Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 17, 1898, Image 3

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    M v m
is duo not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the Califohnia Fio Svner
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importanco of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
tiy the Califohnia Fio Sviiup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tlio high standing o'f tho Cau
roitNiA Fio Sviiui Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of tho excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
Housekeepers !
Why will you continue to cook your;elfas
well I13 you." fool on thec hot dys. when
by putting in one of out J
You can have a cool and comfortable
kitchen aud find cooking acem'ort irsteadof
a burden Call on us and we will convince
you tliU the expense will lie enly trivial when
the comenience is considered.
Salem Gas Light Co.
71 ChemeUeta street.
fissay Office
No, 71 Chemeketa si,
J. II. I TUT1IILL, Assayer,
leaves for Portland Monday,
Wednesndny and Friday, 7 :4s a.f
Quicklime, regular sei.
vice and low rates
Dock between tat
11 i Court streets.
Audit, balem
Woil, sugir, dried fru ts, etc , storing and
grading dried prunes a specialty.
Comer Trade ani High street, Salem,
Sidney Power L'u's famous Gold Dust lliur
for sale)
Salem Water Co. Proprietor,
0. E. I'OWEU, MinaEcr.
TVIeph ine 22,
Call and sse the Trinmpli I'runr Grader
lor green an I diied fruit.
S-li mi SQ'rt'ale street Salem
Notice is hereby given that James Rader,
of the Capital City Express Co.. has sold his
interest in the same to Elmtr White, and that
hereafur the latter will conduct the same.
I will collect atl bills and pay all debts,
but will be responsible for no account! con
tract, after AEU,ER WIIITB
Salem, July 26, 1SS9X. l-ri-4
Express and Transfer
Mietiall imil and DiiiciiL'or train
frt 's and cx'urcii to all parts of III
Tmiiftfr ...vim lV.1nlmn Ma. 70.
ELMER Willi!
7 Kearny street. San I'ranclsco, Cat To
itntrli-t attorney, sherlfls, attorneys at
f u.l wit ate parfaesj-l'repared to transact
kit mi ti.wwi i.I cuiniMoutl"! w1 Jutricata
nun irr ..jslltiauly and on reuous-w
term- I'd' .MinlFnl U 0V-tlA &
General Storage
Collier Work.
Nnw York, Auff.n.-A special to
tho Tribune from Washington says:
Pcrhapsjtho most, remarkable eco
nomical achievement afTcctlnL' the
navy which lias occurred during the
war lias been due to the purcliaso of
twenty colliers and half a dozen re
frigerator and distilling vessels. The
refrigerator ships may perhaps be
dispensed with, but most of the col
llcrs are certain of retention. When
the war began the price of coal out
side of the United States had risen
on account of the Welsh strike to an
exhorbltant figure. Its cost at Key
West was; 84 a ton, and atSt. James,
Jatnacla, and other West Indies, us
well as south American ports, It av
eraged $12.
Commodore Ilradford found that he
could buy all the coal lie needed for
$1,82 at Lambert's Point, Va , loaded
and trimmed on board vessels. At
first lie chartered a large lleet of
schooners, but after hostilities began
lie found he coulu not deliver coal to
the fleet at. any price. Satups.-ni and
Sclilpy were cabling forcoal, hut could
obtain none, and in this emergency
the purchase of coal was begun.
The fleet of tlice vessels In the At
lantic now Includes the Abrenda, the
Alexandria, the Caesar, the Hannibal,
the Justin, tho Leonldas.tbc Niagara,
the Lebanoti,thc PoinpeII,theCasslus,
the Saturnc, the Scatidla, the
Southcrcy, tho Sterling, the Hector
and the Marccllus, the latter taking
the place of the sunken Merrimac.
In the Paclllc there are four vessels,
the Brutus, the Nero, the Zaliro and
tho Nunslian, the latter two pur
chased by Admiral Dewey. Just beroro
the war bioke out, Admiral Dewey
had to pay $1!) a ton for fuel at Hong
Kong. The navy department now dc
llvcis it to It I tn for $9 a tun by sailing
Vessel and $10 by stcamcr,and at these
rates oyer 10,000 tons have been sent
to him.
