. ( l"?rr -Wm ?- M I "'. -vf Ti I it I ik j. ' 'V L V y - .? GOODS TALK-PRICES TALK fit. a Clearance sale x ..tn.. . ,..i. . , - v. ST' ft 1" I j i uar clearance, saie pqcos Deabojeryuung.you ovcr.ncarn ox. t. t ' UAbn nn!mlfi(blA Tnlniffon Mtnnif'if mIakmiI Kiinnv flint All ttmwtit Nta x a xnanuuuiuuobanLi wuiuuuu iubuukui uiuuotu uuiuo uuav un uui ouvig se everjr.day, and be convinced thtt we're selling the best of goods'cheaper than duo ciieayuair. Today we offer yeu: m Best Amoskeag check Ginghams .......... I...".... Gcayd Best Gingham Organdies. '. 22c a yd Best Dimities 12c a yd Best 30 -Inch bleached muslin,.. 7c a yd Best Scotch Lawns. ...; -. 3cayd Best Cbevolt finish prints 5c'nyd Best $1.00 kid glove In the market . r . .'. ' 90c a pr uesmncor summer arcssgooas in mwu ni uig reductions. CASH BTORE. We're- the Bargain People, HOLVERSON'S CASH STORK JULY SPECIAL OFFERINGS. Cordonct, fancy striped lawns, to close the stock 5cthe Yard. s r t ValHes"up lo .cper yard In lawns, dlmMc, organdies etc., plaited In one, tot at f 5 a. i ioc the Yard .. 50 pieces double fold percales, all now puttcmc, regular 121 .cent quality, U 'rnako Jul purchasing an object wcjsay 8 1-3 the Yard Cleanup prices on all lines. CAZiIi A MESSENGER - - - -and bavo your notes and packages delivered, to collect a bill, to go on errands for you. Ask for special rates on merchants' packagos. Chargon reasonable. Dicyclo sor vico. n.'ns Blue boxes or telophone 40. Lookwood Messenger System, Central ofllco No. 280 Commercial stroet. Salem Local Tonight fair. Wednesday fair, warmer. Stato Treasure Phil MotRchan went to Portland today. Senator elect Y. Kuykcndall caino down from Eugene today. The Saints canipmcetlng,whlch was In session at Stay ton for two weeks closed on Sunday. Mrs. W. K. Thomas and daughter, ' Sadie, and Mrs, Geo, Casper 'nnd son, were aStayton party ln-town Tuesday. Dr. Ji M Keenc, of Mcdford, was In this city last evening. The genial dentist Is still located at Mcdford, where ho is doing' well. M, Kllngcr was In Portland to day. Mr. Kllngcr says the mnchln ''cry In his largo Ico manufactory was '"started up last evening and ran with out a hitch. Boy. Domlnlck, who has tempor arily supplying tho pastorato of St. Joseph's Catholic church In this city, today went to Oregon City, enrouto OUR SIN. Idea Is to convince you that " t ! wo can savo you monsy on i SHOES', HOSIERY, . . COItSETS, GLOVE, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS.' ETC. tter try us " "r Osbum's Racket Tho money saying sto'ro. 240 Commercial ut. Next to Albert's bank. N. J, DAMON, frop w Wncro Is tho man who can load n diay with furniture and not damage some of It? Moral! Burcn & Ham ilton would rather sell furniture at cost than inovo It to the new store, Dr. Ann Ice F. Jeffreys and Miss Laura B. Myers left this morning for tho East. Dr Jcflrcys will tike u socclal course at a medical institution in New York City. Miss Myers will stop at Detroit, Mich, for a visit with relatives and will )oln Dr. Jeffreys at Now York City. If you are going to paper a room this summer It will pay you to get your paper now of Burcn & Hamilton while thcyaro reducing stock prep aratory to moving. You will need a I new carpet this fall if you don't need It now, nnd the chances are that no removal sale will be going on then; therefore you should take advantage of Burcn & Hamilton's sale. Richard Zwlcker, an assistant In tho E 0. Cross slaughter lioiue, cast of this city, while skinning a ehcop Monday evening, had tho misfortune to almost completely sever tho thumb on tho right hand. Ho was brought to tho city Immediately and tho ugly wound was dressed by Dr. S. R. Jes sup, who thinks tho thumb may be