Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, July 18, 1898, Image 4

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The First Week Is Gone
- Tinfl'd'du't.we slash the pr.tes.- Cost didn't make
s any difference It was the money wc wanted. This
week we arc going to make Rome more cuts on seaFon
able goods and staples. We'll surprise you on
Gloria Silk Umbrellas, regular 51 ones for 80c.
Scotrh lawns, regular 5c the yard, for 3c a yardj
Shirt Waists, regular 2oc, for 19c,
Summer Corsets, regular 50c, for 35c, " '
Bargains In everything during this sale.
In and be convinced.
Co mo
Cordonct, fancy striped lawns, to close the stock
5cthe Yard.
Vulacs up to20tcporynrd'ln lawns, dlmltlca, organdies, etc., placed In on
lot at
ioc the Yard
50 pieces double fold percales, all new patterns, regular 12 cci.t finality, li
make Jul) purchasing nn object wc.say
8 i-3 the Yard
Cleanjup prices on all lines.
nJ. a. IDAIR-YniFTB !!&. CO.
and havo your notes and paokagos
delivered, to oclloot a bill, to go on
errands for you. Ask for upoclnl
rates en morohanta' packages.
Charges reasonable. Dloyclo ner
vlca Ring Bltto bozos or tolophono
Lockwood Mcssouger Bystem, Control
ofOco No. 200 Commercial stroet.
Salem Local
Tonight fair. Tuesday fair,
H Excellcncy.Governor Lord was
in Portland during the day.
Mrs. E, F. Osborne and little daugh
tor, and Miss Sarah Mcado loft today
for Newport.
Miss iLona Will to and Miss Maud
Lytupu- left today for a two weeks
recreation at Newport.
Norrls Brown, of Ban Francisco, ar
rived In this city today and is the
guest of his father, J. M. Browir.
John Molr, II. II. Itossltor, Frank
Davoy, MY. rnd Mrs. Win. Armstrong
left today to attcnu A, O. U. W.
grand lodge in Portland,
If you think of buying a roll-top
desk, now is the time to do it, while
Burcn & Hamilton aro reducing stock
preparatory to moving.
IIuyc you any uso for a rofr'lgorator?
If so, it will pay you to call on Huron
& Hamilton at onco and got tho ben
lit of special removal sale.
A booK case Is an especially nwk
ward tiling to moyc, ho Huron & Hani-
Idea Is to convince you that
wc can save you mousy on
Iter try us
Osburn's Racket
Tho money baying store.
210 Commercial at.
DAMON, Prop.
Ilton will forego their prolltto avoid
moving that class of furniture.
Secretary of State Klncald, re
turned on tho afternoon train from
his usual over-Sunday trip to his Eu
gene homo.
Mr. Webster Klncald, son of the
secretary of state, Is vleltlng friends
and relatives In Salem for a few
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Itodgcrs and Mr.
and Mrs. J. II, Albert loft today for
tho pcasldo expecting to occupy Mr.
Albert's cottage on Nye Creek for the
Miss Emma Davenport, of Colfax,
Wn., has been a guest at tho homo of
Land AgcntT. W. "Davenport, during
tho past week,
Mrs. Martin, wife of Caroy F. Mar
tin, of tho department of state, has
been absent from .Salem visiting
points down tho valloy Including
Portland, during tho past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ilolman, Mrs.
John Jlolman, Mrs. Mndgo Waller,
Llttlo Allco Meyers and Ocorgle
Lunn left today (or a month's outing
at Newport.
E. C. Patton and Jcsso Gcorgo left
today for tho Sliver Crook Falls coun
try on a two weeks llshlng expedition.
Some big list) stories may be oxpected
upon thofr return.
Judge Geo. II. Burnett wont to Al
bany today wjioro ho will hear tho
testimony Imtllo countyclork election
contest for Linn county. District At
torney S. L. Ilaydou accompanied
Judge Burnett.
Salem has a standing dlsgraco In tho
condition of hor sldqwalks leading to
tho cemeteries, Thcso walks aro not
within tho city, but thoy aro used
mostly by city people, and they should
be mado respcctablo and safe.
K. 0. Qlltnor returned Sunday even
ing from Washington, D. 0., where
he has been holding a secretaryship
under his undo, United States Sena
torOco. W. McBrldo.
