Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 15, 1898, Image 2

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&&""' pn' " "ii'-'W-v' iv n efl
5, -T,-
Are gaming favor rapMlr.
Hmtnctt men and travel
ers carry them In vert
tocki-tft. Iftdlrt earrv tlm
la irtirnw, bcMwtt'fpfr kwp them In medicine
.-fti, trlrns omn ttitm to friends. Cc,
MONlMYf AUGUST 15, 1898.
, t-. .. . . ,-fc- , ,
Yea -3.00, In Advance
Hwatiks $1.00. lr Advance
Weekly, Yar $1.00, in Advance
wlilcli Is
at t'.ie
The assertion tliat tlio nilqts of
India-will FfxinflKjaKaln opened to
thofrepcolBajfejlJftlvcr seems to be
somewhat nrcmature, although It Is
foundsi,46n fUigTreport,
claimed to be authentic,
Hritlsli Indian currency commission
will recommend the opening 6f tho
- -Indian mints to si Ivor ut the ratio of
22 tol- Evciilftlio commission docs
so report, lb will still remain for the
Uritlsh government to order the
measure carried out, and there Is no
assurance that It will do so. The
movement will meet with strong op
position In Knglaod, opposition
from BourceK of most powerful in
lluence. In these quarters, free coin
age at the ratio ot 22 to l,or even 33
to 1, will be ar objectionable as at the
ratio or 10 to 1, for It is free coinage,
blruetaljsm, Itself to wblcli consistent
monomctaltslR object. It Is not a
stable and honest dollar, or rupee,
that these people want, but an ap
predating dollar, or rupee, whlcli will
Increase tho value of their mortgages
and lixed incomes. Tho single gold
standard gives this, and, If the re
maining silver-using countries can bo
Induced to adopt the gold standard
and tako part In the struggle for gold,
the unite of yaluo wilt again doublo
up. Tho prospective profits of such
a coup are not to be relinquished
without a desperute light, and there
' will bo formidable opposition to tho
re-opening of the Indian inlntsj for
that "backward step" would surely
check tho movement toward universal
gold monomctallsm.
Fortunately, however, there arc
millions of genuine, though misguided
"honest money" men who oppose the
free coinage of silver at the ratio of JO
to! because they really think thut It
would give us "dishonest money," but
who would not make strenuous objec
tion wero the ratio ho fixed as to con
form to bullion values.
The ratio of 22 to 1 Is suggested be
cause thut corresponds wth tho pres
ent rate of exchaugo between India
und England. Since me closing of
the Indian mints tho rupee has risen,
through artificial bcarclty und the
laws of supply and demand, to a value
of 10 pence per rupee, while Itsbulllon
value Is about II pence, Its former par
value having been 21 peneo. Tho pro
posed ratio Is Intended to preset ye the
present status, so as not to again de
moralize tho llnancos, or cause a sud
den change In the range of prices, In
How will the new ratio be regarded
by tho hlmctulltsts of tho United
States V That depends on how well
tncy understand tho true fundamen
als of tho money question. 10 to 1 Is
( ttie rlgjt ratio, for tho reason that It
Is tho proportion In which tho two
metals aro exlstant In tho world's
available supply. At tho samo time, It
Is of more Importance that tho frco
, coluago countries should all have the
samo ratio than tliat'tho ratio siould
le mathmetically tho natural 0110. It
i;i matter of tho Jove! of prices.
10 to 1 would glvo us 11 hlghor level
than 22 to 1, becuuso there would be
more money units, more "dollars."
Hut the dobtbrs of tho world should
be willing to partly ''pocket their
losses" for tho sake 0' restoring bl-
metallc prices and conditions, rather
than loso all by Insisting on absolute
If ttbe'truc that, "foreign lilino
tullstsarouslug groat efforts to bring
about an agreement botweou India,
Franco and tho United States for the;
free coinage of gold and silver ut tho
ratio of 22 to 1", It would bo Infinitely
. belter to hclpforwaid that movement
thai to pursue our present suicidal
course toward bankruptcy.