sayed. Sheriff F. W. Durbln undo a ro markably fat trip Monday. Ho left this city early in tho morning, drove to Kingston, caught tho O. C. & E. train for Detroit, served papers on a man from Indahna,whom ho found at Detroit, caught tho returning train, served papers on a second man at Mill City during train's brief stop there and droyc homo from Kingston, reach ing homo lato last evening, having covered over 120 miles, Geo. B, Brown, chief clerk In the state school land ofllco, has returned from a three month's vacation Ispont In the southern part of tho state, no says ho did nut 11 nd a town In tho sec tion ho visited but ho was.ablo to ilnd a Journal and acquaint hlmsclt with tho happenings of tho day. Ad vertisers rcallzo that Tub Jouunal circulates quite generally throughout tho state and whon they havo some thing they wish to tell tho people they never fujl to havo it Inserted In thocolumus of Tiu: Jouunal. Astoria Tho Fishermen's Union Packing Company will send out on Monday over tho A. 0. R, R. a train loud of salmon, consisting of twelvo cars, Haudsomo banners aro being mado to decorato tho cars and to ad vcrtlso Astoria, Tho shipment will go eust over tho Southern Pacific from Portland jt r- v Oxford Bargains. i tase ' i lou aro thinking of that vacation for yourself and tho '.children. Go In comfort. Getyourseir and all of (.hem llttcd-wlth a nice pair of ox fords, wccansulbynu. Goods aro rlirlitTnnd l prlcosiurcjjwithout &traw Hats. ni.!..i u f f . t i onin wa sis, i We are still anxious to close them out, i'rlce no object, try us 'one. Those 50c Blankets, . , In grayand white are One sellers. One man took TouTpa Ire fjr an vMfiMfi fc. luuuvcuu hu mmM. . Slimmer Underwear. Summer Shirts. : Could Not Swim. Oliver Lee Drowns In the Willamette River. A Disttessinz Accident Monday Afternoon Coroner's Inquest. Oliver Lee, tho 13 year old son ol Mr. and Mrs. Leo of North Salem, ventured beyond his depth In the Willamette river and was drowned about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. A coroner's inquest was held this morn ing, the jury finding a verdict In ac cordance with the testimony Intro duced. From the facts elicited from the companions of the dead 'boy at thr Inquest this morning, It is learned that Oliver, having told tils sister that he was going to the postofflcc, joined Grover TIchcnor, Daniel Bright and Alva Gage and proceeded to a sultablt place for bathing at a point about i of a mile above the Labor Exchange buildings. The river at this point is quite deep and Is considered unsafe and treacherous, but notwithstanding repeated warnings, boys psrslat In frequenting tho place. Arrived at tho river, TIchenor aud Hrlght succeeded in crossing the stream, Lee was the third to make the attempt. When about.25 feet from ihcshoro and a flxth the distance across the stream, he began to strug glo violently and to coll for help, nit companions wore considerably fright ened but fearing thoy might bt drowned also, not being expert swim mors, failed to go to I heir companion aid but at once started in quest of ad ditional help, one remaining behind to wotch the unfortunate boy In the stream. Gcorgo illchtcr soon reached sccno in a boat, coming from Labor Exchange. Ho dovo for body which he succeeded In locating and bringing to the shore, when every effort at resuscitation wis made but with no success. The body of the boy was taken to the undertaking parlors of Coroner A.M. dough on State street where they remained last night. At 10 a. m. today Coroner Clough went through tho formality of a coronor's inquest. Tho following gentlemen were subnwnaed to act as Jurers: 0. II. Lane (foreman,) C. Churchill, T.Jones,, R. A. Kirk, J. W. Phillips