W&pgjJllJuBui'' 'iiii.1 w w Mil w rn jai Jii' ii itu mjj f-a--' wjn'immn jLmi.i'imj! i... n. mm win iiiujiimihwiii R f r r?s M. i; ', Sain Capital Journal UV HOKBH BROTHBRS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST i, 1898. OmAT. Om T 3.00, la Adraaoe. fluiey, rw Moetfc $1.00, le Advanoe. WaMy, Ose Year $1.00, In Advance M'KINLKY'S TEMERITY. Mr. McKlnley lias been subjected to some undue criticism for his course In calling on the people for an expression of their whiles In tlio Fhlllplno matter. He lias been mildly ridiculed as "holding his carlo the ground" and charged with Indecision and Inability tomako up his own mind. It Is said that he ought to'go ahead and use his own Judgment iwlthout consulting anybody. This Is all unlusttothe President. GOLDEN STATE ISSUE3. It is motives that make the criminal. If a man sincerely docs the best he can, ho ought not to be too severely berated. It may be yery true that our presi dent ought to have enough backbone to fire Mr. Alger bodily out of tho cabinet. Rut he hasn't gob It, and that fact must bo taken Into consid eration, lie Is n weak many and always has been, and that is preclwly the reason that he was placed In the presidential chair In the year of our Lord 1897. Now, In view of this rcgretablo but undeniable fact, Isn't It better, when he Is In doubt on a question of public policy, that he should try to get an expression from tho people of tho whole couutry.than that ho should consult only eoruo llttlo clique of politicians or "financiers" or ''mor chant princes" In Now York or Wash ington? Isn't It better that ho should hold his ear to tho ground than to tho lips of Mark Hanna? It Is not at all surprising that ho should bo ccn censured in somo quarters for any attempt to tako tho people Into his confidence and ask their wishes, but ho certainly ought to recelvo nothing but encouragement from tho"ground ings." If Mr. McKlnloy Is sincerely deal, rnus of carrying out tlio wishes of tho lmajority of tho American people, let "us wish him good luck, and hope that ho may correctly divine the sentiment of tho majority, whether It spells Imperialism or not. It the majority could really rulo In this country, we would havo llttlo to complain of, A MENDACIOUS VIEW. The platform adopted by the Demo cratic party of California Is a lengthy document.oTho financial plank Is as follews: "We re-afllrm our allegiance to the National platform of tho Democratic Party adopted at Chicago in 1890, and specifically declare our adherence to the paramount purpose enunciated in that platform, viz: A return to the constitutional system of free and unlimited coinage of both gold and sllyer as money at the ratio of 10 to 1, without waiting for tho consent of any other nation." Tho platform endorses the war as follews: "We endorse action of congress In declaring war against the government of Spain for the puprpose of secur ing liberty to the people of Cuba and of putting an end to the long 'continued oppression and gross mis government under which they havo suffered. We congratulate the peoplo of tho United States upon the In order to make their defeat more certain, the Sacramento convention reaffirms allegiance to the Chicago platform and condemns tho war with Spain. To demonstsato moro fully their demogogy, and to play upon the prejudices of tho Ignorant with false hoods, they oppose tho guarantee by tho Uuitcd States of tho Cuban debt and charge tho present administra tion with intending to pay theso claims, Baker City Republican, In another column will be found tho full text of all that Is suld In tho Sacramento platform In regard to tho war and tho Cuban debt. Read It over carefully and then seo what you think of tlio uuspcukablo mondaolty of tho redoubtable "Col." Alley. Tun JouiiNAi. doesn't ordinarily care todevoto anyspaco to that klud of cattle, and breakH Its rulo this time solely to glvo an "object lesson" of the sort of rellablo polltcul nows tho party of mummoth Intellect Is depending on aud paying for In Ore gon. Truly "tho Amerlcau people like to bo humbugged" and It Is