A, L, Brown, J. M. Chaso and Geo.
0, Will went to Portland today as
dolegatos from Protection lodgo No. 2,
A. O. U. W., to tho graud lodgo of
tbjit order, which convenes In tho
metropolis this week.
Judge Burnett has set tho D'Arcy
Bolso Judgshlpcoutcst for hoarlng at
Albany at 1 p. m., Wcdnowlay July
27. This case will come up for hear
ing subsequent to tho Linn county
clerkship election contest.
Mrs, Fred Donham arrived yostor-
dny from Fresno Cal,, and Mr, and
Mrs, Donham will mako their home
In Salem. When leaving Fresno tho
morcury stood at 101) in tho shade,
and upon arriving atSalom Mrs, Don
ham found it very chilly.
Articles of Incorporation of tho
Western Warehouse Company, of
Come now and you will need for your trip to tho mountains or ceast:
COMFORTABLE. 8H0KS,.r.0ur Oxfords and Blko shoe will till tha
and our special low prices sluuld attract you,
ill nn nvl nlihAlln ai.lflh A...k,l. "
uii iuu huu liuuiuiui-c vujui uiUf U
SO per cent reduction on
COOL UNDERWEAR-If you need them you must not fall to look ours
over. Ladles Summer Union suits 33 cent; vests 6o to 60c. White or
cru, with or without sleeves. Men's $oq and Wc suit, go values,
BLANKETM 60 CENTS A PA lit.- White or grey, Just tho thing for camp.
I hk trips. Largo site double blankets-bettor ones, 11 to JO,
can come
very near
wettlMtf t-liee at your own price Try nn offer,
Outlcir shirts and caps, tentf goods, etc.
J?oik reduction In prices of the Standard Patterns. Beat In tho world.
Portland, with $10,000 capital stock,
have been tiled In the department of
state. Also articles Incorporating the
Montana Mctalurglcal Works, of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Princ, for
years residents of Prinesvlllc, Crook
county In ye moved to Salem to re
main through the fall and winter,
and perhaps permanently, If Mr. Prlne
can find a location to suit him. Sa
lemltcs welcomes such people to our
Frank Feller camo In from Buttc
villo this morning. He reports
terrible mould and lice on the hops of
that section, and fears that the crop
may bo a failure. He also says that
he didn't nee a first-class field of
wheat on his way to Salem. Some
harvesting Is being done but the
prospect Is poor.
Norrls Browncame up tills morning
from San Francisco, to spend a short
vacation with his people. He reports
the drouth In California as some
thing terrible, and cf course Is de
lighted to be once more In Oregon.
Norrls hold'' a responsible p isitlon In
the largest hardware establishment In
the city and is doing well.
The large flags which have been
constantly floating-over Oregon's State
Capitol building since the beginning
o'. the war with Spain are becoming
somewhat tattered and worn by the
whipping of the winds. The Inform
itlon Is elicited that new ones are
ready to be hoisted as soon as the. old
incs have served their full time.
Klondikirs '
C4 dryxood and shoe store.
O, C, T. Co's New Steamer.
Steamer Pomona, the O. 0. T. Co',
new light draught steamer, reached
Salem on her Initial trip shortly he
fore 7 o'clock Saturday evening, She
returned to Portland this morning.
The Pomona Is a sister boat to the
ilamnna and Altona and was built fot
Mjrvlcc during tho summer season es
ncciully. She Is 10 feet longer and 6
feet wider than the Altona and Is the
largest cruft belonging lo this com
p iny that piles On tho river. She has
a draught of but 15 Inches and Is an
ideal loat for tho low water season.
She experienced not tho slightest dif
ficulty In making her Initial trip to
Salem, and her owners feel confident
she can bo successfully operated
throughout the summer.
The Pomona Is llncly furnished and
Is calculated to bo a passenger boat
proper, although she will also handle
the company's large freight business.
Tho river today registered 1.2 feet
above low water mark and Is grad
ually resuming the summer stage.
A Business Change.
Tlie Club Stables, which arc so well
known In Salem, and which have for
some tlmo been conducted by Messrs.
Thomas & White, have recently been
purchased by the latter, who will here
after bo tho sole owner. Mr. W. A.
White Is a thorough horseman and
will make tho business equal to any of
its class on tho coast. For first class
rigs tho Club Is tho best place In Salem
to go. Try It and see.