Hut, taken all together, (ho news
Itftm ImlU Js inofo encouraging than
stay ottar pteee'of hows that has tr.ui
hj4m1 slc Mr. McKlnley voted for
.J j rj
Whatever debts It has ire on the sure
and safe road to liquidation by the
automatic operatlonjof the sinking
fund device, By thfs means tho City
of Olascow will, Inside of CO years,
furnish free water to Its citizens: give
them the best electric lights
free; electric or water power ntcost;
allow them to ride on Its electrical
roads at the nominal fare of 2 cents
for any Mllst'ahcoahd furnish to nil
free usoofn magnificent public li
The city affairs are managed by
businessmen with the same prudence
wllli which they would manngc their
wn affairs; the question of party
politics enter Into no local election
and it seems to be the object of the
municipality to administer the city's
finances In an economical way, to
Improve the public health In Its
physical and moral basis, and to glyo
brightness and the possibility of hap
piness to clyll life, Its success In all
these has been ko marked as to com
mand the admiration of the clylllzed
world and to gain for Itself the ap
pellation of the best governed city on
the face of the globe.
The sinking fund Is only an Inci
dental In the system which has made
tho Glasgow city goyerntuent the best
In the,. world.. The foundation on
which It has been possible to build up
an honest and efllclcnt administra
tion of city affairs, has been municipal
ownership of public monopolies, like
the light, water and street railway
So long as thero ari valuable fran
chises to be glyen away, and fat con
tracts, like street cleaning und sewer
building, furnishing light und water
to the city, etc., to be let, there will
bo a chance for nldcrmanlc boodllng.
So long as there is rich picking for
dishonest city nlllclals, the dishonest
city ofllclal will be lu evidence, nine
years out of ten. The honest man und
good citizen is no match for the
ward politician, and so long as there Is
money to be made by boodllng politics,
the ward politician will keep control
of city affairs.
Cutoff tho chances for dishonest
profit In city oiliccs, and there Is no
further inducement for tho boodlcr to
get himself elected to office, und the
business man has a chance to put city
affairs on u basis of business Integrity.
AftnuM.Salea over , 003,000 Box, -ft
such an Wind and rain In the atomm1.
Giddiness, Fuincft. after meali. lt r"
none. Dizziness. Drowsiness, ITushlns
ot Hent. Ixm of Appetite, OostIven
Blotches on tho Skin, Cold Chills, DP -ttirbod
Sleep, Frlshtful Dreamn and 1.''
Nervous and TrombllDg Sencatloti '.
IK TWENTY KINUTE3. Ever stiffrr. .
Will acknowledge tln'irt to bo
HEF.CHAM'H IMM.S, taken as.llief!
od, will quickly restore Konmlc li .1
plete health. They promptly renwx,
obstructions or IrroculnrltlM of tin.
torn nttd euro Welt llcnchu'Iir-. I-Vr 1
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered iAc:
Bocchom'B IPIIIg aro
AM ltnvo tli
jf anyl'nmittteillrl-ir Ii-Slic '... .
Battery B
Mr. Hoyd accidentally ran his
machine oil 11 walk, und, being u heavy
man, tho full of ubout three feet wa
sufficient to fracturo the head of his
right thigh bono. Mr, lloyd Is ono of
Baker City's most highly respected
citizens and his many friends sincere
ly hope his Injury may not have u
fatal ending.
To Cleanse the System,
Effectually yet gently, when costlvo
or hllllous, or when the blood Is Im
pure or sluggish, to pcamancntly over
come habitual constipation, to
awaken tho kidneys and liver to 11
healthy activity, without Irritating
or weakening them, to dispel head
aches, coldb, or lovers, uso Syrup of
Corvullls Twonty thousands bush
els, or 400,000 pounds of dried prunes
Is tho inamouth output expected from
the big prune orchard of the Cor
vaills prune company this season.
To make tho emergency the construc
tion of u new und mamouth dryer
lias beon undertaken. An eighty
horse boiler, wolghlng 0,000 pounds,
has been purchased, and Is now at the
prune company's farm. Tho dryer
will be built on tho Thomas Dell
plan, und will have 11 capacity of COO
bushels, or .10.000 pounds of dried
prunes per day. Tlio work of getting
tho dryer In shape in time to handle
the great crop Is to bo pushed.
"Saved Her Life."
