DAILY CAPITAL JOURN T . Js. J- ! I r " a.., i 1 0" j --. 'J r t ,.J .V. j.Vj,- ; SAIiEM", OREQON, FMrbAT, AUG UST , 189: VOU id r j. :- i NO. !Nk5 . IF YOU ARE bargain sflouinaldo IN IWfe J lf O See Krausse They haye them at Low Prices, Good Quality Late Styles, -j AUK OFFERED New Yor K Which Is well made, of good material, for-men, boys, and youths. STAR 5 STAR Shoes, In all grades, for ladles, gents or chlldien, specially wide, and easy shoes lor old ladles or gents.. -SUMTsHBR. UNDERWEAR- For ladies, gents or children, from 5e upward; for ladles and for gents 4rc for suit (2 pieces) of line balbriggan and upwards. FUR FEDORA HATS From 00c upward, and crash hats and caps of all sizes All the above, and a thousand other articles sold at racket prices. Don't fall to call. Nosing out Bankrupt Stook At Friedman's A Few of the Bargains We Are Offering! We haye some more lace curtains, worth $l.."0 a wPiirn splllnu for85ca nilr. Best quality tabb j:ic i yard. Tablecloth, A new line or percaics, worm ut ceius n yum, now ior u cents u yard. Farsols at half price.. Silk gloves, one-third . otr. Leather belts, from 10c up. Spool cotton,' 2 cents. Remember! Reductions on all lines, Trunks and clothing, blankets, hats, shoes, Corner Commercial and State streets, Salem, Oregon S (J fy' 0$ IW MEfiON GREEN k r' J GENERAL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Wholeule prjduce and fiuU, Packe r aJ km, t gg. iru '" P"'- chUku LOOKING FOR Bros. 275 Commercial st, AT THE New Racket. pair, which oilcloth for worth Mc a yard, now for 21c a yard. Just Received A FINE ASSORTMENT OF- Clauss' Razors All styles and prices, Fully guaranteed. GRAY BROS Corner Htato Salem, Or. and Liberty streets DRIED m lilppr. We paWtliett "fni A , WAR& Racket LCO. ice far -A. I WAGMEft Mi;r I Declares He Is Own Demands That United States Deal Frankly With Him, Firsl Shipments' for Home Leave SantiagcA Gloomy San- 5 I IZf i c? tiago Xr.w Youk, Aug. .". The Evening Had Two Wives, Lately Was Pastor of Church at San Jose, u Is Believed That He Now Is in British. Columbia With Wife No. 2. San Francisco, Aug. 5. Three years ago two Ingenuous young men, bound for the classic halls of the State University, tramped from Los Angeles to San Francisco, making their living along the way by preach- the gospel and titling keys. The name of the young tramp' preacher was Carl Sumnei Hughe-1, that of the locksmith Lou's Everett Heers. They carried with them a little game cock, who bore the high sounding title of Agamemnon Epictetus Thucydldes and the trio won the hearts of all the people In the towns strung along the! reroute by virtue of their good cheer and courage inthefacc of ad verse circumstances. Yesteiday Hughes was a fugitive from Justice, hiding in British Columbia with the young woman who believes she is I1I3 lawful "wife, Miss'Lena L. Taber, of Oakland.' In Chicago' a vengeful woman, Mabel Tyler Ilaghes.U calling upon the law to place the man who has violated It behind the bars. The animus of her complaint Is well ex pressed In the telegram she sends to her atterneys: 'Chioaoo, June 4, 1808. Emmons & Emmons, Spreckels Building, San Francisce: Money no object. Hughes Is a bigamist. Want him arrested. Will write full particulars later on. 