When tlio problem 'of sending the
Monterey und Minndnock was forced
upon the navy department, Commo
dore liradford solved It. and avoided
the danger of trying to coal these
vessels at sea by purchasing two of
the largest colliers in that ocean to
tow the warships, In order, that the
latter might save their own coal nd
yet be constantly ready for action in
case an enemy was encountered. The
Brutus, which towed the Monterey,
and tho Nero, which went with the
Monadnock, and which took 4,700 tons
of coal, maintained a speed of seven
knots for 7,000 miles, while the mon
itors, Jtider their own steam, could
scarcely have gone 1,000 miles at ten
With the certainty that the United
Stales will hereattcr maintain a large
fleet in Asiatic waters, and with the
necessity of keeping large amountsof
fuel at Honolulu. Samoa and Guam,
as well as In the Philippines, at least
six of the first-class steam colliers
must he maintained in the Pacilic
ocean. With tho sphere of naval ac
tivity in the Atlantic, and especially
In the West Indies, permanently aug
mented, at least ten such collier will
be required on the eastern coast of
the United Statcs.nnd it Is therefore
unlikely that more than one or two of
the snnller vessels of tills class will
be sold.
A Tribute to La Fayette.
Chicago. Auu'. 17. According to
present plans, Lafavetle, the French
hero, who came across the sea in col
onial days with sword and money to
aid the birth of liberty on Amoncan
shores, Is to have his grave marked
with a $230,000 monument; a tribute
froiu the patriotic school children of
President McKlniey has concurred
In the plans proposed by Ferdinand
W. Peck, commlosloner-general to the
Paris exposition, for the unveiling of
this beautiful memorial at the Paris
exposition July 4,1900. It is tobe
tho feature of'the "United States
day" at tho exposition.
At the commli'Sloner-getieral's olllce
It is announced that Presldcut Mc
Klniey will soon Issue a proclamation
designating a date, presumable Octo
ber 10, as "Lafayette day," for general
observance In every school district
throughout the United States. Gov
ernors of states and superintendents
of 'instruction will be urned to co
operate. On that date, which Is the
anniversary on the surrender of Corn
wallis at 'Yorktown, historical exer
cises will be held in every school in
the'eountry, which u nominal admis
sion fee will be charged to witness.
Millions of pennies and dimes are ex
pected to be received from the fjrlslng
generation of patriots, which will be
applied to the monumcut fund. It Is
expected that mote than enough will
be realized to erect a monument,
which will be tho pride of two com!-
Secretary of the Treasury Lyman J.
Gage has been at.ked to bo custodian
of the fund, and it Is said olllclully he
has signified hi willingness to do all
he canto add tnlhe suycesiof this
national enterprise.
Many People Injured and One Lady
Cissina Panic, Hi., Aug. 17. The
game of ball- between the Danville
and Chicago unions here today ended
In a horrible accident. The grand
stand, Which seated fully 1,000 peo
ple, collapsed, killing Miss Maude
Ilobart, of Oilman, Illinois. Those
badly wounded arc:
Mrs, Hanton, left arm broken; Mrs.
Argo, back Injured, both of lloopdon,
111.; Mrs. Crawford, of Millard, leg
broken; Miss Cartmel and Mrs. Curt
ley, of Rossvlllc, 111., hurt Internally;
lOlmcr Jameson. Potomac, back In
jured. Fully twenty others arc itw
jured, and several deaths are expected
to occur as a result of the accident,
Discuss National Affairs.
Sahatoqa, N. Y. Aug. 17. Henry
Wade Rogers and Ralph M. Easly,
chairman and secretary respectively
of tho committee on arranuoments of
the national convention on foreign
policy, tobe held here on Friday and
Saturday, have arrived and nrranged
for headquarters til the United States
hotel. Among the subjects to lie dis
cussed at the convention are those of
the "Future Colonial Policy of tho
United States," "The Nicaragua
Canul," "International Law" "Should
the Law Permitting Prize Money
Payments He Repealed ? and other
questions growing out of the late
Tlie list of speakers who will par
ticipate includes some of t lie most
prominent names in the country,
America at Paris Exposition.