safo to assort that suppartora of tho Re publican press got their full monoy's worth. ' Still Itseeuis strango that tho party whlclicontalnsallof tlio honor and honesty, brains and Intelligent of ' America, should llko a steady diet of lies made up of whole cloth, and such a very poor quality of clotb at Unit. Do they neycrchoko? speedy and successful termination of tho war for the accomplishment of this purpose. We rejoice In the suc cess that has come to American arms on lahdand sea, and glory in the bravery and skill of the soldiers and sailors of our country. The sublime courage and fortitude displayed by our land and naval forces In achley Ingtho victories of Manila and San tiago have shown to the world the value of freo Institutions, universal suffrage, and general public education In developing tho highest qualities of character, .Intelligence and courage, making our volunteer soldiers trained In the schools of stitc militia organi zations more than equal to those who compose tho great standing standing armies of Europe." It lays down good American doc trine as follews: "Wo favor tho fullest Investigation of all conditions existing In the Phil ippine Islands affecting tho Interests and obligations of our country In the matter or tholr future treatment and disposition, to tho end that final action In relation thereto shall be in telligent and baHed upon a full knowl edge of all facts that can affect the Interests of tho United States. While wo do notjfavor an nggresslvo policy of territorial expansion, we arc opposed to tho surrender to Spain of any of tlio territory that has been acquired by American valor and tho expendit ure of the blood and treasure of our people. And wo do not favor tho surrender to Spanish dominion of the peoplo of any of the Spanish colonics who co-oporated with our forces against our enemy In thclato war. Wo are unalterably opposed to the assumption by this Government of any portion of tho debts of Spain Incurred In maintaining her sovereignity In Cuba, and to the Imposition of any portion thereof upon tho people of that Island, or to any recognition thereof." It rejoices In the obliteration of sectional linos; and commends "tho course of the reinocratlc minority In congress In having acted with unani mity and without partisan division on all measures for tho support of our arms In the war with Spain," It favors "tho lmmedluto construction of tho Nicaragua ship canal by tho United States goyornmont, aud Its ownership, operation 1 and permanent control by tho government." Itjalso demands "election of United States senators by direct vote of tho peoplo of the states, and wo pledge our sonators and representatives In congress to vote for the submission of such au amoudment to tho Federal constitution," and favors "tho enact ment of a general primary election law, fair and Just to all parties and sections, providing for tho election by the Australian ballot uudor state con trol and at public expense, of dele gates to ull party conventions called for tho purpose of nominating can didates for publlo olllco." Tho plat form goes Into state Issues ex- haiistlvely:and "demands" jand "de nounces" with an unsparing baud, It Is too long, and whllo wo 111a ad mire tho courage of tho convention wo cannot commend Its Judgniont, FROM TROPICAL CLIMES. Another Interesting Letter From far Away Manila. One of Salem's popular young ladles received a letter from Joe Evans, now with the Co. K at Manila and ha kindly allowed us lo use part of It. The letter Is written on the backs of old records taken from the ancient Spanish arsdnal at Cayltc and Is quite n curio. We will quote extracts from It. Cavitk Ansr.NAL, July 18, 1 80S. A few short months ago 1 had no idea that I would ever be hero with a distance of 8819 miles traveled since enlisting on May 10, 80.10 of 1 hem by water, by land 011 cars 772 and tl.o balance 11 nille by march, this does not Includ". any of our drills, Follow ing Is the dally reutine: First call Tor reveille 4:45, assembly 4:S3, reveille 0:00 (this is u. m. not. p. in.) Then we have