i Hfirs$mNiA - . si I f VtWfcW -- PEACE 'DON'T GO We started In for a thirty day war on-juried, and ao ptiet proposition until after August 12. bow bird: COMFORTERS. will accept Today we A largo line to select from, values we have ever shown. $1.00 ones for $1.25 ones for , ... 11.60 obes for.., ....... ... 82.00 ohes for !20ories for Of liest ... 89 ... 99 ...$1 29 ...tl 79 .. $2 03 COTTON BLANKETS. JtottNlhin for outings &nd hop JffcMs . ' - f jtafratar 94c ones", .'.45c a pair Xffalftr75oone9,., 03capalr JtcuIrU ones 87c pair Jguiar $1.25 ones, 99c a pair Regular $1.00 ones, for. ..$1 33 a pair Hot shot fired at every' piece of wostcred dress Roods la stock. Prices are knocked clear on or tncm. Bee our jb ana saw lines. fe Intend driving every piece of summer dress goods from our f'f store within the next 00 days. 25c 11 no reduced to"., ... ... 20c llCo line reduced to 10c 20c line "reduced to 15c llOcllne reduced to 7c our 8 and 10c lines tdc!oc at 6c a yard. Sco CASH STORE, HOLVERSON'S CAtill 8TOUE New White Goods Fine checks and stripes, quality. nice, oven 15c the yard 'Plain White Duck. With weight tokillo right. I .-. 1 . i : . CO in .hesklrtdiang Y rft) Hll 15c the yard, New Crashes For skirts, dustcrs,blcycle suits, etc. All summer goods slashed to close, Summer Underwear, Fine quality balbrlggan, well made, nicely finished. 50c per Garment, Linen- Handkerchiefs, Laige hemstitched pure ifneti laundrled handkerchief. 25c each. iin- OPWIONS OF SALEMITES the All Clothing at vj, jr. DALRymPLB Special Prices. St CO. GREAT REDUCTIONS ! Strong'd fa nous New York Ico Cream Ice Cream with cake served at 10c. At Strong's restaurant. reduced to 2flo a quart. CALL A MESSENGER .... and havo your uotea and packages delivered, to ocllect a .bill, to go on erraada for you. Ak for. special , rate on merchants' paokageii. ;. . ' Charges reasonable. Eloyole aer vice, nine Blue boxes or telephone 40. Lockwood Messenger Byatom, Central office No. 280 Commercial street. Salem Local O, I. (Joodo was a passenger to Portland todnv. IIon.Frank Baker and 'wife were Portland passengers this morning Mrs, A. ii. Burcn is qulto ill at her homcthe corner of Court and High streets.. , Mr. Nick Haas, of tlio secretary of state's offlce, loft for Belknap Springs today for a two weeks' outing. Mr. Wra. Q, Martin U spondlng the summer vacation on the MoICcnzIo river In Eastern Luno county, As suggested In the Journal Jut UK biiu now uuya unvu uccn 'liuiswea on the state house flair staffs, A, II. WitlilngWi), of Portland and D. L. Wutson, of Marshtleld, have When Uncle Sam Gets, His Boots On He Means Business, m DO WE Look over the tempting bar gains wt are offering, -. Try aur slioes, Osburn's Racket, THB been commissioned notaries by the governor. There will be a concert by the Salem Military Band this evening at the corner of State and Commercial streets. Miss Eva Poujade, of Qervals, who has been Spending a, few days with her friend Miss Mario Kirn relurncd home this afternoon. Artne'n Stolucr rotumed to Salem on thin mornings train. For some tlmo past Mr, Steluei has been managing a drug store In 0 rants Pass. A local dealer says New York hop crop Is not short us reported. If It wem short buyers would be bidding more actively for the Oregon crop. Spraying this hot weather Is vory effective and Improves the crop rap Idly. The goveruor'ti offlee has been with -out a secretary or stenographer part of Mils week, The governor's private secretary is on his summer outing and tlio governor's stenographer has gone to war, Tho governor's secretary is expected to return the latter part of this week however, A Large Consignment. Thursday a large consignment of goods wus shipped to Salem parties by Branson, & Co, They bell you high grade goods in a high grado tuunner. Only a fewdays are left, before the romoyal, but Buren & Hamilton are still offering their great "removal sale" bargains. Some of the best prices are still left, and the prices are now the lowest. 