JSSMpfc, TAKE THE Hood's Stimulate the stomach, s rouse tlfj llrer, curs bltous- WM II Bess, headache, dizziness, Wm III S raf stomach, cAntUpatinn, m etc. lMc M centi. Sold tr " TRKts. Tbo only Mil to take with Uood's garni, jrilUu MORTGAGE LOANS Onlmproted city and farm propetljr at lowest rates. wFuNEk BREYMAN( 2)2 Commercial strecli 3 doors south of u..dd & Bush's bank, Salem Or 9-12 dtw 2m DEALER .GROCERIES Paints, Oil Window Glass Var niah, and tbo most complete stock of Brushes of all kinds in tho state Artists materials, lime; bain ce ment and shingles; and tho finest quality of erasa seed. WANTED ETC New today advemsoments tour lines or lesa in this column tnsorted three times for 25 eta 50 eta a week, $1 per month. All over lour lines at samo rate. WANTED. Doys who can slnp, be tween ages of 8 and 12, to till six vacancies In Episcopal choir Call at rectory any afternoon between 5 and 7 o'clock. Boys arc paid. 0 1U3L WANTED. A boy to work In Btore. Must be oyer 14 years old. Good pay for tbo right boy, Call on Hinges, tho optlcllan. 0 10 tf PURSE FOUND. Containing some money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. W, 11. Anderson. 21Y Commercial street. 0 10 3tj TO EXCHANGE 80 acres of choice farm land. Situated In Bayfield county, Wisconsin, on shore of Lake Superior. Will exchango for Ore gon property. Address, r. u, ttum rill, Salem, Oregon. 0-17-.'lt t WANTED.-Positlon by man with wl fo and one girl 10 years oldto work a fruit farm or take charge of a place near Salem. Good reference aw to business ability and qualifi cations can be glvcu, Address P., or call at this olllce. 0 17 tf d&- WANTDDr-Woman lo come to house ana do washing. Call northwest corner of Oak and Capital street. 9-J7-3t FOR SALE OR RBNTr-40 acres Ian e miles north on liver road, cood house, large barn, milk house, etc, good well and. pump. Ten acres under cultivation, Balance pasture and limber with running watet 3 acres bearing orchard joins school liou'e. Half rent can be paid by cutting wood on the place. Address G W Pearmine, 2 rtlles nor h on river road. 9 l6t FOR RBNT-.A good farm, block west of North Salem Crayton. Inquire one school. It 9-6 3t STRAYED From my premises near Prlngle school house, on the loth Inst, Jersey bull, 2 years old, dark Irown Persons finding please euro for and no ily. Daniel Stewsrt, Salem, 9-15 rw WANTEDS man preferred. man immediately, Single Apply at47lU'ront st. gtf LADIES No more darning, The Magic Hand I-oom Made of polished rolled steel. Latejt invention lor menning clothing, underwear, table linens or heel and toe in hosiery, A child can work It. Perfect weave. Sent postplad, 25c. Greater West Advertising Jic Novelty Co., "55' Washington strtet, Oakland, Cal, 9-8 1 m WANTED ,-1 louse established 20 yean Party, either lady or gentleman, of good church standing r.s correspondent and manager hore, Ncet not leave home, sal ary (800 first year. Kudes: self-addresicd envelope to A.T. Elder, general manager, care (Japltal Journal 9 7 1 yr MUSICAL., A limited number of students taken, on p'ano, violin, gutar and zither. Also German icsons given, Anna M. Krebs, Music studio (J ray block, room 6. Call from a to 4 p. m. 931m ANY SIZE rarm wanted, by renter with grown family. Prepared to supply all necessary machinery for farming. Ap ply at Journal office. Farm must be with. in reasonable distance of Salem. 8 30lf FOR SALE-.240 acie stock ranch all under fence, plenty of good water. Will be sold at a great bargain. If applied ror soou can pvrin Installments if dolied. For partic ulars address II Journal ollici. REAL ESTATE Large and small tracts of farm property Uargains in dwelling property. Houses to rent. Good farms wanted by renters. C K. llrandenburg & Co, to mccesssors lo 1' N. Derby & Co. T WO CLOTHING SaLESMEN, Wanted. in Salem and one In each county, i 1 ciery state to take orders for our $5 to Slo maue-to-ordcr suits and overcoats. Live wen witront exputence can make ?i5o per month. If you can lurnltii sails, actory refeience, we will furnish com. plete simple line and outfit, and start you t work at 'once, For particulars address AMERICAN WOOLEN MILL 00. Enterprise Ilullding, Chicago. 