'MAnnr- TYi,r.ri IIuqhi:s." Hughes' career In California has been an original one, to characterie it mildly. Beginning with his fan j tastic lour of Mic state, and his entry of San Fianclscj nhabb'y, footsore and penniless, he was known as a diligent student at the Paclllc Theological Seminary, and engaged the Inteiest of those he met by means of his frank and winning manners; but he was chronically short of funds and took means to replenish his exchequer which were not looked upon with favor by the faculty or his fellow students. Still he was generally held to be, possessed of an estimable char acter, and the fact that he had con secrated himself to the ministry screened him from harsh criticism. He won the heart of pretty Lena Taber, Oakland, and on Aptll 21, 1608, married her, ,wi,Mi her mother's full consent. Tie afterwards took charge of a Methodist church In San Jose. By a remarkable concldencc, at about the same time Mrs. Hughes of Chlcigo, opened her campaign against him for bigamy he was bcUed with the war fever and resigned fl Thinking Maenine. Will help any n.nn woman or child to conclude Just what Is wanted at all times, but the average person who comes Into the Fair Store requires no thinking machine to convince them 'that wejiavo ovcrfiilng'tlipt'ls wanted In the llaeof CAMPING, and HARVESTING SUPPLIER anil In fact everything tliit competitors, you need to wear, Throws O- Fighting far His People, Report. .lounril prints ii cablegram fioin his charge to go to the Philippines i as an army chaplain, hut, disheartened with the government's long delay In ' forwarding tioops to Manila, be changed his military Itinerary to llrltlsli Columbia, and the pious war rior Is now believed to be In Mhat alien land with his gentle young wire, who loves him, believes In him and faithfully clings to him. The Oshkosh Strike. Osiikosh, Wis., Aug. 5. Rioting was resumed by the striking 6od' workers, on accountof the sash and door men trying to run their plants with non-union labor. This morn ing the strikers congregated, clubded and stoned the woikmcn. trying to reach the mill. Thirty policemen wcic dispatched to reinforce the squad mi duty. The police used clubs freely and tne stieet was llnally cleared, SILVER TO Indian Mints -n- Report That Has Reached Washington to That Eftect-vThc New Ratio, DKNVr.it, 'Aug. 5.-A special to the Times rrom Washington sajs: Information has been iccehcd here irom London, through private channels, to the effect that the Indian mints are to he leopcnod to free coin age, and the assertion is made that this will occm at an unexpectedly e.uly date. The report t,r the Indian commission Is to lia published before tho lirst of September, and tills is expected to throw some light upon the details ol the matter. The announcement that the impoitantstep of leopenlng tho mints '"111 take place comes from a source which is usually icHablo. There Is a strong clTort to haye the ratio changed from Hi to I to 2a to 1, and It is asserted that a willingness to assent to this change litis bgen eyluced by both the United States and France. The establishment or .a ratio of 22 to 1 would hao the ellect of Increasing the present price of sllvec, but it would, jii the other hand nrobably prevent forever the icstoration of the ratio of 1(1 to 1. There Is some disposition to doubt this doubt appears to arise largely Irom A Blow at Trading Stamps. Tacoma, Aug, 5.-T. J. Fleetwood was lined $50 this morning for deal ing in "trading stamps" without paying a city license of a hundred dollars.. Extensive use of trading stamps has caused the principal mer chants to combine In a petition to the council to Impose a heavy license for their use. No Answer Yet From Spam, .Washington, Aug. 5. The cabi net convened at eleven o'clock. The long expected answer of Spain to the governments terms has not, yet been received. "ArTofflcfr Dies, 1'onoe, Aug. 5. - Captain Edgar Hubert of the Eluhth Infantry, died ' of brain fever last night. at prices Itlia,t M(Uj(lt lty bent by Deflate Hung Kong purporting to give the text of a message from Azulnnldo to' Consul General Wlltlman. Agulnaldo says. "I ask joii wliy sliould America expect mc to outline my policy and i' .1 1 blindly for lier Interests, when America Is not frank with mo. Am 1 