Tt todlug iMi,MOt eowiiiDBda
k f un of Wm inansBsinait of
aftalN 1 th priHelpk) of tU
fi4, wkleh M WJ6d to
v9MF mmmmmmm w
.rOinrjlM Mimii
f CHvie,
KB. JOHN WALI.UT. ot Jefferson,
WU., than whom uouo UtnoreMghly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
'In ISO I had a sovoro attack of I.aQrlppe
and ut the end ot four mouths, tu iplto of all
physicians, friends and cod uurslog could
do, tuy lungs heart and nervous system wero
so completely wrecked, tuy Ufa was de
spaired of, my friends cUIng me up. 1 could
only slovp by tho use of opiates. My lungs
und faoart valued mo terribly and ay cough
was most aggravating. I could not lie lu
ou pohk-iou but a short tluio and not on my
kH side at all. My husband brought mo
l)r, Miles' Kervloe und llsart Cure and I bo
gan tuklsif them. When I had taken a bait
bottle ech I was Biucbbetter and contin centin
uing: sersUtently 1 took about ttdosen Wot-
tls and was cowplittely nMtorod to kealUi to
wosurfiriMof ail'"
Or. Mil' Kfiut-dlcs
aw oM by all drug
Uta ndr 14 positive
tuwMM, Hr.t bottl
rvwo. MlnM,
Vw"MNsis B
gar j wsr ga
A Weeks Happenings With
at Portland.
O. N. G. Armory Portland Or. Aug.
12, 1898.
By this time tho members of Bat
tery I)., have adjusted themselves to
tho accomodations furnished In the
O. N. G. Armory In this city and are
making the best, of Indoor camp-life.
Considering the close confinement to
which the boys arc subjected, their
conduct remains exceptionally good.
The war news Is eagerly read and
tho entire battery is anxiously await
ing orders directing them to report
lit some point for rendezvous pur
poses preporatory to active service.
Last Sunday morning instead of ex
ecuting the usual drill, thei bat
tery assembled at 8 a. 111. nnd marched
to the Ulty Park, where tho forenoon
wasepcntln a most enjoyable way.
Released from their quarters and
freed, tcmporarlla. from the restrlc
tlons placed over them In the armory,
the boys proceeded to a full enjoy
ment of the privileges accorded them.
The menagorlc, was visited after
which till repaired to the picnic
grounds Before leaving tho grounds
the Jovial gardner, Mr, Myers, pre
sented each man ot the battery, 10(1
In all, a handsome geranium
buttonnlere, for which he received
thrco rousing cheers from the boys.
For one day nt least Battery B was
the "flower" of the army. Our battery
was very highly cnmpllmcntel by
Adjutant Geneial H. U, Tuttle In an
Item In Suuday's Orcgonlan, Con
cerning this organization, Adjutant
General B. B. Tuttle says: -Light
Battery B. Oregon Volunteers, has
been tho recipient of many compli
ments during Its slay .In Portland.
For sobriety uud general soldierly
conduct it has not been surpassed by
any organization lendezvouscd in this
city since war was declared, Tho fact
of thoro being no drunkenness or
confinements In tho guardhouse for
uny cause, speaks very highly for the
battery. Tho proflency attained In
drill In the short lime It has received
Instruction Is remarkable uud can
only be explained by tho industry
und great Interest its members take
lu their work- It is to be hoped they
will see the active service they so
much desire.
Our llrst uniforms arrived Monday
uttornoon. They aro made of brown
ducking and mo called Manila or
"hot whether" uniforms. They aro
Intended for uso only when working
among tho horses or cannons or when (
in active berylce.
Our blue regulation suits urn
expected dally and until they
arrlyo wo aro obliged to wear
our Manila uulforms at all drills
und when on duty. It Is optional with
us whether or not wo wear them on
tho streets. Besides our suits mo re
ceived underwear, hats and bocks.
Tho government pay-master arrived
Tuesday afternoon ami distributed
approximately S2000 around tho bat.
tery boys. The government was qnlto
lenient with tho boys, allowing them
pay from tho time they enlisted al
though they Aero not mustered In for
about two weeks afterwards.
Ab a sequence to thn distribution of
tho monthly pay, one of the boys Im
bibed too much liquor and returned
to tho armory Intoxicated, it Is
needless to add that the young nun
will not ropeut tils performance for
somo tlmo to come. Tho battery olll
cors made an example of him by sen
tencing him to live weeks guard duty
during which tlmo lie Is deprived of a
leave of absence.
Wednesday uud Thursday mornings
an East Side baker, called at tho ar
mory with 1111 express wugon load of
Thursday ruornltiff thewrlter was
appointed battery clerk and assumed
his duties forthwith1. 1.