breakfast which consists of coffee and biscuits which occasionally are substituted by hot cakes with syrup made from sugar. From 0 to 7 we drill, except on Saturday and Sun day, grand mount conies off about 8 o'clock and wo don't do much of any- tuing rrom that till mess which Is at 12 111. We hold the morning drills so early on account of the heat In the forenoons which Is the hottest part of the day. In the afternoons It gener ally clouds up and occasionally It thunders "to beat the band" and oh no It ddn't rain It Just spills out, no Oregon mists here. 1 am the company clerk which was some what of a snap up till yesterday when I was not excused from drill ary longer, but no other work do I have to do except to keep the books of the company. I am excused from all guard and fatigue duty, but my time Is pretty well taken up as the hooks were In a pretty bad condition as Will Wann who used to keep them took sick and now lies In the hospital with consumption and that left the work In a bad shape for 1110 to take up. Here goes tapirso must (Inlsh tomorrow, Yesterday we not only received mall but got word that Sampson had sunk Ceryera's cntlroiflcct. Well you can Imagine the "three times three" that wo gave, and I suppose old Salem turned herself loose and celebrated accordingly. Honolulu Is simply a paradise, but since we left there It becomes Paradise Lost, tho streets and yards are simply one grand park, tho folllage Is Im mense and words cannot dlcrlbc Its grandure. It puts one very much In mind of Golden Gate Park in San I'rancisco. The houses are all low, being mostly one story, and some with very thick walls. The streets arc narrow, with sldowalks about 2J or 3 rcet wldo con sisting of cement or gravel. The climate too Is delightful, tho warm est part of tlio day being about l) a. 111. after which a cool brtczo springs up and the rest of tlio day Is delightful. The peoplo Include nearly every nationality on the face of the globe, We passed within sight of the island of Molokol, whero all lepers are sent, and It (Ills one wlih sym iiuuiy nun piiy ior mono people as you look toward tho Island In tho distance aud think or tho Hying death they are suffering, exiled from home, friends and loved ones, eyen though thoy aio slmplo minded natives, mostly. In this country, and we have an hour's drill beginning at 4:30 p. tu and at Op. m. retreat Is sounded directly after which the band plays, "The Star Spangled Manner" while everyone stands at attention. Next we havo mess and there Is nothing mom, fnT the evening, Tattoo Is sounded at 8 o'clock, quarters at 8:31 and taps (lights out) at 9 p. m. Really 1 cannot realize that It Is summer there, they call this their winter here, and I sincerely hope that I shall be In a cooler clime before summer comes. A couple or days atrn w. Mm r- - j v Second battallion. took our tents, guns and ammunition, and went out about throe miles and spent the day In target practice. We could plainly hear the lirlnir going on at Manila, between the insurgents and Spanish, which Is kept up almost Incessantly. Manila Is about live or seven miles from Cavltc by water, and about, liftccn miles by land, which Is almost impossible being very marshy. We are expecting orders at any moment to break camp here and move toward Manila. We no longer wear the overcoat blue uniforms, anil brats buttons as on the day we left the boat. We all got new suits, color brown, the trous ers are regular overalls, well In ract, the coat is too. they are mnrln nf brown denim. From your friend, Jon Evans. Hood's An gaining favor rapidly, mm. m B linslness men and travel- flf. I I a kr carry them In vest r I I I $k IKKkda, lidli crry them In mrf, liotisrkrrperi knp them In medicine . !om, frlrmlt recommend them to friends. 