DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL . ! VOL, 9 SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 18S8, NO, 317 i!L ft FAIR PRI6E for a good article is the point we alwa) s have in view, This insures your supplies at Manufacturers' Price..,. with, not a fancy, but a living profit added, Our line of Men's, Boys and Children's Suits arc the best we have ever shown, and after 25 years of experience we feel confident that wc can give you the best that money can buy G- W-JOHNSON & CO- 120 State IlllllllilN! OF SHOES, Wo' KRAUSSB BROS. 275 COMMERCIAL riTREET. WHY ARE THE- Two Branchesof Hie Orason Los Called to meet on the 2Gth day of September, in Salem, Oregon ? Because there exists an emergency that should be corrected, FIRST That several persons are making money out of UiK by charging enormods proQts on their wares. SECOND That they palm off spurious Roods and charge first-class prices and to correct these errors the governor In his message to the legislature will 8ayThat thoy pass an appropriation so that all the employes will have money and not vouchers, and they will not be compelled to ro to the high-priced, stares for their wares (who credits and charges an enormous per cent) so as the customer, who pays cash, stands the losses for the delay of the old-timers. The people will be ordered to purchase their wares at 2 Friedman's Which Is opposite Bush's watering tank, where you will find a complete assortment of clothing, and where they will give you fits In Men s, "louth's and f "Sfdren'a Clothing, where a full line of Wnishing Goods la kept; where theleve -headed people Will Und hats; and, for a good understanding, you will zetvour Shoes at Friedman's New Racket. The ladles who want to be ff taahhfn will ge "their laces, trimmings and embroideries, tablecloths nap kins, towels and pillow shams', ana fancy goods at Friedman's New Racket. Under the new laws you will be required to keep your neseclean: you will therefore buy your handkerchiefs at Friedman's. It will be the headquarters of memberVKe legislature when the house is not In session. In fact, no member of the legislature will be entitled to a Beat In the house or senate, unless he shows some article purchased at frledman's. Remember the place, Corner State and Commercial Streets. Salem. Something Striking for the Woodman, machinist, shoe, maker, carpenter, plumber, tlnser, farmer, blacksmith, etc., at GRAY BROS SALEM OREGON. Tools of all descriptions. w t BTr,T!V. Vnndnal. Salem, Oregon. Fall work will begin Monday. September l2:MT''eEudwt system of Bookkeeping and Intercommunication system of business P" "?& Every eotrv from the beginning is made f rem the business papers Issued ani received. We offer five ceurses: Business. Shorthand. English, Penmanship and Typewriting. Tufi school bas a record for iwrouKhoeand DroKrvcnwi. IndlrW ualiwtructlon. Pleasant study rooms, Experienced Jacberfc Moclero methods and appliances. Tuition and board reasonable. The principal will be found at the college office each day to answei Inquiries, bend or call for catalogue street. StOGK Our fall stock or shoes and rubber poods have arrived, we arc now pre pared to 1111 your wants in our line. We have double the stock, trebble the 6tyle and as low prices as any house in the city. We also carry Banagan rubbers, the only rubbers made tint are warranted and have over 100 cases more rubber goods than any other concern in Salein. Call and sec our line. islature New Racket, L ONDON CABLES. All of Great Britain Suffering from a Drouth North London Paralyzed by a Street Car Famine, The East End Short of Water Other European Events. (Special cable letter to afternoon pa pers, copyrighted 1898 by the Associated Press.) London, Sept, 17. The drought continues throughout the greater part of Great Britain. WATEll SUPPLY BAD. The outcry in the cast end of Lon don, where the supply of water has been reduced, Is taking the form of public meetings which violently de nounce the East End Water Comv pany. THK CAUTAMINE. The north of London is suffering from a street car famine, due to a big strike of the hostlers, the English