Tho battery will take up gun drill
In a few days. The elementary In
structions will bo glyen In tho armory
drill hall butas the battery progresses
andtakcs up morc.dliUcult maneuvers,
more spacious grounds will be sought.
Thursday afternoon the battery
enjoyed an afternoon's out-door
exercise. Tho regular ono hour drill
was executed on the ground ncar.thc
Imposition buildings from 3 to 4
o'clock, the boys prove themselves
worthy of the praise they arc receiv
ing. Sylyeslor Kellogg, son of the mayor
ot Baker City was taken to the Good
Samaritan hospital Thursday. It is
feared he has typhoid feyer. This Is
the only serious case of sickness yet
noted In the battery.
Miss Mary Nouhous, of Baker City,
has the thanks of alio Battery for a
largo delicious fruit cake received
Monday. It was sent to her brother,
Robert, but he very generously shared
It with his comrades.
E. Cooke Patton called long enough
Tuesday to Joke us about our "over
all" uniforms. Owing to a business
engagement, Cooke was obliged tode
cllno un invitation to take dinner
with us.
Dally I encounter some Salemlte,
who Is temporally living here. Walter
Davis Is working for Fred Mcrrlll.-the
well known wheelman. Carl S.
Nlcklln Is visiting relatives here and
Is looking for a desirable position to
work. WattShlpp has discontinued
training and Is working In a targe
cyclcry on Fifth street. Chester
Wilson, another Salem boy, Is In the
employ of the Gas Company.
One member of Battery B has de
cided that he cannot "go It alone"
and experience life's battles without
the comfort and sympathy of a help
mate, and on Thursday evening was
granted leave of absence long enough
to tgot married. The young man re
ferred to Is Corporal M. C. Thompson,
of BakorClty. He was married at
0:30 p, ni., Thursday, In the parlor of
tho Hotel Perkins to Miss Margucjite
Qulncr, of San Francisco. On the
following day at the noon day mess,
the happy groom treated the boys to a
box of line cigars. Corporal and Mrs.
Thompson have the best wishes of
the officers and members of Battery B
for a happy and prosperous wedded
life. J. W. C.
laKl &J? w
Why don't you
A Schilling & Company San Frantic
Chicago in Six Days
How tho Railroads Will Han
dle the Fruit fcrop.
Fast Train Service Over the O. R. & N.
Northern Paclfie Route
Larger Wheat Yields.
How s This !
Wa offer Ono Hundred; Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrah that
can nr.t bo cured by Halls 'Catarrh
F, J. Ciiknijy & Co.JProps., Toledo.O.
Wo the undersigned, having known
F. .1. Cheney for the last IS years, and
believe blm perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out. any obligations
made by their firm.
West & Traux. Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo. O., Waldlng Klnnan & Mar
yln. Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern
ally, acting directly upon tho bipod
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
McM'unvlllc John urawford, who
has the contract for the concrete work
on the Yamhill locks, was seen Tues
day. He says they ara prepared to
push the work from this tlmo on. A
forty horse-power boiler and engine Is
being placed to operate tho mixer and
other necessary machinery. Two
gangs will bo employed, keeping tlje
work moving night and day, and It &
part of tho plan to put In an electric
light plant If ono can be had reason
ably. Mr. Ceaw ford says that about
CO days will be required to eompleto
the lob, and ho hopes to bo through
before the river rises fnim fall rains.
Beglnlng Thursday, August 18, the
O. R. & N; Co. and Northern Pacific
will Inaugurate 11 fast fruit train ser
vice from Portland to Eastern mark
ets. Tho train will run over the Ore
gon company's line from this city to
Wallula, and thence over the North
ern to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth,
Chicago anq other points.
The time required to make the trip
will approximate 120 hours, from Por
tland to St. Paul and other Eastern
termini, and 144 hours from Portland
to Chicago. The Service Is tho same
us was given by the route last jear,
and which proved so satisfactory to
fruit raisers In the vlclnltyof Poit-
land und throughout the Willamette
valley generally.
The O. R, &. N. and Northern Pa
cific are enabled to g lye the lmpro7cd
service by the contiguity to thelrllnes
of some of the great fruit districts of
Oregon and Washington. They can
make up solid trains by collections of
carload shipments at Wallula, Spok
ane, Portland, The Dalles, Walla
Walla and Yakima, gathering at the
points named the yield of the Walla
Walla, Umatilla, Yakima and WU.
lametto valloys, Clark county, Wash.