29 2t Insane. Mrs. A, 'M Maurltzeu or New burg was examined boforo County Judge G, P, Terrell Thursday; Dr. E. A- Pierce conducting the examination. She was adludcd Insane and duly committed. i m t A Money Saver. Those hop tickets Invented by Con oportho business printer. See hliu As to Advisability of Acquiring: Philippine Islands, The news of the surrender of Ma' alia and the Question of terms of peace with Spain has precipitated In tcrcst on the question of acquiring the Philippine Islands as American territory. The following expressions were heard from cltlrcns of the Capital City. Claud Uatcli: "we've sot 'em. What arc we going to do with 'em' Other nations will hold us respon slblc for being In possession. 1 don't think we want them hut how can we get rid of them ? A, N. Bush: "We Want Cuba and Porto Rice. But I can't conceive of anything more undesirable than the Phlllipplnc9. Too far away. I hope the president will express himself. J f he does I'll endorse him." John Q. Wilsen: "Hawaii has a goy crnment and the Cubans will soon be capable of governing themselves. But the Philippines we have no use for." J.lfAlbctt: "Dewey should haye sunk those ships and come right home. We have no business over there." Dr. John Shaw: "BeyondNt coaling station we want no territory so far away. Senator N, II. Loncy had not made up his mind that we wanted more than a coaling station and land enough to protect It. Frank Levcll: "We can't trust the Bpaniaros to ruie cue natives ana we can't triut the natives to rule the Island. It Is hard to say what to do." non, Jeff Myers: "We should protect our commercial Interests first. 1 am opposed to returning the Islands to Spain, or allowing any European power to controll them." Dr. Mradshaw. "If It's going to Involve us in any International com plications we do not want them, W. II. Odell: "We ought not let go of all that we have gained there. Especially ought we to hold Luzon, the principal Island that has been surrendered to Dewey. We owe it to tlio native races that they bo not turned over to the barbarism of Span ish rule, but be advanced toward some of the benefits of civilization." II. It. Klucald, Secretary of State: "We shall have a port and one of the best Island, at least, I don't see why a free republic like ours shouldn't have nnythlng that any flrst.class nation In the world considers desira ble, and If wo don't have It come old world monarchy will." C. II. Markham, general rrclghtuud piSBonger agents. P. Co. would only say that he thought It a question of expediency from a commercial stand point, to Ixj determined after an In vestigation just us any other business matter would be looked Into. If de sirable to have tho Islands let us keep them. Cov. Lerd: Favors strongly compel llngSpaln to get olt the new world entirely and to rellngqish Cuba and Porto Rice. Believes In annexation of Cuba. The remoteness of tho Phil ippines, the Ignoranceand superstition of their people makes their annexa tion undesirable. Temprorary po- scssion Is necessary, but they aro not tlttcd, as a mixed Asiatic race, to be ccuie part of our population. JOURNAL X-RAYS. Salem Is still the musical center of Oregon. A wag says Heritage rhymes with Hell ena. Salem will do her share In nmklng a redhot state fair. Dewey Is the boy. He's Justtaken In the eyen million Philippines. Salem is always doing things In season, all cheaper. Itok at Icr, Ice cream and beer, The Marlon go to