natural act of that instinct of self
preservation which is " tho first law
of nature." Pneumonia can be pre
vented and is often cured by thousp
of AVer's Cherry Pectoral. T
"Soma years ago I had a sovcre cold and
was threatened with pneumonia. I could
neither eat nor sleep, and was in a wretched
condition. I procured a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and took it according to tho
directions, and at tho end of fifteen daysw as
as well and sound as beforo tho attack. I
havo recommended it in many cases of pneu
monia since, and havo never known it to fall
In effecting a euro."
JOHN HENRY, St. Joseph, La.
"I was attacked with a cold that settlod
on my lungs, and defied tho skill of my phy
sicians bo that they considered me incurable.
At last I bogan to uso Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
and was entirely cured after having taken
two bottles."
Taunton, Mass.
Cberry Pectoral
is put up in half-sizo bottles at half
price 50 cents.
Just OpendoHankcrchlcfs.
300 dozen of bright, attractive swiss
and linen, plain embroidered and alio
lace trimmed. Better values and
smaller prices. 1 cent to $2 each.
Dress Goods
Now fall and winter novelties, 121c,
15c and 25c. Values that tro un
surpassed. Bettor lines 50c, COc, 85c
to $1.00 comprising all tho swell new
attractions. See n for Dress Goods.
No hat store prices or methods
here. Wo furnish you style and
quality at u saving of from Coo to
91.50 on a. hat,
you 1 1 1 Naw Gordons $3,00
278280 Commercial street, corner Court
te--, esi - -ar