23c. FUN AND PHILOSOPHY. - Compiled fmni New York Life, America's greatest Illustrated Humor ous weekly. Imperialism Is International klep tomania. No man can humiliate you except yourscii. . Failure consists In giving up, not In not succeeding. The history of Spain Is an almost unbroken succession of not having a thing done to her. The man with no cloak but his virtue will bo arrested if he yentures out of doors. Selllshness does not consist In pushing one's own Interests, but In Ignoring tho Interest of others. Soldiers Farewell Address. Washington, Aug. 23. A docu ment entirely unique In the annuals of warraic v as cabled to tho war de partment by General Shatter. It Is In the form or a congratulatory rare well address, Issued to the soldiers of the American army by Pedro Lopez dc Castillo, a private Spanish soldier, onliehalfof 11,000 Spanish soldiers. No slnilllar document, perhaps, was eyerberore Issued toa victorious army by a vanquished adversary. The pres ident was very much Impressed by the address, and, after reading It carefully authorized Its publication. The let ter Is addressed to the soldiers of the American army and says: "We would not be rullllilmr our duty, as well-born men, In whoe breasts there lives gratitude and courtesy, should we embark, for our beloyed Spain without sending toyou our most cordial and sincere good wishes and farewell. We rough t you with ardor, with all our strength, endeavoring to gain victory, but without the slightest rancor or hate towards the American nation. We have been vanqlshcd by you, but our surrender, and the bloody battles, preceedlng, have left 111 our souls no place for resentment against men who rought us nobly and gallantly. You rought in compliance with the same call or duty as we, ror we all but represent the power or our respectlye states. You rought us as exactly with all the laws and usages or war, as recognized by the armies the most civilized nations or the World. With tills hllfll SRntlinr.nr.nr appreciation rrom us all, there re mains but to express our farewell, and with the greatest sincerity, we wish yon all happiness and health. "(Signed) From .11,000 Spanish soldiers. Pedro Lopez dc Castillo sol dier of infantry."" liugeue.-A. J, Plckard, tho cattlo buyer, will Bhlp a train loadofcattbi to Chicago next Tuesday. Two or three carloads will bo shlnrw,i f,. this point and the rest from points down the valley, most of thorn going from Albany, Tho cattle aro for an Eastern Arm, Baker City-Tjio-wool markothero lsde4 at rimum.. t-n..., ........ I,... i .. ---.... kiiiiyig UIU IIUIU- K for HorlC cents, which Is about two ci$a above buyora' Jlgnrcs, Ordered North. i"Wct!, Au. Jiwriio Illness among Urn American troops U on tho ln- WH thjelr xre now nearly a ietMofof malaria and dysont- ; m few of typhpld, Thero Is M recuBeratlvo prosertv WHM 1 Surisen-General i WWt)y recflw (winded be Wrtlt'unrlll na ro.,1,11.. -...,. .... .MlllltfJ. Halues-Last Friday night at tho barkeeper at Worley's saloon was clos ing up for tho tilaht, two masked it.cn entered and compelled him to cough up all tho money avoilablo, $1 12,75. nicy men snipped out and have not bflen apprehended. la. Back to Health Aftor Long lllneap Heed's Sarsa- purllla. Restored Coed Health- Now as Strong na Ever. "After an illneaa of two yeara, during which time I underwent several surgical ojieratlona, I at last began to Improve, but my Improvement vvua o alow that I bo- caaio uuoouraged. I waa yety muoh run down and I did sot havo any appetite. I did not care to live. One day I met a friend who bad taken Hood'a BanaparllU and who urged tao to try It. I ooatented. aud after 1 kid take a few doeea I began to feel Utter and bad a Utter appetite. J. gained from two to tkrw pound a wec wd grew atroager every day. I took two er three bottle of HooaVa BawaparllU. IUdlMHttlMutnrrulu. 11.J to heaub." Hotly BouKsas, 19 Orand Ayea, hiU Portias. Oregon. Hood's Effii. tu l OaTtv 4oo4 Purlfler. ,-.,., , meteforaa. MC.ef to operate, so. I noticed In one of the papers lrom Oregon yesterday, a picture or a Spanish beauty, well, I wish to good ness I might havo the pleasure or seeing one as wo havo seen nothing but natives hero and they aro very small looking, something like a Chinaman and you can lmuglno the ulf.lt. Mr .1 . .i.i. ..1.1 . . lignum u nuiiu Kin now WOIIKI 00 a most pleasant sight and welcome, too. After leaving San Francisco I had my share of seasickness and felt a a llttlo dizzy again when wo sailed Into thochalfy and turbulent waters mum uiinin seas, Hut outside of that I havo enjoyed excellent health and am troubled only with an Im mense uppellte, which, whllo on board the ship, was not always an. peased, as our rations wero slim aud not any too well cooked either, but now tho faro Is good under tho cir cumstances. Last Sunday's bill of faro I will send von r..r iim,.