Ington, and vicinity, the Hood river
country and Snake river sections.
The rates for the service will bo the
same as prevail over competing li'ics.
The time consumed in making the
run toUnlcagoand Eastern terminals
will bo Just one day le3s than at pres
ent. i:i-3t
Lave removed UieirtlrnlnG awl plumb
Ins business to 324 Co nmerclal street
opposite State. Insurance buildliig.
Nnilrp tn nleasnre seekers.
I am rrepared to pack people into the hot
springs, or any place in the mountains, here,
also to cook lor tmall or larce camping ia
ties, address,
6i7dw3m f RANK I'EKKET 1'. Detroit Or,
Ackei's Dyspepsia Tablets are. soil on a
liosillve guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising
oft lie food distress aft?r eating or any form
of dyspepsia One little tablet givos im
mediate relief. 25c and and 50c. Lunn &
Drooks, druggift'.
The Old Reliable
Plumbers and"Tinnerb
Malco a Specialty of
All work guaranteed 214 Commercial
7 20 tf Telephone No 248
liob Moore of LaFjyette. Ind., savs tliat
for constipation lie lias found DeWilts Little
Early Risers to.be perfect. They never cripe.
l'ry 11
Try them for stomach and liver troubles,
Stone Drug Store.
I of
L 0
Drink a iteeplng of Mokio Tea pefor tetiring
at night, snd see how soundly you will sleep
and how joyously you will awake in the
morning ft supplies food for the blood
while you sleep, produces a clear and beauti
ful complexion, aad cures constipation and
sick headache; Lunn & Ilrooks, druggist.
Dyspepsia can be cured by usinc Acker's
Dypepsla Tablets, One little tablet will
give immediate relief or money refunded,
bold in handsome tin I oxes at 25c. Lunn &
Ilrooks. druggists.
Use lr. JlJIfs' Neuve Piasters Tor SPINAL
v.'ICAU: '33. AllUruiCKlaUfloiremforao'
Corvallis & Eastern
Rf R. Company,
'S.KW .;:
:. Returning:
Leaves Yaquina..
Leaves Corvallis
Arrive Albany..
For Detreit:
Leaves Corrallis
Leaves A'bany..
Arrive Detroit .
Leaves Detroit 'r&S'm
Leae Albany S- "
Arrive Corvallis : 655 P- '"
1 and 2 connect at Albany with boiithern
racific train giving direct service to and from
Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train for the mountains arrives at Detroit
at noon giving ample ttme to teach camping
grounds on the llrcitenbush and banliam
rhers same day.
' T. F. fc V. A.
Agent Albany;
7:00 a. m.
1 1 -40 a, m.
12:25 p. m.
7:00 a. m,
8S a, m.
12:20 p. m.
S pm
2 pm
A first-class Campbell cylinder
press, large sio, for sale at a grea
bargain. It Is the press used for the
Daily Journal until recently, and
must be disposed of soon. Just what
Is needed for a weekly newspaper.
Salem, Or.
arms the
lime Mie-n
part of her very
own life nest
ling, trusting
and dependent
on her protecting
love, is me sweet
est, most sacred re
sponsibility of a wo
man's distance,
Hut many a woman
approaching the tluit
sV OI PKH'ieruoou feels
V H I most deeply its duties and
'""trials. She is burdened
tj with a sense or anxiety snd
uuTcusunauie loreooulngr,
This state of mind is un
favorable both to the
mother and the child. (
nmthr tnav tn.i,r li.r.u
Inst the slightest fear of danger or exceJ
A hsppj
mother Is tlje
happiest being
in this world.
To hold in her n. m of the 8th
.1 .H! .-,. . .
"cai jyi,
Jtl ' II V
A prospective mother may Insure herself
rainst the slightest fear of darnrer or rtrrA
slve pain by the use of Dr 1'ierce's Favorite
I'rescriptlon, during the period of expect;
Notice Is hereby given tliat bids for
replanklng 1)30 llceal feet of tho west
approach of tho steel bridge accross
tho Willamette river, at the foot of
Center street, will be received at the
olllce of the county clerk of Marlon
county, statoof Oregon, until 1 o'clock
. m., ortne oui ciay or September.