light-' log for annexation, protection or Independence ? It ls.for "America to any. If ( Miienen takes Manna, I enn save my for me. Ucllevc me lam not both a fool people arc as sacred to mo as the Interest" of your people arc to'pti." ' Santiaoo, A iilr. From the moment Secretary Algol5! fneVnj was re coiled, ordering the removal of the army north, every thing Imp been bustle at the headquarters; Six transports here have been ordered to discharge i cargoes without loss of time and take the first shipments for home. All tho , men that are suffering from yellow fever or Infcctous diseases will bo leffci here. No tenting or surplus baggage will be taken back to the United States. Santiago Aug. 5. General Shatter's sanitary report for Angus :i, Is as follews: Tcltal srek. ., uu iover cases i. new cases of fever . i. cases of fever returned to duty i. dciths on July III ACIDITY OF FEELING. Between Great Britain .! uation in The Prince of Wales Is Liable to Pass a Season in the Grcat- v est Country On Earth, i London, iiig.-". There is great uneasiness here on all sides in view of tho Chinese situation, which is bringing a conlllct between Oicatlhltaln and Rilssla within measurable distance.lt Is uniyersilly felt that the Marouis of Sallsbuiy, in yielding to Russian aggressiveness, Is responsible for the danger ous complication whi-h can only be overcome-by a prompt and llrm intima tion that Russia's opposition to British commercial concessions must cease. LoNiioN.Aug. .') It Is reported in connection with the Auglo-Ainorlcan uioenicnt that strong endeavors are being made to have tlio Prince or Wales visit the United States and Canada next summer. THE FRONT, pttnm to Be Reopened Coinage, to Free the accuracy of tho Inhumation, hut the fact that It Is unexpected.. Fever Fatalities Are Light I'lIILADRLPHIA, Aug. 5. Dr. Olllt- eras, tho famous yellow fever iwpeit has arrived fiom Santiago He says yellow feyer among the tioops has hconorallghtchaiactoraud mortality not heavy. Robbers Make a Raise. Richland, Mich. Aug. (. Robbois entered the Union Haiik last night and stole $.r,00u caul, and 41,000 In notes. The safe was blo-vn open w lib nltro glycerine. Court -Manlateil MAimin, Aug. 6,-r-Aii olllclul dls patch from Sun Juan do Porto Itlco says that Colonel San Martin, who was in comiiianTl of the Spinlsh gar rison at Pgnco, has huou court' martialcd and shot for abandoning the place without resistance. Lleu-teimnt.Gulo-sel I'un.a, the second in command, committed tulcldc. Another otliolal dispatch from San Juan, bays; ' "Most of the volunteers are in a disorganized condition, and arc aban doning their arms." Texas Ticket. Galvhston, Tex., Aug. J. Tho Democratic slate convention uiimlna ted the following slate ticket: ilpyernor-J. 1). Kuyere; lleutununt governor! J. Jf. lirownliiu; altornoy general. Tlipmas $. Knilth: controller, It. Vv. Iqhleyrt,!aiid uomuilsslqner, G. W. Finger; treasurer, J. W. Robljliis. in (iiif Fafifi HI 1 n if fill III ' ill vUI a UUyo men and arms for wJiut.futura Is In store and a rogue 'Hie Interests if my ;i77S imkkt ... , 449 fS5 i !) and Russia Over, -Sit China, A SALEM VOLUNTEER Writes From the Philippines, at .Manila, Uundcr the Date or July I. ,- Capt.Jas. Bachelor, ojrthls ejty, yesteiday received the following lrnni his son, Will, of the Oregon Volun Velun teers: "We arrived here O. K., and were escorted In uyalGernian man-of-war and the Baltimore, which incfc us two days out. The only diversion we had on tho trip wasthfe capture of th6 Isle of Gwau, one of the Ladrono Hands. We are so excited we don't know which end we arc standing on at pros pects of once more getting on land. wosaw wewcy mis evening, lie is a line looking man and ns brave as they inaKO cm. we ciieereu mm until wc nic so hoarse that we ean'hardly talk Tliero arc about (iO ships In this har bor and lots of native bouts are going around as If they wanted to make the acquaintance of th6 boys. i got rip tins inclining and had no mote 'than got my breakrast than aboill20 little boats made of logs with uathes selling bananas, uiusgroyes, chickens and eggs, and one thing was worth Just as much as an other. You can gut as much ror S coots as you can for 23 cents. They ddn't know tho difference. 