- Chicken soup, biscuits, onion stow, ooiied jKitatoes, vinegar pie, eoileo and hardtack, For today, July, lu, dinner: Mut ton chops, iHitatoes, biscuits and colTeo This Is very good, but 011 ooarugoiugtmtweofUsn had a stew which consisted of a comgloiiieratlon of ovcrytulng in the bill of faro aud somo things dilch wero not. IfielluveUtartediUi tell you the nay s pntgrutn ami only got as far as tho noon moss. After mess wo usually bleep for an hour or mi, which U considered necessary U good health "My wife always agrees with me." "How on earth do you manage It?" "I llrst lint outlier opinion." Scene: Two small boys prepaung to attack a very stout man. Mickey: Hit, him on the solar plexus, Chlmmle. You can't miss It. Jacebs: I see py dls paper dot iJlum- sicln's sthorc was burned yesterday. Isaac (much shocked): A7y, I always thought tint Ulumsteln was makln money. V.,,..,.. T -. r . j """k jjuwjun i. spent nearly an hour yesterday trying to" convince that client of mine he was Innocent. Old Lawyer: Oh, well, never mind! you'll piobably be able to convlnco the Judge he's guilty in half the time. J'list nocter: I've got to make a trip out of town tomorrow. oeconu Docter: Huslncss or pleas urc? "Jloth. I'm going wealthy patient." to operate on a Floorwalker; We'10 not getting enough prolit 011 theso ,'goods, and thoy don't sell anyway. Tho Proprieter: Well, mark them upninety.elghtcents and nut tnpm on tho bargain counter. La Grippe, Followed by Heart Disease, Cured Off. MILE8 HEART CURE. by SLm ?;tamvt;i' frtrar tViJBnM. ySjl raeaaaaira I JBBBBBBmfrrcXf?' AMVTTLv yliaaaaaaaaaaaaFsW. W Number of Auxiliary Cruisers Reduced. Nr.w Youir, Aug. 23,-Tlic Unllcd States auxiliary naval force, which a wcek.ago consisted of 41 vessels in commission, says the Washington correspondent of the Tribune was re duced to 2.') vessels yesterday, and by the end or this week It will haye disappeared altogether until another war shall call It into service. As a result or the experience gained by the combination or the auxiliary roice and the coastline signal system, It will be .'possible, ir a formal-Inva sion of this country Is hereafter con templated, to provide speedily for the mobilization of nn effective system or defence. When Captain John It. Hartlett was put In command or the auxiliary na val rorcc on July i) he proceeded energetically to get all Its vessels promptly Into commission and to or ganize the force on the basis which was Intended by the Valuers or J the Joint resolution which created it. The force was distributed in nine districts six on thvAtIaiitic coast, two on the Gulf and oncon the Pacific and the complete organization was pet footed lu a single month. Under tho original plan, tho assist ants to the chler In the various dls trlcts wero to bs otlleer.s rrom Mm local naval militias who had entered the United Slates service, and the vessels In each district were to be manned by tho men of the nayal militia of that district, who had boen mustered Into the auxiliary naval forces. This plan was carried out fully. SAGASTA'S ORDERS. Instrucuons For the Cuban and Porto Rican Commissioners. London, Aug. 22.