9-15 irn H)LlClTOKS WANTLO-Ladies or gentle men for our complete sets of Juvenile llcoks (j: the holHavs. Each set lias four books graded lor little ones to crown up folks Each book charming, delightful, captlvat lng, Prices range from Sec to 825a Large baoks, each overflowing with happy illustrations. Tremendous sellers. Noth ing like them, Four months golden harvest for energetic workers. Crcd t given. Freight paid. Highest commissions. Outfits with samples of all four books fiee. Sena twelve 2 cent jttmps for paying part unly of the postage alone. Urop all trash and clear fjo) a month with our exclusive Juveniles. THE NATIONAL BOOK CONCERN, JUVENILE DEPT.. CUI CAGO. 807301 rOSALBOR TRADE-At luruaii. a bcaeUfu I corner lot on the Morning, side Ike. Owner will take good horse and ixwy or a peed Ulcjcl U the trade Call oBB Ucui.k, coimy surveyor. K-3S I - " ' " WE YMUXilF! Km HUM for tiuniluul dlb&rs, i&awiulli'U, Irtllallulit vr ulcottllolui ttt wiicvus iuuitrii, FalnlaM, kii4 bt-S UUi- fis ut SHMwmoas. M hy ltiwHU, Mt la Ula w,r. M. or a httU, Svl.4. itw, Sm MUl 04 WKM. k ? m Iwwal slKMiMiLa .isB Lir Daily Capital Journal BY HOPSR BROTHBRS, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1898. Dally, One Year $3.00, In Advance, Dally, Four Month $1 00. ir Advance. Weekly, One Year $1.00, In Advance JOURNAL "X-RAYS." IsFIagg of Marlon, the retrench ment candidate for Speaker? W u'. tin matter with that bright young man Kelly of Linn, for senator. There's no place can roatt Binder Hermann like the Salem Republican cocksplt. The Salem Emergency Corps ladles do not take easily to the too much red tape of the Red Cross, What has Lawyer Hammer done that a Republican paper should try ridicule on him? lie Is a stalwart of Stalwarts. A Portland paper that Is champion ing Mr. Uorbett could very easily let up on abuse of any other possible candidate. ." Joint Senator L. L. Porter, of Clackamas and Marion counties can ducts a very well edited Republican otgan but don't discuss the senator ship. . Capt. II. L. Heath writes from Manila, August 4: The McMlnnvIllc boys arc all well today, and not one of them has had a serious Illness. An Exchange says: All the preach ers are In favor of holding tho Phil ippines. They see great possibilities for .doing wood In a country that knows .nothing about the church social, Tho military necessity of governing the Philippines and West Indies will be bcncllciul In revealing to tho peo plo of our country tho necessity of taklnir the army entirely out mf the control of politicians. Toledo Leader, Unien: J. II. Mitchell will develop more strength than U generally supposed. Wo don't think the people on Yaqulna Bay would take It to heart If he should succeed In (jetting there. .- The Rcpunllcan organs arc sevcro in ruling Chas. W. Fulton of Astoria, out ot the Senatorial race. They were mighty glad to liavo him plead for unity and harmony at the state convention, MoManus & Smith who conduct the Pendleton Republican In tho In terest of the Mitchell wing and to make war on Hon. Jo. Simon, are booming Hon. Chas. W. Pulton for United States senator and president of tno senate. The next United States senator from Oregon will uot be n. W. Cor bctt, but ono of tho follewing: II. II. Hewitt, of Linn; W. L, Tooze, of Marlon; M. C, George, of Multnomah, orJudgo Lowell, of Eastern Oregon. Rep. Ex. An Albany paper objects to Salem claiming the discovery of an oil well, It buys we ought to bo satlslloi to lnvn a special session of legislature, and nut want the whole earth and its contents. Just tho same, we hayo an oil well. It Is not a spoulcr but It would be If It were at Albany, The Mltchelllto organ ut Woodburn has this, which Indicates that there is n division of opinion among the anti-sound money republicans: Governor-elect Geer has nothing to do with tho spcukor ot tho houso opening election returns und announ cing that Mr' Geer Is governor of Oregon, Even wero )io disposed to block such action, he could not un blushlngly stand In the way of Secre. tary-olect Dunbar, Treasurertclect Mooro und other state onlccrs elected If tho houso demands the returns, the speaker will havo to act and Secretary 1I. ...