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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1898)
"F i Wf -awmsmim WMpwpwWHwiwMf MjmMarmmitmitfiqifitii'im.H HP.M1III1 vmnrm aaaWHM PA'BeautifuPPreseiit In order to further introduce the manufacturers. J. C. Hubinger Uros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa.have ! decided to C1IVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of ' starch sold. These presents are in the form of j Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x19 inches in size, i $ LUacsand Pansies and Marguerites. "rrTxs3issssM MQUKSHOCOOMtG EBB 'AnniWv.wmy ma of AHViTMSSTAieii. IftaH "j.cjuawsnjsTOjttr, mm These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the ery choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. .The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures arc the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing 'them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. , One of thesepictures 'f " - ' - 1 with c'acli'pack'ot EhSO.SI.IO OtSll Oil purchased of jour grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. ; ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIO STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE HMWWIMMtWMMH8MMt8WMemS WE MOB m - BURNERS. Reduced in Price, On and afler Aiiuust I. the-price for niirnefi-nnti. renal rs.wlll bo as follews: ' T Burners $125 Self lighters 24 Mantels 0 (Jhlmncys 10 The Wcllsbach burner Is ,tlio best and cheapest artificial light. ' Wo sell gas stoves also. Convenient fo$hot)Weathor, ' TJxarailnc'tlieni. 71 Chcmcketa .street. Salem Gas Light Co. "Assay Office AND LABORATORY- No, 71 Chemeketa si, . II. f. TUTU ILL, Maniger, o ,' Originality in Printing Do you want to buy It, or the Imitation? There Is shoddy In Printing as well as In clothing; and Its user Is subject to keen criticism. A business man travels within u lim ited snero but his print ed matter goes broadcast whore his personality can not soften ad vers Impres sions. The kind or print ing we do creates no adverse Impressions. Try us with the next lot of bill heads or envelopes. CONOVER, the Printer at Dearborn's Bookstore, s i . O. C.T Go's I STEAMER t ALTON A. t t leaves for l'ortland Monday, Wednesnday and Friday, 7 MS a.w Quick lime, regular nei- vice and low rates. Dock between Mai and Court streets. X M. P. BALUVviN. 4. ' Ai-ent, Salem 4 1) Grower's CHIP ) Social iroUcenieijU olTer.d to our property and crop! Only rehaWo coinp -nits. 28S Commercial it , , GEO. M JiUUl-14 i-u., 7 30 d& w Salem. WatlaceWarehouse, Storage at reasonabl grates, "Apply to XTEM. WXTER CO Insurance ELASTIC STAIiril Kbit Imn Hnhii .j and are entitled as follews: Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. . SALEM SOCIAL NEWS. . Personals and Whereabouts of Dwellers in the Capital City, j Prof. L. 0. Cochran Is at Newport ! for a few clays. ' Aflctjc Tnaaln fVnlirlirin 1.3 irlclt.liifr l'ortland friends. Mrs. U. Dane Is in Oregon City visiting her son. Mrs. Jos. Fusee t tsistlcating at Newport this week. Mr. and Mr". It. P. I5ole are at the coast for a few days. Prof Carter and family are at New port for the summer. Miss Minnie Iieton Is spend lot; a few days at Newport. flr.'W. A.CusIck and family will spend the summer at Woods. Miss Florence Brown of Sllvcrton, Is the guest of Salem friends. M. T. Rlnenian and family spent Sunday at Wolfer Springs, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Burrows are at Clatsop Beach for the summer. Miss Mabel Crelguton returned Friday from an outing at Joseph. Mrs. F. R. Mitchell of Pendleton, Is the guest or Mrs. G. W. DuRettc. Dr. W. P. JefTeries nnd family are at Neskowln for a month's outing. Miss Bellinger, of Portland Is the guest of Miss Bush for the summer. Gov. Lord joined his family at Seal Bocks today, for his annual vacation. Mr. Edward Clark or Richmond, Irdlannahas made Salem his home. C.B. Durbln, of Antelope, Wasco Co, is the guest of Sheriff Frank Dur bln. Mrs. Franklo