A Mountain Lion.
A friend of W.It. Anderson has sent
old Bill a young mountain lion from
Tlllamuok coiinty,whtch he has placed
among his. valuable collection of liv
ing and stuffed curiosities. This one
is not dead.
Tho late rains arc helping the gar
dens "but made some of jour farcers
that hare hay out look rather blje."
On Mr. Nortons place there is yet
about CO acres In shock, which wll, be
shocked for balling. Some little wlnat
cut and some other places abcut
ready. Some green aphis on what,
but do not fear any great datnaze
from them.
The painters have finished thilr
work on John Sullivan? little cottare,
and he has abont the neatest noise
in town and John Is quite proud oft.
Mr. R. T. Ray has the building tor
his dryer enclosed and the brick is
being hauled for the furnace, which
will soon be built ready for the prute
crop which will be heavy.
Roy Russell "tho 13 year old sen
of Mr. and Mrs. S, A. Russell met wltfi
quite a sad accident on Thursday
of last week. He was riding on horst
back when the horses feet slipped
from underneath him falling hcayllj
on the ground," Young Russell's head
striking on the hard ground which
rendered him unconclous for foul
hours, when he revived again and.lt
now doing well.
Joe Uoran and family nave gone
eist oMhe mountains to spend the
harvest season and Mr, M. S. Norton
has taken his place In furnishing our
town folkd and others with fish dur
Ina Mr. Dorans absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed are now oper
ating the Marlon Hotel.
New potatoes are selling at 15c per ' to come out by way of St. Michael will
" " ' , tv ' flJ. fl.inrv- Viinnnrtn
0UT' ft,,,, P noiiniina am Olllllfln " HflFO'fllll , , TO OUTO
with i mm ii nr ri in nni iiijiimiiiii ijlii cim" -
VUl UIVUilU'uvv iH "u"' (J
Return All
Victoria, B. C, July 16.-Forty
men have arrived here from Dawson
City, bringing with them lo gold
dust and drafts from $750,000 to
Most of this belongs to Dick Butler
and his three brothers, of Lexington,
Ky., who arc credited with close on to
The rest of the party have smal
sacks containing from $1,000 to $10,000
in nuggets. They estimate the entire
clean-up of the Klondike will be be
tween $15,000,000 and 820,0000,000, al
though no definite estimate can be
made, as the miners were reticent
about their earnlngs.as the Dominion
government officials are collecting a
royalty of 10 per cent.
Despite the man's reclcence, lion
ever, the g vcrnrnent's revenue from
this source will, It Is said, reach
close to $100,000. The men who ar
rived here last night came out by the
way of Lake Bennett and the Dyea
and Skagway trails, the steamer Ora f
and Goddard having made the trip lo
White Horse Rapids In five and a
half days,
The men who went down the river
All Goods at Reduced Prices,
Wash Goods at Cost
Shirt Waists at Cost,
Bargains in Every Line
Read This,
Ladles' wrappers....
Ladles' wrappers, trimmed
Ladles' wrappers, Indigo blue,
Camping blankets
Wash shirts .
Famosa best $1 two-clasp gloves, all
Queen, best $1.60 3-clap gloves, all
Ladies DiacK orocaau si
bl'ack'snd white....
... 28c
shades S9c
shades Si 30
$1.10 and up
.sJ.io up
Ladles' black silk brocade skirts from..,
A continuation of last week's price list,
Dress Goods,
32-Inch Summer mixtures ""orS
31-Inch all wool mixtures c
38-inch covert "c
36-inch all wool serges jjc
42-Inch changeable serges fv
33-Inch all wool black fancies c
4G Inch all wool serges, all shades jc
40-Inch all wool black hcnrletta o
33-Inch fancy boucles, (COc goods) 47c
Every piece in stock at a reduced price,
Lawyer Scott, of Salem, was In
town on the 15th, looking after his
fruit farm.
Rufe Bailey who has been absent
for some time Is home again,
G. W. Epler will launch out Into
the farming business on a large scale
the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pickett of
Salem have been tho guests of their
daughter Mrs.IIadlcy for the lastlwcck
tliU office.