898. The planking to be 4 inches
thick, 10 Inches wide and 18 feet long.
Tho right reserved to reject any or
all bids.
Said work to bo completed during
the month of October 1808.
lly order of the county courts of
Marlon and Polk counties, and the
city council tf the city or Salem, state
of Oregon.
w. w. HALL.
County Cleric of Marlon County,
d&w 2w
Tie Northern Pacii
Canclian Pacific R R.
And Soo Pacific Line
St. Paul
Montreal ,
New York
and all points east and southeast.
Cheapest tales, bestservice and accommo.
Through touiist sleepers to Minneapolis,
St. l'anl, Toronto, Montreal, and lloston
without change
Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Praprcss
ine of steamships to Japan an 1 China
TI.e fastest and finest ships on the Pacific
ocean. Shortest and best route to die
S. S. Co.
To Ilonoluh-, Fiji and Australia The
shortest route 1 1 the colonies.
For rates, fo dera and any information call
on or-address,
Agent, Salem, Or
Agent, 146 Third street. Portland, Or
Districl Passenger Ai-ent, Vancouver, P
When Going East
8 ,Use a first-class line in traveling between
Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicayo, and the
principal towns in Centra! Wisconsin.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair cars
in service.
The Dining cars are operat.-d In ihe.inler.
est ofits patrons, the irost elegant serrice
ever inaugurated. Meal are served a la
7 I
From Portland.
Salt Lake. Denver F.
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. I-ouls, Chicago
and r.ast.
Walla Wall, - Spokane,
Minneapolis, St. raul,
Duluth, Milwaukee Chi
cago and East
All sailing dales sub
ject to change.
For San Francisce:
Sail Augu't 2.7,12, 17 22
To Alaska,'
Sail Aug. 8
8 p m
ex, Sun.
10 p 111
and Sat
Oregon City, Dayton nnd
1:45 am
To Astoria nnd way land.
Portland to Salem
and way landings
Klpa,iatn I-eviiston
a 111
4 P
1 in
3.? pm
430 p tu
Lv Iew.
S.MS ani
lly Smokiug
sney. This "Prescription" makes the.
wining ui uuuy uuauiuiciy saie ana compar.
stlvely painless,
It elves elastic endurance to the organism
specially concerned in motherhood, and
healthy vitality to the nerve-centres It
msKcs ine tuotner strong ana cheerful
Kivcs ner recuperative power
If hrnnmtM
abundant nourishment and provides con-
uuiuonai ncaun aim enemy or tue child
It is the only positive specific for all dis,
eases of the feminine organism, devihti) br
an educated and skilled specialist in this
particular field of practice. Its sale ex
ceeds the combined sale of all other med
icines fur women
"I sra very thankful for wlut Dr Ptcrcc's
vorite lreKiiition hatdoue for rue," write Mrs.
IttU . biulth. of Oreuola, Iilk Co., Kanui
" About a mouth before I wa confined I lud
such julus I could Uud up only a Uitle nhllu t
a time 1 could ubt rrt at nlo-ht at all .,..,. t
auy oilier time I could scarcely cat anything; st
All "1 liCRan taking lr tierce's favorite Pi.
pie. Ills stock wtts exhauster! tetoio ! m,&uuatiic, wV.'sIS,0 1 c.lM.
lio left. Tho boys rvlbhctl tho de
licacies very much Mich dishes 'iiot
bcluR Included on the battery bill of
ine wurr tliat waa uiai uti
wuia.cu in me Kurucu every aav. tMMJta mi
other work, aud UU uot feel st aU bad. When tlis
baby waa born the doctor aad the women wha
long nlU, aud
KtiinuniucNw 1 uau an easier time than auy
one thty mr uw for the firtt tlaic The tab)
la very healthy sod growlst rlsht aloof 1
have been up ever alucc h-twaj rkU)otJr"
10 Cent Cigar
Made from'the finest Imported stock on the
market, lly union labor not by teucment
house system. 100 State St.SiIem,Or. 7-20 im
Wood Wanted
Railroad still continues the popular
route for eastern travel and now that
summer Is opening up it becomes more
so than ever, The pleasant and com
fortable accommodations furnished
passengers aro proverbial and need no
uientlon.Tliequlcktlme made, without
cliariL'o of cars is unlvprsniiv !,.,
1 lie road traverses the most macnltl
cent belt of country In the world
every mile furnishlnu' constant won.
