I ; GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER. Grimy finger marks seem to grow on S? about the house. They come easily and they stick, too unless GEbsrtt iiakes all cleaning easy. THE W. IC rAIIMUMfK COMPANY, Chicago. BU LouU. Doeton. I .H Summer Normal School, 'Clio Marlon county Summer Nnrm.il conducted by J. J Krap aDd Cuutiiy Supt. Jones has completed one week ol faithful work at the East Sa lem school. Twenty-live teachers arc enrolled. This school Is lor others besides teachers who desire to study the branches for county and state papers. 7-18-0t Just Arrived. The noted healer and Oregon cl.ira voyant, Doctor Anna Martin, who has performed wondcis at Portland and other points; she reveals the past, present and future through crystal glass. Has wonderful gifts. Can be conMiltcd on business and all affairs of lire, at 317 High street. 715. Ct mi Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker'? Djjen-iit Tablets, One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin Foxes at 25c. Lunn & Brooks, druggists. Sick headache, biliousness, constipation and a'l liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using tluse famous Utile pills known as DeWitts Little Early Risers. Thfcy are Slesant 10 take and never gripe. Slonc Drug tore. Lakcview Sage hens arc xery plen tiful this season. in . 1. m - On and After July 5th, the office of the Salem das Light Co, WILL BE AT No, 71 Chemeketa si, 'otate Insurance Building. Call and examine our stock ol Gas Sloues and Ranges fissay Office AND Chemical Laboratory, EPOfTice with Salem Gaslight Co. T. B. TUTHILL, Manager, Originality in -v Printing? Do you want to buy it, or the imitation? There is ihoddy in Printing as well as in clothing; and its user Is subject to keen criticism. A business man travels within a lim ited spere but his print ed matter goes broadcast where his personality can not soften advers Impres sions. The kind of print ing we do creates no adverse impressions. Try us with the next lot of bill heads or envelopes. C0N0VER, the Printer at Dearborn's Bookstore, 4fc $ I O.C.T.Co's I STEAMER A.L TON A. leaves for Portland Monday, Wednesnday and Friday, 7 145 a. Quick lime, regular sei. vice and low rates. Dock bttween Stat and Court streets. M. P. BALDWIN, A.;enl, Mlem. JT. A. ROTAN, 229 Commercial at. lias just received two can of new jfurniturel From the East. Full line of A:jWall Paper and Carpets V Best s'ock of UNDERTAKING GOODB, 10 per cent off on wall paper to make room fcr fill slock. 17 1 m&B the woodwork you get rid of them with New York. l'nu&delpuia. it.-.V . ir'. Hi' CAPE HORN CRACK SHOTS. Tin- Woiwlcrful Mnrkamnuslilp Displayed hr tlio Vatican and Onftj. It inny bo jib well to rofer to soino other tribes about Cnpo Horn which attracted tho attention of Professor Hatcher. For exnnjplo tuny bo men tioned tho Yuhgans, who live nearer to the houth polo thnn any other known pooplo. They occupy ccrtnin small ibhmds lying south of Tiorra del Fuego and aro found also on tho routh beach of that great island it rclf. Tho territory they occupy is a mnzo of mountain peaks, and tho conditions under which they exist aro almost beyond realization by a livilized poison. Tho typical weapon of the Yah gnns is tho rawhide sling, with which they nro ablo to kill water fowl afloat at 200 yards. To hit any bird at that distauco would bo called right good shooting. They can knock down' and stun a guanaco with n heavy round pebble UP-to 100 yards. Tho reason for tho sling as a tool of destruction is found in tho fnct that tho Yahgnus livo on tho beaches, whero plenty of round pebbles aro always at hand. Tbeso islanders try out oil from whalo blubber and storo it for futuro use in tho bladdorliko leaves of a kind of heaweed found every where in that region. Quito distinct nud peculiar is tho Ona tribe, which inhabits tho prairio rogion of Tierra del Fuego. This grout island has the shape of n'tri anglo nnd is almost as largo as tho state of New York. Onco upon a timo it must havo had a tropical cli mate, inasmuch as the bonos of monkeys nud puriui.