.A boy 15 to 18. Inqul at
Water Sets'
In blue, canary, green and crys
tal Berry Sets
In all colors,
Table Sets
Olive trays, vinigar sets, celery
trays and odd'picccs,
The Grocer
124 BUee at Telephoua 61
Enhst With Battery B To Be Mustered
In About the 24th Inst.
Sattnday and today, Lieutenant J.
U. Rtitcnlc, local recruiting ofllccr for
Battery B, enrolled tho names of
nlnctc n young candidates for mem
bership In tho battery. Those en
rolling during the past two days were;
Win. Benjamin, Geryals: A. C. Ba
ker, Stayton; Earl White, Salem; C.
C. McCormlck, North Salem; narry
Motcalf, Brownsville; Blanner Reese,
Brownsville; J. Johns, Maclcay; Ben
latnln Anderson, Salem; Elbert
Young, SalcmjWm. G. Martin, Salem;
Frank Freye, Salem; II. A. Johnson,
Jr., Salem; O. Rundlott, Salem; Frank
Roth, Canby; Earl Mundell, Salem;
Clifford E. Neal, Salem; Louis Mc
Klnncy, Salem; Edgar Fish, Glendale,
Douglas county.
Justice Johnson and Rev. Bccklcy
both of this city, this morning gave
their sons, written consent to enlist.
Frank Roth arrived on the morning
local, from Canby for tho solo purposo
of enrolling himself.
This makes a total of 33 towards
raising Salem's quota. About 20 more
names arc desired however and that
this number will report to Lieutenant
Rctcnlc within the next few days
Micro Is no doubt. Lieutenant
Rtitcnlc has been Informed that Capt
Kendall and staff will not bo In Salem
until Sunday or Monday tho 23 or 21th,
Inst when Battery B. will be mustered
in and placed in training.
What beats Salem as a summer
ft ow SCO
yor up!
wheat go down and all-
God bless Lelter's wheat corner I
saved the late election. .
Tho now political dictionary says
"To the traitor belong tho spoils."
Patronizo homo Industry doesn't
mean to buy your luxuries in Port
land. Who could endure living In Salem
without Wlllson Avenue so beauti
fully Improved?
Tho dispatches from Santiago speak
ot Gen. Linares throwing up earth
works. That shows ho Is a mighty
sick Spaniard, East Oregonlan.
The Iowa Stato Register wonders
why the battleship Iowa is not equal
to tho Oregon. That editor has evi
dently no Idea what Oregon climate
will do.
ACamp?Ps and Coasters Goods A
In our kitchen department wo have things thaturo just what
you need at coast, mountains or on threshero' cook wagon.
The plates, cups.patis, etc, iron nud
wood handled kuives, .cheap spoons,
colfeopots, wash pans, etc., and also a
big .11110 of grunllo things In paus,
cups; etc ThOvSe whlto enameled
plates cups ard saucers are so clean,
so light and unbreakable that it wilt
pay you to buy them and leave' your
other dlshos at home.
Too, ou every thing.
Oil cloth lu pure whif, marbled, or
neat colored styles.
At racket prices anvuioney aavcrsjfor
you. Ask to see our new hammock
ropes ami hooks. So convenient and
cheap too.
That laiMes' wheel In black with
black rl us It, one o( the handsomest
wheels that ever camo to Salem. A
perfect dross guard, covering both
chain and hpnx-iu-'S completely, and
nocoitor iln to catch ur lour jour
Wo haven big Hue, and sell thorn at
lowest tnsrket prices. The lol luir
gago carriers (or ladles' or men's
wheel f nun 10c gp,i
Tho daintiest $1 50 light In tho market.
not be here for a couple of weeks.
The May West, the first boat to
start for St Michael, left on June 24,
with $750,000. most of It belonging to
the big commercial companies.
The men say banking accommoda
tions In Dawson are now so good there
Is no necessity of men bringing out
money In any other form than drafts.
The most of the gold will como out by
way of St. Michael.
The eldest Butler went in three
jcarsago, the other three last year.
Tlicy hare elerned up a largo amount
on Bonanza Creek 24 A, 08 B, and 23
A. They sold claims to an English
syndicate represented by McFarland
and n. M. Coleman, the latter of
whom came down tonight.
The prlceobtalned cannot be learned
but Coleman Is authority for tho state
meat that it was a very large one.