ery attractive and interestlnp, so
flint, tllft tm,nln ..tun .1 . ' . -WM
. . v "'""-j1-' kws trirougn witlis
out fatigue and reaches the Journey's
end wltTiout realizing distance. All
hrough WashluKton.ldaho, Montaana
Dakota. Nebraska nnd ti, ti.
states, the eye Is feasted with scenes
pleasing and Impressive, while no
sand storm, suffocating atmosphere or
other demoralizing discomforts are
met with. For tickets and full par
ticulars call on l
"or, rvm,,nri.,i .... A-'ell''s'
wm.uMvi.u a.lCL-L. in I, in
building formerly occupied by Dan J
Fry's drug store, Salem, Or.
Flvo hundred -cords of, big Hr wood
wanted for spot cash at the Capital
Brewery, Call at tho otlice for par
ticulars. Kjinger & Beck.
20u Miles
shorter and a whole half day nulr-t-,
than any other line to Omaha1 k
Rai rltv w r ..i v" w"aiia, Han-
utli ? n and Z, "nA.i' t:er !
A. C. SllPr 11 .v.
Otn'l a.ent. lWil.V
shouldreadnv;a,rS,-Cl",KKe"iC' "r '
The Wisconsin
Central Lines.
ticketfull information call on fcotr nea,,.,
ticket ageu or write res
,. , J AS. C. POND
Or IAS A Cia?r,Mill,tt:"ate-a0--'
en, Wi,
Oreffon Short Line.
UFKFt""?0I.BU E,,t "' southeast
c,TJ&tol "'!. sleep
T c,(.A?rEkiJv1,emi("
Tr wSJssr Acen
Ruth for l'ortland Tuesday, TTiuisda t I
Saturday at 7:15 a. m.
Transfers to slieet car line at Oreg City
if the steamers are delayed there ound
trip tickets to all points in Oregon, V ssbing
ton, California or llie east. Connecting
made at Portland with all rail, ocean and
rher lines,
CenT Fas. Agt, Portland, Or.
O. M.rOWEUS, A;ent, Trade street dock
City Agenlr.
Southern Pacific Co
"fLv.... Salem.... LvJi 50.TM
MIAr....Roseuurc.. Lv r7.-ioA'u
huflet sleeper and second. class
I ent, IHinUn,! 0r
Iwtiui ditswioa. it WSL"'1'
IW..OIUT10 .MSJ K.U U, B,.....
SMirV--a,0rtland- ..Ar (9:30 AM
. I J f Lv. Satem . . . .Lv 700 a m
7.45 AM) Ar. San Francisco. Lv (8,'oorM
i.flr?,V'!itraiInsst,0Pataa I'rinoipal station!
bet. Portland and Salem, Turner. Marion
S- Albany. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey,
r!f, UnR' JuncAon Clt7' EuSne, Creswefl
Cottage Grove, Dram, Oakland, and all sts
lions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive.
0.30 A M
,0.-5S A
S-"2o r
l-,.! . "'"-P" -"u seconu-ci.
sleeping cars attached to all through trai
"""i JIUEi U1V1B un.
'Ii?ililal5? daily exqept Sunday.
BJl--Corvallis... Lvn.-QS-M
ratAffe.Cd?Ii,'C0,meCt '"'
3tl-RESgTRAlMn..tvjj-ffT SUNI1AV.
few p m I a1 ,' -MeM'nnvUle Lv s.'So A M
30 PM) Ar Independence Lvf j.-co a m
steimchir. i: "mi ami racuic man
&W.te f0r ,A1AN AND CHINA
Tf, dat onapphcation
Eurow Vl. al EaSlem PIn,i "''
from w d WUlt ,y.A' ca & obttiftff-l
SSSb) ' NEK, Ticket ,,
C II ma 1.1.., H' KOEnLER, Manager.
-. H.MARKHAM. G. K. &P.A. Portland
:V alia luriJL
la or roa&s, aa4
aaa or inarrlas.
(t a man tat atudr.buniri
tUiatfei'5ffl' JiWi,'aa 5mi
?"..tuS3.BS IX'l'to
11 ru: -' .f'-ww. hi
'' tlrcalar a,Tt T ',!::;. .
Fw",e"Or., b,D.l.PRVdllMUt