- nro found fos sil there in great nuiuhurs. Iho Onus havo uu horses. They eat thos-o they capture from tho sheep men, considering horso moat tho greatest of delicacies. Thoy do pond for food chiefly upon tho guanaco, which abounds in Tierra del Fuego, and a kind of prairio squirrel. In tho chaso thoy rely mainly upon bows nnd arrows and tho bolns, tho lntter consisting of two or throo stono balls on tho end of hido thongs. On being thrown, tho balls diverge in obedionco to contrifugal forco and fly round and round in the air until the object is struck, when tho thongs wind them selves nbout it. These savages can throw tho bolas so dexterously ns to f nston a man to his horse. Tho Onas, however, often kill the guanaco by surrounding a bunch nnd running them down, so wonderfully fleet of foot nro they. Boston Transcript. An Kncounter With reccarles. After the drove had surrounded their wounded companion, and noisi ly inquired as to his condition and expressed their .warm sympathy with him, a number of them started toward Oohoa, who hastily ascended n treo. Thus far all went in order as wo had anticipated. Tho other Indian descended from his treo and tried to come to me as I was prepar ing to slowly slide down tho rock, but just then sovernl mad boars rushed toward mo. Tho Indian went up tho treo liko n shot, and I us sud denly rcclimbed the rock. Tho an gry boars camo with bristles raised, tails Etraight out, tusks roughly grating and'uttering loud, threaten lug cries. Some of them waded into tho shallow creek and attempted to scale my rock. 1 was exceedingly uncomfortable, but thought that in a few moments their horrid fuming would cense, but ovory timo some old sow would uppioach her wound ed friend and attempt to assist him along with her snout (nnd they did this frequently) he would bommenco a fresh series of complaining tqunlls, and then tho crowd would rush to ward us uguin- Then thoy woqld step backward a littlo bit nnd shake their heads, as if daring mo to elido down from the rook and find'out how rapidly they could convert mo into mince incut. Outing. Oregon City Dfivid F. May, deputy county treasurer, and for the past two years a member of the county board of examiners, died at hlsliomp. In this city Monday, from the effects of a par alytic stroke. Mr. May was 40 years old at tho time of his demise, and was born near Dallas, Texas. He came to Clackamas county with his parents, in 1852, The deceased taught school for many yeajs, He leaves a wife and three children, Mr. May was elected, county superintendent of Clackamas county in 1885, Coqullle. Tho Jcounty clerk gives notlco under date of June 30th, that in 6ijr,ly days from date It will be un lawful for hogs to run at large, under penalty of '$10 for the first offense and 820 for each and eyery subsequent of fense, ' u OREGON STATU NEWS. Burns Frank Jordan is the new '.Ity marshal,. Cove A lodge of Odd Fellows has been organized at Coyc, Union A new Masonic tcrupln is being built at this place. Pendleton A typographical Union has formed here with 16 members'. Lakeylcw The town council is fig uring on putting in new water works. Baker City A benefit social given nt Uakcr City for the soldiers netted $52 30, Astoria A large new business block will soon be erected in Astoria by II. C. Page. Myrtle Point Work will soon com mence on a fine new, M. E. church at this place. Corvallls A new bank Is expected to bo put In hcrcby Mr. Scrogglns of Sheridan. Burns B. D. Mclntyro is now owner of the Burns Items and will edit It as well. Baker City The Baker Democrat now thinks Baker City has over 0000 Inhabitants. Corvallls -The sower of tacks is still abroad here and the wheelmen have resolved to puncture his tyre. Lakeylcw Is raising $1000 as a bonus for telegraphic communication with Bldwell, Cal. The line will be completed within a month. Baker City During her absence some sneak thief entered the residence of Mrs AlTaughn and stole areyolycr, $0 0 In money and 6omc jewlery, La Grande The Oregon Sugar Company, of La Grande, is arranging to build two silos, each to be 400 feet long, 40 feet wide nnd 2 feet deep, II illsboro Dealers In harvesting machinery report that there has not been as good a trade in three years as now. Some dealers havo sold their whole stock" and cannot get more. Astoria The great raft of logs that went down the Columbia is now on a bar on Astoria Hats. This raft is the largest one ever built and will be a heavy loss. Mr. Robertson the owner. McMInnyille Tup old Baptist church is being moved to make room for the" new one which will have a greater seating capacity than any other church in town. Sumpter J. Nat Hudson has sold theSumpter News to S. P Shutt formerly of the Condon Globe, who will hereafter steer that publication through the uncertain seas and quick sands of journalism. Burns At the close of a patriotic celebration at Burns, Hon. George V, Hayes asked that all who wished to join the United States army should arise, Every man in the hall stood up. Fainicw Mountain The miners of tlic Bohemia district celebrated Schley's victory at Falrview moun tain, where they placed a flag polo 50 feet high. From the top of Fairview 15 mountains can be seen. Toledo Lincoln county fixed salary of its clerk at $100 a month, and its sheriff $150 a month, Sheriff Boss and Clerk Lutz have agreed to this scale, which will remain in force until the legislature puts the officers on salary. Jefferson There havo been shipped from this station, -from January 1, to July 1st 22 corloada of flour, 7 of feed, 11 of wheat, 34 of potatoes, 1 of oats, 2 of sheep. 2 of cattle and 60 coops of chickens. Astoria Grade Vooth and ll, L, Bldwell, two boys of 16 were arrested Sunday evening for stealing some car penter tools. They have been carry ing on a systematic stealing for some time. Coryallis-The Corvallls saw mill is running at full blast every day. The shipment ot fivo cars of hardwood lumber was completed this week. The material is used in the manu factures of furniture, and went to San Francisco, Portland and Albany. Albany On Saturday at the Red Crown mills one of tho workmen, Mr. Fred Grimmer, while making some Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes tho most In tenso suffering. Many havo for voara vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and aro to-day worse off than ever. Rheumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is tho only cure, be cause it is tho only remedy which can reach such deep-seated diseases. A few years ago I was taken with Inflamma tory Rheumatism, which became so lntenso that I was for weefcs unablo to walk. I tried several prominent physi cians and took thelrjreat ment faithfully, but was unablo to get the slight est relief. In fact, my con. dltion seemed to grow worse, tho disease spread oyer my entire body, and ttofa November to March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, hut none relieved me. Upon the advloe of a friend I decided tn trv 8. S ever lyze Before allowing mo to take it, how r guardian, who was a chemist, ana a remedv. nnd nrononnced It frea at poiasn or mercury. 1 reit so mucn better alter taking two bottles, that I continued tbe rem edy,and in two months I was cured completely. Tho cure was permanent, for I have never slnco had a touch ot llbeumatlsm thongh many times exposed to damp and cold weather. 