Cornell, matron at the asylum, took a trip to Newport this week, Supt, and Mrs JE. M. Crolsin are spending a few weeks In the moun tains. Miss Lena Klghtlinger Is visiting rrlcnds at tho Sllctz Indian reserva tion. Miss Minnie Ireton left Wednes day for a few weeks outing at New port. Mr. W. McGowan, or Portland, and Miss Ella Pohle are at Newport for a few weeks. Mrs. F. W. Settlemelr, of Wood bujn, Is a guest at the homo of Mrs. G, W. Jones. Mr. Fred Erlxson and family, have returned from a visit to Lincoln, county, Kansas. Rev, II. A. Ketchum aud family will leave for Mehama Monday, for a few weeks outing. Miss Medora Whltliold of Portland is the guest of Miss Margaret Messlck, 332Summer street. Mr. Dayld Coppack and daughter Mrs. Price, from Pleasant Hill, Ohl", have moved to Salem. "The Misses Jessie and Rose Crclgh toa and MIssEdlth Frizell, left today for a visit to Newport. Miss Georgia Davenport is making an extended visit- In Sllverton nnd the surrounding country. Mrs. B. Cacy returned home" Tuesday after a pleasant visit at the home of Mrs. Claud Gatch. Mrs. F. X. Hofcr and son Fred, left Monday for a summer visit vrllh old Dakota and Iowa incnus. . . Miss uarrie uicuuuk i""" Portland Sunday afler a visit with her mother Mrs. A. N. Sieves, Mr. and Mi$. I) J. Fry and family, in company with Mrs. Mary Herbert and children, are at Slab Creek. Mrs. II. B Broomwell, of a visitor at th home of Mrs. M. A. Thompson, on capital street. !tfrR. Marl ha Zlrls, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs- J. F. Ooode, left Tuesday for her home at Alexandria, Mo. Mrs. E. C. Small and Mrs. Geo. Pierce went to Newport, Monday, where they will Joi.Olr.Plerce'afam. lily. Miss May Gunanof.San Jose, Cal. wiio has beejf vlsftjng ho'r cousin Miss Hattlc Rafter reltirhccfi iTomoHMon day. ... Miss Lily Klngslcy who has been visiting Mrs. .1. A. Scllwood, returned to linr Vancouver. II. C hoiiHuJJon- (lay l f f & ' Mr. antjjMjg. 'OSI nftchncld n companled bythclrfton tFrftnl; at JIC' nnd Miss Cora LltchlleUn: IICIIIICUl !' lit jX !I Yaqulna City. K i i , ncsj thejf noted Portland Willis Halnci tenor slntrcr. returned home Monday after a few days visit with Salem friends. Miss Lenorc Kirn, of Portland, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss MaricKim, left for an outing at Newport, Friday. Mis? Stella Bishop and Miss Carrie Ladd, who have been visiting Mrs, C. P. Bishop, returned to .their homes In Portland Monday. Sundav several of Salcm'n promin ent people will seeK the cool shades of the country to forget tor a time mc heat and worry of the city. Tlicy.wlll , visit .the, Grlflltli jimuo the Lilacs, near Willara, and-3havc a lawn picnic, and merry tlmeTeturning by moonlight Sunday evening. Miss Mary Spong, was called home from a vlslt-wlth her aunt, Mrs. A. Frlebert by the death of her grand father, near Cottage Grove. Mrs. Walter Mclltree and Miss Pflfer- returned to Peoria. Oregon, today "after a 'pleasant visit .with Mrs. W. W. Vantls, of Central Park.. The Misses Agnes and Nellie Brown, Lelo Nlcklln and D. Gans; Messrs. Ed. Brown and Geo. Gans, left Tuesday for a twowecke' -outfng at Silver Creek Falls. Miss Jeannette Brown, sister of Supt. A. L.'Brown, of water works, and Miss Emma Naylor, both of Des Moines, la., are the gupsts of Mr. and Mrs. Brown for the summer. Mrs. M. L. Wilson and daughter Edna, formerly of this city, loft on the overland Tuesday evening for their home In Palo Alto, California, where Mrs. Wilson's son Ernest is at tending Stanfordvuniv:rslty' MlssR.T. Smith, .formerly prin cipal at the East Salem school Is at her home near Independence. Miss Smith spent last year teaching school in California but poor health obliged her to return to Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. John Grlflltli, Mr. and Mrs. Otuo Krausse, and -Mr. and Mrs Joe Albert had a little family picnic near Turner last Tuesday. Tho la dles went In a a carriage while the gentlemen formed a body guard on their