'"V f H I. ;; , ii i I l H i i itl. U J V: '' aaa " iii . i,m mum f ym mr w The Governor fy - nf Rlmrtfi island. vs aiuxvivr iwivuivi Daily Capital Journa BY HOKSR BROTHBRS, SATURDAY, JULY 16, J8g8. Dally, One Year 33.00, in Advance. Dally, Tour Months $1 00, In Advance. Weekly, One Tear $1.00, In Advanoo THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. Hawaii Is ours. TI10 lnlandH arn now United States territory and will always remain so, as long as we have tlio power to hold thenj. The wis dom of annexation, however, has. yet to be proved. There Is no doubt but public sentiment has been over whelmingly In favor of annexation, and on that score. If no other, the coverninenfc has done well. Whether the United States, asaiwholo, will ul timately Rain or loso by the move re mains to lw seen. The directum! Immediate pecuniary result will benn outlay'of many millions -on the pirt of the Kovcrnnient. We assume the debt of $1,000,000 for a startdr; we must spend many millions moro for public buildings and to provide for the defense of the Islands; wo must build, equip and sustain a number of, oxtra warships. That our navy should be Increased no one will ques tion, but that the possession of the Islands will necessitate several more bli I pa than wo would otherwise need is equally clear. Wo alreudy had a coaling station and 11 harbor in Pearl Harbor, which Is practically all that wo have now. The trado of tho Islands was ours; as much bo, probably, as,it will bo now. International trade fol lows the lines of business advantage, not political sentiment. Old Glory is tho loveliest banner that was over kissed by tho breeze; but it has not the power to Increusc tho productive ness of tho 60II over which It waves. Mr. Sprecklcs will import no moro sugar from the islands (him he ban heretoforejnolther will two cocoanuts grow whero ano grew before. We al ready supplied tho Islands with what ever we could sell to them In compe tition with other nations, and as a matter of fact, tho consumption of American goods by tho thrco or four thousand whiles and the balance of Kanakas, Japs r.nd Chlnumcn bus been - nnd will bo loorldicuously inslgnlil ciut to cut any Ugurc. There aio sqvcral llrms, InSan Francisco, who could handle tho whole trado without materially increasing their force. There will bo a boom In Honolulu , roal estate, hilt that will benefit only thoso few who aro on the ground nnd nro far-sccmg enough to stand from under before the crash comes, and even their prollts will consist of tho losses of others. New lines of steamers will bo put on, but, unless business increases from causes not now upparcut, they will loso money and bo withdrawn. The yery best argument that has been advanced In favor of annexation was, that If wo did not tuko tho Inlands, sjiiio other nation would. Conceding that to bo true, It may bo reason sutllcient for our taking them; but It Is hurl to sco why wo could not hayo extended tho Mouroo doHrluo to Nothing Like Paine's Celery Compound for . Run Down Nerves, 1. " Gov. Ellsha Dyer was elected gov ernor uflthodo Island In 181)7 and re elected In 1808. Gov. Dycrlsagradua;c from Brown University and Glcesen University, Germany: Ho served us sergeant during the clyll wnr and was adjut ant general of Rhode Island from 188:2 to 1805. Uo wrote, April 17, 1808; "1 havo heard so many llatterlng Btatcn.cnts of what Pulno'M celery compound lias done that 1 feel sura It will be of .very great benefit to me, particularity at this time when I havo so much anxiety urtl nervous strain," J'uluo's celery compound, upon which so much praise Iiob been be stowed, which the wealthy nnd those in tho highest positions unhesitat ingly endorse, Is within tho reach of tho humblest family la thn land Tho incalculable amount of good that Paine's celery compound is doing In making sick and oven despairing people well should compel tho atten