8711 rowolton Avenue, Philadelphia, Don'tsuffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, as tbs7 cannot reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potaah ana raeroury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy ystr digs- ;.S.S.rfLBI6dd will euro nerfectlv afid iraaeBUv. tt is guaranteed purelyicgetablo, asd contains no potash, wwcuryj or othec mffr .8. ' " """, I repairs under the mll, was caught on n shaft revolving at the rate of about 150 revolutions a minute II Is cloth ing was torn off and he was fearfully brui'td, but no 'bones were broken. Ills cries nttracted attention and the machinery vas Immediately stopped, or lio would have been killed outright. The Dalies- Tho Wasco county court Is considering the proposal of the Sherman County Lum ber & Wood Company to lease the Deschutes river. Shcrmap county has given a 20. years' lease, but Crook county refuses to sign away the stretch of rlverwlthln Its boundaries. In return for any concessions which may be granted, the company agrees to clear the river of obstructions. Newberg Harry and Oscar Allen nave completed atrangement for bulk'ing a large twelve tunnel Allen fruit evaporator In Newberg, with a capacity of livo hundred bushels of prunesada,and will begin work at once In order to havo'lt completed in time for the first ripening of the crop. Astoria The other day whentho noon train arrived at the depot a lady, rather country looking, and a girl got off the train and was looking around the depot and ooserving the surrounding scenery. An expres3tnan of this city asked them for their bag gage. The lady told him they would like to have a conveyance in which they could be driven about tho city, as they were going to Seaside on the evening train. Tho expressman in formed the lady that his express wagon was his only rig. She said that was plenty good, and -they climed in and were driven over our beautiful streets for half or three quarters of an hour, and were finally returned to the depot, where tho wo nan paid the ex pressman 50c, for his work. Having heard that the woman was from Idaho the driver ventured to remark that he supposed her folks were very busy harvesting now. "No," says the lady, 'ray husband Is Governor of Idaho." The expressman has been kicking himself for not charging her two dollais. l(3D0a SiEMIV MKH H PUIH 8111 "" Mw8 -r x lac o a s -v o : GROCERIES Paints, Oila "Window Glass Var nlali, and tbe most complete stock of Brushes of all kinds In the statp Artists materials, lime; hair; ce ment and shingles; and tbe finest quality of grass seed. iTNsstsiMJB isMsar 3V WANTED. ETC Now today advertisements lour lines or less in tins column lnsortod Uireo times for 25 eta- SO cts. a week, $1 per month. All over four lines at same rate. LOST, In South Salem, July 4, a ladies' black cloth cape Leaveiat Journal office and oblige the loser. 7-18-31$ A RARE OPPORTUNITY For alyoune man to learn the jewelry ana optical bust ncss. ( Reference required. C. II. Hinges. 7 i8-6t I will receive bidt until July 25 for the building of a dwelling on my place five miles north of Salem. Flan3 may be seen at R. M. Wade & Co. I reserve right to"reject any or all bids. Address bids to J. a. fainter lirooks Or. 7-l6-6t t LOST. On iQth State or 2 ah streets one draper for McCormick harvester Finder please return to E. M, Croisan's implement house and secntc reward, 16 3t j JEW PARK OROCBRY-,is open for business with a new stock of goods. Al len & Bowersox. 7.t6-im. WANTED'.. Bids to furnish 300 cords big fir wocd for Willamette Hotel. Cash. J. Conner. 7-IO.tf PRIVATE SALE. .Cheat and oati twenty tons hay field at $4 per ton. Four horses 2 sets harness I wagon, I two-eaf harrow 4 young hogs 1 sow and pigs 1 2 .year old heifer and other articles all at bargains. Call at Van Mann's place near Zena Polk county. J. H. Campbell. 7-I2-2W d&w HAY SCALES. Most reliable service in Salem, Price only 10 cents. Remember tbe Buffalo Scale. Headquarters for lime cement and plaster, J. F. Uilmore, 54 State street. 