bicycles. They report a very pleasant time, Invitations were received by Salem friends of Miss Elma Lenoro Wellcr. who Is now nt Nashville, a recital given by her on Tuesday eve ning, July 20. Miss Weller was as sisted by Miss Ella Virginia Joseph, soprano. The program rendered was of a very high character. Mrs. Elma Thompson and little son Ivan, Misses Elva and OnlcMcKInncy and Mr. Grant Longsworth went to Silver Qrcek Falls Saturday week where they camped until last Friday returning about noon. They report a Yery pleasant outing. Those who will enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Griffith's hospitality are: Dr. Byrd and family, Miss J. C. Byrd, of Spokane; Mr. Leed and fam ily, Mr. Frank GrrilHhand wife, Pror. Geo, Peebles agd family, Mr. and Mrs. Jos Albert, and .fudge and Mrs. Wol verton. A very pleasant time is as sured. Monday evening as John W. Coch ran was preparing for "taps" he was surprised by a small detachment of hs friends who carried his homo by storm and made Mr. Cochran pris oner for the evening. After Jolrn had recovered his breath tho army of occupation withdrew with their prisoner to the lawn where game were Indulged in which recalled the happy daysoraood comradshlp gone by and which served as a pleasant The Astronomy ol Lite. When an astronp mer foretells the ex. set minute at whiqh two planets yll cross each other, we know there U no magic about it. The whole universe is governed by laws. A man wuo studies mese laws 01 nature carefully and reduces them to a sci ence, can count on e,tact results every1 time. A doctor knows that certain remedies affect certain diseases When a disease seems to have no remeds the doctors pronounce it incurable. All the time Nature may have the remedy right at hand, but it will only be discoered by Hie doctor who has studied longer aud deeper than others into this particular disease Consumption seemed for a long time with out a remedy, until Dr Pierce made his wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" 10 veara aero. It has proved to oe a marvelous J n1miit lirtTnil trr BtrIfis fnr rriiieiimt. "".a ' ,unjr- ""'a' a5a ita effects seem almost magical bunts op eration is based upon simple natural laws It has the peculiar property of enabling the blood-making glatx as s to manufacture healthy, red mood anu pour It abundantly our it abuudautl into the circulation. This nourishing, vitil- Izing effect is rapidly manifested in the lungs aud bronchial tubes where it stops the wasting process ana ouuas up ueauuy tissue. His read il y assimilated by stomachs which are too weak to digest cod liver oil, and it is far superior to malt-extracts as a perma nent and scientific flesh -builder in all wasting dleases. "Twenty Cve years ago eight different doctors told me thai I would live but a short time, that I had coiiMuoptiun and must die." write Geo. It. ... i'n or Mters Vsllev. Pottawatomie Co Kaii ' 1 finally commenced taking I)r Tierce's Golden Medicaf Jlscoery and am soil oa the Uud and.auioag the living. lhc nub to be lieve tUU It has lengthened my life for the tal tweotr-fivc year, and I have so witch faith la all pf your medicine tbal I want one of ) our Com mon hene Medical Advisers.' " Dr. Pierce's medicines are recognized as standard remedies throughout the world. Mis "PltasaU Pellets" aure constipatln" KfTWrMIH prr WfM'm period for tho associations of the past. At an carty hourj the- 1H vadlng Emergency Corps served a delicate luncheon and the invaders withdrew wl8hingMr. Cochran nil happiness and success In tho time which ho must spend away from us. Tin: M. w. op a The entertainment given last Mon day evening was a bucccs.. so far us entertainment was concerned. About one hundred Invited guests were present. The good of Woodcraft was set forth by Mr. Murphy, of Kansas, and was presented in so forcible a manner that all could plainly see the advantages the M. W. of A. has over ether orders, and which accounts for its unprecedented growth In the pait. He plainly