Several men have been working only
on lays, Tho only boats that hare
yet reached Dawson from down the
river arc the Hamilton. Weare. llerra,
MayWe6taud Victoria.
Among tho Cottage City passengers
are Phil Dobson of Los Angeles, nenry
Cheney of Rochester, N. Y., Miller
and Ylncs of Mew York state.
All have money variously estimated
from ten to fifty thousand each. Good
strlkw have been made on a new
bench of Eldorado, Ilouanza, French
Creek and Skookum Gulch.
They are reported enormously pro
ductive at high levels. Quartz claims
prospected so far yield poor pros
pects. II. M. Coleman, who is a well known
mining engineer, went in early this
spring and purchased a number of
claims for the English syndicate,
which he represents.
iiu esumaies me yieia tins year
will be at least 810,000,000. With the
exception of a few cases of scurvy, the
health of Dawson Is reported very
Last night's arrivals say another
party, who come out with them aro
coming down on the steamer City of
Seattle, which wasduelate lastnlght.
They aro reported to have as large
an amount of gold and drafts as those
on the Cottage City. It la estimated
tho Canadian government will collect
royalty on about ten millions' worth
of gold tills season.
The Cottage City, besides bringing
u lot of gold, brought tho sensational
newsef tho killing of "SoapySmlth,
the notorious gambler, at Skagway. A
Klondlker had been robbed of his sack
and Smith defied the authorities to
make trouble, going out with hlsWIn
chester rllle to make his defy good.
He ran amuck of Frank Reld, city
surveyor, and In a scuQlo shot Reld
through the hip. Reld replied with
his revolver, shooting .Smith through
the heart and killing him Instantly.
Tho steamer City of Seattle arriyed
here from Alaska with eighteen
miners from Dawson and about half a
million dollars In L-nlrt Amt. .nri
Tho city of Seattle brings news that
the town of Skagway has been placed
under martial law,
Table Linens,-
60 Inch half bleached cotton damask 20c
50-Inch bleached cotton damask o
56-Inch bleached linen damask -wc
52-Inch bleached linen damask -JS0
01-Inch half bleached linen damask of
02 inch satin damask -all linen wc
72 inch satin damask-all linen very line 8-c
Better grades Jail reduced,
Great Reductions,
Sun Umbrellas,
Muslin Underwear,
Ribbed Underwear,
v Do not overlook our Remnant Counter,
of all kinds,
Commercial St.
J a. .
JlLnAM BEAK. At the residence
of the bride's parents north of this
city, July 10, 1803, Miss Lydla Gil
ham, to Mr. John Beak, Uev. C. B.
Bacon, of tho First Baptist church
residenca of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Shoemakt r, In Jet
ferson, at high noon, Monday, July
18,1888, Mlsi Carrie E. Shoemaker
to John V. Roland. Rev. G. W.
Grannls, of this city, officiating.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was sorted and Mr.and Mrs,
Roland took the afternoon train for
Portland to remain about a week,
when they will return to Salem to
make their home.
The rroom li book-keeper at the
staU lnrane asylum and a brother of
County Recorder J. n. Roland.
The bride, though her home Is In Jef
ferson, has for several years been em
ployed In tho Salem public schools, In
which station sho enjoys an enviable
reputation at a successful educator.
LINDERUAN. At tu residence of
W. D. Mohney In this city at 0:30
p. m. Saturday July 16, 1893. Mrs.
Esther Llndcrman, aged 31 years 9
months and 4days, of typhoid-malarial.
The deceased was the relict of John
Llndorman who died about 5 years ago.
Sho was a natlTC of Polk county.
The remains were taken to Dallas
this morning whero at 1! a. m, in
terment was had.
Our Reduction Sale
nas been a success beyond anything we could have hoped for.
Still the good work goes on. We want your money. You
want our goods. Think of It. You can buy a good
Suit from us for $3.50
AJbetter one for ... 5,00
A fine dresssuit for 7,00 to 9.50
Any S20 suit for 15,00
Boys and children's suits. Wc have a large'selectlon, that wc
will sell regardless of cost, hats, furnisulng good, all dowu to
the bottom price. In fact everything goes at the chf.ipest
price during this reduction sale.
A Coos county subscriber in renew"
Ing for the Journal writes: ''I want
It when the news eooies of Gen. Lin
ares running away into the moun
tains and leaving Shatter and Miles
In the rear smoking cigars in San
tiago." You haveiit.