tion of every Judicious person who Is out of health. Tho underlying causo of nervous dc blllty, apparent In headaches, dys pepsia, sleeplessness and neuralgia, Is faulty nutrition of tho entire ner vous system, So long as the blood Is pale, watery and hampered by bad humor?, the nerves cannot assimilate proper nour ishment, no matter how much food Is taken Into tho system. Paine's cel ery compound arouses 11 hearty ap petite, regulates the bowels and brings about a normal action of the liycr. TI1I4 Is the sweeping and thorough manner lh which Paine's celery com pound ficcs the system not only of rheumatism, eczemu, salt rheum and other diseases duo to impure blood; but also of neuralgia, sleeplessness and nervous headaches and dyspepsia that arc brought about by a "run down" state of the nerves. Tho use of Paine's celery compound make all tho difference between im pure, slufrglsh'bluod and tired nerves; and healthy, energetic bodily condition. FUN AT CI I EM AW A. tho Islands us catlly and consistently as wo could abandon that doctrine and go far nnd uwiy boyond It. All talk of "manifest destiny" Is arrant nomjeusc, Tho mail of destiny died on St. Helena. On tho other hand "' tho annexationists havo been right in paying that wo bhonld not bo guided nltogethor by our traditions, Conservatism for tho sake of conser vatism, in either foreign or domestic matters, has little to recommend It to the modern American, That tho government of tho hctero gencous population or tho Manila Is n now problem, should not bring on any epidemic of heart falluro, for wc nro amply able to solve It. But the die is cast) the tsluuds nro ours, "for better or for worsoj' Jf lor tho better, nil honor it tho statesmen Vrho have brought it about! H tot tho ; worse, Hicn wo will ttlll make tho :ilMfit6nt. ,e I'" Real. "'Schillings tiest baking pow ler is all bakinc newder: p nothing else in it. This is wny it goes luruicr. 7 Stumvwz INAL A Correspondent Tells How Salem News paper Men Entertained the Indians. The taciturn und laconic Indian Is not easily nfTcotcd by attempted humor, but two Salem editors succcs fully reached their funny bones here .Mouday night. Gov. ITlctclicr of .tho Independent, who was govornor of u Dakota sod houso ranch at intervals whenhls wile was absent, nnd "Col." Hofer, who once belonged to an awkward squad, in tho Iowa militia, gayo 11 humorous entertainment horo In tho lecture lino. fllVKS OllKMAWA A MIT. Supervisor Censor, of tho Indian School Service, acted us first end-man, Lawyer Til Ford had expected to bo present to hear tho fun but was detained on his farm. Tho supervisor was telling tho uudlcnco of Boveral hundred that ho hud always hcaid ufChcmawu as uu unhealthy place Indians told him In sovoral stales that It was whero all good In (Hans wont to die. He had beard of It us u very rellglou9 place, whero u great many wore converted Into corpses. This wiih different now. Tho student wero us rugged nnd hoalthy us deor on tho mountains. Funerals were scarce us hen's teeth. TIIK HANI) I'l.AYKl) A HotTUno" with variations und tho war govornor of tho Dakotas (war ongrasshopporsj-was introduced. Ho worou smllo like u cow In n cabbage pitch and 11 paper Dag pinned on his breast that ho hud cut out of a pa triotic Hostcttcrs bitters altusuac Illsisormou was un old Fourth of July oration with the dates raised from 1770 to lit tho war on Bnnln. Fletcher Is very graceful at times When he gots real eloquent he spreads his arms, out and wave thcmllkou boy trying to learn to swim on u hay cock. Ho apologized for not having his lecture ready that he had bcon work Jng on for several month, but prom. Ised to glvo it on some big occasion whon tho wholo nclgUborhod can bo aroused. It Is entitled: "Tho Flea for tho Red MJan," Fletcher gctsall the fun out of ShU Bujcct that any wan can out of ooe so lively ami that don't stay In one placo very long, He