stated In a business like way tho advantages the Modern Woodmen of America have over all other orders. He explained how this order has grown 50,000 the past year and will in the coming year gain nearly double that If It contluucs to grow as at present. Dr. Ilibbln made a yery line address, which was well received. After lUicnlng to some good music oy the orchestra, the en tire company went to the banquet hall and partook of refreshments, which were .pronounced No. 1 by all. Havanas were passed and all joined in a social hour. Tho gentleman from tho East expressed themselves as highly pleased with the Salem meet ing, and remarked that Salem wap chuck full of warm-hearted sociable people. The Salem lodge Is growing and has 08 lucnibersJn good standing and ere tho present year is over there will be close to 200. As deputy or ganizer, John Chase has now a large number of applicants, and as soon as the heated term is o'er this new camp will enter the Held for tli6 banner, which Is offered for the largest camp in the state. ESt-r's ' ' ''aiot good heaitD, B" H O t iy i.crei, mental, B3 . . 1 and digestive IUUv& , M,.tJ. H you are ner- vous, em it 11 . Hood's r-u u a v.ity your blood with ..I. If you aro weak, - '. :.l desire to be strong, havononp. n healthy and vt"iiroim, take Hood's 8ar Baparilla, wlilcli wilt tone your stomach, create an aipU le and build you up. H-ood's spS. The Hest In fact the Ono True Blood Purifier, u rtu cure nausea, indigestion, tlOOdS PUIS biliousness. Price 2W. DEALER IN !v GROCERIES Paints, Oils Window Gloss Var nish, aud tbe most complete stock of Brushes of all kinds in the state Artists materials, lime; hair; ce ment and shingles; and the finest quality of gross seed. WANTED ETC New today advertisements tour lines or less In this column Inserted three times for 25 cts., 50 cts. a week, $1 per month. All over four lines at same rate. The undeisigned will leceive sealed bids for the e'eclion of a frame dwelling, until noon, Thursday, August 4. Kigue ic caved to teject any or all bids, Plans and specifi cations may be seen at C, "If, Hurggraft's cilice,-.W. I. taley, Salem, Or 7 29 31 MEN WANTEu At once J 1 50 and $1 75 per day transportation paid. Enquire at 254 Commercial rtrcet office C K. Brand enburg & Co. 7-r0 6t REATj ESTATE. .Railroad tickets and insurance. large and small tracts ol farm propefty. Bargains in dwelling property for buyers or reni'rr. C. K, Uranden turg. Successor to Derby & Co, 7-2t-td HAY SCALES. Most reliable service in Saltm, Price only 10 cents. Remember the Buffalo Scale, Headquarters for lime cement and plaster. J, F. (Jilmore, 54 State street. 7-iz-lmd&w CAMPING OUTPIT3r-Bicgest stock and msst complete line cf tents and camp equipments in Salem. ) I. Freeland, at Ithe Armory. 7-20 !m YEW PARK GROCERY-ds open for business with a new stock of goods. Al leu & Bowersox. 7-lG-lm DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that James Rader, of the Capital City Express Co., has sold his interest in the same to Hlmer White, and that hereafter the latter -till conduct the same. I will collect all bills and pay all debts, but will be responsible for no accounts con traded afler this date KU1ER WHITE. Saltm, July 26, 1098. ' 7-26 4w HAY FOR SALE! Kiom the Hubbaid farm, f,ood clover or grain hay, free from weeJs, leave orders at 396 Commercial street. 6 2$ t( The best is cheapest. E S, Lamport, Harness and Saddlery. . Bring in your old haniea tmd Exchange for new. Prices Always tlvtvXowcst, "saHei; oh,.. STiS M if 11 uESMQ for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF THC CKNTAUR COMPANY. TT SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION, W I (Til m u vUliMAL MONMOUTH, OREGON. Or W. A. WANN Secretary of Faculty. II Artesian Distilled Ice! Condensed and Filtered, First qiiiillty he by the carload. Delivered to any part ol the city, or to any defiot or wharf. . I'er.IOO lbs 2Tc Per ton wlthoutj sacks) $r 00 OTThesc .prices until rurther notice. SVHLTAHD IC KLINGER & BECK, Props, SALEM, OREGON. TELEPHONE 2I.'i Paints and Oils, Superior Stoves and Ranges, and Good Fishingfl Tackle, go to BROWN Si SMITH 256 Commercial st, Dewey Peaches Stay ton lour tialern Special Aumsvllle Flour. New Plckles.perqt ikles.pcrqt 10 e and Lion Colfec, per pk i-a-jw- -,...,......luc, 2 for25c SP8'8pcb?rLnt riWMA 't$Tt'h ig, o liars. ...Bvlf' " fiw ' " cha and Java Coffee, per lb ..?. 