(.! ..Ill l....n . ffl.l fill I,A ?,,,v iYllltUlll Will IIUU HI "HUM VMU UUtj required by law. Thoro uro many ways to make 11 hitch In legislative pi-occcdlngs, and this Is ono of tlietti, Tliero will bo lots of fun at the extra session, and tho taxpayers will have tho fun of paying for tho fun. Annual 6le over 8,000,000 Hoses ?SSJS fOB BOIO08 AND XE&V0U8 SI80KBSl tunh as Wind and rain In tho Stomach, Ulddlness. Fulneiw aftor moaU. Head ache, DiizlnoM. Drowslnosa. 1'lushinKs ot Hear. Loss ot Appetite. OortiTenMS. Illotchea on the Bkln. Oold Chills. .Dis til r bod Bleep, ft-Ujhtful Dreamt and all Nenous and Trembling Bonsatlona. 1KB FIRST SOBS WILL 8IYE EEUEP IN TWEHTx" MINUTM. Kverr aulfaror will nokuowlodfio thorn to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HKKCHAM'M MLUJ. taken aa direct od. will Quickly rftstoro Fumaloa to com pleto health. Ther promptly rtniioxo obstructions or lrrvKUlarltltvi of tho ay torn tro kick Meatoeltew For a Weak SI inch Impairc. Iestion DLt. ored Liver IN MKN, WOMfcN SR CHH.BRIH Besoham's Pills ar Without 11 Rival AJ ktT Ska LARGEST SALE , if Mtv tfmut Maufclrliisn bsi .--! Ma at all Drwr atorea. Sick men aro no match In business for' well men. To get rich a man needs Steady nerves CWnnf hrnln. P CELEBRATED 0 Jk Puro blood, -?,. Healthyvlgor. Hosteller's Bitters help men to get rich by bringing about these fclTTEpS blessings. Judge Bean would make an Ideal United States Senator. Why not turn down Invalid Corbett and elect a young man. Judge Bean Is a deep thinker and an honest and conscien tious gentleman. Eugene Guard. The Guard does Mr. Corbett an In justice. Ho Is an active businessman conducting large business afTalrs.IJe commanded the hlghst respect In Washington while there last winter. Hon. Blugcr Hermann was han quctcd by admiring friends, Irrespec tive ot political faith, In Roseburg last week. The event, no doubt, was Intended as nn "opening" for Blnger's senatorial campaign and likely served Its purpose, as It afforded an oppor tune time for the gentleman to highly compliment his former colleagues In congress, Senators Dolph and Mitch ell. This Is no light of ours, but we would like to say that the election ot Hermann to the senate would mean double for our rivers and harbors what any other representative would secure In appropriations. Coqulllo Bulletin. An exchange says that Mitchell will start In on the fight with $100,000 on hand. That ought to get a sen atorshlp In Oregon. The statement though needs to be taken with a great deal of allowance. Democrat. JTI10 Albany paper Is mighty right. Mr. Mitchell nnd his friends who arc still legion In a personal wuy regret his unfortunate straddle on the money question. 1 He built a high sliarp polnled free-coinage paling about his political preserves and he's hang ing on his own fence by his trousers seat. A Portland paper prints a handsome picture of Hon. E. II. Flagg, "cham pion of retrenchment in Marlon county." TI10 Portland Republican Orcgonlan says: "The platform pledgsd the party to a reduction of county salaries from $2,500 to $12,500 a year. Some think the reduction promised Is unreasona ble. Representative Flagg Is one of those who believe peoplo are tired of platform promises that are never car ried out, and will dovoto his best en deavors to secure the promised $10,000 reduction In county olllcmls' salaries, Whllo