Manila county tally-sheet forgers haye one chance left- Joseph Simon will not need any Mitchelllles' help to get to be president of the senate. Another barnacle of ths State Oregon progresses. University has gone by the board. Still It's a lie that barbers do the talking, one in conversation. In fact, tit's not easy to engage A Salem edltordon't like Newport because the clams didn't walk right Into tils tent and crawl Into his big mouth. be As the Spaniards can't put up a light by pretty good at putting (up a peace. ea or land t Iip y ought to be Prof. Condon is at work on his new geology of Oregon, but he will tint at tempt to classify nl the fossils In Oregon. Editor Fletcher will not accept the governorship of the Sandwich Islands, The Mother Hubbard Is the national dress there. The Oregon people who think are forming more and more the habit or taking a paper that don't do their thinking for them. Eugene Register: A local wit has Inquired If Mark Hanna U required to attach revenue stamps to all the checks In his trousers. M The News, Rep., says: Astoria cannot prosper as long as the pity is run by tin horn gamblers, a corrupt police and a crooked deputy district nttorney. If the city own.d the water works everybody could price-Instead of half the peopli paying two prices, socialism. have water for half But that would lie Astoria Bulletin: on the good old song Is about to sail. Senor Sagasta should spend his '.time practicing up 'Gathering up the Shells From the Sea shore." Watson In Jeder revolution trelbt lecht und unrccht In elnein Ktrouie! St. Joseph's Blatt, Mt Angel. There Is a great deal of philosophy in that re mark. Watch Blnger Herman swipe the next senatorship in his own peculiar way. lie would represent me notninisirauon, me ouiciieiiiies ann every thing. Who wants to be governor of the state of Hawaii? picking and plenty of pol. Independent. The Woodhurn papernomlnatesex.Gov. Fletcher. Fine cllintte, good 1)0 to 100 In Salem yesterday in tho shude. Willamette Hotel 00 was tho highest point reached In any of the large rooms. at Deaborn's book store. eod&w Hapnlnoss has entered Salem household the past week. MONEV SAVING STOKE. Hxt to Albert' bank. many a How? Why through those exceptionally low prices on furniture, wall paper and carpets, at Buren & Hamilton's removal sale, For the few remaining days the prices are rqt to tho bone' 29-2t Harvest Goods Hop men, Seo Conovor tho Business Printer, for hop tickets, and save money. , 29 eo d&w 5 i j J It J. i TUP" . ., -. 4 ij Ar Is d-ettWBd Just now. Wo have what yuu need. vLu! "' ''eBVr "Ut buck KlM,t and cuU ?kl"' n,em,M ... :,50.c:to $1.25. t Shrts. kM that wtarweirirut do not fade on you when you pre spire. rr ui3L Irak' iraBf Klondike Assortment Water Sets In blue, cunary.'grecn and crys tal. Berry Sets In all colors, Table Sets Olive trays, vinigar sets, celery trays andjodd'pieces. SONNEMANN The Grocer, 134 Btaee at Telephone SI A man with high Imaginative poweis and high In Die mllitaiy counsel of Oregon remarked that thore would mon tie the biggest battlp at Manila that tho world has ever seen. Who is to put up that light? Col. Alley says about his ortlce of soldiers home trustee: "Our own properous business will lie cared for In the future, and the "dear thankful people" can look after their own affairs without further aid from us." Albauy Demecrat: Will Uurkhart, of Burkhart & Lee left this morning at 0 o'clock on his bicycle for Belknap springs, After atopplmr awhile at Eugene at 11 o'clock, and expected to be at the springs, over 100 miles from Albany by the route he took, tflnlght. ON THE SQUARE. That Is Where You Aro Expected to Be Tomorrow Evening. All arrangements are completed for tho