and II. Watson. Dr. R. Cartwrlght, who mado an examina tion or liieiUoy, testified there wore no external marks of violence, and that tho lungs were partly filled with water, Thorc was no question In his mind but death wus caused by drowning, Grover TIchcnor. Daniel Brlirht and Alva Gage, tho companions of tho dead boy, each related a simple story of tho sad uccldent. each of which corroborated tho statements mado by tho other two. N. J. Keel, who reached the scenn of tho accident Just before tho boy sank for tho lt time, testified that ho could hayc rescued the boy had the the the Klondike Assortment iV Water Setp" ' In blue, canary, green and crystal. Berry Sets In all colors, Table Sets Olive trays, vinigar sets, celery trays and oddjpicccs, SONNEMArl The Grocer. 024 SUco at Telephoue 51 there been a boat In tho near vicinity. Being unaccumstoned to the water he did not dare venture in. T. J. Cronlse and Roxy Jones testi fied to the finding of tho body and the subsequent efforts at resusclatlon. George Rlehter, who recovered the body, also gave In testimony. This concluded the testimony and the case went to the Jury, In Its verdict the Jury found that "deceased came to his death by ac cidental drowning." In concludinglts verdl t fie Jury warns parents against allowing their children to frequent this particular place on the river ai It Is a dangerous point, No disposition has yet been made of the boy's remains. Tho father is in Grass Valley, Cal and the mother has been attending the Saints of God campmcctlng atStayton the past two weeks, leaving Oliver and the other children with neighbors. When near this city on her return home last evening, the vehicle In which Mrs. Leo and infant oaby were riding broke, tho mother ind baby sustaining a very severe rail, the baby being seriously injured. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon none of 'he dead boy's relatives had called to uakc any definite arrangements re- ardlng his burial, Unless some- lilng is heard from his folks before tomorrow, the boy will bo burried at the county's expense Wednesday morning. A GOOD MAN'S WILL. Tht Last Will and Testament of Rev, J, S. White, Deceased, Probated Today. The lapt will and testament of the lalo Rev. J. S. White, of St Joseph's church, Salem, was today Hied with the county clerk, by the witnesses to the same, Martin J.Petzel and Her mann W. Uarr. It Is as follews: I, Joseph Samuel White, Catholic priest, at present residing in Salem, Oregon, being of soutd and disposing mind and memory, do hereby make, declare and publish this my last will and testament. 1. 1 appoint very Rev. Louis Metayer, priest, of Albany, Oregon, and Wm. M. Kaiser, attorney, of oalcm Orrgun, executors of this will, neither of them to be required to give bonds. it. i request inem to pay all my Just debts and to attend carefully to ilie trusts mat may be lcrt in my hands when 1 die. III. As to the funeral service, place of burial and other things per taining to the last rites, let them consult wimi ins utrace, tuc Arcn- blshop, and be guided by his advice. ;IV. I bequeath to tho very Rev. Louis Metayer my cxtentlon table for dining room, all my books, manu scripts, albums, photographs, picture paintings (except auat or my rather) frames, trunks and all there Is In them, oil stove, sofa spread, table cover, my ciiurcu vestments and linen, .laco cio, lace surplus, nower pots and flowers, that ho may keep them or dispose of them as he may wish. V. To His Graco, tho Archbishop, Wm. H. Gross, I glvo my gold watch (stem wind) and chain attached. VI. To very Roy. F, 2y. Blanchet I give my roller top desk. VII. To Mr. Win. Kaiser I give my dining room sideboard. VIII. To