ought togo to California, tho golden paradise of Mens, whero they treat all races ullke, white or rod, male or female. A NKW INVENTION was explained by thu lecturer that beats courting by telephone. He told about n Salem lawyer whoso ste nographer took down all his sweet utterances In shorthand, wrote them out on her typewriter, and ho paid her 910 a folio rather than haye her mall them to his wife. Hut tho in vention that Is to do away with all such trouble Is affection put up In tablets that can bo carried around In your vest pocket far less laborious than swinging in a hum mock, pic nicking or holding u young lady on your lap, said tho governor, ns ho tried to show tho uudlcnco ivhat kind of un expression a man's fnco ought to wear while dissolving ono of thoo lallygag tablets In his mouth. It convulsed oven tho IJOO pound Indian farmer. Tho govornor Is a great succces as a humorist. (Laughter.) 'ouit COUNTKY" he said, "used o bo considered protty nearly equal to Hoayeu Itself. Hut wo havo mndo some great Improve mentn since then. Somo of thegrund cut 111011 In tho East havo come West," pointing to Col. Hofer. (Laughter.) "No cownrd ever turns his faco to the Slorrus, unless tho sheriff 13 arter him. Horo Col. Hofer pointed at Fletcher. (Groat laughter.) Gov. Fletcher wound up his side splitting discourse with 0110 of the most eloquent bursts of patriotism and was upplnuded for soveial mln tues. too band played a lively nlr and all wero ready for tho third num ber of the program. "tub oriiKit jini-ron" was Introduced by Supt. T. W. Potter, but said he had no lecturo prepared. Col. Hofer said ho had been tomptcd to get up a lecturo In reply to lnger soll. Hut Ingorsoll was getting to bo an old mau and had never done him any Injury. I)r, Driver had smashed IngenwH to pieces, He had nover hid bq much as a Htraw In hi path way and he could not for mere sport demoltth even n mistaken man who had done him uo harm. InpvraoH de served puncturing but ho had iot tho heart to deitroy tho givt luBdel. There had been oeveral sharp pass ages to which he replied. He explained how Fletcher came to call himself a "tiller of the soil." The word'Hiller" meant part of the steering apparatus of a boat. It was something a person cobld sit down to and take It easy at. So Fletcher sat In his easy chair In town and wrote lectures on how to "steer'' a farm. Hlssons were stalwart farmers and 'did the work of two farms that went far to support him In his lead pencil Industry as a "tiller" of tho soli. At thH, Fletcher got up bub tho chair man ordered him to sit down, as he could reply in his paper or his next public lecture, BOMK 'SALTY PRETZELS were thrown around by Col. nofer,but t icre wero no more collisions between him and Fletcher. It was easy to see the latter was ruflled. So was the federal supervisor. Held a little fel lo.v and smokes big strong cigars. He JJ ild to the young Indians, nf the Training schoel: "You can all earn an hoojst living, etc.," which, Col. Hofer sail, was more than lots of white men wjrc able to d", and that it was easy to tell people that, when the one giv ing the advice, stood leaning on the pie counter. It waseasy to be honest when the government puts good meals on your Inside und a white shlrton youroutsldo. The speaker said ho always felt s irry to see a yccy young man Bmoklng a big cigar. The young man didn't stind an even show. (Laughter.) COCOANDTS AND UANANA8. Ho endorsed the annexation of Hawaii. What If Itcost us CO million a year, ould not Uncle Sam be a raising his own doormats and cocoa nuts? (Applause among Indian boyc) He asked why it was that at such splendid literary lecti res all the pret tiest girls and the homeliest )oys went to sleep. (All the sleepers awoko amid general laughter.) The wuy our army was cracking Spanish cocoanuts In Cuba wo would also soon annex that banana patch. (More approba tion omong the