7-lz-sm-d&w FREE TO ALL. r-Purchasers of goods to the pmount of onoMollar or more v. ill be presented with a" handsome "Dewey" Souvenir spoon at the Emporium 309 Com. st. Don't miss this rare opportuity. 6201m FOR SALE OR TRADE r or casn, wood, or cow. Cool Columbia bicycle. E. Holer, Salem. 623-tf WANTED. Solicitors of good address, either sex, to sell California Roses, rare, hardy ornamentals, etc. Town and cities only. Will pay salary weekly. be quick; state age. Ihe Howlanl Nursery Com. pany, Los Angeles Cal. 6 20 im NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the County Clerk, of Linn County, Oregon, until 1 o'clock p. m., July 27th, 1898, for labor and material required in the remodeling and im proving a brick court house for Linn County, at Albany, Oregon. All woik to be com. pleted by November 1, 1898, according to plans and specifications on file with the county clerk or Albany and Charles H. Burg orafl, architect, Salem, after July 13, All bids must be filed with County Clerk at Albany. Ths County Court will consider bids as follews: First, For the completion of the entire work. Seconds All mason and carpenter work. including material of brick, stone, lath and plastering, cementing, concrete, lumber e.c. Third Heating and plumbing complete, Fourth , Galvanized iron, tinning and slating, FifuV-Paintlng. The successful contractor will be required to give an, approved bond for the amount of his .contract immediately after the same is awarded him, under such conditions as the coattmay determine and demand. The County Court reserves the ilcht to re ject any or all bids. uy oraer 01 the uounty court this Htn day of July, 1898. s y-'- FRANK CRABTREE Albany, Or.- " County Clerk f JOHN l, r DEALER IN 7'I2-I0t I A Beautiful In order to filrthcr introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, 1. C. Hubingcr Bros. Co.iof Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE Aw AY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. Thcse presents arc in the form of i Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 131(19 inches in sue, fi Lilacs and Pansies. SjPARGH Pansies j and Marguerites. TtKT INVEN7p r UQUUI HO COOKMC I junsctmu BWHtl I oni rsuHS or this Of ANT OIMIfl 1 "J.CJiUBINGERBROS'C? u.nAjcTmeMir kKtOKUrUt i These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, 9 R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects 2 in ins smuiu auu arc now uuereu lor uic nrst umc 10 mc puuuc. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and arc pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. One of these pictures g gfc m wi!hbeacrpTckagadof EagZlSfiO t SLTCll purcnaseu ot your grocer, it is the is sold for 10 cents a oackace. Ask beautiful picture. 5 ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE 3 SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION, STA W I T 1 il IWftRMJll fvumnu MONMOUTH, OREGON jc-swsa 0 9 JWULM X W -a- .A it 'Ti'T"ri I, Til Tm.. ,tfJtfICrwF" Or W. A. WANN Secretary of Faculty. Paints and Oils, Superior Stoves ana Ranges, and Good Fishing Tackle, go to BROWN Si SMITH 256 Commercial st, -i.ii' ' , . - '11 ' i... -!. 1 I. ' ., ,i i.... ! ' .in..!!.,,. ...- . De wey Peaches - ;': V I..j.,..,,.f.i0co box Stayton Hour '..... , 105 Salem Special . i.'.i.'., $100 Aumsvlllo Flour It 105 New Pickles, per qt .T. - 10 Arbuckle and Lion Coffee, per pk.'-...X...OtVfr .!.,, .,.15c, 2for 25c Bulk Olives, per pint. Lenox boap, o oars Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb 10 lbs Lard 5 lbs Lard If.:..'