boasting the bravery and prowess of Yankee grit, gumption and gunnery, let us not forget that the names of tho men who went with Hobson smack strongly of .foreign ex traction. Tliero were Murphy, Kelly Dleguan of Irish descent, Montague and Charctto of French, und Clausscn of German. Phillips and Hobson nre puro Yankee. But all wero Ameri cans. MURDERED AT PENDLETON. C C. Cunningham Runs Amuck and Kills a Railroad Man. C. C. Cunnlnc.hum, of Milton, Uma tilla county, shot and killed O. Young, and seriously wounded Mrs. Julius J. Worcester, ut the O. R. & N. depot. Cunningham with a cocked revolver', chased Miss. Ellle Worcester for a block, llrlng thrco shots ut her, but the young woman run Into u saloou and eluded tho murderer. He run through the saloon into the Great Eastern hotel, where ho snapped his revolver twlco nt Mrs. Johnson, tho proprietor's wife. Young, who Isun employe of theO. It. & K. Co., was talklug-wlth Mrs. Worcester und her daughter Elllo, at tho O. R & N. dopot, when Cunning hum, crazed by drink, drew out his revolver uud began llrlng nt the group. Young was shot through tho heart and died a'tnost Instantly. Tho (lend turned on Mrs. Worcester und shot her In tho small of the back, Inflict ing very dangerous wounds. Mis? Worchestcr started to run up Main street, when Cunningham II red three shots at her, pursuing her closoly. When opposite tho Last Chance saloon she went In und hid beneath tho billiard table. Cun ningham entered tho baloou and brandished his weapon in tho faces of tho incu gathered there, who feared lo gupplo with liim. Ho wentout uf tho back door uud Into tho Great Eastern hotel bv the rear cntrauce, rushed up to Mrs. Johnson, the wlfo of tbo proprietor, pressed his pistol against her breast und snapped the trigger twice. She rushed screaming out of thu dnor, when bcvcrul men enlcred uud hccurcd the murderer. He has been u troublesome figure In thu courts here fur several ycir, often being urrestcd foi selling liquor with out llcenbo. The feeling throughout tho illy against Cunningham Is Intense and thu otllcers fear loleuce, THE SENATOR311IP. Ah'cntlble Review of the Situation and Candidates in Oregon. (Vftio Malheur Co., Silver Advocate.) Tho Governor's call for un extra session of tho stulo legislature for September 25, has again utarten spec ulation un tho question of who Is to bo .United Slates senator. Tliero are numerous caudldales for tho vacancy, but tttlhls tlinols difficult forany XfttZ'X- ?M candidate to correct! y measure his strength. H. W. Corbett, the weliknown banker of Portland, who was ap pointed by Governor Lord, after the deadlock of the last session, hut was refused admission to the senate, Is undoubtedly in the lead at the pres ent time. Ho will no doubt have the support of the 14 members from Mult nomah county, which Is 11 cood nu cleus to build up from. Corbett has been at work eyer since he was re fused admission by the senate and It Is knevvn that he has pledges from a number of members from the Interior counties. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, who Is a statn senator, would not, object lo the higher honor, but his following Is small. Ex-Congressman Bingcr Hermann, commissioner of the general land of fice, it Is understood has a number ot followers, but his former position on the money question will undoubtedly keep him out of tho senate. Tho present legislature wa elected on a gold platform and the man who goes to the senate must be pronounced In favor of that policy. Congressman Thomas II. Tongue of the First district would be satisfac tory on the money question and in caseof a deadlock tho mantle might fall on bis shoulders. Governor Lord, It Is understood, Is out of tho race. The report here is that at the expiration of his term In January, he will take up his residence In Porthnd and become a member of the law firm of Dolph, Mullory & Simon. State Senator