consumer of cocoa nuts and bananas. But seven million, Iidics and gentlemen dressed only In Manila shirts were not fit subjects for a nation of Chautauqua circles. Let us take Cuba and Hawaii and quit, (Applause.) The colonel closed by reading "Ilud'd Fairy Story" frcm Jumcs Vhlt.".omb Illley's poems. A Woman s Work. For thirteen years this woman suffered from a htlp Us infirmity Jich baffled skillful medim reatment She was restored to health in a remarkable manner, and is now helpful to otter sufferers. ofWtMataSnLCmton,N.Y.,iuHmd .goffid.' from the IndwerifeabU torture of uillani-. . Mlrcj, I wil Induced to try Dr. mttrwv rfif (imititni Only ptfiom who have bun afflicted with thl disuse know what such suffering'- , Those who have never felt the pangs of this ailment have not the remotest idea ot a tortures. For years this was an obsUnate disease to cure. , In recent years, however, there has been formulated a remedy which successfully The many cures effected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People attest to that fact One of the striking examples is Mrs. Rogers' experience. I n speaking of It to a reporter she said t "Thirteen years ago I was attacked with Inflammatory rheumatism and a complica tion of diseases. "I cannot begin to describe my sufferings during that time. "You can judge somewhat of what I endured, when you look at these hands." They were distorted, twisted and swollen. "My foot, too, is so much out of shape that the big toe lays across the others, the end touching the little toe. "Notwithstanding I am sixty-five years eld, have pleasant home and other com forts, fife to me was far from enjoyable, for all other things pale into insignificance when you are without good health. wT.ii! Bit. Pillt fnr Pale Peoole. "Before I had finished the first box I began to feel that they were doing me good. "I continued uii;g them and steadily grew better. . "I nave ujcu u"" " - - -,, and to-day feel tetter than for the past U- ""Ivly appetite Is goodj I feel bright, cheer ful and have a desire to live and enjoy saciety. "I have been a member of the Methodist church for many years, but Icr six years was unable to attend, "Now I am able to attend th church services regularly and certainly appreciate 'asilfrDr-Vullams' Pink Pills for Pale People a wonderful medicine and am confident no other remedy could have effected the wonderful cure they have in I'i . t,4 in .iile this, hoclne that some sufferer may profit by it and obtain relief." It was nature's own remedy that accom plished this cure caused by impure blood, for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fer Pale People are composed cf vegetalfe remedies that Tt a oowerful influence in purifying and enriching the blood. Many diseases long supposed by the medical profession to be incurable have succumbed to the potent influence of these pills.. This universal remedy is sold by all druggists. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. wp ARE ASSERTING IN THE COt'RTS OUR RIGHT TO Xe mSJFSb OF WE WORD "CASTO'aA," AND .PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OCR TRADE MARK. DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannie, Maaaaohu- I, DM. OMMUCU r , ACTnnA ,ha Bgmo ihat tells, was the originator vj ow. ....., . has borna end does now bear & , JSS the facsimile eignatura of LAztZYf tl!. .-. 4i,. ,,v,w "r.ASTORIA" which has be the homes of iho Mothers of America for war thirty para. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it ia the kind you have always bought sj? Zlfi?