Patriotic Campflre Supper and en tertainment at Marlon Square tomor row evening. Hon. Tims. II. Tongue congressman for this district, has promised that If possible he will be present and address the people. His subject being of course the war be tween the United States and Spain. Every business man should cat his supper at the square, because on the square you will get a square meal and be doing the square thing by tho sol dier boys In Manila. Supper will bo seryed from 5 to 8, and as soot, as the shade of mcht fall the park will be Illuminated. Ico cream will lie served with cake for ten ceuts. Prof. Scoby and his church choir will furnish vo cal music and the Salem band has been engaged for theocnlng. Every body should bo theie and an especial nvitatlon Is extended to reldents In the country. For Assault, Charles Patton was arrested Thursday eyenlng charged with assault and battery by Miss Louise Cronlsc. Patton ran into Miss Cronlse with his wheel, hurting l.er and wrecking her bicycle. Recorder Edes set his trial for Monday. a .a. Bun tin ToniA. lh Kind Yon Haw Always Bouti Bun U i nj auw iwnnwAiwiin .S5 r Htsiwisk H.ats , AJUfI W1 you can et ihm at any pries yQUWaS"! V ! Harvest Shoes. 25 to 50c. 5(rto. $5. CM fit nf fool. Wa Tcati itlva tkty 4I haye utitd safes and counter. staad iter. ap sKMMMt jprWee, h H M NMSmPwmMmBS you a light or heavy Your for good goods ptshieikwHi Wi4ard Patterns, It, 0, Corsets, Ferris WtUU SUMMER CORSETS. tiik qoou KIND. There a o corsets and Joorscts. Some will last ono day, some a passible day and a half. Our 12o summer corset Is our old taled and tested kind. Last summer's wear testi them come and seo tho quality. Mitts, fabrlo gloves, val laces, neck ribbons, patrlotlo .ribbons, etc., etc,, at lowest racket prices. HARVESTERS. Romoiuber that we have a uood lino of linen crash towels tablo cloth, tin and granite table ware, knives' tin spoons, etc Backet prices in-everytning, AND GLOVES, Best line we evei shuwed, Good ones too, Fire and water proof kind that don't get hard. THE STEARNS With the self rolling crank axle, lu square craukt that tit Hush with out cotter ptns.the Internally fastened haudle bar and seat posts.tlush Joints, 2 inch drop, has set the pace for others this season, They're always up to date. WHIRLIGIGS Our riders are invited to come and get free, a bicycle whirligig while they last. A great fad. Best come soon. WAR BUTTONS. We have a stack or Oregon, Maine aud Dewey buttons, besides uearly all the other battlo ships. The fad now Is to make a collection; also the regulation army button, That's a late fad. Make a belt of them. OUR SHOES. reputation for wr only reliable Hue. Are 'getting a We handle vice. WIGGINS' BAZAAR ! Union Declared Impossible. Salem special to a Portland paper: Prolessor Johnson, of Taeoma uni versity, arrived In this city this mornlngand was Immediately closeted with Rev. John Parsons and General W. H. Odell, two members of the board of trustees of Willamette University. They held a long con ference on the subject of a union of the threo universities, but no deunlto conclusions were reached. Geu. Odell stated today that Wil lamette university had not considered the matter of a union and had no proposition to consider. It Is gen erally understood that the trustees of Willamette University do not favor a union. Prof. Johnson was seen after the conference and said that a union In which Willamette university would be Included would bo next to Impos sible, though the effort would be continued. Tho objections urged by the Willamette university trustees aic that a union would take tho school away from Salem, and the trustees feel under such great obli gations to the people of Salem that they