'The Insurgents aio ory active. 'They were lighting all duy yesterday and you could sco the blao of some plantation last night as they were burning It. They say tliero are 1000 Island In the Philippines and I guess It Is so for we wore In sight of hind for two day i. The natives resemhlo iho Japs, as they are small and active- H docs not seem to he so very warm hore as they bay, for 1 haye been sleeping without anything on all Hie trip and last night I had to throw a blanketj over mo. ' We do not expect to land until tboi other transports get heie and Unit won't be until tho Fourth of .July. Ono can hardly realize that wo uro In an oiiomy's country, If ws did not haveguns and ammunition and kept' guarda for it looks Jut llko 'Frlseo hay. 1 do not think there nr' as iniitiy Spaniards horo us they say. At tlio Ludronos tboy bald thero was 700 and tliero wore only about i!( lirlho garrNon. When Dewey coiiiinonccwto bombard Manila and the troops liind with about 80C0 Insurgents In tho ijoaulbh rear they urti liable to get cold feet and quit. When 1 got Iiouiq lam going totueaL you all out of houeoand home for JjuavB' an appetite llko a horse. 1 woilhl Kiyu ow in uu iiuwu umi ijubbuuiy ni UiObQ tin uukua ami cup piHKiiugia boniQ of , Unrrlu's cake, (iho rogard to all mv friends an, ooryouy in unit. ruiy UBUMIT NP -spy The War Situation, President aild Cabinet AgTOO . . vJll nGVOHUG LclWS ' I Spinttli Cabinet Inclined .tO'Dluff aitd Defay Action On Peace Proposal. Washington, Aug. fl. The cab inet session today was taken up mainly with administration detail. Tlio Cuban customs tarllT "Was dls cussed at length. It was agreed that the rates of Internal revenue taxation In force in the United States he made the customs rate for Cuba. It" was the opinion of the president and cabi net that as soon as Porto Med passed Into the possession of the United States customs laws and regulations of the United States be maae to ap ply to the Porto lllco without modi fication. Mauuiu, Aug. Ti Conferences be tween political leaders on the subject of peace terms continue. Seuor Sll- ycla, a conservative leader, acting in behalf of Senor Castellar, Republican leader, conferred with Sagasta on the subject. He said Casteller, although an ad vocate of peace, was of the-oplnlon In negotiating the government should remember tlio Vlrglnlus aiTalr, when the. energy displayed by .Spain In dealing with the United States saved Spain's interest and thought eyery ellort should be made to reserve Span ish sovereignty oer Pgrto Itlco. San Fkancisco, Aug. 5. The vol unteers who go to Honolulu on the steainei Laknie and Nehon matched out of Presidio to the ye3sels. There were 3(14 enlisted men and 14 officers, coinpriblng tlicthlrd battalion the sec ond regiment United States volunteer engineers recruited In Ienyer,.Salt Lake, -Portland apd San Frnnclrco, and companies I, K, L and M, Ilrst battalion company U, and second battalion lirst Js'ew York volunteers, unber Major Chase. The vessol will sail tomorrow. To Bring the Army Home. Washing-ion, Aug. 5' The war de partment has ordered u large licet of transports at Ponce to proceed to San tiago to jolh transports alicady at Santiago in bringing Shatter's army back to this country. In Justice Johnson's Court. The case of small