--- " th 'and has the signature of te&T&ZZW wrap. per. No one has authority from me to use my namo exoept The Centaur Company, of which Ohaa. H. Fletcher ia President. M !4 " - y TBI CINTAWR COMPANY, Tf MUHRAT TMIT. NIW TOR CITT. on every wrapper. bean used in EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co , I Mil t Oil M M H 111 OREGON STATB NEWS. improvements. In view of tlic remarkably beavy fruit crop ibis year, and especially fiat of prunes, President if. M. Wal lace, of tlio Salem Water Works, who Is managing the large ware house at the corner of High und Trado streets, Is making arrangements to handle nnd store a great deal of fruit. IIo has workmen engaged in adjusting additional joists nnd otherwise brac ing and strengthening .both floors of the structure, oimectlng to storo and pack a larue quantity of fruit and produce, m Astoria Now that the government has ofllclally announced that the mlnci have -been removed from the mouth of the river and arc no longer a menace tonavagatlon there is no harm In telling tho truth. There havo been no mines In tho river nor hayocyentho cables for them been laid. The shells for tho mines and tho cables havo never Ueen taken fiom the docks at (Ft. Steyens and Scar borough head. Tlio channel that was buoyed und tb: Instructions made public tvero entirely to fooj furcjgijers but the facts wero easily obt4p:)Miu by nnj ono who desired 10 learn the truth. Doctors Caa't Cure It! Contagious blood poison U absolutely boyoml the skill of tho doctors. They limy doo it patient for years on their murum-jHj nnd potash remedies, but he will iiti'tH rid of .huillrutiM! on tho other hand, his conditloit will in-uw temllly wor.o, 8. 8. S. f t oiijv pfffc for this terrible alUletlon, Ihicuiini it js the only remedy which goes dlroot to the enusp of the disease and forces it from the system. Ud. AlttlL'tii with 111wl lv.i..n ..J .L- bJ docUiii JJ nie no roo,I. ihouih I took Mlt'lr I re 1 uk-iiI taltU u"r Ii, tl. I srrmnl title. I look mu"( every .o-ca'Ied l00d remedy, but thtj did not tfiu to ivarli the dis ease, and had no fOfcl wlutcvcr 1 vras dls li-H-n.J for 1 1 renin! iit I u,uiu nam W CUmt .UHwWJjVjiof tnend I lUrtlYw. a a S ,ind ttfean tolpt nrdl.Mn and It curort me complttelr, build JuHUf ujr braliliand incraliijt my aiilU A)...uKh iliu wjm 111 m a j. 1 liar nrrfi yi Uada l&nutltidi.4itorrturii. tt u 'hwvas, It l Jiko self-tletructKUi to continue to tuko Ktah nnd mercury; beside totully destroying tlio dige.tlou, they dry up the mrrov. In the bones, pro- v.Mv...h .uuuou aim tn suing 9f tpfl Joints, causing tho hair to fall out, and completely wrecking the system. Sumpter A working man named Johnson, was found dead In his cabin near here on Thursday. Coronors jury oronounced It a case of heart disease. Eugene R B. Hollenbeok, who ro sides a mile west of town, was thrown from a load of hay by the wagon up Sitting and sustained severe Injuries. Umatilla -The Umatilla Indians haye concluded their Fourth-of-July cclcbratlan. It began on the -3d and ended on the 12th. About 700 Indians, Including visitors from other agencies In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, participated. Koseburg The trustcos of tho soldiers home, at the meeting this week, repealed rules 13 and 14, which provide fur the retention for the use of tho homo all pension money lu ex cess or $ per month. Thcdeolslon of the trustees Is subject to the approval of the governor. Oregon City A farmhouse near Cams, occupied by two young bache. lor farmers, was burned with all Its contents, Thursday. The occupants of the house had gone Into a Held to do some work after supper, and witnessed the fire from a distance. The blaze Is supposed to have caught from a fire in the kitchen stove. Aioany An 01a soldier, who was in the calaboose In Albany, for drunk and disorderly conduct, l)as a pauly BuruLcneu up nose, lie explains it ip the following manner: While In Salem a few days ago he was In a saloon where they haye a monkey. He was watching the anlnjuj p his play, ful pranks, when wltlmut intending to be abusive to tlje luankey lo said: "Ah you old Spaniard," The monkey was mad In an Instant and sprang vicloiisjy at tic old soldier getting lilm by the noso and giving him a