Nnw Yonic, Aug. 17. The Times
says Colonel Blum, who lias boon in
Paris for some time looking out for
American interests at. the Paris In
ternational exposition of lOOO.returncd
Monday on La Normandle. Colonel
Blum will soon confer with Ferdinand
Peck, the United States commissioner
general, and the two men will take
charge of the American exhibit. Col
onel Blum said regarding his trip:
"The exhibit of the United States
will be .the largest of any county in
regard to the lloorspace, with the ex
ception of France. At the last ex
position we had 110,000 square feet of
space, and this time 203,000 square
feet arc already assured. Through
the appropriation of $030,000 by con-
gross a neautirui nuuaing win oe
"My special mission in Paris at this
time was to ascertain the feeling be
tween the French and Americans,
and I am sure that what little hard
feelings there was lias entirely dis
appeared. 1 went to hotels, cafes,
business houses, and In all I was
treated not only courteously, but as a
friend. Through Horace Porter 1
entered official socbty and the same
good feeling was apparent."
Mr. Blum has succeeded In obtain
ing the establishment of an Important
annex for railways,;traiuways, autom
obiles and velocipedes at the Bols do
Vlnniones, and the addition of 327
square meteis of space for the United
States exhibit. He lias also concluded
arrangements with several leading
architects, engineers, builders, and
decorators for the most complete and
artistic installation of American
Murderous Work of Spanish.
Ponck, Porto Itlr.o., Aug. 17.
While the white Hag flutters over the
Spanish and American outposts and
alllsaulet. The first report of tho
outrages by the Spaniards within
tnelr lines, were brought to the head
quarters of General Wilson today by
a priest, who headed a deputation
from dales, twenty miles northeast
of Utado. The inhabitants of the
place raised the American flag after
the Spanish troops had left. The
trrops returned, tore down the flag
and machetteJ nine. of the inhabi
tants. Tills occurred on Saturday.
The priests appealed to theAmerlcans
for protection, but the latter are
powerless to Interfere under present
circumstances, even though a reign of
terror be Inaugurated.
Engineers at Work.
Washington, Aug. 17, General
Wilson, chief of engnecrs, Issued
orders to all ofllcers of thut depart
ment In charge of fortifications and
works of defense to remove all mines,
cab'es and electrical apparatus con
nected therewith In tho harbora and
rivers of the United States, as rapidly
as tho work can be performed with
regard to safety.
If You
Ol the
Sleep Bl
the cause Is pretty sure
be in Die stomacu.
that ImnortantorKan
Is nut of order, tho nerves will bo too.
aud disordered nerves keep you awake
Sound, refeshlng, Invigorating sleep.
Is sure to follow me niKiug 01
It cures
aud dyspepsia
In men and
Two Girls Jump Off n Ferryboat and
Are Drowned,
Philadelphia, Aug. 17. Because
of tho belief that they were unfit to
live, two girls, of whom tho fatherof
one said "they loved each other like
Man and wotunn," committed suicide
by Jumping from a ferryboat Into the
Delaware river. They were Bessie
Foust, aged 10, of Camden, N. Y., and
MnudcIIoirnaple.ngod 20, of this city.
Both took the leap to death together,
hand In hnntl, and were drowned be
fore a rescue could ho affected. The
bodies were not recovered. Thc
double suicide was evidently picnr
ranged. A note was found In a pocket
book they left behind. It was signed
Maude and Bessie, and consisted of a
quotation from a melancholy poem,
and the werds:
"We find wo arc utterly unfit for
hts world, nd will try another."
----- -
Eats Almost Anything.
"1 was a sufferer from Indigestion
and could cat scarcely anything with
out suffering great distress. I was
also troubled with headaches. I be
can taking Hood's Sarsaparllla and it
helped 1110 wonderfully. I can now
cat almost anything I wish, without
Mrs. Anna Study.