-The Times correspondent In Madrid says: "A committee, consisting of Duke Almodovarde Rio, the foreign iulnis ter;Senor Romero Olron, minister of the colenies: Lleutenant-Oeneral Corrca, minister of war, and Captain Aunou, minister of marine, Is pre paring Instructions for the Cuban and Port Itlcan commissioners, which will be dispatched on August 31, so as to arrive within the time fixed by the protocol. "In these Instructions attention will be called to the distinction be tween cession or territory and cession of sovereignity. In the lattercase It seems to be maintained here that buildings and public works will here remain the property or the sovereign power until they are paid ror by the government. "Certain members or the cabinet arc or the opinion that the coinmls slon will have first or all to determine some local and administrative modus vlvendl during the transitional period until tho evacuation Is completed. "Meanwhile, the Government will probably call the attention ot the cabinet at Washington to the tact that while the Insurgent leaders profess to accept the armistice, their subordinates continue to carry on bos tllltles against outlying Spanish garrisons. "While the government thus tie yotes its attention for a moment chiefly to questions of details relat Ing to the Antilles, much anxiety Is felt with regard to the Philippines question, which Is likely to create much more serious dlfllcultlcs, On this subject yery little guidance Is af forded by the studiously vague terms employed In the protocol. These words have been carefully examined with the aid of all available diction aries, not only by Spanish ministers, but also by the diplomatic representa tives of several foreign powers, and all seemed agreed that In drafting this part of the protocol, President McKinley'saliu was simply to keep a freo hand for himself until he should have time to collect .Informa tion and de-jlilc what policy the United States should adopt In the far east. ".All possible questions regarding the future of the archipelago are thus left open, and novernenment and public opinion seem in doubt as to what lino shall be taken by Spain lu the forthcoming negotiations. Much will depend, of course, on the attitude assumed by the United Stater government, and consequently the conflicting currents of American public opinion are watched here with the keenest Interest, The at titude of the powers having far East ern interests Is also much speculated upon. It Is be lieved Germany will not allow great territorial changes without having something to bay therein. "The ministers still declare that olllclal dispatches respecting the capitulation of Manila haye not been received; therefore, the Augustln In cident is unexplained. ".Mall advices explain TAKE THE Canadin Pacific R R. And Soo Pacific Line TO Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago , I'Fiilaitelphia Washington Montreal Toronto New Vurk boston a all po'"'" M!t aml soi:,,lMSt, Cheapt tales, lstserviee and accommo ''mough.ou.ist sleeper, to Minneapolis. St. Panl, Toronto, Montrenl, anil l-oston without change Canadian Pacific Railway Go's. Ftnpiess . .. .!.: in limn anil China nM.- ..-.. -V.,1 fin oli ns on the Pacific ui.n,m ml Im'sI route lo Hie mean. .mw.w. orient. s. s. a. tv, Hnnnlul.:. Kiil anil Australia The shortest route t , the colonies. For rates, lo -'era and any information call on or .Aires., & R nRANDENBURG Agent, Salem, Or I). W. GREER. Aeent. 146 'llnrd street. Portland, Oi EJ. COYLE, DMiicI Passtngcr Agent. Vancouver, I' When Going East Use a first-class line in traveling between Minneaoolis. St. Paul aud Chicaco, ana tne principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair care in service. The Dininr? cars are operat.'d In llie. inter est of Its patrons, the irost elegant service ever inaugurated. Meali are serveil a la Carte. To obtain ilirs.claJtserice your tide should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. tor all connections at Chicago and Milwaukee For eastern points, ticketfull information call on odr nearest ticket scent or write JAS. C. pond; General Pass. AgcntMillwhukee." Or JAS. A CLOCK.'.Oneral Agent Wis Stark Street Portland Or. Oreffon Short Line, VlIIIv- Quickest. safest, 0.R.&N. DEPART TIMK SCIIKDULK for From Portland. ARRivr. ... . ......... ............ ..,,.,, Fast Salt Lake, Denver F, Mail Worth, Omaha, Kansas , 8 pin City, St. 1-oiiln, Chicago and Fast. Spokane Walla Wall?, Z Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis, tt. Paul, f .er 2pm Dululli, Milwaukee Chi- ,.,. cago and East am ...... .............. ....1.. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. 4 ., All sailing dates sub ject lo change. For San Francisco.' Sail August 2.7,12, 17 22 27. 7Pm To Alaska . 4pm Sail Aug. 8 8pm COI.UMI1IA H1VEK ex, Sun. STEAMERS Saturday . p , 10 p in To Astoria rtnd way land. , in-s, 7 a in Tut WILLAMETTE AND Thurs VAMHILL K1VEKS ,., , and Sat Oregon City, Dayton and Mon wayjandingt ytlj 6am WILLAMETTE K1VEK .l0 . f s.t p 1. Mon Tls Wed Portland to Salem Thuri Fri and way landings Sal Leave SNAKE RIVER Lv j Kiparia a,on 1:45 a m Kipaiiajo UuiMon j,. a , Mon Sun Wed Tues Friday Thurs WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. FORTLAND-SALEM UOUTE-,Htea:iin Ruth Tor Portland Tuesday, Thursday ...! Saturday st 7:15 a.m. Transfers to street car line at OregC City if the steamers are delayed there ouud tnp tickets to all points in Oregon, V ruling ton, California nr the east. Connecting made at Portland with all rail, ocean and tiver lines. IW. H.IIURLUUUT. Gen'l Pas. ARt. Portland, Oi. G. M..POWKRS. Ajjent, Twile street do.k, Salem. liOISi: SHARKER, City Agents. EAST AND SOUTH VIA fHE SHASTA RO'JTE OKgl'llE eapesi ?m aU Plnls E-"' and southeast. I RLE reclining chair cars, Pullman pal&ce sleeping c.ir., and upholstered tourist sleep mg cars on all through trains. liOISE & BARKEIt, Agent Salem, Or . U lliRRY. m .. .. traveling TasBenger Anen W. E. COMAN, k . , ,. Geneiai Agent. 124 IhirdSiree Portland. Or. the trans. feiencc of administrative authority irom uenerai Auuustiii to t he kv ernnrof Vlzayas Island. "The llcraldo, or Illollo, of June 21, publishes an olllcial teleurani fromUm I minister, Lieutenant-General Correj, invollni,' Jeneral Kins with all the attributes and power exercised by the capiain-t'encralofihc archipelago in all the Islands under his cdmuiand. General Aufustln, therefore, even If he had.reinalned in Manlla.had in the The MmM Southern Pacific Co EXrRK-SS TRAINS RUN OAII.Vj 6:00 r M H.-2S Fit 7-"45 A M Lv ,.;i'ortland. ..Ar Lv....Satem ....Lv Ar. San Francisco. Lv ( 9:30 A M 1 7.oo a M (bVoo v m r (430 I'm ' 1 So.-l-11 ' 1 730 A M TJ R. O. a SIXULTS, of Wlntorset, Iowa. ATA. uvu,"or nna manufacturer ot 6hult' Bafoty Wlitmetreo Onnnlin wrltoaofDr.Milea'UeartOure. "Two years aco an attack or LaOrlppo left mo with a weak heart. I Lad run down Jn flesh to mere akin and bono. IconlJnnttiur.i.i. dowu forsmotherlneepolUi frequent sharp UartiuB pains and palpitation caused a con ataut fear of sudden death, nothing could Induce me to remain away from home ovor night. . My local physician prescribed Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and in a few dayg I vraa able to sleep weti and tho pains gradually lessened, and fiuallr ceased, r w,i ...1 A " W . ". . - - ". WIO ". uaYiug camea urteen pounds, and am now feeling better In every way thaa I w 10 iur ears," Dr. Miles' Itemedles are sold by all drug glsta under a positive guarantoo, first bottle bencflu or money re funded. Hook on dU easea of the heivrt aud nerves free. Audresa. iiK.Mii.KSHKUIOAl.ua, KUiUrt, lad. Captain Hartlett has had as his chief of stall Lieutenant Fleibort L. Satterlee, U. S. N and these two oftlcera have had the supervision aud direction oi the 41 etels comprlMnj; tlio auxiliary licet, with olllcers and crows to tho nifKieifato number of 200 olllcers and 400 men. The rapidity wlthtwhMi the force has been re duced since the suspension of hostil ities lsconsldred proof of Its thorough discipline and excellent management, and shows how valuable the naval annua system naa uecoiiie In the rew years of Its existence, opinion of the Spanish Kovemnient, norlKht to surrender anythl iK but, the city and Us Immediate envloron ment; but that Americans, mlht, perhaps, make dltllcultles about"ad- tulttliifr this doctrine. Fuller Inform ation ntiKiit very soon to lie able." Railroad still continues the popular route mreastern travel and now tl a summer Is opening up It becomes more SeMhR."'"' T"e,PleaMnt and com fortable accommodations furnished passencers arenrnvpriiini ,., "j . Sirftss The n,ad traverse? tie moinaBnll?.' cent belt of country In the worm every mile furnlshiV cons antTi ilK,n'Pi5nir" end without reallzlnc distant ii s&.i"'a vi ?s , i.7i r'V" """ "1' n-siye, Wll e rm "; ""'nn, sunocatlnif ati hosnliere Vr THOMAS, 1 ?,ve'"nsMqat all principal statiom bet. Portland and Salem, Turner. Marion Jellerson, Albany,.Tantent, Sliedds, Ilalsey llamsburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswefl Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all tla lions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROStBURO MAIL, .