Joseph Simon, it is said, has hopes of becoming a com promise candidate In the event that Corbett cannot bo elected. Simon engineered the state campaign in June and it is known that he has a Sumbcrof warm personal friends in the legislature who would like to sec III 111 go to the United State scuatc. T, T. Geer, governor-elect. Is a pop ular man, as was shown by the vote In June, and he probably has fewer enemies than any of the other candi dates mentioned, Many believe the will be a successful candidate, owing chiefly to the fact tnat he has not taken part In the factional quarrels of the .republican party during the two years past. Should Geer be elected senator, he would not qualify as gov ernor, which would Jcavc Governor Lord two years longer to serve, as the governor's term docs not expire until his successor is elected and qualified. The State Fair. People come from all oyer the state to ylslt the State Fair and when they hear the majority of them smoke the aro 10c La Corona cigars made by A. Huckcnstcin. STILL ALIVE. Miss Mariam Grace Perkins Returned Home in Time for Her Own! Funeral. Tnc supposed victim of the Bridge port Connecticut murder, Miss Ma rlurnGrucc Perkins, arrived at her home Saturday afternoon In the best of health, to tho great Joy or her fam ily and the .unbounded astonishment ot the whole community. Her father was not In town at the time of his daughter's urrivnl, as he went on Ills way back to Bridgeport, with the grusomo remains which he had Identified ns those" of Grace, und for which funeral arrangements, In cluding the dlging of a grave, had ulrcady been completed- Miss Perkins cuiue from Province, R. 1., and was occompanlcd by her lover, Charles Boui ne, and at first It was stated that the couple hud been married. Tills was afterwards de nied by young Bourne. Just across the street from the Per kins house Is u (little cemetery, und this morning, In response to a request ot the family of Mtss Perkins, a uruyc had been dug by tho sexton In the family lot. Halt an hour after Miss Perkins arrived home, tho local undertaker's wagon drove up to tho house, and In It was u colli n which had been ordered by tho family. The trrand and beautiful Bible story of Abraham intercepted on the point of slaying his cherished son has a deep signif icance which everv mother should take to heart Too many mothers of the present day bind their children upon the altar of neglect arid misunderstanding', all unmindful that beneficent providence forbids the sacrifice. Women who expect to be mothers do not care for their own health as they ought, and thus the health and lifelong wellfire of tire prospective Utile one is sacrificed. All women nhoulu know and use the health -supporting power of Dr. l'iercc'a Favorite Prescription in every delicate condition of the organs peitaln Ing to maternity. x n incciai organism isairecny strengtu- enedand reinforced by this wonderful "Pre- scription." Jt renders the ordeal of moth erhood entirely safe and comparatively easy; it gives constitutional energy and vigor to both mother and child, it absolutely cures every form of female weakness anil disease. It is the only medicine in exist ence devised for this particular purpose by an educated, skflled physician of thirty yearn experience in this special field of practice, A full account of its marvelous properties is given in one chapter of Dr Pierce's thousand-page illustrated book, 'The People's Common Sense Medical Ad viser," a paper-bound copy of which will be sent on receipt of twenty-one one-cent stamps to pay the rw of mailing only, or handsomely cloth -hound for thirty -one stamps. Address World's Dispeiikary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N. V Every wo man should read this book, W..R. Vatcolm, of KooUl, clay County, Ar kansas, write " Since I lat wrote you we ha e hWl s ty girl bom to us. Mjrwirc took your ttovrite-PrcKTipUon'sil during tnccxptctaut period and until confinement, aud she had 110 trouble to mention." ft ..