name for car operators. EMULATE THE WEST. The whole of Great Britain lias been startled by an epidemic of railroad outrages. The theory is that the crimes arc the work of a band of train wreckers emulating the far west hold-ups, THE PRINCE OP WALES. After passing eight weeks In an in valid's chair, the Prince oc Wales Is this week able to walk u few steps ith the aid of a stick. LIONIZED IN FRANCE. TheDukcofConnaught has been the hero of the French army manouvers around Mouline, which he attended as President Faure'd chief guest. ATTACKING HISMARK. The leading newspapers are scaths lngly reviewing Herr Morltz Busch's life of Prince Blsmark recently pub lished. The general opinion is that both the author and his Idol suffered by the revelations made. TURKS TO DISARM. Candia. Sept. 17. Admiral Noel, the British naval doaimander, last evening handed Edham Pasha, the Turkish military governor, the de mand for the disarmament, of the Mussulman population. The Pasha Is awaiting the Instructions of the Turkish government. A LARGE Fall and Winter Goods of all description at the very lowest racket prices for spot cash at 274 Gommercial Sk.Xa3E32liOC'S Headquarters for Bargains. Wc are now ready to show you a full line Fall Clothing, Trunks, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Valises, Etc, at very low prices. Call and examine our goods and prices before buying. 98 State street. . WINTER ORION GREEN i 205 Commercial street, Salem, will pay DR. HALL DEAD. ,v Belfast, Ireland, Sept. 17. Key. Dr. John Hall, of New York, Wed tills morning, at Banger, county Down. Paris, Sept. 17. Zcurllnden,' the minister of war, has tendered his res ignation. Tills marks the disolutlon of the French cabinet growl ngj'out of the Dreyfus military scandal probed by Zola. A DREYFUS COMMISSION. . Paris, Sept. 17. At a meeting of the cabinet ministers it was today, de cided to submit the decision of Itho Dreyfus case to a commission to be appointed by the minister of jusiicc. i Liquor Dealer I Disappears and "Was 'last Seen in Southern Oregolj; .'A .A (By Associated Press to The Journal.) San Francisco, Sept. 17 For twenty-four days John Wolf, of this city, a wholesale liquor dealer, has been missing. He was last seen In Southern Oregon with considerable money, in company with a compara tive stranger. lie should liaye reached Roscburg on August 27. Formosa Rebellion; Troubles for the Japanlse in the Islaand They Took- From China. (By Associated Press to The Journal,) Tacoma, Sept. il7. Mall advices from J apan state another formidable rebellion against Japanese rulehas broken out in Formosa. Two bailies hayc been fought. The tribes swere defeated by Japanese troops. Many were killed and wounded on eaclr side. J .Austrian Sorry i & the Latest Development of French Ministerial Crisis. (By Associated Press to the Journal.) Vienna, Sept. 17 Mr. Emperor Francis Joseph this morning received the special representatives of foreign soveielgns. The inhabitants of the city are streaming in dense crowds towards the chapel of Iloflberg and defiling before the casket containing the re mains of the late empress. A New W?r Minister. Paris, Sep. 17. It Is reported that the portfolio of minister of war will be offered to General Lebrun, or M. DeFreycinct, and if they refuse to accept oQlcc M. Brlsson will assume the duties of minister of war In ad dition to the premiership. LINE OF st, Salem, Or, APPLES- DRIED FRUIT CO. cash for allj kinds shipping apple. PEACE MAKERS Sagasta Names His Members of the Cabinet Progress in Taking Possession of Porto Rice. First Spanish Vessel in New York Since Peace Was Declared. (By Associated Press to Tho Journal.) Respectfully Declined. Washington, Sopt. 17. General Scholleld announced today that he would not serve as a member of the commission to Inyest'gate the con duct of the war. First Spanish Steamer. Mew Yonic. Sept. 17. The Span ish steamer Grantllla arrived this morning from Havana, this is ,ho Urst Spanish steamer to arrive ln this port since the declaration of war with Spain. She brought eight cabin passengers and a small cargo. Spanish Commission, London. Sept. 