7 '.. .. .IT.... :i5 Aroucme anu u Bulk Olives Lenox Soar), Best Mocha Good Mocha and Java coffee per - lb....v lOlbsLard 5 lbs Lard Chocolut.0, per lb lOlbs. B. Wheat. , 10 lbs Corn Meal Trv our Ho Cream Oats for OldPp G'cnncr '.. S9!l g-iT' CRYSTAL U AND . ni Manufacture .f-ti from pur dlstllled.waterand furnish same In any quan tity at. Telephone 207. mm m mm 94 State street, Next Door East cf Uush'a Bank, Best meak in tlie city for 15 c AailrvllJllllll l 4 ff f4 cuaraotrtd tocureoll oerrous dlscssei, such as Wcai X-i,ory, Iim ut Sraiu rower, HoJiUchf. Wakrluluens, Lost Ms' liixx. lii.y ml dons, Kcrvousncu.kll dralus, lots -sf pwtr iu Ocncrst, ' Orrauc of citUtr sex, rauked by our-csertio, Jputhful errors, .- Jt a tobcrotoriiURiorstlinulants, wlilcli Itaa to iutlriaity,0 ' ...aoi Jisaulty. ca be carried lu tch pocKrt, Ji.ooprUix.f u, l,ymi prtitiild. CircuUcVrcc 6ol,lt'y(,lldru;tlt..Ai,k iir llt Juai.'lict KMsiiiiUnurrd by t Peau Mrdlcluo Co . ,ri I'ranag, miie(lavU 'fit. dfrtfil.u!l!i3j;eiits. YUlfU aiiVlKihJ T ,V - : .- . iftultv. 12M.U ue carried T f FOR SALE BY D JJFRY, SALEM, OREGON MUHN4Y TNCIT. NCWTORK CITY. m u : Strong academic and r-rofcssional .courses. Well ermipped'trainiogderarlment of nine grades, with 230 children. Regular norrral course of three jeats. f Senior year wholly professional.! Graduates of acredited high schools and col legesadmitte directly to piofessLnal work. The diploma of the school s recognized by law as a life certificate to te. The graduates of the school are in de- IJget exp'nses,- The year Irom $t2o to l6o. lleautiful and healthful location, no saloons The first term will open Tuesday, Scptem ler 10. Catalogues giving full details of work cheerfully sent on application. Address P. L. CAMPBELL, President. Li 0 Capital Brewery Beer ! For health and pleasure drink only the purest Capital Brewery beer, tho best brewed on the. Pacific coast. It Is found everywhere bottled and on tap. Outdid- (lOeobox 106 $1 00 , 1 05 10 - . 30 -. 05 .- CO 25 35 25 . HARRITT & LAWRENCE GOLD STOIUGE CO, IM'GUIIIE & TEATZ. Slate & Nineteenth sereots, Salem. Give tis a trial L V I ' I Lf L I I v.ii...tiK. .!. ... -..." - 1 In Te&ttkocxrL. jl.oo fr litir. WORKS ST II JBX tZHM CARD, 3- - -S- ' ' O. jiri. CTJAGK "entist, Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene, old White Comer, Sal m, Or. Part ,e desirinc superior operations at moderate fees in any taanch art in especial request. Capital Soap Works. Runnine at full blast and makinir best of laundry and toilet soaps, lie sure to call lor tne naiem brand when jou want fiixw goods. A. V, ANDEPxEGG, Manni;er. O. H. LANE Merchant Tailor! 211 nt gy Sulta 915 and upwards, i'anta 93 ana upwards, BRBWBTER & WHITE, HAY, OR A.IN Shorts, chop, flour, mill eed. tto Telephone;i78. 91 Court st Salem, Or New Blacksmith Shop, W- F. R- SMITH & CO ' tho old reliable smiths have opened a shop opposite tho brewery, and lnvit; patrons, JJeat wotlc and lowest prices 185 Commercial St., Salem. BALTIMORE FISH MARKET ! Highest market cash price paid for poultry and eggs also second handgoods to trade for chickens and eggs, at iSlJCommercial st, Salem Or. s-ar-iiTtd&w OFFICE. CITY HALL For water service apply at office, i'.'il'i payable monthly in advance. Make complaints at the office. "HONEST JOHN" TRUSS A new truss on a new principle. A perfect support to all who are ruptured, DR STONE'S DHUG STORE, Salem, - Or 4mc;B HOTELS AND BOARDEMO. Hotel Mm. M.-tFENNELIfcPrpp-Duly First Class House in the City. Rater reasonable. Sample rooms in connection Cars to a'l trains and public buildings x,asr the door. Come Slate and High streets. .MEATS AND POULTRY. G.S. IIMtt NEW MARKET, State str:et, near railroad. Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best meats in town iti Wolz Miescke, . Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked meiis. Lard hi bulk,)gc a IK Cheapest mark t In town. We mane it a Specialty to keep all kind of Sausage on hand, Try us. SHOP RE-OPENED. Piown & Son, of the East Salem meat mar ket, have enlarged and refitted their shop rind hill be pleased to see all of tli-ir old patrons and the rett of the community, Orders taken and delivered. Parents sending children may depend on linving tlilr orders con scientiouily filled 'o-tji RTCHOW STEUSLOrr, Butchers and Packer COLD STORAGE MRATS, Best stock, best service and lowest prices 316 Commerci W, A. WHITE, Successor to Thomas & White Club Stable FinesbRigs iridic Ci'y, Kausineasouable. Near Hotel 'Willamette. 7 18 mi SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY I Piesse' notice tlicctt In prices on the folk wing SWts, plain,, ,.,.,,,,. , lutri't Unuer drawers , stoioccru Under shirts. 5 to 10 !'. Socks, per pair ,3 ccnu Handkerchiefs ....I ceiii Silk handkerchiefs. . . , .... . 3 ff II Sheets and pillow slips 24 ccntr per dmrn and othei work in pinporlion. " Ornminels and itkr wofk'lnttdMfwi'y. washed by baud, "7 COL J. OLMSTEAD, . RiojiriW' Sab Watei Co., ft BARRA ETE! ' -Tk Ota WithAi j Plumbers and Ttatierv. Make a Spectoky of HOP STOVES AKD PIPB, HOP AND FRUIT DRYER PIPE! BUMPS AND TANK WORK: All Jwork quarantccd 2X4 Commercial st. 7 ao if Telephone Js'0 248 Our New -'Building'. COME AND SEE US Shingles, Shingles, Lath, Lath, Fire Clay, Fire Brick, Lime and Cement, Etc, Etc. Terms ilcascna'-le. Now is the time for dryers. D. S. BENTLEY & CO. 314 Front st. Successors to Salem improvement Co. 7231m REMOVED DECKNER & HAMILTON lave removed their tinning and plumb Ing business to 324 Co bib ere Ul street oppoaita State Insurance building. HOT SPRINGS Notice to pleasure seekers. I am Dretiared to nack oeot.Ie into the hot springs, or any place in the mountains, here. also to cook lor small or large camping par ties, address. 6i7dw3m V-RANK PF.RKETr. Detroit Or. J AS. RADER. ELMER WIIITR CAPITAL 'CITV Express and Transfer Meets all mail and passenger trains. Mag gage and express to all parts of the city Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. Oregon Short Line. -,THIv- Quickest. safest; Cheapest Line for all points East and southeast. FREE reclining chair cars, Pullman palace sleeping carr, and" upholstered tourist sleep ing cars on nil through trains. ISOISE & BARKER, Agent Salem, Or CO. TERRY, Traveling Passenger Agen W. E. COMAN, General Agent. 124 Third Stree Portland, Or. The Northern Pacific Railroad still continues the populai route forcastern travel and now that summer Is opening up it becomes more so than ever. The pleasant and com fortable accommodations furnished passengers are proverbial and need no mentlon.Tliociuicktlrneiuftde.wlthout change of cars, is universally known. The road traverses tho most magnifi cent belt of country in the workl, every mile furnishing constant scen ery attractive and lntercstta?, so that the traveler noes ttorouh wlths out fatigue and reaches the journey's end without realizing distance. All hrough WaslilOL'ton.lualio, jHoataana Dakota, Nebraska and the other states, the eye Is feasted with scenes pleasing and iinpresslyc, whlk mi sand Htorm, suffocating atmosphere or other demoralizing discomforts are wot with. For tickets and fujl ar tlculiirscull on TIIOMAB, WATT & CO. Attests, No. 22.1 Commercial street, in two building formerly occupied by Ia J, i ry & drug store, haiem, ur. 'Etw-wmf rv, . 20u Miles shor'er and a whole half day qwtaksK than any oikwrUfse to Oywt. IXmk sas city, i4.-iMii m lm 'otter sutli-crn dM soutliUm 4U, c Thiee HHitei east l ! Kt. P.111I. and HilllBt'S. M(Wl. IVfM M olHcesofcwinectlBsC Hrw. It BWtsW oi8fc via Owtlw, yai cum htom MM Vk, vv.. it vi 'S