could not fayor a change! To Investigate Forest Fires. Salem special to a Portland paper: Frederick V. Colvllle, government botanist, Is In Oregon again land after a conference with John Mlnto and S. B, Ormsby, he left for Eugene, It Is supposed to. traycrse the reserve with a pack train from Hazeldell to Mount Hood. His object Is to gather data concerning the time of occur rence and cause of forest tires. Cap tain S. B. Ormsby, who Is familiar with mountain travel, and whose home is In tho mountains, considers this trip impracticable almost Impos sible, He states that If Mr. Colvllle traverses a country passable to a pack tralu he will not pass through the timber region and will miss the real object iof his laliors. Mr. Colvllle stated last evening that he Is entirely lgnoraui ot tne country tluough which he nropobcs to travel. Ills guides are two young men froiuKlam ath county, who have never been as tar north In the Cascades as Hazel dell. In view of tnee facts, Captain Ormsby thinks It quite probable that the party will get lost aud be obliged to glye up their present plans. -tONLY THREE WEEKS LEFT. Grea 6 iiJIJIliii: and Eaujiii m closes A.xrcFUS'ar is. REMEMBER- The main two features of our sale is the extreme low prices we arc making ( on every article in the house, If you have not yet got some of the bargains we arc offering, do not delay the opportunity to do so any longer, Wash Goods and Shirt Waists at Cost Reductions on All Domestics, linens, gloves, hosery, dress goods, muslin underwear, laces, umbrellas, ribbons, wrappers, etc,, etc, Call and get prices and be convinced that wc are lower than the lowest, 57 Commercial St. LINN COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Bidi for Remodeling the Building Opened But No Contract Was Let. The bids for rebuilding the Linn county commissioners court were as follews: J BTIllotson $10,150 J 11 Cougill 18,850 .1 A McChesney 18,700 T A hrlxson, except electric wiring 10,855 TA Erlxson, without heating 14,955 BFTnaycr 19,400 Hopkins isros, Heating appara tus Hopkins Bros, plumbing, heating, tinning, slating, metallic shingles galvanized Iron cornlc, placed in build ing USi The bids were all iu excess of the cost estimated, and no contract was let. J udge Barton stated that he thought bids would lie advertised for again In tho fall, perhaps In October, for the work to be done within a year and he thought It could be done for $2000 less than offered by bidders nov An Albany paper says: It Is hardly probable a lower ono will be secured under the present plans. The senti ment there Is that a few thousand dollars should make no difference In securing sucli a building as the pres ent needs of the county demand. In the Murphy Block. Salem will soon have another new drugstore. Dr. C. S, Stone, by the lirst of the week, will open his new store at 8j commercial street. It will De In charge of Mr. Ralph Walker a young druggist from Portland. The store Is well fitted up and will be, when the stockds In, one of Salem's flncstjstorcs, Dan. Fry's old atand Is also being fitted up and will lie used hy Messrs Thomas and Watt and Mr. R. n FIaggAias onices. With these .two buildings occuppied the south end nr Commercial street will be much more businesslike. Though It Is dull now, Incident to the hot weather and the summer vacation, tneso little signs uui mir ior moie prosperous Hmes soon. Jrv yTt'r'Tri?ftirVrBfTlisrTM-i - ..ssbbbsbbbbbbbbbbb " k J 'S " Ti. "VffflsVjTSBQsBBBBBBBbSsBBBBBBBBBBBfBlSBBBBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVr Our R6du6.lI'SaJ6 LVm m?,!1 :l ""alHiyoud an thing we could have hoped for Still the good work goes on. We want vmir mn.Vni '" V want our goods. Think of It You can