17. A special from Madrid says: "The Spanish peace commissioners were appointed today. They arc Scnor Montcrct Uicos, presi dent of the senate, who Is president of the commission, General Ccrrero and Scnors Abnarzuza, Tlllarruda and Garcia. The commission start for Paris on September 25. Taking Porto Rice. San Juan rfc Porto Rice corresond- enceof the Associated Press bus these details: Tho American com mlssloncrs appointed to arrange the terms of the evacuation ol the Island may encounter many problems uimcuib ui suiuwuu, uuu ii is mo geneial belief here that the Spanish commissioners, despite the professed anxiety of some of tho highest Span ish officials to dlspaicn this work and relinquish control as soon as possible, will exercise their skill to secure every advantage. They are desperate, und will get under our guard If such a thing is possible. Win Jo it is likely that Gen. Brooke may have virtual Control of this city within a few weeks, It may be some time longer before the lust vestige of Spanish authority is re moved. In fact, our commissioners appear convinced that they will be able to complete their work insido of live or six weeks. Colonel Hunter, secretary of the commission; Major Carson, disbursing agent;Mr. Hunter, legal adviser of the commislon, and one or two others, are here, but some of clerks and stenographers have not yet arrived. Just how the commission will pro ceed it will be impossible to guess un til the two setsof commissioners meet. Their instructions are known only to themselves. Their functions are purely military, and would seem to be limited, under the terms of the pro. tocol. to arranging the details of evac uation and the transfer of all Spanish government propert to the united States. At the first blush this would seem a simple operation, necessitating only an Inventory of the government prop erty on the island an distinguished frotn tne .property or tue provinces, municipalities aud the towns, its transfer to the United States and the departure of the Spanish troops. But it is lniimaieu mac me spanisn au thorities possibly for their govern ment, but more probably for them selves hope to save something out of tue wrecK. Just how they expect to do this passes comprehension, but those who are In the counsels of the past assert that they will be able to do so. As the session of the island to the United States carries with It all pub lic property, fortlgcallons, buildings, lands, etc.. there Is an intimation that the Spanish will demand componsa- iinn ior guns mounicu in lor nida tions. If they are to remain, or In a lazy sort of way or other things. rue examination or government titles will bo a laborous task. In ad dition to the regular government property, formication, buildings, railroads and telegraphs, the Spanish government owns, oi did own. some Dunaings used as residences or of ficials, scmlpubllc property, with a considerable amount of crown land. Some of this land Is situated In Kan Juan, and Is very yaluablej HOTEL WILLAMETTE, Among arrival today were the fol fel fol eowing: 8. C. Swectland, A. Kloster, F. G, Young, Chicago; D. If. Shases, Thos, Many. Anthony Cooper. W. Ii. Fried- cricks, Julln Bryan, Portland; II. W. rails, Kansas uny: uavoueer, .New Yerk: I). It. N. Blackburn. Albany: S. V. Panter, City; V. P, Moore, Cleveland, O. H, S, Golden, Astoria; J. O. Perry, J, O. Jans, Ban Fran cisco. A.JSt'X'OXt.X.A.. Iba Kind Yw Hw Atari Bootf SWttU VfuXtn a Jim Hill Jubilant. Chicago Capitalists Hand Him Over the B. & 0. Railroad. With the Great Northern He Now Has a Transcontinental Line. (By Associated Press to the Journal) Chicago, Sept. 17... The Times Harald says: Philip D. Armour, Marshall Field and Norman n, Beam have secured control of the Baltimore and Ohio rallrcad and havo made James J. Hill, president of tho Great Northern, tho dominating factor In the reorganization of tho system. QReam engineered the deal, by whclh his wealth, that of Hill, Armour and Field gained the controlling Interest of tho Baltimore and Ohio, which henceforth will be sustained In trans continental affairs by the Immense mileage of the Great