. Chocolate, per lb lOlbs. li. Wheat lOlbs Corn Meal Try our ilo Cream Oats for mush. Old P. O Goner . OREGON GREEN, ft DRIED FRUIT CO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Wholesale produce and fiuit. Packers and chickens, eecs and larmers produce. !' !'',' Manufacture Ice from pure distilled tlty at Telephone 207. CRYSTAL iff 04 State street, Next Door East of Buah'a Bank, Be mealg in the city for 15c. Giye MANHOOD RESTORED fnarsntctq to cure all nervous dUcascj, loaa as VTeaV nonr, Lou of raia Fowarvllcadache, Wakriulacsa, Lost Ua'ibooa, Gently litul. slona, Nervousness, nil drains, lot of power la Cenem. . 1 Organs of either sex. caused bv orer-cxertlon. Youthful errori r-.i-ruir uu r,f tobacco, opium or stimulants, wblcti lead to Infirmity. Coiuumptlou or - ..... IV. C prepaid. Clr retiald. Clrculir Free Muutacturcd by t"n r-..r:.j . . . nu ui,,uwiuuuii(ifciui. -tBirtan uttnuiau,. vqniaM'V Present and arc entitled as follews: Wild American Poppies. i MSTTfMJ) 'zm. Lilacs and Iris. mSHTKW itch unu, eo ITAKCa. wutam.i best laundry starch on the market, and vour eroccr for this starch and rret a L! Strong academic and professional courses. Well equipped training department of nine grades, with 230 children. Regular normal course of three years. Senior year wholly professional. Graduates of acredited high schools and col leges admittei directly to professional work. The diploma of the school s recognized by law as a life certificate to te. The graduates of the school are in de- Liget expenseir-Thei year from $120 to $160. Beautiful and healthful location, no saloons The first term will open Tuesday, Septem ber 10. Catalogues giving full details of work cheerfully sent on application. Address P. L. CAMPBELL, President. utdid- l ' 15o iv 25c 35 :-:iv .;., v; J.-..,. ! ,'.,., .'. 30 05 60 25 35 25 HARRITT & LAWRENCE shippers. We pay hlfiest cash fprice for A, I. WAGNER Mcr, jvi- ;! 1 water and furnish same in any quan- 'M'CrUIItE & TEATZ. Stalo& Nineteenth serccts, Salem. us atrial ?T Hilar Br. Pau' allow Narva Villa. L Thl rVnitnful nl Bold bv all drurriiti. likrorlhi.vnnrLiiiw. . n. w.twu uc, u.. f . VV UiaU Peao Uediclne.Cu., rnrls. France. Laue-DavUl . t-tr-r. z:--7z?-' ,.--... wsisag m SUaHT BUSINESS CARDS. O. JH.: niAOK Dentist, . Successer 10 Dr. J. M. Keene, old White Corner, SaLw, Or. Part ei desiring superior operations at moderate fees In any branch an In especial request. Capital Soap Works' Running at full blast and making best 'if laundry and toilet soaps. lie sure to call for Ihe Salem brand when jou want cool? Vooas. A. W. ANDEREGG, Manager. O. H. LANE Merchant Tailor! 211 Commercial at, cySitita $15 and upwards, Pants $3 and upward. BREWSTER & WHITE, HAY. OR AJN Shorta, chop, flour, mill eed. to. Telephone 178. 91 Com tat., Salem, Or New Blacksmith Shop. W- F. R. SMITH Sr CO the old reliable smiths h.ivn nnnnprt snop rpposite tho brewery, and invito patrons. Best work and lowest prices 105 Commercial Bt., Salem. BALTIMORE FEE MARKET ! 'Highest market cash price paid for poultry and eggs also second hand' goods to tiftde forchrckens and eggs, at iSltCommercial st, oaiem ir. 5-ai-lm d&w OFFICE, CITV HALL For water service apply at office. DIP payable monthly in advance. Make complaints at the office. WANTED. If you want toltalizo your bees now is your opportunity. I have made arrancements fo fine waranted queens from J. W. K, Shaw & Co,, of Louisville, Chas. D. Douvall, of nappy creek, Va., W. II. Laws, Lavcoa, Ark., Theo. Bender, Canton, O., also breede.J In North Carolina and Tennessee for any number and can furnish fine Italian queens at 75 cents or will introduce them In frame hives for I each. Cash with order. 7 5 tf R. R. RYAN. HOTELS AND BOARDING. Hotel Sal?ER. MIFENNELIiPropf Only First Class House in the City. Rates reasonable. Sample rooms in connection. Can to all trains and public buildings pass the door. Come Slate and High streets. .MEATS AND POULTRY. g.s. mwm NEW MARKET. State street, near railroad. Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best meats In town. 2 tt Wolz Miescke, Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked meMs, Lard In bulk,oc a lb. Cheapest market In town. We maue it a Specialty to keep all kind of Sausage on hand. Try us. SHOP RE-OPENED. JgDrown & Son, of the East Salem meat mar ket, have enlarged and refitted their shop and n ill be pleased to see all of th'ir old patrons anu mc rei.i 01 tne community, urclers taken and delivered. Farents sending children may depend on having their orders con scientlously filled 10-4 1 1 MROW & STBTJSLOFF, Butchers and Packers COLD BTORAGE MEATS, Best stock, best service and lowest pucei 316 Gommerci' W. A. WHITE Successor to Thomas & White, Club Stable Finest Rigs in-the;: City- Kates Reasonable. Near Hotel Willamette- 7 18 im STEAM2UUNDRY1 Fleaaenotice th;cut tn prloea ;on tbe following Skirts, plain .....,.,.,, 10 cent Unaer drawers..., 5 to locentt Under shirts 5 to 10 cents bocks, per pair, ...3 ccm Handkerchiefs ,......, .1 cent Silk handkerchiefs , . . ,3 tell Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents. per dotcn and othei work in proportion. Gf Flannels and other work intelligently y wasbod by band. Sab Water Co., COL. J, OZiMSTBAD, . Froptiatoi J REMOVED BECKNBR & HAMn,TOK have removed their Urniag and pimsb Ing business to 32-t do nmrctl afre) t opposlta Stnto lnaroBce buflding. HOT SPRINGS Notice to pleasure seekers. I am prepared to pack PeoLle into the hot sonngs.Jor any place In ihe mountains, here. aiso 10 cook lor small or larce camping pa- ties, address, 6i7dw3m tRANK PERKETr, Detroit Or. "HONEST JODN" TRUSS A new truss on a new principle A perfect support to all wl.o aro ruptured. DR STONE'S DRU STORE, Salem, Or 4rflQO HAY FOR SALE! "Fiom the Hubbard farm, grain hay, free f-om ieeds. 396 Commercial street. f,ood leave clover o orders at 628 tf The best is cheapest. E S, Lamport, Harness and Saddlery. . . Bring In your" old Exchange for "now. harness and Prices Always the Lowest, SALEM OR. Wallace's Warehouse, Storage at reasonable rates, Appjy to SALEM WATER CO, JAS. RADER. ELMER 'WHITE. CAPITALr CITV Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passenger tralhl. Bag. gage and express to all parts of the city Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. Tie Northern Pacific Railroad still continues tho popular route for eastern travel and now that sprint? Is openinRup it becomes more so than ever, The pleasant and com fortable accommodations furnished passengers aro proverbial and need no mention.Tbo rtuicktlmc madc.wlthout change of cars is universally known. Tho road traverses the most magnifi cent belt of country in the world, every mile furn(Bbing constant scen ery attractive and interesting, so that the traveler goes through withB out fatlguo and reaches tho journoy'ai end without realizing distance. All hrough Washington. Idaho. Montaana Dakota, Nebraska and tho other states, the eye is feasted with scenes pleasing and Impressive, while no sand storm, suffocating atmosphere or other demoralizing discomforts are met with. For tickets and full par ticulars call on TIlOMArJ, WATT & CO. Salem, Or., Agents Oregon Short Line. -THIi- Quickest' Safest, Cheapest Line for all points East and southeast. FREE recliningjchair cars, Tullman palaca sleeping carr, and upholstered tourist bleep ing cars 'on nlithrough trains, 110ISE & DARKER, Agent Salem, Or C. (). TERRY, Traveling I'assenger Acen W. E. COMAN, Genera Agent. U4 Third Slice Portland. Or 200 Miles shorter and a wholo half day quicker than any otherlino to Omaha, Kan-' sas city, bt. Louis und nil other siit, hum and southeastern cltini. Tluee route east via Denver, St, raul, and Billings, Mont. Tickets Ht ofllcesotconoeqtlug lines. If yuu ku east via Omaha, you can stop off aud Bee tho Trans-Mtsslsslppl exposition. A. C, SHELHUN ri ?Ocn'l agent, I'mtlandOr -V If tf v FOP SALE BY D- J.1FRY, SALEM, OREGON