Sylvan, Wash.
Hood's Pills are the favorite family
cathartic. Easy to take, easy to
operate, 23c.
How A. Cooper Had a Rouen Done
Healed After 35 Years.
Chehalis, Wash., April 0, 1898.
Dr. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or:
1 received your letter and was glad
to hear from you. You want to know
how my leg is getting along. It Is
all right; the llesh is growing out over
tho shin bono and is turning white.
It is not straight yet, but I think It
vlll be as straight as the other leg
when warm weather comes on. I can
work most of the time. The other
doctors told me 1 could never be
cured without splitting it and scrap
ing the bono, but they are mistaken.
If, is getting well without cuttinc or
scraping, so they do not know ae much
an they tuoutjht they did, butyouare
all right, for you have done Iu3t what
you said you could do. I will answer
any questions you ask about my leg.
Very truly yours,
, A. Cooper.
lir. Cook's office ;is at 301 Liberty
street, Salem
The Chief BurgeiS of Milesburg, Pa says
DeWitts Little Eirly Risers are the best pills
he ever used in his family during forty years
cf house keeping They cure constipation,
sick headache and stomach and liver trouble
Small in size hut great in results Stone
drug store.
Thousands of persons have been cured of
diles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It heals promptly and cures eczema and all
skin diseases. It Rives immediate relief.
Stone Drug Store.
A Money Haver.
Those hop tickets invented by Con
oyer tho business printer. See him
at Deaborn's book store. ood&w
Sick headache absolutely and permanently
cured by using Mold Tea. A pleasant herb
drink Cures constipation and indigestion,
makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Sat
isfaction Guaranteed e: money back. 25c and
Lunn & Brooks druggist .
Win your battles against disease 'by acting
pitraipt(y. One Minute Cough Cure pro
duces immediate results. When taken early
it prevents consumption. And in latter stages
it tarnishes prompt relief. Stone Drug Store.
Hop men.SeeConover the Buslnesz
Printer, for hop tickets, and save
money. 29 eo d&w
The editor of the Evat.s City,
Pa., Globe,
"One Minute Cough Cure is rightly
namsd. It cured my children after all other
remedies failed . " It cures conghs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. Stone Drug
Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind says that
for constipation lie has found DeWitts Little
Eatly Risers tobe perfect. They never gripe.
Try them for stomach and liver troubles.
Stone Drug Store.
Sick headache, biliousness, constipation and
all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly
cured by using those famous little pills known
as DeWitts Little Early Risers. They are
plesant 10 tsUt and never gripe. Stone Drug
Moki Tea positively cures sick headache,
indigestion and constipation. A delightfnl
drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin,
producing a perfect complexiou, or money re
funded. 25 cents and 50 cents. Lunn &
IirooVs, druggists
The Hop Crop.
For the best lion tickets and the
east cost, sco Conovcr the business
printer nt Deaborn's book store.
E. C. Blanks, of Lcwmule, Texas, writes
that one box of DeWitt's Witcn Hazel Salve
was w rth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles
of ten vears standlnir. lie od rises others to
it. It cures eczema, skin diseases and ol
tinate sores, Stone Drag Store.
Drink a iteeping of Mokio Tea peforp letiring
at night, and see how soundly you will sleep
and how joyously you will awake in the
morning It supplies food for tnc blood
while vou sleep, produces a clear and beaut!-
(ul complexion, aad cures constipation and
sick headacne, lunn a urooits, uruggist.
Hop Growers Attention.
It h Important to teo the hop ticke.t
plans and prices at Conovcr ttio Busi
ness Printers. Dearborn's book store.
29 eo d&w
Dyspepsia can he cured by using Ackcr'i
Dypetuia Tablets, One little tablet will
give immediate relief or money refunded.
Sold in handsome tin loxes at 25c. Lunn &
Brooks, druggists.
Acker's English Remedy Will Stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the worst
cold in twelve hours, or mone'y refunded.
25c and 50c. Lunn & Biooks druggiits
I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the
finest preparation on the market for piles."