buy a good on Suit from us for. . . . A better one for... A fine dres suit for. Any S20 suit for... 7.00 PdXPt?seJ?,cSt,',' " " '" " SW" $3.50 5,00 to 9.50 15,00 G.W. JOHNSON 120STATK ST. &C0. AT MARION COURTHOUSE. Proceeding At the Various Departments of the Capital Countv . Andrew F. H!ingau today deeded to J. M. Wolfard for $1,500, 81 52 100 acres of land In Marlon county. A deed was lllcd todnv i, i n nni.i.. .... j uuKi ami wire toJ.C. Commons tor lot 15 block 30 In Scott's Mills lownslto, consideration $60. It was stipulated in the deed that the innnl afacture, sale or drinking of into Icatlng liquors on the premises would S.U,C promv f'tHe Friends The mortgage for 1150 on lot, io, block 17 In Scott's Mills, Issued by I Dec 8 169i; WW from r tvtancs W!!s ",ed today. CS an(1 tM.W.IIunt3artorneyyfl)r plain- A. Coolidifft today deeded i tate near Sllverton y "hd I at r I'. U and C.M. Brown at 'U rlonclnDtvbld"!!,5"?resofMa to D. Marx ' ' ai8H68.30 BiSS.HSrtfBw out large es- S350 to Will move to 296 Commercial st Tft&W on a Two doors south of P, Q, August 1st A X Hop Growers Attention. Kit is Important to wo the hop ticket plans and prices at Coooyer the Busi ness Printers. lcarbornas book store, 2 eo d&w &mirs2&zxH New Instrument for testln ti. eyes and .a complete llne.'ftg Eyes tested Irce, sSit;,j!:xa CH.Hinges.D.R, Optician and Watchmaker. ecutoTsoftheeato nr r?,!00' -ffve a wortBaM, (f,en Moore oiock 48; Salem to Vim k ," 't mlssloneVs for tl e J ' ,W, of , C0IU university l.irirl. f st',10,1 ar"l H0TEL WhUmtu .arrival, today ere ,oItow. Lillian Straw. uv....... -. - nisi irni iif ."" . J. ' u- C II, j Holland. Pnrtl iirhiinin f . . Ant X Y.7"w"'i rum.lnrff 1 Myrtle Cre2ksB.w ol'Wwwer gwr T. R.cnenbacl, k' .Jutland ?!. Alice Mill...: Jan. 1 rancisftv aklma, " u,m uaut'hter, North ""cfiuan. tvashir.,. ssr&ft? im r . . -. .j U. K Crop Notes. The wheat crop is not p:i,i,f .IQ Innrn in a - . " Sli "a '-"pecied but the acreage u in iMnL.n .. ... . , " ' -c wnoie cron a eavyone. Ht the yield Is t gofng tobeasla.gcas was expected. The crop is headed atom six ncl S llK"crthanaMcoiidarv,.mn ,,...: composed of lighter heads. . The peach crop Is reported quite Koodandortlr.c quality. There im J" Peaches to .hip and l.,B !"" 'rtlcs are especially fl0. It, matter of surprise that more neo..l ,i , , grow peaclies. tliev , e "erS "aVC ,m,re ' iksfo '1K,reil'"!' Putting ,t in crops off their hands. The well savd -rketahie hay c,p w, SLg A dnnn iu, -..i. , . und tnnV . u,b arlers are KOing Xnn ' 1,,,s,s ""! sign as It ntotesa BrtIWnB Interest In this ZiHntbrnanC,,Uf Astern Oregon Industries. Green fr.ii.. ui,in.... .... ruin - . -- "nmiciii.n at a rule do not pan out well, but the uw 'Wo Puts up a choice 'article or Jnely ripened fruit Is on the right TWO Of the Lnnnnu ... ... iroin Loonev's hni.tn ti, .. Iln l,nni i . in-v oajf u lib- tliovS ?B W8becn don.bfc that a nnrfi ? f W',eat ,s 'Klntf to be dis- liffin ln,'T,le kernels are not "lied out as big as was expected. CRAB QRAND LUNCH. A Salem Man Will Treat His Friend. r i i to Snc Dozen that m Mi"?": WWS .ron Newport sir donn rri "omeoaturaay w tn fenr," fLe? Lca.b. and Invites all cvenlnc t n.ii 6 Vs .PaC6 Saturday cmiiiunch. "(1 eojoy a eranfl free . fbe undelned ,ll .. inee.eciion or . sw,eJ btds to tejeeunyor tl iAj. ,K6 le ejved Attention. jved nec fi. canons n. i """ nini n, tffic w i " Me" IC II Ti !"" Kct..1. Uley.&i ""KraB1. T'ie "DeTTnr- 7 W "&hleyFampysoi!0., ,ceeam and watattll8f1'wtce,ifreeaDaaS h.ril?ayn,K,t. Jul hall pers. Woodmen. earnestlv desired liilt, )n ivrn.A.. I'egreo work. Two new chop Geo. S. Reip, GO. w m r o apt. rr . RACKET PRICES. a " r 1M m Ym ef rK sju1; mail . ,J4&, f j" 4ZJ4--a. wV &t