bad scratch as his faco will show. A recent arrival atSkagway from Djwt.on report! that food at the lat ter place Is now both plentiful and pheap. Plour may be purchased at $5 Y buuk, uie lowest nguro it lias over reached, and prnyl-sijns of all sorts ure selling In proportion. This drop in prices s-eein .0 be not so much due to the iccelpt of new supplies at IXiusnn a? to the fact tljat pcpnlp ....y hu.i iu. i,iuiii3 nausea away durjmj the winter lu anticipation of a s lurnjKp are now b:Jg,ng them out 11 un, iii umjger of a ai)iue laylug passed. Walla Walla Palso rumors havo Induced a host of meu from Montana and tlio Sound and other points to come to Walla Walla expecting to get - lly per day for harvesting, Many come uuprtivlded with menns for support. Vith the' exception 0; light tolls where somo wheat is ul- reauy oeing liiirveted, wliaat fn Walla wnia vaiioy win not bo ready for uarvisiingior aoout two weeks, and cncii later In the foot hills, owing to jeccnt nlns. No such prices are belno offered for hands In this section and mere are moie men In yala Walla nun evvaiujj Hurs fijan WJH be- jn FPOM A SUFFERER. How A. Cooper Had a Rotten Bone Healed After 35 Years. Chehalis, Wash., April 0, 1303. Df. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or: 1 received your letter and was glad to hear from you. You want to know how my letf Is getting along. It Is all right; the flesh Is growing out over the shin bone and Is turning white, it is rot straight yet, but I think It will be as straight as the other leg when wurm weather comes on. I can work most of the time. The other doctors told me 1 could never be cured without splitting It and scrap ing the bone, but they are mistaken. It is getting well without cutting or scraping, so they do not know as much as they thought they did, butyouare all rlcht, for you haye done ju3t what you said you could do. I will answei any questions you ask about my leg. Very truly yours, A. Cooper. Pr. Cook's olllccls at 301 Liberty street, Salem Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure pro When taken early And in latter stages urnishes prompt relief. Stone Drug Store. 6:00 P M 8tfJ PM 7-'4S A M EXfRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY 1'ortland. Lv Lv. ...Satern Ar. San Francisco i. ..Ar(9:; ....Iuvi7-- isco.Lv 1 81 30 AM 00 A M 00 PM Above trains stop at all principal station! bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Ilalsey. Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Crcswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta lions from Koseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSEEURG MAIL, , DAILY. 830 A M I Lv. . , 1055 AmJ-Lv... 5:20 PM) Ar... Pullman buffet .Portland .Salem.... .Roseburg. .Ar 1 430 pm Lv J 1 50ru Lv (73QA sleeper and second-clas: deeping cars attached to all through train. WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLISi Mail tiains daily except Sunday. Ml Lv.... Portland.. Arl 5:50 M Ar....CorvaiUs.. Lvf 1:05 73 a 1215 F PM PM At Albany and Corvallis connect with uains of the O. t. & E. Ry. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY EKCPPT SUNDAY. 4:50PM) Lv.... Portland.... Ar 7:30 p M J- Lr. . . .McMinnville Lv 8:30 pm) Ar independence Lv 825 A M I A M A M I 825 i ) 4-'So duces immediate results. it prevents consumption, it 111 Direct connections at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUS'i'RALLIA, can be obtain?! from W. W. SKINNER. Ticket Azent Salem. R. KOEHLER. Manacer. C. II. MARKHAM. G. F. &P. A. Portland Wanted men to chop wood. Inouirc of C. A. Gray 7 11 tf Bob Moore, of LaFiyette, Ind,, says that for constipation he has found De Wilts Little Eaily Risers tobe tieifect. They never cripe. 