-Mrfhv, 5bB MIMIIWIWIIIIIHI f (MttWMf lMBtBMtWf I A Beautiful In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to OIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of 1 Beautiful Pastel Pictures I They arc 13x19 inches in size, m Lilacs and Pansies. Wmrwi sargM Pansies and Marguerites. IKT QVIMIHOCOCKIN' mm mm wo win wnMnreiFUibfmtw . AC I1D . A PtV - 1-7 L'liT.J ur MT uinitt itfitffttlD "J.CJ1UBINGE1 These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing mem in Deauty, nenness ot color anu one ot these pictures will be given away with each nackatre of purchased of your grocer. It is the is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask beautiful picture. ALL GR0CEF1S KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT HO SUBSTITUTE jg oa s8 9888sagsagtt ae&g aa PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, Olllce of tho Secretary of State, Salem, Or., Sept. 3, 1898. f Scaled proposals will be received ut this olllce until noon, November 4, 1898, to furnish the following articles for the State of Oregon; for the use of the 20th Biennial Session of the Leg islative Assembly. 35 reams legal cap, 14 lbs., No. 7' ruling, white laid, Charter Oak, Scotch linen, or other good paper. 30 ream." lirst class Congress Note, 7 pound, wo. 7 ruling, wiuto laltl, or other good paper. 20 reams letter paper 12 lbs., No. 7 ruling, white laid, Carew, Charter Oak Scotch linen or other good paper. 20 reams typewriter paper, letter size, Paragon letter wove No 3, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. 20 reams typewriter paper, legal size, Paragon letter wove No. 3, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. 0 reams typewriter paper, legal size, Paragon letter wove No. H, Valley Paper Company, or other good paper. 0 boxes Little's satin llnish carbon paper, blue, size 8x13. 0 boxes Little's satin llnish carbon paper, blue, size 8x10, 10,000 No. 0 envelopes. TO lbs. No. 1 rag, XXX, 12 gross railroad steel pens, No. 49. 20 gross Gllott's steel pens No. 401. 4 gross Gillot's steel pens, No. 303. 8 gross Estcrbrook "J" pens. 0 gioss Falcon steeliens No. 018. 0 gross Estcrbrook & Co's. Probate steel pens No. 313. 0 gross Esterbiook & Co's. Judge quill steel pens No. 312. 0 gross Estcrbrook & Co's. Chancel lors steel pens No. 239. 0 gross London Incandescent, M. Jacobs No. 4. 2 dez. Sanford's cardinal red Ink, pints, 5 gross penholders, black enamel, large. 10 dot. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's Ink stands No. f)5. 4 doz. Peck, Stosv & Wilcox's Ink stands No. 554. 10 doz. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's ink stands No. 420. 12 doz. Iynry folders, 0 inch standard. 4 doz. ivory tolders, 10 Inch con gress. 4 doz. mucilage cups, No. 8 Morgans patont. 10 doz. iiiucllugo stands, rcscvnlr, No. 0 Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, or as good, 140 Lbs. white. 2 gross No. 2 Eagle recorder lead pencils, style CGO. 5 doz. Sanford's premium fluid, quarts. 2 doz. Stuffords writing lluid quarts. 10 doz, Nonpareil gummed stub files No. 22, 11x10 Inches, 500 stubs. 4 doz. Duplex cupboard, letter clips, legal size. 20 doz. Duplex letter clips. 15 doz. Fabers rubber rulers, 14 Inch Hat. 15 doz steel erasers, Rogers Nu. 18, 140, bone. 3 doz. steel "rasers, Rogers No. Is, 140, clony. 70 Boxes Fabers No. 300 rubber bunds, assorted sizes. 5 gross Fabers lead pencils, No. 2. hexagon, gilt. 12 gross Fabers lead pencils, No 2 round gilt. 20 doz. Fabers patent Ink and pen ell rubber erasers, tuaiuui'iuth. 3,000 McGlU's patent paper fasten ers. No. 2 Dal head. 3,000 Mc a Ills patent paper fasteners, No. 2, round heads, while. 3,000 McG Ills pitent paper fasten ers, No. 4, flat head. 15 doz, Table pads, to hold paper, 10x24 Inches, strong lurthcr tips. 10 doz, waste paper baskets, .cross bar, No. 4. 