Mr. Martin Petzcl I give my gold headed cane, IX. All the rest of the furniture, tubles, carpets, chairs, curtains, bed. ding, to be left in the house where thev will be when I die. X. All other property of whatever nature real or personal, wherever found, shares In insuranco companies, in syndicates, in Building & Loan associations, any real estate I may die possessed of, give and bequeath to my beloved sister and godchild, Gcorulne'Whitc, of Montreal, Canada. In testimony whereof I havo here with subscilbed my name in tho presence of Martin J. Petzel and Her man W. Barr, of Salem, this 20th day of September, 1805. Seal J. S. White. HOTEL WILLAMETTE, Among arrlyah today wero follow fellow follew ing: Frank Wlllman, city; Mrs. Frank Willman, city; Master F. Wlllman, city; E, J. Williams, St. Leuis: E. M. ucseuuiau, i.'ortiana;A. iing wiicon, Pertland: It. W. Scott, Portland; J. A. Waddle. Pertland: S. Wemhelmer. St. Lewis; E. C. Laiemoro, Portland; Graham Glass, Portland; N. G, Sallls brom; Adam Appill. Vain has no chow with Dr. Miles' Pain ?111& The Second Week. Tho Marlon County Summer Nor mal Is doing splendid work. Prof. J. J. Krups and County Superintendent Jones arc 1c charge, liegiu at any time. Just. what you need whether you want to teach or not. dvtw Cos Is More to tea use S( hiHug' s because you Best drink more. . ."'. r .f t. A , i All new Standard Patterns are reduced In nrlno. ? . . . . '."-j' ' Pfpfe typtf and shi itoro. rv.' Overalls Ovcrshirts Suspenders Socks Gloves Colored Handkerchiefs Heavy Shoes, III fUCt nnVtllllH' vnn mnv nnnA fnr tho lmryo&t Held at lowest rackot prices, We're selling overalls cheaper man uYor, auu uur una is very com plete. Black ones In both regular and engineer styles. Blues In all kinds and-sites. Fat men's overalls to Jit tho biggest. Men's working and ncgllgeo shirts In excellent stvles, Our men'swo shirt has always been a world beater. Othewatiao that aro far better than we,'yo cyer sold. Como and see. No trouble to show you. - o- Whecl Chat, Somewhat late you fray? Not at all. This season will- see the latest wheel buying thuro has over been, There's dozens yet who'll buy. Been walling for harvest. Our farmer friends have discovered that a wheel saves many a step, and pounds of horseflesh for tho tired work horse. The Stearns Is tho tried and tested wheel. No customer saves anything in buying a cheap wheel. $50.00 Will remain tho popular prlco for the liest goods. Come and see. INSANE CONVICT ESCAPES. John W. Patterson, of Linn County, Successfully Eludes the Officers. John W. Patterson, "vho was received at the state penitentiary July 22, 1897, under sentence of seven years for ihe crime of rape being convicted at Al bany, Linn county, and who was on June 13, 1893, committed to the In saone asylum, succeeded In effecting an escape from that Institution July 5, since which time no trace -of him has been found, Patterson has a record. He is a convict with six years to serve. He mado an attempt to escape soon after ho was taken to the asylum, and led the attcndanls a hard race across country on a hot, sultry afternoon. He was finally overtaken and returned to the asylum, but the exertion and heat made him so sick that he was confined In the Infirmary for special treatment. Haying recovered, he took advantage of his first opportun ity to retrain his liberty, and escaped on the evening of July 4, or morning of July 5, Attendants at the asylum have beeu quietly searching for him in the ylcinity and in Linn county, but nothing has been heard of his whereabouts. It has been learned since Pattr son '8 conQuement in tho penitentiary that he served a part of a sentence In the Illinois state penitentiary, but dug