1 ry tnem lor stomach and liver troubles Stone Drug Store. ST "iTILWELL DETECTIVE AQENCV, 1M Kearny Street. San pranplsco, Cat. Tp district attonicjf, kliprllfs, attorneys a.t law and prl ate partlei: I'rerared to transact all business of a confidential and lntricato character expeditiously and on reasonioJ tcruii. Correspondents all ovm ttm Kf& m Phoenix and Golden Eagle Bicycles atMItchell.Lewls&StayerCo. branch (opposite brewery.) I'hoenlx $jQ and $75. Golden $27. 50 and $30. F. F. Caky, Manager. 7-0-tf. Thousands pf persqns have been cured o piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hajel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eciema and all skin diseases. It gives Immediate relief. Stone Drug Store. The tditor of the Evain City, Pa., Globe, writes. "One Minute Cough, Cure is rightly nam:d. It cured-my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles.' Stone Drug Jjtore. Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Company WILLAMETTE RIVER STEAMER "AL- BANV" This company is now civinc an exceptional service with the steamer Albany, plvintr be tween Corvallis, Salem and Portland and all river points, and is running closely on the fo't lowing lime sched The Albany willleve Corvallis 'Saturdays and Wednesdays a 5;3q a, m. arriying in Portland Mc same day. Returning leave Portland Mondays and Thursdays ai 6 a, m. arriving at Corvallis the following -"ay. The Albany has been elegantly furnished fpr the season of 1898, and includes among its fittings a new piano of fine tone. Close connection is made by the Albany with C. and E. trains for summer camping grounds in the Cascade range and for the famous Newport resort and surf baths on Ya. quina bay. Connection is had Yaquini with s.eamships for San Francisco. ' f The C. and E, Co's Salem dock, to which has recently been added a waiting room and cfiice, is located at the foot of State slreet G. MAERTZ, Agent. Salem. EDWIN STONE, Manager, DF.rART FOR Fast Mail 8 pm Spokane Fljcr 2pm 8pm 7pm 8pm ex, Sun. Saturday 10 pm 7am Tues Thurs TIME SCHEDULE. From Tottland. nlt Lake. Denver F Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St Ijuis, Chicago and Last. Walia Walla. Spokane, Minneapolis, St. i'aul, Duluth, Milwaukee Un cago and East OCKAN STEAMSHIPS. All sailing dales sub ject to chance. For San Francisco. Sail July 5. 9, 13, 17.2' 5.29. To Alaska; Sail July 19 COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria and way land ings. ARRIVE. Spokane i-ljer 1015 a m 4 pm 4pm . 4' ex ! 1 m iun WILLAMETTE AND YAMHILL RIVEKS and Sat lOrecon City, Dayton and way landings 6am Mon Wed In WILLAMETTE RIVER Portland to Salem and way landings 33 pm lUOl Wed Leave Kiparia 145 a m - Mon Wed Friday SNAKE RIVER Ripa-ialo Lc-.viston 43 P m Tues Thuri Sat Lv Lew. istoa J. 4, SB Sun Tues Thurs WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND SALEM ROUTE-,8team Ruth for Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nt 7:15 a.m. " Transfers to street car line at'Oregon City if the steamers are delayed there. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing- ion, uai norma, or me east. Lonnec n; made at Portland with all rail, ocean and river lines. ! W. II. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. G. M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salem. BOISE & BARKER, City AgenlSj E. . Blanks, pf Lewisville, Texas, writes lhat one lxjx of DeWitt's When Haul Salve was w rth Jto.oo to hfri It nml l,i ;ic of ten j ears standin ;. He ad rises others, to it. It cures eczema, skin dii:ases and o!- fmaie sores. Mont Jjrug St re. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. tie Kind You Have Always Bought SJgnatvre of (!l&0M$z demand. How s This 1 WfulIerOue Hunrirofi rwi...., to ward for any case of Catarrah t hit gnj.ct be cured by Haii'sCatarr,. tVe?.?eK-Ynrin:.'."-0. F J. Cheney for ft, & li'&SK believe 1, in perfectly honorable To all 'beTr!,?S,.""iS iiiaiialiiliirHr.r. "'' uu'tb'auons Wwi Tmux. Who esale DrucLMst Toleco. 0-, Wa dlni Klnnnn t- Nro.' Yin. Wholesale Druralsii TnlX JAar' .Hull's Catarrh Cure S uft,?!, T. . "eious s""aces of the svt7n. ffi??L .'