-DAILY. .juam ....roitland ..Ar 1055 AM J-Lv Kalem i 5:,2?PMhivL. Kosebur'g.'. Lv7, ciA" buflet . sleePer anl seTo"ndcUrs ,""K ua aiiacnea to all through train WfcST SIDE DIVISION? 0Ef FN PORTLAND ANU CORVALLIS. MaUjiains daily except Sunday. 730 A m I l.y. . FortfalTa - " ArTV.ro v M "iilEi'Ur.. .Cotvallis.. Lvf fj.g I JJ UainsoftO. ? Wto 1VPDGI!. nn .... " ? ..a ,KAIn miLYExCKlTSIJNI)AV.l -.: 1 ;-,v""ornd....Ar 7.-3orMLr....McMinnvilIeLv "j r mi tT iniitriAn,iA '""H-vilUtli.C i,V r a.-3S A V. A M A M riiri MnM.-i! . .. " OccdenMi , 1 AS-at rn anclsco will. steamshin L. rn,e.n!al aml ',acific "'"H P for MPAN AND CHINA sailing dates on application Kates and iirl,.i . r Europe. Alm. 4Sl" Al" ?. Uicaji:s .ivini2K LUL from V Salem, CII, llCket Aent MARKIIaI: ?.I,LER Manager. A1ARKUAM. (.. K. &!'. A. Portland- WATT avail. & CO. Commercial street. i, ,,,H J. No. ,223 Commercial street hf? Corvallis & Eastern R.H. Company, MrvvnL-T'ziiB rVirSl llaker Clly-Mr. Henry Jlust has statd that he will erect a modern brick structure to tako the nlucenf tho pioneer llust's opera house, ouo of inc uuuoings wiped out In tho 27,O0O tire. While Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Poll wan, owners or tho destroyed McCord bulldlnff, havo not arratmed thenar. tlculars, they will also havo erected au up-to-date business structure. OottnRO Grove Mr. J. llctrmane who Is lntorcsK;d In tho Ulack Hutt quicksilver mlues near here, reports that tho work In theiulneHls being pushed rluht aloinr. mid llf ty men aro now employed. Pilgrimage Postponed. New Yoiti;, Aug. .2S.-A dlsnatch from Rauie says -that the American pilgrimage has been postponed until uciooer.The state of the pope's health will not permit or his receiving any vlslUirsat. present. HOS . Bw-bT Bb m. 1 sOiBX JITTERS cures Intilgestlon, biliousness. Good health proceeds from , a Reed stomach, if the digestive organs are in uno working Prder.slcknejs M is out or the ft' firwl l...i'. p., -vu ucauil i can be regained and cuiinea by takimr ' Hostetter's Ktomach Hitters, it uaipatlon and IIbIPI wwil ' lor Yanul 'I'riiin 1U..A. . t. .,. . ' ," Aiuany .. , ran leaves Corvalli, Ira r, arrive at Vaqulna'.' Keturning.- Leaves Vaquina leaves Corvalhi ' "" , Arrive Albany . For Detroit' Leavt-s Corvalli Leaves Albany ' " " Arrive De.oit .. Reluming; leaves Detroit Aiuany . Arrive fnr,., 11.. I and 2 connert Vi "a !i b:SS P. m. 1'acific train S1,:." ,w'"' Southern Newron , 't ,'- B ,ect mkc '"l bon! newfortandaJjacentbeacl.es. IraiB for tie mountaIn, n .. ,. i noon civini amni. v ucircir. Bounds K. Tiu"1?' ,each "mping . l2:Snp, 111, 1 :4S p. m, . 6:u) p. iii, . 7:00 a. 111. 1 1 '40 a, m. .12:25 p. in. 7 .'oo a m. , S5 a, in. 1 2.-20 p 111, 12:40 p. o.-oc. a. m, m. 20u Miles d. . I Brai"ids on the Hr!(.i 1 ,caq" camping ? '"rier and a whi.ln i,..u .1.... .... . rivers same Ze ,,re,lenbusl a Santiam man any otherlinn 7, "A "Itf'mjPKer ""' itShSXft..- andaa' SSZ .Twee "l"SJ. st via Omaha you ! ,', Ir nuK" A C mirr i ., Uca,Acnt(PunUni,,0f LCuea lbtiiii 0UkiMi LM l aMraa.. .' ZZ """ ! CURE YOURSELF! AtUiaa Ur7 . VBI BiriU Lran.. tt.UJ Ch,uiCo. il VSSaoui M,rtu' r "a "r ir., .,.. HDWIN STONE "..L.WALDEN 'P. F. i- p A J. TURNER, ,Al Agent Albany. rf AJAx TAPYn JZUlUnF Kfe K. 'J'au.ui.iV., , TW'.ol'i or loon, .1 .y i'.mh. . "" uiuin.. . .r-.- agMSSsS UUtx Uttill i liu tijma tuivacDi UciLlft. cxmlucj feSfiSK MCKUtiai Ifi.li.V fMoncuta .TZ- " BxrsmFtiFm. ?.!"! HiB ,.. PI eSW MutnK, ""'""--I''"-""--.. w., rav, a&tr.jiu.Srf