boys against the Oregon llax liber association Is being tried before Justice Johnson today. It seems tliat the association hired three bob paying them "5 cents a day and now the boys want $1 fiO. It is said the suit Is spite work on tlio. part or the plaintiff's arising ovci soinejnlsundorstiindliig as" to the amount of wages demanded. The amount Is rldlculoiHy small to till gate about aan What a look may save you arc prudent, You 1 Potters Oil Cloth &. & . Harvesters ?dibs w t. Lendn Your Ears, Wc have some good things for you. Values count heio; best Is none too ,.3."ju.up .. aftaup . .26c up MenLs bhrrtfittafl?iM . .,. Men's iinilejTvi'ai., .. . Me'n's 'gloves. .... Men's siispunilortiV'. Men's socks. . ,,.. ... . ..2)Clip . iru up . 5c up Your Money 1 U novel ours until you aro sat Isiled Stock Closing, Qr Oxford Madras, n lino cloth sliUuund w.iUts, spfloliil, , for 13 l'2c, III! Camping Bla'nketo and Comforts, ., '' At special nrlectt. A hlg now lino Uk Vs' e vyur new laii goods are COME ' HSEPHMEYERS'.AB.SQNSi Phono !2J8.2eoComiiiuiolal stieot. corner Court Tk Royal It the Miet yratfa btu j ptfdtt rif3mn. ActM( tett (hew 11 . ', ilfcd further tkM tmy W I".; ' POWDER AbsetHMy Pare ROYAL BAKINd POWOCft CO., hCW YOMK. MAIL FROM MANILA. An Albany Boy Writes About .Captur ing the Ladrone Islands. I will try to give you an account of an exciting scene. The Charleston had orders to stop at the island of Gwam, in the Ladrone group.and take a gunboat and a fort and make the Spanish garrison prisoners. Wc ar rived off the Island Sunday, June 7. "-s '1 Wednesday morning the Charleston steamed up the bay, but founa no gun- f boat. She fired Ul shots at the fort, 12 of them taking effect. What was our Surprise to see natlcs '.come down to the fort and made Inquiry as to what was up. They thought we were firing a salute. The7 did not knowthat Dewey Interrupted communication at. Manila. Wc raised Old Glory neyer to came down again. The governor of the Island sunendered, he with 50 other opanish officers and r0 privates we placed on board our ship, the City of Sydney, Wc steamed away tlc same eyenlng got a little fruit from the natlyes and arrived here safely on the 30th of June about 5 p, m. Wo find Dewey alright. Wc expect to land soon. Germany has 8 cruisers here, but If .iapan with her flvcard England which has three here stand lu for fair play we will lie al right- , In this letter I cannot give you any Ideas about Manila or even Caylte as wo have not had a chance to got nil yet. I haye been sick, caused mostly by the rough weather wo experienced In the China sea. We have now 20 rounds or ammuni tion each hucd today and everything must he done up to the handle. Most of us are broke as we have not as yet received any pay. The most of us Intend to send our pay home. If Dewey had the money here he could take Manila In no time. How Is Ice cream business? You ought to be here. Ice cream would sell like hot cakes. I am feeling fair now, Hope vou aro well anu nave some oi me. weather wc cream trade. haye to make good ice Acker's EnglUh Remedy Will Slop a cough at any time, and will cure the wort ILUIU 111 IWCIVC iivuiaj ui i iiuii i, j H.IMIHIWUI 25c and sec. Limn & lltooks ihugghu. AND SEE.. you, You will look jf - will buy if you are smart, Fi"" pieces just received. None better, V T New Plaid Hose LATEST -NOVELTIES. 50 and 75c, r High Novelties ,4' in Wash Goods, Newest summer fabrlca-iTrevliler T.rtnrt .it.il Ar.tnnillA rniu OK nnt L'ULLUMIIU Ullll VIIIUIC lap, am,' UMIJu Mc unroll clouranco ppcln). t 10c. -1. Men's Golf Shirts, t Some 75c, $t and .$li2i ,v Cleariinca.speclal to close. . aliwlVi 50c Flowing End and Puff TU Clearance special to close 4, f VA1 rlT--ii. -. iU arming, waicu ujjiranc, 4 M i f "n .& .i &k i