So writes John C, Dann, of Wheeling, W,
Va. Try it and you will think the same
ft also cures cezema and all skin diseases
Stone Drug Store.
Bears tt i Iho Kind Yoti Haia Always Bougtr
Poutland, Aug. 10. Wheat vallej
01; Walla Walla, 58c.
Flour Portland, $3.50; Superfine
12.25 per bbi.
Oats White 3940c.
Hay $10(feil per ton.
Hops-512c;old crop 4(i0c.
Wool Valley, 14(310c; ' Eastern
OregoD, 8M12c.
Mlllstufi Uran, $15; shorts, $15.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50
turkeys, live, 1012je.
H:(Trraf iPrttTiti asMKi rnv rirn
Hides Green, salteu CO lbs,
under GO lbs,0K$7c;shcep pclts.l
umous ssi.ou ncr sacic.
nilttflr Host, rtnlrv. aV3i.151n. fnnpo
creamery, 40c43c a roll.
Potatoes, G055c per sack.
Hoes Heavy, $4.75.
Mutton Weathers 3Jc; dressed, 7c,
Ucef Utcers,$3(tf3.50;.cows, $2.503,
dressed, 5(?CJ.
Wheal 53j
Hay Ualed, cheat, 87(rf$8.
Flour In wholesale lots, $3.40: re
ail $1.00.
Hogs dre.-sed, 5Jc.
Live cattle 2J3c.
Veal 53.
Butter Dairy 1215c; creamery,
Sheen Live, $2.5tVo,$3.
Woof Best.lGc. Mohair 25c
Hops Best 35c.
Eggs-10c in cash.
Poultry Hens, 78c; spring chick
ens, 10c.
Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8ic.
ham, 10c shoulder, 8 9c.
Potatoes 30c.
Cure sick headache, bad
taste In the mouth, coated
tongue, gas In the stomach,
dlitren and indlgeatlon. Do
not weaken, but have tonic effect. 2S cents.
The onlr 1111s to take with Hood's Sanaparlllx
Paints, Oils, Window Glass Vnr
nish, and tbo most complete stock
of Brushes of all kinds In tho state
Artists mntorialfl, lime; hair; ce
ment and shingles; and the finest
quality of grass seed.
New today advertisements lour lines
or less in this column Inserted three
times for 25 cts., SO cts. a week, $1
per month All over four lines at
same rate.
PACTORYr-364 Commercial street,
Warner Fennel, proprietor. Has fir sale a
large number of wagons, carriages, includ
ing light Democrat wagons for one or two
horses, price $45 to 455, one pony buck
board, one mountain hack, buggies, plat
form wagons, spring wagons for light
trucking, heavy wagon having 3 and 3
axle for farmers. Will exchange two carts
forcordwood or hardwood lumber. All
new work wai ranted for eighteen month;.
The public is invited to examine work and
satisfy themselves that it is to their ad
vintage to patronize home industry.
8-12 2W d&vv
HAY SCALES .- Most reliable service in
saitm, rrice oniy 10 cents, Kememoer
"the ltuflalo Scale. Headquarters for lime
cement and platter, J. F. Ullmore, 54
State street. 7-12-lm d&w
FOR BALE, vA 240 stock ranch all under
fence, plenty of good water. Will be sold
at a great bargain. If applied lor rood can
p-win installments If desired. For partic
ulars address II Journal oflic
FOR RENT, Village ftore, postofiice,
dv:ll ng. tuo acres garden land ani fruit
tree3. Within four miles ol Salem, center
of thickly; settled fiuit district Con.
nected with Salem by telephone.
The opportunity for the right man
Enqnlre at the Joural Office, 15-1 w.
WAJTT D.-dlay baled from too to
150 tons. Steam balar preferred. Caih
paid when baleing is done. Call on or ttm
dress J, M, Christopher, Marion, Or.
8-12 I w
REAL ESTATE. Large and Email tracts
of farm property, bargains in dwelling
property. Houses to rent. Good farms
wanted by renters, C. K, Urandenburg &
Co, to succcBSSors to F. N, Derby & Co.