In Judg Boiie'i Court,
Judge Boise held a brief session of
court this morning and adjourned
until 9 a. in. Tuesday, July 20, 1803.
Court took under adrlsement the
action for money case of A. W. Long,
administrator vi. J. C. Long, and
prior to adjourning court, made fol
lowing entry:
David Scott, insolvent, vs. Alf
Beardsley, assignee, motion to remove
asslgneo, transferred to Department
No. 1.
Among arrival! today were follow
ing; c,nr' ,? ? JIHrook, Salem; S. L.
lavrelK San Francisco. Will McFos.
iuu, Auiuerj jamesi. stall.
The pleasant 11a vor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when
b Inced of a laxative, and If the father
nnmother be costive or bullous, the
or st gratifying results follow its use:
mohat it Is the best family remedy
so twn. Every family should have
kottle. Manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
Fairbank Scales.
Branson & Co., only charge 10 cents
a load for weighing hay at the Falr-
SSScreSi:" otl Court strcefc Dear
i ii ' -iVi "?.kua".v oan Francisco;
i' i' .Va ey SaF, ranclsco; Frank
E. Blair, PprUaodiMrs. W. A. 'Powers,
ban Francisco; J, C. Robinson. PortJ
tana: ai kidu w
llson. rVirtlnnrl.
City; E. Bock, San
l.' .!... k T .
i.V. A " Z v ,""" na wire, Dab
las; C. . ouog, Eugene; II. S. Smith
San Franc sco : Y. ii 'n..!::, "::"
Francisco; A. B Vande'rnk.San Fran.
Cisco; M.li. Rogers. San Pranclsoe:
Geo. II. Fllzgibb oi, Portland- P h
McMbuqo, Portland; Anwiro I
Browcn, Los Angeles, i.
Do you want to bur It, or
the Imitation? There Is
ihoddy in Printing as
well as in clothing; aud
its user is subject to keen
criticism. A business
man travels within a lim.
Ited spere but his print-
ed matter goes broadcast 1
w ne re nis personality can
not soften advers Impres
Jlonf. The kind of print
ing we do creates no
adverse impressions. Try
US With the noTf. nt
t bill heads or envelopes.
C0N0VER, the Printer
t Ptarborn' BooVjtare,
Elmer Akley.aged 10 years, of Baker
City; and Ed ward jMlller, of Jackson
county were today received at. the
as.ylum for Incorrigible conduct.
The Chief Ru-i.pi. nfxfii,i r,.
DeWitt, Utile EIy R T '& &t X
SJte $ "-Vand U ' SSSS'
Just Arrived,
The noted healer and Orctron Him
voyant, Doctor Anna Mar In, who has
Sti Kromolnt?:DJers at Andnnd
SSfntt5 , L r Past,
Rlass Has wonderrul g f tsBU &M
when of the-right kind, is never to bo
rtjectedand for that reason the people
of Salem and vicinity are urged to
purchase their groceries at Branson &
Co's. where they get tho very best.
Off For Manila.
Everybody would like to go to Man-,
ila but beingunable to make the long
journey, they call at the "Manila"
Restaurant No. 201 Commercial street,
Marnaclc & VanAverv. Drnnrlntnrs.
and eat tho best 15 cent meals to be
uau Ou tne coast.
Summer Normal School.
The Marlon county Summer
fw,a,Iondu,cted hy J- J- KraP and
? y. .upt" Jones lms completed one
week of faithful work at the East Sa-
pnmiiCn1',00',rp,Twent,-ttvc teachers aro
hSffi1; T "s 6C1001 ls lor others
besides teachers who desire to study
n,Lbranches fr county and state
PaPer. 7-18-6t
inive,? ' bUiousn'. constipation and
Pleunt to take n ..J -?" .ThbL a"
Store. " !,:, oioneurog
men to chop wood,
Inquire of C. A.
the Maine
Spring in your watch, may oreak
at any time and If it does I will
replace it for 75c,
And should it need cleaning I will
do that urn, the most mechanical
skill fur 75c.
All work warranted,
Salem's watchmaker.
Eyes.tested free.
15c to $1.00.
Smoke glasses
303 Commercial st.
stortCen DostoQlce Ss Fry'a drug