3 doz. waste paper basket, small, No 11, round. 20 lbs. hemp twine, No. 2. 4 doz. Sanford's mucilage, quarts. All bids submitted should be marked "Proposal for Stationery." None but tho best quality ot goods : ,,n :.,, ,,,1 wl!.,.be accepted. Tho right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. All tho alKive articles must bo de livered at Salem, Oregon, on or before December 10, 181W. Very respectfully, II. U. KINOAID, Secretary uf Slate. Dissolution Notice. Nntlco Is hereoy given that M10 partnership heretofore existing be tween Jutnes Mngulre and Henry W. TeaU Crystal Ico and Cold Storago work at Salem Oregon Is this day de solved by mutual consent. Slid TeaU retiring from tho firm and business All debts und liabilities are assumed by the undersigned and alt money duo tho said firm Are uiy ublo lb the undersigned dale tho lSlli day of August, 1803. 8 10-liu James Mauuiuk. Present and are entitled as follews: Wild American Poppies. INVCNrT 0 wm kce Lilacs and Iris. ! ....... - Mir BROSfC? IVINJUMIJ SS55i ZZjgz -sC4ik 5 or coior anu arr.isr.ic merit. Elastic Starch artistic merit. best laundry starch on the market, and your grocer for this starch and get a OREGON Courses in Agiicuiture, Mechanical and E'ectrical hnzineering Household Science and Pharmacy, TUITION FKEE AND NO INCI DENTALS. Lit n, French, andf-irnaii optional. The ntxt term will bejiu Sept 20. 1898. For catalogue address W. E. YATES Sec rttary, orTIIOS. M. GATCH, I'resiJent, Corvallis, Or. 18 S-j Homfi Rnardine" House - Nc 174 Front at eet Sa'em Mo;t convenient to steamer landings. Meals 15c to 12.51 a week fcr board. Gocd furnished rooms reasonable. 7.17 ini "vV P GEORGE, Prop. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of &&2i Agricultural College The Doctors that Cure ARE COMING TO SALEM, A PART CF THE lishBu German: The doctors who cure CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, und all-Chronlo Dlseiscs, and DR. MBYBRSi he fa mous specialist for diseases and weakness of men. will again be In this t his city on their regular monthly visit and can be CONSULTED FREE OF CHARGE, at the Willamette Hotel, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. ?2-23. ST.UT OF THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT Bl'FCIALlST live year """ U'C hW f Ca,lforD,a forW established Uenty The suit of tho English and German Expert SDeciallsis u ,,, 1 . tlye regularly graduated doctor,, each a phy.Vclan Nho las hid SI" experience In curing nil manner of chronic diseases I y yeara HOME CURES-While It preferable In tua'ny Instances to see a nail ent, tho English and German Expert Specialise infvJ , ,.,:, 1 . ? ",?ath poisons whom they have never seen. hums olllco for question list and free CALL ON THE DOCTORS people bhould sec the English and German ExDert SiWiiii.i. .UII,J!B talk, which costsjabsolutcly nothing Is bound ft 'M1!18' A. Mcndly gtKid. whether treatment is taken or noL CONSULT A'riftV THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT rPw A KlnlT nt I lin Unci t?,.. !...,. n," ?." t"V.FUl Sl'Ll Ma -ket Si, sYu F7auC,Tcuw ' " . T?w.rd SlOO, Tho readers of this Ipaper o will be been able to cure In all 1U 8s. n nature Induing its work, f ho pro prletors hayc so ."..'"'cr'one rofarcasetliatit fa.irtocVrr Send for 'list of test, ruonlals. T .,v,t,.. ,. n,u Address. a . j . vjii ,- Toledo, O. g-Sold by druggists, 75c. BARR&PETZEl The Old Reliable-' Plumbers and Tinners Make a Specialty of HOP STOVES D?PIPB. HOP AND FRUIT DRYER PIPE! PUMPS AND TANK WORK: ah umrt triijrantfpil 211 Commercial st, -214 7 20 tf Telephone No 248 General Storage ! Wool, tugar, dried fru'ts, etc , storing and grading diied piune? a specialty. Coiner Trade ar 1 High street, Salem, I Orrrnn Sidney Power CoN famous Gold Dust flour for sale, Salem Water Co. Proprietor, 0. E. POWEK, Manager Telephone 22. Call and Bie the Triumph Prure Grader or. green an J diied fruit . MOIU.EY & PATRICK -11 1111 if) Mate street Salem STAFF OF THE Exiert Specialists. If you cann advice In r,n- W IE v great deal Of h'lrtti.' EUT SPECIALISTS WALLACE WAREHOUSE! To Punt Growers s,0,ans an bureons In the World, 731 , Canadin Pacific R.R. And Soo Pacific Line io Mu.neapolis St. Paul Chicago Philadelphia Waihington Montreal Toronto New Ytuk " Boston a all points east and southeast. Cheapest rates, bestscrvice and accommo dations Through tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, and lloston without change. Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. 'Empress ine of steamships to Japan and China The fastest and fine3t ships on the Pacific ocean. Shortest snd best route to the orient. CaDadian Australian S. S. Co. To Honolul'1, Fiji and Australia The shortest route t the colonies. For rates, fo 'ers and any information call on or address, C. K. DUANDENBUJIG, Agent, Salem, Or. II. W. GREEK, Acent. 146 Third street. Portland, Or E J. COYLE, Diitticl Passenger Agent, Vancouver, I Going East Use a (irst-tlass line in traveling between Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicago, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair cars in service. The Dining cars are operaud In the. inter est of its patrons, the rrost elegant service ever inaugurated. Meals are sered a la, Carts. To obtain first-class service ycur ticke should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. for all connections at Chicago and Milwaukee For eastern points, ticketfull information call on oJr nearest tickrt .iget.t or write JAS. C. POND (ieneral Pass. AgemMillw&ukee. Or IAS. A CLOCK, General Agenf Wis Stark Street Portland Or. Oceffon Short Line. TIIEU- Quickest. safest, Cheapen Line foall points E-t and southeast. I'RL'K reclining ch.vr cars, Pullman palace sleeping cars and upik.Ltered tourist sleep ing cars on nil tlnoupli trains. IIOISE & DARKER, Agent Salem, Or C. (. TERRY. Traveling Passenger Alien V. E. COMAN, General Agent. 124 llurdhiree Portland. Or Tie Norton Pacific Railroad still continues the popular route for eastern travel and now that summer Is opening up It becomes more so than ever. The pleasant and com fortable accommodations furnished passengers are proverbial und need no mentlon.Tlie quick tlmomade.wlthout change of cars is universally known, lhemad traverses the most magnlfi cent belt of country in the world, every mile furnishing constant scen ery attractive and interesting, so that the traveler goes through withs out fatigue and reaches the journey's end without realizing distance. All lirough Washiogton.Idaho, Montaana Dakota, Nebraska and tho other states, the eye Is feasted with scenes pleasing and impressive, while uo sand storm, suffocating atmosphere or other demoralizing discomforts are met with. For tickets and full par ticulars call on THOMAS, WATT & CO. v;p ...,, Agents. No. building formerly occupied by Dan J. Fry's drug store. Salem. Or. - vwtiiiiiiji sjiii 1 s'.riir,. in rnn Shorter and a wlmlnlmlf rl-ii, nnlr-lnr than any other line to Omaha, Kan 'sas city, St. Louis and all other suthern and southeastern cities, I i'illee rr.nl i met ..in nan,in ut .Iaui, and Billings, Mont. Tickets at olllces of connecting lines. If you go ; bt,.vla r9u,al". you can stop oK and ee the Trans-Mlsslsslppl exposition A. C. SHELDON. Gen'l agent, Portland Or mads: me: a man K jX TABLETS POSITIVEr.Y COK 1.1. jrrntut jua ralilax M"t. art. Imirf.n,. uiu.iu..u. .. . ' tu-r.imiotancr.tsieeplMiuiMa.eta.raa-. cntioat. TW. vuitklu ami wrll -.j ,ii. rKiora VMS VIUUit In old or roast, uid w l a mu tor tudr.bailaou or marritc. H?'?.l,l9B-The!! sLnvi lmmadl.u lunrcm. SwiS.?!,"0" swauuo to .it oct a can In Mcb ciuo SiftT? ,tu11 ttnun for taXoStmiEU AJAX MEDY CO., w5S2rS For sale in Salem Or., P)D. nty drngsUr OASTOBlt a mta, Tha Kind Yea H3" alwars Bought (f BuTswiAiLHsil 1 1 E tta 20u Miles wguiaro of umz&t