Wanted in Salem and one in eacli county
in eery state to take orders for our I5 t
tio made-to-measure suits and overcoats,
Live men without experience can make
$150 per month. If you can furnish sat
isfactory refere ice we will furnish u com
plete sample line and outfit and start you
at work at once. For particulars address
American Woolen Mills C Enterprise
Huiiding, Chicago, 8.1 1 im
For a little money )ou can secure good
prppettyin Salem corner of Liberty and
mission or win exenange lor Aiuany prop,
erly. Address W. R. Wain Albany Or,
8-io Ot
niiMuvtJUr jonn w, raynett jo.. are
now located one door west of Dalrymple's
store on v-ouri g.reet. ucai estate ana in.
durance, hop and fruit dryer a specialty,
Hop tickets furnished. Notary work done
cheap. 8-io im
FOR BALK. - A tirst-class saddle pony
will drive single or double. Kmjuiie at
wcjisrargo 0:1.0 s omce 01 iates uocn
ran. 8-8tf
HOUSE TO RENT (iood seven rocm
house for rent cheap near East Salem
chool. Apply to Mis. K. Jones, 286
i,iD:rty stieet. 8.4 im
CAMPERS Ail who wish to be taken to
the Neitucca and other points on the
coait.. passengers and camp equi ment
apply to Mark Savage 136 Court. 8-2 Im
CAMPING OUTFITa-Uiccest sloe
and mast complete line cf tents and camp
equipments in Salem. I L Freeland, nt
tbeAri.ior. 7.20 im
YEW PARK GROCERY-ds open for
business with a new stock of goods. Al
len & Rowersox. 7 16 im
For Infests and Cklldren.
fta Kiwi Yn Havi Always Bwgkt
Bears tho
Signature of
LtfiNi ill ;Tli
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You toe Always Bought
Or W. A. WANN Secretary of Faculty.
Condcnscdand Filtered,
First qunllty loo by tho carload.
Delivered to any part of the city, or
to any depot or wharf.
Per 100 lbs 25c
Per ton (without; sacks) $5 00
tSTTheso prices until further
Paints and Oils,
Superior Stoves and Ranges, and
Good Fishing Tackle, go to
256 Commercial st,
Stayton flour ,
ealcm special ,
Aumsvlue Flour
New Picklcs.per qt
Arbucklc and Lion Coffee, per pic
Bulk Olives, per pint
Lenox Soap, 8 bars ,
Best Mocha and Java Coffee, per Hi ,
Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb.
5 lbs Lard , ,
Chocolate, per lb ,
lOlbs. II. Wheat
10 lbs Corn Meal
Try our ilo Cream Oats for mush.
Old P. O Goxner
Makes a specialty of furnishing to the trade ice manufactured from pure
well water distilled at lowest rates.
They are also solo wholesale atrcnts forGainurlntis Urewery Co., of Port
land, and Joseph Bchletz Urewery Co., of Milwaukee, for botli (Irathjlit and
bottled coods.
They also haye Icecream parlors In connection with their works at
corner of Nineteenth and Stato street. All kinds of temperance drinks for
sale. Lady attendance. Give us n call.
Telephone 207 Ktato and Nineteenth streots, Balem.
94 State street, Next
Best meals in the city for 15c
ruff ranted to cure nit
eituer fcx.eauwa by
wwiBM, upmiuui MiiuuiEuia, vrnicu ivau 10 innriaiiy,Coi Ul
prepaid. Circular 1'ree. Bold
Ma nil Tartu ml h th" Pmu
'U3 CctlMrlb-Uiuiageuts.
MU TttT. NtWTOlm CITf.
Li i
Strong academi: and professional courses.
Weli equipped training department or nine
grades, with 230 children. 7
Regular normal course of three yeats.
Senior year wholly professional
Graduates of acredited high schools and col-lege.Oadmitte-
directly to professional work.
The diploma of the school s recognized
by law as a life certificate to te.
The graduates of the school are in de-
Liget expenses, The year from !2o to
Beautiful and healthful location no
The first term will open Tuesday, Septem
licr 10.