Northern. Hill Is in a jubilant frame of mind and would not deny realizing his dream of having a road from 'the Paclllcto the Atlantic. Labor Leaders. Indicted by the Grand Jury and .Many Minors Imprisoned. (By Associated Press to Tho Journal.) Pana, Ills., Sept. 17. The Grand jury has indicted thirty-six miners, Including thelotllcers of the Unlon,for participating In riots. Many miners have been placed In jail. Among those Indicted for intimidating other laborers were John Mitchell, national vice-president, Johh Russell, state yice-presldcnt, and Thos. Iladdow, member of the state labor bureau. $3, jUUUjUUUl Tied Up by an Injunction Against a Big College Bequest. (By Associated Press to Tho Journal.) oNkw Yoiiic, Sept. 17.--Judg La comb has a signed order restraining tho trustees of twenty colleges and universities from disposing of any money paid to them for alleged trust In, or concerning the estate of Daniel C. Faycrwcather. The colleges were to receive $120,000 each from tho estate. Judge Lacomb's order tics up $2,005,000. Honoring the Empress And Reflecting the Sympathies of Our Country, President McKinley and the Cabinet Attended a Funeral Mass, (By Associated Press to tho Journal.) Washington, Sopt. 17. An Im posing funeral mass, commemorating Empress Elizabeth, of Austria, was celebrated utSt. Matthews Cathedral today. Cardinal Gibbons was the celebrant. The ceremonial was of flcal in character and under the au spices of the Austrian minister and among those In utteudunce were Pres ident McKinley and members cabinet and ambassadors and ministers of foreign governments, und representa tives of tho United States army and navy and supreme court. Tho Austrlun minister. Von Hengcl Mullur, uttended with all members or his stalf.jCardlnal Gib bons said: "Tho man that strikes ut the ruler of a nation Is an enemy of social order. Public peace and tran quility depend on tho execution of the laws." Tho Cardinal paid a touching tilbute to the beauty nf character of the late empress, and asked that prayers be given, not only for the repose of her soul, but alf o solace for the stricken emperor, Wheat Market. (By Associated Press to The Journal.) Chicaqo, Sept. 17. Cash wheat No. 2, spring (HfjjOGlc. San Piuncisco, Sept. 17. Cash wheat 81. IS. Steep your tea; don't boihir. Directions in every pack age of Schillings Bat, H Jamaica Hurricane. A Kingston Jamaica, cablegram says the hurrlcano of Sunday was un- aoubtedly the worst visitation of the kind experienced by tho West Indies during the century. Two huTlcancs swept along the Island chain from Barbadoes westward to St. Vincent, and thence northwest to St. Kltt?, where It was last heard from. Bar badocs suffered mostly from tho rain which destroyed crons and mads ns It did at St. Lucia and other Islands, while tho center of tho storm swept over St. Vincent and Guadaloupc. Details received from St. Vincent show that great destruction of life and property took place there. Out of a population of 41,000. 300 wero killed, and 20,000 Injured and rendered home less. Besides this, owing to the com plete destruction of provisions, they are all starving. The Island has been absolutely gutted by wind and floods from the mountains In addition to the waves along the coast. There has been great loss to thlp ping along the trach of the cyclone. Relief funds are being raised In re sponse to tho appeal of tho governor of St. Vincent, where all descriptions of food, clothing and other necessities wero lost In the general destruction. Tho demand for building materials Is unlimited. No details of tho work of the hurricane haye been received from Guadaloupc. Black Ships. Washington, Sopt. 17. It Isiscml officially announced that tho nayy de partment has decided to garb the ships of war In somber huo of black paint, Instead of returning to tho hulls of white, which, beforo the be ginning of the lato war, distinguished tho American navy from that of for eign nations. The change, as ex plained, was recomraenden on a purely ecomlcal basis, It being demonstrated that while white paint was more at tractive and much cooler wiien the ships were In tho tropics, at the same tlmo It was more difficult to keep them In "ship shape and Bristol fashion," and naturally excessive quantities had to he used to coyer blotches that always manifested themselves. Copper Mines, Lono Creek, Sopt. 17.