??. Pr .bottle, sold "Mi wruKKIblg. TCStllUOnUlj! iKq,' Ti rtland Burclars entered two li u- 5 early Q'hursday mornlnR, n. 1 - haul of a cold watch, one PU, ices of cold salmon and a pupui., n, raiiu, Tie Northern Pacific Ra)lroat still continues tho popular rpqte foreastern travel and now that SPrlnK s onennL'up It b.ecoinrs njcre 56 than ev6r. The'pleasant arid coin- (("'""'" "i-i-uiuiuuuuiiuiis ipnisiied p:5sengprs are proyerblal and need no Inpntiqn.Tiie quick time tuade.u Ithout Pianife of car is universally known, line road traverses tho most niacnlfl-- t'onioeit or country in tho world every mile furnishing constant scen MJa.t.tructlvc, nnd interesting so ""' l" nuficr noes nirougu withs out fatigue and reaches tho journey's wUU "iu m .L-jiiiiui.' nisiance. All te,!i ttxas '""iton.Idaho, Montaana Dakota, Nebraska and the other states, the eye Is feahted with scenes pleaslnR and Impressive, while uo Band storui, sutrocatlnif atmosphere or other dcworaUxlDR dtscoiuroW are y-rffiarrrsawssMffiaM m M 20u Miles ,, , THOMAS, oaleui, Or.. WATT & CO. Acents Was Almost Crazed Sores on the Limbs Cured by Hood's Sarsapanua-Heart and -nH irouDiea Overcorno. all CI CJr leefeefe Th Blood te n.......-..l U !.. . .. .'.. the only blood remedy fro front thew tUngeroui nitnoruU. 3Boc on self-treatment tent fr by BwUt Bpeolflo Company, Atlanta, Oa. iSSaS!5h b the 6nest rrepiuiion on tLm..i... ?? So writ! John C. Dann. rlU lf, .?' .Va Trvln.li 11 l,'.B,iDS- - uunr rriA u-. all skin dit,es " - T 0SToT m" &?, fWintotoyu tt lit V-- - ... " ouj witu BorM ali over pni ana Khey cauied'iuch intense Itch- also cares eeztnu and wre wofitore. troubled w th. tirRi lU' 1 " .B" bfn to heal. I ,m UUtt j ' D' since taking Hood'. Emipttau"7 "Hood's 8arun.HH. 1,.. - " .'. lang trouble and flutatotof lh?S ? J and since I be-sn taLTn lh9jle4rt. hu Increase t'Vl! W ,lomach andT. nnoTeX U and cat will, ,. t5,0y V WreUthe d Hood'. BanapSuV. thTS Hood's rML Oregon. Short Lin e. shorter and a wliolo half day qulckal than any utlierllnetn Omaha, K&3 as uii,y, ai. Louis and all owe sutijern and southeastern cities, i Thiee rcijtej east via Denver, 8 Paul, and DIIIIubs, Mont. TlckeUt'l ouicesofconncfitlniz lines. If yoofj eist via Omaha, von n.-m stnn offl4 - .1. n .'. . - : - . im see uie xrans-MUslsslppI exposiu A. C. SHELDON Ucn'l agent, 1'ortUnJOJ -.THE- Quickest, Safest, When Going Ea Use a fir&r-r.lace ltm. in ir-ivj.ttnfT httr Minneapolis. St. Paul aud Chlcaro. sol fiiucipai towns in Central Wisconsin, lullman Ptlace Sleeping and chair f in atiVltC, The Dininp caj-s'nrp nnprat il in lid' est of its natrons ."IHip mml rlrirant vf ever inaugurated.'; Meals are served I J wails, To obtain first-class service ycur .1 wmm itu yia The Wisconsin Central Lines. UneaPfit 'V11 cnnscl,on Chicogoand Mill 1 w . wi irtiirni points. Line for all pomls lEast an ,i..... S? e fu" Information call on SoJr .auiui-icnair ears, i1..!! .. " -..- ,.. '.TAS. C. Jiw, General Pass. AgentMillw"W FREF. reclinine'chair tC,,!"""' . m Bc"t or write sleepmg caw, and upholstered .rit?PcV" sieepmg caw and upholstered tourist sleen ing cars on allihrouEh trains. eep' wlbE&BARKEB, c.aATlriRyem'0r IU Third Strte Portland. Or?"1 AzaU CUREYQURSFiri U Jiigo for unnatural fcbiMM, lnflnmtloi. atlorti or ulceratloM ieun niBi)rS. '. and not uti. nifronoug, nrarcUU, ln wrapper, . wK I mtW q. Or JAS. A CLOCK. General fI I-. . ..''. B oireet X'orttand Or. Stark MfirtF ME' A --. .v-ia IMS B- ILi'SB MX TAULETi POtTrj S prr, ImpotaDcr.HIBl,!. H ' DyAbuaiid other JacaiaBjy cretloua. rhty quUl'it&i restore l.ot VlUttw jn rj( 1 1 a man lor atudr, Da.mi Urf?'nJtl.-Thali dm atom Iran (oaltlra wrltun cuarastca to artert mJ uala wrappar, upau -fw s , rlca.'- 'pnij.alddisvooa. s AJAX SPMEDV CO.,'VJ For tale in Salem OrM byD,I.Jy1 jo per cent off fcr fall stock.