Catalogues giving full details of work
cheerfully sent on application. Address
P. L. CAMPI1ELL, President.
For health and plcastiro drink only
the purest Capital Brewery beer, the
best brewed on the Pacific coast. It
Is found everywhere bottled and on
00c o box
1 05
$1 00
1 05
,15c, 2 for 25c
...... 15c
........ 25
Door East of Bush's Bank.
Give us a trial
Hy Htlat Br. PeMu'jT
YoIIuht Hcive l'ltU.
ThU "jaileiful rcineJr
uerroua (ti&f aikrl. such a
Weav Jtiory, Lonuf
Jlraiu Power, Jlcatlacuc, WuLrluluess, Ist Mi'.lioou, tluly KuiU
aloua, Nervousness, Ul drains, loss of pvwer lu Ceaerai. ' Orpani of
OTcr - cxertfo'i, yyuclilul error, exisl'' j& at
rtttpockct. i .00 Pr bqx," t5,bjrniil
l'y a.V drugeUU. Ak for 11,1 Hjnootlifr
Mrtllclnc Co.. 1 irU I'rauce, I aue-luW
i. TUlrdauJYiaUI4S- Inud
iu luuuniir.loi tlUfiiouor
Jl.ooptrtx)!, 15, by mill
Sweesser to Dr. J, M. Keene, old Win
Comer, Saljrn, Of. I'attits desiring s.iteri 1
operations at moderate fees in any hranck
In especial request
Capital Soap Works.
Running at full blast and making best
of laundry and toilet soaps, lie sure to call
for the Salem brand when jou want b(io
"f Manager,
Meghan! Tailor!
211', Commercial at,
HTSuits $15 and upwards,
Pants $3 and upward.
Shorts, chop, flour, mill ced. to
Telephone 178.
91 Court st Salem. Or
New Blacksmith Shop,
the old reliable smiths have OD&ned a
shop opposite the brewery, and invito
patrons, Best worn and lowest prfcap.
IDS Commercial st, Salem.
For water service apply at office. P.il's
payable monthly in advance. Make
complaints at the o-Tv.?.
Hop GiWs
Insurance !
Special inducements offered to insure your
property and crop. Only reliable comp
nies. 283 Commercial st.
7 30 d& w Salem.
g.s. no
' State street, near railroad. Freshest ami
best meats. My patrons say I keep the lwM
treats In town nt
Wolz Miescke,
Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoke
me j is. Lard in bulk, 9c a IK Cheapest mark
In tovrn . We male it a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try us.
Drown & Son, of.the East Salem meat mar-
ket, have enlarged and refitted their shop and
a ill be pleased to see all ol th-lr old patrons
and the reit of the community. Orders taken
and delivered. Parents sending children
may depend on having their orders con
scientlously filled 0-411
Butchers and Packer
Best stock, best service and lowest prtre
31G CommercW '" "
Successor to Thomas & White,
Club Stable
Finest Rigs in the City.
Rates Reasonable.
Near Hotel Willamette
7 18 im
PleaseViotice the cut In prices
on the following
Sfcrts, plain tocenu
Urwer drawers.... JtolocerU
Under shirts stolocep'.i
Socks, per pair 3 cent!
Handkerchief.... I cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 34 cents per dozen
and other work in proportion.
ty Flannels and other work iutelllfMtty
washed by hat d.
COIi. J. OIiMSTBAD, Propria
Proposals for Wood
Tho Salem Lluht antl Tractlo
Company will receive beatedbltM unlU
10 o'clock a. iu.t Wednsday the 17tk
day of August, A. 1), I8W. for tle
fiirnlshlnK aad delivery at Its pnwr
house of 1000 cords or less 4 foot Mr
lllds must state:
Number of cords.
Kind and quality.
Date of delivery.
Duunipnt. tn lu miirln In (ab iiwut
cQiiiplotlon of contracts ami nccttfii
unco by tho company, TliacntupaHy
reserves the rlulit to relecfuuv tk!!
bids. dJEwld
111 Mli
tl -