--J. S. Hughes, an old-time printer, but of lute years a prosnector and miner, yesterday reported that ho hud re- centlyJocatod-two-copper-claims -at tho head of Dixie creek, In tho QuarUlhirg district, which he thought would provo of great Importance when fully dovcloped. Mr, Hughes says the lowest gavo a return of $28 per ton and the highest $02.23. The oro contains a small per cent of sliver and gold, but. the real value lies In tho tho copper. The Branch Asylum Case, Tho Eastern Oregon Asylum war rant caso was argued boforo Judgo Boisoot tho Marlon county circuit court. District Attorney Hayden and J. II. McNury, (appeared on one side, and Win. II. Holmes and Judgo Moreland on the other. Judge Bolso took tho case under advisement and set no tlmo when he would render an opinion. Asked Ic this would end tho liti gation Judge Morcland said: "God only knows when wo will got through with It. This Is not the end by any means. SALEM'S GREATEST STORE. JSoe' Clotbing PLUSH CAPES Made of tho eclobruted Salts Seal Plush. Our stock is now complete. Come In and havo us show you tho $2,50 one equal to other 83,00 and $3X0 yulues. Silk Petticoat A beautiful now lino Jut opened. Also In J'luln Muieens. Changeable Moreens, Near Silks, Satlncs, Cotton Talfetas, etc. Steel Rod Umbrellas 20 Inch, good cloth, nickel swedgo, natural wool handle, worth 75or85c Our price 69c, JOSEPH MEYERS k SONS, Phone 1, 278 280Comniorc!a! street, corner Court I Mown. Aciuai tests Mum It geei m. tkJrd farther tfcan nj other brcai. POWDER Absolutely Purs KOVAt UMNO rowtCft CO., tICW 9K. Gen. Toral Assaulted. Viao, Spain, Sept. 17. About 700 peoplo besieged the house of General Torol and demanded that the troops which arrived from Santiago do Cuba, on board the Spanish steamer Leon XIII, bo Immediately landed. When they saw tho soldiers landing, bare footed and nearly naked, they becamo infuriated and surrounded Toral's house, hooting, hissing and stoning the building. Eventually the Span ish general succeeded In escaping to the Leon XIII. On learning this, tho mob gathered on tho dock and stoned tho steamer for a halt hour, smashing tho cabin windows. Tho Leon was obliged to leave tho placo where sho was anchored. Five steamers arc ready to transport the returning Spanish soldiers, and tho civil officers with the archives and munitions of war from Cuba, but it Is believed it will take four months, and cost 80,000,000 pesetas to bring the troops back to Spain. Get More and von Get Less Why is it every sarsaparilla which tries to sell itself, ranges itself against Ayer's as tho stand ard ? Why is it that all havo to offer extra inducements bigger . bottlos, fancy wrappers, cheaper prico anything, everything, but tho ono inducement of quality 7 Ajjer's larsoporiiia has novor boen equaled by any cheap imitation of it, and quality tells, just as blood tells. It Is Ibe standard. " I havo sold Ayer's Sarsaparllla for more than twentr-fivo years, and havo never heard anything bnt words of praise from my customers ; not a single complaint haa ever reached me. A preparation must possess groat merit to maintain such a repu tation. I bollevo your sarsaparllla to be tho best blood purifier that has ever been introduced to the general public. I often hear other manufacturers say that this is "as good as Avor's," but no one ever yet hoard it said that Ayer's was "ns good "as any other kind. They always sot Ayer's up as tho standard of excellence." B. i Doyce, Duluth, Minn. "' PLAYTIME IS PAST School begins .1b a few days. I& the boy ready? Bring him to us. Tho famous Cantwearout suit sold by us exclus ively in Salem, notwithstanding the assertions mada by others, Knee pant school suits, best made, $2.00. . Knee pant school suits, best tnado $3.00. 4 llAnAii tkfinL If Will tvnnt. It. 1LCB.11 rA 4UUMVJ' V JVM iuv v w. satisfaction Iicre. The Royal Is the klgkett grade Mtfof pwrfw &AKIH0