his way out and came to Or egon. In the community wh.tre he resided Patterson was well thought of. He was Industrious and law abiding. He married a young woman of good family, who Is now a resident of this city. Ho was elected constable of Sclo In 1890, and was serylng In that capacity at tho time tho rape wci committed. A doubt has been ex piessed by many who heard the tes timony in the case that Patterson was guilty, the evidence not being strong against him. Ever since his Incarceration he has been using eyery Influence he could bring to bear to secure a pardon and has al ways protested his Innocence. A man answering Patterson's de scription was seen In the vicinity of Ills Linn county home shortly after he escaped from the asylum, but It not being known tbat he had escaped, aroused no undue suspicions In tho minds of those who saw him. From Inquiry at the asylum this afternoon, however, It is learned that no trace of the missing convict-patient has been obtained since his escape It Is hardly probable that Tatterson will bo captured. He Is unquestion ably better acquainted with the mountains and canons throughout the western part of the state than any other man. He Is an old sportsman and for several years has hunted deer and other wild game. There Is no question but Patterson resorted to the "Insanity dodge as a means of placing himself where the matter of making his escape would not be so difficult as from the penal Institution. In this he was quite successful. How s This I We offer OnelHundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrah that can not ne cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo.O. We the undersigned, having known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out. any obligations made by their firm. West & Traux. Wholesale Druggist, Toledo. O., Waldlng Kinnan & Mar yin. Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. "I think DeWitt's Wilch Hazel Silve is the finest preparation on the market for piles." So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheeling. W, .Va Try it and you will think the same It also cures eeiema and all skin diseases Stone Drug Store. Summer Resorts. Will take camp outfits and parties to coast and mountains with easy nacks and good service. Apply to E. Presmall, Creamery restaurant. 7 10 td Thousands of persons have been curAil n pilesby using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief Stone Drug'Store. MM SSiaii Sale a tat Slices nntinnlA film eaiflllWJttllU uumiiiuiuiw-y All Goods at Reduced Prices Wash Goods at Cost Shirt Waists at Cost, Bargains in Every Line, ym: Read This, Dress Goods, Lidles' wrappers.... - Ladles' wrappers, trimmed Lidles' wrappers, Indigo blue, C imping blankets Wash shirts F imosa best 81 two-clasp gloves, Ouoen. best 11.50 3-clasp gloves, Ladies black brocade skirts.... . Lidles' black silk brocale skirts biack and white. all all shades shades ..-15c . fOo . .09b ..42c ...28c ..89c .41 .19 from. $1.10 and up ..sa.ijup A continuation of last week's price list. Hi-inch Summer mixtures 31-Inch all wool mixtures 3S-lneh cnyert 30-inch all wool serges 12-lnrh clianccablc serges 3S Inch all wool black fnnclcs in . I nli nil ivnnl sprees, all SlliUlCS 40-Inch all wool black licnrlctta 70c 38-Inch fancy bouclcs, (00c goods) 4,c Every piece in stock at a reduced price, Table Linens, 50 Inch half bleached cotton damask 20c 50-lnch bleached cotton damask 50-lnch bleached linen damask $" 52-inch bleached linen damask f 04-Inch half bleached linen damask jo 02 inch satin damask -all linen 72 Inch satin damask all linen very line o-c Better gr.des "all reduced, Great Reductions, Domc&tics, Ribbons, Sun Umbrellas, Muslin Underwear, Ribbed Hosiery, Underwear, REMNANTS :- w r- - V JU 11UI overlook our Remnant of all kinds, Counter, Bargains 257 Commercial St. FPOM A SUFFERER How A. Cooper Had i Healed After 35 . Rotten Years. Bone Chehalis, Wash., April 9, 1893. Dr. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or: 1 received your letter and was glad to hear from you. You want to know how my leg is getting along. It Is all right; the flesh Is growing out over the shin bone and Is turning wliitc. It is not straight yet, but I think it will be as straight as the other leg when warm weather comes on. I can work most of the time. The other doctors told me I could never be cured without splitting it and scrap ing the bone, but they are mistaken. It Is gotttng well without ctatine or scraping, so they do not know as much as they thought they did, but you are all right, for you haye done Jmt what you said you could do. I will answer any questions you ask about my leg, Very truly yours, A. Cooper. Dr. Cook's office :1s at 301 Liberty street, Salem our Reduction safe It Is Refreshing. As going to a summer resort to take your meals In the large cool dinning room of the Willamette. Special rates. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minule Cough Cu e pro duces immediate results. When taken early 11 uicvsiiii tuubumpuon. Ana in latter stages it furnishes prompt relief. Stone Drug Store. m Bob Moore, of LaFyette, Ind says that for constipation he has found De Witts Little Early Risers tojbe perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. Stone Drug Store. Has been a success beyond anything we could hayc hoped for. Still the good work goes on. We want your money. You want our goods. Think of It. You can buy a good Suit from us for $3,5(1 Abetter one for ... 5t( Afine dresssuit for 7.00 to 9.5J Any S20 suit for 15,0(1 Boys and children's suits. Wc have a largcsclection, that wo will sell regardless of cost, hats, furnisning good, all dowi to the bottom price. In fact, everything goes at the cheapest price during this reduction sale. G. W. JOHNSON &C0 120 STATE ST. MARRIED. The editor of the Evans Cit writes. "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly remedies failed." all throat and lung store Pa., Globe, It cured my children after all other It cures coughs, colds and troubles. S:one Drug Sick headache absolutely and permanently cured by usine Mol.i Tea, A pleasant herb drink Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happyj Sat isfaction guaranteed or money back. 35c and Lunn & Urooks druggist. Phoenix and Golden Eagle Bicycles aw juucueii, ijewisix&iayeruo. branch (opposite brewerv.l ihmniv .v an S75. Golden 827. 50 and $30. F. F. Caby, Manager. 7-6-tf. E. O. Blanks, or Ljwisville, Teias, writes that one box of DeWitt's When Haiel Salve wm worm sjo.ooto mm It cured his piles or ten years standing. He ad rises others to it. It cures eeiema, skin di:ases and ob tinate sores. Stone Drug Stcre ueoanon iir. Kees, father of Mrs, J. J. Sawyer, suffered a stroke of par alysis Tuesday, affecting his left side. The old gentleman Is 85 years old. Some wheels. bargains in second-band WIGGINS' BAZAAR ! RACKET PRICES, A CHILD ENJOYS The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Svrun of Fk. wimn b Inced of a laxative, and If the father nnmother be costlvo or bllllous, the or st gratifying results follow its use: ninhat It Is the best family remedy so twn. Every family should have kottle. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. OASTORIA, Bears tna $ The Kind Yea Haw Alwirs Bocjfct Arke.'s Dyrcpsia Tablets are sold on a hi4itlve guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raisinc oft he food distress after eating cr any form oi dyspepsia One little tablet gives im mediate relief. sc and and 50c. Luan & Brooks, druggists. CASTOR I A For Infanti and OMldrea. The M You Havo Always BwgM Bears tho Bemember the Maine Spring In your atch may creak at any time and if it does I win replace it for 75c. And should It need cleaning 1 will do that with the most mechanical skill for 75c. All work warranted, Salem's watchmaker. C.H.Hinges,D.R. O'MEARA - JORDAN. - At the home of the brides parents Mr. and Mrs. James O'Meara.ln Santa Rosa, Fmo' aV llKh- ,n.oon Frlday Ju'y lci 1898, Miss Julia O'Meara, of Santa KOSa, to Harvev S. JnrHnn. nf Rnnt Hn formerly of this city. Meeting of School Directors. At a meeting of the board of direc tors for school District No. 24, held Monday eyenlng, a number of ma. tors pertaining to the linanclal manaw. mentof the district, were considered, The board Instructed the finance com. julttee to pay for blackboard repairs in the various school buildings. It was decided to fix the a,utnan . city superintendent, principals, teach "8nHa,Dilanltr.s 0D . hasis and ,"'"'"" Ub u'3e or last year. The board approve the action or tho n,nm conmiltteo in applying some surplus SftnePWt of certain notes w a;aiusi, me district City perintendent Geo. A. Peebles' mreii unui tne lirst regular ui me ooard in August uis annual report and TODAY'S MARKET. poivtland, July 19. Wheat val uj; ivana waua, 00c. 1 Jour-Portland, 33.75; SuperM w -u uur uui. Oats White 38:JDc. Ilay Good, $11(312.00 per ton. IlOns fr7i)l: Jr nl1 nmjn ... . :c-"l wool valley. Signature of Eyeslteated free. 15c to $1.00. Smoke glasses 303 Commercial st. 6toreiWCen poatofflco &-Fya Su-was meeting to complete 1f ItinlrA 1. assignment of tenchora .m. . L i ,. "' """ unsu- The Proprietor themselves. are surprises in w rrcsn coffee Free, 4c; old crop 4f3tJc. v 1rV19n. T?oct ...,. AVl.fa, JWOjfl Millstuif Bran, 815; shorts, $15. iuunry uiucKens, mixed, turkeys, live, 10121c. ifgs uregorj,(flOiac per doz. llmr": flrnnn ...lit...! nnii.o under CO lbs,0J7c;sheep pelts'.lS yuiuus $1.00 ner sacg. liutter Best dairy, 2jCM0c; fn viuuiuciy, uucc'uooc a roil. Potatoes. ;jo&35e per sack. Hoes Heavv. 4 7fV Mutton- Weatliers3sc; dressed, "LUi dicers, j(cc;j.f)u; cows, -', dressed, 5(o)7. SALEM MAKKET. Wheat 51c. uais 30c. drug ryesitln a highly artTtr VMy Strange to sav thk riiiii tlstl brow. not e xpenslve. retamnSlous ""do is cents, or 3 pou'ndi ?nrlD? 5?,sted at 35 Qne coffees of eaual ,,dallar' Most to 45 cents oaUade.,reta11 at 40 blend. ' uu for the Peacock d&w WANTED Dnrc. . - rey,orbuckbod jVor " unc' c?" ecoorirw, i.0.'".rse must we mh Must be cheap 'r it 1, ' A ,a'lr driver. 't,Salent!P6"gon,UlV"' Slhwxd 0alt Hay-Baled, cheat, $78. . f,1"r-In wholesale lots, 83.80: Hogs-dre'sed, 5Jc, Lrive cattle 2j(a3c. Veal -5. iKRot,tcr-DaIry 1215c; creaoij 15(rf20c. 8 Sheen-Live, $2.50(S$3. Wool-Best, 15c. Mohair 25c. Hops -Best 3J(o)5c. E'L'S-121p. in nol, Poultry Hens, 8c; spring chic 1. Farni SU)oked meats Bacon, ham.ioc shoulder. 8i(a0c. i'otatoes 40c. It Left Him. "I was weak and nervous and &t do more than half a day's I procured a bottle of Hood's aPar'lla and began taking ill soon I was able to work, the nerl unco ltnn ,-r. . . - . ",.""" 'eiL mo anu 1 was in wen. jsiy Wf0 llag nlso togn by Hood's." H. WEinl Needl ooa's i'liis aro the only pij take with Hood's Sarsaparlllif "ure to get Hoods. The Chirf n,.,.. . r w:i..u... P. A r.r:..: , ::..""&- -"ii. -a - .us i-uue ttriy Kisers are the v ZiC ua in msiamily during lorn ?;i ,!IseJkeePinC' They cure cons?! sick headache and stomach and liver! 3aWre but great in result "'ug5iore. k o-A.SToaet.x.AJ , lrc 10c .23c 23c .47c .r.3c ( A F feuitti TlKKindYoaHawAl Wgaitwa Ml &XMtfc2s